- Update podspec to exclude arm64 architecture for iphone simulator builds
- Update mwiede jsch to version 0.1.66: https://github.com/mwiede/jsch/releases/tag/jsch-0.1.66
- Support for several more algorithms in Android, including ssh-ed25519
- Bug fixes and improvements for example app
- Bump kotlin version and targetSdkVersion for Android
- Fix bug in isConnected that affected sftp connections in iOS
- Add function to get host fingerprint
- Add function to get host banner
- Change NMSSH to GZ-NMSSH: https://github.com/gaetanzanella/NMSSH/tree/feature/catalyst
- Updated libssh and libssl
- Supports more key types (ECDSA_256, ECDSA_384, ECDSA_521, ED25519)
- Fix issues with multiple threads
- Change JSch to modernized fork: https://github.com/mwiede/jsch
- Suports more key types (rsa-sha2-256, rsa-sha2-512, curve25519-sha256, curve448-sha512, [email protected])
- More types will be supported once Android supports newer Java versions
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Deprecated older insecure key types
- Update to latest Gradle version
- Migrate Android plugin APIs to v2
- Fix Podspec name
- General code cleanup
- Fix package name in readme
- Nullsafe support
- Dependency and compatibility updates
- isConnected functionality added
- Add doc comments to all public APIs
- Fix issues to increase pub points
- Change package name to ssh2
- Moved getInputStream before channel connect on Android.
- Set minimum SDK version to 2.1.0.
- Set compileSdkVersion to 28, fixing build error "Execution failed for task ':ssh:verifyReleaseResources'"
- Set uuid plugin version to ^2.0.0.
- Fixed download exception on Android due to this issue.
- Changed disconnect() method to sync.
- Fixed Android crash issue "Methods marked with @UiThread must be executed on the main thread.".
- Fixed invokeMethod missing indirection.
- Add note about OpenSSH keys, add passphrase to key example.
- Check if client is null before getting session in Android.
- Initial release.