A simple client for the ConnectionHelperServer. The ant _deploy target will copy the jar file to /sqldeveloper/lib/ConnectionHelperClient.jar. You can move it wherever convenient.
java -jar ConnectionHelperClient.jar connectionInfo [svrPort]
connectionInfo is -conName=user[/[pw]]@host:port(:sid|/svc)[#role]
- connName is the name you would like for the connection
- user is the user name for the schema you want to use
- /password is the password for that user (optional - if missing e.g., user@ or user/@, SQLDeveloper will prompt for it)
- host is the host that the database is on
- port is the port the database is listening on
- :sid is the sid for the database (One of :sid or /svc MUST be supplied)
- /svc is the service name for the database (One of :sid or /svc MUST be supplied)
- #role is the role (optional - one of SYSDBA, SYSOPER, SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, SYSKM, SYSASM if used)
- svrPort is the port the ConnectionHelperServer is listening on (optional default: 51521)