An implementation of the Swift Service Discovery API for Kubernetes based on SwiftkubeClient.
- Auto-configuration for different environments
- Support for all K8s
- Support for reconnect and retry
- Discovery for K8s Pod objects
- Discovery for K8s Service objects
- Complete documentation
- End-to-end tests
To use this service discovery import SwiftkubeServiceDiscovery
and init an instance.
import SwiftkubeServiceDiscovery
let discovery = KubernetesServiceDiscovery()
Underneath, SwiftkubeServiceDiscovery
uses SwiftkubeClient
for all Kubernets communication, which configures itself automatically for the environement it runs in.
You can also pass an existing client instance to the service discovery:
let client = KubernetesClient()
let discovery = KubernetesServiceDiscovery(client: client)
You should shut down the SwiftkubeServiceDiscovery
instance, which in turn shuts down the underlying SwiftkubeClient
. You can shutdown either in a synchronius way or asynchronously by providing a DispatchQueue
for the completion callback.
// when finished close the client
try discovery.syncShutdown()
// or asynchronously
let queue: DispatchQueue = ...
discovery.shutdown(queue: queue) { (error: Error?) in
You can configure the service discovery by passing a Configuration
supports the following configuration options:
: A retry strategy to control the reconnect behaviour for the underlying client in case of non-recoverable errors when serving service discovery subsriptions.
let strategy = RetryStrategy(
policy: .maxAttemtps(20),
backoff: .exponentiaBackoff(maxDelay: 60, multiplier: 2.0),
initialDelay = 5.0,
jitter = 0.2
let config = Configuration(retryStrategy: strategy)
let discovery = KubernetesServiceDiscovery(config: config)
To lookup Kubernetes "services" you have to pass an instance of LookupObject
. You can specify the namespaces to search and provide a list of selectors to filter the desired objects.
lookups return a list of KubernetesPods
describing all of the matching pod objects that have an IP assigned.
let object = LookupObject(
namespace: .allNamespaces,
options: [
.labelSelector(.exists(["app", "env"])),
.labelSelector(.eq(["app": "nginx"])),
.labelSelector(.notIn(["env": ["dev", "staging"]])),
discovery.lookup(object) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(pods):
pods.forEach { pod in
print("\(, \(pod.namespace): \(pod.ip)")
case let .failure(error):
// handle error
You can subscribe to service lookups the same way, by providing a LookupObject
let token = discovery.subscribe(to: object) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(pods):
pods.forEach {
print("\(, \(pod.namespace): \(pod.ip)")
case let .failure(error):
} onComplete: { reason in
The client will try to reconnect to the API server according to the configured RetryStrategy
and will serve updates until the subsription token is cancelled.
To use the SwiftkubeModel
in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift
.package(name: "SwiftkubeServiceDiscovery", url: "", from: "0.1.0"),
then include it as a dependency in your target:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
// ...
dependencies: [
.package(name: "SwiftkubeServiceDiscovery", url: "", from: "0.1.0")
targets: [
.target(name: "<your-target>", dependencies: [
.product(name: "SwiftkubeServiceDiscovery", package: "SwiftkubeServiceDiscovery"),
Then run swift build
Swiftkube project is licensed under version 2.0 of the Apache License. See LICENSE for more details.