A collection of configurations and an application to discover Prometheus + Grafana and Micrometer capabilities.
Create Docker image from Spring Boot + Micrometer application (JDK + Maven required):
cd app && mvn spring-boot:build-image && cd ..
When the Docker image is ready, the whole stack can be started with the ordinary compose command:
docker-compose up
Then the following URLs are available:
- Grafana: http://localhost:3000 (username/password : admin/admin)
- Prometheus: http://localhost:9090
- Application timer endpoint: http://localhost:8080/metrics/timer
- Application counter endpoint: http://localhost:8080/metrics/count
- Scraping endpoints:
- Host: http://localhost:9100/metrics
- MySQL http://localhost:9104/metrics
- Micrometer http://localhost:8080/actuator/prometheus