We are students of the same university, taking same classes, we share common goals but have different skill sets, which make our team awesome when it comes to building something cool.
Minhaz |
Abhinav |
Dhruv |
Archit |
Is writing this, so he can't brag much! Is good with frontend (JS, html, css) and got some experience with backend languages like php, mySQL |
Is our research guy, point out a topic, we bet he's read more about it than you! He has excellent front end and backend implementation skills (html, js, css, php, mysql) ! He's called bane94 in his kingdom! |
Is our awesome python guy. We sometime call him crawler, he's crazy about downloading content from web using some py , crazy about automation! |
Is our hackathon guy, he's got some excellent py skills and is crazy about how 0 s & 1 s can change our lives! |
We are four students of Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, there is no single reason we love coding, however we enjoy the way we can use it to solve real world problems.
Still brainstorming, probably best ideas always take little time to grow!