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98 lines (77 loc) · 3.95 KB


Using MATLAB for transfer learning with pretrained YAMNet using the NSynth dataset

Also generates supplementary figures while preprocessing, training, and evaluating:

  1. histograms for every label
  2. 5 mel spectrogram images for each dataset partition for each label iterated
  3. confusion matrices for every label
  4. There is also a new window opened for each training progress on the network(s), which can be used to manually save accuracy and loss figures during training.


The dataset is made available by Google Inc. under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)


License text

The source code (my source code) is licensed under the MIT License, in

Running the code:


This MATLAB live script requires the following toolboxes:

                Name                                Version     ProductNumber    Certain
    ___________________________________________    ________    _____________    _______

    {'MATLAB'                                 }    {'9.13'}           1          true  
    {'Deep Learning Toolbox'                  }    {'14.5'}          12          true  
    {'Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox'}    {'12.4'}          19          true  
    {'Audio Toolbox'                          }    {'3.3' }         151          true  

Seeing the dependencies can be done by running the following code in the MATLAB command line window:

>> [~,pList] = matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts('yamnet_nsynth.mlx');
>> squeeze(struct2table(pList))

This MATLAB live script also requires the NSynth musical note dataset, specifically the json/wav format of the test data, which can be found here. Once downloaded, it must be in the same directory as this live script!


Running all of the code in the livescript may take a considerable amount of time, memory space (and the possibility of your computer to sound like a helicopter) due to preprocessing, training, and evaluating the same network up to 14 times. To limit the number of loop iterations, breakpoints can be set at the 1st statement inside the body of the for loop on line 36.

Or limit the range of current_label. It can range from a value of 1 to 14. The range can be changed on line 33:

for current_label = 1:numel(labels) % numel(labels) is 14 to for current_label = new_range_start:new_range_end

The labels are as follows:

  1. pitch (106 classes)

  2. instrument_source_str (3 classes)

  3. velocity (5 classes)

  4. instrument_family_str (10 classes)

  5. quality_bright

  6. quality_dark

  7. quality_distortion

  8. quality_fast_decay

  9. quality_long_release

  10. quality_multiphonic

  11. quality_nonlinear_env

  12. quality_percussive

  13. quality_reverb

  14. quality_tempo-synced

Labels 5-14 are boolean classifiers.

Script Modifications

To NOT have figures generated, do any of the the following before running:

  1. To not generate histograms, comment out lines 6-22 (or just don't run that cell at all)
  2. To not generate spectrograms, comment out lines 105-109 and lines 118-124 in function [features, labels] = featureLabelExtract(adsSubset)
  3. To not generate confusion matrices, commment out lines 74 and 75.
  4. To not show training progress
    1. In trainingOptions set the "Plots" parameter to "None" (from "training-progress") on line 64. This prohibits a new training progress window.
    2. In traningOptions verbose training output (text based) can be disabled by setting "Verbose" to false (from true) on line 58.

Updating training options:

  1. If you don't have a GPU (or even a good one), the "ExecutionEnvironment" parameter can be changed to "cpu" from "gpu" on line 65.
  2. "MaxEpochs", "MiniBatchSize", and "InitialLearnRate" can be modified at lines 59, 60, and 63 respectively.