This ROS package is proposed in the context of the European project SARAFun. It provides a method for estimating the pose of the static force sensor used in the project, with respect to a camera. But it could be extended for estimating the pose of any static object with respect to a given camera.
The pose calibration relies on a tag marker localized using
The pose of the optoforce device wrt to the marker is defined in the launch file display_optoforce.launch
The procedure for launching the calibration is:
rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node
roslaunch roslaunch sarafun_optoforce_calibration launch_calibration.launch
To get the pose of the optoforce marker wrt to a reference frame (right now the world):
rosservice call /optoforce_calibrate "{}"
So far the calibration is done using a usb camera. If using another camera, the launch of the ar_track_alvar node should be adjusted.
To calibrate the camera (if needed), have a look at Assuming a 10x7 chessboard calibration pattern, the command would be:
rosrun camera_calibration --size 9x6 --square 0.108 image:=/my_camera/image camera:=/my_camera