All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Automatic changelog: changelog creation automated using standard-version
- AWS v3 upgrade: upgrading s3upload and s3reportProcessor
- bumped the Node version requirements to v18.12.1
- upgraded to WebdriverIO v8
- upgraded to Cucumber v8
- automatic test skip using @wip, @skip or a custom tag
- dry run option added to validate that the code is correctly structured without actually asserting the business logic
- commit and branch linting implemented and integrated into the git hooks using Husky
- changelog automation implemented using standard-version
- Automatic Changelog: updated the commit url in the versionrc
- Feature files: fixed implementation of --featureFiles using cucumber.js file
- Changed the package URLs to make them compatible with Windows (whether SSH or HTTPS)
- Added two Windows-specific rules to ESLint config
- fixed the accessibility report implementation
- closeBrowser option changed to browserOpen
- CI: refactored the S3 report scripts
- Reports: cucumber-html-reporter version changed to our own, and became owners of the project
- s3: changed the folder structure on the s3 bucket to (yyyy-mm-dd)
- envConfigrc file split into dataConfigrc and envConfigrc