Here you will find global trait maps based on plant observations from GBIF and sPlotOpen, respectively, and traits found in the TRY gap-filled dataset in GeoTIFF format at a 0.2°, 0.5°, and 2° resolutions.
The methodology follows the approach described in Wolf et al. 2022, Nature Ecology and Evolution Additional ressources can be found on Sophie Wolf´s GitHub-repository.
Each folder also contains the sPlotOpen-based maps for all respective traits and resolutions. The folder traitmaps contains .grd files for each trait (see list below) with multiple layers: observation count, mean, median, standard deviation, 05% quantile, 95% quantile. These can be loaded as a brick of layers in R as follows:
test <- brick("file.grd")
The files in the traitmaps directory are organized as follows:
- The first subfolder categorizes trait maps by plant functional types integrated, where
- Shrub_Tree_Grass are trait maps based on species of all plant functional types.
- Shrub_Tree are trait maps based on shrub and tree species.
- Grass are trait maps for grassland species only.
- Each of these subolders contains subfolders for map products at 0.2, 0.5 and 2.0 degrees (longitude, latitude)
- The file name of each trait maps contain an *X, which corresponds to the TRY ID for each trait. The names for each trait are listed below and in trait_id_and_name.csv
The trait maps can be cited using the provided citation file and the doi:
Source of species observations are GBIF sampled as such:
- GBIF download:
- The observations were then linked to the TRY gap-filled dataset, which resulted in a total of n= observations. 90% of the GBIF observations were matched, 70% of species in TRY, and 24% of species in GBIF (numbers based for map products using all plant functional types).
- Matched observations were then binned into equal area hexagons (using the package size hex9, which corresponds to about 0.5 degrees at equator)
- From each hexagon were then sampled 10,000 observations. If a hexagon contained less than 10,000 observations, all observations were kept.
- This GBIF subsample contained approx. 35,000,000 observations
Figure 1: Global density of GBIF subsample at 2° resolution.
TRY trait ID | Trait name |
4 | Stem specific density (SSD) or wood density (stem dry mass per stem fresh volume) |
6 | Root rooting depth |
11 | Leaf area per leaf dry mass (specific leaf area, SLA or 1/LMA) |
13 | Leaf carbon (C) content per leaf dry mass |
14 | Leaf nitrogen (N) content per leaf dry mass |
15 | Leaf phosphorus (P) content per leaf dry mass |
18 | Plant height |
21 | Stem diameter |
26 | Seed dry mass |
27 | Seed length |
46 | Leaf thickness |
47 | Leaf dry mass per leaf fresh mass (leaf dry matter content, LDMC) |
50 | Leaf nitrogen (N) content per leaf area |
55 | Leaf dry mass (single leaf) |
78 | Leaf nitrogen (N) isotope signature (delta 15N) |
95 | Seed germination rate (germination efficiency) |
138 | Seed number per reproduction unit |
144 | Leaf length |
145 | Leaf width |
146 | Leaf carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio |
163 | Leaf fresh mass |
169 | Stem conduit density (vessels and tracheids) |
223 | Species genotype: chromosome number |
224 | Species genotype: chromosome cDNA content |
237 | Dispersal unit length |
281 | Stem conduit diameter (vessels, tracheids) |
282 | Wood vessel element length; stem conduit (vessel and tracheids) element length |
289 | Wood fiber lengths |
1080 | Root length per root dry mass (specific root length, SRL) |
3112 | Leaf area (in case of compound leaves: leaf, undefined if petiole in- or excluded) |
3113 | Leaf area (in case of compound leaves: leaflet, undefined if petiole is in- or excluded) |
3114 | Leaf area (in case of compound leaves: undefined if leaf or leaflet, undefined if petiole is in- or excluded) |
3120 | Leaf water content per leaf dry mass (not saturated) |
The correlations (based on all plant functional types) between sPlotOpen and GBIF-based maps were calculated as in Wolf et al. 2022.