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Recipe 3: 6 digit display buffer


Set up a region of memory to contain segment on/off information for the TEC-1's 6 7-segment displays. Write a routine to send this information to the TEC-1's displays by rapidly scanning the displays one at a time, activating each display for a short time before moving on to the next display. To create the illusion that all 6 displays are being lit simultaneously, this scan process needs to happen faster than the human eye can perceive.

Hardware specifics

The TEC-1 controls its display using latches on two ports: the lower 6 bits (bits 0 - 5) of port 1 controls which digit of the 6 7-segment displays is illuminated. A 1 in bit 0 and all zeros in the other 5 illuminates the rightmost digit.

Bit digit selector
0 digit 0 #01
1 digit 1 #02
2 digit 2 #04
3 digit 3 #08
4 digit 4 #10
5 digit 5 #20
6 serial #40
7 speaker / LED #80

One complication is that the bit-banged serial used by MINT on some hardware configurations need bit 6 (#40) to be kept high during the scanning so that random noise isn't transmitted to the serial terminal.

The eight bits of port 2 control the segments which are illuminated according to the scheme below:

Bit segment desc
0 a top
1 f top left
2 g middle
3 b top right
4 dp point
5 c bottom right
6 e bottom left
7 d bottom


Display buffer

The first step is to declare a buffer of 6 bytes and initialise them all to zero (off). The easiest way to that is to do that is to declare a 6 item byte array full of zeroes.

\[0 0 0 0 0 0] ' b!
  • \[ indicates that the numbers following are byte values which will be stored in a byte array allocated on the heap.
  • 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 6 literal zeros to initialise the array
  • ] indicates the end of the array. This pushes the address of the array on to the stack followed by its length in bytes.
  • ' we don't actually need this length so we can drop it.
  • b! we store the address of the array in the variable b so we can access it later.

Command A: output segments to a digit

Write a command which takes the segment data for a digit and a byte which selects the digit. Update the hardware display ports with this data.

\\ selector segments --

:A 2\> #40| 1\> 10() #40 1\> ;


  • :A declare a command called A
  • 2\> output segments data to port 2
  • #40| ensure that bit 6 of the selector byte is high
  • 1\> output selector info to port 1
  • 10() delay for about half a millisecond
  • #40 1\> turn off all segments, leave bit 6 high
  • ; end of command

Command B: scan digits to display

Write a command which scans the buffer to the display

:B #20 b@ 6( %% \@ A 1+ $}$ ) '' ;


  • :B declare a command called B
  • #20 initial selector value, the hex value #20 selects the leftmost digit
  • b@ get the address of the start of the display buffer
  • 6( loop 6 times, once for each of the 6 digits
  • %% duplicate the top two items selector and address
  • \@ read segments data from address
  • A call A with selector and segments data
  • 1+ increase address to point to the next digit in buffer
  • $}$ swap top two items so that selector is on top, shift right 1 bit and swap back
  • ) end of loop
  • '' drop the top two items
  • ; end of command

Exercise 1: fill buffer with all "8."'s and display for 10 seconds

:C b@ 6( #FF % \! 1+ ) ' 1000(B) ;


  • :C declare a command called C

  • b@ get the address of the start of the display buffer

  • 6( loop 6 times, once for each of the 6 digits

  • #FF segment data to display 8.

  • % copy address to top of stack. Top two items are segments and address

  • \! write segments data to address, consumes both

  • 1+ increase address to point to the next digit in buffer

  • ) end of loop

  • ' drop the top item

  • 1000(B) scan the display for about 10 seconds (on a 4MHz Z80)

  • ; end of command

    Code for Exercise 1

    \[0 0 0 0 0 0] ' b!
    :A 2\> #40| 1\> 10() #40 1\> ;
    :B #20 b@ 6( %% \@ A 1+ $}$ ) '' ;
    :C b@ 6( #FF % \! 1+ ) ' 1000(B) ;

    Run code with command C

Exercise 2: display the numbers 0 to 5 for 10 seconds

To write out the numbers we need to look up their segment data in a table.

Command E: convert a number ranging from 0 to F into segments

\\ number -- segments

\[#EB #28 #CD #AD #2E #A7 #E7 #29 #EF #2F #6F #E6 #C3 #EC #C7 #47] ' c!
:E c@ + \@ ;
  • \[ indicates that the numbers following are byte values which will be stored in a byte array allocated on the heap.
  • #EB #28 #CD... hexadecimal segment data #EB is the segment data for 0.
  • ] indicates the end of the array. This pushes the address of the array on the stack followed by its length.
  • ' we don't need the length so we drop it.
  • c! we store the address of the array in the variable c so we can access it later.
  • :E declare a command called E
  • c@ get the address of the start of the segments table
  • + add number to address of segments table
  • \@ get segments data corresponding to number
  • ; end of command

Main program

:F b@ 6( \i@E % \! 1+ ) ' 1000(B) ;
  • :F declare a command called F

  • b@ get the address of the start of the display buffer

  • 6( loop 6 times, once for each of the 6 digits

  • \i@E get loop counter variable and get segment data

  • % copy buffer address to top of stack. Top two items are segments and address

  • \! write segments data to buffer address, consume both

  • 1+ increment address

  • ) end of loop

  • ' drop the top item

  • 1000(B) scan the display for about 10 seconds (on a 4MHz Z80)

  • ; end of command

    Code for Exercise 2

    \[0 0 0 0 0 0] ' b!
    :A 2\> #40| 1\> 10() #40 1\> ;
    :B #20 b@ 6( %% \@ A 1+ $}$ ) '' ;
    \[#EB #28 #CD #AD #2E #A7 #E7 #29 #EF #2F #6F #E6 #C3 #EC #C7 #47] ' c!
    :E c@ + \@ ;
    :F b@ 6( \i@E % \! 1+ ) ' 1000(B) ;

    Run code with command F

Exercise 3: count up from 0 in hex incrementing once a second

Command G: convert the lower 4 bits of a number into segments data and store them at address

\\ number address --

:G $ #0F& E $ \! ;
  • :G declare a command called G
  • $ swap so that number is on top
  • #0F& mask bottom 4 bits of number
  • E get segments for nibble
  • $ swap so that address is on top
  • \! write segments data to buffer address
  • ; end of command

Command H: convert a number into segments data and store them in buffer

\\ number --

:H b@ 3+ 4( %% G 1- $ }}}} $ ) '' ;
  • :H declare a command called H
  • b@ get the address of the start of the display buffer
  • 3+ get address of 3rd digit (we will write segment data for digits 3,4,5 and 6)
  • 4( loop 4 times, once for each of the 4 digits
  • %% duplicate the top two items of stack: number and address
  • G convert the lower 4 bits of number into segments and store at address, consume both
  • 1- decrement address
  • $ swap so that number is on top
  • }}}} shift number right by 4 bits
  • $ swap so that address is on top
  • ) end of loop
  • '' drop the top two items
  • ; end of command

Main program

:I #FFFF( \i@ H 100(B) ) ;
  • :I declare a command called I
  • #FFFF( count up from 0 to #FFFF
  • \i@ get loop counter variable
  • H convert to segments in buffer
  • 100(B) scan the display for about 1 second (on a 4MHz Z80)
  • ) end of loop
  • ; end of command

Code for Exercise 3

\[0 0 0 0 0 0] ' b!
:A 2\> #40| 1\> 10() #40 1\> ;
:B #20 b@ 6( %% \@ A 1+ $}$ ) '' ;
\[#EB #28 #CD #AD #2E #A7 #E7 #29 #EF #2F #6F #E6 #C3 #EC #C7 #47] ' c!
:E c@ + \@ ;
:G $ #0F& E $ \! ;
:H b@ 3+ 4( %% G 1- $ }}}} $ ) '' ;
:I #FFFF( \i@ H 100(B) ) ;

Run code with command I