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File metadata and controls

234 lines (168 loc) · 8.05 KB


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How does file discovery work?

The most explicit way to generate charts is to use the --chart-requests and --runs arguments. If these are not given, then we search for expected filenames in the following order:

  • If --data <dir> was given:
    • <dir>/<expected_filename(s)>.
  • If json config exists (explicit --config or found in <xdg_config> location):
    • <config.path_type>
    • <>/<expected_filename(s)>
  • <xdg_config>/<expected_filename(s)> (e.g. ~/.config/pacer/expected_filename(s)).

In particular:


The only "expected filename" here is chart-requests.json, so this works out to be:

  • If --data <dir> was given:
    • <dir>/chart-requests.json.
  • If json config exists:
    • <config.chart-requests>.
    • <>/chart-requests.json.
  • <xdg_config>/chart-requests.json


On the other hand, runs have two possible "expected filenames":

  • runs.json (custom format)
  • Activities.csv (garmin)

Therefore this works out to be:

  • If --data <dir> was given:
    • <dir>/runs.json.
    • <dir>/Activities.csv.
  • If json config exists:
    • <config.runs>.
    • <>/runs.json.
    • <>/Activities.csv.
  • xdg_config/runs.json
  • xdg_config/Activities.csv.


If runs.json and Activities.csv exist in the same directory then we will combine them. Note that file discovery is case-insensitive e.g. we will also find activities.csv. Also, whenever we search for <file>.json, we also search for <file>.jsonc.

How do I use this with Garmin?

In addition to the custom runs.json format, we provide integration with garmin's Activities.csv file that can be downloaded from the website:

There are some caveats:

  • The Activities.csv file does not specify the units; it uses whatever the setting is on your device (e.g. watch). But we need to know what the units are, so we require this to be set in the chart-requests.json file:

      "garmin": {
        "unit": "km"

    Note that garmin only supports kilometers and miles.

  • Filtering by labels with garmin activities is a bit more involved. That is, with the custom runs.json format, we can label a run like:

    // runs.json
      "datetime": "2024-10-25T12:00:00",
      "distance": "marathon",
      "duration": "3h20m",
      "labels": ["official", "marathon"] // custom labels

    Then in the chart-requests.json we can filter on this label to take only runs with this label:

    // chart-requests.json
      "title": "Marathons",
      "filters": ["label marathon"],
      "y-axis": "duration"

    Garmin Activities.csv files do not include any fields where we can add our labels, so instead we specify the labels in a separate file:

    // run-labels.json
      "datetime": "2024-10-25 12:00:00",
      "labels": ["official", "marathon"]

    If this matches a Date in our Activities.csv:

    Activity Type,Date,Favorite,Title,Distance,Calories,Time,Avg HR,Max HR,Aerobic TE,Avg Run Cadence,Max Run Cadence,Avg Pace,Best Pace,Total Ascent,Total Descent,Avg Stride Length,Avg Vertical Ratio,Avg Vertical Oscillation,Avg Ground Contact Time,Avg GAP,Normalized Power® (NP®),Training Stress Score®,Avg Power,Max Power,Steps,Decompression,Best Lap Time,Number of Laps,Moving Time,Elapsed Time,Min Elevation,Max Elevation
    Running,2024-10-25 12:00:00,false,"Wellington Running","3.77","220","00:18:14","151","171","3.5","155","173","4:50","3:18","45","29","1.33","7.9","10.5","263","4:45","412","0.0","406","663","2,862","No","00:03:47.9","4","00:17:48.5","00:20:38","4","48"

    Then the label will be attached to the run, and we can later filter on it in the chart-requests.

  • We assume files that contain the name garmin or end with .csv are garmin activities files. Otherwise we assume .json format.

How do chart filters work?

Chart requests allow us to filter runs based on some criteria. In general, filters contains a list of filters, where a run must satisfy all filters to be included. We have the following filter "atoms":

  • label <lbl>: The run must have the label lbl (case-sensitive).
  • datetime <op> <val>: The run's datetime field must satisfy the condition e.g. datetime > 2019.
  • distance <op> <val>: The run must have distance <op> <val> e.g. distance > 5 km.
  • duration <op> <val>: The run must have duration <op> <val> e.g. duration < 2h.
  • pace <op> <val>: The run must have pace <op> <val> e.g. pace <= 4m30s /km.

<op> can be one of: <=, <, =, /=, >=, >.

Filters also support basic boolean logic i.e.

  • not expr: expr must be false.
  • expr1 or expr2: expr1 and/or expr2 must be true.
  • expr1 and expr2: expr1 and expr2 must be true.
  • expr1 xor expr2: Exactly one of expr1 and expr2 must be true.

where expr is either an atom or another expression.

For example, we can have:

  "title": "Races and long runs",
  "filters": [
    "label official_race or label marathon",
    "distance >= 25 km",
    "datetime > 2024"
  "y-axis": "distance"

In this case, we will take all runs that satisfy all of the following criteria:

  • Has label official_race and/or marathon.
  • Has distance >= 25 km.
  • Has datetime > 2024 (i.e. 2025 onwards).


Technically, there is no need to have a separate expr1 and expr2 expression, as we can encode and with multiple filters. Nevertheless we include the redundant functionality, as it may make some expressions simpler.


What is NPM, and why do I need it?

NPM is the "node package manager", and the chart command requires it to be installed, since we use node to build the charts. See for installation instructions.

To test installation, verify that npm -v works and returns some version:

# The version does not necessarily have to be the same.
$ npm -v


What units are available?

Pacer defines several quantities that require the user to specify the units. In general, we have:

  • distance: meters, kilometers, and miles. Short versions can also be specified: m, km, and mi. There are also several built-in values:

    • marathon
    • half-marathon or hmarathon

    Note that these do not take in a unit. The unit will be based on the context, and if it is ambiguous, defaults to kilometers.

  • duration: "time strings" like 1h2m3s for 1 hour, 2 minutes, and 3 seconds. Each component is optional e.g. 1h3s or 2m.

  • pace: <duration> /<distance> e.g. 5m30s /km. Note that meters are not allowed with paces; only kilometers or miles. In cases where the context is clear, the trailing unit is not required. Also note that because paces are always given in terms of 1 km or 1 mi, the full versions are singular, not plural e.g. 4m /kilometer.

Parsing is designed to be moderately flexible, so numeric values can optionally be separated from the units by whitespace (quotes are then required) e.g. '4 km' or 4km.


--distance 5m
--distance '42 km'
--distance '42km'
--distance marathon
--distance '10 miles'
--distance '10 mi'

--duration 1h2m3s
--duration 4m30s
--duration 300s

--pace '4m20s /km'
--pace 5m/mi

# Pace unit can be omitted when it can be inferred from context e.g. no need
# to specify 'km' twice here:
$ pacer derive --distance 42km --pace 5m
3h 30'00"

# The pace unit is also not required when it is irrelevant e.g. when
# scaling:
$ pacer scale --pace 5m -k 0.9