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BN Classifier

BN Classifier is a tool for analysing Boolean networks with partially unknown behaviour through model checking of hybrid temporal properties. The tool consists of two parts: A command line classification engine and a tree visualizer GUI application.


We provide pre-built binaries for both tool components in the release section (includes versions for Windows, Linux and macOS). Alternatively, if you want to build the tool locally, the instructions are provided below in the Development guide.

To start using BN Classifier, download bn-classifier binary for your operating system (this is the command line classification engine), as well as the hctl-explorer application (this is the graphical user interface). For the bn-classifier, there are only three options based on your OS. For the hctl-explorer, you can choose between .app and .dmg for macOS, .AppImage or .deb for Linux, or .msi for Windows.

Note that the binaries are not signed, so macOS and Windows will likely ask if you trust the application or otherwise require you to explicitly allow it to run. We do not include instructions for these steps.

In this readme, we use bn-classifier and hctl-explorer as names for the two components you downloaded, even though the binaries can have slightly different names depending on what OS you are using. We also assume they are present in your PATH. If that is not the case, please substitute them for the full path to the downloaded binary.

Using BN Classifier


In the manual.pdf, we provide detailed instructions on

  • installation,
  • input format,
  • running the classification engine,
  • running the GUI (with illustrations).

Below, we briefly summarize some of the functionality.

Input model and properties

The input for the analysis is an AEON model annotated with HCTL formulas. The details of the HCTL syntax can be found in the manual.pdf. To get familar with AEON models, we recommend this page of the AEON manual. A wide range of real-world models for testing can be also found here (however, these models do not contain any HCTL formulas).

Each HCTL formula represents either an assertion or a named classification property. The assertions restrict the space of possible network parametrisations: the tool will disregard any parametrisation that does not satisfy all assertions (formula satisfaction is universal, i.e. in order to be satisfied, it must be satisfied in all states). Meanwhile, properties are used for the classification step. Here, the tool will enumerate unique groups of properties that can hold together and the parametrisations where this occurs (again, a formula holds if it holds in all states). The relationships between these groups can then be explored through the decision tree visualization tool.

Below, we show a simple example of how to include assertions and properties in a model file (we intentionally limit the use of hybrid operators to simplify the example). You can find additional examples that combine hybrid assertions and properties in complex models in the benchmarks directory.

# This assertion states that every state must be able to reach a state where
# variable `Apoptosis` is true. `#!` is used to start a "comment annotation"
# The #` and `# serves as opening/closing escape characters for the HCTL formula.
#! dynamic_assertion: #`EF Apoptosis`#

# This assertion states that there must be a state in which `Apoptosis`
# holds, and this state is a fixed point.
#! dynamic_assertion: #`3{x}: @{x}: (Apoptosis & AX x)`#

# Consequently, the classification step will only consider parametrisations
# that satisfy the two assertions. To further disambiguate between 
# parametrisations, we can define named classification properties:

# Property `will_die` states that the system will always eventually reach `Apoptosis`.
#! dynamic_property: will_die: #`AF AG Apoptosis`#

# Property `cannot_be_undead` states that whenever `Apoptosis` is true, it must
# stay true forever.
#! dynamic_property: cannot_be_undead: #`Apoptosis => AG Apoptosis`#

Running classification

Once you have an annotated-model.aeon file, you can run the classification engine:

bn-classifier --output-zip /path/to/ path/to/annotated-model.aeon

The output is written into the, which contains both a plaintext report.txt where you can see a summary of the results, as well as raw BDD dumps (compatible with the lib-bdd string representation) that can be imported into the hctl-explorer.

Running visualisation

Once you obtain the classification results, you can run the visualisation tool using the hctl-explorer command. If you simply start hctl-explorer without any additional arguments, you will be prompted to select the result archive that you want to explore. Alternatively, you can also give hctl-explorer a path to the archive as a command line argument:

hctl-explorer path/to/

This command should open a window with an interactive decision tree editor. In this editor, you can branch the set of results by conditioning on various model parameters. Once only a single outcome (combination of valid properties) is admissible, the part of the tree will be shown as a leaf. You can either choose the branching conditions manually, or let the tool infer a suitable tree based on information entropy of the dataset.

For any leaf node, you can save a canonical witness Boolean network (i.e. a network with all parameters set to a fixed value). You can also randomly sample the space of networks that appear in this leaf node.

Simple example

To run the prepared example, execute the following commands:

bn-classifier --output-zip ./tutorial/case-study-mapk/mapk-annotated.aeon
hctl-explorer ./

Tutorial and Benchmarks

We provide a tutorial and a set of benchmarks with which to experiment. Both of them utilize the Python bindings to the Rust code of the classification engine. These are provided as part of our standard library

Follow the instructions below to 1) install all dependencies and 2) run the tutorial or execute benchmarks.

Creating the Python venv and installing dependencies

First, we create a Python virtual environment. For this, we assume you have Python 3 installed with support for virtual environments (the current minimal supported version is Python 3.9). For example, on Debian-based Linux, this corresponds to system packages python3, python3-pip and python3-venv (i.e. sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-venv).

Then run the following to create a fresh Python environment with all the dependencies:

  1. python3 -m venv ./env to create a new blank environment in the env folder.
  2. Next, run source ./env/bin/activate to activate the environment.
  3. Finally, run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install all the relevant dependencies.

You will need to have this environment active to run both the benchmarks and tutorial (just run source ./env/bin/activate in the correct directory to enable the virtual environment). To deactivate the environment, simply execute the deactivate command.

Running the tutorial notebook

To open the jupyter notebook environment: python3 -m jupyter notebook --no-browser

This should start a Jupyter notebook environment that you can access through the web browser. You need to find a "Or copy and paste one of these URLs:" message. Then, copy the URL under this message and paste it into a browser window (Firefox is installed in the VM). The URL should look like this: http://localhost:8888/tree?token=SOME_RANDOM_STRING_OF_CHARACTERS. This will open a Jupyter notebook user interface. You can keep this window open, because it will be used in the tutorial.

Navigate to the tutorial folder and open the tutorial.ipynb notebook. The notebook contains all the relevant instructions on how to use BN Classifier as a Python library, as well as the explorer GUI.

If you are unfamiliar with Jupyter notebooks, you can execute a code cell by selecting it and pressing Shift+Enter. Alternatively, you can also press the "run" button in the top toolbar (using the "play" arrow icon).

Running the benchmarks

All the details regarding the benchmarking process, the models we use, and pre-computed results are provided in ./benchmarks/

Development guide

To build the application manually, you will need to install the Rust compiler from (default installation settings should work fine).

Afterward, you also need to install tauri using cargo install tauri-cli.

Compiling bn-classifier

To compile the classification engine, go to the classifier folder, and execute cargo build --release. This should place a bn-classifier binary into the target/release directory.

Alternatively, to run the classifier directly, you can use (still in the classifier directory):

cargo run --release --bin bn-classifier -- path/to/annotated-model.aeon path/to/

Compiling hctl-explorer

To compile the visualisation GUI, stay in the repository root folder, and execute cargo tauri build. The application binaries/bundles should then appear in src-tauri/target/release (the specific type of binaries/bundles depends on your OS).

To run the application directly, you can use (still in the repository root):

cargo tauri dev -- -- path/to/

However, note that the application will execute from the src-tauri folder, so the arguments need to be either absolute paths or paths relative to the src-tauri folder. Furthermore, in this mode, the app is compiled without optimizations, so the interface can be slow for even moderately sized models. This mode should allow you to use standard JavaScript developer console to debug/inspect the UI.