This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 7, 2021. It is now read-only.
- Revision control moved to
- Fixes to job-db-update, jobarray-script-update, jobscript-to-db, jobscript-watcher, pbs-spark-submit, and qpeek
- Add jobarray-to-pcp, a way to repackage a job array as a parallel-command-processor job
- Add Python classes for handling PBS accounting logs in a unified way
- Add many software package patterns to sw_app_index
- Add sw_app_cache and pbsacct Software table, used to cache the list of found values of sw_app, which accelerates software reports
- Add multiple ways to do date range matches, including start, end, and "during"
- Schema changes to pbsacct Jobs table
- system to VARCHAR*32
- jobid to VARCHAR*64
- Schema additions to pbsacct Jobs table
- eligible_ts
- eligible_date
- cput_sec
- cput_req_sec
- walltime_sec
- walltime_req_sec
- more extensive indexing by dates
- Add pbsacct-dump
- Some OSC site-specific changes
- RPM packaging improvements