Welcome to Largest Series Product on Exercism's Rust Track.
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Given a string of digits, calculate the largest product for a contiguous substring of digits of length n.
For example, for the input '1027839564'
, the largest product for a
series of 3 digits is 270 (9 * 5 * 6), and the largest product for a
series of 5 digits is 7560 (7 * 8 * 3 * 9 * 5).
Note that these series are only required to occupy adjacent positions in the input; the digits need not be numerically consecutive.
For the input '73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934'
the largest product for a series of 6 digits is 23520.
These iterators may be useful, depending on your approach
- @IanWhitney
- @coriolinus
- @cwhakes
- @eddyp
- @efx
- @ErikSchierboom
- @lutostag
- @mkantor
- @nfiles
- @petertseng
- @rofrol
- @stringparser
- @xakon
- @ZapAnton
A variation on Problem 8 at Project Euler - http://projecteuler.net/problem=8