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Package Features
- Compute source functions
Function Documentation: Sources
— FunctionRicker(t, t₀, 𝑓₀)
Compute the Ricker function for t, t₀ and 𝑓₀.
\[f = (1.0 - 2.0 (\pi 𝑓₀ (t - t₀))^2) \exp(-π^2 𝑓₀^2 (t - t₀)^2)\]
julia> Ricker(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Ricker(x, x₀, t, t₀, 𝑓₀)
Compute the Ricker function with a dirac.
\[f = \delta(x₀) \exp{(-((x-x₀)^2)/2.0/σ₀^2)} (1.0 - 2.0 (\pi 𝑓₀ (t - t₀))^2) \exp(-π^2.0𝑓₀^2.0(t - t₀)^2)\]
julia> Ricker(2., 2., 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Ricker(x, x₀, t, t₀, 𝑓₀, σ₀)
Compute the Ricker function with 1D spatial support.
\[f = \exp{(-((x-x₀)^2)/2.0/σ₀^2)} (1.0 - 2.0 (\pi 𝑓₀ (t - t₀))^2) \exp(-π^2.0𝑓₀^2.0(t - t₀)^2)\]
julia> Ricker(2., 0., 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1)
Ricker(x, x₀, y, y₀, t, t₀, 𝑓₀, σ₀)
Compute the Ricker function with 2D spatial support.
\[f = \exp{(-((x-x₀)^2)/2.0/σ₀^2)} (1.0 - 2.0 (\pi 𝑓₀ (t - t₀))^2) \exp(-π^2.0𝑓₀^2.0(t - t₀)^2)\]
julia> Ricker(2., 0., 2., 0., 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1)
Function Documentation: Rheology
Missing docstring for f_bulk
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Function Documentation: Treatment
— FunctionSpec(trace,t0,dt,Nt,tp,ts,\Deltaph)
Returns the amplitude spectrums of the P ans S phases where amplitudes are significant
trace: the trace recorded at a given virtual station, starting at -t0, with time sampling dt, Nt samples
Ricker(x, x₀, t, t₀, 𝑓₀)
Compute the Ricker function with a dirac.
\[f = \delta(x₀) \exp{(-((x-x₀)^2)/2.0/σ₀^2)} (1.0 - 2.0 (\pi 𝑓₀ (t - t₀))^2) \exp(-π^2.0𝑓₀^2.0(t - t₀)^2)\]
julia> Ricker(2., 2., 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Ricker(x, x₀, t, t₀, 𝑓₀, σ₀)
Compute the Ricker function with 1D spatial support.
\[f = \exp{(-((x-x₀)^2)/2.0/σ₀^2)} (1.0 - 2.0 (\pi 𝑓₀ (t - t₀))^2) \exp(-π^2.0𝑓₀^2.0(t - t₀)^2)\]
julia> Ricker(2., 0., 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1)
Ricker(x, x₀, y, y₀, t, t₀, 𝑓₀, σ₀)
Compute the Ricker function with 2D spatial support.
\[f = \exp{(-((x-x₀)^2)/2.0/σ₀^2)} (1.0 - 2.0 (\pi 𝑓₀ (t - t₀))^2) \exp(-π^2.0𝑓₀^2.0(t - t₀)^2)\]
julia> Ricker(2., 0., 2., 0., 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1)
Function Documentation: Rheology
For deviatoric rheology, updates take the form of:
\[\tau = \theta_\mathrm{s} \dot\varepsilon + \chi_\mathrm{s} \tau^\mathrm{old}\]
For volumetric rheology, updates take the form of:
\[P = P^\mathrm{old} + \theta_\mathrm{b} \nabla V + \chi_\mathrm{b} \nabla V^\mathrm{old}\]
— Functionθs(G,Δt)
Deviatoric part of the elastic constitutive update: provides the shear modulus G for use in
\[Δτ = 2G Δε\]
Deviatoric part of the Maxwell visco-elastic constitutive update: used to compute
\[Δτ = 2 G (DeN / (1+DeN)) Δε + Δτ_{RELAX}\]
with η the shear viscosity, and DeN a numerical Deborah number, equal to
\[DeN = η / (G Δt)\]
— Functionχs(G,Δt)
Relaxation part of the deviatoric elastic constitutive update: by definition equal to 1 (no relaxation)
Relaxation part of the deviatoric Maxwell visco-elastic constitutive update: for use in the calculation of
\[Δτ = (DeN / (1+DeN)) τ_\mathrm{OLD} + Δτ_\mathrm{CONSTITUTIVE}\]
with DeN a numerical Deborah number, equal to
\[DeN = η / (G Δt)\]
and η the shear viscosity.
— Functionθb(K,Δt)
Volumetric part of the elastic constitutive update: provides the bulk modulus K for use in
\[Δp = -K ∇⋅v Δt\]
compute effective bulk viscosity for a Kelvin visco-elastic constitutive update
— Functionχb(K,Δt)
compute effective bulk viscosity linear elastic update: 0.
compute effective bulk viscosity for a Kelvin visco-elastic constitutive update: here obviously it is for a linear update
Function Documentation: Treatment
— FunctionSpec(trace,t0,dt,Nt,tp,ts,\Deltaph)
Returns the amplitude spectrums of the P ans S phases where amplitudes are significant
trace: the trace recorded at a given virtual station, starting at -t0, with time sampling dt, Nt samples
tp: picked P-wave phase (s)
ts: picked S-wave phase (s)
Δph: width of the phases (s)
Vec2dP: modulus of the fft coeffs of P phase where they are larger than max(Vec2dp)/10
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
phase P is picked at 0.7 s
phase S is picked at 1.25 s
phase width is set to 0.35
-+ Figure with 8 subplots
— Function(x,y)=ComputeQgraph(amp1,amp2,freq,index,d1,d2,V)
Returns x and y to plot Q-graph for a given phase using the results of Spec() for two different traces from two stations
++ Figure with 8 subplots
— Function(x,y)=ComputeQgraph(amp1,amp2,freq,index,d1,d2,V)
Returns x and y to plot Q-graph for a given phase using the results of Spec() for two different traces from two stations
Considering two attenuated waves at two different distances from the source (d1<d2), we obtain the following relation:
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
for the developpment of these routines. In an homogeneous Q medium the graph should be linear. In more complex attenuation media,
the graph could be non-linear?
- Velocity is considered constant: the current code does not account for possible dispersion...
— FunctionGetfreq(dt,Nt)
Returns the frequency vector corresponding to the fft results
dt is the time sample in s
+ Velocity is considered constant: the current code does not account for possible dispersion...
— FunctionGetfreq(dt,Nt)
Returns the frequency vector corresponding to the fft results
dt is the time sample in s
Nt is the number of samples in the trace given to fft()
The frequency increment is 1/(Nt*dt)
Vector goes beyond Nyquist Frequency as fft also does. Only the first half of the vectors are useful for us
julia> Getfreq(1e-3,2000)
@@ -52,5 +52,6 @@
- 1000.0
— Functiontime_vec,acc_vec = GenAttenuatedRicker(listₓ,Δt,Nt,Vp,Vs,αp,αs,𝑓₀) ;
Function that generates a seismic trace (Ricker wavelet) of P and S waves. This wave is attenuated along time and the function creates a matrix of wave amplitude as a function of time and distance to the source. The function takes as inputs: listₓ : vector of geophone distances to the source [m] Δt : time step of the wave signal [s] Nt : number of time steps of the wave signal Vp : P-wave velocity [m/s] Vs : S-wave velocity [m/s] αp : attenuation factor for P-wave αs : attenuation factor for S-wave 𝑓₀ : central frequency of the source [Hz]
and return: timevec : vector containing the time steps of the received wave signal accvec : matrix of wave acceleration at each geophone position
julia> time_vec,acc_vec = GenAttenuatedRicker(0:1000:5000,1e-3,2000,7000,4000,2e-4,4e-4,10.0)