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File metadata and controls

452 lines (338 loc) · 9.46 KB


Querverweis is a cross-referencing Lua filter for Pandoc. It adds numbered cross-references in the text using standard inline links to #id properties for figures and section titles and supports injecting #ids in cases where Pandoc does not natively support it (tables and equations). For figures and tables it can optionally generate labels in the output captions for formats like HTML. Markdown users can also use citation syntax instead of links to generate cross-references.


Development of this package happens in the Codeberg repository; this is a mirror that may be updated infrequently. It's still possible to raise issues here, but using Codeberg is preferred.

Consider a simple figure with link (labels option is enabled, see below for details):

  labels: true
![A beautiful sunset.](sunset.jpg){#sunset}

See Figure [](#sunset) for a sunset.

…would generate this HTML output:

<figure id="sunset">
<img src="sunset.jpg" alt="A beautiful sunset." />
<figcaption><span class="caption-label">Figure 1 </span>A beautiful sunset.</figcaption>
<p>See Figure <a href="#sunset">1</a> for a sunset.</p>


Querverweis handles common tasks and demands around cross-links and cross-linked elements.


Querverweis updates the link label with the figure numbers.

<figure id="sunset">
  <img src="sunset.jpg" />
  <figcaption>A beautiful sunset.</figcaption>
<p>See figure <a href="#sunset"></a> for a sunset.</p>

After passing through the filter this input becomes equivalent to

<figure id="sunset">
  <img src="sunset.jpg" />
  <figcaption>A beautiful sunset.</figcaption>
<p>See figure <a href="#sunset">1</a> for a sunset.</p>


Just like for figures, empty links to tables filled with the table number’s numbered.

<table id="one">

<p>See table <a href="#one"></a> for a placeholder.</p>

The empty link label gets filled with the table number. It’s as if the above was written as

<table id="one">

<p>See table <a href="#one">1</a> for a placeholder.</p>

Identifiers in captions

Pandoc Markdown does currently not include syntax to set a table ID. As an ID is essential for cross-linking, querverweis includes a mechanism to set an ID via the caption:

| sample |
| table  |

: Example table []{#example}

If the last element of the caption is a span, then the identifier of that span is transferred to the table.

<table id="example">
  <caption>Example table</caption>


Formulæ that take up their own line (“display math”) can also be cross-referenced. There are two ways to specify an ID: either set the ID on a span that wraps the equation, or use the LaTeX \label syntax. When using a span, the span must also have the class equation to set it apart from other spans.

Consider this Markdown input:

Formula [](#squares) has an infinite number of solutions for
$a, b, c ∈ ℕ$
[$$ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 $$]{#squares .equation}

This formula can be generalized to
$$ a^n + b^n = c^n \label{fermat} $$

It has been proven that equation [](#fermat) has no solutions in the
positive integers if $n ≥ 3$.

The filter converts the above to

Formula [1](#squares) has an infinite number of solutions for
$a, b, c ∈ ℕ$
[$$ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 $$]{#squares .equation}

This formula can be generalized to
[$$ a^n + b^n = c^n$$]{#fermat .equation}

It has been proven that equation [2](#fermat) has no solutions in the
positive integers if $n ≥ 3$.


Unlabeled section links are labeled with the number of the referenced section.

# Prelude {-}

Some introductory text.

# Introduction

The results are described in section [](#results).

The the computational model is described in section

This is mentioned in [](#prelude).

# Methods

How things were done.

## Lab
## Simulation

# Results

After passing through the filter this input becomes equivalent to

# Prelude {.unnumbered}

Some introductory text.

# Introduction

The results are described in section [3](#results).

The the computational model is described in section

This is mentioned in [Prelude](#prelude).

# Methods

How things were done.

## Lab

## Simulation

# Results

Citation syntax

Citations can be used as an alternative to unlabeled links. This is particularly convenient when authoring in Markdown with the citations extension enabled (the default for pandoc Markdown).

![The face of a male mandrill](mandrill.jpg){#fig:mandrill}

The *Mandrill* face in @fig:mandrill is a classic test image.
![The face of a male mandrill](mandrill.jpg){#fig:mandrill}

The *Mandrill* face in [1](#fig:mandrill) is a classic test image.


The filter can be configured through a querverweis metadata object.

title: My config test
  configs-go-here: true

The querverweis field is cleared after processing.

title: My config test

labels: add labels to caption

Setting the querverweis.labels property to true ensures that a label is added to the caption.

  labels: true

| Language  | Family   |
| German    | Germanic |
| French    | Romance  |
| Ukrainian | Slavic   |

: Some Indo-European languages. []{#languages}

Note the span with content “Table 1” and class caption-label.

<table id="languages">
    <span class="caption-label">Table 1 </span>Some
    Indo-European languages.

Adding labels only in some formats

Whether labels should be added to the caption generally depends on the output format. E.g., TeX engines have their own caption system and add labels automatically, but not such system exists for HTML.

The labels option can be set to a list of formats, and labels will be added to the caption only if the output format is part of the list.

  labels: ['html']

| Language  | Family   |
| German    | Germanic |
| French    | Romance  |
| Ukrainian | Slavic   |

: Some Indo-European languages. []{#languages}

If the config specifies that labels should only be added when producing HTML, then no labels will be produced for LaTeX.

\caption{Some Indo-European languages.}\label{languages}\tabularnewline
Language & Family \\
Language & Family \\
German & Germanic \\
French & Romance \\
Ukrainian & Slavic \\

ref-types: mark links with type of cross-linked element

The ref-types option allows to enable and disable the addition of ref-type attributes to links. The option is most useful when converting to JATS, where this attribute is standardized.


The example below is using JATS as output, because element identifiers are easily visible there.

  ref-types: true

![A beautiful sunset.](sunset.jpg){#sunset}

See figure [](#sunset) for a sunset.

Besides updating the link labels, the filter now also adds the ref-type attribute to the link, augmenting the reference with semantic information.

<fig id="sunset">
  <caption><p>A beautiful sunset.</p></caption>
  <graphic mimetype="image" mime-subtype="jpeg" xlink:href="sunset.jpg" />
<p>See figure <xref alt="1" rid="sunset" ref-type="figure">1</xref> for
a sunset.</p>


The example below is using JATS as output, because element identifiers are easily visible there.

  ref-types: true

---- ----
eins zwei
drei vier
---- ----

: []{#one}

See table [](#one) for four German numbers,
and table [](#two) for some more.

 -------- --------
 dreizehn vierzehn
      elf    zwölf
 -------- --------

 : []{#two}

The ref-type is set to table when referencing a table.

  <table id="one">
<p>See table <xref alt="1" rid="one" ref-type="table">1</xref> for four
German numbers, and table
<xref alt="2" rid="two" ref-type="table">2</xref> for some more.</p>
  <table id="two">