- React Version: 16.13.1
- Node Version: 14(LTS)
- Default Port: 8000
The component should perform the following validations in the form:
The card number input field should pass the following validations:
- The field is required.
- It should be a number consisting of exactly 16 digits.
The cardholder name input field should pass the following validations:
- The field is required.
- The name should contain english alphabetic letters only.
The expiration month input field should pass the following validations:
- The field is required.
- It should be a number consisting of exactly 2 digits with numbers in range of 01 to 12. (Denoting January to December)
The expiration year input field should pass the following validations:
- The field is required.
- It should be an year number consisting of exactly 4 digits, which is greater than or equal to current year and the difference from current year should be maximum 3 years.
The cvv/cvc input field should pass the following validations:
- The field is required.
- It should be a number consisting of exactly 3 digits.
Initially, the submit button should be disabled. When either field is invalid, the submit button should be disabled.
When all fields are valid and have been touched, the submit button should be enabled.
The following data-test-id attributes are required in the component for the tests to pass:
The card number input: 'numberInput'
The cardholder name input: 'nameInput'
The expiration month input: 'monthInput'
The expiration year input: 'yearInput'
The cvv/cvc input: 'cvvInput'
The submit button: 'submit-button'
The p containing the error message for:
- the card number input: 'numberInputError'
- the cardholder name input: 'nameInputError'
- the expiration month input: 'monthInputError'
- the expiration year input: 'yearInputError'
- the cvv/cvc input: 'cvvInputError'
Please note that the component has the above data-test-id attributes for test cases and certain classes and ids for rendering purposes. They should not be changed.
Read Only Files
- src/App.test.js
- src/App.js
- run:
npm start
- install:
npm install
- test:
npm test