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Do not merge this pull request
Priority: Critical
Priority: Critical
Bug, issue, or pull request is a P0
Priority: High
Priority: High
Bug, issue, or pull request is a P1
Priority: Low
Priority: Low
Bug, issue, or pull request is a P3
Priority: Medium
Priority: Medium
Bug, issue, or pull request is a P2
Severity: Critical
Severity: Critical
The issue is blocking a release
Severity: High
Severity: High
The issue results in data loss, crashes, makes the system unresponsive
Severity: Low
Severity: Low
Bug or issue is of low severity
Severity: Medium
Severity: Medium
The issue is related to incorrect/bad functionality or confusing UX
Status: Approved
Status: Approved
This pull request has been approved
Status: Blocked
Status: Blocked
This pull request is blocked by something
Status: Do Not Review
Status: Do Not Review
Do not review this pull request
Status: Info Needed
Status: Info Needed
The issue needs more information before it can be verified and merged
Status: Invalid
Status: Invalid
The reported issue is not valid or the functionality is intended.
Status: Needs Changes
Status: Needs Changes
The pull request needs additional changes before it can be merged
Status: Needs Docs
Status: Needs Docs
The pull requests requires documentation of feature or changes
Status: Needs Tests
Status: Needs Tests
The pull request is missing or does not have adequate tests
Status: Not Reproducible
Status: Not Reproducible
The reported issue is not reproducible
Status: On Hold
Status: On Hold
This pull request is not being worked on
Status: Review Needed
Status: Review Needed
This pull request needs a review
Status: WIP
Status: WIP
This pull request is in progress
Status: Won't Fix
Status: Won't Fix
The issue is not legitimate
Type: Bug
Type: Bug
Something isn't working
Type: CI/CD
Type: CI/CD
Issue or pull request contain infrastructure changes only
Type: Duplicate
Type: Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
Type: Feature
Type: Feature
A new feature or functionality
Type: Housekeeping
Type: Housekeeping
General maintenance and package upgrades
Type: Proposal
Type: Proposal
Issue or pull requests contains a new proposal
Type: Question
Type: Question
Issue or pull requests contains questions that need answers
Type: Refactor
Type: Refactor
Enhancements, deletions, etc. to existing code