- [d556e13] prepare for 1.2.3
- [355d1fc] output check fix (#29)
- [65b3a60] Bump version to 1.2.2
- [ab83191] Fix: incorrect status (#28)
- [963e5c3] fix failing ci test (#27)
- [0a7a5d8] use releaseman create, not just create-changelog
- [f421343] Bump version to 1.2.1
- [8cae155] Find apks in subdirs (#22)
- [1238bd0] Do not install Ionic angular and cordova CLI plugins if version is above 3.8.0 (#21)
- [222703b] Added feature to export multiple APK files to BITRISE_APK_PATH_LIST (#19)
- [5a49c42] prepare for 1.1.0
- [7a65316] Updates (#18)
- [38cf1da] Specify versions of ios and android plugins (#16)
- [8c94da2] prepare for 1.0.0
- [ebe7cfb] login if user name and password provided (#14)
- [2ec115c] prepare for 0.10.0
- [8c71cd4] ionic version regexp update (#12)
- [104bb0b] prepare for 0.9.5
- [367455d] ionic command update (#8)
- [cd589b4] build android project as well
- [2931133] do not fail if can not export .app file (#7)
- [1190ba5] prepare for 0.9.4
- [b0329e6] handle symlinked output, use custom options, log fixes (#6)
- [a62bcec] prepare for 0.9.3
- [65fd6ab] ionic, cordova version unlock, ionic command fix (#5)
- [0448a62] prepare for 0.9.2
- [1bc783f] step updates (#4)
- [11b9551] prepare for 0.9.1
- [b30bd92] specify ionic & cordova versions (#2)
Updated: 2018 Apr 13