3.0.0 (2024-12-02)
- drop
extension option
- deps: update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm to v2.1.0 (#109) (063192c)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.70.2 (#105) (6b47e4b)
- deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v1.3.2 (#104) (26c982a)
- deps: update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v2.0.15 (#106) (303df71)
- deps: update plugin org.gradle.toolchains.foojay-resolver-convention to v0.9.0 (#110) (c2fb611)
- deps: update plugin publishoncentral to v5.1.11 (#107) (0122f9d)
- add mergify (0b645f9)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.23 (#103) (887df72)
- drop
extension option (f6da03b)
2.1.6 (2024-11-20)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.18 (#99) (4ddd822)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.19 (#100) (e670341)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.20 (#101) (1e1a9c5)
2.1.5 (2024-11-18)
- core-deps: update dependency gradle to v8.11 (#87) (d9113b7)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.112 (d0992da)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.113 (cceaed0)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.114 (f5e457d)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.115 (#88) (faed983)
- deps: update node.js to v22 (d93fc74)
- deps: update plugin com.gradle.develocity to v3.18.2 (#90) (2384b65)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.69.0 (432bbb2)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.70.1 (#95) (2503ae5)
- deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v1.3.0 (#86) (3dad72b)
- deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v1.3.1 (#96) (a0cd412)
- deps: update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v2.0.14 (#98) (47f1554)
- deps: update plugin publishoncentral to v5.1.10 (#97) (c3531b7)
- deps: update actions/checkout digest to 11bd719 (d4cfa1b)
- deps: update actions/setup-node action to v4.1.0 (a5181ac)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.11 (87c4426)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.12 (07454fe)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.13 (#89) (ac4abbe)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.14 (#91) (5fe5e87)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.15 (#92) (233ae07)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.16 (#93) (5aab980)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.17 (#94) (5e696cf)
2.1.4 (2024-10-10)
- deps: update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm to v2.0.21 (4702131)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.108 (9594d86)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.109 (a731d21)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.110 (fd44960)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.111 (9912d20)
- deps: update node.js to 20.18 (712342a)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.68.0 (9d9343a)
- deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v1.2.8 (5a82d49)
- deps: update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v2.0.13 (7146eec)
- deps: update plugin publishoncentral to v5.1.8 (30bd51b)
- deps: update plugin publishoncentral to v5.1.9 (b92d5ea)
- do not overwrite existing scala options, avoiding as well duplications (bb00ac8)
- avoid string templating when logging (bc00628)
- deps: update actions/checkout digest to eef6144 (8f86194)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.10 (1c5c453)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.7 (6919be7)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.8 (9ddadfb)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.9 (3e957f1)
- deps: update dependency ubuntu to v24 (3112cf6)
- make companion object private when public not needed (01d3100)
2.1.3 (2024-09-24)
- core-deps: update dependency gradle to v8.10.2 (9dbd4fd)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.103 (7b86c62)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.104 (8c3f443)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.105 (a79811a)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.106 (86893ff)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.107 (33b2a54)
- deps: update plugin com.gradle.develocity to v3.18.1 (f40a5c6)
- deps: update plugin gradlepluginpublish to v1.3.0 (25f9479)
- deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v1.2.6 (46ae4fe)
- deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v1.2.7 (f9b2259)
- deps: update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v2.0.10 (e3d6334)
- deps: update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v2.0.12 (b38e896)
- deps: update plugin publishoncentral to v5.1.7 (930c231)
- deps: update actions/setup-node action to v4.0.4 (dc3371f)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.5 (39e5de5)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.6 (36ed993)
2.1.2 (2024-09-09)
- core-deps: update dependency gradle to v8.10.1 (bc5851c)
- deps: update dependency cz.augi:gradle-scalafmt to v1.21.3 (f49a51a)
- deps: update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm to v2.0.20 (5d4ad06)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.101 (e18ff4d)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.102 (a346b42)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.96 (600e36c)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.97 (6820d54)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.98 (5b09de7)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.99 (c575018)
- deps: update node.js to 20.17 (2bb6bb9)
- deps: update plugin com.gradle.develocity to v3.18 (43fac67)
- deps: update plugin gradlepluginpublish to v1.2.2 (5e9e5f5)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.65.2 (b3ab80b)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.66.0 (e1f8d63)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.66.1 (5047db5)
- deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v1.2.4 (e61205b)
- deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v1.2.5 (656e6c2)
- deps: update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v2.0.9 (84e3c0d)
- deps: update plugin publishoncentral to v5.1.6 (9c7a06e)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.4 (0298e7a)
2.1.1 (2024-08-14)
- core-deps: update dependency gradle to v8.10 (19d49b0)
- deps: update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm to v2.0.10 (0955e5d)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.93 (6f8e6c1)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.94 (71bf047)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.95 (76ccc69)
- deps: update node.js to 20.16 (47d08a3)
- deps: update plugin com.gradle.develocity to v3.17.6 (ec21c64)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.62.4 (b83ed29)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.65.0 (8024dd2)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.65.1 (0772b91)
- deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v1.2.2 (3412c07)
- deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v1.2.3 (e025685)
- deps: update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v2.0.8 (2cad4a9)
- deps: update plugin publishoncentral to v5.1.4 (2bd36dd)
- deps: update plugin publishoncentral to v5.1.5 (3475fc8)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.1 (5b71f48)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.2 (ee61d53)
- deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.3 (901cd70)
- remove skipped check on 'success' job causing the skip of the job when the 'deploy' one is skipped (4a3a30f)
- run deploy step only when pushed to the main branch of the repository (f27b01d)
2.1.0 (2024-07-31)
- api-deps: update dependency scalafmt to v3.8.3 (3406b55)
- core-deps: update dependency gradle to v8.9 (e499334)
- add renovate configuration (ffa38f0)
- config: migrate config renovate.json (b6b7646)
- remove unusued spotless entry (1fd50c4)
- renovate: remove 'prConcurrentLimit' and 'stabilityDays' (c862f62)
- update renovate config to trigger minor update on QA dependencies (5e4be94)
- use 'matchDepNames' for scalafmt dep (18dd2a8)
2.0.1 (2024-07-23)
- configure multiJvm plugin to target all LTS from java 8 (ac8e729)
- disable fail fast and add the Build-Test-Check-Dry-Deploy step as needed for the Success one (c9490f3)
2.0.0 (2024-07-22)
- This change may cause build failures for projects depending on the previous default configurations.
- change default configuration for scalafmt and scalafix (6665035)
- remove gradle output forward (5fc705c)
- add concurrency constraints (e435696)
- add success and dispatcher jobs (3e7ebce)
- change release order, first maven central then gradle plugins portal (7f71d58)
1.0.1 (2024-07-22)
- resources must be read as text and loaded upfront in projects linked as jar (8e46b38)
- introduce scalaExtras extension and move qa inside it
- add format task (b88a92d)
- add scalafix plugin (513234f)
- add support for additional compiler options (0165fb6)
- apply spotless plugin (6ce7a79)
- configure default scalafix extension (0d5a8d2)
- configure scalafmt plugin (f13654b)
- introduce scalaExtras extension and move qa inside it (e3f9963)
- make defaultCompilationOptions lazy (e85b5f3)
- put the config file in the root directory of the project (880be4a)
- replace spotless with gradle scalafmt because of troubles with windows (323b837)
- use absolutePath in place of path (a163adc)
- use correct configuration file (af41672)
- add single tasks to succeeded expected outcome (da6246d)
- add test for a custom configuration (b2a2f45)
- add test for a project with lint errors (311769e)
- move all tests to use Testkit api (cb2836f)
- move custom configuration to appropriate test folder (486f13c)
- test scalafix check task (9c9dc70)
- add a minimal CI pipeline to build, test and check (6168f43)
- add deploy step (87a95b1)
- add intermediate step to show current project directory (b30b48d)
- attempt to move files to /c (8277668)
- configure maven central publication (5f844c7)
- configure semantic release bot (2299aa8)
- configure token for downloading github packages (2e9bdb2)
- dry deployment (6c49c0e)
- enable git hooks and automated scan (789e682)
- fix project name (1191008)
- maven repository is useless since all gradle plugins are retrieved thanks to gradlePluginPortal repository (7fe9a44)
- on windows move also the hidden project files to C drive (36c9e72)
- use gradlePlugin with correct gradle plugin name (aa6bed1)
- add appropriately the scala compiler option if default config is used (5a5f8af)
- add option report warnings as errors (6ffd48c)
- reflect package strcture also in resource folders (4ea196e)
- rename ScalaFmtConfiguration to ScalafmtConfiguration (b3eacd8)
- rename ScalaQAPlugin to ScalaExtrasPlugin (7812d02)