The ISO generation tool for GNU/Linux
The main program is mkteaiso
this document is a quick workflow (for more complete information consult the document
To produce a Debian "testing" ISO Linux based on Debian profile:
mkteaiso -c debian
cd debian
mkteaiso -p $(pwd)
The ISO files will be produced to the /var/lib/teaiso/output
directory, with date as part of the name.
This document is a quick way to carry out the workflow, for more complete information consult the document
Firt we must create a profile, profiles are the template flavours of iso that will be created, based on "distro" (supported distributions) like: alpine, debian, etc..
This document is a quick review made for fast workflow, please check profile section of
You can made your own customized iso:
- Create a working directory of the profile and copy base profiles, in this case we will create a KDE based iso but from Alpine defualt profile:
cd /usr/src
mkteaiso -c alpine
mv alpine teaiso-alpine-kde-stable
- Customize the defaults of the
(the root of the installed live files), here we just add kde stuff and provide default password of users:
cat > /usr/src/teaiso-alpine-kde-stable/ << EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
setup-xorg-base || true
apk add plasma kde-applications-base elogind polkit-elogind dbus
echo -e "live\nlive\n" | passwd root
echo -e "live\nlive\n" | adduser user || true
rc-update add dbus
rc-update add sddm
rc-update add udev
rc-update add elogind
- Finally just run the profile with the program:
mkteaiso --profile=/usr/src/teaiso-alpine-kde-stable
For more information about
terminology check