name of the website : Jordan Commerce
about : on this website users can interact with each other to buy, exchange and sell items. users can create their own products , edit or delete them , users can look up the history of their sold prodcuts and check on items that's need admin's approval.
Prerequisites: you need to instal visual studio code, postman and mongoose db .
Installing: you need to instal the following npm's to start working: express, axios, dotenv, react , jsonwebtoken, react-dom , react-router-dom, react-paginate , react-scripts ,react-bootstrap-dropdown-menu, bcrypt, cors, ejs, mongoose, nodemon
Usage : on the home page the newest items get rendered first.
on the navigation bar you can search by title or tag, you can also filter them by location or price (descending or ascending order), by cliking the website name it will take you back to the main page, by clicking on login it will direct you to the login, and if you don't have an account you can click on the register button to create a new account.
after logging in a new drop down menu called settings will appear at top right of the screen, at the settings drop down menu you can: edit your profile, create a product, show and edit current products, history of sold products , pending products that needs admin's approval (after creating a product, the product will need the admin's approval), sign-out button to log-out.
on the main page you can check the item's detail, add to cart, exchange(not working atm), go back button which will take you a step back.
after adding items to the cart you can click on the cart icon on the top right of the screen to access the cart which check on all the items that has been added, change the quanitity of the desired item, or you can remove it from the cart, at the bottom you can check on the total of all items and below it there is a button to buy(not working atm).
the project was built using MongoDB as Database Express JS as Server Framework React JS as Web Framework Node JS as Server Environment