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Toolchain for abstraction and scheduling of event-triggered controllers. The project consists of two main parts:

  • Creating abstraction/traffic models of Event-Triggered Controllers (ETC):
    • For linear PETC system (cite...)
    • For nonlinear ETC systems, with or without disturbances (cite ...)
  • Generating schedulers for a collection of ETC systems:
    • Using timed game automata and UPPAAL Stratego (cite ...)
    • Using transitions systems and fixed point iterations (cite ...)

Table of contents



This tool requires Python 3.8 to function correctly, so make sure it is installed beforehand, by running:

   $ add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa 
   $ apt update
   $ apt install python3.8

First, download or clone the project to a local directory. Secondly, run one of the scripts in scripts/, corresponding to your OS to install the dependencies (it might be necessary to make it executable by using chmod +x). Thirdly, download and copy the third-party tools, dReal, dReach, and Flow* in the 'third-party' folder in the root project directory if you want to install them. You can download them from below location:

dReal -
dReach -
Flow* -
  • Make sure to get Flow* version v2.0.0, and run make in its directory.
  • Build dReal4 by following the instructions provided in its
  • In the file /dreal-*/bin/dReach, replace the following line
    SCRIPT_PATHNAME=`python -c "import os,sys; print os.path.realpath(\"$0\")"`
    SCRIPT_PATHNAME=`python2 -c "import os,sys; print(os.path.realpath(\"$0\"))"`
    To make sure Python 2 is used here.

Finally, add the paths to, e.g.

dreal_path = '<path>/ETCetera/third-party/dreal4/bazel-bin/dreal/dreal'
dreach_path = '<path>/ETCetera/third-party/dReal-*/bin/dReach'
flowstar_path = '<path>/ETCetera/third-party/flowstar-2.0.0/flowstar-2.0.0/flowstar'

To be able to create schedulers with timed automata, UPPAAL Stratego also needs to be installed. Then the path to verifyta has to be set in as well:

VERIFYTA = '<path>/uppaal64-4.1.20-stratego-7/bin-Linux/verifyta'


To install with conda, make sure a C/C++ compiler (e.g. gcc/g++) and GMP is installed. Then simply run

   $ conda env create --file environment.yml
   $ conda activate sentient
   $ conda install conda-build
   $ conda develop .

where the last two lines are necessary (temporarily, until a proper conda package has been built) to import SENTIENT in a script.


Installation with pip is a bit more involved, as more packages will have to be build from source (depending on your OS). First create a virtual environment:

$ python3.8 -m venv <path-to-venv>

Activate the environment and install:

   $ source <path-to-venv>/bin/activate
   $ pip install wheel
   $ pip install .

To use graph-tool, we have to link to dist-packages (in the default python installation):

$ cd <path-to-venv>/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
$ touch dist-packages.pth
$ echo "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/" >> dist-packages.pth

If you want to use the CUDD bindings for dd, then also run:

   $ pip install --force-reinstall -r \
         <(echo "dd --install-option='--fetch' --install-option='--cudd'")


For a quickstart, the command line tool can be used. It can generate traffic models for linear PETC systems, and for nonlinear ETC systems. The command line interface is used as follows:

$ python <systemtype> <inputfile> [options]

Systemtype is either `linear' or 'nonlinear', from which the corresponding abstraction algorithm is chosen. Input file is a file containing the details for the ETC system. The contents of this file depend on the abstraction algorithm. The following shows an example input file for linear PETC systems:


For example, running the example linear_ifac2020.txt and outputting is done as:

$ python linear examples/linear_ifac2020.txt --output_file=ex.json

Or, for nonlinear ETC system, you can run one of the following examples:

$ python nonlinear examples/nl_homogeneous.txt --output_file=hom.json
$ python nonlinear examples/nl_nonhomogeneous.txt --output_file=nonhom.json
$ python nonlinear examples/nl_perturbed.txt --output_file=dist.json

The following shortly discusses some usage and examples. For a more in depth documentation, see docs/

Command Line Interface

The command line interface can be used for generating traffic models for both linear PETC and nonlinear ETC systems. The command line interface usage is as follows:

$ python <systemtype> <inputfile> [options]

The argument systemtype is either linear or nonlinear and inputfile is the path to the input file. If linear is specified it will generate a linear PETC traffic model ([], [], []). See Linear PETC Traffic Models for the details.
If nonlinear is specified, it will generate a nonlinear ETC traffic model ([], []). Depending on the systemtype, the contents of the inputfile should be different. See Nonlinear ETC Traffic Models for the details.

Linear PETC Input Fields

The required input fields are:

  • Dynamics: Dynamics: A, B which are the matrices describing the LTI system dx/dt = Ax + Bu.

  • Controller: Controller: K, which is the control matrix rendering the LTI system stable(!).

  • Triggering Sampling Time: Triggering Sampling Time: h, which is the PETC sampling time in seconds.

  • Triggering Heartbeat: Triggering Heartbeat: hmax, which is the maximum time until the PETC triggers in seconds.

  • Triggering Condition: Triggering Condition: Q, which is the matrix in the quadratic triggering condition x^TQx > 0.

Elements in matrices are seperated with a ,, rows are seperated with a ;. E.g.: [0 1;-2 3]

Optional arguments are:

  • Lyapunov function: Lyapunov Function: P, the positive definite matrix P in the Lyapunov function V(x) = x^T Px, which shows that the LTI system is stable. If this is not given, it will be generated automatically based on the provided LTI system and controller.

  • Solver Options: Solver Options:

    • kmaxextra: n. Compute the transitions for inter-event times larger than kmax. Default: None (this sets the value to kmax + max_delay_steps)

    • cost_computation=b. Set to True if transition costs should be computed. Default: False

    • mu_threshold=f. If f >= 0, tries to remove regions that are geometrically similar. The bigger the number the more regions that are likely removed. Default: 0.0

    • min_eig_threshold=f. The minimum value the smallest eigenvalue of the matrix describing a state-space region must have for this region to be considered. If bigger than 0.0, it typically results in a maximum uniform inter-event time smaller than what would naturally occur, but for a very small subset of the state-space. Default: 0.0

    • reduced_actions=b. If True, action set is equal to the set of possible inter-event times. Default: False

    • early_trigger_only=b. If True, transitions from a region (i, ...) are computed for inter- event times up to i + max_delay_steps. Default: False

    • max_delay_steps=f. The maximum extra discrete time for which transitions are computed. That is, for a region (i, ...), transitions are computed from kmin until min(kmaxetra, i + max_delay_steps). Default: 0

    • depth=n. Maximum depth of the bisimulation algorithm. Default: 1. For n > 1, it is recommended to set solver=z3.

    • etc_only=f. Set to True if early trigger transitions should not be computed. This is useful for verification, but not for scheduling, since the resulting abstraction becomes autonomous. Default: False

    • end_level=f: If stop_around_origin is true, specifies the sublevel set {x: x'Px <= end_level} from which the bisimulation algorithm stops. This assumes that the initial states are normalized to satisfy x(0)'Px(0) = 1. Default: 0.01

    • solver=sdr|z3. The solver to be used to compute the transition relations. Default: sdr

    • stop_around_origin=b. Set to True if the bisimulation algorithm should stop one all states are guaranteed to have entered a ball around the origin. Default: False

    • stop_if_omega_bisimilar=b. Set to True if the bisimulation algorithm should stop if an omega- bisimulation is found. Default:False

    • symbolic=b. (Current not yet working). Whether to perform the calculations symbolically. Default: False

    • consider_noise=b. Not yet Implemented! Whether pure measurement noise is to be considered. Default: False

Nonlinear ETC Input Fields

The dynamics, controller, etc. are expressed and inputted using sympy expressions. To make sure no errors occur, some conventions have been defined. There are a few sets of possible variables:

  • State variables: Starting with an x.
  • Input variables: Starting with an u.
  • Error variables: Starting with an e.
  • Homogeneous variable: A single variable w1, used for making dynamics homogeneous.
  • Disturbance variables: Starting with a d.

By convention, every variables should be numbered sequentially starting from 1: x1, x2, ..., u1, u2, ..., etc. The input fields are:

  • Dynamics: Dynamics: x_1dot, x_2dot, ..., describing the dynamics of the nonlinear system.

    • The number of used state variables should match the number of given expressions.
    • If one or more input variables are present, the field Controller should be filled in as well.
    • If variables e1, ... are present in the dynamics, it is assumed that the system is in ETC form, and the number of them should equal the number of state variables. If they are not specified, the dynamics will automatically be converted into ETC form, but only if controller expression are specified. If both error and input variables are present in the dynamics, an error is thrown.
    • If variables w1, ... are present in the dynamics, it is assumed that the system is homogenized, and the correctness is checked first.
    • If variables d1, ... are present in the dynamics, Hyperbox Disturbances should be specified as well. This will also automatically overwrite the partitioning method to grid.
  • Controller: Controller: u1expr, u2expr, describing the controller. The number of given expression should match the number of input variables in the dynamics.

  • Triggering Condition: Triggering Condition: expr. The triggering condition. Should contain both x and e variables.

  • Homogeneity degree: Deg. of Homogeneity: n. The degree of homogeneity of the dynamics. If not specified, will automatically be calculated.

  • State space limits: Hyperbox States: [a1 b1], [a2 b2], .... The state space region that is considered during generation of the traffic model, represented by an interval. The number of given intervals should match the number of state variables.

  • Disturbance limits: Hyperbox Disturbances: [a1 b1], [a2 b2], .... The intervals the disturbance variables are limited to. Number of intervals should match the number of disturbance variables.

  • Grid point per dimension: Grid Points Per Dimension: [n1 n2 ...]. Number of boxes each dimension is divided into. Number of given grid points should match the number of state variables. Default: 5 for each dimension.

  • Solver Options: Solver Options: opt1=arg1, opt2=args,.... These specify the options for abstraction:

    • partitioning: grid|manifold. Choose whether the state space is partitioned by isochronous manifolds, or by gridding. If manifold is specified, also the option manifold_times should be specified. Default: grid

    • manifold_times: [t1, t2, ...]. The times used for partitioning using isochronous manifolds. Should be specified when partition_method=manifold and have at least two elements. When partition_method=grid, this value is used as a reference manifold for timing lower bounds, which then has default: [1e-4]

    • angles_discretization: [n1, n2, ...]. The number of divisions for the spherical angles for constructing cones. The first number corresponds to the angle which run from -pi to pi, the rest correspond to the angles running from 0 to pi. The length should be one less than the state space dimension. Default: [6, 4, ...].

    • heartbeat: f. The maximum trigger time. Default: 0.1

    • order_approx: n. The order to which the isochronous manifold are approximated. Default: 2

    • timeout_deltas: f. The maximum time to calculate each delta. Default: 1000

    • precision_deltas: f. The precision at which the deltas are calculated. Default: 1e-4

    • timeout_timing_bounds: f. The maximum time to calculate upper and lower bounds to the regions. Default: 200

    • precision_timing_bounds: f. Precision to which the upper and lower bounds to the regions are calculated. Default: 1e-3

    • timeout_transitions: f. The maximum calculation time to calculate each transition. Default: 200

    • precision_transitions: f. The precision to which the flowpipe is calculated. Default: 1e-3


Traffic Model Examples

Here we discuss examples of how to construct traffic models for linear PETC and nonlinear ETC systems.

Alternative to these approaches, the functions sentient.util.construct_linearPETC_traffic_from_file and sentient.util.construct_nonlinearETC_traffic_from_file can be used to construct the traffic models from a file.

Linear PETC

In this example, a traffic model of a linear Periodic Event Triggered Control system will be generated. In the tool, a PETC system is then defined as follows:

    # Define LTI system matrices
    A = np.array([[1.38, -0.208, 6.715, -5.676], [-0.581, -4.29, 0, 0.675], [1.067, 4.273, -6.654, 5.893], [0.048, 4.273, 1.343, -2.104]])
    B = np.array([[0, 0],[5.679, 0], [1.136, 3.146],[1.136, 0]])
    K = np.array([[0.518, -1.973, -0.448, -2.1356], [-3.812, -0.0231, -2.7961, 1.671]])

    # PETC parameters
    h = 0.01
    kmax = 20
    sigma = 0.01

    # Triggering condition
    Qtrigger = np.block([[(1-sigma)*np.eye(4), -np.eye(4)], [-np.eye(4), np.eye(4)]])

    # Construct object representing the PETC system
    import sentient.Systems as systems

    plant = systems.LinearPlant(A, B)
    controller = systems.LinearController(K, h)
    trigger = systems.LinearQuadraticPETC(plant, controller, kmax=kmax, Qbar=Qtrigger)

Then a traffic model is generated as follows. More arguments can be specified as described in :class:sentient.Abstractions.TrafficModelLinearPETC.

    import sentient.Abstractions as abstr

    traffic = abstr.TrafficModelLinearPETC(trigger)
    regions, transitions = traffic.create_abstraction()
    # Returns: {(2,): 2, (5,): 5, (4,): 4, (1,): 1, (3,): 3}, {((2,), 1): {(1,), (2,), (3,)}, ((2,), 2): {(2,), (5,), (4,), (1,), (3,)}, ...}

Alternatively, the regions/transitions can also be accessed separately:

    regions = traffic.regions
    # Returns: {(2,): 2, (5,): 5, (4,): 4, (1,): 1, (3,): 3}
    transitions = traffic.transitions
    # Returns: {((2,), 1): {(1,), (2,), (3,)}, ((2,), 2): {(2,), (5,), (4,), (1,), (3,)}, ...}

This will instead cause the regions/transitions to be computed on first access (after caches are reset by for instance traffic.refine()). Use

    region_descriptors = traffic.return_region_descriptors()
    # Returns: {(2,): (x1*(0.0325014371942073*x1 - 0.758236561497541*x2 + 2.28413716988318*x3 - 1.57991935089754*x4) + x2*(-0.758236561497541*x1 + 2.38486724990143*x2 + 0.198562111037632*x3 + 2.68392804714407*x4) + x3*(2.28413716988318*x1 + 0.198562111037632*x2 + 3.0913841666531*x3 - 2.03625414224163*x4) + x4*(-1.57991935089754*x1 + 2.68392804714407*x2 - 2.03625414224163*x3 + 2.14744812716726*x4) <= 0) & (x1*(-34.1084257021831*x1 + 22.2685952023407*x2 - 68.7949413314049*x3 + 47.7543148417454*x4) + x2*(22.2685952023407*x1 - 102.519813292189*x2 - 8.36602721281553*x3 - 82.3989681651887*x4) + x3*(-68.7949413314049*x1 - 8.36602721281553*x2 - 121.315797670082*x3 + 56.7655786995279*x4) + x4*(47.7543148417454*x1 - 82.3989681651887*x2 + 56.7655786995279*x3 - 97.0796601856019*x4) < 0), ... }

to obtain the expressions describing the actual regions.

Finally, the traffic model can be saved for future use:

    # To pickle the object:
    traffic.export('traffic_petc', 'pickle')

    # To save to a .json file:
    traffic.export('traffic_petc', 'json')

The files will be saved to the saves folder.

Nonlinear ETC

In this example, a traffic model for a nonhomogeneous nonlinear system will be generated. The dynamics are first declared and the controller is specified in ETC form:

    import sympy
    import sentient.util as utils

    # Define
    state_vector = x1, x2, e1, e2 = sympy.symbols('x1 x2 e1 e2')

    # Define controller (in etc form)
    u1 = -(x2+e2) - (x1+e1)**2*(x2+e2) - (x2+e2)**3

    # Define dynamics
    x1dot = x1
    x2dot = x1**2*x2 + x2**3 + u1
    dynamics = [x1dot, x2dot, -x1dot, -x2dot]

These dynamics are not yet homogeneous, so they are homogenized (see ...):

    # Make the system homogeneous (with degree 2)
    hom_degree = 2
    dynamics, state_vector = utils.make_homogeneous_etc(dynamics, state_vector, hom_degree)
    dynamics = sympy.Matrix(dynamics)

Then we define the triggering condition and the portion of the state space we want to consider.

    # Triggering condition & other etc.
    trigger = ex**2 + ey**2 - (x1**2+y1**2)*(0.0127*0.3)**2

    # State space limits
    state_space_limits = [[-2.5, 2.5], [-2.5, 2.5]]

And lastly, we define the traffic model (since we homogenized the dynamics, homogenization_flag should be set to True):

    import sentient.Abstractions as abstr

    traffic = abstr.TrafficModelNonlinearETC(dynamics, hom_degree, trigger, state_vector, homogenization_flag=True, state_space_limits=state_space_limits)
    regions, transitions = traffic.create_abstraction()
    # Result: {'1': 0.003949281693284397, '2': 0.003924684110791467, ...}, {('1', (0.00358211491454367, 0.003949281693284397)): [1, 2, 6, 7], ... }

Now, the state space has been partitioned by gridding (default). To partition the state space by means of manifold, set partition_method=manifolds. Alternatively, the regions/transitions can also be accessed separately:

    regions = traffic.regions
    # Returns: {'1': 0.003949281693284397, '2': 0.003924684110791467, ...}
    transitions = traffic.transitions
    # Returns: {('1', (0.00358211491454367, 0.003949281693284397)): [1, 2, 6, 7], ... }

This will instead cause the regions/transitions to be computed on first access. Use

    region_descriptors = traffic.return_region_descriptors()
    # Returns: {'1': (-1.0*x1 <= 2.5) & (1.0*x1 <= -1.5) & (-1.0*x2 <= 2.5) & (1.0*x2 <= -1.5), ...}

to obtain the expressions describing the actual regions.

Finally, the traffic model can be saved for future use:

    # To pickle the object:
    traffic.export('traffic_etc', 'pickle')

    # To save to a .json file:
    traffic.export('traffic_etc', 'json')

The files will be saved to the saves folder.

Scheduling Examples

In the two following examples, two identical linear PETC systems are used. These have been computed and saved before hand, and are loaded as follows:

    import sentient.Abstractions as abstr
    traffic1 = abstr.TrafficModelLinearPETC.from_bytestream_file('traffic1.pickle')
    traffic2 = abstr.TrafficModelLinearPETC.from_bytestream_file('traffic1.pickle')

To determine which of the scheduling algorithms should be used see ...

Scheduling using NTGAs and UPPAAL Stratego

Here a scheduler is generated by representing the traffic models by TGA and adding a network. Then using UPPAAL Stratego, a strategy is generated and automatically parsed. First both traffic models are converted:

    import sentient.Scheduling.NTGA as sched
    cl1 = sched.controlloop(traffic1)
    cl2 = sched.controlloop(traffic1)

And a network is defined:

    net = sched.Network()
    nta = sched.NTA(net, [cl1, cl2])

Then a scheduler is generated by:

    # Result: {"('7', '15')": [[[[1, 0]], [[0.07]], [[0, -1], [0, 1], [0, -1], [0, 1]], [[-0.09], [0.0015], [0.018500000000000003], [0.15]], 0], [[[1, 0], [1, -1], [0, 1]], [[0.07], [0], [0.07]], [], [], 0]], ...

This will save the parsed strategy to a file in strategy. The contents of the file is a dictionary which maps a tuple of states to a collection of (in)equality conditions on the clocks of the control loops and which controlloop to trigger. I.e.

{('7', '15'): [(A1 @ c = b1 & E1 @ c <= d1), loop_to_trigger), (), ...], ('7', '16'): ... }

Scheduling by solving safety games

Similar to before, first both traffic models are converted:

    import sentient.Scheduling.fpiter as sched
    # For the example do not use BDDs to represent the models
    cl1 = sched.controlloop(traffic1, use_bdd=False)
    cl2 = sched.controlloop(traffic1, use_bdd=False)

These are then combined into a system, and a scheduler is generated:

    S = sched.system([cl1, cl2])
    Ux = S.generate_safety_scheduler() # Scheduler
    # Results: ({('T12', 'W12,1'): {('w', 't'), ('w', 'w'), ('t', 'w')}, ('T12', 'W18,7'): {('w', 't'), ('w', 'w'), ...}, None)

The method generate_safety_scheduler will automatically choose the (likely) most efficient algorithm.
