In the very beginning there was no available format for a bill of material (SBOM), so we created our own format. But we still kept an eye on other existing SBOM formats. When CycloneDX released their SBOM format, version 1.3 we decided to use this format for all future use cases.
Please see CycloneDX and especially CycloneDX SBOM specification for the original CycloneDX SBOM format. In this document we will only explain our enhancements and which properties are mandatory for our processing.
CaPyCLI supports CycloneDX only in JSON format.
Key | Description |
bomFormat | expected value is CycloneDX |
specVersion | expected value is 1.x |
metadata/tools | tool that created the SBOM |
component/name | name of the component |
component/group | (optional) group name |
component/version | component version |
component/purl | package-url |
component/publisher | (NOT YET EVALUATED) |
component/description | (NOT YET EVALUATED) |
component/externalReferences/website | component website |
component/externalReferences/vcs | source code / vcs URL |
component/externalReferences/distribution | (optional for source code url) |
component/externalReferences/hashes | (optional for src code SHA-1) |
CycloneDX SBOM format version 1.3 and later allow a custom key-value store. That is
what we use for our CaPyCLI specific properties. We use either the official siemens
namespace or the capycli
Key | Description |
siemens:sw360Id | SW360 ID (of a release) |
siemens:componentId | id of a component, part of mapping |
siemens:primaryLanguage | programming language |
siemens:filename | name of a (source) file |
siemens:profile | profile/type of the SBOM |
capycli:sourceFileType | SW360 attachment type |
capycli:sourceFileComment | upload comment for SW360 attachment |
capycli:mapResult | mapping result |
"type": "library",
"name": "joda-time",
"version": "2.10.5",
"scope": "required",
"purl": "pkg:pkg:maven/joda-time/joda-time@2.10.5",
"externalReferences": [
"url": "",
"type": "website"
"url": "",
"type": "distribution",
"comment": "source archive (download location)""
"properties": [
"name": "siemens:primaryLanguage",
"value": "Java"
"name": "ssiemens:sw360Id ",
"value": "f9159fde78553c2ba192b7fa8e8c2033"
- There is no clear definition on how the property
is used. Assume the package-url ispkg:npm/%40simpl/sishell-icons@6.8.1
. Is then group =@simpl
and name =sishell-icons
? Or is group =@simpl
and name =@simpl/sishell-icons
? We found evidence for both variants. - Is there a Python library to parse CycloneDX SBOMs? On GitHub we were not able to find code for that...
The format of the JSON SBOM file is a list of component objects. Each component object contains the fields
- Name - name of the component (mandatory)
- Version - version of the component (mandatory)
- Language - programming language. Needed for example for the component
to determine whether the C/C++, Java or JavaScript version is meant. - SourceUrl - informal URL of source download page
- SourceFile - name of the source file
- SourceFileUrl - URL directly pointing to source file
- SourceFileHash - hash of the source file
- SourceFileType - SW360 attachment type ("SOURCE" (default) or "SOURCE_SELF" (for self-made sources))
- SourceFileComment - upload comment for SW360 attachment
- BinaryFile - name of the binary file
- BinaryFileUrl - URL of the binary file
- BinaryFileHash - hash of the binary file
- ProjectSite - project/component/community web site
- RepositoryType - repository type (nuget, npm, maven, package-url)
- RepositoryId - repository id (within the specified repository)
- Sw360Id - if already known. Will be filled in when the release has been found on SW360
The more (meta) information is available, the better are the chances to find the component on SW360. We can search on SW360 directly for attachments (files) with a specific hash and we can also search for a repository id.
Some of the data is also required when a new component or release needs to be created on SW360:
- name
- type (OSS or COTS)
- name (of the component)
- version
- programming language
- source code download URL
- source code file
- vendor
Minimum information
"Name": "Tethys.Framework",
"Version": "4.4.0",
"Language": "C#",
"SourceFileUrl": "",
"SourceFile": "",
{ ... }
Full information
"Name": "Tethys.Framework",
"Version": "4.4.0",
"Language": "C#",
"SourceUrl": "",
"SourceFileUrl": "",
"SourceFile": "",
"SourceFileHash": "08150815081508150815081508150815",
"SourceFileType": "SOURCE",
"SourceFileComment": "source archive verified by Development",
"BinaryFile": "tethys.framework.4.4.0.nupkg",
"BinaryFileHash": "7580CCDDA1E2DB1766E7627FCA508394A06A3DAF",
"ProjectSite": "",
"RepositoryType": "nuget-id",
"RepositoryId": "Tethys.Framework.4.4.0",
"Sw360Id": "44ce6d4c8b1b84baa450f29e53001702"
{ ... }
Minimum Information
Components": [
"component": {
"Name": "black"
"Mode": "remove"
"component": {
"Name": "sw360"
"Mode": "add"