Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Internal ID of this entity. | |
created | \DateTime | The time this entity was created. | |
integrationId | string | The integration ID set by your integration layer. | |
storeIntegrationId | string | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional] |
applicationId | int | The ID of the application that owns this entity. | |
profileId | int | The globally unique Talon.One ID of the customer that created this entity. | [optional] |
profileintegrationid | string | Integration ID of the customer for the session. | [optional] |
coupon | string | Any coupon code entered. | |
referral | string | Any referral code entered. | |
state | string | Indicates the current state of the session. Sessions can be created as `open` or `closed`. The state transitions are: 1. `open` → `closed` 2. `open` → `cancelled` 3. `closed` → `cancelled` or `partially_returned` 4. `partially_returned` → `cancelled` For more information, see Customer session states. | |
cartItems | \TalonOne\Client\Model\CartItem[] | Serialized JSON representation. | |
discounts | map[string,float] | API V1 only. A map of labeled discount values, in the same currency as the session. If you are using the V2 endpoints, refer to the `totalDiscounts` property instead. | |
totalDiscounts | float | The total sum of the discounts applied to this session. | |
total | float | The total sum of the session before any discounts applied. | |
attributes | object | Arbitrary properties associated with this item. | [optional] |