Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | UUID | Unique identifier for this SIM Card Usage | [optional] |
createdAt | OffsetDateTime | Event creation time | [optional] |
closedAt | OffsetDateTime | Event close time | [optional] |
ipAddress | String | Ip address that generated the event | [optional] |
downlinkData | BigDecimal | Number of megabytes downloaded | [optional] |
imsi | String | International Mobile Subscriber Identity | [optional] |
mcc | String | Mobile country code | [optional] |
mnc | String | Mobile network code | [optional] |
currency | String | Telnyx account currency used to describe monetary values, including billing cost | [optional] |
dataUnit | String | Unit of wireless link consumption | [optional] |
dataRate | String | Currency amount per billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost | [optional] |
simGroupName | String | Sim group name for sim card | [optional] |
simCardId | String | Unique identifier for SIM card | [optional] |
simGroupId | String | Unique identifier for SIM group | [optional] |
simCardTags | String | User-provided tags | [optional] |
phoneNumber | String | Telephone number associated to SIM card | [optional] |
uplinkData | BigDecimal | Number of megabytes uploaded | [optional] |
dataCost | BigDecimal | Data cost | [optional] |
recordType | String |