MAD is a system to collect Data from Pokémon GO. It uses real Android smartphones and processes the data into a database. MAD is currently able to scan for Raids, Quests, Pokémon and its IVs.
The phone needs to be rooted, pass the SafetyNet Check and SELinux must be permissive or moderate. In the most cases rooting with Magisk solves all those problems.
RGC is an app developed by the MAD team to control the phone in various ways. It handles the GPS spoofing, takes screenshots, restarts Pokémon GO, reboots the whole phone and more.
This app injects into the running Pokémon GO process and relays the Protos sent to Pokémon GO to the MAD server. A valid token is required to use it, you can purchase it on the MAD website.
MAD is a python application, so its able to run on Linux, Windows and Mac OS. It was developed on Linux only and no one can guarantee that it runs perfectly on other operating systems. We highly suggest to setup a Linux Virtual Machine when no native Linux is present.