written in
- Download Python 3.9
- Install Python from the downloaded package.
- Clone the project, navigate to project directory from your terminal, run:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To start all the final tests from a terminal, inside the project, run python3 -m pytest --alluredir=test_results/ framework_example/tests
To generate the report, run allure serve test_results
More about Allure implementation for pytest is here.
- Create a new .py file under 'tests'. Note: name should be test_*.py or *_test.py (otherwise it will not run!)
- Create a test suite, add a class Test* into your .py file
- Inside the test class, add tests. Note: every test method should start with 'test_'.
- To generate a good report, do not forget to use @allure decorators and mark features and steps.