Please post all the useful links here, but put them into exact category. Create a new category if you find that your link doesn't fit into any category.
Table of Contents
- Cloudnative
- Nodejs
- Angular Js
- Testing
- React Js
- Webpack
- Code Reviews
- Microservices
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Javascript
- Postgresql
- Elasticsearch
- Nosql
- Web Security
- Devops
- Coreos
- Prometheus
- Raspberrypi
- Sysops
- Logging & Monitoring
- Blockchain
- Kafka
- Web Technologies
- General
- Load testing
- OpenCV
- Machine Learning
- Golang
- GraphQL
- distributed-logging-pdf -- The patterns of distributed logging and containers
- CockroachDB-cloudnative-db
- microservice-demo
- awesome-scalability
- awesome-nodejs -- Delightful Node.js packages and resources
- epoll-vs-kqueue -- Scalable Event Multiplexing: epoll vs. kqueue
- file-descriptors -- File descriptors
- Concurrency-and-parallelism -- Concurrency and Parallelism: Understanding I/O
- async/await
- nodejs-eventloop
- eventloop-timers-and-nexttick
- mailgen -- A Node.js package that generates clean, responsive HTML e-mails for sending transactional mail.
- api-design-guidelines
- -- Open Protocol for Resumable File Uploads
- The Node.js Event Loop: Not So Single Threaded
- How to Debug a Node.js app in a Docker Container -- In this post, we'll take a look at how you can debug a Node.js app in a Docker container.
- GopherCon 2018: Kavya Joshi - The Scheduler Saga -- The Go scheduler is the behind-the-scenes magical machine that powers Go programs. It efficiently runs goroutines, and also coordinates network IO and memory management.
- Doing Well by Doing Bad: Writing Bad Code with Go Part 1 -- Perhaps less a tutorial and more a satirical take on ways to make your Go code worse. Sometimes it’s valuable to reflect on what not to do(!)
- How Do You Structure Your Go Apps? -- There is almost always more than one answer and it can be tricky to decide what will work best. 43 mins.
- Golang Tutorial, Blog, Articles and Examples -
- Introduction to Webpack: Entry, Output, Loaders, and Plugins
- An Easy to Understand Webpack 4+ Configuration File with Comments
- A complete real-world production example of a sophisticated Webpack 4 config
- awesome-react -- A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.
- React basics speaker deck - Must watch ! -- ReactJS: Keep Simple. Everything can be a component!
- react-pdf
- platform-for-reactnative-apps
- JavaScript fundamentals before learning React
- How much javascript you need to know to use react? -- There are some pre-requisites technologies you have to be familiar with, in particular related to some of the more recent JavaScript features you’ll use over and over in React.
- Apex-charts -- A modern JavaScript charting library to build interactive charts and visualizations with simple API.
- Learn React Hooks by writing your first Hook -- Grab a seat in your comfy place and get ready to level-up as you enjoy a wonderful in-depth explanation of a class vs hooks, the reasoning behind them, how to use built-in hook methods and create your own hook with examples, and much more!
- awesome- -- A list of awesome AngularJS services, directives, filters, utilities and resources.
- angular-js-style-guide
- [E2E-testing-with-Protractor] (
- [angular-material-protractor] (
- An Overview of JavaScript Testing in 2018 -- This guide is intended to catch you up with the most important reasoning, terms, tools, and approaches to JavaScript testing in 2018.
- Test Driven Database Development -- This video introduces the concept of test-driven development to database administrators. We'll use pgTAP to work through a real-world example creating a database design with an intuitive, useful interface for managing application data.
- Shoelace Css -- A back to the basics CSS starter kit. For when you don’t need the whole boot.
- Css in Js
- The-invisible-parts-of-css
- Scroll to the future -- Everything you always wanted to know about implementing scrolling but were afraid to ask. We have scrolled to the bottom of modern web specifications to take you on a whirlwind tour of latest CSS and JavaScript features that make navigating around a single page smooth, beautiful and less resource-hungry.
- How to get better at writing CSS
- What is Modular CSS? -- An in-depth exploration of Modular CSS.
- Picular -- Google but for colors
- Code My UI -- Web Design Inspiration - HTML and CSS Snippets
- Codepen Design Patterns -- Ideas, inspiration and examples for your own projects.
- Web Performance Made Easy: Google I/O 2018 edition -- An epic roundup of the Web performance tools, libraries and optimization techniques (including predictive loading of assets) that Google presented at their I/O 2018 event.
- Front-End Performance Checklist 2018 -- A very useful front-end performance checklist for 2018 by Vitaly Friedman
- Accurately measuring layout on the web -- Accurately-measuring-layout-on-the-web
- Code review tips -- Common problems to look for in a code review.
- awesome-docker -- A curated list of Docker resources and projects
- Nodejs-Docker-Mulstistage-Build -- Create lean Node.js image with Docker multi-stage build
- docker-cheatsheet
- nodejs-development-production-docker-workflow -- Lessons from Building a Node App in Docker
- Namespace isolation -- A Tutorial for Isolating Your System with Linux Namespaces
- linux-containers-isolation
- docker-internals
- Docker Container Networks
- Making-security-invisible -- guide to secure dockers
- running-linxkitos-on-aws
- pumba-docker-chaos-testing
- Container-patterns
- awesome-microservices -- A curated list of Microservice Architecture related principles and technologies.
- calling-your-services -- The Hardest Part of Microservices: Calling Your Services
- Microservices with stateful streams -- Rethinking Microservices with Stateful Streams by Ben Stopford
- grpc-loadbalancing
- [grpc-production-examples-in-go])(
- When to Use What: REST, GraphQL, Webhooks, & gRPC
- awesome-kubernetes -- A curated list for awesome kubernetes sources
- katacoda -- Learn new technologies right in your browser
- openebs -- Containerized, open source storage for containers
- pg-statefulsets -- Deploying PostgreSQL Clusters using StatefulSets
- ksonnet -- A Jsonnet library that compiles to Kubernetes YAML
- jsonnet-templating-language
- hands-on-introduction
- kubernetes-initializer-tutorial
- project-calico -- Networking for Cloud native apps
- bestpractices-for-kubernetes
- kubernetes-zop-stack -- Standing Up a ZOP Stack in Kubernetes
- how-kubernetes-scheduler-works
- extend-kubernetes
- continuous-delivery-the-hard-way-with-kubernetes
- patterns-for-composite-containers
- graceful-shutdown-nodejs-kubernetes
- kubernetes-aws-workshop
- useful-kubernetes-tools
- chaos engineering
- awesome-aws -- A curated list of awesome Amazon Web Services (AWS) libraries, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources. Featuring the Fiery Meter of AWSome.
- manage-secrets-for-aws-ecs-apps
- Video encoding using AWS Lambda and SNS
- Parameter Store
- awesome-javascript -- A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things.
- you-dont-know-js
- nile.js -- Scalable peer-to-peer live video streaming
- -- the open realtime server, a fast, secure and scalable realtime server for mobile, web & iot
- -- Horizon is a realtime, open-source backend for JavaScript apps.
- turbo.js -- GPGPU JS
- state-of-javascript
- 30-seconds-of-code -- Curated collection of useful Javascript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
- ECharts -- ECharts is a free, powerful charting and visualization library offering an easy way of adding intuitive, interactive, and highly customizable charts to your commercial products. It is written in pure JavaScript and based on zrender, which is a whole new lightweight canvas library.
- Array Explorer -- Find the array method you need without digging through the docs.
- A guide to JavaScript Regular Expressions -- Learn everything about JavaScript Regular Expressions with this brief guide that summarizes the most important concepts and shows them off with
- Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs -- Learning modern JavaScript is tough if you haven’t been there since the beginning. The ecosystem is growing and changing so rapidly that it’s hard to understand the problems that different tools are trying to solve. This article kind of gives you an insight into why learning things & tools other than HTML,CSS and JS matter.
- ReLaXed -- Create PDF documents using web technologies
- SPA SEO -- A Single-Page App Guide to Google’s 1st Page. Single-page application (SPA) SEO is hard—not impossible. Read this resource-packed guide to optimize your React, Vue or Angular app for Google.
- awesome-TDD -- Curated list of awesome resources: books, videos, articles about using TDD(Test Driven Development)
- awesome-postgresql -- A curated list of awesome PostgreSQL software, libraries, tools and resources, inspired by awesome-mysql
- working-with-times-in-postgres -- Working With Time in Postgres
- Ansible-to-manage-postgresql
- postgresql-performance
- sorting-performance
- skor -- Listen to postgres events and forward them as JSON payloads to a webhook
- A Performance Cheat Sheet for PostgreSQL -- From analyzing queries to tweaking config settings.
- rally -- Rally is the macrobenchmarking framework for Elasticsearch
- es-performance-indexing-2.0 -- How to maximize indexing throughput.
- performance-consideration -- Performance Considerations for Elasticsearch Indexing
- elastic-content-pack -- All the blogs and videos related to elastic ecosystem.
- apache-kudu -- Apache Kudu completes Hadoop's storage layer to enable fast analytics on fast data.
- web-developer-security-check-list -- Web Developer Security Checklist
- web-cryptography-api-use-cases
- evolution-of-code-deploy -- The Evolution of Code Deploys at Reddit
- claudiajs -- Claudia makes it easy to deploy Node.js projects to AWS Lambda and API Gateway
- ci-with-node-docker -- Tips for running faster builds with NodeJS and Docker.
- terraform-dashboard
- devops-as-a-service-gruntwork
- featureflags
- ansible-web-tool
- An Introduction to CI/CD Best Practices
- systemd-units-and-unit-files -- The Evolution of Code Deploys at Reddit
- Moving from fleet to kubernetes
- coreos-overview
- System-monitoring-with-promethues
- Monitoring-with-prometheus-and-docker
- high-availability-prometheus-alerting
- monitoring-app-in-kubernetes-with-prometheus
- Fingerprint-authentication -- Fingerprint Authentication with a Raspberry Pi
- monitoring-health-of-ssd-and-sata
- best-sysadmin-blogs
- linux-server-monitoring-commands
- midnight-commander
- nixos -- NixOS is a Linux distribution with a unique approach to package and configuration management. Built on top of the Nix package manager.
- nfs-volume-mount -- How To Set Up an NFS Mount on Ubuntu 14.04
- logging-for-containers -- Distributed Logging for Containers
- monitoring-talks -- 10 monitoring talks that every developer should watch
- monitoring-in-the-time-of-cloud-native
- blockchain-intro-video -- Blockchain Visual Demo
- blockchain-mit
kafka-for-service-architectures -- Using Apache Kafka as a Scalable, Event Driven Backbone for Service Architectures
- Apache Bench - The ApacheBench tool (ab) can load test servers by sending an arbitrary number of concurrent requests.
- Insomnia Rest Client - Debug APIs like a human, not a robot
- Learn git concepts, not commands - An interactive git tutorial meant to teach you how git works, not just which commands to execute.
- test - test link.
deep learning courses -- Dive into Deep Learning with 15 free online courses
Data Annotation Tools
Data Augmentation Tools
Simple Convolutional Neural Network
Rest API
Visualizing Neural Network
Face Detection & Recognition
Object Detection
Image Segmentation
Scene Text Detector or OCR
NLP - Natural Language Processing
Recommendation Systems