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Observations from a n00b

Hi there! Let me introduce myself: I'm a n00b to the TEC-1, coding in assemby and not so skilled in electronic designs. But I'm an enthusiast and I'd like to share my findings struggling with the TEC-1. I use a TEC-1D, built it myself, ordered the PCB from Benn Grimmett (who gives me also technical and moral support!). Some stuff I put here might be very obvious to you but wasn't for me: my apologies for that! I also have built an 8x8 matrix board and the observations are starting from there! I will update this document and add listings to the repository!

Best regards, Reinoud.

8x8 matrix board examples

Blinking led

On page 32 of Talking Electronics magazine edition 11 there is an example of a blinking led at 01,01.

Here is my listing: (I will upload the asm80 files too)

0800                          .ORG   $800   
0800   3E 01                  LD   A,01   
0802   D3 03                  OUT   (3),A   
0804   3E 01                  LD   A,01   
0806   D3 04                  OUT   (4),A   
0808   CD 00 0A               CALL   $A00   
080B   3E 00                  LD   A,00   
080D   D3 03                  OUT   (3),A   
080F   3E 00                  LD   A,00   
0811   D3 04                  OUT   (4),A   
0813   CD 00 0A               CALL   $A00   
0816   C3 00 08               JP   $800

For my TEC-1 I have changed the delay routine because my TEC-1 has a 4MHz crystal clock. The value of 1791 (06FF) is way to small.

0A00                          .ORG   $A00   
0A00   11 FF FF               LD   DE,65535   
0A03   1B                     DEC   DE   
0A04   7B                     LD   A,E   
0A05   B2                     OR   D   
0A06   C2 03 0A               JP   NZ,$A03   
0A09   C9                     RET      

Value 65535 can be changed to 32767 (7FFF, enter FF 7F) to double the speed.

Blink the whole screen, change:

0801   FF
0805   FF

Blink the top/bottom screen, change:

0801   FF
0805   0F
080C   FF
0810   F0

Blink the left/right screen, change:

0801   0F
0805   FF
080C   F0
0810   FF

Blink overlap screen, change:

0801   FF
0805   1F
080C   FF
0810   F8

Blink interlocking screen, change:

0801   FF
0805   AA
080C   FF
0810   55

Running light across the screen

On page 32 and 33 of Talking Electronics magazine edition 11 there is an example of a running led. The listing in the magazine did not work for me, so here is my listing, it runs in a different direction. The magazine shows a picture of a running led CCW (which didn't work on my TEC) my listing is a running led CW (or it should be at least):

0800                          .ORG   $800   
0800                             ;Left side
0800   3E 01                  LD   A,$01   
0802   D3 03                  OUT   (3),A   
0804   0E 08                  LD   C,$08   
0806   3E 01                  LD   A,$01   
0808   D3 04                  OUT   (4),A   
080A   47                     LD   B,A   
080B   CD 00 0A               CALL   $A00   
080E   78                     LD   A,B   
080F   CB 07                  RLC   A   
0811   0D                     DEC   C   
0812   C2 08 08               JP   NZ,$808   
0815                             ;Top side
0815   3E 80                  LD   A,$80   
0817   D3 04                  OUT   (4),A   
0819   0E 07                  LD   C,$07   
081B   3E 02                  LD   A,$02   
081D   D3 03                  OUT   (3),A   
081F   47                     LD   B,A   
0820   CD 00 0A               CALL   $A00   
0823   78                     LD   A,B   
0824   CB 07                  RLC   A   
0826   0D                     DEC   C   
0827   C2 1D 08               JP   NZ,$81D   
082A                             ;Right side
082A   3E 80                  LD   A,$80   
082C   D3 03                  OUT   (3),A   
082E   0E 07                  LD   C,$07   
0830   3E 40                  LD   A,$40   
0832   D3 04                  OUT   (4),A   
0834   47                     LD   B,A   
0835   CD 00 0A               CALL   $A00   
0838   78                     LD   A,B   
0839   CB 0F                  RRC   A   
083B   0D                     DEC   C   
083C   C2 32 08               JP   NZ,$832   
083F                             ;Bottom side
083F   3E 01                  LD   A,$01   
0841   D3 04                  OUT   (4),A   
0843   0E 07                  LD   C,$07   
0845   3E 40                  LD   A,$40   
0847   D3 03                  OUT   (3),A   
0849   47                     LD   B,A   
084A   CD 00 0A               CALL   $A00   
084D   78                     LD   A,B   
084E   CB 0F                  RRC   A   
0850   0D                     DEC   C   
0851   C2 47 08               JP   NZ,$847   
0854   C3 00 08               JP   $800   
0857                             ;delay routine
0A00                          .ORG   $A00   
0A00   11 FF FF               LD   DE,65535   
0A03   1B                     DEC   DE   
0A04   7B                     LD   A,E   
0A05   B2                     OR   D   
0A06   C2 03 0A               JP   NZ,$A03   
0A09   C9                     RET