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File metadata and controls

188 lines (143 loc) · 6.92 KB


Please cite the code as:

"Luca Scarabello & Tobias Diehl (2021). swiss-seismological-service/scrtdd. Zenodo doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5337361"


Python wrapper for the C++ double-difference relocation library from scrtdd.


pyrtdd is tested with gcc-11, gcc-12, and clang-14. Before starting the installation process, please ensure that you have one of these compilers, along with Anaconda, installed on your system.

  1. Clone this repository, ensuring that scrtdd is also pulled as a submodule:

    git clone --recursive
  2. Create a pyrtdd Anaconda environment where you will install pyrtdd:

    conda create -n pyrtdd
  3. Activate the pyrtdd anaconda enviroment:

    conda activate pyrtdd
  4. Install pyrtdd from source:

    pip install -v .

    Incase a particular compiler version is required:



Please note that the code is in development stage. The documentation is not ready yet and you should use the scrtdd manual as a temporary reference. In particular, have a look at the catalog format and the relocation process paragraphs.

from pyrtdd.hdd import (

cfg = Config()

# Defines a priority list of accepted P and S phases. Phases not in the list will be discarded from the catalog.
# If multiple phases exist for the same event at a station, the first one in the list will be used
cfg.validPphases = ['Pg', 'P']
cfg.validSphases = ['Sg', 'S']

# Here we specify the input catalog. We use the test catalong for this example
cat = Catalog('./package/test/py/data/starting-station.csv',

# Select the velocity model. There are two options available
ttt = ConstantVelocity(5.8, 3.36) # P/S velocity

# alternatively we can use NonLinLoc grids
#ttt = NLL('path/model/iasp91.PHASE.mod',
#          'path/time/iasp91.PHASE.STATION.time',
#          'path/time/iasp91.PHASE.STATION.angle',
#          False, # swap bytes
#          255)   # maximum number of files to keep open (performance stuff)

# Main class used for the relocation
dd = DD(cat, cfg, ttt, NoWaveformProxy())

# Define clustering options
# These options control which events and phases are used in the double-difference equation system. 
cluster_cfg = ClusteringOptions()

# Quality settings
# Allow to drop poorly connected events or bad phases
cluster_cfg.minNumNeigh = 4 # min neighbors required for an event
cluster_cfg.minDTperEvt = 8 # min differential times per event pair required (i.e. how many P+S phases)
cluster_cfg.minWeight = 0. # min weight of phases required (0-1). Uncertainties have to be included in the catalog

# Performance settings:
#  limit maxDTperEvt only if the relocation is too slow, otherwise keep them all 
#  maxNumNeigh doesn't usually improve results above 30-40
cluster_cfg.maxNumNeigh = 40 # max neighbors allowed. 0 -> disable
cluster_cfg.maxDTperEvt = 0 # max differential times per event pair required (Including P+S) 0 -> disable

# Station filtering
cluster_cfg.minEStoIEratio = 0. # min hypocenter-station to interevent distance ratio required
cluster_cfg.minESdist = 0. # min hypocenter-station distance required
cluster_cfg.maxESdist = -1 # max hypocenter-station distance allowed (-1 -> disable)

# Neighbours selection
# This option controls how neighbouring events are selected. In the simpliest form 'numEllipsoids'
# is set to 0 and 'maxNumNeigh' neighbours are selected on the nearest neighbour basis within a search
# distance of 'maxEllipsoidSize'. This is the default choice for multi-event mode.
# When 'numEllipsoids' is > 0, the ellipsoid selection algorithm from Waldhauser 2009: to assure a
# spatially homogeneous subsampling, reference events are selected within each of `numEllipsoids`
# concentric ellipsoidal layers of increasing thickness. Each layer is split up into its 8 quadrants
# (or cells), and the neighboring events are selected from each ellipsoid/quadrant combination in a
# round robin fashion until 'maxNumNeigh' is reached.
cluster_cfg.numEllipsoids = 0
cluster_cfg.maxEllipsoidSize = 5 # Km

# There is no cross-correlation binding to python yet :(
cluster_cfg.xcorrMaxEvStaDist = 0
cluster_cfg.xcorrMaxInterEvDist = 0
cluster_cfg.xcorrDetectMissingPhases = False

# Double-difference equations system solver configuration
solver_cfg = SolverOptions()

solver_cfg.type = "LSMR" # Solver algorithm to use: either LSMR or LSQR
solver_cfg.algoIterations = 20 # how many iterations the solver performs

solver_cfg.absLocConstraintStart = 0.3 # 0 -> disable absolute location constraint
solver_cfg.absLocConstraintEnd = 0.3   # 0 -> disable absolute location constraint
solver_cfg.dampingFactorStart = 0.01   # 0 -> disable damping factor
solver_cfg.dampingFactorEnd = 0.01     # 0 -> disable damping factor

solver_cfg.downWeightingByResidualStart = 10. # 0 -> disbale downweighting
solver_cfg.downWeightingByResidualEnd = 3.    # 0 -> disbale downweighting

solver_cfg.usePickUncertainty = False # if True then phase uncertaintis must be populated

# Air-quakes are events whose depth shift above the range of the velocity
# model (typically 0, but confiurable) during the inversion. Possible actions are:
# NONE - do nothing the event relocation will fail
# RESET - reset quake location to previous iteration, that is before it became an air-quake
# RESET_DEPTH - reset only quake depth to previous iteration
solver_cfg.airQuakes.action = SolverOptions.AQ_ACTION.NONE 
solver_cfg.airQuakes.elevationThreshold = 0 # meters, threshold above which an event is
                                            # considered an air-quake. Useful only if
                                            # action is not NONE

# Perform the relocation
cat_new = dd.relocateMultiEvents(cluster_cfg, solver_cfg)

# Write relocated catalog
