This package contains translations, word lists and various localization tools for the Padloc app.
One of the easiest ways to contribute to this project is to help create or improve translations in your language. Translations are stored as simple JSON files in the following format:
"Hello World", // Original text in English
"Hallo Welt" // Translation
"{0} times {1} makes {2}", // Original text with placeholders
"{0} mal {1} ergibt {2}" // Translation with placeholders
To add or update a translation for a given text, simply locate the translation file for your language
in the translations directory, find the text you want to translate
and insert your translation below. If no translation file for you language
exists yet, you can start from scratch, using this empty translations
file. Simply copy it and name
, replacing "xx" with the appropriate lowercase country
Word lists are used to generate random passphrases from a list of commonly used words from a given language. You can find all existing word lists here.