Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Number | Internal ID of this entity. | |
created | Date | The time this entity was created. | |
modified | Date | The time this entity was last modified. | |
companyName | String | ||
domainName | String | Subdomain Name for | |
state | String | State of the account (active, deactivated). | |
billingEmail | String | The billing email address associated with your company account. | |
planName | String | The name of your booked plan. | [optional] |
planExpires | Date | The point in time at which your current plan expires. | [optional] |
applicationLimit | Number | The maximum number of Applications covered by your plan. | [optional] |
userLimit | Number | The maximum number of Campaign Manager Users covered by your plan. | [optional] |
campaignLimit | Number | The maximum number of Campaigns covered by your plan. | [optional] |
apiLimit | Number | The maximum number of Integration API calls covered by your plan per billing period. | [optional] |
applicationCount | Number | The current number of Applications in your account. | |
userCount | Number | The current number of Campaign Manager Users in your account. | |
campaignsActiveCount | Number | The current number of active Campaigns in your account. | |
campaignsInactiveCount | Number | The current number of inactive Campaigns in your account. | |
attributes | Object | Arbitrary properties associated with this campaign. | [optional] |
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