ListView (@shurane)
- create it in 2 stages
- first level elements first
- second level elements afterwards
- use custom Adapter that extends
- rows only 10 times, looping 10 times only
- rows n times, configurable by EditText
- height of row should be configurable via EditText
- when clicked, it should invert its color
- create it in 2 stages
Network call (@amyquispe)
Ensure network call is off UI thread
Long timeout of network test (to ensure things are off UI thread)
HTTP GET request we'll be using:
HTTP POST request we'll be using:
curl -X POST \ -d "custname=james dean" \ -d "custtel=347-8431-6090" \ -d "[email protected]" \ -d "size=small" \ -d "topping=cheese" \ -d "delivery=22:15" \ -d "comments=Leave it by the garage door. Don't ask any questions." \ https://httpbin.org/post
HTTP GET using Square's
library -
HTTP POST using Square's
API use (flickr API, Github API) (@shen)
- FlickrService
- FlickrResponse
- GithubService
- GithubResponse
- http://www.mdswanson.com/blog/2013/12/16/reliable-android-http-testing-with-retrofit-and-mockito.html
- when API is up
- when API is delayed over NetworkTimeout (but not down)
- when API is down
- API information has been retrieved (use metadata?)
- API information has been parsed correctly (JSON)
flat file like JSON (@amyquispe)
- create GSON mapping
- serialize data correctly
- add row
- store to file
- retrieve from file
notifications (@amyquispe)
- touch to dismiss
- swipe to dismiss
- permanent
- cancel permanent
- reupdate same notification
- with buttons
- NotificationActivity should not keep launch a new instance each time the notification is clicked
- use travis-ci to generate and collect test reports
- use styling for bigger textviews instead of