Timeline: Friday, Aug 28 - Friday, Sept 11 2020 (2 weeks)
The mobile App will display Top 20 learners in the Learning Leaders category and Top 20 learners in the Skill IQ Leaders category. Also it will create a response in a google form with my information.
- Base URL - https://gadsapi.herokuapp.com
- Learning Leaders - /api/hours
- Skill IQ Leaders - /api/skilliq
The submission will be done through the App. To submit your project, you are expected to;
Make a NETWORK POST request to this Google Form using any network library. [Retrofit is recommended.]
- Base url - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/
- Form ID-1FAIpQLSf9d1TcNU6zc6KR8bSEM41Z1g1zl35cwZr2xyjIhaMAz8WChQ/formResponse
- FullURL- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf9d1TcNU6zc6KR8bSEM41Z1g1zl35cwZr2xyjIhaMAz8WChQ/formResponse
- Email Address = entry.1824927963
- Name = entry.1877115667
- Last Name = entry.2006916086
- Link to project = entry.284483984
- MVVM (ViewModel, LiveData, Repository)
- Retrofit
- Recyclerview
- Tablayout
- Google form
I'd like to thank Google, Andela, Pluralsight and every single individual that helped in bringing this learning experience to Africa developers. Thank you!