Quoting from "The Glasgow Haskell Copiler User's Guide, Version 6.2",
section 7.2, "GHC is built on a raft of primitive data types and
Here, I walk the reader through the steps of adding a particular
new primitive operation to GHC Haskell,
one that calls the GMP function mpz_powm
This is for non-.NET platforms, since .NET uses
rather than GMP.
I should warn the reader that I, in writing this piece, am a rank amateur in many of the involved issues, including working with the GHC compiler, darcs, and trac. Hence, I will often digress in various directions, reflecting that this is a learning experience for me.
My basic interest is computing with rather large integers. This means
integers with hundreds or even thousands of decimal digits.
Haskell's Integer
type fits this purpose
perfectly. However, I am ultimately concerned about performance and
some of the more complex algorithms for operating on large integers
require the use of operations, such as shifting, that cannot
be implemented efficiently in standard Haskell.
The Integer
operations of GHC Haskell for non-.Net platforms use GMP.
And, actually, GMP includes some of the functions on large integers that I
am looking for. So, adding new primitive operations that call
these GMP functions solves my problem.
Quite simply because I have so far been unable to figure out how
to pass Integer
operands efficiently between Haskell and C.
I am still, however, in the market for a solution of this nature.
The GMP mpz_powm
function computes "(BASE raised to EXP) modulo MOD"
for some integers BASE, EXP, and MOD. So this is really not the sort
of low-level function (like shifting) that I am looking for. But it
provides a nice example for the present text. And also allows me to
compare my Haskell implementation of the same function with the GMP
implementation and thereby gain some general insight into the overhead
incurred when using Haskell rather than GMP called directly from C.
The GHC that I am working on is ghc-6.4.1-src.tar.bz2 that I downloaded 2006-March-01. I also found it valuable to consult the version that I downloaded from the darcs respository on 2006-March-21.
The steps are actually described in "ghc/compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp" of the 2006-March-21 darcs version of GHC as follows:
-- To add a new primop, you currently need to update the following files:
-- - this file (ghc/compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp), which includes
-- the type of the primop, and various other properties (its
-- strictness attributes, whether it is defined as a macro
-- or as out-of-line code, etc.)
-- - if the primop is inline (i.e. a macro), then:
-- ghc/compiler/AbsCUtils.lhs (dscCOpStmt)
-- defines the translation of the primop into simpler
-- abstract C operations.
-- - or, for an out-of-line primop:
-- ghc/includes/StgMiscClosures.h (just add the declaration)
-- ghc/rts/PrimOps.cmm (define it here)
-- ghc/rts/Linker.c (declare the symbol for GHCi)
-- - the User's Guide
The part about ghc/compiler/AbsCUtils.lhs
is no longer valid, at least I
cannot figure out the details related to this. But is any case, the
present piece
is about adding Integer
primitive operations and they are not inline
(as we will see in a minute), so I don't care right now.
The part about the User's Guide is also not accurate: In "The Glasgow Haskell Copiler User's Guide, Version 6.2", section 7.2, I read that
There used to be long section about [the primitives] here in the User Guide, but it became out of date and wrong information is worse than none.
So that's a relief.
The basic mechanism is, of course, the hypertext link. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find a way of referring to things that won't easily break. It is comforting to know that others appear to have the same problem: I noted the other day in passing a letter from Simon Marlow (I believe it was) that explained how he had now eliminated a level (ghc) of the directory tree. As a result, several links in DebuggingGhcCrashes are now broken.
(And please forgive me here: Although an amateur in many respects, I am a professional programmer and I have had years of experience dealing with multiple versions of things, relations that shouldn't break, etc. So I know that the solution is not easy. But I need some guidance in this case: Should I just quietly go and correct these few links that are wrong? The problem is that I know I could find dozens, if not hundreds, of broken links, so I could spend the rest of my life doing this sort of thing.)
This file "should first be preprocessed" and is then "processed by the utility program genprimopcode to produce a number of include files within the compiler"
In this file we have, for example, the following:
primop IntegerQuotOp "quotInteger#" GenPrimOp
Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> ByteArr# -> (# Int#, ByteArr# #)
{Rounds towards zero.}
with out_of_line = True
which is the basis of the quot::Integer->Integer->Integer
A Haskell Integer
"is represented as a pair consisting of an Int#
representing the number of 'limbs' in use and the sign, and a
containing the 'limbs' themselves."
Mimicking IntegerQuotOp
, we add:
primop IntegerPowerModOp "powerModInteger#" GenPrimOp
Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> ByteArr# -> Int# -> ByteArr# -> (# Int#, ByteArr# #)
{Base raised to a power modulo a modulus.}
with out_of_line = True
for our power operation: It needs three Integer
operands and returns one
result, hence the type has an Int#
and a ByteArr#
for each.
In this file, we should just "add the declaration". Hence, we add the line
somewhere suitable in the (alphabetically sorted) list of other symbols.
The name used here (powerModIntegerzh_fast
) is what is called
the Z-encoding of the primitive operation powerModInteger#
A nice description of Z-encoding can be found in DebuggingGhcCrashes.
This is where the code that actually implements (out of line) primitive operations go. In this file we find, for example:
#define GMP_TAKE2_RET1(name,mp_fun) \
name \
{ \
CInt s1, s2; \
W_ d1, d2; \
/* call doYouWantToGC() */ \
MAYBE_GC(R2_PTR & R4_PTR, name); \
s1 = W_TO_INT(R1); \
d1 = R2; \
s2 = W_TO_INT(R3); \
d2 = R4; \
MP_INT__mp_alloc(mp_tmp1) = W_TO_INT(StgArrWords_words(d1)); \
MP_INT__mp_size(mp_tmp1) = (s1); \
MP_INT__mp_d(mp_tmp1) = BYTE_ARR_CTS(d1); \
MP_INT__mp_alloc(mp_tmp2) = W_TO_INT(StgArrWords_words(d2)); \
MP_INT__mp_size(mp_tmp2) = (s2); \
MP_INT__mp_d(mp_tmp2) = BYTE_ARR_CTS(d2); \
foreign "C" mpz_init(result1); \
/* Perform the operation */ \
foreign "C" mp_fun(result1,mp_tmp1,mp_tmp2); \
RET_NP(TO_W_(MP_INT__mp_size(result1)), \
MP_INT__mp_d(result1) - SIZEOF_StgArrWords); \
defining a macro which is called, for example, like this:
GMP_TAKE2_RET1(quotIntegerzh_fast, mpz_tdiv_q)
to provide an implementation of the quotInteger#
operation. So we go ahead and define
#define GMP_TAKE3_RET1(name,mp_fun) \
name \
{ \
CInt s1, s2, s3; \
W_ d1, d2, d3; \
/* call doYouWantToGC() */ \
MAYBE_GC(R2_PTR & R4_PTR & R6_PTR, name); \
s1 = W_TO_INT(R1); \
d1 = R2; \
s2 = W_TO_INT(R3); \
d2 = R4; \
s3 = W_TO_INT(R5); \
d3 = R6; \
MP_INT__mp_alloc(mp_tmp1) = W_TO_INT(StgArrWords_words(d1)); \
MP_INT__mp_size(mp_tmp1) = (s1); \
MP_INT__mp_d(mp_tmp1) = BYTE_ARR_CTS(d1); \
MP_INT__mp_alloc(mp_tmp2) = W_TO_INT(StgArrWords_words(d2)); \
MP_INT__mp_size(mp_tmp2) = (s2); \
MP_INT__mp_d(mp_tmp2) = BYTE_ARR_CTS(d2); \
MP_INT__mp_alloc(mp_tmp3) = W_TO_INT(StgArrWords_words(d3)); \
MP_INT__mp_size(mp_tmp3) = (s3); \
MP_INT__mp_d(mp_tmp3) = BYTE_ARR_CTS(d3); \
foreign "C" mpz_init(result1); \
/* Perform the operation */ \
foreign "C" mp_fun(result1,mp_tmp1,mp_tmp2,mp_tmp3); \
RET_NP(TO_W_(MP_INT__mp_size(result1)), \
MP_INT__mp_d(result1) - SIZEOF_StgArrWords); \
and a call
GMP_TAKE3_RET1(powerModIntegerzh_fast, mpz_powm)
(Actually, defining a macro for this single call may seem needless, but it is not particularly more troublesome, and leaves some reduced work ahead.)
We have also added
section "bss" {
bits8 [SIZEOF_MP_INT];
to cater for the (new) situation of having to deal with 3 Integer
(Caring for efficiency, I am somewhat dismayed by the remark
/* ToDo: this is shockingly inefficient */
describing the PrimOps.cmm implementation of Integer
primitive operations.
But that will have to be dealt with later.)
In this file, we should just "declare the symbol for GHCi". Adding
SymX(powerModIntegerzh_fast) \
takes care of that.
The internal Integer
representation is defined here as:
data Integer
= S# Int# -- small integers
#ifndef ILX
| J# Int# ByteArray# -- large integers
| J# Void BigInteger -- .NET big ints
foreign type dotnet "BigInteger" BigInteger
that is, for the non-.NET situation envisioned here, either a single
precision integer or a GMP integer represented by a limb count and a limb
pointer. The Integer
functions defined in this file provide an interface
between the primitive operations defined in terms of this internal Integer
representation and the externally visible Integer
operations in GHC.Num
(like quotInteger
). So, similar to
quotInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
quotInteger ia 0
= error "Prelude.Integral.quot{Integer}: divide by 0"
quotInteger a@(S# (-LEFTMOST_BIT#)) b = quotInteger (toBig a) b
quotInteger (S# a) (S# b) = S# (quotInt# a b)
{- Special case disabled, see remInteger above
quotInteger (S# a) (J# sb b)
| sb ==# 1# = S# (quotInt# a (word2Int# (integer2Word# sb b)))
| sb ==# -1# = S# (quotInt# a (0# -# (word2Int# (integer2Word# sb b))))
| otherwise = zeroInteger
quotInteger ia@(S# _) ib@(J# _ _) = quotInteger (toBig ia) ib
quotInteger (J# sa a) (S# b)
= case int2Integer# b of { (# sb, b #) ->
case quotInteger# sa a sb b of (# sq, q #) -> J# sq q }
quotInteger (J# sa a) (J# sb b)
= case quotInteger# sa a sb b of (# sg, g #) -> J# sg g
we define
powerModInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
powerModInteger a@(S# _) b c = powerModInteger (toBig a) b c
powerModInteger a b@(S# _) c = powerModInteger a (toBig b) c
powerModInteger a b c@(S# _) = powerModInteger a b (toBig c)
powerModInteger (J# sa a) (J# sb b) (J# sc c)
= case powerModInteger# sa a sb b sc c of (# sr, r #) -> ( J# sr r )
to gain access to our power modulo operation.
**First: make clean! ** GHC doesn't correctly track changes to the GHC.Prim
, so it won't recompile enough things if you just type make
, so you need to make clean
first. (strictly speaking you don't need to clean the stage 1 compiler, so if you know what you're doing you might want to try cleaning just the right bits).
Then we make all
in the top-level directory. The error message that
we get is
GHC/Num.lhs:507:9: Not in scope: `powerModInteger#'
So dependencies are missing. I have not bothered to track down
why this happens in detail. But, guided by wise persons, I simply say
make clean
in both ghc/compiler
and libraries/base
and that helps: The compiler builds and actually works, including the
newly implemented primitive operation powerModInteger