-// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package jwalterweatherman
-import (
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "io/ioutil"
- "log"
-type Threshold int
-func (t Threshold) String() string {
- return prefixes[t]
-const (
- LevelTrace Threshold = iota
- LevelDebug
- LevelInfo
- LevelWarn
- LevelError
- LevelCritical
- LevelFatal
-var prefixes map[Threshold]string = map[Threshold]string{
- LevelTrace: "TRACE",
- LevelDebug: "DEBUG",
- LevelInfo: "INFO",
- LevelWarn: "WARN",
- LevelError: "ERROR",
- LevelCritical: "CRITICAL",
- LevelFatal: "FATAL",
-// Notepad is where you leave a note!
-type Notepad struct {
- TRACE *log.Logger
- DEBUG *log.Logger
- INFO *log.Logger
- WARN *log.Logger
- ERROR *log.Logger
- CRITICAL *log.Logger
- FATAL *log.Logger
- LOG *log.Logger
- FEEDBACK *Feedback
- loggers [7]**log.Logger
- logHandle io.Writer
- outHandle io.Writer
- logThreshold Threshold
- stdoutThreshold Threshold
- prefix string
- flags int
- logListeners []LogListener
-// A LogListener can ble supplied to a Notepad to listen on log writes for a given
-// threshold. This can be used to capture log events in unit tests and similar.
-// Note that this function will be invoked once for each log threshold. If
-// the given threshold is not of interest to you, return nil.
-// Note that these listeners will receive log events for a given threshold, even
-// if the current configuration says not to log it. That way you can count ERRORs even
-// if you don't print them to the console.
-type LogListener func(t Threshold) io.Writer
-// NewNotepad creates a new Notepad.
-func NewNotepad(
- outThreshold Threshold,
- logThreshold Threshold,
- outHandle, logHandle io.Writer,
- prefix string, flags int,
- logListeners ...LogListener,
-) *Notepad {
- n := &Notepad{logListeners: logListeners}
- n.loggers = [7]**log.Logger{&n.TRACE, &n.DEBUG, &n.INFO, &n.WARN, &n.ERROR, &n.CRITICAL, &n.FATAL}
- n.outHandle = outHandle
- n.logHandle = logHandle
- n.stdoutThreshold = outThreshold
- n.logThreshold = logThreshold
- if len(prefix) != 0 {
- n.prefix = "[" + prefix + "] "
- } else {
- n.prefix = ""
- }
- n.flags = flags
- n.LOG = log.New(n.logHandle,
- "LOG: ",
- n.flags)
- n.FEEDBACK = &Feedback{out: log.New(outHandle, "", 0), log: n.LOG}
- n.init()
- return n
-// init creates the loggers for each level depending on the notepad thresholds.
-func (n *Notepad) init() {
- logAndOut := io.MultiWriter(n.outHandle, n.logHandle)
- for t, logger := range n.loggers {
- threshold := Threshold(t)
- prefix := n.prefix + threshold.String() + " "
- switch {
- case threshold >= n.logThreshold && threshold >= n.stdoutThreshold:
- *logger = log.New(n.createLogWriters(threshold, logAndOut), prefix, n.flags)
- case threshold >= n.logThreshold:
- *logger = log.New(n.createLogWriters(threshold, n.logHandle), prefix, n.flags)
- case threshold >= n.stdoutThreshold:
- *logger = log.New(n.createLogWriters(threshold, n.outHandle), prefix, n.flags)
- default:
- *logger = log.New(n.createLogWriters(threshold, ioutil.Discard), prefix, n.flags)
- }
- }
-func (n *Notepad) createLogWriters(t Threshold, handle io.Writer) io.Writer {
- if len(n.logListeners) == 0 {
- return handle
- }
- writers := []io.Writer{handle}
- for _, l := range n.logListeners {
- w := l(t)
- if w != nil {
- writers = append(writers, w)
- }
- }
- if len(writers) == 1 {
- return handle
- }
- return io.MultiWriter(writers...)
-// SetLogThreshold changes the threshold above which messages are written to the
-// log file.
-func (n *Notepad) SetLogThreshold(threshold Threshold) {
- n.logThreshold = threshold
- n.init()
-// SetLogOutput changes the file where log messages are written.
-func (n *Notepad) SetLogOutput(handle io.Writer) {
- n.logHandle = handle
- n.init()
-// GetStdoutThreshold returns the defined Treshold for the log logger.
-func (n *Notepad) GetLogThreshold() Threshold {
- return n.logThreshold
-// SetStdoutThreshold changes the threshold above which messages are written to the
-// standard output.
-func (n *Notepad) SetStdoutThreshold(threshold Threshold) {
- n.stdoutThreshold = threshold
- n.init()
-// GetStdoutThreshold returns the Treshold for the stdout logger.
-func (n *Notepad) GetStdoutThreshold() Threshold {
- return n.stdoutThreshold
-// SetPrefix changes the prefix used by the notepad. Prefixes are displayed between
-// brackets at the beginning of the line. An empty prefix won't be displayed at all.
-func (n *Notepad) SetPrefix(prefix string) {
- if len(prefix) != 0 {
- n.prefix = "[" + prefix + "] "
- } else {
- n.prefix = ""
- }
- n.init()
-// SetFlags choose which flags the logger will display (after prefix and message
-// level). See the package log for more informations on this.
-func (n *Notepad) SetFlags(flags int) {
- n.flags = flags
- n.init()
-// Feedback writes plainly to the outHandle while
-// logging with the standard extra information (date, file, etc).
-type Feedback struct {
- out *log.Logger
- log *log.Logger
-func (fb *Feedback) Println(v ...interface{}) {
- fb.output(fmt.Sprintln(v...))
-func (fb *Feedback) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
- fb.output(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
-func (fb *Feedback) Print(v ...interface{}) {
- fb.output(fmt.Sprint(v...))
-func (fb *Feedback) output(s string) {
- if fb.out != nil {
- fb.out.Output(2, s)
- }
- if fb.log != nil {
- fb.log.Output(2, s)
- }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.editorconfig b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.editorconfig
index 6d0b6d356b..1f664d13a5 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.editorconfig
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.editorconfig
@@ -13,3 +13,6 @@ indent_style = tab
indent_style = tab
+indent_size = 2
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.envrc b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.envrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ce7171a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.envrc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+if ! has nix_direnv_version || ! nix_direnv_version 2.3.0; then
+ source_url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nix-community/nix-direnv/2.3.0/direnvrc" "sha256-Dmd+j63L84wuzgyjITIfSxSD57Tx7v51DMxVZOsiUD8="
+use flake . --impure
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.gitignore
index 8962508398..f1bbd42803 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.gitignore
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.gitignore
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.yamlignore b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.yamlignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c04c4dead1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.yamlignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.yamllint.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ignore-from-file: [.gitignore, .yamlignore]
+extends: default
+ line-length: disable
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/Makefile
index e8d3baaa8c..a77b9c81c1 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/Makefile
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/Makefile
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ endif
# Dependency versions
# Add the ability to override some variables
# Use with care
@@ -29,11 +29,6 @@ clear: ## Clear the working area and the project
.PHONY: check
check: test lint ## Run tests and linters
-bin/gotestsum: bin/gotestsum-${GOTESTSUM_VERSION}
- @ln -sf gotestsum-${GOTESTSUM_VERSION} bin/gotestsum
- @mkdir -p bin
- curl -L https://github.com/gotestyourself/gotestsum/releases/download/v${GOTESTSUM_VERSION}/gotestsum_${GOTESTSUM_VERSION}_${OS}_amd64.tar.gz | tar -zOxf - gotestsum > ./bin/gotestsum-${GOTESTSUM_VERSION} && chmod +x ./bin/gotestsum-${GOTESTSUM_VERSION}
TEST_PKGS ?= ./...
.PHONY: test
@@ -44,20 +39,36 @@ test: bin/gotestsum ## Run tests
@mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR}
bin/gotestsum --no-summary=skipped --junitfile ${BUILD_DIR}/coverage.xml --format ${TEST_FORMAT} -- -race -coverprofile=${BUILD_DIR}/coverage.txt -covermode=atomic $(filter-out -v,${GOARGS}) $(if ${TEST_PKGS},${TEST_PKGS},./...)
-bin/golangci-lint: bin/golangci-lint-${GOLANGCI_VERSION}
- @ln -sf golangci-lint-${GOLANGCI_VERSION} bin/golangci-lint
+.PHONY: lint
+lint: lint-go lint-yaml
+lint: ## Run linters
+.PHONY: lint-go
+ golangci-lint run $(if ${CI},--out-format github-actions,)
+.PHONY: lint-yaml
+ yamllint $(if ${CI},-f github,) --no-warnings .
+.PHONY: fmt
+fmt: ## Format code
+ golangci-lint run --fix
+deps: bin/golangci-lint bin/gotestsum yamllint
+deps: ## Install dependencies
@mkdir -p bin
- curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | bash -s -- -b ./bin/ v${GOLANGCI_VERSION}
- @mv bin/golangci-lint "$@"
+ curl -L https://github.com/gotestyourself/gotestsum/releases/download/v${GOTESTSUM_VERSION}/gotestsum_${GOTESTSUM_VERSION}_${OS}_amd64.tar.gz | tar -zOxf - gotestsum > ./bin/gotestsum && chmod +x ./bin/gotestsum
-.PHONY: lint
-lint: bin/golangci-lint ## Run linter
- bin/golangci-lint run
+ @mkdir -p bin
+ curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | bash -s -- v${GOLANGCI_VERSION}
-.PHONY: fix
-fix: bin/golangci-lint ## Fix lint violations
- bin/golangci-lint run --fix
+.PHONY: yamllint
+ pip3 install --user yamllint
# Add custom targets here
-include custom.mk
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/README.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/README.md
index 4184d2a11b..78102fbe27 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/README.md
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/README.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
[![GitHub Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/spf13/viper/ci.yaml?branch=master&style=flat-square)](https://github.com/spf13/viper/actions?query=workflow%3ACI)
[![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/spf13/viper](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/spf13/viper?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)
[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/spf13/viper?style=flat-square)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/spf13/viper)
-![Go Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/go%20version-%3E=1.16-61CFDD.svg?style=flat-square)
+![Go Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/go%20version-%3E=1.19-61CFDD.svg?style=flat-square)
**Go configuration with fangs!**
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Many Go projects are built using Viper including:
* [Meshery](https://github.com/meshery/meshery)
* [Bearer](https://github.com/bearer/bearer)
* [Coder](https://github.com/coder/coder)
+* [Vitess](https://vitess.io/)
## Install
@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
// Config file found and successfully parsed
-*NOTE [since 1.6]:* You can also have a file without an extension and specify the format programmaticaly. For those configuration files that lie in the home of the user without any extension like `.bashrc`
+*NOTE [since 1.6]:* You can also have a file without an extension and specify the format programmatically. For those configuration files that lie in the home of the user without any extension like `.bashrc`
### Writing Config Files
@@ -221,6 +222,7 @@ These could be from a command line flag, or from your own application logic.
viper.Set("Verbose", true)
viper.Set("LogFile", LogFile)
+viper.Set("host.port", 5899) // set subset
### Registering and Using Aliases
@@ -487,6 +489,15 @@ err := viper.ReadRemoteConfig()
Of course, you're allowed to use `SecureRemoteProvider` also
+#### NATS
+viper.AddRemoteProvider("nats", "nats://", "myapp.config")
+err := viper.ReadRemoteConfig()
### Remote Key/Value Store Example - Encrypted
@@ -534,19 +545,19 @@ go func(){
In Viper, there are a few ways to get a value depending on the value’s type.
The following functions and methods exist:
- * `Get(key string) : interface{}`
+ * `Get(key string) : any`
* `GetBool(key string) : bool`
* `GetFloat64(key string) : float64`
* `GetInt(key string) : int`
* `GetIntSlice(key string) : []int`
* `GetString(key string) : string`
- * `GetStringMap(key string) : map[string]interface{}`
+ * `GetStringMap(key string) : map[string]any`
* `GetStringMapString(key string) : map[string]string`
* `GetStringSlice(key string) : []string`
* `GetTime(key string) : time.Time`
* `GetDuration(key string) : time.Duration`
* `IsSet(key string) : bool`
- * `AllSettings() : map[string]interface{}`
+ * `AllSettings() : map[string]any`
One important thing to recognize is that each Get function will return a zero
value if it’s not found. To check if a given key exists, the `IsSet()` method
@@ -709,8 +720,8 @@ etc.
There are two methods to do this:
- * `Unmarshal(rawVal interface{}) : error`
- * `UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal interface{}) : error`
+ * `Unmarshal(rawVal any) : error`
+ * `UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal any) : error`
@@ -735,9 +746,9 @@ you have to change the delimiter:
v := viper.NewWithOptions(viper.KeyDelimiter("::"))
-v.SetDefault("chart::values", map[string]interface{}{
- "ingress": map[string]interface{}{
- "annotations": map[string]interface{}{
+v.SetDefault("chart::values", map[string]any{
+ "ingress": map[string]any{
+ "annotations": map[string]any{
"traefik.frontend.rule.type": "PathPrefix",
"traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect": "true",
@@ -746,7 +757,7 @@ v.SetDefault("chart::values", map[string]interface{}{
type config struct {
Chart struct{
- Values map[string]interface{}
+ Values map[string]any
@@ -882,3 +893,31 @@ No, you will need to synchronize access to the viper yourself (for example by us
## Troubleshooting
+## Development
+**For an optimal developer experience, it is recommended to install [Nix](https://nixos.org/download.html) and [direnv](https://direnv.net/docs/installation.html).**
+_Alternatively, install [Go](https://go.dev/dl/) on your computer then run `make deps` to install the rest of the dependencies._
+Run the test suite:
+make test
+Run linters:
+make lint # pass -j option to run them in parallel
+Some linter violations can automatically be fixed:
+make fmt
+## License
+The project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/experimental_logger.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/experimental_logger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 206dad6a0c..0000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/experimental_logger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-//go:build viper_logger
-// +build viper_logger
-package viper
-// WithLogger sets a custom logger.
-func WithLogger(l Logger) Option {
- return optionFunc(func(v *Viper) {
- v.logger = l
- })
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/flags.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/flags.go
index b5ddbf5d46..ddb4da602e 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/flags.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/flags.go
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func (p pflagValueSet) VisitAll(fn func(flag FlagValue)) {
-// pflagValue is a wrapper aroung *pflag.flag
+// pflagValue is a wrapper around *pflag.flag
// that implements FlagValue
type pflagValue struct {
flag *pflag.Flag
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/flake.lock b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/flake.lock
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+ "owner": "NixOS",
+ "ref": "nixos-22.11",
+ "repo": "nixpkgs",
+ "type": "github"
+ }
+ },
+ "nixpkgs_2": {
+ "locked": {
+ "lastModified": 1687886075,
+ "narHash": "sha256-PeayJDDDy+uw1Ats4moZnRdL1OFuZm1Tj+KiHlD67+o=",
+ "owner": "NixOS",
+ "repo": "nixpkgs",
+ "rev": "a565059a348422af5af9026b5174dc5c0dcefdae",
+ "type": "github"
+ },
+ "original": {
+ "owner": "NixOS",
+ "ref": "nixpkgs-unstable",
+ "repo": "nixpkgs",
+ "type": "github"
+ }
+ },
+ "pre-commit-hooks": {
+ "inputs": {
+ "flake-compat": [
+ "devenv",
+ "flake-compat"
+ ],
+ "flake-utils": "flake-utils",
+ "gitignore": "gitignore",
+ "nixpkgs": [
+ "devenv",
+ "nixpkgs"
+ ],
+ "nixpkgs-stable": "nixpkgs-stable"
+ },
+ "locked": {
+ "lastModified": 1686050334,
+ "narHash": "sha256-R0mczWjDzBpIvM3XXhO908X5e2CQqjyh/gFbwZk/7/Q=",
+ "owner": "cachix",
+ "repo": "pre-commit-hooks.nix",
+ "rev": "6881eb2ae5d8a3516e34714e7a90d9d95914c4dc",
+ "type": "github"
+ },
+ "original": {
+ "owner": "cachix",
+ "repo": "pre-commit-hooks.nix",
+ "type": "github"
+ }
+ },
+ "root": {
+ "inputs": {
+ "devenv": "devenv",
+ "flake-parts": "flake-parts",
+ "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs_2"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "root": "root",
+ "version": 7
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/flake.nix b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/flake.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b26c3fcf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/flake.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ description = "Viper";
+ inputs = {
+ nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
+ flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
+ devenv.url = "github:cachix/devenv";
+ };
+ outputs = inputs@{ flake-parts, ... }:
+ flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
+ imports = [
+ inputs.devenv.flakeModule
+ ];
+ systems = [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-darwin" ];
+ perSystem = { config, self', inputs', pkgs, system, ... }: rec {
+ devenv.shells = {
+ default = {
+ languages = {
+ go.enable = true;
+ };
+ pre-commit.hooks = {
+ nixpkgs-fmt.enable = true;
+ yamllint.enable = true;
+ };
+ packages = with pkgs; [
+ gnumake
+ golangci-lint
+ yamllint
+ ];
+ scripts = {
+ versions.exec = ''
+ go version
+ golangci-lint version
+ '';
+ };
+ enterShell = ''
+ versions
+ '';
+ # https://github.com/cachix/devenv/issues/528#issuecomment-1556108767
+ containers = pkgs.lib.mkForce { };
+ };
+ ci = devenv.shells.default;
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/fs.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/fs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ecb1769e52..0000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/fs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-//go:build go1.16 && finder
-// +build go1.16,finder
-package viper
-import (
- "errors"
- "io/fs"
- "path"
-type finder struct {
- paths []string
- fileNames []string
- extensions []string
- withoutExtension bool
-func (f finder) Find(fsys fs.FS) (string, error) {
- for _, searchPath := range f.paths {
- for _, fileName := range f.fileNames {
- for _, extension := range f.extensions {
- filePath := path.Join(searchPath, fileName+"."+extension)
- ok, err := fileExists(fsys, filePath)
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- if ok {
- return filePath, nil
- }
- }
- if f.withoutExtension {
- filePath := path.Join(searchPath, fileName)
- ok, err := fileExists(fsys, filePath)
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- if ok {
- return filePath, nil
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return "", nil
-func fileExists(fsys fs.FS, filePath string) (bool, error) {
- fileInfo, err := fs.Stat(fsys, filePath)
- if err == nil {
- return !fileInfo.IsDir(), nil
- }
- if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
- return false, nil
- }
- return false, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/decoder.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/decoder.go
index f472e9ff1a..8a7b1dbc91 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/decoder.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/decoder.go
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import (
// Decoder decodes the contents of b into v.
-// It's primarily used for decoding contents of a file into a map[string]interface{}.
+// It's primarily used for decoding contents of a file into a map[string]any.
type Decoder interface {
- Decode(b []byte, v map[string]interface{}) error
+ Decode(b []byte, v map[string]any) error
const (
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ func (e *DecoderRegistry) RegisterDecoder(format string, enc Decoder) error {
// Decode calls the underlying Decoder based on the format.
-func (e *DecoderRegistry) Decode(format string, b []byte, v map[string]interface{}) error {
+func (e *DecoderRegistry) Decode(format string, b []byte, v map[string]any) error {
decoder, ok := e.decoders[format]
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/dotenv/codec.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/dotenv/codec.go
index 4485063b61..3ebc76f029 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/dotenv/codec.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/dotenv/codec.go
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ const keyDelimiter = "_"
// (commonly called as dotenv format).
type Codec struct{}
-func (Codec) Encode(v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
- flattened := map[string]interface{}{}
+func (Codec) Encode(v map[string]any) ([]byte, error) {
+ flattened := map[string]any{}
flattened = flattenAndMergeMap(flattened, v, "", keyDelimiter)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func (Codec) Encode(v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]interface{}) error {
+func (Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]any) error {
var buf bytes.Buffer
_, err := buf.Write(b)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/dotenv/map_utils.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/dotenv/map_utils.go
index ce6e6efa3e..1340c7308f 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/dotenv/map_utils.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/dotenv/map_utils.go
@@ -7,27 +7,27 @@ import (
// flattenAndMergeMap recursively flattens the given map into a new map
-// Code is based on the function with the same name in tha main package.
+// Code is based on the function with the same name in the main package.
// TODO: move it to a common place
-func flattenAndMergeMap(shadow map[string]interface{}, m map[string]interface{}, prefix string, delimiter string) map[string]interface{} {
+func flattenAndMergeMap(shadow map[string]any, m map[string]any, prefix string, delimiter string) map[string]any {
if shadow != nil && prefix != "" && shadow[prefix] != nil {
// prefix is shadowed => nothing more to flatten
return shadow
if shadow == nil {
- shadow = make(map[string]interface{})
+ shadow = make(map[string]any)
- var m2 map[string]interface{}
+ var m2 map[string]any
if prefix != "" {
prefix += delimiter
for k, val := range m {
fullKey := prefix + k
- switch val.(type) {
- case map[string]interface{}:
- m2 = val.(map[string]interface{})
- case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ switch val := val.(type) {
+ case map[string]any:
+ m2 = val
+ case map[any]any:
m2 = cast.ToStringMap(val)
// immediate value
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/encoder.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/encoder.go
index 2341bf2350..659585962c 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/encoder.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/encoder.go
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import (
// Encoder encodes the contents of v into a byte representation.
-// It's primarily used for encoding a map[string]interface{} into a file format.
+// It's primarily used for encoding a map[string]any into a file format.
type Encoder interface {
- Encode(v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error)
+ Encode(v map[string]any) ([]byte, error)
const (
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func (e *EncoderRegistry) RegisterEncoder(format string, enc Encoder) error {
return nil
-func (e *EncoderRegistry) Encode(format string, v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+func (e *EncoderRegistry) Encode(format string, v map[string]any) ([]byte, error) {
encoder, ok := e.encoders[format]
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/hcl/codec.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/hcl/codec.go
index 7fde8e4bc6..d7fa8a1b7a 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/hcl/codec.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/hcl/codec.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
// TODO: add printer config to the codec?
type Codec struct{}
-func (Codec) Encode(v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+func (Codec) Encode(v map[string]any) ([]byte, error) {
b, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -35,6 +35,6 @@ func (Codec) Encode(v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]interface{}) error {
+func (Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]any) error {
return hcl.Unmarshal(b, &v)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/ini/codec.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/ini/codec.go
index 9acd87fc3c..d91cf59d2b 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/ini/codec.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/ini/codec.go
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ type Codec struct {
LoadOptions LoadOptions
-func (c Codec) Encode(v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+func (c Codec) Encode(v map[string]any) ([]byte, error) {
cfg := ini.Empty()
ini.PrettyFormat = false
- flattened := map[string]interface{}{}
+ flattened := map[string]any{}
flattened = flattenAndMergeMap(flattened, v, "", c.keyDelimiter())
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func (c Codec) Encode(v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (c Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]interface{}) error {
+func (c Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]any) error {
cfg := ini.Empty(c.LoadOptions)
err := cfg.Append(b)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/ini/map_utils.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/ini/map_utils.go
index 8329856b5b..c1919a386f 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/ini/map_utils.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/ini/map_utils.go
@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ import (
// In case intermediate keys do not exist, or map to a non-map value,
// a new map is created and inserted, and the search continues from there:
// the initial map "m" may be modified!
-func deepSearch(m map[string]interface{}, path []string) map[string]interface{} {
+func deepSearch(m map[string]any, path []string) map[string]any {
for _, k := range path {
m2, ok := m[k]
if !ok {
// intermediate key does not exist
// => create it and continue from there
- m3 := make(map[string]interface{})
+ m3 := make(map[string]any)
m[k] = m3
m = m3
- m3, ok := m2.(map[string]interface{})
+ m3, ok := m2.(map[string]any)
if !ok {
// intermediate key is a value
// => replace with a new map
- m3 = make(map[string]interface{})
+ m3 = make(map[string]any)
m[k] = m3
// continue search from here
@@ -40,27 +40,27 @@ func deepSearch(m map[string]interface{}, path []string) map[string]interface{}
// flattenAndMergeMap recursively flattens the given map into a new map
-// Code is based on the function with the same name in tha main package.
+// Code is based on the function with the same name in the main package.
// TODO: move it to a common place
-func flattenAndMergeMap(shadow map[string]interface{}, m map[string]interface{}, prefix string, delimiter string) map[string]interface{} {
+func flattenAndMergeMap(shadow map[string]any, m map[string]any, prefix string, delimiter string) map[string]any {
if shadow != nil && prefix != "" && shadow[prefix] != nil {
// prefix is shadowed => nothing more to flatten
return shadow
if shadow == nil {
- shadow = make(map[string]interface{})
+ shadow = make(map[string]any)
- var m2 map[string]interface{}
+ var m2 map[string]any
if prefix != "" {
prefix += delimiter
for k, val := range m {
fullKey := prefix + k
- switch val.(type) {
- case map[string]interface{}:
- m2 = val.(map[string]interface{})
- case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ switch val := val.(type) {
+ case map[string]any:
+ m2 = val
+ case map[any]any:
m2 = cast.ToStringMap(val)
// immediate value
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/javaproperties/codec.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/javaproperties/codec.go
index b8a2251c11..e92e5172c1 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/javaproperties/codec.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/javaproperties/codec.go
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ type Codec struct {
Properties *properties.Properties
-func (c *Codec) Encode(v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+func (c *Codec) Encode(v map[string]any) ([]byte, error) {
if c.Properties == nil {
c.Properties = properties.NewProperties()
- flattened := map[string]interface{}{}
+ flattened := map[string]any{}
flattened = flattenAndMergeMap(flattened, v, "", c.keyDelimiter())
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ func (c *Codec) Encode(v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (c *Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]interface{}) error {
+func (c *Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]any) error {
var err error
c.Properties, err = properties.Load(b, properties.UTF8)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/javaproperties/map_utils.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/javaproperties/map_utils.go
index 93755cac1a..8386920aa8 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/javaproperties/map_utils.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/javaproperties/map_utils.go
@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ import (
// In case intermediate keys do not exist, or map to a non-map value,
// a new map is created and inserted, and the search continues from there:
// the initial map "m" may be modified!
-func deepSearch(m map[string]interface{}, path []string) map[string]interface{} {
+func deepSearch(m map[string]any, path []string) map[string]any {
for _, k := range path {
m2, ok := m[k]
if !ok {
// intermediate key does not exist
// => create it and continue from there
- m3 := make(map[string]interface{})
+ m3 := make(map[string]any)
m[k] = m3
m = m3
- m3, ok := m2.(map[string]interface{})
+ m3, ok := m2.(map[string]any)
if !ok {
// intermediate key is a value
// => replace with a new map
- m3 = make(map[string]interface{})
+ m3 = make(map[string]any)
m[k] = m3
// continue search from here
@@ -40,27 +40,27 @@ func deepSearch(m map[string]interface{}, path []string) map[string]interface{}
// flattenAndMergeMap recursively flattens the given map into a new map
-// Code is based on the function with the same name in tha main package.
+// Code is based on the function with the same name in the main package.
// TODO: move it to a common place
-func flattenAndMergeMap(shadow map[string]interface{}, m map[string]interface{}, prefix string, delimiter string) map[string]interface{} {
+func flattenAndMergeMap(shadow map[string]any, m map[string]any, prefix string, delimiter string) map[string]any {
if shadow != nil && prefix != "" && shadow[prefix] != nil {
// prefix is shadowed => nothing more to flatten
return shadow
if shadow == nil {
- shadow = make(map[string]interface{})
+ shadow = make(map[string]any)
- var m2 map[string]interface{}
+ var m2 map[string]any
if prefix != "" {
prefix += delimiter
for k, val := range m {
fullKey := prefix + k
- switch val.(type) {
- case map[string]interface{}:
- m2 = val.(map[string]interface{})
- case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ switch val := val.(type) {
+ case map[string]any:
+ m2 = val
+ case map[any]any:
m2 = cast.ToStringMap(val)
// immediate value
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/json/codec.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/json/codec.go
index 1b7caaceb5..da7546b5a1 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/json/codec.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/json/codec.go
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ import (
// Codec implements the encoding.Encoder and encoding.Decoder interfaces for JSON encoding.
type Codec struct{}
-func (Codec) Encode(v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+func (Codec) Encode(v map[string]any) ([]byte, error) {
// TODO: expose prefix and indent in the Codec as setting?
return json.MarshalIndent(v, "", " ")
-func (Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]interface{}) error {
+func (Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]any) error {
return json.Unmarshal(b, &v)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/toml/codec.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/toml/codec.go
index a993c5994b..c70aa8d280 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/toml/codec.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/toml/codec.go
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ import (
// Codec implements the encoding.Encoder and encoding.Decoder interfaces for TOML encoding.
type Codec struct{}
-func (Codec) Encode(v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+func (Codec) Encode(v map[string]any) ([]byte, error) {
return toml.Marshal(v)
-func (Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]interface{}) error {
+func (Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]any) error {
return toml.Unmarshal(b, &v)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/yaml/codec.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/yaml/codec.go
index 82dc136a3a..0368792499 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/yaml/codec.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/internal/encoding/yaml/codec.go
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
// Codec implements the encoding.Encoder and encoding.Decoder interfaces for YAML encoding.
type Codec struct{}
-func (Codec) Encode(v map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+func (Codec) Encode(v map[string]any) ([]byte, error) {
return yaml.Marshal(v)
-func (Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]interface{}) error {
+func (Codec) Decode(b []byte, v map[string]any) error {
return yaml.Unmarshal(b, &v)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/logger.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/logger.go
index a64e1446cc..8938053b31 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/logger.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/logger.go
@@ -1,77 +1,68 @@
package viper
import (
- "fmt"
+ "context"
- jww "github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman"
+ slog "github.com/sagikazarmark/slog-shim"
// Logger is a unified interface for various logging use cases and practices, including:
// - leveled logging
// - structured logging
+// Deprecated: use `log/slog` instead.
type Logger interface {
// Trace logs a Trace event.
// Even more fine-grained information than Debug events.
// Loggers not supporting this level should fall back to Debug.
- Trace(msg string, keyvals ...interface{})
+ Trace(msg string, keyvals ...any)
// Debug logs a Debug event.
// A verbose series of information events.
// They are useful when debugging the system.
- Debug(msg string, keyvals ...interface{})
+ Debug(msg string, keyvals ...any)
// Info logs an Info event.
// General information about what's happening inside the system.
- Info(msg string, keyvals ...interface{})
+ Info(msg string, keyvals ...any)
// Warn logs a Warn(ing) event.
// Non-critical events that should be looked at.
- Warn(msg string, keyvals ...interface{})
+ Warn(msg string, keyvals ...any)
// Error logs an Error event.
// Critical events that require immediate attention.
// Loggers commonly provide Fatal and Panic levels above Error level,
- // but exiting and panicing is out of scope for a logging library.
- Error(msg string, keyvals ...interface{})
+ // but exiting and panicking is out of scope for a logging library.
+ Error(msg string, keyvals ...any)
-type jwwLogger struct{}
-func (jwwLogger) Trace(msg string, keyvals ...interface{}) {
- jww.TRACE.Printf(jwwLogMessage(msg, keyvals...))
+// WithLogger sets a custom logger.
+func WithLogger(l *slog.Logger) Option {
+ return optionFunc(func(v *Viper) {
+ v.logger = l
+ })
-func (jwwLogger) Debug(msg string, keyvals ...interface{}) {
- jww.DEBUG.Printf(jwwLogMessage(msg, keyvals...))
+type discardHandler struct{}
-func (jwwLogger) Info(msg string, keyvals ...interface{}) {
- jww.INFO.Printf(jwwLogMessage(msg, keyvals...))
+func (n *discardHandler) Enabled(_ context.Context, _ slog.Level) bool {
+ return false
-func (jwwLogger) Warn(msg string, keyvals ...interface{}) {
- jww.WARN.Printf(jwwLogMessage(msg, keyvals...))
+func (n *discardHandler) Handle(_ context.Context, _ slog.Record) error {
+ return nil
-func (jwwLogger) Error(msg string, keyvals ...interface{}) {
- jww.ERROR.Printf(jwwLogMessage(msg, keyvals...))
+func (n *discardHandler) WithAttrs(_ []slog.Attr) slog.Handler {
+ return n
-func jwwLogMessage(msg string, keyvals ...interface{}) string {
- out := msg
- if len(keyvals) > 0 && len(keyvals)%2 == 1 {
- keyvals = append(keyvals, nil)
- }
- for i := 0; i <= len(keyvals)-2; i += 2 {
- out = fmt.Sprintf("%s %v=%v", out, keyvals[i], keyvals[i+1])
- }
- return out
+func (n *discardHandler) WithGroup(_ string) slog.Handler {
+ return n
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/util.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/util.go
index 95009a1474..52116ac449 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/util.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/util.go
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
+ slog "github.com/sagikazarmark/slog-shim"
@@ -38,11 +39,11 @@ func (pe ConfigParseError) Unwrap() error {
// toCaseInsensitiveValue checks if the value is a map;
// if so, create a copy and lower-case the keys recursively.
-func toCaseInsensitiveValue(value interface{}) interface{} {
+func toCaseInsensitiveValue(value any) any {
switch v := value.(type) {
- case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ case map[any]any:
value = copyAndInsensitiviseMap(cast.ToStringMap(v))
- case map[string]interface{}:
+ case map[string]any:
value = copyAndInsensitiviseMap(v)
@@ -51,15 +52,15 @@ func toCaseInsensitiveValue(value interface{}) interface{} {
// copyAndInsensitiviseMap behaves like insensitiviseMap, but creates a copy of
// any map it makes case insensitive.
-func copyAndInsensitiviseMap(m map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
- nm := make(map[string]interface{})
+func copyAndInsensitiviseMap(m map[string]any) map[string]any {
+ nm := make(map[string]any)
for key, val := range m {
lkey := strings.ToLower(key)
switch v := val.(type) {
- case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ case map[any]any:
nm[lkey] = copyAndInsensitiviseMap(cast.ToStringMap(v))
- case map[string]interface{}:
+ case map[string]any:
nm[lkey] = copyAndInsensitiviseMap(v)
nm[lkey] = v
@@ -69,23 +70,23 @@ func copyAndInsensitiviseMap(m map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
return nm
-func insensitiviseVal(val interface{}) interface{} {
- switch val.(type) {
- case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+func insensitiviseVal(val any) any {
+ switch v := val.(type) {
+ case map[any]any:
// nested map: cast and recursively insensitivise
val = cast.ToStringMap(val)
- insensitiviseMap(val.(map[string]interface{}))
- case map[string]interface{}:
+ insensitiviseMap(val.(map[string]any))
+ case map[string]any:
// nested map: recursively insensitivise
- insensitiviseMap(val.(map[string]interface{}))
- case []interface{}:
+ insensitiviseMap(v)
+ case []any:
// nested array: recursively insensitivise
- insensitiveArray(val.([]interface{}))
+ insensitiveArray(v)
return val
-func insensitiviseMap(m map[string]interface{}) {
+func insensitiviseMap(m map[string]any) {
for key, val := range m {
val = insensitiviseVal(val)
lower := strings.ToLower(key)
@@ -98,13 +99,13 @@ func insensitiviseMap(m map[string]interface{}) {
-func insensitiveArray(a []interface{}) {
+func insensitiveArray(a []any) {
for i, val := range a {
a[i] = insensitiviseVal(val)
-func absPathify(logger Logger, inPath string) string {
+func absPathify(logger *slog.Logger, inPath string) string {
logger.Info("trying to resolve absolute path", "path", inPath)
if inPath == "$HOME" || strings.HasPrefix(inPath, "$HOME"+string(os.PathSeparator)) {
@@ -197,22 +198,22 @@ func parseSizeInBytes(sizeStr string) uint {
// In case intermediate keys do not exist, or map to a non-map value,
// a new map is created and inserted, and the search continues from there:
// the initial map "m" may be modified!
-func deepSearch(m map[string]interface{}, path []string) map[string]interface{} {
+func deepSearch(m map[string]any, path []string) map[string]any {
for _, k := range path {
m2, ok := m[k]
if !ok {
// intermediate key does not exist
// => create it and continue from there
- m3 := make(map[string]interface{})
+ m3 := make(map[string]any)
m[k] = m3
m = m3
- m3, ok := m2.(map[string]interface{})
+ m3, ok := m2.(map[string]any)
if !ok {
// intermediate key is a value
// => replace with a new map
- m3 = make(map[string]interface{})
+ m3 = make(map[string]any)
m[k] = m3
// continue search from here
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper.go
index 7fb1e1913b..c1eab71b72 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper.go
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import (
+ slog "github.com/sagikazarmark/slog-shim"
@@ -206,10 +207,10 @@ type Viper struct {
allowEmptyEnv bool
parents []string
- config map[string]interface{}
- override map[string]interface{}
- defaults map[string]interface{}
- kvstore map[string]interface{}
+ config map[string]any
+ override map[string]any
+ defaults map[string]any
+ kvstore map[string]any
pflags map[string]FlagValue
env map[string][]string
aliases map[string]string
@@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ type Viper struct {
onConfigChange func(fsnotify.Event)
- logger Logger
+ logger *slog.Logger
// TODO: should probably be protected with a mutex
encoderRegistry *encoding.EncoderRegistry
@@ -231,16 +232,16 @@ func New() *Viper {
v.configName = "config"
v.configPermissions = os.FileMode(0o644)
v.fs = afero.NewOsFs()
- v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
+ v.config = make(map[string]any)
v.parents = []string{}
- v.override = make(map[string]interface{})
- v.defaults = make(map[string]interface{})
- v.kvstore = make(map[string]interface{})
+ v.override = make(map[string]any)
+ v.defaults = make(map[string]any)
+ v.kvstore = make(map[string]any)
v.pflags = make(map[string]FlagValue)
v.env = make(map[string][]string)
v.aliases = make(map[string]string)
v.typeByDefValue = false
- v.logger = jwwLogger{}
+ v.logger = slog.New(&discardHandler{})
@@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ func NewWithOptions(opts ...Option) *Viper {
func Reset() {
v = New()
SupportedExts = []string{"json", "toml", "yaml", "yml", "properties", "props", "prop", "hcl", "tfvars", "dotenv", "env", "ini"}
- SupportedRemoteProviders = []string{"etcd", "etcd3", "consul", "firestore"}
+ SupportedRemoteProviders = []string{"etcd", "etcd3", "consul", "firestore", "nats"}
// TODO: make this lazy initialization instead
@@ -420,7 +421,7 @@ type RemoteProvider interface {
var SupportedExts = []string{"json", "toml", "yaml", "yml", "properties", "props", "prop", "hcl", "tfvars", "dotenv", "env", "ini"}
// SupportedRemoteProviders are universally supported remote providers.
-var SupportedRemoteProviders = []string{"etcd", "etcd3", "consul", "firestore"}
+var SupportedRemoteProviders = []string{"etcd", "etcd3", "consul", "firestore", "nats"}
// OnConfigChange sets the event handler that is called when a config file changes.
func OnConfigChange(run func(in fsnotify.Event)) { v.OnConfigChange(run) }
@@ -523,6 +524,12 @@ func (v *Viper) SetEnvPrefix(in string) {
+func GetEnvPrefix() string { return v.GetEnvPrefix() }
+func (v *Viper) GetEnvPrefix() string {
+ return v.envPrefix
func (v *Viper) mergeWithEnvPrefix(in string) string {
if v.envPrefix != "" {
return strings.ToUpper(v.envPrefix + "_" + in)
@@ -578,8 +585,8 @@ func (v *Viper) AddConfigPath(in string) {
// AddRemoteProvider adds a remote configuration source.
// Remote Providers are searched in the order they are added.
-// provider is a string value: "etcd", "etcd3", "consul" or "firestore" are currently supported.
-// endpoint is the url. etcd requires http://ip:port consul requires ip:port
+// provider is a string value: "etcd", "etcd3", "consul", "firestore" or "nats" are currently supported.
+// endpoint is the url. etcd requires http://ip:port, consul requires ip:port, nats requires nats://ip:port
// path is the path in the k/v store to retrieve configuration
// To retrieve a config file called myapp.json from /configs/myapp.json
// you should set path to /configs and set config name (SetConfigName()) to
@@ -609,7 +616,7 @@ func (v *Viper) AddRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path string) error {
// AddSecureRemoteProvider adds a remote configuration source.
// Secure Remote Providers are searched in the order they are added.
-// provider is a string value: "etcd", "etcd3", "consul" or "firestore" are currently supported.
+// provider is a string value: "etcd", "etcd3", "consul", "firestore" or "nats" are currently supported.
// endpoint is the url. etcd requires http://ip:port consul requires ip:port
// secretkeyring is the filepath to your openpgp secret keyring. e.g. /etc/secrets/myring.gpg
// path is the path in the k/v store to retrieve configuration
@@ -653,7 +660,7 @@ func (v *Viper) providerPathExists(p *defaultRemoteProvider) bool {
// searchMap recursively searches for a value for path in source map.
// Returns nil if not found.
// Note: This assumes that the path entries and map keys are lower cased.
-func (v *Viper) searchMap(source map[string]interface{}, path []string) interface{} {
+func (v *Viper) searchMap(source map[string]any, path []string) any {
if len(path) == 0 {
return source
@@ -666,13 +673,13 @@ func (v *Viper) searchMap(source map[string]interface{}, path []string) interfac
// Nested case
- switch next.(type) {
- case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ switch next := next.(type) {
+ case map[any]any:
return v.searchMap(cast.ToStringMap(next), path[1:])
- case map[string]interface{}:
+ case map[string]any:
// Type assertion is safe here since it is only reached
// if the type of `next` is the same as the type being asserted
- return v.searchMap(next.(map[string]interface{}), path[1:])
+ return v.searchMap(next, path[1:])
// got a value but nested key expected, return "nil" for not found
return nil
@@ -692,7 +699,7 @@ func (v *Viper) searchMap(source map[string]interface{}, path []string) interfac
// in their keys).
// Note: This assumes that the path entries and map keys are lower cased.
-func (v *Viper) searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(source interface{}, path []string) interface{} {
+func (v *Viper) searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(source any, path []string) any {
if len(path) == 0 {
return source
@@ -701,11 +708,11 @@ func (v *Viper) searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(source interface{}, path []strin
for i := len(path); i > 0; i-- {
prefixKey := strings.ToLower(strings.Join(path[0:i], v.keyDelim))
- var val interface{}
+ var val any
switch sourceIndexable := source.(type) {
- case []interface{}:
+ case []any:
val = v.searchSliceWithPathPrefixes(sourceIndexable, prefixKey, i, path)
- case map[string]interface{}:
+ case map[string]any:
val = v.searchMapWithPathPrefixes(sourceIndexable, prefixKey, i, path)
if val != nil {
@@ -722,11 +729,11 @@ func (v *Viper) searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(source interface{}, path []strin
// This function is part of the searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes recurring search and
// should not be called directly from functions other than searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes.
func (v *Viper) searchSliceWithPathPrefixes(
- sourceSlice []interface{},
+ sourceSlice []any,
prefixKey string,
pathIndex int,
path []string,
-) interface{} {
+) any {
// if the prefixKey is not a number or it is out of bounds of the slice
index, err := strconv.Atoi(prefixKey)
if err != nil || len(sourceSlice) <= index {
@@ -741,9 +748,9 @@ func (v *Viper) searchSliceWithPathPrefixes(
switch n := next.(type) {
- case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ case map[any]any:
return v.searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(cast.ToStringMap(n), path[pathIndex:])
- case map[string]interface{}, []interface{}:
+ case map[string]any, []any:
return v.searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(n, path[pathIndex:])
// got a value but nested key expected, do nothing and look for next prefix
@@ -758,11 +765,11 @@ func (v *Viper) searchSliceWithPathPrefixes(
// This function is part of the searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes recurring search and
// should not be called directly from functions other than searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes.
func (v *Viper) searchMapWithPathPrefixes(
- sourceMap map[string]interface{},
+ sourceMap map[string]any,
prefixKey string,
pathIndex int,
path []string,
-) interface{} {
+) any {
next, ok := sourceMap[prefixKey]
if !ok {
return nil
@@ -775,9 +782,9 @@ func (v *Viper) searchMapWithPathPrefixes(
// Nested case
switch n := next.(type) {
- case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ case map[any]any:
return v.searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(cast.ToStringMap(n), path[pathIndex:])
- case map[string]interface{}, []interface{}:
+ case map[string]any, []any:
return v.searchIndexableWithPathPrefixes(n, path[pathIndex:])
// got a value but nested key expected, do nothing and look for next prefix
@@ -792,8 +799,8 @@ func (v *Viper) searchMapWithPathPrefixes(
// e.g., if "foo.bar" has a value in the given map, it “shadows”
// "foo.bar.baz" in a lower-priority map
-func (v *Viper) isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path []string, m map[string]interface{}) string {
- var parentVal interface{}
+func (v *Viper) isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path []string, m map[string]any) string {
+ var parentVal any
for i := 1; i < len(path); i++ {
parentVal = v.searchMap(m, path[0:i])
if parentVal == nil {
@@ -801,9 +808,9 @@ func (v *Viper) isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path []string, m map[string]interface{})
return ""
switch parentVal.(type) {
- case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ case map[any]any:
- case map[string]interface{}:
+ case map[string]any:
// parentVal is a regular value which shadows "path"
@@ -818,9 +825,9 @@ func (v *Viper) isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path []string, m map[string]interface{})
// e.g., if "foo.bar" has a value in the given map, it “shadows”
// "foo.bar.baz" in a lower-priority map
-func (v *Viper) isPathShadowedInFlatMap(path []string, mi interface{}) string {
+func (v *Viper) isPathShadowedInFlatMap(path []string, mi any) string {
// unify input map
- var m map[string]interface{}
+ var m map[string]any
switch mi.(type) {
case map[string]string, map[string]FlagValue:
m = cast.ToStringMap(mi)
@@ -887,9 +894,9 @@ func GetViper() *Viper {
// override, flag, env, config file, key/value store, default
// Get returns an interface. For a specific value use one of the Get____ methods.
-func Get(key string) interface{} { return v.Get(key) }
+func Get(key string) any { return v.Get(key) }
-func (v *Viper) Get(key string) interface{} {
+func (v *Viper) Get(key string) any {
lcaseKey := strings.ToLower(key)
val := v.find(lcaseKey, true)
if val == nil {
@@ -1059,9 +1066,9 @@ func (v *Viper) GetStringSlice(key string) []string {
// GetStringMap returns the value associated with the key as a map of interfaces.
-func GetStringMap(key string) map[string]interface{} { return v.GetStringMap(key) }
+func GetStringMap(key string) map[string]any { return v.GetStringMap(key) }
-func (v *Viper) GetStringMap(key string) map[string]interface{} {
+func (v *Viper) GetStringMap(key string) map[string]any {
return cast.ToStringMap(v.Get(key))
@@ -1089,27 +1096,27 @@ func (v *Viper) GetSizeInBytes(key string) uint {
// UnmarshalKey takes a single key and unmarshals it into a Struct.
-func UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
+func UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal any, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
return v.UnmarshalKey(key, rawVal, opts...)
-func (v *Viper) UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
+func (v *Viper) UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal any, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
return decode(v.Get(key), defaultDecoderConfig(rawVal, opts...))
// Unmarshal unmarshals the config into a Struct. Make sure that the tags
// on the fields of the structure are properly set.
-func Unmarshal(rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
+func Unmarshal(rawVal any, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
return v.Unmarshal(rawVal, opts...)
-func (v *Viper) Unmarshal(rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
+func (v *Viper) Unmarshal(rawVal any, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
return decode(v.AllSettings(), defaultDecoderConfig(rawVal, opts...))
// defaultDecoderConfig returns default mapstructure.DecoderConfig with support
// of time.Duration values & string slices
-func defaultDecoderConfig(output interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) *mapstructure.DecoderConfig {
+func defaultDecoderConfig(output any, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) *mapstructure.DecoderConfig {
c := &mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
Metadata: nil,
Result: output,
@@ -1126,7 +1133,7 @@ func defaultDecoderConfig(output interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) *maps
// A wrapper around mapstructure.Decode that mimics the WeakDecode functionality
-func decode(input interface{}, config *mapstructure.DecoderConfig) error {
+func decode(input any, config *mapstructure.DecoderConfig) error {
decoder, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(config)
if err != nil {
return err
@@ -1136,11 +1143,11 @@ func decode(input interface{}, config *mapstructure.DecoderConfig) error {
// UnmarshalExact unmarshals the config into a Struct, erroring if a field is nonexistent
// in the destination struct.
-func UnmarshalExact(rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
+func UnmarshalExact(rawVal any, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
return v.UnmarshalExact(rawVal, opts...)
-func (v *Viper) UnmarshalExact(rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
+func (v *Viper) UnmarshalExact(rawVal any, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error {
config := defaultDecoderConfig(rawVal, opts...)
config.ErrorUnused = true
@@ -1237,9 +1244,9 @@ func (v *Viper) MustBindEnv(input ...string) {
// corresponds to a flag, the flag's default value is returned.
// Note: this assumes a lower-cased key given.
-func (v *Viper) find(lcaseKey string, flagDefault bool) interface{} {
+func (v *Viper) find(lcaseKey string, flagDefault bool) any {
var (
- val interface{}
+ val any
exists bool
path = strings.Split(lcaseKey, v.keyDelim)
nested = len(path) > 1
@@ -1398,46 +1405,46 @@ func readAsCSV(val string) ([]string, error) {
// mostly copied from pflag's implementation of this operation here https://github.com/spf13/pflag/blob/master/string_to_string.go#L79
-// alterations are: errors are swallowed, map[string]interface{} is returned in order to enable cast.ToStringMap
-func stringToStringConv(val string) interface{} {
+// alterations are: errors are swallowed, map[string]any is returned in order to enable cast.ToStringMap
+func stringToStringConv(val string) any {
val = strings.Trim(val, "[]")
// An empty string would cause an empty map
if len(val) == 0 {
- return map[string]interface{}{}
+ return map[string]any{}
r := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(val))
ss, err := r.Read()
if err != nil {
return nil
- out := make(map[string]interface{}, len(ss))
+ out := make(map[string]any, len(ss))
for _, pair := range ss {
- kv := strings.SplitN(pair, "=", 2)
- if len(kv) != 2 {
+ k, vv, found := strings.Cut(pair, "=")
+ if !found {
return nil
- out[kv[0]] = kv[1]
+ out[k] = vv
return out
// mostly copied from pflag's implementation of this operation here https://github.com/spf13/pflag/blob/d5e0c0615acee7028e1e2740a11102313be88de1/string_to_int.go#L68
-// alterations are: errors are swallowed, map[string]interface{} is returned in order to enable cast.ToStringMap
-func stringToIntConv(val string) interface{} {
+// alterations are: errors are swallowed, map[string]any is returned in order to enable cast.ToStringMap
+func stringToIntConv(val string) any {
val = strings.Trim(val, "[]")
// An empty string would cause an empty map
if len(val) == 0 {
- return map[string]interface{}{}
+ return map[string]any{}
ss := strings.Split(val, ",")
- out := make(map[string]interface{}, len(ss))
+ out := make(map[string]any, len(ss))
for _, pair := range ss {
- kv := strings.SplitN(pair, "=", 2)
- if len(kv) != 2 {
+ k, vv, found := strings.Cut(pair, "=")
+ if !found {
return nil
var err error
- out[kv[0]], err = strconv.Atoi(kv[1])
+ out[k], err = strconv.Atoi(vv)
if err != nil {
return nil
@@ -1538,9 +1545,9 @@ func (v *Viper) InConfig(key string) bool {
// SetDefault sets the default value for this key.
// SetDefault is case-insensitive for a key.
// Default only used when no value is provided by the user via flag, config or ENV.
-func SetDefault(key string, value interface{}) { v.SetDefault(key, value) }
+func SetDefault(key string, value any) { v.SetDefault(key, value) }
-func (v *Viper) SetDefault(key string, value interface{}) {
+func (v *Viper) SetDefault(key string, value any) {
// If alias passed in, then set the proper default
key = v.realKey(strings.ToLower(key))
value = toCaseInsensitiveValue(value)
@@ -1557,9 +1564,9 @@ func (v *Viper) SetDefault(key string, value interface{}) {
// Set is case-insensitive for a key.
// Will be used instead of values obtained via
// flags, config file, ENV, default, or key/value store.
-func Set(key string, value interface{}) { v.Set(key, value) }
+func Set(key string, value any) { v.Set(key, value) }
-func (v *Viper) Set(key string, value interface{}) {
+func (v *Viper) Set(key string, value any) {
// If alias passed in, then set the proper override
key = v.realKey(strings.ToLower(key))
value = toCaseInsensitiveValue(value)
@@ -1593,7 +1600,7 @@ func (v *Viper) ReadInConfig() error {
return err
- config := make(map[string]interface{})
+ config := make(map[string]any)
err = v.unmarshalReader(bytes.NewReader(file), config)
if err != nil {
@@ -1631,7 +1638,7 @@ func (v *Viper) MergeInConfig() error {
func ReadConfig(in io.Reader) error { return v.ReadConfig(in) }
func (v *Viper) ReadConfig(in io.Reader) error {
- v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
+ v.config = make(map[string]any)
return v.unmarshalReader(in, v.config)
@@ -1639,7 +1646,7 @@ func (v *Viper) ReadConfig(in io.Reader) error {
func MergeConfig(in io.Reader) error { return v.MergeConfig(in) }
func (v *Viper) MergeConfig(in io.Reader) error {
- cfg := make(map[string]interface{})
+ cfg := make(map[string]any)
if err := v.unmarshalReader(in, cfg); err != nil {
return err
@@ -1648,11 +1655,11 @@ func (v *Viper) MergeConfig(in io.Reader) error {
// MergeConfigMap merges the configuration from the map given with an existing config.
// Note that the map given may be modified.
-func MergeConfigMap(cfg map[string]interface{}) error { return v.MergeConfigMap(cfg) }
+func MergeConfigMap(cfg map[string]any) error { return v.MergeConfigMap(cfg) }
-func (v *Viper) MergeConfigMap(cfg map[string]interface{}) error {
+func (v *Viper) MergeConfigMap(cfg map[string]any) error {
if v.config == nil {
- v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
+ v.config = make(map[string]any)
mergeMaps(cfg, v.config, nil)
@@ -1717,7 +1724,7 @@ func (v *Viper) writeConfig(filename string, force bool) error {
return UnsupportedConfigError(configType)
if v.config == nil {
- v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
+ v.config = make(map[string]any)
flags := os.O_CREATE | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY
if !force {
@@ -1738,11 +1745,11 @@ func (v *Viper) writeConfig(filename string, force bool) error {
// Unmarshal a Reader into a map.
// Should probably be an unexported function.
-func unmarshalReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]interface{}) error {
+func unmarshalReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]any) error {
return v.unmarshalReader(in, c)
-func (v *Viper) unmarshalReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]interface{}) error {
+func (v *Viper) unmarshalReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]any) error {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
@@ -1776,7 +1783,7 @@ func (v *Viper) marshalWriter(f afero.File, configType string) error {
return nil
-func keyExists(k string, m map[string]interface{}) string {
+func keyExists(k string, m map[string]any) string {
lk := strings.ToLower(k)
for mk := range m {
lmk := strings.ToLower(mk)
@@ -1788,33 +1795,33 @@ func keyExists(k string, m map[string]interface{}) string {
func castToMapStringInterface(
- src map[interface{}]interface{},
-) map[string]interface{} {
- tgt := map[string]interface{}{}
+ src map[any]any,
+) map[string]any {
+ tgt := map[string]any{}
for k, v := range src {
tgt[fmt.Sprintf("%v", k)] = v
return tgt
-func castMapStringSliceToMapInterface(src map[string][]string) map[string]interface{} {
- tgt := map[string]interface{}{}
+func castMapStringSliceToMapInterface(src map[string][]string) map[string]any {
+ tgt := map[string]any{}
for k, v := range src {
tgt[k] = v
return tgt
-func castMapStringToMapInterface(src map[string]string) map[string]interface{} {
- tgt := map[string]interface{}{}
+func castMapStringToMapInterface(src map[string]string) map[string]any {
+ tgt := map[string]any{}
for k, v := range src {
tgt[k] = v
return tgt
-func castMapFlagToMapInterface(src map[string]FlagValue) map[string]interface{} {
- tgt := map[string]interface{}{}
+func castMapFlagToMapInterface(src map[string]FlagValue) map[string]any {
+ tgt := map[string]any{}
for k, v := range src {
tgt[k] = v
@@ -1822,17 +1829,15 @@ func castMapFlagToMapInterface(src map[string]FlagValue) map[string]interface{}
// mergeMaps merges two maps. The `itgt` parameter is for handling go-yaml's
-// insistence on parsing nested structures as `map[interface{}]interface{}`
+// insistence on parsing nested structures as `map[any]any`
// instead of using a `string` as the key for nest structures beyond one level
// deep. Both map types are supported as there is a go-yaml fork that uses
-// `map[string]interface{}` instead.
-func mergeMaps(
- src, tgt map[string]interface{}, itgt map[interface{}]interface{},
-) {
+// `map[string]any` instead.
+func mergeMaps(src, tgt map[string]any, itgt map[any]any) {
for sk, sv := range src {
tk := keyExists(sk, tgt)
if tk == "" {
- v.logger.Trace("", "tk", "\"\"", fmt.Sprintf("tgt[%s]", sk), sv)
+ v.logger.Debug("", "tk", "\"\"", fmt.Sprintf("tgt[%s]", sk), sv)
tgt[sk] = sv
if itgt != nil {
itgt[sk] = sv
@@ -1842,7 +1847,7 @@ func mergeMaps(
tv, ok := tgt[tk]
if !ok {
- v.logger.Trace("", fmt.Sprintf("ok[%s]", tk), false, fmt.Sprintf("tgt[%s]", sk), sv)
+ v.logger.Debug("", fmt.Sprintf("ok[%s]", tk), false, fmt.Sprintf("tgt[%s]", sk), sv)
tgt[sk] = sv
if itgt != nil {
itgt[sk] = sv
@@ -1853,7 +1858,7 @@ func mergeMaps(
svType := reflect.TypeOf(sv)
tvType := reflect.TypeOf(tv)
- v.logger.Trace(
+ v.logger.Debug(
"key", sk,
"st", svType,
@@ -1863,12 +1868,12 @@ func mergeMaps(
switch ttv := tv.(type) {
- case map[interface{}]interface{}:
- v.logger.Trace("merging maps (must convert)")
- tsv, ok := sv.(map[interface{}]interface{})
+ case map[any]any:
+ v.logger.Debug("merging maps (must convert)")
+ tsv, ok := sv.(map[any]any)
if !ok {
- "Could not cast sv to map[interface{}]interface{}",
+ "Could not cast sv to map[any]any",
"key", sk,
"st", svType,
"tt", tvType,
@@ -1881,12 +1886,12 @@ func mergeMaps(
ssv := castToMapStringInterface(tsv)
stv := castToMapStringInterface(ttv)
mergeMaps(ssv, stv, ttv)
- case map[string]interface{}:
- v.logger.Trace("merging maps")
- tsv, ok := sv.(map[string]interface{})
+ case map[string]any:
+ v.logger.Debug("merging maps")
+ tsv, ok := sv.(map[string]any)
if !ok {
- "Could not cast sv to map[string]interface{}",
+ "Could not cast sv to map[string]any",
"key", sk,
"st", svType,
"tt", tvType,
@@ -1897,7 +1902,7 @@ func mergeMaps(
mergeMaps(tsv, ttv, nil)
- v.logger.Trace("setting value")
+ v.logger.Debug("setting value")
tgt[tk] = sv
if itgt != nil {
itgt[tk] = sv
@@ -1948,7 +1953,7 @@ func (v *Viper) getKeyValueConfig() error {
return RemoteConfigError("No Files Found")
-func (v *Viper) getRemoteConfig(provider RemoteProvider) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
+func (v *Viper) getRemoteConfig(provider RemoteProvider) (map[string]any, error) {
reader, err := RemoteConfig.Get(provider)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -1997,7 +2002,7 @@ func (v *Viper) watchKeyValueConfig() error {
return RemoteConfigError("No Files Found")
-func (v *Viper) watchRemoteConfig(provider RemoteProvider) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
+func (v *Viper) watchRemoteConfig(provider RemoteProvider) (map[string]any, error) {
reader, err := RemoteConfig.Watch(provider)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -2036,7 +2041,7 @@ func (v *Viper) AllKeys() []string {
// it is skipped.
// The resulting set of paths is merged to the given shadow set at the same time.
-func (v *Viper) flattenAndMergeMap(shadow map[string]bool, m map[string]interface{}, prefix string) map[string]bool {
+func (v *Viper) flattenAndMergeMap(shadow map[string]bool, m map[string]any, prefix string) map[string]bool {
if shadow != nil && prefix != "" && shadow[prefix] {
// prefix is shadowed => nothing more to flatten
return shadow
@@ -2045,16 +2050,16 @@ func (v *Viper) flattenAndMergeMap(shadow map[string]bool, m map[string]interfac
shadow = make(map[string]bool)
- var m2 map[string]interface{}
+ var m2 map[string]any
if prefix != "" {
prefix += v.keyDelim
for k, val := range m {
fullKey := prefix + k
- switch val.(type) {
- case map[string]interface{}:
- m2 = val.(map[string]interface{})
- case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ switch val := val.(type) {
+ case map[string]any:
+ m2 = val
+ case map[any]any:
m2 = cast.ToStringMap(val)
// immediate value
@@ -2069,7 +2074,7 @@ func (v *Viper) flattenAndMergeMap(shadow map[string]bool, m map[string]interfac
// mergeFlatMap merges the given maps, excluding values of the second map
// shadowed by values from the first map.
-func (v *Viper) mergeFlatMap(shadow map[string]bool, m map[string]interface{}) map[string]bool {
+func (v *Viper) mergeFlatMap(shadow map[string]bool, m map[string]any) map[string]bool {
// scan keys
for k := range m {
@@ -2089,11 +2094,11 @@ outer:
return shadow
-// AllSettings merges all settings and returns them as a map[string]interface{}.
-func AllSettings() map[string]interface{} { return v.AllSettings() }
+// AllSettings merges all settings and returns them as a map[string]any.
+func AllSettings() map[string]any { return v.AllSettings() }
-func (v *Viper) AllSettings() map[string]interface{} {
- m := map[string]interface{}{}
+func (v *Viper) AllSettings() map[string]any {
+ m := map[string]any{}
// start from the list of keys, and construct the map one value at a time
for _, k := range v.AllKeys() {
value := v.Get(k)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper_go1_15.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper_go1_15.go
index 19a771cbda..7fc6aff333 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper_go1_15.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper_go1_15.go
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-//go:build !go1.16 || !finder
-// +build !go1.16 !finder
+//go:build !finder
package viper
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper_go1_16.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper_go1_16.go
index e10172fa3f..d96a1bd223 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper_go1_16.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper_go1_16.go
@@ -1,32 +1,38 @@
-//go:build go1.16 && finder
-// +build go1.16,finder
+//go:build finder
package viper
import (
- "github.com/spf13/afero"
+ "github.com/sagikazarmark/locafero"
// Search all configPaths for any config file.
// Returns the first path that exists (and is a config file).
func (v *Viper) findConfigFile() (string, error) {
- finder := finder{
- paths: v.configPaths,
- fileNames: []string{v.configName},
- extensions: SupportedExts,
- withoutExtension: v.configType != "",
+ var names []string
+ if v.configType != "" {
+ names = locafero.NameWithOptionalExtensions(v.configName, SupportedExts...)
+ } else {
+ names = locafero.NameWithExtensions(v.configName, SupportedExts...)
+ }
+ finder := locafero.Finder{
+ Paths: v.configPaths,
+ Names: names,
+ Type: locafero.FileTypeFile,
- file, err := finder.Find(afero.NewIOFS(v.fs))
+ results, err := finder.Find(v.fs)
if err != nil {
return "", err
- if file == "" {
+ if len(results) == 0 {
return "", ConfigFileNotFoundError{v.configName, fmt.Sprintf("%s", v.configPaths)}
- return file, nil
+ return results[0], nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/watch.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/watch.go
index 1ce84eaf88..e98fce89c1 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/watch.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/watch.go
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
//go:build darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || openbsd || linux || netbsd || solaris || windows
-// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd openbsd linux netbsd solaris windows
package viper
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/watch_unsupported.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/watch_unsupported.go
index 7e2715377c..707640560c 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/watch_unsupported.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/watch_unsupported.go
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
//go:build appengine || (!darwin && !dragonfly && !freebsd && !openbsd && !linux && !netbsd && !solaris && !windows)
-// +build appengine !darwin,!dragonfly,!freebsd,!openbsd,!linux,!netbsd,!solaris,!windows
package viper
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/subosito/gotenv/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/subosito/gotenv/CHANGELOG.md
index 757caad266..c4fe7d3268 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/subosito/gotenv/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/vendor/github.com/subosito/gotenv/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,42 @@
# Changelog
+## [1.5.0] - 2023-08-15
+### Fixed
+- Use io.Reader instead of custom Reader
+## [1.5.0] - 2023-08-15
+### Added
+- Support for reading UTF16 files
+### Fixed
+- Scanner error handling
+- Reader error handling
+## [1.4.2] - 2023-01-11
+### Fixed
+- Env var initialization
+### Changed
+- More consitent line splitting
+## [1.4.1] - 2022-08-23
+### Fixed
+- Missing file close
+### Changed
+- Updated dependencies
## [1.4.0] - 2022-06-02
### Added
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/subosito/gotenv/gotenv.go b/vendor/github.com/subosito/gotenv/gotenv.go
index dc013e1e07..1191d35874 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/subosito/gotenv/gotenv.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/subosito/gotenv/gotenv.go
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ import (
+ "golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode"
+ "golang.org/x/text/transform"
const (
@@ -20,9 +23,13 @@ const (
// Pattern for detecting valid variable within a value
variablePattern = `(\\)?(\$)(\{?([A-Z0-9_]+)?\}?)`
- // Byte order mark character
- bom = "\xef\xbb\xbf"
+// Byte order mark character
+var (
+ bomUTF8 = []byte("\xEF\xBB\xBF")
+ bomUTF16LE = []byte("\xFF\xFE")
+ bomUTF16BE = []byte("\xFE\xFF")
// Env holds key/value pair of valid environment variable
@@ -203,19 +210,40 @@ func splitLines(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error)
func strictParse(r io.Reader, override bool) (Env, error) {
env := make(Env)
- scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
- scanner.Split(splitLines)
- firstLine := true
+ buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ tee := io.TeeReader(r, buf)
- for scanner.Scan() {
- line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
+ // There can be a maximum of 3 BOM bytes.
+ bomByteBuffer := make([]byte, 3)
+ _, err := tee.Read(bomByteBuffer)
+ if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
+ return env, err
+ }
+ z := io.MultiReader(buf, r)
+ // We chooes a different scanner depending on file encoding.
+ var scanner *bufio.Scanner
- if firstLine {
- line = strings.TrimPrefix(line, bom)
- firstLine = false
+ if bytes.HasPrefix(bomByteBuffer, bomUTF8) {
+ scanner = bufio.NewScanner(transform.NewReader(z, unicode.UTF8BOM.NewDecoder()))
+ } else if bytes.HasPrefix(bomByteBuffer, bomUTF16LE) {
+ scanner = bufio.NewScanner(transform.NewReader(z, unicode.UTF16(unicode.LittleEndian, unicode.ExpectBOM).NewDecoder()))
+ } else if bytes.HasPrefix(bomByteBuffer, bomUTF16BE) {
+ scanner = bufio.NewScanner(transform.NewReader(z, unicode.UTF16(unicode.BigEndian, unicode.ExpectBOM).NewDecoder()))
+ } else {
+ scanner = bufio.NewScanner(z)
+ }
+ scanner.Split(splitLines)
+ for scanner.Scan() {
+ if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
+ return env, err
+ line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
if line == "" || line[0] == '#' {
@@ -263,7 +291,7 @@ func strictParse(r io.Reader, override bool) (Env, error) {
- return env, nil
+ return env, scanner.Err()
var (
diff --git a/vendor/go.step.sm/crypto/pemutil/pem.go b/vendor/go.step.sm/crypto/pemutil/pem.go
index 0941323d4a..b281c4024b 100644
--- a/vendor/go.step.sm/crypto/pemutil/pem.go
+++ b/vendor/go.step.sm/crypto/pemutil/pem.go
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
+ "crypto/sha256"
@@ -707,3 +708,35 @@ func ParseSSH(b []byte) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unsupported key type %T", key)
+// BundleCertificate adds PEM-encoded certificates to a PEM-encoded certificate
+// bundle if not already in the bundle.
+func BundleCertificate(bundlePEM []byte, certsPEM ...[]byte) ([]byte, bool, error) {
+ bundle, err := ParseCertificateBundle(bundlePEM)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("invalid bundle: %w", err)
+ }
+ sums := make(map[[sha256.Size224]byte]bool, len(bundle)+len(certsPEM))
+ for i := range bundle {
+ sums[sha256.Sum224(bundle[i].Raw)] = true
+ }
+ modified := false
+ for i := range certsPEM {
+ cert, err := ParseCertificate(certsPEM[i])
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("invalid certificate %d: %w", i, err)
+ }
+ certSum := sha256.Sum224(cert.Raw)
+ if sums[certSum] {
+ continue
+ }
+ sums[certSum] = true
+ bundlePEM = append(bundlePEM, certsPEM[i]...)
+ modified = true
+ }
+ return bundlePEM, modified, nil
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/cmp.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/cmp.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbf1934a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/cmp.go
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package slices
+import "golang.org/x/exp/constraints"
+// min is a version of the predeclared function from the Go 1.21 release.
+func min[T constraints.Ordered](a, b T) T {
+ if a < b || isNaN(a) {
+ return a
+ }
+ return b
+// max is a version of the predeclared function from the Go 1.21 release.
+func max[T constraints.Ordered](a, b T) T {
+ if a > b || isNaN(a) {
+ return a
+ }
+ return b
+// cmpLess is a copy of cmp.Less from the Go 1.21 release.
+func cmpLess[T constraints.Ordered](x, y T) bool {
+ return (isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) || x < y
+// cmpCompare is a copy of cmp.Compare from the Go 1.21 release.
+func cmpCompare[T constraints.Ordered](x, y T) int {
+ xNaN := isNaN(x)
+ yNaN := isNaN(y)
+ if xNaN && yNaN {
+ return 0
+ }
+ if xNaN || x < y {
+ return -1
+ }
+ if yNaN || x > y {
+ return +1
+ }
+ return 0
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/slices.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/slices.go
index 2540bd6825..5e8158bba8 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/slices.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/slices.go
@@ -3,23 +3,20 @@
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package slices defines various functions useful with slices of any type.
-// Unless otherwise specified, these functions all apply to the elements
-// of a slice at index 0 <= i < len(s).
-// Note that the less function in IsSortedFunc, SortFunc, SortStableFunc requires a
-// strict weak ordering (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weak_ordering#Strict_weak_orderings),
-// or the sorting may fail to sort correctly. A common case is when sorting slices of
-// floating-point numbers containing NaN values.
package slices
-import "golang.org/x/exp/constraints"
+import (
+ "unsafe"
+ "golang.org/x/exp/constraints"
// Equal reports whether two slices are equal: the same length and all
// elements equal. If the lengths are different, Equal returns false.
// Otherwise, the elements are compared in increasing index order, and the
// comparison stops at the first unequal pair.
// Floating point NaNs are not considered equal.
-func Equal[E comparable](s1, s2 []E) bool {
+func Equal[S ~[]E, E comparable](s1, s2 S) bool {
if len(s1) != len(s2) {
return false
@@ -31,12 +28,12 @@ func Equal[E comparable](s1, s2 []E) bool {
return true
-// EqualFunc reports whether two slices are equal using a comparison
+// EqualFunc reports whether two slices are equal using an equality
// function on each pair of elements. If the lengths are different,
// EqualFunc returns false. Otherwise, the elements are compared in
// increasing index order, and the comparison stops at the first index
// for which eq returns false.
-func EqualFunc[E1, E2 any](s1 []E1, s2 []E2, eq func(E1, E2) bool) bool {
+func EqualFunc[S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2, E1, E2 any](s1 S1, s2 S2, eq func(E1, E2) bool) bool {
if len(s1) != len(s2) {
return false
@@ -49,45 +46,37 @@ func EqualFunc[E1, E2 any](s1 []E1, s2 []E2, eq func(E1, E2) bool) bool {
return true
-// Compare compares the elements of s1 and s2.
-// The elements are compared sequentially, starting at index 0,
+// Compare compares the elements of s1 and s2, using [cmp.Compare] on each pair
+// of elements. The elements are compared sequentially, starting at index 0,
// until one element is not equal to the other.
// The result of comparing the first non-matching elements is returned.
// If both slices are equal until one of them ends, the shorter slice is
// considered less than the longer one.
// The result is 0 if s1 == s2, -1 if s1 < s2, and +1 if s1 > s2.
-// Comparisons involving floating point NaNs are ignored.
-func Compare[E constraints.Ordered](s1, s2 []E) int {
- s2len := len(s2)
+func Compare[S ~[]E, E constraints.Ordered](s1, s2 S) int {
for i, v1 := range s1 {
- if i >= s2len {
+ if i >= len(s2) {
return +1
v2 := s2[i]
- switch {
- case v1 < v2:
- return -1
- case v1 > v2:
- return +1
+ if c := cmpCompare(v1, v2); c != 0 {
+ return c
- if len(s1) < s2len {
+ if len(s1) < len(s2) {
return -1
return 0
-// CompareFunc is like Compare but uses a comparison function
-// on each pair of elements. The elements are compared in increasing
-// index order, and the comparisons stop after the first time cmp
-// returns non-zero.
+// CompareFunc is like [Compare] but uses a custom comparison function on each
+// pair of elements.
// The result is the first non-zero result of cmp; if cmp always
// returns 0 the result is 0 if len(s1) == len(s2), -1 if len(s1) < len(s2),
// and +1 if len(s1) > len(s2).
-func CompareFunc[E1, E2 any](s1 []E1, s2 []E2, cmp func(E1, E2) int) int {
- s2len := len(s2)
+func CompareFunc[S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2, E1, E2 any](s1 S1, s2 S2, cmp func(E1, E2) int) int {
for i, v1 := range s1 {
- if i >= s2len {
+ if i >= len(s2) {
return +1
v2 := s2[i]
@@ -95,7 +84,7 @@ func CompareFunc[E1, E2 any](s1 []E1, s2 []E2, cmp func(E1, E2) int) int {
return c
- if len(s1) < s2len {
+ if len(s1) < len(s2) {
return -1
return 0
@@ -103,7 +92,7 @@ func CompareFunc[E1, E2 any](s1 []E1, s2 []E2, cmp func(E1, E2) int) int {
// Index returns the index of the first occurrence of v in s,
// or -1 if not present.
-func Index[E comparable](s []E, v E) int {
+func Index[S ~[]E, E comparable](s S, v E) int {
for i := range s {
if v == s[i] {
return i
@@ -114,7 +103,7 @@ func Index[E comparable](s []E, v E) int {
// IndexFunc returns the first index i satisfying f(s[i]),
// or -1 if none do.
-func IndexFunc[E any](s []E, f func(E) bool) int {
+func IndexFunc[S ~[]E, E any](s S, f func(E) bool) int {
for i := range s {
if f(s[i]) {
return i
@@ -124,39 +113,104 @@ func IndexFunc[E any](s []E, f func(E) bool) int {
// Contains reports whether v is present in s.
-func Contains[E comparable](s []E, v E) bool {
+func Contains[S ~[]E, E comparable](s S, v E) bool {
return Index(s, v) >= 0
// ContainsFunc reports whether at least one
// element e of s satisfies f(e).
-func ContainsFunc[E any](s []E, f func(E) bool) bool {
+func ContainsFunc[S ~[]E, E any](s S, f func(E) bool) bool {
return IndexFunc(s, f) >= 0
// Insert inserts the values v... into s at index i,
// returning the modified slice.
-// In the returned slice r, r[i] == v[0].
+// The elements at s[i:] are shifted up to make room.
+// In the returned slice r, r[i] == v[0],
+// and r[i+len(v)] == value originally at r[i].
// Insert panics if i is out of range.
// This function is O(len(s) + len(v)).
func Insert[S ~[]E, E any](s S, i int, v ...E) S {
- tot := len(s) + len(v)
- if tot <= cap(s) {
- s2 := s[:tot]
- copy(s2[i+len(v):], s[i:])
+ m := len(v)
+ if m == 0 {
+ return s
+ }
+ n := len(s)
+ if i == n {
+ return append(s, v...)
+ }
+ if n+m > cap(s) {
+ // Use append rather than make so that we bump the size of
+ // the slice up to the next storage class.
+ // This is what Grow does but we don't call Grow because
+ // that might copy the values twice.
+ s2 := append(s[:i], make(S, n+m-i)...)
copy(s2[i:], v)
+ copy(s2[i+m:], s[i:])
return s2
- s2 := make(S, tot)
- copy(s2, s[:i])
- copy(s2[i:], v)
- copy(s2[i+len(v):], s[i:])
- return s2
+ s = s[:n+m]
+ // before:
+ // s: aaaaaaaabbbbccccccccdddd
+ // ^ ^ ^ ^
+ // i i+m n n+m
+ // after:
+ // s: aaaaaaaavvvvbbbbcccccccc
+ // ^ ^ ^ ^
+ // i i+m n n+m
+ //
+ // a are the values that don't move in s.
+ // v are the values copied in from v.
+ // b and c are the values from s that are shifted up in index.
+ // d are the values that get overwritten, never to be seen again.
+ if !overlaps(v, s[i+m:]) {
+ // Easy case - v does not overlap either the c or d regions.
+ // (It might be in some of a or b, or elsewhere entirely.)
+ // The data we copy up doesn't write to v at all, so just do it.
+ copy(s[i+m:], s[i:])
+ // Now we have
+ // s: aaaaaaaabbbbbbbbcccccccc
+ // ^ ^ ^ ^
+ // i i+m n n+m
+ // Note the b values are duplicated.
+ copy(s[i:], v)
+ // Now we have
+ // s: aaaaaaaavvvvbbbbcccccccc
+ // ^ ^ ^ ^
+ // i i+m n n+m
+ // That's the result we want.
+ return s
+ }
+ // The hard case - v overlaps c or d. We can't just shift up
+ // the data because we'd move or clobber the values we're trying
+ // to insert.
+ // So instead, write v on top of d, then rotate.
+ copy(s[n:], v)
+ // Now we have
+ // s: aaaaaaaabbbbccccccccvvvv
+ // ^ ^ ^ ^
+ // i i+m n n+m
+ rotateRight(s[i:], m)
+ // Now we have
+ // s: aaaaaaaavvvvbbbbcccccccc
+ // ^ ^ ^ ^
+ // i i+m n n+m
+ // That's the result we want.
+ return s
// Delete removes the elements s[i:j] from s, returning the modified slice.
// Delete panics if s[i:j] is not a valid slice of s.
-// Delete modifies the contents of the slice s; it does not create a new slice.
// Delete is O(len(s)-j), so if many items must be deleted, it is better to
// make a single call deleting them all together than to delete one at a time.
// Delete might not modify the elements s[len(s)-(j-i):len(s)]. If those
@@ -168,22 +222,113 @@ func Delete[S ~[]E, E any](s S, i, j int) S {
return append(s[:i], s[j:]...)
+// DeleteFunc removes any elements from s for which del returns true,
+// returning the modified slice.
+// When DeleteFunc removes m elements, it might not modify the elements
+// s[len(s)-m:len(s)]. If those elements contain pointers you might consider
+// zeroing those elements so that objects they reference can be garbage
+// collected.
+func DeleteFunc[S ~[]E, E any](s S, del func(E) bool) S {
+ i := IndexFunc(s, del)
+ if i == -1 {
+ return s
+ }
+ // Don't start copying elements until we find one to delete.
+ for j := i + 1; j < len(s); j++ {
+ if v := s[j]; !del(v) {
+ s[i] = v
+ i++
+ }
+ }
+ return s[:i]
// Replace replaces the elements s[i:j] by the given v, and returns the
// modified slice. Replace panics if s[i:j] is not a valid slice of s.
func Replace[S ~[]E, E any](s S, i, j int, v ...E) S {
_ = s[i:j] // verify that i:j is a valid subslice
+ if i == j {
+ return Insert(s, i, v...)
+ }
+ if j == len(s) {
+ return append(s[:i], v...)
+ }
tot := len(s[:i]) + len(v) + len(s[j:])
- if tot <= cap(s) {
- s2 := s[:tot]
- copy(s2[i+len(v):], s[j:])
+ if tot > cap(s) {
+ // Too big to fit, allocate and copy over.
+ s2 := append(s[:i], make(S, tot-i)...) // See Insert
copy(s2[i:], v)
+ copy(s2[i+len(v):], s[j:])
return s2
- s2 := make(S, tot)
- copy(s2, s[:i])
- copy(s2[i:], v)
- copy(s2[i+len(v):], s[j:])
- return s2
+ r := s[:tot]
+ if i+len(v) <= j {
+ // Easy, as v fits in the deleted portion.
+ copy(r[i:], v)
+ if i+len(v) != j {
+ copy(r[i+len(v):], s[j:])
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ // We are expanding (v is bigger than j-i).
+ // The situation is something like this:
+ // (example has i=4,j=8,len(s)=16,len(v)=6)
+ // s: aaaaxxxxbbbbbbbbyy
+ // ^ ^ ^ ^
+ // i j len(s) tot
+ // a: prefix of s
+ // x: deleted range
+ // b: more of s
+ // y: area to expand into
+ if !overlaps(r[i+len(v):], v) {
+ // Easy, as v is not clobbered by the first copy.
+ copy(r[i+len(v):], s[j:])
+ copy(r[i:], v)
+ return r
+ }
+ // This is a situation where we don't have a single place to which
+ // we can copy v. Parts of it need to go to two different places.
+ // We want to copy the prefix of v into y and the suffix into x, then
+ // rotate |y| spots to the right.
+ //
+ // v[2:] v[:2]
+ // | |
+ // s: aaaavvvvbbbbbbbbvv
+ // ^ ^ ^ ^
+ // i j len(s) tot
+ //
+ // If either of those two destinations don't alias v, then we're good.
+ y := len(v) - (j - i) // length of y portion
+ if !overlaps(r[i:j], v) {
+ copy(r[i:j], v[y:])
+ copy(r[len(s):], v[:y])
+ rotateRight(r[i:], y)
+ return r
+ }
+ if !overlaps(r[len(s):], v) {
+ copy(r[len(s):], v[:y])
+ copy(r[i:j], v[y:])
+ rotateRight(r[i:], y)
+ return r
+ }
+ // Now we know that v overlaps both x and y.
+ // That means that the entirety of b is *inside* v.
+ // So we don't need to preserve b at all; instead we
+ // can copy v first, then copy the b part of v out of
+ // v to the right destination.
+ k := startIdx(v, s[j:])
+ copy(r[i:], v)
+ copy(r[i+len(v):], r[i+k:])
+ return r
// Clone returns a copy of the slice.
@@ -198,7 +343,8 @@ func Clone[S ~[]E, E any](s S) S {
// Compact replaces consecutive runs of equal elements with a single copy.
// This is like the uniq command found on Unix.
-// Compact modifies the contents of the slice s; it does not create a new slice.
+// Compact modifies the contents of the slice s and returns the modified slice,
+// which may have a smaller length.
// When Compact discards m elements in total, it might not modify the elements
// s[len(s)-m:len(s)]. If those elements contain pointers you might consider
// zeroing those elements so that objects they reference can be garbage collected.
@@ -218,7 +364,8 @@ func Compact[S ~[]E, E comparable](s S) S {
return s[:i]
-// CompactFunc is like Compact but uses a comparison function.
+// CompactFunc is like [Compact] but uses an equality function to compare elements.
+// For runs of elements that compare equal, CompactFunc keeps the first one.
func CompactFunc[S ~[]E, E any](s S, eq func(E, E) bool) S {
if len(s) < 2 {
return s
@@ -256,3 +403,97 @@ func Grow[S ~[]E, E any](s S, n int) S {
func Clip[S ~[]E, E any](s S) S {
return s[:len(s):len(s)]
+// Rotation algorithm explanation:
+// rotate left by 2
+// start with
+// 0123456789
+// split up like this
+// 01 234567 89
+// swap first 2 and last 2
+// 89 234567 01
+// join first parts
+// 89234567 01
+// recursively rotate first left part by 2
+// 23456789 01
+// join at the end
+// 2345678901
+// rotate left by 8
+// start with
+// 0123456789
+// split up like this
+// 01 234567 89
+// swap first 2 and last 2
+// 89 234567 01
+// join last parts
+// 89 23456701
+// recursively rotate second part left by 6
+// 89 01234567
+// join at the end
+// 8901234567
+// TODO: There are other rotate algorithms.
+// This algorithm has the desirable property that it moves each element exactly twice.
+// The triple-reverse algorithm is simpler and more cache friendly, but takes more writes.
+// The follow-cycles algorithm can be 1-write but it is not very cache friendly.
+// rotateLeft rotates b left by n spaces.
+// s_final[i] = s_orig[i+r], wrapping around.
+func rotateLeft[E any](s []E, r int) {
+ for r != 0 && r != len(s) {
+ if r*2 <= len(s) {
+ swap(s[:r], s[len(s)-r:])
+ s = s[:len(s)-r]
+ } else {
+ swap(s[:len(s)-r], s[r:])
+ s, r = s[len(s)-r:], r*2-len(s)
+ }
+ }
+func rotateRight[E any](s []E, r int) {
+ rotateLeft(s, len(s)-r)
+// swap swaps the contents of x and y. x and y must be equal length and disjoint.
+func swap[E any](x, y []E) {
+ for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ {
+ x[i], y[i] = y[i], x[i]
+ }
+// overlaps reports whether the memory ranges a[0:len(a)] and b[0:len(b)] overlap.
+func overlaps[E any](a, b []E) bool {
+ if len(a) == 0 || len(b) == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ elemSize := unsafe.Sizeof(a[0])
+ if elemSize == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ // TODO: use a runtime/unsafe facility once one becomes available. See issue 12445.
+ // Also see crypto/internal/alias/alias.go:AnyOverlap
+ return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&a[0])) <= uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&b[len(b)-1]))+(elemSize-1) &&
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])) <= uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&a[len(a)-1]))+(elemSize-1)
+// startIdx returns the index in haystack where the needle starts.
+// prerequisite: the needle must be aliased entirely inside the haystack.
+func startIdx[E any](haystack, needle []E) int {
+ p := &needle[0]
+ for i := range haystack {
+ if p == &haystack[i] {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: what if the overlap is by a non-integral number of Es?
+ panic("needle not found")
+// Reverse reverses the elements of the slice in place.
+func Reverse[S ~[]E, E any](s S) {
+ for i, j := 0, len(s)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
+ s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/sort.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/sort.go
index 231b6448ac..b67897f76b 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/sort.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/sort.go
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+//go:generate go run $GOROOT/src/sort/gen_sort_variants.go -exp
package slices
import (
@@ -11,57 +13,116 @@ import (
// Sort sorts a slice of any ordered type in ascending order.
-// Sort may fail to sort correctly when sorting slices of floating-point
-// numbers containing Not-a-number (NaN) values.
-// Use slices.SortFunc(x, func(a, b float64) bool {return a < b || (math.IsNaN(a) && !math.IsNaN(b))})
-// instead if the input may contain NaNs.
-func Sort[E constraints.Ordered](x []E) {
+// When sorting floating-point numbers, NaNs are ordered before other values.
+func Sort[S ~[]E, E constraints.Ordered](x S) {
n := len(x)
pdqsortOrdered(x, 0, n, bits.Len(uint(n)))
-// SortFunc sorts the slice x in ascending order as determined by the less function.
-// This sort is not guaranteed to be stable.
+// SortFunc sorts the slice x in ascending order as determined by the cmp
+// function. This sort is not guaranteed to be stable.
+// cmp(a, b) should return a negative number when a < b, a positive number when
+// a > b and zero when a == b.
-// SortFunc requires that less is a strict weak ordering.
+// SortFunc requires that cmp is a strict weak ordering.
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weak_ordering#Strict_weak_orderings.
-func SortFunc[E any](x []E, less func(a, b E) bool) {
+func SortFunc[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a, b E) int) {
n := len(x)
- pdqsortLessFunc(x, 0, n, bits.Len(uint(n)), less)
+ pdqsortCmpFunc(x, 0, n, bits.Len(uint(n)), cmp)
// SortStableFunc sorts the slice x while keeping the original order of equal
-// elements, using less to compare elements.
-func SortStableFunc[E any](x []E, less func(a, b E) bool) {
- stableLessFunc(x, len(x), less)
+// elements, using cmp to compare elements in the same way as [SortFunc].
+func SortStableFunc[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a, b E) int) {
+ stableCmpFunc(x, len(x), cmp)
// IsSorted reports whether x is sorted in ascending order.
-func IsSorted[E constraints.Ordered](x []E) bool {
+func IsSorted[S ~[]E, E constraints.Ordered](x S) bool {
for i := len(x) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
- if x[i] < x[i-1] {
+ if cmpLess(x[i], x[i-1]) {
return false
return true
-// IsSortedFunc reports whether x is sorted in ascending order, with less as the
-// comparison function.
-func IsSortedFunc[E any](x []E, less func(a, b E) bool) bool {
+// IsSortedFunc reports whether x is sorted in ascending order, with cmp as the
+// comparison function as defined by [SortFunc].
+func IsSortedFunc[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a, b E) int) bool {
for i := len(x) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
- if less(x[i], x[i-1]) {
+ if cmp(x[i], x[i-1]) < 0 {
return false
return true
+// Min returns the minimal value in x. It panics if x is empty.
+// For floating-point numbers, Min propagates NaNs (any NaN value in x
+// forces the output to be NaN).
+func Min[S ~[]E, E constraints.Ordered](x S) E {
+ if len(x) < 1 {
+ panic("slices.Min: empty list")
+ }
+ m := x[0]
+ for i := 1; i < len(x); i++ {
+ m = min(m, x[i])
+ }
+ return m
+// MinFunc returns the minimal value in x, using cmp to compare elements.
+// It panics if x is empty. If there is more than one minimal element
+// according to the cmp function, MinFunc returns the first one.
+func MinFunc[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a, b E) int) E {
+ if len(x) < 1 {
+ panic("slices.MinFunc: empty list")
+ }
+ m := x[0]
+ for i := 1; i < len(x); i++ {
+ if cmp(x[i], m) < 0 {
+ m = x[i]
+ }
+ }
+ return m
+// Max returns the maximal value in x. It panics if x is empty.
+// For floating-point E, Max propagates NaNs (any NaN value in x
+// forces the output to be NaN).
+func Max[S ~[]E, E constraints.Ordered](x S) E {
+ if len(x) < 1 {
+ panic("slices.Max: empty list")
+ }
+ m := x[0]
+ for i := 1; i < len(x); i++ {
+ m = max(m, x[i])
+ }
+ return m
+// MaxFunc returns the maximal value in x, using cmp to compare elements.
+// It panics if x is empty. If there is more than one maximal element
+// according to the cmp function, MaxFunc returns the first one.
+func MaxFunc[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a, b E) int) E {
+ if len(x) < 1 {
+ panic("slices.MaxFunc: empty list")
+ }
+ m := x[0]
+ for i := 1; i < len(x); i++ {
+ if cmp(x[i], m) > 0 {
+ m = x[i]
+ }
+ }
+ return m
// BinarySearch searches for target in a sorted slice and returns the position
// where target is found, or the position where target would appear in the
// sort order; it also returns a bool saying whether the target is really found
// in the slice. The slice must be sorted in increasing order.
-func BinarySearch[E constraints.Ordered](x []E, target E) (int, bool) {
+func BinarySearch[S ~[]E, E constraints.Ordered](x S, target E) (int, bool) {
// Inlining is faster than calling BinarySearchFunc with a lambda.
n := len(x)
// Define x[-1] < target and x[n] >= target.
@@ -70,24 +131,24 @@ func BinarySearch[E constraints.Ordered](x []E, target E) (int, bool) {
for i < j {
h := int(uint(i+j) >> 1) // avoid overflow when computing h
// i ≤ h < j
- if x[h] < target {
+ if cmpLess(x[h], target) {
i = h + 1 // preserves x[i-1] < target
} else {
j = h // preserves x[j] >= target
// i == j, x[i-1] < target, and x[j] (= x[i]) >= target => answer is i.
- return i, i < n && x[i] == target
+ return i, i < n && (x[i] == target || (isNaN(x[i]) && isNaN(target)))
-// BinarySearchFunc works like BinarySearch, but uses a custom comparison
+// BinarySearchFunc works like [BinarySearch], but uses a custom comparison
// function. The slice must be sorted in increasing order, where "increasing"
// is defined by cmp. cmp should return 0 if the slice element matches
// the target, a negative number if the slice element precedes the target,
// or a positive number if the slice element follows the target.
// cmp must implement the same ordering as the slice, such that if
// cmp(a, t) < 0 and cmp(b, t) >= 0, then a must precede b in the slice.
-func BinarySearchFunc[E, T any](x []E, target T, cmp func(E, T) int) (int, bool) {
+func BinarySearchFunc[S ~[]E, E, T any](x S, target T, cmp func(E, T) int) (int, bool) {
n := len(x)
// Define cmp(x[-1], target) < 0 and cmp(x[n], target) >= 0 .
// Invariant: cmp(x[i - 1], target) < 0, cmp(x[j], target) >= 0.
@@ -126,3 +187,9 @@ func (r *xorshift) Next() uint64 {
func nextPowerOfTwo(length int) uint {
return 1 << bits.Len(uint(length))
+// isNaN reports whether x is a NaN without requiring the math package.
+// This will always return false if T is not floating-point.
+func isNaN[T constraints.Ordered](x T) bool {
+ return x != x
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/zsortfunc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/zsortanyfunc.go
similarity index 64%
rename from vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/zsortfunc.go
rename to vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/zsortanyfunc.go
index 2a632476c5..06f2c7a248 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/zsortfunc.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/zsortanyfunc.go
@@ -6,28 +6,28 @@
package slices
-// insertionSortLessFunc sorts data[a:b] using insertion sort.
-func insertionSortLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
+// insertionSortCmpFunc sorts data[a:b] using insertion sort.
+func insertionSortCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, cmp func(a, b E) int) {
for i := a + 1; i < b; i++ {
- for j := i; j > a && less(data[j], data[j-1]); j-- {
+ for j := i; j > a && (cmp(data[j], data[j-1]) < 0); j-- {
data[j], data[j-1] = data[j-1], data[j]
-// siftDownLessFunc implements the heap property on data[lo:hi].
+// siftDownCmpFunc implements the heap property on data[lo:hi].
// first is an offset into the array where the root of the heap lies.
-func siftDownLessFunc[E any](data []E, lo, hi, first int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
+func siftDownCmpFunc[E any](data []E, lo, hi, first int, cmp func(a, b E) int) {
root := lo
for {
child := 2*root + 1
if child >= hi {
- if child+1 < hi && less(data[first+child], data[first+child+1]) {
+ if child+1 < hi && (cmp(data[first+child], data[first+child+1]) < 0) {
- if !less(data[first+root], data[first+child]) {
+ if !(cmp(data[first+root], data[first+child]) < 0) {
data[first+root], data[first+child] = data[first+child], data[first+root]
@@ -35,30 +35,30 @@ func siftDownLessFunc[E any](data []E, lo, hi, first int, less func(a, b E) bool
-func heapSortLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
+func heapSortCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, cmp func(a, b E) int) {
first := a
lo := 0
hi := b - a
// Build heap with greatest element at top.
for i := (hi - 1) / 2; i >= 0; i-- {
- siftDownLessFunc(data, i, hi, first, less)
+ siftDownCmpFunc(data, i, hi, first, cmp)
// Pop elements, largest first, into end of data.
for i := hi - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
data[first], data[first+i] = data[first+i], data[first]
- siftDownLessFunc(data, lo, i, first, less)
+ siftDownCmpFunc(data, lo, i, first, cmp)
-// pdqsortLessFunc sorts data[a:b].
+// pdqsortCmpFunc sorts data[a:b].
// The algorithm based on pattern-defeating quicksort(pdqsort), but without the optimizations from BlockQuicksort.
// pdqsort paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.05123.pdf
// C++ implementation: https://github.com/orlp/pdqsort
// Rust implementation: https://docs.rs/pdqsort/latest/pdqsort/
// limit is the number of allowed bad (very unbalanced) pivots before falling back to heapsort.
-func pdqsortLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, limit int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
+func pdqsortCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, limit int, cmp func(a, b E) int) {
const maxInsertion = 12
var (
@@ -70,25 +70,25 @@ func pdqsortLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, limit int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
length := b - a
if length <= maxInsertion {
- insertionSortLessFunc(data, a, b, less)
+ insertionSortCmpFunc(data, a, b, cmp)
// Fall back to heapsort if too many bad choices were made.
if limit == 0 {
- heapSortLessFunc(data, a, b, less)
+ heapSortCmpFunc(data, a, b, cmp)
// If the last partitioning was imbalanced, we need to breaking patterns.
if !wasBalanced {
- breakPatternsLessFunc(data, a, b, less)
+ breakPatternsCmpFunc(data, a, b, cmp)
- pivot, hint := choosePivotLessFunc(data, a, b, less)
+ pivot, hint := choosePivotCmpFunc(data, a, b, cmp)
if hint == decreasingHint {
- reverseRangeLessFunc(data, a, b, less)
+ reverseRangeCmpFunc(data, a, b, cmp)
// The chosen pivot was pivot-a elements after the start of the array.
// After reversing it is pivot-a elements before the end of the array.
// The idea came from Rust's implementation.
@@ -98,48 +98,48 @@ func pdqsortLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, limit int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
// The slice is likely already sorted.
if wasBalanced && wasPartitioned && hint == increasingHint {
- if partialInsertionSortLessFunc(data, a, b, less) {
+ if partialInsertionSortCmpFunc(data, a, b, cmp) {
// Probably the slice contains many duplicate elements, partition the slice into
// elements equal to and elements greater than the pivot.
- if a > 0 && !less(data[a-1], data[pivot]) {
- mid := partitionEqualLessFunc(data, a, b, pivot, less)
+ if a > 0 && !(cmp(data[a-1], data[pivot]) < 0) {
+ mid := partitionEqualCmpFunc(data, a, b, pivot, cmp)
a = mid
- mid, alreadyPartitioned := partitionLessFunc(data, a, b, pivot, less)
+ mid, alreadyPartitioned := partitionCmpFunc(data, a, b, pivot, cmp)
wasPartitioned = alreadyPartitioned
leftLen, rightLen := mid-a, b-mid
balanceThreshold := length / 8
if leftLen < rightLen {
wasBalanced = leftLen >= balanceThreshold
- pdqsortLessFunc(data, a, mid, limit, less)
+ pdqsortCmpFunc(data, a, mid, limit, cmp)
a = mid + 1
} else {
wasBalanced = rightLen >= balanceThreshold
- pdqsortLessFunc(data, mid+1, b, limit, less)
+ pdqsortCmpFunc(data, mid+1, b, limit, cmp)
b = mid
-// partitionLessFunc does one quicksort partition.
+// partitionCmpFunc does one quicksort partition.
// Let p = data[pivot]
// Moves elements in data[a:b] around, so that data[i]=p for inewpivot.
// On return, data[newpivot] = p
-func partitionLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, pivot int, less func(a, b E) bool) (newpivot int, alreadyPartitioned bool) {
+func partitionCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, pivot int, cmp func(a, b E) int) (newpivot int, alreadyPartitioned bool) {
data[a], data[pivot] = data[pivot], data[a]
i, j := a+1, b-1 // i and j are inclusive of the elements remaining to be partitioned
- for i <= j && less(data[i], data[a]) {
+ for i <= j && (cmp(data[i], data[a]) < 0) {
- for i <= j && !less(data[j], data[a]) {
+ for i <= j && !(cmp(data[j], data[a]) < 0) {
if i > j {
@@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ func partitionLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, pivot int, less func(a, b E) bool)
for {
- for i <= j && less(data[i], data[a]) {
+ for i <= j && (cmp(data[i], data[a]) < 0) {
- for i <= j && !less(data[j], data[a]) {
+ for i <= j && !(cmp(data[j], data[a]) < 0) {
if i > j {
@@ -168,17 +168,17 @@ func partitionLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, pivot int, less func(a, b E) bool)
return j, false
-// partitionEqualLessFunc partitions data[a:b] into elements equal to data[pivot] followed by elements greater than data[pivot].
+// partitionEqualCmpFunc partitions data[a:b] into elements equal to data[pivot] followed by elements greater than data[pivot].
// It assumed that data[a:b] does not contain elements smaller than the data[pivot].
-func partitionEqualLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, pivot int, less func(a, b E) bool) (newpivot int) {
+func partitionEqualCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, pivot int, cmp func(a, b E) int) (newpivot int) {
data[a], data[pivot] = data[pivot], data[a]
i, j := a+1, b-1 // i and j are inclusive of the elements remaining to be partitioned
for {
- for i <= j && !less(data[a], data[i]) {
+ for i <= j && !(cmp(data[a], data[i]) < 0) {
- for i <= j && less(data[a], data[j]) {
+ for i <= j && (cmp(data[a], data[j]) < 0) {
if i > j {
@@ -191,15 +191,15 @@ func partitionEqualLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, pivot int, less func(a, b E)
return i
-// partialInsertionSortLessFunc partially sorts a slice, returns true if the slice is sorted at the end.
-func partialInsertionSortLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) bool {
+// partialInsertionSortCmpFunc partially sorts a slice, returns true if the slice is sorted at the end.
+func partialInsertionSortCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, cmp func(a, b E) int) bool {
const (
maxSteps = 5 // maximum number of adjacent out-of-order pairs that will get shifted
shortestShifting = 50 // don't shift any elements on short arrays
i := a + 1
for j := 0; j < maxSteps; j++ {
- for i < b && !less(data[i], data[i-1]) {
+ for i < b && !(cmp(data[i], data[i-1]) < 0) {
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ func partialInsertionSortLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) b
// Shift the smaller one to the left.
if i-a >= 2 {
for j := i - 1; j >= 1; j-- {
- if !less(data[j], data[j-1]) {
+ if !(cmp(data[j], data[j-1]) < 0) {
data[j], data[j-1] = data[j-1], data[j]
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ func partialInsertionSortLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) b
// Shift the greater one to the right.
if b-i >= 2 {
for j := i + 1; j < b; j++ {
- if !less(data[j], data[j-1]) {
+ if !(cmp(data[j], data[j-1]) < 0) {
data[j], data[j-1] = data[j-1], data[j]
@@ -235,9 +235,9 @@ func partialInsertionSortLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) b
return false
-// breakPatternsLessFunc scatters some elements around in an attempt to break some patterns
+// breakPatternsCmpFunc scatters some elements around in an attempt to break some patterns
// that might cause imbalanced partitions in quicksort.
-func breakPatternsLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
+func breakPatternsCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, cmp func(a, b E) int) {
length := b - a
if length >= 8 {
random := xorshift(length)
@@ -253,12 +253,12 @@ func breakPatternsLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
-// choosePivotLessFunc chooses a pivot in data[a:b].
+// choosePivotCmpFunc chooses a pivot in data[a:b].
// [0,8): chooses a static pivot.
// [8,shortestNinther): uses the simple median-of-three method.
// [shortestNinther,∞): uses the Tukey ninther method.
-func choosePivotLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) (pivot int, hint sortedHint) {
+func choosePivotCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, cmp func(a, b E) int) (pivot int, hint sortedHint) {
const (
shortestNinther = 50
maxSwaps = 4 * 3
@@ -276,12 +276,12 @@ func choosePivotLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) (piv
if l >= 8 {
if l >= shortestNinther {
// Tukey ninther method, the idea came from Rust's implementation.
- i = medianAdjacentLessFunc(data, i, &swaps, less)
- j = medianAdjacentLessFunc(data, j, &swaps, less)
- k = medianAdjacentLessFunc(data, k, &swaps, less)
+ i = medianAdjacentCmpFunc(data, i, &swaps, cmp)
+ j = medianAdjacentCmpFunc(data, j, &swaps, cmp)
+ k = medianAdjacentCmpFunc(data, k, &swaps, cmp)
// Find the median among i, j, k and stores it into j.
- j = medianLessFunc(data, i, j, k, &swaps, less)
+ j = medianCmpFunc(data, i, j, k, &swaps, cmp)
switch swaps {
@@ -294,29 +294,29 @@ func choosePivotLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) (piv
-// order2LessFunc returns x,y where data[x] <= data[y], where x,y=a,b or x,y=b,a.
-func order2LessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, swaps *int, less func(a, b E) bool) (int, int) {
- if less(data[b], data[a]) {
+// order2CmpFunc returns x,y where data[x] <= data[y], where x,y=a,b or x,y=b,a.
+func order2CmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, swaps *int, cmp func(a, b E) int) (int, int) {
+ if cmp(data[b], data[a]) < 0 {
return b, a
return a, b
-// medianLessFunc returns x where data[x] is the median of data[a],data[b],data[c], where x is a, b, or c.
-func medianLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, c int, swaps *int, less func(a, b E) bool) int {
- a, b = order2LessFunc(data, a, b, swaps, less)
- b, c = order2LessFunc(data, b, c, swaps, less)
- a, b = order2LessFunc(data, a, b, swaps, less)
+// medianCmpFunc returns x where data[x] is the median of data[a],data[b],data[c], where x is a, b, or c.
+func medianCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, c int, swaps *int, cmp func(a, b E) int) int {
+ a, b = order2CmpFunc(data, a, b, swaps, cmp)
+ b, c = order2CmpFunc(data, b, c, swaps, cmp)
+ a, b = order2CmpFunc(data, a, b, swaps, cmp)
return b
-// medianAdjacentLessFunc finds the median of data[a - 1], data[a], data[a + 1] and stores the index into a.
-func medianAdjacentLessFunc[E any](data []E, a int, swaps *int, less func(a, b E) bool) int {
- return medianLessFunc(data, a-1, a, a+1, swaps, less)
+// medianAdjacentCmpFunc finds the median of data[a - 1], data[a], data[a + 1] and stores the index into a.
+func medianAdjacentCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a int, swaps *int, cmp func(a, b E) int) int {
+ return medianCmpFunc(data, a-1, a, a+1, swaps, cmp)
-func reverseRangeLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
+func reverseRangeCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, cmp func(a, b E) int) {
i := a
j := b - 1
for i < j {
@@ -326,37 +326,37 @@ func reverseRangeLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
-func swapRangeLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, n int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
+func swapRangeCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, b, n int, cmp func(a, b E) int) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
data[a+i], data[b+i] = data[b+i], data[a+i]
-func stableLessFunc[E any](data []E, n int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
+func stableCmpFunc[E any](data []E, n int, cmp func(a, b E) int) {
blockSize := 20 // must be > 0
a, b := 0, blockSize
for b <= n {
- insertionSortLessFunc(data, a, b, less)
+ insertionSortCmpFunc(data, a, b, cmp)
a = b
b += blockSize
- insertionSortLessFunc(data, a, n, less)
+ insertionSortCmpFunc(data, a, n, cmp)
for blockSize < n {
a, b = 0, 2*blockSize
for b <= n {
- symMergeLessFunc(data, a, a+blockSize, b, less)
+ symMergeCmpFunc(data, a, a+blockSize, b, cmp)
a = b
b += 2 * blockSize
if m := a + blockSize; m < n {
- symMergeLessFunc(data, a, m, n, less)
+ symMergeCmpFunc(data, a, m, n, cmp)
blockSize *= 2
-// symMergeLessFunc merges the two sorted subsequences data[a:m] and data[m:b] using
+// symMergeCmpFunc merges the two sorted subsequences data[a:m] and data[m:b] using
// the SymMerge algorithm from Pok-Son Kim and Arne Kutzner, "Stable Minimum
// Storage Merging by Symmetric Comparisons", in Susanne Albers and Tomasz
// Radzik, editors, Algorithms - ESA 2004, volume 3221 of Lecture Notes in
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ func stableLessFunc[E any](data []E, n int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
// symMerge assumes non-degenerate arguments: a < m && m < b.
// Having the caller check this condition eliminates many leaf recursion calls,
// which improves performance.
-func symMergeLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, m, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
+func symMergeCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, m, b int, cmp func(a, b E) int) {
// Avoid unnecessary recursions of symMerge
// by direct insertion of data[a] into data[m:b]
// if data[a:m] only contains one element.
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ func symMergeLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, m, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
j := b
for i < j {
h := int(uint(i+j) >> 1)
- if less(data[h], data[a]) {
+ if cmp(data[h], data[a]) < 0 {
i = h + 1
} else {
j = h
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ func symMergeLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, m, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
j := m
for i < j {
h := int(uint(i+j) >> 1)
- if !less(data[m], data[h]) {
+ if !(cmp(data[m], data[h]) < 0) {
i = h + 1
} else {
j = h
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ func symMergeLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, m, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
for start < r {
c := int(uint(start+r) >> 1)
- if !less(data[p-c], data[c]) {
+ if !(cmp(data[p-c], data[c]) < 0) {
start = c + 1
} else {
r = c
@@ -447,33 +447,33 @@ func symMergeLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, m, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
end := n - start
if start < m && m < end {
- rotateLessFunc(data, start, m, end, less)
+ rotateCmpFunc(data, start, m, end, cmp)
if a < start && start < mid {
- symMergeLessFunc(data, a, start, mid, less)
+ symMergeCmpFunc(data, a, start, mid, cmp)
if mid < end && end < b {
- symMergeLessFunc(data, mid, end, b, less)
+ symMergeCmpFunc(data, mid, end, b, cmp)
-// rotateLessFunc rotates two consecutive blocks u = data[a:m] and v = data[m:b] in data:
+// rotateCmpFunc rotates two consecutive blocks u = data[a:m] and v = data[m:b] in data:
// Data of the form 'x u v y' is changed to 'x v u y'.
// rotate performs at most b-a many calls to data.Swap,
// and it assumes non-degenerate arguments: a < m && m < b.
-func rotateLessFunc[E any](data []E, a, m, b int, less func(a, b E) bool) {
+func rotateCmpFunc[E any](data []E, a, m, b int, cmp func(a, b E) int) {
i := m - a
j := b - m
for i != j {
if i > j {
- swapRangeLessFunc(data, m-i, m, j, less)
+ swapRangeCmpFunc(data, m-i, m, j, cmp)
i -= j
} else {
- swapRangeLessFunc(data, m-i, m+j-i, i, less)
+ swapRangeCmpFunc(data, m-i, m+j-i, i, cmp)
j -= i
// i == j
- swapRangeLessFunc(data, m-i, m, i, less)
+ swapRangeCmpFunc(data, m-i, m, i, cmp)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/zsortordered.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/zsortordered.go
index efaa1c8b71..99b47c3986 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/zsortordered.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slices/zsortordered.go
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import "golang.org/x/exp/constraints"
// insertionSortOrdered sorts data[a:b] using insertion sort.
func insertionSortOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, b int) {
for i := a + 1; i < b; i++ {
- for j := i; j > a && (data[j] < data[j-1]); j-- {
+ for j := i; j > a && cmpLess(data[j], data[j-1]); j-- {
data[j], data[j-1] = data[j-1], data[j]
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ func siftDownOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, lo, hi, first int) {
if child >= hi {
- if child+1 < hi && (data[first+child] < data[first+child+1]) {
+ if child+1 < hi && cmpLess(data[first+child], data[first+child+1]) {
- if !(data[first+root] < data[first+child]) {
+ if !cmpLess(data[first+root], data[first+child]) {
data[first+root], data[first+child] = data[first+child], data[first+root]
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ func pdqsortOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, b, limit int) {
// Probably the slice contains many duplicate elements, partition the slice into
// elements equal to and elements greater than the pivot.
- if a > 0 && !(data[a-1] < data[pivot]) {
+ if a > 0 && !cmpLess(data[a-1], data[pivot]) {
mid := partitionEqualOrdered(data, a, b, pivot)
a = mid
@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ func partitionOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, b, pivot int) (newpivo
data[a], data[pivot] = data[pivot], data[a]
i, j := a+1, b-1 // i and j are inclusive of the elements remaining to be partitioned
- for i <= j && (data[i] < data[a]) {
+ for i <= j && cmpLess(data[i], data[a]) {
- for i <= j && !(data[j] < data[a]) {
+ for i <= j && !cmpLess(data[j], data[a]) {
if i > j {
@@ -153,10 +153,10 @@ func partitionOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, b, pivot int) (newpivo
for {
- for i <= j && (data[i] < data[a]) {
+ for i <= j && cmpLess(data[i], data[a]) {
- for i <= j && !(data[j] < data[a]) {
+ for i <= j && !cmpLess(data[j], data[a]) {
if i > j {
@@ -177,10 +177,10 @@ func partitionEqualOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, b, pivot int) (ne
i, j := a+1, b-1 // i and j are inclusive of the elements remaining to be partitioned
for {
- for i <= j && !(data[a] < data[i]) {
+ for i <= j && !cmpLess(data[a], data[i]) {
- for i <= j && (data[a] < data[j]) {
+ for i <= j && cmpLess(data[a], data[j]) {
if i > j {
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ func partialInsertionSortOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, b int) bool
i := a + 1
for j := 0; j < maxSteps; j++ {
- for i < b && !(data[i] < data[i-1]) {
+ for i < b && !cmpLess(data[i], data[i-1]) {
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ func partialInsertionSortOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, b int) bool
// Shift the smaller one to the left.
if i-a >= 2 {
for j := i - 1; j >= 1; j-- {
- if !(data[j] < data[j-1]) {
+ if !cmpLess(data[j], data[j-1]) {
data[j], data[j-1] = data[j-1], data[j]
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ func partialInsertionSortOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, b int) bool
// Shift the greater one to the right.
if b-i >= 2 {
for j := i + 1; j < b; j++ {
- if !(data[j] < data[j-1]) {
+ if !cmpLess(data[j], data[j-1]) {
data[j], data[j-1] = data[j-1], data[j]
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ func choosePivotOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, b int) (pivot int, h
// order2Ordered returns x,y where data[x] <= data[y], where x,y=a,b or x,y=b,a.
func order2Ordered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, b int, swaps *int) (int, int) {
- if data[b] < data[a] {
+ if cmpLess(data[b], data[a]) {
return b, a
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ func symMergeOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, m, b int) {
j := b
for i < j {
h := int(uint(i+j) >> 1)
- if data[h] < data[a] {
+ if cmpLess(data[h], data[a]) {
i = h + 1
} else {
j = h
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ func symMergeOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, m, b int) {
j := m
for i < j {
h := int(uint(i+j) >> 1)
- if !(data[m] < data[h]) {
+ if !cmpLess(data[m], data[h]) {
i = h + 1
} else {
j = h
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ func symMergeOrdered[E constraints.Ordered](data []E, a, m, b int) {
for start < r {
c := int(uint(start+r) >> 1)
- if !(data[p-c] < data[c]) {
+ if !cmpLess(data[p-c], data[c]) {
start = c + 1
} else {
r = c
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/attr.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/attr.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a180d0e1d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/attr.go
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package slog
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "time"
+// An Attr is a key-value pair.
+type Attr struct {
+ Key string
+ Value Value
+// String returns an Attr for a string value.
+func String(key, value string) Attr {
+ return Attr{key, StringValue(value)}
+// Int64 returns an Attr for an int64.
+func Int64(key string, value int64) Attr {
+ return Attr{key, Int64Value(value)}
+// Int converts an int to an int64 and returns
+// an Attr with that value.
+func Int(key string, value int) Attr {
+ return Int64(key, int64(value))
+// Uint64 returns an Attr for a uint64.
+func Uint64(key string, v uint64) Attr {
+ return Attr{key, Uint64Value(v)}
+// Float64 returns an Attr for a floating-point number.
+func Float64(key string, v float64) Attr {
+ return Attr{key, Float64Value(v)}
+// Bool returns an Attr for a bool.
+func Bool(key string, v bool) Attr {
+ return Attr{key, BoolValue(v)}
+// Time returns an Attr for a time.Time.
+// It discards the monotonic portion.
+func Time(key string, v time.Time) Attr {
+ return Attr{key, TimeValue(v)}
+// Duration returns an Attr for a time.Duration.
+func Duration(key string, v time.Duration) Attr {
+ return Attr{key, DurationValue(v)}
+// Group returns an Attr for a Group Value.
+// The first argument is the key; the remaining arguments
+// are converted to Attrs as in [Logger.Log].
+// Use Group to collect several key-value pairs under a single
+// key on a log line, or as the result of LogValue
+// in order to log a single value as multiple Attrs.
+func Group(key string, args ...any) Attr {
+ return Attr{key, GroupValue(argsToAttrSlice(args)...)}
+func argsToAttrSlice(args []any) []Attr {
+ var (
+ attr Attr
+ attrs []Attr
+ )
+ for len(args) > 0 {
+ attr, args = argsToAttr(args)
+ attrs = append(attrs, attr)
+ }
+ return attrs
+// Any returns an Attr for the supplied value.
+// See [Value.AnyValue] for how values are treated.
+func Any(key string, value any) Attr {
+ return Attr{key, AnyValue(value)}
+// Equal reports whether a and b have equal keys and values.
+func (a Attr) Equal(b Attr) bool {
+ return a.Key == b.Key && a.Value.Equal(b.Value)
+func (a Attr) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", a.Key, a.Value)
+// isEmpty reports whether a has an empty key and a nil value.
+// That can be written as Attr{} or Any("", nil).
+func (a Attr) isEmpty() bool {
+ return a.Key == "" && a.Value.num == 0 && a.Value.any == nil
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/doc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/doc.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4beaf86748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/doc.go
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+Package slog provides structured logging,
+in which log records include a message,
+a severity level, and various other attributes
+expressed as key-value pairs.
+It defines a type, [Logger],
+which provides several methods (such as [Logger.Info] and [Logger.Error])
+for reporting events of interest.
+Each Logger is associated with a [Handler].
+A Logger output method creates a [Record] from the method arguments
+and passes it to the Handler, which decides how to handle it.
+There is a default Logger accessible through top-level functions
+(such as [Info] and [Error]) that call the corresponding Logger methods.
+A log record consists of a time, a level, a message, and a set of key-value
+pairs, where the keys are strings and the values may be of any type.
+As an example,
+ slog.Info("hello", "count", 3)
+creates a record containing the time of the call,
+a level of Info, the message "hello", and a single
+pair with key "count" and value 3.
+The [Info] top-level function calls the [Logger.Info] method on the default Logger.
+In addition to [Logger.Info], there are methods for Debug, Warn and Error levels.
+Besides these convenience methods for common levels,
+there is also a [Logger.Log] method which takes the level as an argument.
+Each of these methods has a corresponding top-level function that uses the
+default logger.
+The default handler formats the log record's message, time, level, and attributes
+as a string and passes it to the [log] package.
+ 2022/11/08 15:28:26 INFO hello count=3
+For more control over the output format, create a logger with a different handler.
+This statement uses [New] to create a new logger with a TextHandler
+that writes structured records in text form to standard error:
+ logger := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stderr, nil))
+[TextHandler] output is a sequence of key=value pairs, easily and unambiguously
+parsed by machine. This statement:
+ logger.Info("hello", "count", 3)
+produces this output:
+ time=2022-11-08T15:28:26.000-05:00 level=INFO msg=hello count=3
+The package also provides [JSONHandler], whose output is line-delimited JSON:
+ logger := slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil))
+ logger.Info("hello", "count", 3)
+produces this output:
+ {"time":"2022-11-08T15:28:26.000000000-05:00","level":"INFO","msg":"hello","count":3}
+Both [TextHandler] and [JSONHandler] can be configured with [HandlerOptions].
+There are options for setting the minimum level (see Levels, below),
+displaying the source file and line of the log call, and
+modifying attributes before they are logged.
+Setting a logger as the default with
+ slog.SetDefault(logger)
+will cause the top-level functions like [Info] to use it.
+[SetDefault] also updates the default logger used by the [log] package,
+so that existing applications that use [log.Printf] and related functions
+will send log records to the logger's handler without needing to be rewritten.
+Some attributes are common to many log calls.
+For example, you may wish to include the URL or trace identifier of a server request
+with all log events arising from the request.
+Rather than repeat the attribute with every log call, you can use [Logger.With]
+to construct a new Logger containing the attributes:
+ logger2 := logger.With("url", r.URL)
+The arguments to With are the same key-value pairs used in [Logger.Info].
+The result is a new Logger with the same handler as the original, but additional
+attributes that will appear in the output of every call.
+# Levels
+A [Level] is an integer representing the importance or severity of a log event.
+The higher the level, the more severe the event.
+This package defines constants for the most common levels,
+but any int can be used as a level.
+In an application, you may wish to log messages only at a certain level or greater.
+One common configuration is to log messages at Info or higher levels,
+suppressing debug logging until it is needed.
+The built-in handlers can be configured with the minimum level to output by
+setting [HandlerOptions.Level].
+The program's `main` function typically does this.
+The default value is LevelInfo.
+Setting the [HandlerOptions.Level] field to a [Level] value
+fixes the handler's minimum level throughout its lifetime.
+Setting it to a [LevelVar] allows the level to be varied dynamically.
+A LevelVar holds a Level and is safe to read or write from multiple
+To vary the level dynamically for an entire program, first initialize
+a global LevelVar:
+ var programLevel = new(slog.LevelVar) // Info by default
+Then use the LevelVar to construct a handler, and make it the default:
+ h := slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stderr, &slog.HandlerOptions{Level: programLevel})
+ slog.SetDefault(slog.New(h))
+Now the program can change its logging level with a single statement:
+ programLevel.Set(slog.LevelDebug)
+# Groups
+Attributes can be collected into groups.
+A group has a name that is used to qualify the names of its attributes.
+How this qualification is displayed depends on the handler.
+[TextHandler] separates the group and attribute names with a dot.
+[JSONHandler] treats each group as a separate JSON object, with the group name as the key.
+Use [Group] to create a Group attribute from a name and a list of key-value pairs:
+ slog.Group("request",
+ "method", r.Method,
+ "url", r.URL)
+TextHandler would display this group as
+ request.method=GET request.url=http://example.com
+JSONHandler would display it as
+ "request":{"method":"GET","url":"http://example.com"}
+Use [Logger.WithGroup] to qualify all of a Logger's output
+with a group name. Calling WithGroup on a Logger results in a
+new Logger with the same Handler as the original, but with all
+its attributes qualified by the group name.
+This can help prevent duplicate attribute keys in large systems,
+where subsystems might use the same keys.
+Pass each subsystem a different Logger with its own group name so that
+potential duplicates are qualified:
+ logger := slog.Default().With("id", systemID)
+ parserLogger := logger.WithGroup("parser")
+ parseInput(input, parserLogger)
+When parseInput logs with parserLogger, its keys will be qualified with "parser",
+so even if it uses the common key "id", the log line will have distinct keys.
+# Contexts
+Some handlers may wish to include information from the [context.Context] that is
+available at the call site. One example of such information
+is the identifier for the current span when tracing is enabled.
+The [Logger.Log] and [Logger.LogAttrs] methods take a context as a first
+argument, as do their corresponding top-level functions.
+Although the convenience methods on Logger (Info and so on) and the
+corresponding top-level functions do not take a context, the alternatives ending
+in "Context" do. For example,
+ slog.InfoContext(ctx, "message")
+It is recommended to pass a context to an output method if one is available.
+# Attrs and Values
+An [Attr] is a key-value pair. The Logger output methods accept Attrs as well as
+alternating keys and values. The statement
+ slog.Info("hello", slog.Int("count", 3))
+behaves the same as
+ slog.Info("hello", "count", 3)
+There are convenience constructors for [Attr] such as [Int], [String], and [Bool]
+for common types, as well as the function [Any] for constructing Attrs of any
+The value part of an Attr is a type called [Value].
+Like an [any], a Value can hold any Go value,
+but it can represent typical values, including all numbers and strings,
+without an allocation.
+For the most efficient log output, use [Logger.LogAttrs].
+It is similar to [Logger.Log] but accepts only Attrs, not alternating
+keys and values; this allows it, too, to avoid allocation.
+The call
+ logger.LogAttrs(nil, slog.LevelInfo, "hello", slog.Int("count", 3))
+is the most efficient way to achieve the same output as
+ slog.Info("hello", "count", 3)
+# Customizing a type's logging behavior
+If a type implements the [LogValuer] interface, the [Value] returned from its LogValue
+method is used for logging. You can use this to control how values of the type
+appear in logs. For example, you can redact secret information like passwords,
+or gather a struct's fields in a Group. See the examples under [LogValuer] for
+A LogValue method may return a Value that itself implements [LogValuer]. The [Value.Resolve]
+method handles these cases carefully, avoiding infinite loops and unbounded recursion.
+Handler authors and others may wish to use Value.Resolve instead of calling LogValue directly.
+# Wrapping output methods
+The logger functions use reflection over the call stack to find the file name
+and line number of the logging call within the application. This can produce
+incorrect source information for functions that wrap slog. For instance, if you
+define this function in file mylog.go:
+ func Infof(format string, args ...any) {
+ slog.Default().Info(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
+ }
+and you call it like this in main.go:
+ Infof(slog.Default(), "hello, %s", "world")
+then slog will report the source file as mylog.go, not main.go.
+A correct implementation of Infof will obtain the source location
+(pc) and pass it to NewRecord.
+The Infof function in the package-level example called "wrapping"
+demonstrates how to do this.
+# Working with Records
+Sometimes a Handler will need to modify a Record
+before passing it on to another Handler or backend.
+A Record contains a mixture of simple public fields (e.g. Time, Level, Message)
+and hidden fields that refer to state (such as attributes) indirectly. This
+means that modifying a simple copy of a Record (e.g. by calling
+[Record.Add] or [Record.AddAttrs] to add attributes)
+may have unexpected effects on the original.
+Before modifying a Record, use [Clone] to
+create a copy that shares no state with the original,
+or create a new Record with [NewRecord]
+and build up its Attrs by traversing the old ones with [Record.Attrs].
+# Performance considerations
+If profiling your application demonstrates that logging is taking significant time,
+the following suggestions may help.
+If many log lines have a common attribute, use [Logger.With] to create a Logger with
+that attribute. The built-in handlers will format that attribute only once, at the
+call to [Logger.With]. The [Handler] interface is designed to allow that optimization,
+and a well-written Handler should take advantage of it.
+The arguments to a log call are always evaluated, even if the log event is discarded.
+If possible, defer computation so that it happens only if the value is actually logged.
+For example, consider the call
+ slog.Info("starting request", "url", r.URL.String()) // may compute String unnecessarily
+The URL.String method will be called even if the logger discards Info-level events.
+Instead, pass the URL directly:
+ slog.Info("starting request", "url", &r.URL) // calls URL.String only if needed
+The built-in [TextHandler] will call its String method, but only
+if the log event is enabled.
+Avoiding the call to String also preserves the structure of the underlying value.
+For example [JSONHandler] emits the components of the parsed URL as a JSON object.
+If you want to avoid eagerly paying the cost of the String call
+without causing the handler to potentially inspect the structure of the value,
+wrap the value in a fmt.Stringer implementation that hides its Marshal methods.
+You can also use the [LogValuer] interface to avoid unnecessary work in disabled log
+calls. Say you need to log some expensive value:
+ slog.Debug("frobbing", "value", computeExpensiveValue(arg))
+Even if this line is disabled, computeExpensiveValue will be called.
+To avoid that, define a type implementing LogValuer:
+ type expensive struct { arg int }
+ func (e expensive) LogValue() slog.Value {
+ return slog.AnyValue(computeExpensiveValue(e.arg))
+ }
+Then use a value of that type in log calls:
+ slog.Debug("frobbing", "value", expensive{arg})
+Now computeExpensiveValue will only be called when the line is enabled.
+The built-in handlers acquire a lock before calling [io.Writer.Write]
+to ensure that each record is written in one piece. User-defined
+handlers are responsible for their own locking.
+package slog
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/handler.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/handler.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74f88738c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/handler.go
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package slog
+import (
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "strconv"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+ "golang.org/x/exp/slices"
+ "golang.org/x/exp/slog/internal/buffer"
+// A Handler handles log records produced by a Logger..
+// A typical handler may print log records to standard error,
+// or write them to a file or database, or perhaps augment them
+// with additional attributes and pass them on to another handler.
+// Any of the Handler's methods may be called concurrently with itself
+// or with other methods. It is the responsibility of the Handler to
+// manage this concurrency.
+// Users of the slog package should not invoke Handler methods directly.
+// They should use the methods of [Logger] instead.
+type Handler interface {
+ // Enabled reports whether the handler handles records at the given level.
+ // The handler ignores records whose level is lower.
+ // It is called early, before any arguments are processed,
+ // to save effort if the log event should be discarded.
+ // If called from a Logger method, the first argument is the context
+ // passed to that method, or context.Background() if nil was passed
+ // or the method does not take a context.
+ // The context is passed so Enabled can use its values
+ // to make a decision.
+ Enabled(context.Context, Level) bool
+ // Handle handles the Record.
+ // It will only be called when Enabled returns true.
+ // The Context argument is as for Enabled.
+ // It is present solely to provide Handlers access to the context's values.
+ // Canceling the context should not affect record processing.
+ // (Among other things, log messages may be necessary to debug a
+ // cancellation-related problem.)
+ //
+ // Handle methods that produce output should observe the following rules:
+ // - If r.Time is the zero time, ignore the time.
+ // - If r.PC is zero, ignore it.
+ // - Attr's values should be resolved.
+ // - If an Attr's key and value are both the zero value, ignore the Attr.
+ // This can be tested with attr.Equal(Attr{}).
+ // - If a group's key is empty, inline the group's Attrs.
+ // - If a group has no Attrs (even if it has a non-empty key),
+ // ignore it.
+ Handle(context.Context, Record) error
+ // WithAttrs returns a new Handler whose attributes consist of
+ // both the receiver's attributes and the arguments.
+ // The Handler owns the slice: it may retain, modify or discard it.
+ WithAttrs(attrs []Attr) Handler
+ // WithGroup returns a new Handler with the given group appended to
+ // the receiver's existing groups.
+ // The keys of all subsequent attributes, whether added by With or in a
+ // Record, should be qualified by the sequence of group names.
+ //
+ // How this qualification happens is up to the Handler, so long as
+ // this Handler's attribute keys differ from those of another Handler
+ // with a different sequence of group names.
+ //
+ // A Handler should treat WithGroup as starting a Group of Attrs that ends
+ // at the end of the log event. That is,
+ //
+ // logger.WithGroup("s").LogAttrs(level, msg, slog.Int("a", 1), slog.Int("b", 2))
+ //
+ // should behave like
+ //
+ // logger.LogAttrs(level, msg, slog.Group("s", slog.Int("a", 1), slog.Int("b", 2)))
+ //
+ // If the name is empty, WithGroup returns the receiver.
+ WithGroup(name string) Handler
+type defaultHandler struct {
+ ch *commonHandler
+ // log.Output, except for testing
+ output func(calldepth int, message string) error
+func newDefaultHandler(output func(int, string) error) *defaultHandler {
+ return &defaultHandler{
+ ch: &commonHandler{json: false},
+ output: output,
+ }
+func (*defaultHandler) Enabled(_ context.Context, l Level) bool {
+ return l >= LevelInfo
+// Collect the level, attributes and message in a string and
+// write it with the default log.Logger.
+// Let the log.Logger handle time and file/line.
+func (h *defaultHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, r Record) error {
+ buf := buffer.New()
+ buf.WriteString(r.Level.String())
+ buf.WriteByte(' ')
+ buf.WriteString(r.Message)
+ state := h.ch.newHandleState(buf, true, " ", nil)
+ defer state.free()
+ state.appendNonBuiltIns(r)
+ // skip [h.output, defaultHandler.Handle, handlerWriter.Write, log.Output]
+ return h.output(4, buf.String())
+func (h *defaultHandler) WithAttrs(as []Attr) Handler {
+ return &defaultHandler{h.ch.withAttrs(as), h.output}
+func (h *defaultHandler) WithGroup(name string) Handler {
+ return &defaultHandler{h.ch.withGroup(name), h.output}
+// HandlerOptions are options for a TextHandler or JSONHandler.
+// A zero HandlerOptions consists entirely of default values.
+type HandlerOptions struct {
+ // AddSource causes the handler to compute the source code position
+ // of the log statement and add a SourceKey attribute to the output.
+ AddSource bool
+ // Level reports the minimum record level that will be logged.
+ // The handler discards records with lower levels.
+ // If Level is nil, the handler assumes LevelInfo.
+ // The handler calls Level.Level for each record processed;
+ // to adjust the minimum level dynamically, use a LevelVar.
+ Level Leveler
+ // ReplaceAttr is called to rewrite each non-group attribute before it is logged.
+ // The attribute's value has been resolved (see [Value.Resolve]).
+ // If ReplaceAttr returns an Attr with Key == "", the attribute is discarded.
+ //
+ // The built-in attributes with keys "time", "level", "source", and "msg"
+ // are passed to this function, except that time is omitted
+ // if zero, and source is omitted if AddSource is false.
+ //
+ // The first argument is a list of currently open groups that contain the
+ // Attr. It must not be retained or modified. ReplaceAttr is never called
+ // for Group attributes, only their contents. For example, the attribute
+ // list
+ //
+ // Int("a", 1), Group("g", Int("b", 2)), Int("c", 3)
+ //
+ // results in consecutive calls to ReplaceAttr with the following arguments:
+ //
+ // nil, Int("a", 1)
+ // []string{"g"}, Int("b", 2)
+ // nil, Int("c", 3)
+ //
+ // ReplaceAttr can be used to change the default keys of the built-in
+ // attributes, convert types (for example, to replace a `time.Time` with the
+ // integer seconds since the Unix epoch), sanitize personal information, or
+ // remove attributes from the output.
+ ReplaceAttr func(groups []string, a Attr) Attr
+// Keys for "built-in" attributes.
+const (
+ // TimeKey is the key used by the built-in handlers for the time
+ // when the log method is called. The associated Value is a [time.Time].
+ TimeKey = "time"
+ // LevelKey is the key used by the built-in handlers for the level
+ // of the log call. The associated value is a [Level].
+ LevelKey = "level"
+ // MessageKey is the key used by the built-in handlers for the
+ // message of the log call. The associated value is a string.
+ MessageKey = "msg"
+ // SourceKey is the key used by the built-in handlers for the source file
+ // and line of the log call. The associated value is a string.
+ SourceKey = "source"
+type commonHandler struct {
+ json bool // true => output JSON; false => output text
+ opts HandlerOptions
+ preformattedAttrs []byte
+ groupPrefix string // for text: prefix of groups opened in preformatting
+ groups []string // all groups started from WithGroup
+ nOpenGroups int // the number of groups opened in preformattedAttrs
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ w io.Writer
+func (h *commonHandler) clone() *commonHandler {
+ // We can't use assignment because we can't copy the mutex.
+ return &commonHandler{
+ json: h.json,
+ opts: h.opts,
+ preformattedAttrs: slices.Clip(h.preformattedAttrs),
+ groupPrefix: h.groupPrefix,
+ groups: slices.Clip(h.groups),
+ nOpenGroups: h.nOpenGroups,
+ w: h.w,
+ }
+// enabled reports whether l is greater than or equal to the
+// minimum level.
+func (h *commonHandler) enabled(l Level) bool {
+ minLevel := LevelInfo
+ if h.opts.Level != nil {
+ minLevel = h.opts.Level.Level()
+ }
+ return l >= minLevel
+func (h *commonHandler) withAttrs(as []Attr) *commonHandler {
+ h2 := h.clone()
+ // Pre-format the attributes as an optimization.
+ prefix := buffer.New()
+ defer prefix.Free()
+ prefix.WriteString(h.groupPrefix)
+ state := h2.newHandleState((*buffer.Buffer)(&h2.preformattedAttrs), false, "", prefix)
+ defer state.free()
+ if len(h2.preformattedAttrs) > 0 {
+ state.sep = h.attrSep()
+ }
+ state.openGroups()
+ for _, a := range as {
+ state.appendAttr(a)
+ }
+ // Remember the new prefix for later keys.
+ h2.groupPrefix = state.prefix.String()
+ // Remember how many opened groups are in preformattedAttrs,
+ // so we don't open them again when we handle a Record.
+ h2.nOpenGroups = len(h2.groups)
+ return h2
+func (h *commonHandler) withGroup(name string) *commonHandler {
+ if name == "" {
+ return h
+ }
+ h2 := h.clone()
+ h2.groups = append(h2.groups, name)
+ return h2
+func (h *commonHandler) handle(r Record) error {
+ state := h.newHandleState(buffer.New(), true, "", nil)
+ defer state.free()
+ if h.json {
+ state.buf.WriteByte('{')
+ }
+ // Built-in attributes. They are not in a group.
+ stateGroups := state.groups
+ state.groups = nil // So ReplaceAttrs sees no groups instead of the pre groups.
+ rep := h.opts.ReplaceAttr
+ // time
+ if !r.Time.IsZero() {
+ key := TimeKey
+ val := r.Time.Round(0) // strip monotonic to match Attr behavior
+ if rep == nil {
+ state.appendKey(key)
+ state.appendTime(val)
+ } else {
+ state.appendAttr(Time(key, val))
+ }
+ }
+ // level
+ key := LevelKey
+ val := r.Level
+ if rep == nil {
+ state.appendKey(key)
+ state.appendString(val.String())
+ } else {
+ state.appendAttr(Any(key, val))
+ }
+ // source
+ if h.opts.AddSource {
+ state.appendAttr(Any(SourceKey, r.source()))
+ }
+ key = MessageKey
+ msg := r.Message
+ if rep == nil {
+ state.appendKey(key)
+ state.appendString(msg)
+ } else {
+ state.appendAttr(String(key, msg))
+ }
+ state.groups = stateGroups // Restore groups passed to ReplaceAttrs.
+ state.appendNonBuiltIns(r)
+ state.buf.WriteByte('\n')
+ h.mu.Lock()
+ defer h.mu.Unlock()
+ _, err := h.w.Write(*state.buf)
+ return err
+func (s *handleState) appendNonBuiltIns(r Record) {
+ // preformatted Attrs
+ if len(s.h.preformattedAttrs) > 0 {
+ s.buf.WriteString(s.sep)
+ s.buf.Write(s.h.preformattedAttrs)
+ s.sep = s.h.attrSep()
+ }
+ // Attrs in Record -- unlike the built-in ones, they are in groups started
+ // from WithGroup.
+ s.prefix = buffer.New()
+ defer s.prefix.Free()
+ s.prefix.WriteString(s.h.groupPrefix)
+ s.openGroups()
+ r.Attrs(func(a Attr) bool {
+ s.appendAttr(a)
+ return true
+ })
+ if s.h.json {
+ // Close all open groups.
+ for range s.h.groups {
+ s.buf.WriteByte('}')
+ }
+ // Close the top-level object.
+ s.buf.WriteByte('}')
+ }
+// attrSep returns the separator between attributes.
+func (h *commonHandler) attrSep() string {
+ if h.json {
+ return ","
+ }
+ return " "
+// handleState holds state for a single call to commonHandler.handle.
+// The initial value of sep determines whether to emit a separator
+// before the next key, after which it stays true.
+type handleState struct {
+ h *commonHandler
+ buf *buffer.Buffer
+ freeBuf bool // should buf be freed?
+ sep string // separator to write before next key
+ prefix *buffer.Buffer // for text: key prefix
+ groups *[]string // pool-allocated slice of active groups, for ReplaceAttr
+var groupPool = sync.Pool{New: func() any {
+ s := make([]string, 0, 10)
+ return &s
+func (h *commonHandler) newHandleState(buf *buffer.Buffer, freeBuf bool, sep string, prefix *buffer.Buffer) handleState {
+ s := handleState{
+ h: h,
+ buf: buf,
+ freeBuf: freeBuf,
+ sep: sep,
+ prefix: prefix,
+ }
+ if h.opts.ReplaceAttr != nil {
+ s.groups = groupPool.Get().(*[]string)
+ *s.groups = append(*s.groups, h.groups[:h.nOpenGroups]...)
+ }
+ return s
+func (s *handleState) free() {
+ if s.freeBuf {
+ s.buf.Free()
+ }
+ if gs := s.groups; gs != nil {
+ *gs = (*gs)[:0]
+ groupPool.Put(gs)
+ }
+func (s *handleState) openGroups() {
+ for _, n := range s.h.groups[s.h.nOpenGroups:] {
+ s.openGroup(n)
+ }
+// Separator for group names and keys.
+const keyComponentSep = '.'
+// openGroup starts a new group of attributes
+// with the given name.
+func (s *handleState) openGroup(name string) {
+ if s.h.json {
+ s.appendKey(name)
+ s.buf.WriteByte('{')
+ s.sep = ""
+ } else {
+ s.prefix.WriteString(name)
+ s.prefix.WriteByte(keyComponentSep)
+ }
+ // Collect group names for ReplaceAttr.
+ if s.groups != nil {
+ *s.groups = append(*s.groups, name)
+ }
+// closeGroup ends the group with the given name.
+func (s *handleState) closeGroup(name string) {
+ if s.h.json {
+ s.buf.WriteByte('}')
+ } else {
+ (*s.prefix) = (*s.prefix)[:len(*s.prefix)-len(name)-1 /* for keyComponentSep */]
+ }
+ s.sep = s.h.attrSep()
+ if s.groups != nil {
+ *s.groups = (*s.groups)[:len(*s.groups)-1]
+ }
+// appendAttr appends the Attr's key and value using app.
+// It handles replacement and checking for an empty key.
+// after replacement).
+func (s *handleState) appendAttr(a Attr) {
+ if rep := s.h.opts.ReplaceAttr; rep != nil && a.Value.Kind() != KindGroup {
+ var gs []string
+ if s.groups != nil {
+ gs = *s.groups
+ }
+ // Resolve before calling ReplaceAttr, so the user doesn't have to.
+ a.Value = a.Value.Resolve()
+ a = rep(gs, a)
+ }
+ a.Value = a.Value.Resolve()
+ // Elide empty Attrs.
+ if a.isEmpty() {
+ return
+ }
+ // Special case: Source.
+ if v := a.Value; v.Kind() == KindAny {
+ if src, ok := v.Any().(*Source); ok {
+ if s.h.json {
+ a.Value = src.group()
+ } else {
+ a.Value = StringValue(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", src.File, src.Line))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if a.Value.Kind() == KindGroup {
+ attrs := a.Value.Group()
+ // Output only non-empty groups.
+ if len(attrs) > 0 {
+ // Inline a group with an empty key.
+ if a.Key != "" {
+ s.openGroup(a.Key)
+ }
+ for _, aa := range attrs {
+ s.appendAttr(aa)
+ }
+ if a.Key != "" {
+ s.closeGroup(a.Key)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ s.appendKey(a.Key)
+ s.appendValue(a.Value)
+ }
+func (s *handleState) appendError(err error) {
+ s.appendString(fmt.Sprintf("!ERROR:%v", err))
+func (s *handleState) appendKey(key string) {
+ s.buf.WriteString(s.sep)
+ if s.prefix != nil {
+ // TODO: optimize by avoiding allocation.
+ s.appendString(string(*s.prefix) + key)
+ } else {
+ s.appendString(key)
+ }
+ if s.h.json {
+ s.buf.WriteByte(':')
+ } else {
+ s.buf.WriteByte('=')
+ }
+ s.sep = s.h.attrSep()
+func (s *handleState) appendString(str string) {
+ if s.h.json {
+ s.buf.WriteByte('"')
+ *s.buf = appendEscapedJSONString(*s.buf, str)
+ s.buf.WriteByte('"')
+ } else {
+ // text
+ if needsQuoting(str) {
+ *s.buf = strconv.AppendQuote(*s.buf, str)
+ } else {
+ s.buf.WriteString(str)
+ }
+ }
+func (s *handleState) appendValue(v Value) {
+ var err error
+ if s.h.json {
+ err = appendJSONValue(s, v)
+ } else {
+ err = appendTextValue(s, v)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ s.appendError(err)
+ }
+func (s *handleState) appendTime(t time.Time) {
+ if s.h.json {
+ appendJSONTime(s, t)
+ } else {
+ writeTimeRFC3339Millis(s.buf, t)
+ }
+// This takes half the time of Time.AppendFormat.
+func writeTimeRFC3339Millis(buf *buffer.Buffer, t time.Time) {
+ year, month, day := t.Date()
+ buf.WritePosIntWidth(year, 4)
+ buf.WriteByte('-')
+ buf.WritePosIntWidth(int(month), 2)
+ buf.WriteByte('-')
+ buf.WritePosIntWidth(day, 2)
+ buf.WriteByte('T')
+ hour, min, sec := t.Clock()
+ buf.WritePosIntWidth(hour, 2)
+ buf.WriteByte(':')
+ buf.WritePosIntWidth(min, 2)
+ buf.WriteByte(':')
+ buf.WritePosIntWidth(sec, 2)
+ ns := t.Nanosecond()
+ buf.WriteByte('.')
+ buf.WritePosIntWidth(ns/1e6, 3)
+ _, offsetSeconds := t.Zone()
+ if offsetSeconds == 0 {
+ buf.WriteByte('Z')
+ } else {
+ offsetMinutes := offsetSeconds / 60
+ if offsetMinutes < 0 {
+ buf.WriteByte('-')
+ offsetMinutes = -offsetMinutes
+ } else {
+ buf.WriteByte('+')
+ }
+ buf.WritePosIntWidth(offsetMinutes/60, 2)
+ buf.WriteByte(':')
+ buf.WritePosIntWidth(offsetMinutes%60, 2)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/internal/buffer/buffer.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/internal/buffer/buffer.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7786c166e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/internal/buffer/buffer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package buffer provides a pool-allocated byte buffer.
+package buffer
+import (
+ "sync"
+// Buffer adapted from go/src/fmt/print.go
+type Buffer []byte
+// Having an initial size gives a dramatic speedup.
+var bufPool = sync.Pool{
+ New: func() any {
+ b := make([]byte, 0, 1024)
+ return (*Buffer)(&b)
+ },
+func New() *Buffer {
+ return bufPool.Get().(*Buffer)
+func (b *Buffer) Free() {
+ // To reduce peak allocation, return only smaller buffers to the pool.
+ const maxBufferSize = 16 << 10
+ if cap(*b) <= maxBufferSize {
+ *b = (*b)[:0]
+ bufPool.Put(b)
+ }
+func (b *Buffer) Reset() {
+ *b = (*b)[:0]
+func (b *Buffer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
+ *b = append(*b, p...)
+ return len(p), nil
+func (b *Buffer) WriteString(s string) {
+ *b = append(*b, s...)
+func (b *Buffer) WriteByte(c byte) {
+ *b = append(*b, c)
+func (b *Buffer) WritePosInt(i int) {
+ b.WritePosIntWidth(i, 0)
+// WritePosIntWidth writes non-negative integer i to the buffer, padded on the left
+// by zeroes to the given width. Use a width of 0 to omit padding.
+func (b *Buffer) WritePosIntWidth(i, width int) {
+ // Cheap integer to fixed-width decimal ASCII.
+ // Copied from log/log.go.
+ if i < 0 {
+ panic("negative int")
+ }
+ // Assemble decimal in reverse order.
+ var bb [20]byte
+ bp := len(bb) - 1
+ for i >= 10 || width > 1 {
+ width--
+ q := i / 10
+ bb[bp] = byte('0' + i - q*10)
+ bp--
+ i = q
+ }
+ // i < 10
+ bb[bp] = byte('0' + i)
+ b.Write(bb[bp:])
+func (b *Buffer) String() string {
+ return string(*b)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/internal/ignorepc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/internal/ignorepc.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1256426ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/internal/ignorepc.go
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package internal
+// If IgnorePC is true, do not invoke runtime.Callers to get the pc.
+// This is solely for benchmarking the slowdown from runtime.Callers.
+var IgnorePC = false
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/json_handler.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/json_handler.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..157ada8692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/json_handler.go
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package slog
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "context"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "strconv"
+ "time"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+ "golang.org/x/exp/slog/internal/buffer"
+// JSONHandler is a Handler that writes Records to an io.Writer as
+// line-delimited JSON objects.
+type JSONHandler struct {
+ *commonHandler
+// NewJSONHandler creates a JSONHandler that writes to w,
+// using the given options.
+// If opts is nil, the default options are used.
+func NewJSONHandler(w io.Writer, opts *HandlerOptions) *JSONHandler {
+ if opts == nil {
+ opts = &HandlerOptions{}
+ }
+ return &JSONHandler{
+ &commonHandler{
+ json: true,
+ w: w,
+ opts: *opts,
+ },
+ }
+// Enabled reports whether the handler handles records at the given level.
+// The handler ignores records whose level is lower.
+func (h *JSONHandler) Enabled(_ context.Context, level Level) bool {
+ return h.commonHandler.enabled(level)
+// WithAttrs returns a new JSONHandler whose attributes consists
+// of h's attributes followed by attrs.
+func (h *JSONHandler) WithAttrs(attrs []Attr) Handler {
+ return &JSONHandler{commonHandler: h.commonHandler.withAttrs(attrs)}
+func (h *JSONHandler) WithGroup(name string) Handler {
+ return &JSONHandler{commonHandler: h.commonHandler.withGroup(name)}
+// Handle formats its argument Record as a JSON object on a single line.
+// If the Record's time is zero, the time is omitted.
+// Otherwise, the key is "time"
+// and the value is output as with json.Marshal.
+// If the Record's level is zero, the level is omitted.
+// Otherwise, the key is "level"
+// and the value of [Level.String] is output.
+// If the AddSource option is set and source information is available,
+// the key is "source"
+// and the value is output as "FILE:LINE".
+// The message's key is "msg".
+// To modify these or other attributes, or remove them from the output, use
+// [HandlerOptions.ReplaceAttr].
+// Values are formatted as with an [encoding/json.Encoder] with SetEscapeHTML(false),
+// with two exceptions.
+// First, an Attr whose Value is of type error is formatted as a string, by
+// calling its Error method. Only errors in Attrs receive this special treatment,
+// not errors embedded in structs, slices, maps or other data structures that
+// are processed by the encoding/json package.
+// Second, an encoding failure does not cause Handle to return an error.
+// Instead, the error message is formatted as a string.
+// Each call to Handle results in a single serialized call to io.Writer.Write.
+func (h *JSONHandler) Handle(_ context.Context, r Record) error {
+ return h.commonHandler.handle(r)
+// Adapted from time.Time.MarshalJSON to avoid allocation.
+func appendJSONTime(s *handleState, t time.Time) {
+ if y := t.Year(); y < 0 || y >= 10000 {
+ // RFC 3339 is clear that years are 4 digits exactly.
+ // See golang.org/issue/4556#c15 for more discussion.
+ s.appendError(errors.New("time.Time year outside of range [0,9999]"))
+ }
+ s.buf.WriteByte('"')
+ *s.buf = t.AppendFormat(*s.buf, time.RFC3339Nano)
+ s.buf.WriteByte('"')
+func appendJSONValue(s *handleState, v Value) error {
+ switch v.Kind() {
+ case KindString:
+ s.appendString(v.str())
+ case KindInt64:
+ *s.buf = strconv.AppendInt(*s.buf, v.Int64(), 10)
+ case KindUint64:
+ *s.buf = strconv.AppendUint(*s.buf, v.Uint64(), 10)
+ case KindFloat64:
+ // json.Marshal is funny about floats; it doesn't
+ // always match strconv.AppendFloat. So just call it.
+ // That's expensive, but floats are rare.
+ if err := appendJSONMarshal(s.buf, v.Float64()); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ case KindBool:
+ *s.buf = strconv.AppendBool(*s.buf, v.Bool())
+ case KindDuration:
+ // Do what json.Marshal does.
+ *s.buf = strconv.AppendInt(*s.buf, int64(v.Duration()), 10)
+ case KindTime:
+ s.appendTime(v.Time())
+ case KindAny:
+ a := v.Any()
+ _, jm := a.(json.Marshaler)
+ if err, ok := a.(error); ok && !jm {
+ s.appendString(err.Error())
+ } else {
+ return appendJSONMarshal(s.buf, a)
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad kind: %s", v.Kind()))
+ }
+ return nil
+func appendJSONMarshal(buf *buffer.Buffer, v any) error {
+ // Use a json.Encoder to avoid escaping HTML.
+ var bb bytes.Buffer
+ enc := json.NewEncoder(&bb)
+ enc.SetEscapeHTML(false)
+ if err := enc.Encode(v); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ bs := bb.Bytes()
+ buf.Write(bs[:len(bs)-1]) // remove final newline
+ return nil
+// appendEscapedJSONString escapes s for JSON and appends it to buf.
+// It does not surround the string in quotation marks.
+// Modified from encoding/json/encode.go:encodeState.string,
+// with escapeHTML set to false.
+func appendEscapedJSONString(buf []byte, s string) []byte {
+ char := func(b byte) { buf = append(buf, b) }
+ str := func(s string) { buf = append(buf, s...) }
+ start := 0
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); {
+ if b := s[i]; b < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ if safeSet[b] {
+ i++
+ continue
+ }
+ if start < i {
+ str(s[start:i])
+ }
+ char('\\')
+ switch b {
+ case '\\', '"':
+ char(b)
+ case '\n':
+ char('n')
+ case '\r':
+ char('r')
+ case '\t':
+ char('t')
+ default:
+ // This encodes bytes < 0x20 except for \t, \n and \r.
+ str(`u00`)
+ char(hex[b>>4])
+ char(hex[b&0xF])
+ }
+ i++
+ start = i
+ continue
+ }
+ c, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
+ if c == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
+ if start < i {
+ str(s[start:i])
+ }
+ str(`\ufffd`)
+ i += size
+ start = i
+ continue
+ }
+ // U+2028 is LINE SEPARATOR.
+ // They are both technically valid characters in JSON strings,
+ // but don't work in JSONP, which has to be evaluated as JavaScript,
+ // and can lead to security holes there. It is valid JSON to
+ // escape them, so we do so unconditionally.
+ // See http://timelessrepo.com/json-isnt-a-javascript-subset for discussion.
+ if c == '\u2028' || c == '\u2029' {
+ if start < i {
+ str(s[start:i])
+ }
+ str(`\u202`)
+ char(hex[c&0xF])
+ i += size
+ start = i
+ continue
+ }
+ i += size
+ }
+ if start < len(s) {
+ str(s[start:])
+ }
+ return buf
+var hex = "0123456789abcdef"
+// Copied from encoding/json/tables.go.
+// safeSet holds the value true if the ASCII character with the given array
+// position can be represented inside a JSON string without any further
+// escaping.
+// All values are true except for the ASCII control characters (0-31), the
+// double quote ("), and the backslash character ("\").
+var safeSet = [utf8.RuneSelf]bool{
+ ' ': true,
+ '!': true,
+ '"': false,
+ '#': true,
+ '$': true,
+ '%': true,
+ '&': true,
+ '\'': true,
+ '(': true,
+ ')': true,
+ '*': true,
+ '+': true,
+ ',': true,
+ '-': true,
+ '.': true,
+ '/': true,
+ '0': true,
+ '1': true,
+ '2': true,
+ '3': true,
+ '4': true,
+ '5': true,
+ '6': true,
+ '7': true,
+ '8': true,
+ '9': true,
+ ':': true,
+ ';': true,
+ '<': true,
+ '=': true,
+ '>': true,
+ '?': true,
+ '@': true,
+ 'A': true,
+ 'B': true,
+ 'C': true,
+ 'D': true,
+ 'E': true,
+ 'F': true,
+ 'G': true,
+ 'H': true,
+ 'I': true,
+ 'J': true,
+ 'K': true,
+ 'L': true,
+ 'M': true,
+ 'N': true,
+ 'O': true,
+ 'P': true,
+ 'Q': true,
+ 'R': true,
+ 'S': true,
+ 'T': true,
+ 'U': true,
+ 'V': true,
+ 'W': true,
+ 'X': true,
+ 'Y': true,
+ 'Z': true,
+ '[': true,
+ '\\': false,
+ ']': true,
+ '^': true,
+ '_': true,
+ '`': true,
+ 'a': true,
+ 'b': true,
+ 'c': true,
+ 'd': true,
+ 'e': true,
+ 'f': true,
+ 'g': true,
+ 'h': true,
+ 'i': true,
+ 'j': true,
+ 'k': true,
+ 'l': true,
+ 'm': true,
+ 'n': true,
+ 'o': true,
+ 'p': true,
+ 'q': true,
+ 'r': true,
+ 's': true,
+ 't': true,
+ 'u': true,
+ 'v': true,
+ 'w': true,
+ 'x': true,
+ 'y': true,
+ 'z': true,
+ '{': true,
+ '|': true,
+ '}': true,
+ '~': true,
+ '\u007f': true,
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/level.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/level.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2365f0aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/level.go
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package slog
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "sync/atomic"
+// A Level is the importance or severity of a log event.
+// The higher the level, the more important or severe the event.
+type Level int
+// Level numbers are inherently arbitrary,
+// but we picked them to satisfy three constraints.
+// Any system can map them to another numbering scheme if it wishes.
+// First, we wanted the default level to be Info, Since Levels are ints, Info is
+// the default value for int, zero.
+// Second, we wanted to make it easy to use levels to specify logger verbosity.
+// Since a larger level means a more severe event, a logger that accepts events
+// with smaller (or more negative) level means a more verbose logger. Logger
+// verbosity is thus the negation of event severity, and the default verbosity
+// of 0 accepts all events at least as severe as INFO.
+// Third, we wanted some room between levels to accommodate schemes with named
+// levels between ours. For example, Google Cloud Logging defines a Notice level
+// between Info and Warn. Since there are only a few of these intermediate
+// levels, the gap between the numbers need not be large. Our gap of 4 matches
+// OpenTelemetry's mapping. Subtracting 9 from an OpenTelemetry level in the
+// DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR ranges converts it to the corresponding slog
+// Level range. OpenTelemetry also has the names TRACE and FATAL, which slog
+// does not. But those OpenTelemetry levels can still be represented as slog
+// Levels by using the appropriate integers.
+// Names for common levels.
+const (
+ LevelDebug Level = -4
+ LevelInfo Level = 0
+ LevelWarn Level = 4
+ LevelError Level = 8
+// String returns a name for the level.
+// If the level has a name, then that name
+// in uppercase is returned.
+// If the level is between named values, then
+// an integer is appended to the uppercased name.
+// Examples:
+// LevelWarn.String() => "WARN"
+// (LevelInfo+2).String() => "INFO+2"
+func (l Level) String() string {
+ str := func(base string, val Level) string {
+ if val == 0 {
+ return base
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s%+d", base, val)
+ }
+ switch {
+ case l < LevelInfo:
+ return str("DEBUG", l-LevelDebug)
+ case l < LevelWarn:
+ return str("INFO", l-LevelInfo)
+ case l < LevelError:
+ return str("WARN", l-LevelWarn)
+ default:
+ return str("ERROR", l-LevelError)
+ }
+// MarshalJSON implements [encoding/json.Marshaler]
+// by quoting the output of [Level.String].
+func (l Level) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ // AppendQuote is sufficient for JSON-encoding all Level strings.
+ // They don't contain any runes that would produce invalid JSON
+ // when escaped.
+ return strconv.AppendQuote(nil, l.String()), nil
+// UnmarshalJSON implements [encoding/json.Unmarshaler]
+// It accepts any string produced by [Level.MarshalJSON],
+// ignoring case.
+// It also accepts numeric offsets that would result in a different string on
+// output. For example, "Error-8" would marshal as "INFO".
+func (l *Level) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
+ s, err := strconv.Unquote(string(data))
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return l.parse(s)
+// MarshalText implements [encoding.TextMarshaler]
+// by calling [Level.String].
+func (l Level) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
+ return []byte(l.String()), nil
+// UnmarshalText implements [encoding.TextUnmarshaler].
+// It accepts any string produced by [Level.MarshalText],
+// ignoring case.
+// It also accepts numeric offsets that would result in a different string on
+// output. For example, "Error-8" would marshal as "INFO".
+func (l *Level) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error {
+ return l.parse(string(data))
+func (l *Level) parse(s string) (err error) {
+ defer func() {
+ if err != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("slog: level string %q: %w", s, err)
+ }
+ }()
+ name := s
+ offset := 0
+ if i := strings.IndexAny(s, "+-"); i >= 0 {
+ name = s[:i]
+ offset, err = strconv.Atoi(s[i:])
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ switch strings.ToUpper(name) {
+ case "DEBUG":
+ *l = LevelDebug
+ case "INFO":
+ *l = LevelInfo
+ case "WARN":
+ *l = LevelWarn
+ case "ERROR":
+ *l = LevelError
+ default:
+ return errors.New("unknown name")
+ }
+ *l += Level(offset)
+ return nil
+// Level returns the receiver.
+// It implements Leveler.
+func (l Level) Level() Level { return l }
+// A LevelVar is a Level variable, to allow a Handler level to change
+// dynamically.
+// It implements Leveler as well as a Set method,
+// and it is safe for use by multiple goroutines.
+// The zero LevelVar corresponds to LevelInfo.
+type LevelVar struct {
+ val atomic.Int64
+// Level returns v's level.
+func (v *LevelVar) Level() Level {
+ return Level(int(v.val.Load()))
+// Set sets v's level to l.
+func (v *LevelVar) Set(l Level) {
+ v.val.Store(int64(l))
+func (v *LevelVar) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("LevelVar(%s)", v.Level())
+// MarshalText implements [encoding.TextMarshaler]
+// by calling [Level.MarshalText].
+func (v *LevelVar) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
+ return v.Level().MarshalText()
+// UnmarshalText implements [encoding.TextUnmarshaler]
+// by calling [Level.UnmarshalText].
+func (v *LevelVar) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error {
+ var l Level
+ if err := l.UnmarshalText(data); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ v.Set(l)
+ return nil
+// A Leveler provides a Level value.
+// As Level itself implements Leveler, clients typically supply
+// a Level value wherever a Leveler is needed, such as in HandlerOptions.
+// Clients who need to vary the level dynamically can provide a more complex
+// Leveler implementation such as *LevelVar.
+type Leveler interface {
+ Level() Level
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/logger.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/logger.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e87ec9936c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/logger.go
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package slog
+import (
+ "context"
+ "log"
+ "runtime"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+ "golang.org/x/exp/slog/internal"
+var defaultLogger atomic.Value
+func init() {
+ defaultLogger.Store(New(newDefaultHandler(log.Output)))
+// Default returns the default Logger.
+func Default() *Logger { return defaultLogger.Load().(*Logger) }
+// SetDefault makes l the default Logger.
+// After this call, output from the log package's default Logger
+// (as with [log.Print], etc.) will be logged at LevelInfo using l's Handler.
+func SetDefault(l *Logger) {
+ defaultLogger.Store(l)
+ // If the default's handler is a defaultHandler, then don't use a handleWriter,
+ // or we'll deadlock as they both try to acquire the log default mutex.
+ // The defaultHandler will use whatever the log default writer is currently
+ // set to, which is correct.
+ // This can occur with SetDefault(Default()).
+ // See TestSetDefault.
+ if _, ok := l.Handler().(*defaultHandler); !ok {
+ capturePC := log.Flags()&(log.Lshortfile|log.Llongfile) != 0
+ log.SetOutput(&handlerWriter{l.Handler(), LevelInfo, capturePC})
+ log.SetFlags(0) // we want just the log message, no time or location
+ }
+// handlerWriter is an io.Writer that calls a Handler.
+// It is used to link the default log.Logger to the default slog.Logger.
+type handlerWriter struct {
+ h Handler
+ level Level
+ capturePC bool
+func (w *handlerWriter) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
+ if !w.h.Enabled(context.Background(), w.level) {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ var pc uintptr
+ if !internal.IgnorePC && w.capturePC {
+ // skip [runtime.Callers, w.Write, Logger.Output, log.Print]
+ var pcs [1]uintptr
+ runtime.Callers(4, pcs[:])
+ pc = pcs[0]
+ }
+ // Remove final newline.
+ origLen := len(buf) // Report that the entire buf was written.
+ if len(buf) > 0 && buf[len(buf)-1] == '\n' {
+ buf = buf[:len(buf)-1]
+ }
+ r := NewRecord(time.Now(), w.level, string(buf), pc)
+ return origLen, w.h.Handle(context.Background(), r)
+// A Logger records structured information about each call to its
+// Log, Debug, Info, Warn, and Error methods.
+// For each call, it creates a Record and passes it to a Handler.
+// To create a new Logger, call [New] or a Logger method
+// that begins "With".
+type Logger struct {
+ handler Handler // for structured logging
+func (l *Logger) clone() *Logger {
+ c := *l
+ return &c
+// Handler returns l's Handler.
+func (l *Logger) Handler() Handler { return l.handler }
+// With returns a new Logger that includes the given arguments, converted to
+// Attrs as in [Logger.Log].
+// The Attrs will be added to each output from the Logger.
+// The new Logger shares the old Logger's context.
+// The new Logger's handler is the result of calling WithAttrs on the receiver's
+// handler.
+func (l *Logger) With(args ...any) *Logger {
+ c := l.clone()
+ c.handler = l.handler.WithAttrs(argsToAttrSlice(args))
+ return c
+// WithGroup returns a new Logger that starts a group. The keys of all
+// attributes added to the Logger will be qualified by the given name.
+// (How that qualification happens depends on the [Handler.WithGroup]
+// method of the Logger's Handler.)
+// The new Logger shares the old Logger's context.
+// The new Logger's handler is the result of calling WithGroup on the receiver's
+// handler.
+func (l *Logger) WithGroup(name string) *Logger {
+ c := l.clone()
+ c.handler = l.handler.WithGroup(name)
+ return c
+// New creates a new Logger with the given non-nil Handler and a nil context.
+func New(h Handler) *Logger {
+ if h == nil {
+ panic("nil Handler")
+ }
+ return &Logger{handler: h}
+// With calls Logger.With on the default logger.
+func With(args ...any) *Logger {
+ return Default().With(args...)
+// Enabled reports whether l emits log records at the given context and level.
+func (l *Logger) Enabled(ctx context.Context, level Level) bool {
+ if ctx == nil {
+ ctx = context.Background()
+ }
+ return l.Handler().Enabled(ctx, level)
+// NewLogLogger returns a new log.Logger such that each call to its Output method
+// dispatches a Record to the specified handler. The logger acts as a bridge from
+// the older log API to newer structured logging handlers.
+func NewLogLogger(h Handler, level Level) *log.Logger {
+ return log.New(&handlerWriter{h, level, true}, "", 0)
+// Log emits a log record with the current time and the given level and message.
+// The Record's Attrs consist of the Logger's attributes followed by
+// the Attrs specified by args.
+// The attribute arguments are processed as follows:
+// - If an argument is an Attr, it is used as is.
+// - If an argument is a string and this is not the last argument,
+// the following argument is treated as the value and the two are combined
+// into an Attr.
+// - Otherwise, the argument is treated as a value with key "!BADKEY".
+func (l *Logger) Log(ctx context.Context, level Level, msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(ctx, level, msg, args...)
+// LogAttrs is a more efficient version of [Logger.Log] that accepts only Attrs.
+func (l *Logger) LogAttrs(ctx context.Context, level Level, msg string, attrs ...Attr) {
+ l.logAttrs(ctx, level, msg, attrs...)
+// Debug logs at LevelDebug.
+func (l *Logger) Debug(msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(nil, LevelDebug, msg, args...)
+// DebugContext logs at LevelDebug with the given context.
+func (l *Logger) DebugContext(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(ctx, LevelDebug, msg, args...)
+// DebugCtx logs at LevelDebug with the given context.
+// Deprecated: Use Logger.DebugContext.
+func (l *Logger) DebugCtx(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(ctx, LevelDebug, msg, args...)
+// Info logs at LevelInfo.
+func (l *Logger) Info(msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(nil, LevelInfo, msg, args...)
+// InfoContext logs at LevelInfo with the given context.
+func (l *Logger) InfoContext(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(ctx, LevelInfo, msg, args...)
+// InfoCtx logs at LevelInfo with the given context.
+// Deprecated: Use Logger.InfoContext.
+func (l *Logger) InfoCtx(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(ctx, LevelInfo, msg, args...)
+// Warn logs at LevelWarn.
+func (l *Logger) Warn(msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(nil, LevelWarn, msg, args...)
+// WarnContext logs at LevelWarn with the given context.
+func (l *Logger) WarnContext(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(ctx, LevelWarn, msg, args...)
+// WarnCtx logs at LevelWarn with the given context.
+// Deprecated: Use Logger.WarnContext.
+func (l *Logger) WarnCtx(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(ctx, LevelWarn, msg, args...)
+// Error logs at LevelError.
+func (l *Logger) Error(msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(nil, LevelError, msg, args...)
+// ErrorContext logs at LevelError with the given context.
+func (l *Logger) ErrorContext(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(ctx, LevelError, msg, args...)
+// ErrorCtx logs at LevelError with the given context.
+// Deprecated: Use Logger.ErrorContext.
+func (l *Logger) ErrorCtx(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ l.log(ctx, LevelError, msg, args...)
+// log is the low-level logging method for methods that take ...any.
+// It must always be called directly by an exported logging method
+// or function, because it uses a fixed call depth to obtain the pc.
+func (l *Logger) log(ctx context.Context, level Level, msg string, args ...any) {
+ if !l.Enabled(ctx, level) {
+ return
+ }
+ var pc uintptr
+ if !internal.IgnorePC {
+ var pcs [1]uintptr
+ // skip [runtime.Callers, this function, this function's caller]
+ runtime.Callers(3, pcs[:])
+ pc = pcs[0]
+ }
+ r := NewRecord(time.Now(), level, msg, pc)
+ r.Add(args...)
+ if ctx == nil {
+ ctx = context.Background()
+ }
+ _ = l.Handler().Handle(ctx, r)
+// logAttrs is like [Logger.log], but for methods that take ...Attr.
+func (l *Logger) logAttrs(ctx context.Context, level Level, msg string, attrs ...Attr) {
+ if !l.Enabled(ctx, level) {
+ return
+ }
+ var pc uintptr
+ if !internal.IgnorePC {
+ var pcs [1]uintptr
+ // skip [runtime.Callers, this function, this function's caller]
+ runtime.Callers(3, pcs[:])
+ pc = pcs[0]
+ }
+ r := NewRecord(time.Now(), level, msg, pc)
+ r.AddAttrs(attrs...)
+ if ctx == nil {
+ ctx = context.Background()
+ }
+ _ = l.Handler().Handle(ctx, r)
+// Debug calls Logger.Debug on the default logger.
+func Debug(msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(nil, LevelDebug, msg, args...)
+// DebugContext calls Logger.DebugContext on the default logger.
+func DebugContext(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(ctx, LevelDebug, msg, args...)
+// Info calls Logger.Info on the default logger.
+func Info(msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(nil, LevelInfo, msg, args...)
+// InfoContext calls Logger.InfoContext on the default logger.
+func InfoContext(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(ctx, LevelInfo, msg, args...)
+// Warn calls Logger.Warn on the default logger.
+func Warn(msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(nil, LevelWarn, msg, args...)
+// WarnContext calls Logger.WarnContext on the default logger.
+func WarnContext(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(ctx, LevelWarn, msg, args...)
+// Error calls Logger.Error on the default logger.
+func Error(msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(nil, LevelError, msg, args...)
+// ErrorContext calls Logger.ErrorContext on the default logger.
+func ErrorContext(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(ctx, LevelError, msg, args...)
+// DebugCtx calls Logger.DebugContext on the default logger.
+// Deprecated: call DebugContext.
+func DebugCtx(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(ctx, LevelDebug, msg, args...)
+// InfoCtx calls Logger.InfoContext on the default logger.
+// Deprecated: call InfoContext.
+func InfoCtx(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(ctx, LevelInfo, msg, args...)
+// WarnCtx calls Logger.WarnContext on the default logger.
+// Deprecated: call WarnContext.
+func WarnCtx(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(ctx, LevelWarn, msg, args...)
+// ErrorCtx calls Logger.ErrorContext on the default logger.
+// Deprecated: call ErrorContext.
+func ErrorCtx(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(ctx, LevelError, msg, args...)
+// Log calls Logger.Log on the default logger.
+func Log(ctx context.Context, level Level, msg string, args ...any) {
+ Default().log(ctx, level, msg, args...)
+// LogAttrs calls Logger.LogAttrs on the default logger.
+func LogAttrs(ctx context.Context, level Level, msg string, attrs ...Attr) {
+ Default().logAttrs(ctx, level, msg, attrs...)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/noplog.bench b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/noplog.bench
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed9296ff61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/noplog.bench
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+goos: linux
+goarch: amd64
+pkg: golang.org/x/exp/slog
+cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz
+BenchmarkNopLog/attrs-8 1000000 1090 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/attrs-8 1000000 1097 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/attrs-8 1000000 1078 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/attrs-8 1000000 1095 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/attrs-8 1000000 1096 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/attrs-parallel-8 4007268 308.2 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/attrs-parallel-8 4016138 299.7 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/attrs-parallel-8 4020529 305.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/attrs-parallel-8 3977829 303.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/attrs-parallel-8 3225438 318.5 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/keys-values-8 1179256 994.2 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/keys-values-8 1000000 1002 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/keys-values-8 1216710 993.2 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/keys-values-8 1000000 1013 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/keys-values-8 1000000 1016 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/WithContext-8 989066 1163 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/WithContext-8 994116 1163 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/WithContext-8 1000000 1152 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/WithContext-8 991675 1165 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/WithContext-8 965268 1166 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/WithContext-parallel-8 3955503 303.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/WithContext-parallel-8 3861188 307.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/WithContext-parallel-8 3967752 303.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/WithContext-parallel-8 3955203 302.7 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/WithContext-parallel-8 3948278 301.1 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/Ctx-8 940622 1247 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/Ctx-8 936381 1257 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/Ctx-8 959730 1266 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/Ctx-8 943473 1290 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+BenchmarkNopLog/Ctx-8 919414 1259 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
+ok golang.org/x/exp/slog 40.566s
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/record.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/record.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38b3440f77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/record.go
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package slog
+import (
+ "runtime"
+ "time"
+ "golang.org/x/exp/slices"
+const nAttrsInline = 5
+// A Record holds information about a log event.
+// Copies of a Record share state.
+// Do not modify a Record after handing out a copy to it.
+// Use [Record.Clone] to create a copy with no shared state.
+type Record struct {
+ // The time at which the output method (Log, Info, etc.) was called.
+ Time time.Time
+ // The log message.
+ Message string
+ // The level of the event.
+ Level Level
+ // The program counter at the time the record was constructed, as determined
+ // by runtime.Callers. If zero, no program counter is available.
+ //
+ // The only valid use for this value is as an argument to
+ // [runtime.CallersFrames]. In particular, it must not be passed to
+ // [runtime.FuncForPC].
+ PC uintptr
+ // Allocation optimization: an inline array sized to hold
+ // the majority of log calls (based on examination of open-source
+ // code). It holds the start of the list of Attrs.
+ front [nAttrsInline]Attr
+ // The number of Attrs in front.
+ nFront int
+ // The list of Attrs except for those in front.
+ // Invariants:
+ // - len(back) > 0 iff nFront == len(front)
+ // - Unused array elements are zero. Used to detect mistakes.
+ back []Attr
+// NewRecord creates a Record from the given arguments.
+// Use [Record.AddAttrs] to add attributes to the Record.
+// NewRecord is intended for logging APIs that want to support a [Handler] as
+// a backend.
+func NewRecord(t time.Time, level Level, msg string, pc uintptr) Record {
+ return Record{
+ Time: t,
+ Message: msg,
+ Level: level,
+ PC: pc,
+ }
+// Clone returns a copy of the record with no shared state.
+// The original record and the clone can both be modified
+// without interfering with each other.
+func (r Record) Clone() Record {
+ r.back = slices.Clip(r.back) // prevent append from mutating shared array
+ return r
+// NumAttrs returns the number of attributes in the Record.
+func (r Record) NumAttrs() int {
+ return r.nFront + len(r.back)
+// Attrs calls f on each Attr in the Record.
+// Iteration stops if f returns false.
+func (r Record) Attrs(f func(Attr) bool) {
+ for i := 0; i < r.nFront; i++ {
+ if !f(r.front[i]) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ for _, a := range r.back {
+ if !f(a) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+// AddAttrs appends the given Attrs to the Record's list of Attrs.
+func (r *Record) AddAttrs(attrs ...Attr) {
+ n := copy(r.front[r.nFront:], attrs)
+ r.nFront += n
+ // Check if a copy was modified by slicing past the end
+ // and seeing if the Attr there is non-zero.
+ if cap(r.back) > len(r.back) {
+ end := r.back[:len(r.back)+1][len(r.back)]
+ if !end.isEmpty() {
+ panic("copies of a slog.Record were both modified")
+ }
+ }
+ r.back = append(r.back, attrs[n:]...)
+// Add converts the args to Attrs as described in [Logger.Log],
+// then appends the Attrs to the Record's list of Attrs.
+func (r *Record) Add(args ...any) {
+ var a Attr
+ for len(args) > 0 {
+ a, args = argsToAttr(args)
+ if r.nFront < len(r.front) {
+ r.front[r.nFront] = a
+ r.nFront++
+ } else {
+ if r.back == nil {
+ r.back = make([]Attr, 0, countAttrs(args))
+ }
+ r.back = append(r.back, a)
+ }
+ }
+// countAttrs returns the number of Attrs that would be created from args.
+func countAttrs(args []any) int {
+ n := 0
+ for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
+ n++
+ if _, ok := args[i].(string); ok {
+ i++
+ }
+ }
+ return n
+const badKey = "!BADKEY"
+// argsToAttr turns a prefix of the nonempty args slice into an Attr
+// and returns the unconsumed portion of the slice.
+// If args[0] is an Attr, it returns it.
+// If args[0] is a string, it treats the first two elements as
+// a key-value pair.
+// Otherwise, it treats args[0] as a value with a missing key.
+func argsToAttr(args []any) (Attr, []any) {
+ switch x := args[0].(type) {
+ case string:
+ if len(args) == 1 {
+ return String(badKey, x), nil
+ }
+ return Any(x, args[1]), args[2:]
+ case Attr:
+ return x, args[1:]
+ default:
+ return Any(badKey, x), args[1:]
+ }
+// Source describes the location of a line of source code.
+type Source struct {
+ // Function is the package path-qualified function name containing the
+ // source line. If non-empty, this string uniquely identifies a single
+ // function in the program. This may be the empty string if not known.
+ Function string `json:"function"`
+ // File and Line are the file name and line number (1-based) of the source
+ // line. These may be the empty string and zero, respectively, if not known.
+ File string `json:"file"`
+ Line int `json:"line"`
+// attrs returns the non-zero fields of s as a slice of attrs.
+// It is similar to a LogValue method, but we don't want Source
+// to implement LogValuer because it would be resolved before
+// the ReplaceAttr function was called.
+func (s *Source) group() Value {
+ var as []Attr
+ if s.Function != "" {
+ as = append(as, String("function", s.Function))
+ }
+ if s.File != "" {
+ as = append(as, String("file", s.File))
+ }
+ if s.Line != 0 {
+ as = append(as, Int("line", s.Line))
+ }
+ return GroupValue(as...)
+// source returns a Source for the log event.
+// If the Record was created without the necessary information,
+// or if the location is unavailable, it returns a non-nil *Source
+// with zero fields.
+func (r Record) source() *Source {
+ fs := runtime.CallersFrames([]uintptr{r.PC})
+ f, _ := fs.Next()
+ return &Source{
+ Function: f.Function,
+ File: f.File,
+ Line: f.Line,
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/text_handler.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/text_handler.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75b66b716f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/text_handler.go
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package slog
+import (
+ "context"
+ "encoding"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "reflect"
+ "strconv"
+ "unicode"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// TextHandler is a Handler that writes Records to an io.Writer as a
+// sequence of key=value pairs separated by spaces and followed by a newline.
+type TextHandler struct {
+ *commonHandler
+// NewTextHandler creates a TextHandler that writes to w,
+// using the given options.
+// If opts is nil, the default options are used.
+func NewTextHandler(w io.Writer, opts *HandlerOptions) *TextHandler {
+ if opts == nil {
+ opts = &HandlerOptions{}
+ }
+ return &TextHandler{
+ &commonHandler{
+ json: false,
+ w: w,
+ opts: *opts,
+ },
+ }
+// Enabled reports whether the handler handles records at the given level.
+// The handler ignores records whose level is lower.
+func (h *TextHandler) Enabled(_ context.Context, level Level) bool {
+ return h.commonHandler.enabled(level)
+// WithAttrs returns a new TextHandler whose attributes consists
+// of h's attributes followed by attrs.
+func (h *TextHandler) WithAttrs(attrs []Attr) Handler {
+ return &TextHandler{commonHandler: h.commonHandler.withAttrs(attrs)}
+func (h *TextHandler) WithGroup(name string) Handler {
+ return &TextHandler{commonHandler: h.commonHandler.withGroup(name)}
+// Handle formats its argument Record as a single line of space-separated
+// key=value items.
+// If the Record's time is zero, the time is omitted.
+// Otherwise, the key is "time"
+// and the value is output in RFC3339 format with millisecond precision.
+// If the Record's level is zero, the level is omitted.
+// Otherwise, the key is "level"
+// and the value of [Level.String] is output.
+// If the AddSource option is set and source information is available,
+// the key is "source" and the value is output as FILE:LINE.
+// The message's key is "msg".
+// To modify these or other attributes, or remove them from the output, use
+// [HandlerOptions.ReplaceAttr].
+// If a value implements [encoding.TextMarshaler], the result of MarshalText is
+// written. Otherwise, the result of fmt.Sprint is written.
+// Keys and values are quoted with [strconv.Quote] if they contain Unicode space
+// characters, non-printing characters, '"' or '='.
+// Keys inside groups consist of components (keys or group names) separated by
+// dots. No further escaping is performed.
+// Thus there is no way to determine from the key "a.b.c" whether there
+// are two groups "a" and "b" and a key "c", or a single group "a.b" and a key "c",
+// or single group "a" and a key "b.c".
+// If it is necessary to reconstruct the group structure of a key
+// even in the presence of dots inside components, use
+// [HandlerOptions.ReplaceAttr] to encode that information in the key.
+// Each call to Handle results in a single serialized call to
+// io.Writer.Write.
+func (h *TextHandler) Handle(_ context.Context, r Record) error {
+ return h.commonHandler.handle(r)
+func appendTextValue(s *handleState, v Value) error {
+ switch v.Kind() {
+ case KindString:
+ s.appendString(v.str())
+ case KindTime:
+ s.appendTime(v.time())
+ case KindAny:
+ if tm, ok := v.any.(encoding.TextMarshaler); ok {
+ data, err := tm.MarshalText()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // TODO: avoid the conversion to string.
+ s.appendString(string(data))
+ return nil
+ }
+ if bs, ok := byteSlice(v.any); ok {
+ // As of Go 1.19, this only allocates for strings longer than 32 bytes.
+ s.buf.WriteString(strconv.Quote(string(bs)))
+ return nil
+ }
+ s.appendString(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", v.Any()))
+ default:
+ *s.buf = v.append(*s.buf)
+ }
+ return nil
+// byteSlice returns its argument as a []byte if the argument's
+// underlying type is []byte, along with a second return value of true.
+// Otherwise it returns nil, false.
+func byteSlice(a any) ([]byte, bool) {
+ if bs, ok := a.([]byte); ok {
+ return bs, true
+ }
+ // Like Printf's %s, we allow both the slice type and the byte element type to be named.
+ t := reflect.TypeOf(a)
+ if t != nil && t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
+ return reflect.ValueOf(a).Bytes(), true
+ }
+ return nil, false
+func needsQuoting(s string) bool {
+ if len(s) == 0 {
+ return true
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); {
+ b := s[i]
+ if b < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ // Quote anything except a backslash that would need quoting in a
+ // JSON string, as well as space and '='
+ if b != '\\' && (b == ' ' || b == '=' || !safeSet[b]) {
+ return true
+ }
+ i++
+ continue
+ }
+ r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
+ if r == utf8.RuneError || unicode.IsSpace(r) || !unicode.IsPrint(r) {
+ return true
+ }
+ i += size
+ }
+ return false
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/value.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/value.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3550c46fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/value.go
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package slog
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "math"
+ "runtime"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ "unsafe"
+ "golang.org/x/exp/slices"
+// A Value can represent any Go value, but unlike type any,
+// it can represent most small values without an allocation.
+// The zero Value corresponds to nil.
+type Value struct {
+ _ [0]func() // disallow ==
+ // num holds the value for Kinds Int64, Uint64, Float64, Bool and Duration,
+ // the string length for KindString, and nanoseconds since the epoch for KindTime.
+ num uint64
+ // If any is of type Kind, then the value is in num as described above.
+ // If any is of type *time.Location, then the Kind is Time and time.Time value
+ // can be constructed from the Unix nanos in num and the location (monotonic time
+ // is not preserved).
+ // If any is of type stringptr, then the Kind is String and the string value
+ // consists of the length in num and the pointer in any.
+ // Otherwise, the Kind is Any and any is the value.
+ // (This implies that Attrs cannot store values of type Kind, *time.Location
+ // or stringptr.)
+ any any
+// Kind is the kind of a Value.
+type Kind int
+// The following list is sorted alphabetically, but it's also important that
+// KindAny is 0 so that a zero Value represents nil.
+const (
+ KindAny Kind = iota
+ KindBool
+ KindDuration
+ KindFloat64
+ KindInt64
+ KindString
+ KindTime
+ KindUint64
+ KindGroup
+ KindLogValuer
+var kindStrings = []string{
+ "Any",
+ "Bool",
+ "Duration",
+ "Float64",
+ "Int64",
+ "String",
+ "Time",
+ "Uint64",
+ "Group",
+ "LogValuer",
+func (k Kind) String() string {
+ if k >= 0 && int(k) < len(kindStrings) {
+ return kindStrings[k]
+ }
+ return ""
+// Unexported version of Kind, just so we can store Kinds in Values.
+// (No user-provided value has this type.)
+type kind Kind
+// Kind returns v's Kind.
+func (v Value) Kind() Kind {
+ switch x := v.any.(type) {
+ case Kind:
+ return x
+ case stringptr:
+ return KindString
+ case timeLocation:
+ return KindTime
+ case groupptr:
+ return KindGroup
+ case LogValuer:
+ return KindLogValuer
+ case kind: // a kind is just a wrapper for a Kind
+ return KindAny
+ default:
+ return KindAny
+ }
+//////////////// Constructors
+// IntValue returns a Value for an int.
+func IntValue(v int) Value {
+ return Int64Value(int64(v))
+// Int64Value returns a Value for an int64.
+func Int64Value(v int64) Value {
+ return Value{num: uint64(v), any: KindInt64}
+// Uint64Value returns a Value for a uint64.
+func Uint64Value(v uint64) Value {
+ return Value{num: v, any: KindUint64}
+// Float64Value returns a Value for a floating-point number.
+func Float64Value(v float64) Value {
+ return Value{num: math.Float64bits(v), any: KindFloat64}
+// BoolValue returns a Value for a bool.
+func BoolValue(v bool) Value {
+ u := uint64(0)
+ if v {
+ u = 1
+ }
+ return Value{num: u, any: KindBool}
+// Unexported version of *time.Location, just so we can store *time.Locations in
+// Values. (No user-provided value has this type.)
+type timeLocation *time.Location
+// TimeValue returns a Value for a time.Time.
+// It discards the monotonic portion.
+func TimeValue(v time.Time) Value {
+ if v.IsZero() {
+ // UnixNano on the zero time is undefined, so represent the zero time
+ // with a nil *time.Location instead. time.Time.Location method never
+ // returns nil, so a Value with any == timeLocation(nil) cannot be
+ // mistaken for any other Value, time.Time or otherwise.
+ return Value{any: timeLocation(nil)}
+ }
+ return Value{num: uint64(v.UnixNano()), any: timeLocation(v.Location())}
+// DurationValue returns a Value for a time.Duration.
+func DurationValue(v time.Duration) Value {
+ return Value{num: uint64(v.Nanoseconds()), any: KindDuration}
+// AnyValue returns a Value for the supplied value.
+// If the supplied value is of type Value, it is returned
+// unmodified.
+// Given a value of one of Go's predeclared string, bool, or
+// (non-complex) numeric types, AnyValue returns a Value of kind
+// String, Bool, Uint64, Int64, or Float64. The width of the
+// original numeric type is not preserved.
+// Given a time.Time or time.Duration value, AnyValue returns a Value of kind
+// KindTime or KindDuration. The monotonic time is not preserved.
+// For nil, or values of all other types, including named types whose
+// underlying type is numeric, AnyValue returns a value of kind KindAny.
+func AnyValue(v any) Value {
+ switch v := v.(type) {
+ case string:
+ return StringValue(v)
+ case int:
+ return Int64Value(int64(v))
+ case uint:
+ return Uint64Value(uint64(v))
+ case int64:
+ return Int64Value(v)
+ case uint64:
+ return Uint64Value(v)
+ case bool:
+ return BoolValue(v)
+ case time.Duration:
+ return DurationValue(v)
+ case time.Time:
+ return TimeValue(v)
+ case uint8:
+ return Uint64Value(uint64(v))
+ case uint16:
+ return Uint64Value(uint64(v))
+ case uint32:
+ return Uint64Value(uint64(v))
+ case uintptr:
+ return Uint64Value(uint64(v))
+ case int8:
+ return Int64Value(int64(v))
+ case int16:
+ return Int64Value(int64(v))
+ case int32:
+ return Int64Value(int64(v))
+ case float64:
+ return Float64Value(v)
+ case float32:
+ return Float64Value(float64(v))
+ case []Attr:
+ return GroupValue(v...)
+ case Kind:
+ return Value{any: kind(v)}
+ case Value:
+ return v
+ default:
+ return Value{any: v}
+ }
+//////////////// Accessors
+// Any returns v's value as an any.
+func (v Value) Any() any {
+ switch v.Kind() {
+ case KindAny:
+ if k, ok := v.any.(kind); ok {
+ return Kind(k)
+ }
+ return v.any
+ case KindLogValuer:
+ return v.any
+ case KindGroup:
+ return v.group()
+ case KindInt64:
+ return int64(v.num)
+ case KindUint64:
+ return v.num
+ case KindFloat64:
+ return v.float()
+ case KindString:
+ return v.str()
+ case KindBool:
+ return v.bool()
+ case KindDuration:
+ return v.duration()
+ case KindTime:
+ return v.time()
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad kind: %s", v.Kind()))
+ }
+// Int64 returns v's value as an int64. It panics
+// if v is not a signed integer.
+func (v Value) Int64() int64 {
+ if g, w := v.Kind(), KindInt64; g != w {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Value kind is %s, not %s", g, w))
+ }
+ return int64(v.num)
+// Uint64 returns v's value as a uint64. It panics
+// if v is not an unsigned integer.
+func (v Value) Uint64() uint64 {
+ if g, w := v.Kind(), KindUint64; g != w {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Value kind is %s, not %s", g, w))
+ }
+ return v.num
+// Bool returns v's value as a bool. It panics
+// if v is not a bool.
+func (v Value) Bool() bool {
+ if g, w := v.Kind(), KindBool; g != w {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Value kind is %s, not %s", g, w))
+ }
+ return v.bool()
+func (v Value) bool() bool {
+ return v.num == 1
+// Duration returns v's value as a time.Duration. It panics
+// if v is not a time.Duration.
+func (v Value) Duration() time.Duration {
+ if g, w := v.Kind(), KindDuration; g != w {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Value kind is %s, not %s", g, w))
+ }
+ return v.duration()
+func (v Value) duration() time.Duration {
+ return time.Duration(int64(v.num))
+// Float64 returns v's value as a float64. It panics
+// if v is not a float64.
+func (v Value) Float64() float64 {
+ if g, w := v.Kind(), KindFloat64; g != w {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Value kind is %s, not %s", g, w))
+ }
+ return v.float()
+func (v Value) float() float64 {
+ return math.Float64frombits(v.num)
+// Time returns v's value as a time.Time. It panics
+// if v is not a time.Time.
+func (v Value) Time() time.Time {
+ if g, w := v.Kind(), KindTime; g != w {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Value kind is %s, not %s", g, w))
+ }
+ return v.time()
+func (v Value) time() time.Time {
+ loc := v.any.(timeLocation)
+ if loc == nil {
+ return time.Time{}
+ }
+ return time.Unix(0, int64(v.num)).In(loc)
+// LogValuer returns v's value as a LogValuer. It panics
+// if v is not a LogValuer.
+func (v Value) LogValuer() LogValuer {
+ return v.any.(LogValuer)
+// Group returns v's value as a []Attr.
+// It panics if v's Kind is not KindGroup.
+func (v Value) Group() []Attr {
+ if sp, ok := v.any.(groupptr); ok {
+ return unsafe.Slice((*Attr)(sp), v.num)
+ }
+ panic("Group: bad kind")
+func (v Value) group() []Attr {
+ return unsafe.Slice((*Attr)(v.any.(groupptr)), v.num)
+//////////////// Other
+// Equal reports whether v and w represent the same Go value.
+func (v Value) Equal(w Value) bool {
+ k1 := v.Kind()
+ k2 := w.Kind()
+ if k1 != k2 {
+ return false
+ }
+ switch k1 {
+ case KindInt64, KindUint64, KindBool, KindDuration:
+ return v.num == w.num
+ case KindString:
+ return v.str() == w.str()
+ case KindFloat64:
+ return v.float() == w.float()
+ case KindTime:
+ return v.time().Equal(w.time())
+ case KindAny, KindLogValuer:
+ return v.any == w.any // may panic if non-comparable
+ case KindGroup:
+ return slices.EqualFunc(v.group(), w.group(), Attr.Equal)
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad kind: %s", k1))
+ }
+// append appends a text representation of v to dst.
+// v is formatted as with fmt.Sprint.
+func (v Value) append(dst []byte) []byte {
+ switch v.Kind() {
+ case KindString:
+ return append(dst, v.str()...)
+ case KindInt64:
+ return strconv.AppendInt(dst, int64(v.num), 10)
+ case KindUint64:
+ return strconv.AppendUint(dst, v.num, 10)
+ case KindFloat64:
+ return strconv.AppendFloat(dst, v.float(), 'g', -1, 64)
+ case KindBool:
+ return strconv.AppendBool(dst, v.bool())
+ case KindDuration:
+ return append(dst, v.duration().String()...)
+ case KindTime:
+ return append(dst, v.time().String()...)
+ case KindGroup:
+ return fmt.Append(dst, v.group())
+ case KindAny, KindLogValuer:
+ return fmt.Append(dst, v.any)
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad kind: %s", v.Kind()))
+ }
+// A LogValuer is any Go value that can convert itself into a Value for logging.
+// This mechanism may be used to defer expensive operations until they are
+// needed, or to expand a single value into a sequence of components.
+type LogValuer interface {
+ LogValue() Value
+const maxLogValues = 100
+// Resolve repeatedly calls LogValue on v while it implements LogValuer,
+// and returns the result.
+// If v resolves to a group, the group's attributes' values are not recursively
+// resolved.
+// If the number of LogValue calls exceeds a threshold, a Value containing an
+// error is returned.
+// Resolve's return value is guaranteed not to be of Kind KindLogValuer.
+func (v Value) Resolve() (rv Value) {
+ orig := v
+ defer func() {
+ if r := recover(); r != nil {
+ rv = AnyValue(fmt.Errorf("LogValue panicked\n%s", stack(3, 5)))
+ }
+ }()
+ for i := 0; i < maxLogValues; i++ {
+ if v.Kind() != KindLogValuer {
+ return v
+ }
+ v = v.LogValuer().LogValue()
+ }
+ err := fmt.Errorf("LogValue called too many times on Value of type %T", orig.Any())
+ return AnyValue(err)
+func stack(skip, nFrames int) string {
+ pcs := make([]uintptr, nFrames+1)
+ n := runtime.Callers(skip+1, pcs)
+ if n == 0 {
+ return "(no stack)"
+ }
+ frames := runtime.CallersFrames(pcs[:n])
+ var b strings.Builder
+ i := 0
+ for {
+ frame, more := frames.Next()
+ fmt.Fprintf(&b, "called from %s (%s:%d)\n", frame.Function, frame.File, frame.Line)
+ if !more {
+ break
+ }
+ i++
+ if i >= nFrames {
+ fmt.Fprintf(&b, "(rest of stack elided)\n")
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return b.String()
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/value_119.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/value_119.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29b0d73292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/value_119.go
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+//go:build go1.19 && !go1.20
+package slog
+import (
+ "reflect"
+ "unsafe"
+type (
+ stringptr unsafe.Pointer // used in Value.any when the Value is a string
+ groupptr unsafe.Pointer // used in Value.any when the Value is a []Attr
+// StringValue returns a new Value for a string.
+func StringValue(value string) Value {
+ hdr := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&value))
+ return Value{num: uint64(hdr.Len), any: stringptr(hdr.Data)}
+func (v Value) str() string {
+ var s string
+ hdr := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
+ hdr.Data = uintptr(v.any.(stringptr))
+ hdr.Len = int(v.num)
+ return s
+// String returns Value's value as a string, formatted like fmt.Sprint. Unlike
+// the methods Int64, Float64, and so on, which panic if v is of the
+// wrong kind, String never panics.
+func (v Value) String() string {
+ if sp, ok := v.any.(stringptr); ok {
+ // Inlining this code makes a huge difference.
+ var s string
+ hdr := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
+ hdr.Data = uintptr(sp)
+ hdr.Len = int(v.num)
+ return s
+ }
+ return string(v.append(nil))
+// GroupValue returns a new Value for a list of Attrs.
+// The caller must not subsequently mutate the argument slice.
+func GroupValue(as ...Attr) Value {
+ hdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&as))
+ return Value{num: uint64(hdr.Len), any: groupptr(hdr.Data)}
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/value_120.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/value_120.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7d4c09325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/exp/slog/value_120.go
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+//go:build go1.20
+package slog
+import "unsafe"
+type (
+ stringptr *byte // used in Value.any when the Value is a string
+ groupptr *Attr // used in Value.any when the Value is a []Attr
+// StringValue returns a new Value for a string.
+func StringValue(value string) Value {
+ return Value{num: uint64(len(value)), any: stringptr(unsafe.StringData(value))}
+// GroupValue returns a new Value for a list of Attrs.
+// The caller must not subsequently mutate the argument slice.
+func GroupValue(as ...Attr) Value {
+ return Value{num: uint64(len(as)), any: groupptr(unsafe.SliceData(as))}
+// String returns Value's value as a string, formatted like fmt.Sprint. Unlike
+// the methods Int64, Float64, and so on, which panic if v is of the
+// wrong kind, String never panics.
+func (v Value) String() string {
+ if sp, ok := v.any.(stringptr); ok {
+ return unsafe.String(sp, v.num)
+ }
+ return string(v.append(nil))
+func (v Value) str() string {
+ return unsafe.String(v.any.(stringptr), v.num)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile/rule.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile/rule.go
index 930b6c59bc..e0869fa386 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile/rule.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile/rule.go
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ func (f *File) add(errs *ErrorList, block *LineBlock, line *Line, verb string, a
if !fixed {
- errorf("invalid go version '%s': must match format 1.23", args[0])
+ errorf("invalid go version '%s': must match format 1.23.0", args[0])
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ func (f *File) add(errs *ErrorList, block *LineBlock, line *Line, verb string, a
errorf("toolchain directive expects exactly one argument")
} else if strict && !ToolchainRE.MatchString(args[0]) {
- errorf("invalid toolchain version '%s': must match format go1.23 or local", args[0])
+ errorf("invalid toolchain version '%s': must match format go1.23.0 or local", args[0])
f.Toolchain = &Toolchain{Syntax: line}
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/deviceauth.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/deviceauth.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e99c92f39c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/deviceauth.go
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+package oauth2
+import (
+ "context"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "net/http"
+ "net/url"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ "golang.org/x/oauth2/internal"
+// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628#section-3.5
+const (
+ errAuthorizationPending = "authorization_pending"
+ errSlowDown = "slow_down"
+ errAccessDenied = "access_denied"
+ errExpiredToken = "expired_token"
+// DeviceAuthResponse describes a successful RFC 8628 Device Authorization Response
+// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628#section-3.2
+type DeviceAuthResponse struct {
+ // DeviceCode
+ DeviceCode string `json:"device_code"`
+ // UserCode is the code the user should enter at the verification uri
+ UserCode string `json:"user_code"`
+ // VerificationURI is where user should enter the user code
+ VerificationURI string `json:"verification_uri"`
+ // VerificationURIComplete (if populated) includes the user code in the verification URI. This is typically shown to the user in non-textual form, such as a QR code.
+ VerificationURIComplete string `json:"verification_uri_complete,omitempty"`
+ // Expiry is when the device code and user code expire
+ Expiry time.Time `json:"expires_in,omitempty"`
+ // Interval is the duration in seconds that Poll should wait between requests
+ Interval int64 `json:"interval,omitempty"`
+func (d DeviceAuthResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ type Alias DeviceAuthResponse
+ var expiresIn int64
+ if !d.Expiry.IsZero() {
+ expiresIn = int64(time.Until(d.Expiry).Seconds())
+ }
+ return json.Marshal(&struct {
+ ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in,omitempty"`
+ *Alias
+ }{
+ ExpiresIn: expiresIn,
+ Alias: (*Alias)(&d),
+ })
+func (c *DeviceAuthResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
+ type Alias DeviceAuthResponse
+ aux := &struct {
+ ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"`
+ // workaround misspelling of verification_uri
+ VerificationURL string `json:"verification_url"`
+ *Alias
+ }{
+ Alias: (*Alias)(c),
+ }
+ if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &aux); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if aux.ExpiresIn != 0 {
+ c.Expiry = time.Now().UTC().Add(time.Second * time.Duration(aux.ExpiresIn))
+ }
+ if c.VerificationURI == "" {
+ c.VerificationURI = aux.VerificationURL
+ }
+ return nil
+// DeviceAuth returns a device auth struct which contains a device code
+// and authorization information provided for users to enter on another device.
+func (c *Config) DeviceAuth(ctx context.Context, opts ...AuthCodeOption) (*DeviceAuthResponse, error) {
+ // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628#section-3.1
+ v := url.Values{
+ "client_id": {c.ClientID},
+ }
+ if len(c.Scopes) > 0 {
+ v.Set("scope", strings.Join(c.Scopes, " "))
+ }
+ for _, opt := range opts {
+ opt.setValue(v)
+ }
+ return retrieveDeviceAuth(ctx, c, v)
+func retrieveDeviceAuth(ctx context.Context, c *Config, v url.Values) (*DeviceAuthResponse, error) {
+ if c.Endpoint.DeviceAuthURL == "" {
+ return nil, errors.New("endpoint missing DeviceAuthURL")
+ }
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", c.Endpoint.DeviceAuthURL, strings.NewReader(v.Encode()))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+ req.Header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
+ t := time.Now()
+ r, err := internal.ContextClient(ctx).Do(req)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ body, err := io.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(r.Body, 1<<20))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("oauth2: cannot auth device: %v", err)
+ }
+ if code := r.StatusCode; code < 200 || code > 299 {
+ return nil, &RetrieveError{
+ Response: r,
+ Body: body,
+ }
+ }
+ da := &DeviceAuthResponse{}
+ err = json.Unmarshal(body, &da)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unmarshal %s", err)
+ }
+ if !da.Expiry.IsZero() {
+ // Make a small adjustment to account for time taken by the request
+ da.Expiry = da.Expiry.Add(-time.Since(t))
+ }
+ return da, nil
+// DeviceAccessToken polls the server to exchange a device code for a token.
+func (c *Config) DeviceAccessToken(ctx context.Context, da *DeviceAuthResponse, opts ...AuthCodeOption) (*Token, error) {
+ if !da.Expiry.IsZero() {
+ var cancel context.CancelFunc
+ ctx, cancel = context.WithDeadline(ctx, da.Expiry)
+ defer cancel()
+ }
+ // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628#section-3.4
+ v := url.Values{
+ "client_id": {c.ClientID},
+ "grant_type": {"urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code"},
+ "device_code": {da.DeviceCode},
+ }
+ if len(c.Scopes) > 0 {
+ v.Set("scope", strings.Join(c.Scopes, " "))
+ }
+ for _, opt := range opts {
+ opt.setValue(v)
+ }
+ // "If no value is provided, clients MUST use 5 as the default."
+ // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628#section-3.2
+ interval := da.Interval
+ if interval == 0 {
+ interval = 5
+ }
+ ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(interval) * time.Second)
+ defer ticker.Stop()
+ for {
+ select {
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ return nil, ctx.Err()
+ case <-ticker.C:
+ tok, err := retrieveToken(ctx, c, v)
+ if err == nil {
+ return tok, nil
+ }
+ e, ok := err.(*RetrieveError)
+ if !ok {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ switch e.ErrorCode {
+ case errSlowDown:
+ // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628#section-3.5
+ // "the interval MUST be increased by 5 seconds for this and all subsequent requests"
+ interval += 5
+ ticker.Reset(time.Duration(interval) * time.Second)
+ case errAuthorizationPending:
+ // Do nothing.
+ case errAccessDenied, errExpiredToken:
+ fallthrough
+ default:
+ return tok, err
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/default.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/default.go
index 2cf71f0f93..12b12a30c5 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/default.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/default.go
@@ -19,7 +19,10 @@ import (
-const adcSetupURL = "https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/external/set-up-adc"
+const (
+ adcSetupURL = "https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/external/set-up-adc"
+ universeDomainDefault = "googleapis.com"
// Credentials holds Google credentials, including "Application Default Credentials".
// For more details, see:
@@ -37,6 +40,18 @@ type Credentials struct {
// environment and not with a credentials file, e.g. when code is
// running on Google Cloud Platform.
JSON []byte
+ // universeDomain is the default service domain for a given Cloud universe.
+ universeDomain string
+// UniverseDomain returns the default service domain for a given Cloud universe.
+// The default value is "googleapis.com".
+func (c *Credentials) UniverseDomain() string {
+ if c.universeDomain == "" {
+ return universeDomainDefault
+ }
+ return c.universeDomain
// DefaultCredentials is the old name of Credentials.
@@ -200,15 +215,23 @@ func CredentialsFromJSONWithParams(ctx context.Context, jsonData []byte, params
if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &f); err != nil {
return nil, err
+ universeDomain := f.UniverseDomain
+ // Authorized user credentials are only supported in the googleapis.com universe.
+ if f.Type == userCredentialsKey {
+ universeDomain = universeDomainDefault
+ }
ts, err := f.tokenSource(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ts = newErrWrappingTokenSource(ts)
return &Credentials{
- ProjectID: f.ProjectID,
- TokenSource: ts,
- JSON: jsonData,
+ ProjectID: f.ProjectID,
+ TokenSource: ts,
+ JSON: jsonData,
+ universeDomain: universeDomain,
}, nil
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/google.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/google.go
index cc1223889e..c66c53527d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/google.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/google.go
@@ -16,14 +16,16 @@ import (
+ "golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccountauthorizeduser"
// Endpoint is Google's OAuth 2.0 default endpoint.
var Endpoint = oauth2.Endpoint{
- AuthURL: "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
- TokenURL: "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
- AuthStyle: oauth2.AuthStyleInParams,
+ AuthURL: "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
+ TokenURL: "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
+ DeviceAuthURL: "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/device/code",
+ AuthStyle: oauth2.AuthStyleInParams,
// MTLSTokenURL is Google's OAuth 2.0 default mTLS endpoint.
@@ -95,10 +97,11 @@ func JWTConfigFromJSON(jsonKey []byte, scope ...string) (*jwt.Config, error) {
// JSON key file types.
const (
- serviceAccountKey = "service_account"
- userCredentialsKey = "authorized_user"
- externalAccountKey = "external_account"
- impersonatedServiceAccount = "impersonated_service_account"
+ serviceAccountKey = "service_account"
+ userCredentialsKey = "authorized_user"
+ externalAccountKey = "external_account"
+ externalAccountAuthorizedUserKey = "external_account_authorized_user"
+ impersonatedServiceAccount = "impersonated_service_account"
// credentialsFile is the unmarshalled representation of a credentials file.
@@ -106,12 +109,13 @@ type credentialsFile struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
// Service Account fields
- ClientEmail string `json:"client_email"`
- PrivateKeyID string `json:"private_key_id"`
- PrivateKey string `json:"private_key"`
- AuthURL string `json:"auth_uri"`
- TokenURL string `json:"token_uri"`
- ProjectID string `json:"project_id"`
+ ClientEmail string `json:"client_email"`
+ PrivateKeyID string `json:"private_key_id"`
+ PrivateKey string `json:"private_key"`
+ AuthURL string `json:"auth_uri"`
+ TokenURL string `json:"token_uri"`
+ ProjectID string `json:"project_id"`
+ UniverseDomain string `json:"universe_domain"`
// User Credential fields
// (These typically come from gcloud auth.)
@@ -131,6 +135,9 @@ type credentialsFile struct {
QuotaProjectID string `json:"quota_project_id"`
WorkforcePoolUserProject string `json:"workforce_pool_user_project"`
+ // External Account Authorized User fields
+ RevokeURL string `json:"revoke_url"`
// Service account impersonation
SourceCredentials *credentialsFile `json:"source_credentials"`
@@ -199,6 +206,19 @@ func (f *credentialsFile) tokenSource(ctx context.Context, params CredentialsPar
WorkforcePoolUserProject: f.WorkforcePoolUserProject,
return cfg.TokenSource(ctx)
+ case externalAccountAuthorizedUserKey:
+ cfg := &externalaccountauthorizeduser.Config{
+ Audience: f.Audience,
+ RefreshToken: f.RefreshToken,
+ TokenURL: f.TokenURLExternal,
+ TokenInfoURL: f.TokenInfoURL,
+ ClientID: f.ClientID,
+ ClientSecret: f.ClientSecret,
+ RevokeURL: f.RevokeURL,
+ QuotaProjectID: f.QuotaProjectID,
+ Scopes: params.Scopes,
+ }
+ return cfg.TokenSource(ctx)
case impersonatedServiceAccount:
if f.ServiceAccountImpersonationURL == "" || f.SourceCredentials == nil {
return nil, errors.New("missing 'source_credentials' field or 'service_account_impersonation_url' in credentials")
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/aws.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/aws.go
index 2bf3202b29..bd4efd19ba 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/aws.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/aws.go
@@ -274,49 +274,6 @@ type awsRequest struct {
Headers []awsRequestHeader `json:"headers"`
-func (cs awsCredentialSource) validateMetadataServers() error {
- if err := cs.validateMetadataServer(cs.RegionURL, "region_url"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err := cs.validateMetadataServer(cs.CredVerificationURL, "url"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return cs.validateMetadataServer(cs.IMDSv2SessionTokenURL, "imdsv2_session_token_url")
-var validHostnames []string = []string{"", "fd00:ec2::254"}
-func (cs awsCredentialSource) isValidMetadataServer(metadataUrl string) bool {
- if metadataUrl == "" {
- // Zero value means use default, which is valid.
- return true
- }
- u, err := url.Parse(metadataUrl)
- if err != nil {
- // Unparseable URL means invalid
- return false
- }
- for _, validHostname := range validHostnames {
- if u.Hostname() == validHostname {
- // If it's one of the valid hostnames, everything is good
- return true
- }
- }
- // hostname not found in our allowlist, so not valid
- return false
-func (cs awsCredentialSource) validateMetadataServer(metadataUrl, urlName string) error {
- if !cs.isValidMetadataServer(metadataUrl) {
- return fmt.Errorf("oauth2/google: invalid hostname %s for %s", metadataUrl, urlName)
- }
- return nil
func (cs awsCredentialSource) doRequest(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
if cs.client == nil {
cs.client = oauth2.NewClient(cs.ctx, nil)
@@ -339,6 +296,10 @@ func shouldUseMetadataServer() bool {
return !canRetrieveRegionFromEnvironment() || !canRetrieveSecurityCredentialFromEnvironment()
+func (cs awsCredentialSource) credentialSourceType() string {
+ return "aws"
func (cs awsCredentialSource) subjectToken() (string, error) {
if cs.requestSigner == nil {
headers := make(map[string]string)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/basecredentials.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/basecredentials.go
index dcd252a61c..33288d3677 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/basecredentials.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/basecredentials.go
@@ -8,13 +8,12 @@ import (
- "net/url"
- "strings"
+ "golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/stsexchange"
// now aliases time.Now for testing
@@ -63,31 +62,10 @@ type Config struct {
WorkforcePoolUserProject string
-// Each element consists of a list of patterns. validateURLs checks for matches
-// that include all elements in a given list, in that order.
var (
validWorkforceAudiencePattern *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`//iam\.googleapis\.com/locations/[^/]+/workforcePools/`)
-func validateURL(input string, patterns []*regexp.Regexp, scheme string) bool {
- parsed, err := url.Parse(input)
- if err != nil {
- return false
- }
- if !strings.EqualFold(parsed.Scheme, scheme) {
- return false
- }
- toTest := parsed.Host
- for _, pattern := range patterns {
- if pattern.MatchString(toTest) {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
func validateWorkforceAudience(input string) bool {
return validWorkforceAudiencePattern.MatchString(input)
@@ -185,10 +163,6 @@ func (c *Config) parse(ctx context.Context) (baseCredentialSource, error) {
awsCredSource.IMDSv2SessionTokenURL = c.CredentialSource.IMDSv2SessionTokenURL
- if err := awsCredSource.validateMetadataServers(); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
return awsCredSource, nil
} else if c.CredentialSource.File != "" {
@@ -202,6 +176,7 @@ func (c *Config) parse(ctx context.Context) (baseCredentialSource, error) {
type baseCredentialSource interface {
+ credentialSourceType() string
subjectToken() (string, error)
@@ -211,6 +186,15 @@ type tokenSource struct {
conf *Config
+func getMetricsHeaderValue(conf *Config, credSource baseCredentialSource) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("gl-go/%s auth/%s google-byoid-sdk source/%s sa-impersonation/%t config-lifetime/%t",
+ goVersion(),
+ "unknown",
+ credSource.credentialSourceType(),
+ conf.ServiceAccountImpersonationURL != "",
+ conf.ServiceAccountImpersonationLifetimeSeconds != 0)
// Token allows tokenSource to conform to the oauth2.TokenSource interface.
func (ts tokenSource) Token() (*oauth2.Token, error) {
conf := ts.conf
@@ -224,7 +208,7 @@ func (ts tokenSource) Token() (*oauth2.Token, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
- stsRequest := stsTokenExchangeRequest{
+ stsRequest := stsexchange.TokenExchangeRequest{
GrantType: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange",
Audience: conf.Audience,
Scope: conf.Scopes,
@@ -234,7 +218,8 @@ func (ts tokenSource) Token() (*oauth2.Token, error) {
header := make(http.Header)
header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
- clientAuth := clientAuthentication{
+ header.Add("x-goog-api-client", getMetricsHeaderValue(conf, credSource))
+ clientAuth := stsexchange.ClientAuthentication{
AuthStyle: oauth2.AuthStyleInHeader,
ClientID: conf.ClientID,
ClientSecret: conf.ClientSecret,
@@ -247,7 +232,7 @@ func (ts tokenSource) Token() (*oauth2.Token, error) {
"userProject": conf.WorkforcePoolUserProject,
- stsResp, err := exchangeToken(ts.ctx, conf.TokenURL, &stsRequest, clientAuth, header, options)
+ stsResp, err := stsexchange.ExchangeToken(ts.ctx, conf.TokenURL, &stsRequest, clientAuth, header, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/executablecredsource.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/executablecredsource.go
index 579bcce5f2..6497dc022e 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/executablecredsource.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/executablecredsource.go
@@ -233,6 +233,10 @@ func (cs executableCredentialSource) parseSubjectTokenFromSource(response []byte
return "", tokenTypeError(source)
+func (cs executableCredentialSource) credentialSourceType() string {
+ return "executable"
func (cs executableCredentialSource) subjectToken() (string, error) {
if token, err := cs.getTokenFromOutputFile(); token != "" || err != nil {
return token, err
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/filecredsource.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/filecredsource.go
index e953ddb473..f35f73c5cb 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/filecredsource.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/filecredsource.go
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ type fileCredentialSource struct {
Format format
+func (cs fileCredentialSource) credentialSourceType() string {
+ return "file"
func (cs fileCredentialSource) subjectToken() (string, error) {
tokenFile, err := os.Open(cs.File)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/header.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/header.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d5aad2e2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/header.go
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package externalaccount
+import (
+ "runtime"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode"
+var (
+ // version is a package internal global variable for testing purposes.
+ version = runtime.Version
+// versionUnknown is only used when the runtime version cannot be determined.
+const versionUnknown = "UNKNOWN"
+// goVersion returns a Go runtime version derived from the runtime environment
+// that is modified to be suitable for reporting in a header, meaning it has no
+// whitespace. If it is unable to determine the Go runtime version, it returns
+// versionUnknown.
+func goVersion() string {
+ const develPrefix = "devel +"
+ s := version()
+ if strings.HasPrefix(s, develPrefix) {
+ s = s[len(develPrefix):]
+ if p := strings.IndexFunc(s, unicode.IsSpace); p >= 0 {
+ s = s[:p]
+ }
+ return s
+ } else if p := strings.IndexFunc(s, unicode.IsSpace); p >= 0 {
+ s = s[:p]
+ }
+ notSemverRune := func(r rune) bool {
+ return !strings.ContainsRune("0123456789.", r)
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(s, "go1") {
+ s = s[2:]
+ var prerelease string
+ if p := strings.IndexFunc(s, notSemverRune); p >= 0 {
+ s, prerelease = s[:p], s[p:]
+ }
+ if strings.HasSuffix(s, ".") {
+ s += "0"
+ } else if strings.Count(s, ".") < 2 {
+ s += ".0"
+ }
+ if prerelease != "" {
+ // Some release candidates already have a dash in them.
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(prerelease, "-") {
+ prerelease = "-" + prerelease
+ }
+ s += prerelease
+ }
+ return s
+ }
+ return "UNKNOWN"
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/urlcredsource.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/urlcredsource.go
index 16dca6541d..606bb4e800 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/urlcredsource.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/urlcredsource.go
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ type urlCredentialSource struct {
ctx context.Context
+func (cs urlCredentialSource) credentialSourceType() string {
+ return "url"
func (cs urlCredentialSource) subjectToken() (string, error) {
client := oauth2.NewClient(cs.ctx, nil)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", cs.URL, nil)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccountauthorizeduser/externalaccountauthorizeduser.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccountauthorizeduser/externalaccountauthorizeduser.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb58207074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccountauthorizeduser/externalaccountauthorizeduser.go
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package externalaccountauthorizeduser
+import (
+ "context"
+ "errors"
+ "time"
+ "golang.org/x/oauth2"
+ "golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/stsexchange"
+// now aliases time.Now for testing.
+var now = func() time.Time {
+ return time.Now().UTC()
+var tokenValid = func(token oauth2.Token) bool {
+ return token.Valid()
+type Config struct {
+ // Audience is the Secure Token Service (STS) audience which contains the resource name for the workforce pool and
+ // the provider identifier in that pool.
+ Audience string
+ // RefreshToken is the optional OAuth 2.0 refresh token. If specified, credentials can be refreshed.
+ RefreshToken string
+ // TokenURL is the optional STS token exchange endpoint for refresh. Must be specified for refresh, can be left as
+ // None if the token can not be refreshed.
+ TokenURL string
+ // TokenInfoURL is the optional STS endpoint URL for token introspection.
+ TokenInfoURL string
+ // ClientID is only required in conjunction with ClientSecret, as described above.
+ ClientID string
+ // ClientSecret is currently only required if token_info endpoint also needs to be called with the generated GCP
+ // access token. When provided, STS will be called with additional basic authentication using client_id as username
+ // and client_secret as password.
+ ClientSecret string
+ // Token is the OAuth2.0 access token. Can be nil if refresh information is provided.
+ Token string
+ // Expiry is the optional expiration datetime of the OAuth 2.0 access token.
+ Expiry time.Time
+ // RevokeURL is the optional STS endpoint URL for revoking tokens.
+ RevokeURL string
+ // QuotaProjectID is the optional project ID used for quota and billing. This project may be different from the
+ // project used to create the credentials.
+ QuotaProjectID string
+ Scopes []string
+func (c *Config) canRefresh() bool {
+ return c.ClientID != "" && c.ClientSecret != "" && c.RefreshToken != "" && c.TokenURL != ""
+func (c *Config) TokenSource(ctx context.Context) (oauth2.TokenSource, error) {
+ var token oauth2.Token
+ if c.Token != "" && !c.Expiry.IsZero() {
+ token = oauth2.Token{
+ AccessToken: c.Token,
+ Expiry: c.Expiry,
+ TokenType: "Bearer",
+ }
+ }
+ if !tokenValid(token) && !c.canRefresh() {
+ return nil, errors.New("oauth2/google: Token should be created with fields to make it valid (`token` and `expiry`), or fields to allow it to refresh (`refresh_token`, `token_url`, `client_id`, `client_secret`).")
+ }
+ ts := tokenSource{
+ ctx: ctx,
+ conf: c,
+ }
+ return oauth2.ReuseTokenSource(&token, ts), nil
+type tokenSource struct {
+ ctx context.Context
+ conf *Config
+func (ts tokenSource) Token() (*oauth2.Token, error) {
+ conf := ts.conf
+ if !conf.canRefresh() {
+ return nil, errors.New("oauth2/google: The credentials do not contain the necessary fields need to refresh the access token. You must specify refresh_token, token_url, client_id, and client_secret.")
+ }
+ clientAuth := stsexchange.ClientAuthentication{
+ AuthStyle: oauth2.AuthStyleInHeader,
+ ClientID: conf.ClientID,
+ ClientSecret: conf.ClientSecret,
+ }
+ stsResponse, err := stsexchange.RefreshAccessToken(ts.ctx, conf.TokenURL, conf.RefreshToken, clientAuth, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if stsResponse.ExpiresIn < 0 {
+ return nil, errors.New("oauth2/google: got invalid expiry from security token service")
+ }
+ if stsResponse.RefreshToken != "" {
+ conf.RefreshToken = stsResponse.RefreshToken
+ }
+ token := &oauth2.Token{
+ AccessToken: stsResponse.AccessToken,
+ Expiry: now().Add(time.Duration(stsResponse.ExpiresIn) * time.Second),
+ TokenType: "Bearer",
+ }
+ return token, nil
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/clientauth.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/stsexchange/clientauth.go
similarity index 88%
rename from vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/clientauth.go
rename to vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/stsexchange/clientauth.go
index 99987ce294..ebd520eace 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/clientauth.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/stsexchange/clientauth.go
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package externalaccount
+package stsexchange
import (
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import (
-// clientAuthentication represents an OAuth client ID and secret and the mechanism for passing these credentials as stated in rfc6749#2.3.1.
-type clientAuthentication struct {
+// ClientAuthentication represents an OAuth client ID and secret and the mechanism for passing these credentials as stated in rfc6749#2.3.1.
+type ClientAuthentication struct {
// AuthStyle can be either basic or request-body
AuthStyle oauth2.AuthStyle
ClientID string
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type clientAuthentication struct {
// InjectAuthentication is used to add authentication to a Secure Token Service exchange
// request. It modifies either the passed url.Values or http.Header depending on the desired
// authentication format.
-func (c *clientAuthentication) InjectAuthentication(values url.Values, headers http.Header) {
+func (c *ClientAuthentication) InjectAuthentication(values url.Values, headers http.Header) {
if c.ClientID == "" || c.ClientSecret == "" || values == nil || headers == nil {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/sts_exchange.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/stsexchange/sts_exchange.go
similarity index 68%
rename from vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/sts_exchange.go
rename to vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/stsexchange/sts_exchange.go
index e6fcae5fcb..1a0bebd159 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/externalaccount/sts_exchange.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/internal/stsexchange/sts_exchange.go
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package externalaccount
+package stsexchange
import (
@@ -18,14 +18,17 @@ import (
-// exchangeToken performs an oauth2 token exchange with the provided endpoint.
+func defaultHeader() http.Header {
+ header := make(http.Header)
+ header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+ return header
+// ExchangeToken performs an oauth2 token exchange with the provided endpoint.
// The first 4 fields are all mandatory. headers can be used to pass additional
// headers beyond the bare minimum required by the token exchange. options can
// be used to pass additional JSON-structured options to the remote server.
-func exchangeToken(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, request *stsTokenExchangeRequest, authentication clientAuthentication, headers http.Header, options map[string]interface{}) (*stsTokenExchangeResponse, error) {
- client := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, nil)
+func ExchangeToken(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, request *TokenExchangeRequest, authentication ClientAuthentication, headers http.Header, options map[string]interface{}) (*Response, error) {
data := url.Values{}
data.Set("audience", request.Audience)
data.Set("grant_type", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange")
@@ -41,13 +44,28 @@ func exchangeToken(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, request *stsTokenExchan
data.Set("options", string(opts))
+ return makeRequest(ctx, endpoint, data, authentication, headers)
+func RefreshAccessToken(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, refreshToken string, authentication ClientAuthentication, headers http.Header) (*Response, error) {
+ data := url.Values{}
+ data.Set("grant_type", "refresh_token")
+ data.Set("refresh_token", refreshToken)
+ return makeRequest(ctx, endpoint, data, authentication, headers)
+func makeRequest(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, data url.Values, authentication ClientAuthentication, headers http.Header) (*Response, error) {
+ if headers == nil {
+ headers = defaultHeader()
+ }
+ client := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, nil)
authentication.InjectAuthentication(data, headers)
encodedData := data.Encode()
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", endpoint, strings.NewReader(encodedData))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oauth2/google: failed to properly build http request: %v", err)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
for key, list := range headers {
@@ -71,7 +89,7 @@ func exchangeToken(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, request *stsTokenExchan
if c := resp.StatusCode; c < 200 || c > 299 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oauth2/google: status code %d: %s", c, body)
- var stsResp stsTokenExchangeResponse
+ var stsResp Response
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &stsResp)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oauth2/google: failed to unmarshal response body from Secure Token Server: %v", err)
@@ -81,8 +99,8 @@ func exchangeToken(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, request *stsTokenExchan
return &stsResp, nil
-// stsTokenExchangeRequest contains fields necessary to make an oauth2 token exchange.
-type stsTokenExchangeRequest struct {
+// TokenExchangeRequest contains fields necessary to make an oauth2 token exchange.
+type TokenExchangeRequest struct {
ActingParty struct {
ActorToken string
ActorTokenType string
@@ -96,8 +114,8 @@ type stsTokenExchangeRequest struct {
SubjectTokenType string
-// stsTokenExchangeResponse is used to decode the remote server response during an oauth2 token exchange.
-type stsTokenExchangeResponse struct {
+// Response is used to decode the remote server response during an oauth2 token exchange.
+type Response struct {
AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
IssuedTokenType string `json:"issued_token_type"`
TokenType string `json:"token_type"`
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/internal/token.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/internal/token.go
index 58901bda53..e83ddeef0f 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/internal/token.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/internal/token.go
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
+ "sync/atomic"
@@ -115,41 +116,60 @@ const (
AuthStyleInHeader AuthStyle = 2
-// authStyleCache is the set of tokenURLs we've successfully used via
+// LazyAuthStyleCache is a backwards compatibility compromise to let Configs
+// have a lazily-initialized AuthStyleCache.
+// The two users of this, oauth2.Config and oauth2/clientcredentials.Config,
+// both would ideally just embed an unexported AuthStyleCache but because both
+// were historically allowed to be copied by value we can't retroactively add an
+// uncopyable Mutex to them.
+// We could use an atomic.Pointer, but that was added recently enough (in Go
+// 1.18) that we'd break Go 1.17 users where the tests as of 2023-08-03
+// still pass. By using an atomic.Value, it supports both Go 1.17 and
+// copying by value, even if that's not ideal.
+type LazyAuthStyleCache struct {
+ v atomic.Value // of *AuthStyleCache
+func (lc *LazyAuthStyleCache) Get() *AuthStyleCache {
+ if c, ok := lc.v.Load().(*AuthStyleCache); ok {
+ return c
+ }
+ c := new(AuthStyleCache)
+ if !lc.v.CompareAndSwap(nil, c) {
+ c = lc.v.Load().(*AuthStyleCache)
+ }
+ return c
+// AuthStyleCache is the set of tokenURLs we've successfully used via
// RetrieveToken and which style auth we ended up using.
// It's called a cache, but it doesn't (yet?) shrink. It's expected that
// the set of OAuth2 servers a program contacts over time is fixed and
// small.
-var authStyleCache struct {
- sync.Mutex
- m map[string]AuthStyle // keyed by tokenURL
-// ResetAuthCache resets the global authentication style cache used
-// for AuthStyleUnknown token requests.
-func ResetAuthCache() {
- authStyleCache.Lock()
- defer authStyleCache.Unlock()
- authStyleCache.m = nil
+type AuthStyleCache struct {
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ m map[string]AuthStyle // keyed by tokenURL
// lookupAuthStyle reports which auth style we last used with tokenURL
// when calling RetrieveToken and whether we have ever done so.
-func lookupAuthStyle(tokenURL string) (style AuthStyle, ok bool) {
- authStyleCache.Lock()
- defer authStyleCache.Unlock()
- style, ok = authStyleCache.m[tokenURL]
+func (c *AuthStyleCache) lookupAuthStyle(tokenURL string) (style AuthStyle, ok bool) {
+ c.mu.Lock()
+ defer c.mu.Unlock()
+ style, ok = c.m[tokenURL]
// setAuthStyle adds an entry to authStyleCache, documented above.
-func setAuthStyle(tokenURL string, v AuthStyle) {
- authStyleCache.Lock()
- defer authStyleCache.Unlock()
- if authStyleCache.m == nil {
- authStyleCache.m = make(map[string]AuthStyle)
+func (c *AuthStyleCache) setAuthStyle(tokenURL string, v AuthStyle) {
+ c.mu.Lock()
+ defer c.mu.Unlock()
+ if c.m == nil {
+ c.m = make(map[string]AuthStyle)
- authStyleCache.m[tokenURL] = v
+ c.m[tokenURL] = v
// newTokenRequest returns a new *http.Request to retrieve a new token
@@ -189,10 +209,10 @@ func cloneURLValues(v url.Values) url.Values {
return v2
-func RetrieveToken(ctx context.Context, clientID, clientSecret, tokenURL string, v url.Values, authStyle AuthStyle) (*Token, error) {
+func RetrieveToken(ctx context.Context, clientID, clientSecret, tokenURL string, v url.Values, authStyle AuthStyle, styleCache *AuthStyleCache) (*Token, error) {
needsAuthStyleProbe := authStyle == 0
if needsAuthStyleProbe {
- if style, ok := lookupAuthStyle(tokenURL); ok {
+ if style, ok := styleCache.lookupAuthStyle(tokenURL); ok {
authStyle = style
needsAuthStyleProbe = false
} else {
@@ -222,7 +242,7 @@ func RetrieveToken(ctx context.Context, clientID, clientSecret, tokenURL string,
token, err = doTokenRoundTrip(ctx, req)
if needsAuthStyleProbe && err == nil {
- setAuthStyle(tokenURL, authStyle)
+ styleCache.setAuthStyle(tokenURL, authStyle)
// Don't overwrite `RefreshToken` with an empty value
// if this was a token refreshing request.
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/oauth2.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/oauth2.go
index 9085fabe34..90a2c3d6dc 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/oauth2.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/oauth2.go
@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ type Config struct {
// Scope specifies optional requested permissions.
Scopes []string
+ // authStyleCache caches which auth style to use when Endpoint.AuthStyle is
+ // the zero value (AuthStyleAutoDetect).
+ authStyleCache internal.LazyAuthStyleCache
// A TokenSource is anything that can return a token.
@@ -71,8 +75,9 @@ type TokenSource interface {
// Endpoint represents an OAuth 2.0 provider's authorization and token
// endpoint URLs.
type Endpoint struct {
- AuthURL string
- TokenURL string
+ AuthURL string
+ DeviceAuthURL string
+ TokenURL string
// AuthStyle optionally specifies how the endpoint wants the
// client ID & client secret sent. The zero value means to
@@ -139,15 +144,19 @@ func SetAuthURLParam(key, value string) AuthCodeOption {
// AuthCodeURL returns a URL to OAuth 2.0 provider's consent page
// that asks for permissions for the required scopes explicitly.
-// State is a token to protect the user from CSRF attacks. You must
-// always provide a non-empty string and validate that it matches the
-// state query parameter on your redirect callback.
-// See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-10.12 for more info.
+// State is an opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the
+// request and callback. The authorization server includes this value when
+// redirecting the user agent back to the client.
// Opts may include AccessTypeOnline or AccessTypeOffline, as well
// as ApprovalForce.
-// It can also be used to pass the PKCE challenge.
-// See https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/pkce/ for more info.
+// To protect against CSRF attacks, opts should include a PKCE challenge
+// (S256ChallengeOption). Not all servers support PKCE. An alternative is to
+// generate a random state parameter and verify it after exchange.
+// See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-10.12 (predating
+// PKCE), https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/pkce/ and
+// https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-1-09.html#name-cross-site-request-forgery (describing both approaches)
func (c *Config) AuthCodeURL(state string, opts ...AuthCodeOption) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
@@ -162,7 +171,6 @@ func (c *Config) AuthCodeURL(state string, opts ...AuthCodeOption) string {
v.Set("scope", strings.Join(c.Scopes, " "))
if state != "" {
- // TODO(light): Docs say never to omit state; don't allow empty.
v.Set("state", state)
for _, opt := range opts {
@@ -207,10 +215,11 @@ func (c *Config) PasswordCredentialsToken(ctx context.Context, username, passwor
// The provided context optionally controls which HTTP client is used. See the HTTPClient variable.
// The code will be in the *http.Request.FormValue("code"). Before
-// calling Exchange, be sure to validate FormValue("state").
+// calling Exchange, be sure to validate FormValue("state") if you are
+// using it to protect against CSRF attacks.
-// Opts may include the PKCE verifier code if previously used in AuthCodeURL.
-// See https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/pkce/ for more info.
+// If using PKCE to protect against CSRF attacks, opts should include a
+// VerifierOption.
func (c *Config) Exchange(ctx context.Context, code string, opts ...AuthCodeOption) (*Token, error) {
v := url.Values{
"grant_type": {"authorization_code"},
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/pkce.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/pkce.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50593b6dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/pkce.go
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package oauth2
+import (
+ "crypto/rand"
+ "crypto/sha256"
+ "encoding/base64"
+ "net/url"
+const (
+ codeChallengeKey = "code_challenge"
+ codeChallengeMethodKey = "code_challenge_method"
+ codeVerifierKey = "code_verifier"
+// GenerateVerifier generates a PKCE code verifier with 32 octets of randomness.
+// This follows recommendations in RFC 7636.
+// A fresh verifier should be generated for each authorization.
+// S256ChallengeOption(verifier) should then be passed to Config.AuthCodeURL
+// (or Config.DeviceAccess) and VerifierOption(verifier) to Config.Exchange
+// (or Config.DeviceAccessToken).
+func GenerateVerifier() string {
+ // "RECOMMENDED that the output of a suitable random number generator be
+ // used to create a 32-octet sequence. The octet sequence is then
+ // base64url-encoded to produce a 43-octet URL-safe string to use as the
+ // code verifier."
+ // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636#section-4.1
+ data := make([]byte, 32)
+ if _, err := rand.Read(data); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(data)
+// VerifierOption returns a PKCE code verifier AuthCodeOption. It should be
+// passed to Config.Exchange or Config.DeviceAccessToken only.
+func VerifierOption(verifier string) AuthCodeOption {
+ return setParam{k: codeVerifierKey, v: verifier}
+// S256ChallengeFromVerifier returns a PKCE code challenge derived from verifier with method S256.
+// Prefer to use S256ChallengeOption where possible.
+func S256ChallengeFromVerifier(verifier string) string {
+ sha := sha256.Sum256([]byte(verifier))
+ return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(sha[:])
+// S256ChallengeOption derives a PKCE code challenge derived from verifier with
+// method S256. It should be passed to Config.AuthCodeURL or Config.DeviceAccess
+// only.
+func S256ChallengeOption(verifier string) AuthCodeOption {
+ return challengeOption{
+ challenge_method: "S256",
+ challenge: S256ChallengeFromVerifier(verifier),
+ }
+type challengeOption struct{ challenge_method, challenge string }
+func (p challengeOption) setValue(m url.Values) {
+ m.Set(codeChallengeMethodKey, p.challenge_method)
+ m.Set(codeChallengeKey, p.challenge)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/token.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/token.go
index 5ffce9764b..5bbb332174 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/token.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/token.go
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ func tokenFromInternal(t *internal.Token) *Token {
// This token is then mapped from *internal.Token into an *oauth2.Token which is returned along
// with an error..
func retrieveToken(ctx context.Context, c *Config, v url.Values) (*Token, error) {
- tk, err := internal.RetrieveToken(ctx, c.ClientID, c.ClientSecret, c.Endpoint.TokenURL, v, internal.AuthStyle(c.Endpoint.AuthStyle))
+ tk, err := internal.RetrieveToken(ctx, c.ClientID, c.ClientSecret, c.Endpoint.TokenURL, v, internal.AuthStyle(c.Endpoint.AuthStyle), c.authStyleCache.Get())
if err != nil {
if rErr, ok := err.(*internal.RetrieveError); ok {
return nil, (*RetrieveError)(rErr)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/singleflight/singleflight.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/singleflight/singleflight.go
index 8473fb7922..4051830982 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/singleflight/singleflight.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/singleflight/singleflight.go
@@ -31,6 +31,15 @@ func (p *panicError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v\n\n%s", p.value, p.stack)
+func (p *panicError) Unwrap() error {
+ err, ok := p.value.(error)
+ if !ok {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return err
func newPanicError(v interface{}) error {
stack := debug.Stack()
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/encoding.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/encoding.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0bd7cd4d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/encoding.go
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package encoding defines an interface for character encodings, such as Shift
+// JIS and Windows 1252, that can convert to and from UTF-8.
+// Encoding implementations are provided in other packages, such as
+// golang.org/x/text/encoding/charmap and
+// golang.org/x/text/encoding/japanese.
+package encoding // import "golang.org/x/text/encoding"
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "io"
+ "strconv"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+ "golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier"
+ "golang.org/x/text/transform"
+// TODO:
+// - There seems to be some inconsistency in when decoders return errors
+// and when not. Also documentation seems to suggest they shouldn't return
+// errors at all (except for UTF-16).
+// - Encoders seem to rely on or at least benefit from the input being in NFC
+// normal form. Perhaps add an example how users could prepare their output.
+// Encoding is a character set encoding that can be transformed to and from
+// UTF-8.
+type Encoding interface {
+ // NewDecoder returns a Decoder.
+ NewDecoder() *Decoder
+ // NewEncoder returns an Encoder.
+ NewEncoder() *Encoder
+// A Decoder converts bytes to UTF-8. It implements transform.Transformer.
+// Transforming source bytes that are not of that encoding will not result in an
+// error per se. Each byte that cannot be transcoded will be represented in the
+// output by the UTF-8 encoding of '\uFFFD', the replacement rune.
+type Decoder struct {
+ transform.Transformer
+ // This forces external creators of Decoders to use names in struct
+ // initializers, allowing for future extendibility without having to break
+ // code.
+ _ struct{}
+// Bytes converts the given encoded bytes to UTF-8. It returns the converted
+// bytes or nil, err if any error occurred.
+func (d *Decoder) Bytes(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+ b, _, err := transform.Bytes(d, b)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return b, nil
+// String converts the given encoded string to UTF-8. It returns the converted
+// string or "", err if any error occurred.
+func (d *Decoder) String(s string) (string, error) {
+ s, _, err := transform.String(d, s)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return s, nil
+// Reader wraps another Reader to decode its bytes.
+// The Decoder may not be used for any other operation as long as the returned
+// Reader is in use.
+func (d *Decoder) Reader(r io.Reader) io.Reader {
+ return transform.NewReader(r, d)
+// An Encoder converts bytes from UTF-8. It implements transform.Transformer.
+// Each rune that cannot be transcoded will result in an error. In this case,
+// the transform will consume all source byte up to, not including the offending
+// rune. Transforming source bytes that are not valid UTF-8 will be replaced by
+// `\uFFFD`. To return early with an error instead, use transform.Chain to
+// preprocess the data with a UTF8Validator.
+type Encoder struct {
+ transform.Transformer
+ // This forces external creators of Encoders to use names in struct
+ // initializers, allowing for future extendibility without having to break
+ // code.
+ _ struct{}
+// Bytes converts bytes from UTF-8. It returns the converted bytes or nil, err if
+// any error occurred.
+func (e *Encoder) Bytes(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+ b, _, err := transform.Bytes(e, b)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return b, nil
+// String converts a string from UTF-8. It returns the converted string or
+// "", err if any error occurred.
+func (e *Encoder) String(s string) (string, error) {
+ s, _, err := transform.String(e, s)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return s, nil
+// Writer wraps another Writer to encode its UTF-8 output.
+// The Encoder may not be used for any other operation as long as the returned
+// Writer is in use.
+func (e *Encoder) Writer(w io.Writer) io.Writer {
+ return transform.NewWriter(w, e)
+// ASCIISub is the ASCII substitute character, as recommended by
+// https://unicode.org/reports/tr36/#Text_Comparison
+const ASCIISub = '\x1a'
+// Nop is the nop encoding. Its transformed bytes are the same as the source
+// bytes; it does not replace invalid UTF-8 sequences.
+var Nop Encoding = nop{}
+type nop struct{}
+func (nop) NewDecoder() *Decoder {
+ return &Decoder{Transformer: transform.Nop}
+func (nop) NewEncoder() *Encoder {
+ return &Encoder{Transformer: transform.Nop}
+// Replacement is the replacement encoding. Decoding from the replacement
+// encoding yields a single '\uFFFD' replacement rune. Encoding from UTF-8 to
+// the replacement encoding yields the same as the source bytes except that
+// invalid UTF-8 is converted to '\uFFFD'.
+// It is defined at http://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#replacement
+var Replacement Encoding = replacement{}
+type replacement struct{}
+func (replacement) NewDecoder() *Decoder {
+ return &Decoder{Transformer: replacementDecoder{}}
+func (replacement) NewEncoder() *Encoder {
+ return &Encoder{Transformer: replacementEncoder{}}
+func (replacement) ID() (mib identifier.MIB, other string) {
+ return identifier.Replacement, ""
+type replacementDecoder struct{ transform.NopResetter }
+func (replacementDecoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
+ if len(dst) < 3 {
+ return 0, 0, transform.ErrShortDst
+ }
+ if atEOF {
+ const fffd = "\ufffd"
+ dst[0] = fffd[0]
+ dst[1] = fffd[1]
+ dst[2] = fffd[2]
+ nDst = 3
+ }
+ return nDst, len(src), nil
+type replacementEncoder struct{ transform.NopResetter }
+func (replacementEncoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
+ r, size := rune(0), 0
+ for ; nSrc < len(src); nSrc += size {
+ r = rune(src[nSrc])
+ // Decode a 1-byte rune.
+ if r < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ size = 1
+ } else {
+ // Decode a multi-byte rune.
+ r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:])
+ if size == 1 {
+ // All valid runes of size 1 (those below utf8.RuneSelf) were
+ // handled above. We have invalid UTF-8 or we haven't seen the
+ // full character yet.
+ if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[nSrc:]) {
+ err = transform.ErrShortSrc
+ break
+ }
+ r = '\ufffd'
+ }
+ }
+ if nDst+utf8.RuneLen(r) > len(dst) {
+ err = transform.ErrShortDst
+ break
+ }
+ nDst += utf8.EncodeRune(dst[nDst:], r)
+ }
+ return nDst, nSrc, err
+// HTMLEscapeUnsupported wraps encoders to replace source runes outside the
+// repertoire of the destination encoding with HTML escape sequences.
+// This wrapper exists to comply to URL and HTML forms requiring a
+// non-terminating legacy encoder. The produced sequences may lead to data
+// loss as they are indistinguishable from legitimate input. To avoid this
+// issue, use UTF-8 encodings whenever possible.
+func HTMLEscapeUnsupported(e *Encoder) *Encoder {
+ return &Encoder{Transformer: &errorHandler{e, errorToHTML}}
+// ReplaceUnsupported wraps encoders to replace source runes outside the
+// repertoire of the destination encoding with an encoding-specific
+// replacement.
+// This wrapper is only provided for backwards compatibility and legacy
+// handling. Its use is strongly discouraged. Use UTF-8 whenever possible.
+func ReplaceUnsupported(e *Encoder) *Encoder {
+ return &Encoder{Transformer: &errorHandler{e, errorToReplacement}}
+type errorHandler struct {
+ *Encoder
+ handler func(dst []byte, r rune, err repertoireError) (n int, ok bool)
+// TODO: consider making this error public in some form.
+type repertoireError interface {
+ Replacement() byte
+func (h errorHandler) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
+ nDst, nSrc, err = h.Transformer.Transform(dst, src, atEOF)
+ for err != nil {
+ rerr, ok := err.(repertoireError)
+ if !ok {
+ return nDst, nSrc, err
+ }
+ r, sz := utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:])
+ n, ok := h.handler(dst[nDst:], r, rerr)
+ if !ok {
+ return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst
+ }
+ err = nil
+ nDst += n
+ if nSrc += sz; nSrc < len(src) {
+ var dn, sn int
+ dn, sn, err = h.Transformer.Transform(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:], atEOF)
+ nDst += dn
+ nSrc += sn
+ }
+ }
+ return nDst, nSrc, err
+func errorToHTML(dst []byte, r rune, err repertoireError) (n int, ok bool) {
+ buf := [8]byte{}
+ b := strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(r), 10)
+ if n = len(b) + len(""); n >= len(dst) {
+ return 0, false
+ }
+ dst[0] = '&'
+ dst[1] = '#'
+ dst[copy(dst[2:], b)+2] = ';'
+ return n, true
+func errorToReplacement(dst []byte, r rune, err repertoireError) (n int, ok bool) {
+ if len(dst) == 0 {
+ return 0, false
+ }
+ dst[0] = err.Replacement()
+ return 1, true
+// ErrInvalidUTF8 means that a transformer encountered invalid UTF-8.
+var ErrInvalidUTF8 = errors.New("encoding: invalid UTF-8")
+// UTF8Validator is a transformer that returns ErrInvalidUTF8 on the first
+// input byte that is not valid UTF-8.
+var UTF8Validator transform.Transformer = utf8Validator{}
+type utf8Validator struct{ transform.NopResetter }
+func (utf8Validator) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
+ n := len(src)
+ if n > len(dst) {
+ n = len(dst)
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < n; {
+ if c := src[i]; c < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ dst[i] = c
+ i++
+ continue
+ }
+ _, size := utf8.DecodeRune(src[i:])
+ if size == 1 {
+ // All valid runes of size 1 (those below utf8.RuneSelf) were
+ // handled above. We have invalid UTF-8 or we haven't seen the
+ // full character yet.
+ err = ErrInvalidUTF8
+ if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[i:]) {
+ err = transform.ErrShortSrc
+ }
+ return i, i, err
+ }
+ if i+size > len(dst) {
+ return i, i, transform.ErrShortDst
+ }
+ for ; size > 0; size-- {
+ dst[i] = src[i]
+ i++
+ }
+ }
+ if len(src) > len(dst) {
+ err = transform.ErrShortDst
+ }
+ return n, n, err
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier/identifier.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier/identifier.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c9b85c280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier/identifier.go
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+//go:generate go run gen.go
+// Package identifier defines the contract between implementations of Encoding
+// and Index by defining identifiers that uniquely identify standardized coded
+// character sets (CCS) and character encoding schemes (CES), which we will
+// together refer to as encodings, for which Encoding implementations provide
+// converters to and from UTF-8. This package is typically only of concern to
+// implementers of Indexes and Encodings.
+// One part of the identifier is the MIB code, which is defined by IANA and
+// uniquely identifies a CCS or CES. Each code is associated with data that
+// references authorities, official documentation as well as aliases and MIME
+// names.
+// Not all CESs are covered by the IANA registry. The "other" string that is
+// returned by ID can be used to identify other character sets or versions of
+// existing ones.
+// It is recommended that each package that provides a set of Encodings provide
+// the All and Common variables to reference all supported encodings and
+// commonly used subset. This allows Index implementations to include all
+// available encodings without explicitly referencing or knowing about them.
+package identifier
+// Note: this package is internal, but could be made public if there is a need
+// for writing third-party Indexes and Encodings.
+// References:
+// - http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icu/trunk/source/data/mappings/convrtrs.txt
+// - http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml
+// - http://www.iana.org/assignments/ianacharset-mib/ianacharset-mib
+// - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2978.txt
+// - https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr22/
+// - http://www.w3.org/TR/encoding/
+// - https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/
+// - https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/encodings.json
+// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6657#section-5
+// Interface can be implemented by Encodings to define the CCS or CES for which
+// it implements conversions.
+type Interface interface {
+ // ID returns an encoding identifier. Exactly one of the mib and other
+ // values should be non-zero.
+ //
+ // In the usual case it is only necessary to indicate the MIB code. The
+ // other string can be used to specify encodings for which there is no MIB,
+ // such as "x-mac-dingbat".
+ //
+ // The other string may only contain the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _.
+ ID() (mib MIB, other string)
+ // NOTE: the restrictions on the encoding are to allow extending the syntax
+ // with additional information such as versions, vendors and other variants.
+// A MIB identifies an encoding. It is derived from the IANA MIB codes and adds
+// some identifiers for some encodings that are not covered by the IANA
+// standard.
+// See http://www.iana.org/assignments/ianacharset-mib.
+type MIB uint16
+// These additional MIB types are not defined in IANA. They are added because
+// they are common and defined within the text repo.
+const (
+ // Unofficial marks the start of encodings not registered by IANA.
+ Unofficial MIB = 10000 + iota
+ // Replacement is the WhatWG replacement encoding.
+ Replacement
+ // XUserDefined is the code for x-user-defined.
+ XUserDefined
+ // MacintoshCyrillic is the code for x-mac-cyrillic.
+ MacintoshCyrillic
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier/mib.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier/mib.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..351fb86e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier/mib.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1627 @@
+// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT.
+package identifier
+const (
+ // ASCII is the MIB identifier with IANA name US-ASCII (MIME: US-ASCII).
+ //
+ // ANSI X3.4-1986
+ // Reference: RFC2046
+ // ISOLatin1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-1:1987 (MIME: ISO-8859-1).
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISOLatin1 MIB = 4
+ // ISOLatin2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-2:1987 (MIME: ISO-8859-2).
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISOLatin2 MIB = 5
+ // ISOLatin3 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-3:1988 (MIME: ISO-8859-3).
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISOLatin3 MIB = 6
+ // ISOLatin4 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-4:1988 (MIME: ISO-8859-4).
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISOLatin4 MIB = 7
+ // ISOLatinCyrillic is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-5:1988 (MIME: ISO-8859-5).
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISOLatinCyrillic MIB = 8
+ // ISOLatinArabic is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-6:1987 (MIME: ISO-8859-6).
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISOLatinArabic MIB = 9
+ // ISOLatinGreek is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-7:1987 (MIME: ISO-8859-7).
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1947
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISOLatinGreek MIB = 10
+ // ISOLatinHebrew is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-8:1988 (MIME: ISO-8859-8).
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISOLatinHebrew MIB = 11
+ // ISOLatin5 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-9:1989 (MIME: ISO-8859-9).
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISOLatin5 MIB = 12
+ // ISOLatin6 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-10 (MIME: ISO-8859-10).
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISOLatin6 MIB = 13
+ // ISOTextComm is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_6937-2-add.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences and ISO 6937-2:1983
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISOTextComm MIB = 14
+ // HalfWidthKatakana is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_X0201.
+ //
+ // JIS X 0201-1976. One byte only, this is equivalent to
+ // JIS/Roman (similar to ASCII) plus eight-bit half-width
+ // Katakana
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ HalfWidthKatakana MIB = 15
+ // JISEncoding is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_Encoding.
+ //
+ // JIS X 0202-1991. Uses ISO 2022 escape sequences to
+ // shift code sets as documented in JIS X 0202-1991.
+ JISEncoding MIB = 16
+ // ShiftJIS is the MIB identifier with IANA name Shift_JIS (MIME: Shift_JIS).
+ //
+ // This charset is an extension of csHalfWidthKatakana by
+ // adding graphic characters in JIS X 0208. The CCS's are
+ // JIS X0201:1997 and JIS X0208:1997. The
+ // complete definition is shown in Appendix 1 of JIS
+ // X0208:1997.
+ // This charset can be used for the top-level media type "text".
+ ShiftJIS MIB = 17
+ // EUCPkdFmtJapanese is the MIB identifier with IANA name Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese (MIME: EUC-JP).
+ //
+ // Standardized by OSF, UNIX International, and UNIX Systems
+ // Laboratories Pacific. Uses ISO 2022 rules to select
+ // code set 0: US-ASCII (a single 7-bit byte set)
+ // code set 1: JIS X0208-1990 (a double 8-bit byte set)
+ // restricted to A0-FF in both bytes
+ // code set 2: Half Width Katakana (a single 7-bit byte set)
+ // requiring SS2 as the character prefix
+ // code set 3: JIS X0212-1990 (a double 7-bit byte set)
+ // restricted to A0-FF in both bytes
+ // requiring SS3 as the character prefix
+ EUCPkdFmtJapanese MIB = 18
+ // EUCFixWidJapanese is the MIB identifier with IANA name Extended_UNIX_Code_Fixed_Width_for_Japanese.
+ //
+ // Used in Japan. Each character is 2 octets.
+ // code set 0: US-ASCII (a single 7-bit byte set)
+ // 1st byte = 00
+ // 2nd byte = 20-7E
+ // code set 1: JIS X0208-1990 (a double 7-bit byte set)
+ // restricted to A0-FF in both bytes
+ // code set 2: Half Width Katakana (a single 7-bit byte set)
+ // 1st byte = 00
+ // 2nd byte = A0-FF
+ // code set 3: JIS X0212-1990 (a double 7-bit byte set)
+ // restricted to A0-FF in
+ // the first byte
+ // and 21-7E in the second byte
+ EUCFixWidJapanese MIB = 19
+ // ISO4UnitedKingdom is the MIB identifier with IANA name BS_4730.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO4UnitedKingdom MIB = 20
+ // ISO11SwedishForNames is the MIB identifier with IANA name SEN_850200_C.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO11SwedishForNames MIB = 21
+ // ISO15Italian is the MIB identifier with IANA name IT.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO15Italian MIB = 22
+ // ISO17Spanish is the MIB identifier with IANA name ES.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO17Spanish MIB = 23
+ // ISO21German is the MIB identifier with IANA name DIN_66003.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO21German MIB = 24
+ // ISO60Norwegian1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name NS_4551-1.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO60Norwegian1 MIB = 25
+ // ISO69French is the MIB identifier with IANA name NF_Z_62-010.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO69French MIB = 26
+ // ISO10646UTF1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-UTF-1.
+ //
+ // Universal Transfer Format (1), this is the multibyte
+ // encoding, that subsets ASCII-7. It does not have byte
+ // ordering issues.
+ ISO10646UTF1 MIB = 27
+ // ISO646basic1983 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_646.basic:1983.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO646basic1983 MIB = 28
+ // INVARIANT is the MIB identifier with IANA name INVARIANT.
+ //
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // ISO2IntlRefVersion is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_646.irv:1983.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO2IntlRefVersion MIB = 30
+ // NATSSEFI is the MIB identifier with IANA name NATS-SEFI.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // NATSSEFIADD is the MIB identifier with IANA name NATS-SEFI-ADD.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // NATSDANO is the MIB identifier with IANA name NATS-DANO.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // NATSDANOADD is the MIB identifier with IANA name NATS-DANO-ADD.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // ISO10Swedish is the MIB identifier with IANA name SEN_850200_B.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO10Swedish MIB = 35
+ // KSC56011987 is the MIB identifier with IANA name KS_C_5601-1987.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ KSC56011987 MIB = 36
+ // ISO2022KR is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-KR (MIME: ISO-2022-KR).
+ //
+ // rfc1557 (see also KS_C_5601-1987)
+ // Reference: RFC1557
+ ISO2022KR MIB = 37
+ // EUCKR is the MIB identifier with IANA name EUC-KR (MIME: EUC-KR).
+ //
+ // rfc1557 (see also KS_C_5861-1992)
+ // Reference: RFC1557
+ EUCKR MIB = 38
+ // ISO2022JP is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-JP (MIME: ISO-2022-JP).
+ //
+ // rfc1468 (see also rfc2237 )
+ // Reference: RFC1468
+ ISO2022JP MIB = 39
+ // ISO2022JP2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-JP-2 (MIME: ISO-2022-JP-2).
+ //
+ // rfc1554
+ // Reference: RFC1554
+ ISO2022JP2 MIB = 40
+ // ISO13JISC6220jp is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6220-1969-jp.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO13JISC6220jp MIB = 41
+ // ISO14JISC6220ro is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6220-1969-ro.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO14JISC6220ro MIB = 42
+ // ISO16Portuguese is the MIB identifier with IANA name PT.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO16Portuguese MIB = 43
+ // ISO18Greek7Old is the MIB identifier with IANA name greek7-old.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO18Greek7Old MIB = 44
+ // ISO19LatinGreek is the MIB identifier with IANA name latin-greek.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO19LatinGreek MIB = 45
+ // ISO25French is the MIB identifier with IANA name NF_Z_62-010_(1973).
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO25French MIB = 46
+ // ISO27LatinGreek1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name Latin-greek-1.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO27LatinGreek1 MIB = 47
+ // ISO5427Cyrillic is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_5427.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO5427Cyrillic MIB = 48
+ // ISO42JISC62261978 is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6226-1978.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO42JISC62261978 MIB = 49
+ // ISO47BSViewdata is the MIB identifier with IANA name BS_viewdata.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO47BSViewdata MIB = 50
+ // ISO49INIS is the MIB identifier with IANA name INIS.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO49INIS MIB = 51
+ // ISO50INIS8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name INIS-8.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO50INIS8 MIB = 52
+ // ISO51INISCyrillic is the MIB identifier with IANA name INIS-cyrillic.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO51INISCyrillic MIB = 53
+ // ISO54271981 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_5427:1981.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO54271981 MIB = 54
+ // ISO5428Greek is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_5428:1980.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO5428Greek MIB = 55
+ // ISO57GB1988 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GB_1988-80.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO57GB1988 MIB = 56
+ // ISO58GB231280 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GB_2312-80.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO58GB231280 MIB = 57
+ // ISO61Norwegian2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name NS_4551-2.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO61Norwegian2 MIB = 58
+ // ISO70VideotexSupp1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name videotex-suppl.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO70VideotexSupp1 MIB = 59
+ // ISO84Portuguese2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name PT2.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO84Portuguese2 MIB = 60
+ // ISO85Spanish2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ES2.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO85Spanish2 MIB = 61
+ // ISO86Hungarian is the MIB identifier with IANA name MSZ_7795.3.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO86Hungarian MIB = 62
+ // ISO87JISX0208 is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6226-1983.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO87JISX0208 MIB = 63
+ // ISO88Greek7 is the MIB identifier with IANA name greek7.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO88Greek7 MIB = 64
+ // ISO89ASMO449 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ASMO_449.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO89ASMO449 MIB = 65
+ // ISO90 is the MIB identifier with IANA name iso-ir-90.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO90 MIB = 66
+ // ISO91JISC62291984a is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-a.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO91JISC62291984a MIB = 67
+ // ISO92JISC62991984b is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-b.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO92JISC62991984b MIB = 68
+ // ISO93JIS62291984badd is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-b-add.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO93JIS62291984badd MIB = 69
+ // ISO94JIS62291984hand is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-hand.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO94JIS62291984hand MIB = 70
+ // ISO95JIS62291984handadd is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-hand-add.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO95JIS62291984handadd MIB = 71
+ // ISO96JISC62291984kana is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-kana.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO96JISC62291984kana MIB = 72
+ // ISO2033 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_2033-1983.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO2033 MIB = 73
+ // ISO99NAPLPS is the MIB identifier with IANA name ANSI_X3.110-1983.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // ISO102T617bit is the MIB identifier with IANA name T.61-7bit.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO102T617bit MIB = 75
+ // ISO103T618bit is the MIB identifier with IANA name T.61-8bit.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO103T618bit MIB = 76
+ // ISO111ECMACyrillic is the MIB identifier with IANA name ECMA-cyrillic.
+ //
+ // ISO registry
+ ISO111ECMACyrillic MIB = 77
+ // ISO121Canadian1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CSA_Z243.4-1985-1.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO121Canadian1 MIB = 78
+ // ISO122Canadian2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CSA_Z243.4-1985-2.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO122Canadian2 MIB = 79
+ // ISO123CSAZ24341985gr is the MIB identifier with IANA name CSA_Z243.4-1985-gr.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO123CSAZ24341985gr MIB = 80
+ // ISO88596E is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-6-E (MIME: ISO-8859-6-E).
+ //
+ // rfc1556
+ // Reference: RFC1556
+ ISO88596E MIB = 81
+ // ISO88596I is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-6-I (MIME: ISO-8859-6-I).
+ //
+ // rfc1556
+ // Reference: RFC1556
+ ISO88596I MIB = 82
+ // ISO128T101G2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name T.101-G2.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO128T101G2 MIB = 83
+ // ISO88598E is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-8-E (MIME: ISO-8859-8-E).
+ //
+ // rfc1556
+ // Reference: RFC1556
+ ISO88598E MIB = 84
+ // ISO88598I is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-8-I (MIME: ISO-8859-8-I).
+ //
+ // rfc1556
+ // Reference: RFC1556
+ ISO88598I MIB = 85
+ // ISO139CSN369103 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CSN_369103.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO139CSN369103 MIB = 86
+ // ISO141JUSIB1002 is the MIB identifier with IANA name JUS_I.B1.002.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO141JUSIB1002 MIB = 87
+ // ISO143IECP271 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IEC_P27-1.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO143IECP271 MIB = 88
+ // ISO146Serbian is the MIB identifier with IANA name JUS_I.B1.003-serb.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO146Serbian MIB = 89
+ // ISO147Macedonian is the MIB identifier with IANA name JUS_I.B1.003-mac.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO147Macedonian MIB = 90
+ // ISO150GreekCCITT is the MIB identifier with IANA name greek-ccitt.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO150GreekCCITT MIB = 91
+ // ISO151Cuba is the MIB identifier with IANA name NC_NC00-10:81.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO151Cuba MIB = 92
+ // ISO6937Add is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_6937-2-25.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO6937Add MIB = 93
+ // ISO153GOST1976874 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GOST_19768-74.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO153GOST1976874 MIB = 94
+ // ISO8859Supp is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-supp.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO8859Supp MIB = 95
+ // ISO10367Box is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_10367-box.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO10367Box MIB = 96
+ // ISO158Lap is the MIB identifier with IANA name latin-lap.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO158Lap MIB = 97
+ // ISO159JISX02121990 is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_X0212-1990.
+ //
+ // ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
+ // Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO159JISX02121990 MIB = 98
+ // ISO646Danish is the MIB identifier with IANA name DS_2089.
+ //
+ // Danish Standard, DS 2089, February 1974
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ ISO646Danish MIB = 99
+ // USDK is the MIB identifier with IANA name us-dk.
+ //
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ USDK MIB = 100
+ // DKUS is the MIB identifier with IANA name dk-us.
+ //
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ DKUS MIB = 101
+ // KSC5636 is the MIB identifier with IANA name KSC5636.
+ //
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ KSC5636 MIB = 102
+ // Unicode11UTF7 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7.
+ //
+ // rfc1642
+ // Reference: RFC1642
+ Unicode11UTF7 MIB = 103
+ // ISO2022CN is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-CN.
+ //
+ // rfc1922
+ // Reference: RFC1922
+ ISO2022CN MIB = 104
+ // ISO2022CNEXT is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-CN-EXT.
+ //
+ // rfc1922
+ // Reference: RFC1922
+ ISO2022CNEXT MIB = 105
+ // UTF8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-8.
+ //
+ // rfc3629
+ // Reference: RFC3629
+ UTF8 MIB = 106
+ // ISO885913 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-13.
+ //
+ // ISO See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/ISO-8859-13 https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/ISO-8859-13
+ ISO885913 MIB = 109
+ // ISO885914 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-14.
+ //
+ // ISO See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/ISO-8859-14
+ ISO885914 MIB = 110
+ // ISO885915 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-15.
+ //
+ // ISO
+ // Please see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/ISO-8859-15
+ ISO885915 MIB = 111
+ // ISO885916 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-16.
+ //
+ // ISO
+ ISO885916 MIB = 112
+ // GBK is the MIB identifier with IANA name GBK.
+ //
+ // Chinese IT Standardization Technical Committee
+ // Please see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/GBK
+ GBK MIB = 113
+ // GB18030 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GB18030.
+ //
+ // Chinese IT Standardization Technical Committee
+ // Please see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/GB18030
+ GB18030 MIB = 114
+ // OSDEBCDICDF0415 is the MIB identifier with IANA name OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_15.
+ //
+ // Fujitsu-Siemens standard mainframe EBCDIC encoding
+ // Please see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/OSD-EBCDIC-DF04-15
+ // OSDEBCDICDF03IRV is the MIB identifier with IANA name OSD_EBCDIC_DF03_IRV.
+ //
+ // Fujitsu-Siemens standard mainframe EBCDIC encoding
+ // Please see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/OSD-EBCDIC-DF03-IRV
+ // OSDEBCDICDF041 is the MIB identifier with IANA name OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_1.
+ //
+ // Fujitsu-Siemens standard mainframe EBCDIC encoding
+ // Please see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/OSD-EBCDIC-DF04-1
+ // ISO115481 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-11548-1.
+ //
+ // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/ISO-11548-1
+ ISO115481 MIB = 118
+ // KZ1048 is the MIB identifier with IANA name KZ-1048.
+ //
+ // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/KZ-1048
+ KZ1048 MIB = 119
+ // Unicode is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-UCS-2.
+ //
+ // the 2-octet Basic Multilingual Plane, aka Unicode
+ // this needs to specify network byte order: the standard
+ // does not specify (it is a 16-bit integer space)
+ Unicode MIB = 1000
+ // UCS4 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-UCS-4.
+ //
+ // the full code space. (same comment about byte order,
+ // these are 31-bit numbers.
+ UCS4 MIB = 1001
+ // UnicodeASCII is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-UCS-Basic.
+ //
+ // ASCII subset of Unicode. Basic Latin = collection 1
+ // See ISO 10646, Appendix A
+ UnicodeASCII MIB = 1002
+ // UnicodeLatin1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-Unicode-Latin1.
+ //
+ // ISO Latin-1 subset of Unicode. Basic Latin and Latin-1
+ // Supplement = collections 1 and 2. See ISO 10646,
+ // Appendix A. See rfc1815 .
+ UnicodeLatin1 MIB = 1003
+ // UnicodeJapanese is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-J-1.
+ //
+ // ISO 10646 Japanese, see rfc1815 .
+ UnicodeJapanese MIB = 1004
+ // UnicodeIBM1261 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1261.
+ //
+ // IBM Latin-2, -3, -5, Extended Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1261
+ UnicodeIBM1261 MIB = 1005
+ // UnicodeIBM1268 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1268.
+ //
+ // IBM Latin-4 Extended Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1268
+ UnicodeIBM1268 MIB = 1006
+ // UnicodeIBM1276 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1276.
+ //
+ // IBM Cyrillic Greek Extended Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1276
+ UnicodeIBM1276 MIB = 1007
+ // UnicodeIBM1264 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1264.
+ //
+ // IBM Arabic Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1264
+ UnicodeIBM1264 MIB = 1008
+ // UnicodeIBM1265 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1265.
+ //
+ // IBM Hebrew Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1265
+ UnicodeIBM1265 MIB = 1009
+ // Unicode11 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UNICODE-1-1.
+ //
+ // rfc1641
+ // Reference: RFC1641
+ Unicode11 MIB = 1010
+ // SCSU is the MIB identifier with IANA name SCSU.
+ //
+ // SCSU See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/SCSU
+ SCSU MIB = 1011
+ // UTF7 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-7.
+ //
+ // rfc2152
+ // Reference: RFC2152
+ UTF7 MIB = 1012
+ // UTF16BE is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-16BE.
+ //
+ // rfc2781
+ // Reference: RFC2781
+ UTF16BE MIB = 1013
+ // UTF16LE is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-16LE.
+ //
+ // rfc2781
+ // Reference: RFC2781
+ UTF16LE MIB = 1014
+ // UTF16 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-16.
+ //
+ // rfc2781
+ // Reference: RFC2781
+ UTF16 MIB = 1015
+ // CESU8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CESU-8.
+ //
+ // https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr26
+ CESU8 MIB = 1016
+ // UTF32 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-32.
+ //
+ // https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr19/
+ UTF32 MIB = 1017
+ // UTF32BE is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-32BE.
+ //
+ // https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr19/
+ UTF32BE MIB = 1018
+ // UTF32LE is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-32LE.
+ //
+ // https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr19/
+ UTF32LE MIB = 1019
+ // BOCU1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name BOCU-1.
+ //
+ // https://www.unicode.org/notes/tn6/
+ BOCU1 MIB = 1020
+ // UTF7IMAP is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-7-IMAP.
+ //
+ // Note: This charset is used to encode Unicode in IMAP mailbox names;
+ // see section 5.1.3 of rfc3501 . It should never be used
+ // outside this context. A name has been assigned so that charset processing
+ // implementations can refer to it in a consistent way.
+ UTF7IMAP MIB = 1021
+ // Windows30Latin1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.0-Latin-1.
+ //
+ // Extended ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 for Windows 3.0.
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 9U
+ Windows30Latin1 MIB = 2000
+ // Windows31Latin1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1.
+ //
+ // Extended ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 for Windows 3.1.
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 19U
+ Windows31Latin1 MIB = 2001
+ // Windows31Latin2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-2-Windows-Latin-2.
+ //
+ // Extended ISO 8859-2. Latin-2 for Windows 3.1.
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 9E
+ Windows31Latin2 MIB = 2002
+ // Windows31Latin5 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-9-Windows-Latin-5.
+ //
+ // Extended ISO 8859-9. Latin-5 for Windows 3.1
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 5T
+ Windows31Latin5 MIB = 2003
+ // HPRoman8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name hp-roman8.
+ //
+ // LaserJet IIP Printer User's Manual,
+ // HP part no 33471-90901, Hewlet-Packard, June 1989.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ HPRoman8 MIB = 2004
+ // AdobeStandardEncoding is the MIB identifier with IANA name Adobe-Standard-Encoding.
+ //
+ // PostScript Language Reference Manual
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 10J
+ AdobeStandardEncoding MIB = 2005
+ // VenturaUS is the MIB identifier with IANA name Ventura-US.
+ //
+ // Ventura US. ASCII plus characters typically used in
+ // publishing, like pilcrow, copyright, registered, trade mark,
+ // section, dagger, and double dagger in the range A0 (hex)
+ // to FF (hex).
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 14J
+ VenturaUS MIB = 2006
+ // VenturaInternational is the MIB identifier with IANA name Ventura-International.
+ //
+ // Ventura International. ASCII plus coded characters similar
+ // to Roman8.
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 13J
+ VenturaInternational MIB = 2007
+ // DECMCS is the MIB identifier with IANA name DEC-MCS.
+ //
+ // VAX/VMS User's Manual,
+ // Order Number: AI-Y517A-TE, April 1986.
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ DECMCS MIB = 2008
+ // PC850Multilingual is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM850.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ PC850Multilingual MIB = 2009
+ // PC8DanishNorwegian is the MIB identifier with IANA name PC8-Danish-Norwegian.
+ //
+ // PC Danish Norwegian
+ // 8-bit PC set for Danish Norwegian
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 11U
+ PC8DanishNorwegian MIB = 2012
+ // PC862LatinHebrew is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM862.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ PC862LatinHebrew MIB = 2013
+ // PC8Turkish is the MIB identifier with IANA name PC8-Turkish.
+ //
+ // PC Latin Turkish. PCL Symbol Set id: 9T
+ PC8Turkish MIB = 2014
+ // IBMSymbols is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM-Symbols.
+ //
+ // Presentation Set, CPGID: 259
+ IBMSymbols MIB = 2015
+ // IBMThai is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM-Thai.
+ //
+ // Presentation Set, CPGID: 838
+ IBMThai MIB = 2016
+ // HPLegal is the MIB identifier with IANA name HP-Legal.
+ //
+ // PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard,
+ // HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 1U
+ HPLegal MIB = 2017
+ // HPPiFont is the MIB identifier with IANA name HP-Pi-font.
+ //
+ // PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard,
+ // HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 15U
+ HPPiFont MIB = 2018
+ // HPMath8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name HP-Math8.
+ //
+ // PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard,
+ // HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 8M
+ HPMath8 MIB = 2019
+ // HPPSMath is the MIB identifier with IANA name Adobe-Symbol-Encoding.
+ //
+ // PostScript Language Reference Manual
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 5M
+ HPPSMath MIB = 2020
+ // HPDesktop is the MIB identifier with IANA name HP-DeskTop.
+ //
+ // PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard,
+ // HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 7J
+ HPDesktop MIB = 2021
+ // VenturaMath is the MIB identifier with IANA name Ventura-Math.
+ //
+ // PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard,
+ // HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 6M
+ VenturaMath MIB = 2022
+ // MicrosoftPublishing is the MIB identifier with IANA name Microsoft-Publishing.
+ //
+ // PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard,
+ // HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 6J
+ MicrosoftPublishing MIB = 2023
+ // Windows31J is the MIB identifier with IANA name Windows-31J.
+ //
+ // Windows Japanese. A further extension of Shift_JIS
+ // to include NEC special characters (Row 13), NEC
+ // selection of IBM extensions (Rows 89 to 92), and IBM
+ // extensions (Rows 115 to 119). The CCS's are
+ // JIS X0201:1997, JIS X0208:1997, and these extensions.
+ // This charset can be used for the top-level media type "text",
+ // but it is of limited or specialized use (see rfc2278 ).
+ // PCL Symbol Set id: 19K
+ Windows31J MIB = 2024
+ // GB2312 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GB2312 (MIME: GB2312).
+ //
+ // Chinese for People's Republic of China (PRC) mixed one byte,
+ // two byte set:
+ // 20-7E = one byte ASCII
+ // A1-FE = two byte PRC Kanji
+ // See GB 2312-80
+ // PCL Symbol Set Id: 18C
+ GB2312 MIB = 2025
+ // Big5 is the MIB identifier with IANA name Big5 (MIME: Big5).
+ //
+ // Chinese for Taiwan Multi-byte set.
+ // PCL Symbol Set Id: 18T
+ Big5 MIB = 2026
+ // Macintosh is the MIB identifier with IANA name macintosh.
+ //
+ // The Unicode Standard ver1.0, ISBN 0-201-56788-1, Oct 1991
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ Macintosh MIB = 2027
+ // IBM037 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM037.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM037 MIB = 2028
+ // IBM038 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM038.
+ //
+ // IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM038 MIB = 2029
+ // IBM273 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM273.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM273 MIB = 2030
+ // IBM274 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM274.
+ //
+ // IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM274 MIB = 2031
+ // IBM275 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM275.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM275 MIB = 2032
+ // IBM277 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM277.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM277 MIB = 2033
+ // IBM278 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM278.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM278 MIB = 2034
+ // IBM280 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM280.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM280 MIB = 2035
+ // IBM281 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM281.
+ //
+ // IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM281 MIB = 2036
+ // IBM284 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM284.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM284 MIB = 2037
+ // IBM285 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM285.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM285 MIB = 2038
+ // IBM290 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM290.
+ //
+ // IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM290 MIB = 2039
+ // IBM297 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM297.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM297 MIB = 2040
+ // IBM420 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM420.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990,
+ // IBM NLS RM p 11-11
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM420 MIB = 2041
+ // IBM423 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM423.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM423 MIB = 2042
+ // IBM424 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM424.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM424 MIB = 2043
+ // PC8CodePage437 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM437.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ PC8CodePage437 MIB = 2011
+ // IBM500 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM500.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM500 MIB = 2044
+ // IBM851 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM851.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM851 MIB = 2045
+ // PCp852 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM852.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ PCp852 MIB = 2010
+ // IBM855 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM855.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM855 MIB = 2046
+ // IBM857 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM857.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM857 MIB = 2047
+ // IBM860 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM860.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM860 MIB = 2048
+ // IBM861 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM861.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM861 MIB = 2049
+ // IBM863 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM863.
+ //
+ // IBM Keyboard layouts and code pages, PN 07G4586 June 1991
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM863 MIB = 2050
+ // IBM864 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM864.
+ //
+ // IBM Keyboard layouts and code pages, PN 07G4586 June 1991
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM864 MIB = 2051
+ // IBM865 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM865.
+ //
+ // IBM DOS 3.3 Ref (Abridged), 94X9575 (Feb 1987)
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM865 MIB = 2052
+ // IBM868 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM868.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM868 MIB = 2053
+ // IBM869 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM869.
+ //
+ // IBM Keyboard layouts and code pages, PN 07G4586 June 1991
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM869 MIB = 2054
+ // IBM870 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM870.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM870 MIB = 2055
+ // IBM871 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM871.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM871 MIB = 2056
+ // IBM880 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM880.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM880 MIB = 2057
+ // IBM891 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM891.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM891 MIB = 2058
+ // IBM903 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM903.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM903 MIB = 2059
+ // IBBM904 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM904.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBBM904 MIB = 2060
+ // IBM905 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM905.
+ //
+ // IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM905 MIB = 2061
+ // IBM918 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM918.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM918 MIB = 2062
+ // IBM1026 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM1026.
+ //
+ // IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ IBM1026 MIB = 2063
+ // IBMEBCDICATDE is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-AT-DE.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICATDEA is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-AT-DE-A.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICCAFR is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-CA-FR.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICDKNO is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-DK-NO.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICDKNOA is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-DK-NO-A.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICFISE is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-FI-SE.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICFISEA is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-FI-SE-A.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICFR is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-FR.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICIT is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-IT.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICPT is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-PT.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICES is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-ES.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICESA is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-ES-A.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICESS is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-ES-S.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICUK is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-UK.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // EBCDICUS is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-US.
+ //
+ // IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ // Unknown8BiT is the MIB identifier with IANA name UNKNOWN-8BIT.
+ //
+ // Reference: RFC1428
+ Unknown8BiT MIB = 2079
+ // Mnemonic is the MIB identifier with IANA name MNEMONIC.
+ //
+ // rfc1345 , also known as "mnemonic+ascii+38"
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ Mnemonic MIB = 2080
+ // Mnem is the MIB identifier with IANA name MNEM.
+ //
+ // rfc1345 , also known as "mnemonic+ascii+8200"
+ // Reference: RFC1345
+ Mnem MIB = 2081
+ // VISCII is the MIB identifier with IANA name VISCII.
+ //
+ // rfc1456
+ // Reference: RFC1456
+ VISCII MIB = 2082
+ // VIQR is the MIB identifier with IANA name VIQR.
+ //
+ // rfc1456
+ // Reference: RFC1456
+ VIQR MIB = 2083
+ // KOI8R is the MIB identifier with IANA name KOI8-R (MIME: KOI8-R).
+ //
+ // rfc1489 , based on GOST-19768-74, ISO-6937/8,
+ // INIS-Cyrillic, ISO-5427.
+ // Reference: RFC1489
+ KOI8R MIB = 2084
+ // HZGB2312 is the MIB identifier with IANA name HZ-GB-2312.
+ //
+ // rfc1842 , rfc1843 rfc1843 rfc1842
+ HZGB2312 MIB = 2085
+ // IBM866 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM866.
+ //
+ // IBM NLDG Volume 2 (SE09-8002-03) August 1994
+ IBM866 MIB = 2086
+ // PC775Baltic is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM775.
+ //
+ // HP PCL 5 Comparison Guide (P/N 5021-0329) pp B-13, 1996
+ PC775Baltic MIB = 2087
+ // KOI8U is the MIB identifier with IANA name KOI8-U.
+ //
+ // rfc2319
+ // Reference: RFC2319
+ KOI8U MIB = 2088
+ // IBM00858 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM00858.
+ //
+ // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM00858
+ IBM00858 MIB = 2089
+ // IBM00924 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM00924.
+ //
+ // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM00924
+ IBM00924 MIB = 2090
+ // IBM01140 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01140.
+ //
+ // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01140
+ IBM01140 MIB = 2091
+ // IBM01141 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01141.
+ //
+ // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01141
+ IBM01141 MIB = 2092
+ // IBM01142 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01142.
+ //
+ // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01142
+ IBM01142 MIB = 2093
+ // IBM01143 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01143.
+ //
+ // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01143
+ IBM01143 MIB = 2094
+ // IBM01144 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01144.
+ //
+ // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01144
+ IBM01144 MIB = 2095
+ // IBM01145 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01145.
+ //
+ // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01145
+ IBM01145 MIB = 2096
+ // IBM01146 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01146.
+ //
+ // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01146
+ IBM01146 MIB = 2097
+ // IBM01147 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01147.
+ //
+ // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01147
+ IBM01147 MIB = 2098
+ // IBM01148 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01148.
+ //
+ // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01148
+ IBM01148 MIB = 2099
+ // IBM01149 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01149.
+ //
+ // IBM See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/IBM01149
+ IBM01149 MIB = 2100
+ // Big5HKSCS is the MIB identifier with IANA name Big5-HKSCS.
+ //
+ // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/Big5-HKSCS
+ Big5HKSCS MIB = 2101
+ // IBM1047 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM1047.
+ //
+ // IBM1047 (EBCDIC Latin 1/Open Systems) https://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/software/globalization/pdf/cp01047z.pdf
+ IBM1047 MIB = 2102
+ // PTCP154 is the MIB identifier with IANA name PTCP154.
+ //
+ // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/PTCP154
+ PTCP154 MIB = 2103
+ // Amiga1251 is the MIB identifier with IANA name Amiga-1251.
+ //
+ // See https://www.amiga.ultranet.ru/Amiga-1251.html
+ Amiga1251 MIB = 2104
+ // KOI7switched is the MIB identifier with IANA name KOI7-switched.
+ //
+ // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/KOI7-switched
+ KOI7switched MIB = 2105
+ // BRF is the MIB identifier with IANA name BRF.
+ //
+ // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/BRF
+ BRF MIB = 2106
+ // TSCII is the MIB identifier with IANA name TSCII.
+ //
+ // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/TSCII
+ TSCII MIB = 2107
+ // CP51932 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CP51932.
+ //
+ // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/CP51932
+ CP51932 MIB = 2108
+ // Windows874 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-874.
+ //
+ // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-874
+ Windows874 MIB = 2109
+ // Windows1250 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1250.
+ //
+ // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1250
+ Windows1250 MIB = 2250
+ // Windows1251 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1251.
+ //
+ // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1251
+ Windows1251 MIB = 2251
+ // Windows1252 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1252.
+ //
+ // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1252
+ Windows1252 MIB = 2252
+ // Windows1253 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1253.
+ //
+ // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1253
+ Windows1253 MIB = 2253
+ // Windows1254 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1254.
+ //
+ // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1254
+ Windows1254 MIB = 2254
+ // Windows1255 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1255.
+ //
+ // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1255
+ Windows1255 MIB = 2255
+ // Windows1256 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1256.
+ //
+ // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1256
+ Windows1256 MIB = 2256
+ // Windows1257 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1257.
+ //
+ // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1257
+ Windows1257 MIB = 2257
+ // Windows1258 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1258.
+ //
+ // Microsoft https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1258
+ Windows1258 MIB = 2258
+ // TIS620 is the MIB identifier with IANA name TIS-620.
+ //
+ // Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI)
+ TIS620 MIB = 2259
+ // CP50220 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CP50220.
+ //
+ // See https://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/CP50220
+ CP50220 MIB = 2260
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/internal.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/internal.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..413e6fc6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/internal.go
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package internal contains code that is shared among encoding implementations.
+package internal
+import (
+ "golang.org/x/text/encoding"
+ "golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier"
+ "golang.org/x/text/transform"
+// Encoding is an implementation of the Encoding interface that adds the String
+// and ID methods to an existing encoding.
+type Encoding struct {
+ encoding.Encoding
+ Name string
+ MIB identifier.MIB
+// _ verifies that Encoding implements identifier.Interface.
+var _ identifier.Interface = (*Encoding)(nil)
+func (e *Encoding) String() string {
+ return e.Name
+func (e *Encoding) ID() (mib identifier.MIB, other string) {
+ return e.MIB, ""
+// SimpleEncoding is an Encoding that combines two Transformers.
+type SimpleEncoding struct {
+ Decoder transform.Transformer
+ Encoder transform.Transformer
+func (e *SimpleEncoding) NewDecoder() *encoding.Decoder {
+ return &encoding.Decoder{Transformer: e.Decoder}
+func (e *SimpleEncoding) NewEncoder() *encoding.Encoder {
+ return &encoding.Encoder{Transformer: e.Encoder}
+// FuncEncoding is an Encoding that combines two functions returning a new
+// Transformer.
+type FuncEncoding struct {
+ Decoder func() transform.Transformer
+ Encoder func() transform.Transformer
+func (e FuncEncoding) NewDecoder() *encoding.Decoder {
+ return &encoding.Decoder{Transformer: e.Decoder()}
+func (e FuncEncoding) NewEncoder() *encoding.Encoder {
+ return &encoding.Encoder{Transformer: e.Encoder()}
+// A RepertoireError indicates a rune is not in the repertoire of a destination
+// encoding. It is associated with an encoding-specific suggested replacement
+// byte.
+type RepertoireError byte
+// Error implements the error interface.
+func (r RepertoireError) Error() string {
+ return "encoding: rune not supported by encoding."
+// Replacement returns the replacement string associated with this error.
+func (r RepertoireError) Replacement() byte { return byte(r) }
+var ErrASCIIReplacement = RepertoireError(encoding.ASCIISub)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode/override.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode/override.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35d62fcc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode/override.go
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package unicode
+import (
+ "golang.org/x/text/transform"
+// BOMOverride returns a new decoder transformer that is identical to fallback,
+// except that the presence of a Byte Order Mark at the start of the input
+// causes it to switch to the corresponding Unicode decoding. It will only
+// consider BOMs for UTF-8, UTF-16BE, and UTF-16LE.
+// This differs from using ExpectBOM by allowing a BOM to switch to UTF-8, not
+// just UTF-16 variants, and allowing falling back to any encoding scheme.
+// This technique is recommended by the W3C for use in HTML 5: "For
+// compatibility with deployed content, the byte order mark (also known as BOM)
+// is considered more authoritative than anything else."
+// http://www.w3.org/TR/encoding/#specification-hooks
+// Using BOMOverride is mostly intended for use cases where the first characters
+// of a fallback encoding are known to not be a BOM, for example, for valid HTML
+// and most encodings.
+func BOMOverride(fallback transform.Transformer) transform.Transformer {
+ // TODO: possibly allow a variadic argument of unicode encodings to allow
+ // specifying details of which fallbacks are supported as well as
+ // specifying the details of the implementations. This would also allow for
+ // support for UTF-32, which should not be supported by default.
+ return &bomOverride{fallback: fallback}
+type bomOverride struct {
+ fallback transform.Transformer
+ current transform.Transformer
+func (d *bomOverride) Reset() {
+ d.current = nil
+ d.fallback.Reset()
+var (
+ // TODO: we could use decode functions here, instead of allocating a new
+ // decoder on every NewDecoder as IgnoreBOM decoders can be stateless.
+ utf16le = UTF16(LittleEndian, IgnoreBOM)
+ utf16be = UTF16(BigEndian, IgnoreBOM)
+const utf8BOM = "\ufeff"
+func (d *bomOverride) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
+ if d.current != nil {
+ return d.current.Transform(dst, src, atEOF)
+ }
+ if len(src) < 3 && !atEOF {
+ return 0, 0, transform.ErrShortSrc
+ }
+ d.current = d.fallback
+ bomSize := 0
+ if len(src) >= 2 {
+ if src[0] == 0xFF && src[1] == 0xFE {
+ d.current = utf16le.NewDecoder()
+ bomSize = 2
+ } else if src[0] == 0xFE && src[1] == 0xFF {
+ d.current = utf16be.NewDecoder()
+ bomSize = 2
+ } else if len(src) >= 3 &&
+ src[0] == utf8BOM[0] &&
+ src[1] == utf8BOM[1] &&
+ src[2] == utf8BOM[2] {
+ d.current = transform.Nop
+ bomSize = 3
+ }
+ }
+ if bomSize < len(src) {
+ nDst, nSrc, err = d.current.Transform(dst, src[bomSize:], atEOF)
+ }
+ return nDst, nSrc + bomSize, err
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode/unicode.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode/unicode.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd99ad14d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode/unicode.go
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package unicode provides Unicode encodings such as UTF-16.
+package unicode // import "golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode"
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "errors"
+ "unicode/utf16"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+ "golang.org/x/text/encoding"
+ "golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal"
+ "golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier"
+ "golang.org/x/text/internal/utf8internal"
+ "golang.org/x/text/runes"
+ "golang.org/x/text/transform"
+// TODO: I think the Transformers really should return errors on unmatched
+// surrogate pairs and odd numbers of bytes. This is not required by RFC 2781,
+// which leaves it open, but is suggested by WhatWG. It will allow for all error
+// modes as defined by WhatWG: fatal, HTML and Replacement. This would require
+// the introduction of some kind of error type for conveying the erroneous code
+// point.
+// UTF8 is the UTF-8 encoding. It neither removes nor adds byte order marks.
+var UTF8 encoding.Encoding = utf8enc
+// UTF8BOM is an UTF-8 encoding where the decoder strips a leading byte order
+// mark while the encoder adds one.
+// Some editors add a byte order mark as a signature to UTF-8 files. Although
+// the byte order mark is not useful for detecting byte order in UTF-8, it is
+// sometimes used as a convention to mark UTF-8-encoded files. This relies on
+// the observation that the UTF-8 byte order mark is either an illegal or at
+// least very unlikely sequence in any other character encoding.
+var UTF8BOM encoding.Encoding = utf8bomEncoding{}
+type utf8bomEncoding struct{}
+func (utf8bomEncoding) String() string {
+ return "UTF-8-BOM"
+func (utf8bomEncoding) ID() (identifier.MIB, string) {
+ return identifier.Unofficial, "x-utf8bom"
+func (utf8bomEncoding) NewEncoder() *encoding.Encoder {
+ return &encoding.Encoder{
+ Transformer: &utf8bomEncoder{t: runes.ReplaceIllFormed()},
+ }
+func (utf8bomEncoding) NewDecoder() *encoding.Decoder {
+ return &encoding.Decoder{Transformer: &utf8bomDecoder{}}
+var utf8enc = &internal.Encoding{
+ &internal.SimpleEncoding{utf8Decoder{}, runes.ReplaceIllFormed()},
+ "UTF-8",
+ identifier.UTF8,
+type utf8bomDecoder struct {
+ checked bool
+func (t *utf8bomDecoder) Reset() {
+ t.checked = false
+func (t *utf8bomDecoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
+ if !t.checked {
+ if !atEOF && len(src) < len(utf8BOM) {
+ if len(src) == 0 {
+ return 0, 0, nil
+ }
+ return 0, 0, transform.ErrShortSrc
+ }
+ if bytes.HasPrefix(src, []byte(utf8BOM)) {
+ nSrc += len(utf8BOM)
+ src = src[len(utf8BOM):]
+ }
+ t.checked = true
+ }
+ nDst, n, err := utf8Decoder.Transform(utf8Decoder{}, dst[nDst:], src, atEOF)
+ nSrc += n
+ return nDst, nSrc, err
+type utf8bomEncoder struct {
+ written bool
+ t transform.Transformer
+func (t *utf8bomEncoder) Reset() {
+ t.written = false
+ t.t.Reset()
+func (t *utf8bomEncoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
+ if !t.written {
+ if len(dst) < len(utf8BOM) {
+ return nDst, 0, transform.ErrShortDst
+ }
+ nDst = copy(dst, utf8BOM)
+ t.written = true
+ }
+ n, nSrc, err := utf8Decoder.Transform(utf8Decoder{}, dst[nDst:], src, atEOF)
+ nDst += n
+ return nDst, nSrc, err
+type utf8Decoder struct{ transform.NopResetter }
+func (utf8Decoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
+ var pSrc int // point from which to start copy in src
+ var accept utf8internal.AcceptRange
+ // The decoder can only make the input larger, not smaller.
+ n := len(src)
+ if len(dst) < n {
+ err = transform.ErrShortDst
+ n = len(dst)
+ atEOF = false
+ }
+ for nSrc < n {
+ c := src[nSrc]
+ if c < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ nSrc++
+ continue
+ }
+ first := utf8internal.First[c]
+ size := int(first & utf8internal.SizeMask)
+ if first == utf8internal.FirstInvalid {
+ goto handleInvalid // invalid starter byte
+ }
+ accept = utf8internal.AcceptRanges[first>>utf8internal.AcceptShift]
+ if nSrc+size > n {
+ if !atEOF {
+ // We may stop earlier than necessary here if the short sequence
+ // has invalid bytes. Not checking for this simplifies the code
+ // and may avoid duplicate computations in certain conditions.
+ if err == nil {
+ err = transform.ErrShortSrc
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ // Determine the maximal subpart of an ill-formed subsequence.
+ switch {
+ case nSrc+1 >= n || src[nSrc+1] < accept.Lo || accept.Hi < src[nSrc+1]:
+ size = 1
+ case nSrc+2 >= n || src[nSrc+2] < utf8internal.LoCB || utf8internal.HiCB < src[nSrc+2]:
+ size = 2
+ default:
+ size = 3 // As we are short, the maximum is 3.
+ }
+ goto handleInvalid
+ }
+ if c = src[nSrc+1]; c < accept.Lo || accept.Hi < c {
+ size = 1
+ goto handleInvalid // invalid continuation byte
+ } else if size == 2 {
+ } else if c = src[nSrc+2]; c < utf8internal.LoCB || utf8internal.HiCB < c {
+ size = 2
+ goto handleInvalid // invalid continuation byte
+ } else if size == 3 {
+ } else if c = src[nSrc+3]; c < utf8internal.LoCB || utf8internal.HiCB < c {
+ size = 3
+ goto handleInvalid // invalid continuation byte
+ }
+ nSrc += size
+ continue
+ handleInvalid:
+ // Copy the scanned input so far.
+ nDst += copy(dst[nDst:], src[pSrc:nSrc])
+ // Append RuneError to the destination.
+ const runeError = "\ufffd"
+ if nDst+len(runeError) > len(dst) {
+ return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst
+ }
+ nDst += copy(dst[nDst:], runeError)
+ // Skip the maximal subpart of an ill-formed subsequence according to
+ // the W3C standard way instead of the Go way. This Transform is
+ // probably the only place in the text repo where it is warranted.
+ nSrc += size
+ pSrc = nSrc
+ // Recompute the maximum source length.
+ if sz := len(dst) - nDst; sz < len(src)-nSrc {
+ err = transform.ErrShortDst
+ n = nSrc + sz
+ atEOF = false
+ }
+ }
+ return nDst + copy(dst[nDst:], src[pSrc:nSrc]), nSrc, err
+// UTF16 returns a UTF-16 Encoding for the given default endianness and byte
+// order mark (BOM) policy.
+// When decoding from UTF-16 to UTF-8, if the BOMPolicy is IgnoreBOM then
+// neither BOMs U+FEFF nor noncharacters U+FFFE in the input stream will affect
+// the endianness used for decoding, and will instead be output as their
+// standard UTF-8 encodings: "\xef\xbb\xbf" and "\xef\xbf\xbe". If the BOMPolicy
+// is UseBOM or ExpectBOM a staring BOM is not written to the UTF-8 output.
+// Instead, it overrides the default endianness e for the remainder of the
+// transformation. Any subsequent BOMs U+FEFF or noncharacters U+FFFE will not
+// affect the endianness used, and will instead be output as their standard
+// UTF-8 encodings. For UseBOM, if there is no starting BOM, it will proceed
+// with the default Endianness. For ExpectBOM, in that case, the transformation
+// will return early with an ErrMissingBOM error.
+// When encoding from UTF-8 to UTF-16, a BOM will be inserted at the start of
+// the output if the BOMPolicy is UseBOM or ExpectBOM. Otherwise, a BOM will not
+// be inserted. The UTF-8 input does not need to contain a BOM.
+// There is no concept of a 'native' endianness. If the UTF-16 data is produced
+// and consumed in a greater context that implies a certain endianness, use
+// IgnoreBOM. Otherwise, use ExpectBOM and always produce and consume a BOM.
+// In the language of https://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#bom10, IgnoreBOM
+// corresponds to "Where the precise type of the data stream is known... the
+// BOM should not be used" and ExpectBOM corresponds to "A particular
+// protocol... may require use of the BOM".
+func UTF16(e Endianness, b BOMPolicy) encoding.Encoding {
+ return utf16Encoding{config{e, b}, mibValue[e][b&bomMask]}
+// mibValue maps Endianness and BOMPolicy settings to MIB constants. Note that
+// some configurations map to the same MIB identifier. RFC 2781 has requirements
+// and recommendations. Some of the "configurations" are merely recommendations,
+// so multiple configurations could match.
+var mibValue = map[Endianness][numBOMValues]identifier.MIB{
+ BigEndian: [numBOMValues]identifier.MIB{
+ IgnoreBOM: identifier.UTF16BE,
+ UseBOM: identifier.UTF16, // BigEnding default is preferred by RFC 2781.
+ // TODO: acceptBOM | strictBOM would map to UTF16BE as well.
+ },
+ LittleEndian: [numBOMValues]identifier.MIB{
+ IgnoreBOM: identifier.UTF16LE,
+ UseBOM: identifier.UTF16, // LittleEndian default is allowed and preferred on Windows.
+ // TODO: acceptBOM | strictBOM would map to UTF16LE as well.
+ },
+ // ExpectBOM is not widely used and has no valid MIB identifier.
+// All lists a configuration for each IANA-defined UTF-16 variant.
+var All = []encoding.Encoding{
+ UTF8,
+ UTF16(BigEndian, UseBOM),
+ UTF16(BigEndian, IgnoreBOM),
+ UTF16(LittleEndian, IgnoreBOM),
+// BOMPolicy is a UTF-16 encoding's byte order mark policy.
+type BOMPolicy uint8
+const (
+ writeBOM BOMPolicy = 0x01
+ acceptBOM BOMPolicy = 0x02
+ requireBOM BOMPolicy = 0x04
+ bomMask BOMPolicy = 0x07
+ // HACK: numBOMValues == 8 triggers a bug in the 1.4 compiler (cannot have a
+ // map of an array of length 8 of a type that is also used as a key or value
+ // in another map). See golang.org/issue/11354.
+ // TODO: consider changing this value back to 8 if the use of 1.4.* has
+ // been minimized.
+ numBOMValues = 8 + 1
+ // IgnoreBOM means to ignore any byte order marks.
+ IgnoreBOM BOMPolicy = 0
+ // Common and RFC 2781-compliant interpretation for UTF-16BE/LE.
+ // UseBOM means that the UTF-16 form may start with a byte order mark, which
+ // will be used to override the default encoding.
+ UseBOM BOMPolicy = writeBOM | acceptBOM
+ // Common and RFC 2781-compliant interpretation for UTF-16.
+ // ExpectBOM means that the UTF-16 form must start with a byte order mark,
+ // which will be used to override the default encoding.
+ ExpectBOM BOMPolicy = writeBOM | acceptBOM | requireBOM
+ // Used in Java as Unicode (not to be confused with Java's UTF-16) and
+ // ICU's UTF-16,version=1. Not compliant with RFC 2781.
+ // TODO (maybe): strictBOM: BOM must match Endianness. This would allow:
+ // - UTF-16(B|L)E,version=1: writeBOM | acceptBOM | requireBOM | strictBOM
+ // (UnicodeBig and UnicodeLittle in Java)
+ // - RFC 2781-compliant, but less common interpretation for UTF-16(B|L)E:
+ // acceptBOM | strictBOM (e.g. assigned to CheckBOM).
+ // This addition would be consistent with supporting ExpectBOM.
+// Endianness is a UTF-16 encoding's default endianness.
+type Endianness bool
+const (
+ // BigEndian is UTF-16BE.
+ BigEndian Endianness = false
+ // LittleEndian is UTF-16LE.
+ LittleEndian Endianness = true
+// ErrMissingBOM means that decoding UTF-16 input with ExpectBOM did not find a
+// starting byte order mark.
+var ErrMissingBOM = errors.New("encoding: missing byte order mark")
+type utf16Encoding struct {
+ config
+ mib identifier.MIB
+type config struct {
+ endianness Endianness
+ bomPolicy BOMPolicy
+func (u utf16Encoding) NewDecoder() *encoding.Decoder {
+ return &encoding.Decoder{Transformer: &utf16Decoder{
+ initial: u.config,
+ current: u.config,
+ }}
+func (u utf16Encoding) NewEncoder() *encoding.Encoder {
+ return &encoding.Encoder{Transformer: &utf16Encoder{
+ endianness: u.endianness,
+ initialBOMPolicy: u.bomPolicy,
+ currentBOMPolicy: u.bomPolicy,
+ }}
+func (u utf16Encoding) ID() (mib identifier.MIB, other string) {
+ return u.mib, ""
+func (u utf16Encoding) String() string {
+ e, b := "B", ""
+ if u.endianness == LittleEndian {
+ e = "L"
+ }
+ switch u.bomPolicy {
+ case ExpectBOM:
+ b = "Expect"
+ case UseBOM:
+ b = "Use"
+ case IgnoreBOM:
+ b = "Ignore"
+ }
+ return "UTF-16" + e + "E (" + b + " BOM)"
+type utf16Decoder struct {
+ initial config
+ current config
+func (u *utf16Decoder) Reset() {
+ u.current = u.initial
+func (u *utf16Decoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
+ if len(src) < 2 && atEOF && u.current.bomPolicy&requireBOM != 0 {
+ return 0, 0, ErrMissingBOM
+ }
+ if len(src) == 0 {
+ return 0, 0, nil
+ }
+ if len(src) >= 2 && u.current.bomPolicy&acceptBOM != 0 {
+ switch {
+ case src[0] == 0xfe && src[1] == 0xff:
+ u.current.endianness = BigEndian
+ nSrc = 2
+ case src[0] == 0xff && src[1] == 0xfe:
+ u.current.endianness = LittleEndian
+ nSrc = 2
+ default:
+ if u.current.bomPolicy&requireBOM != 0 {
+ return 0, 0, ErrMissingBOM
+ }
+ }
+ u.current.bomPolicy = IgnoreBOM
+ }
+ var r rune
+ var dSize, sSize int
+ for nSrc < len(src) {
+ if nSrc+1 < len(src) {
+ x := uint16(src[nSrc+0])<<8 | uint16(src[nSrc+1])
+ if u.current.endianness == LittleEndian {
+ x = x>>8 | x<<8
+ }
+ r, sSize = rune(x), 2
+ if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) {
+ if nSrc+3 < len(src) {
+ x = uint16(src[nSrc+2])<<8 | uint16(src[nSrc+3])
+ if u.current.endianness == LittleEndian {
+ x = x>>8 | x<<8
+ }
+ // Save for next iteration if it is not a high surrogate.
+ if isHighSurrogate(rune(x)) {
+ r, sSize = utf16.DecodeRune(r, rune(x)), 4
+ }
+ } else if !atEOF {
+ err = transform.ErrShortSrc
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if dSize = utf8.RuneLen(r); dSize < 0 {
+ r, dSize = utf8.RuneError, 3
+ }
+ } else if atEOF {
+ // Single trailing byte.
+ r, dSize, sSize = utf8.RuneError, 3, 1
+ } else {
+ err = transform.ErrShortSrc
+ break
+ }
+ if nDst+dSize > len(dst) {
+ err = transform.ErrShortDst
+ break
+ }
+ nDst += utf8.EncodeRune(dst[nDst:], r)
+ nSrc += sSize
+ }
+ return nDst, nSrc, err
+func isHighSurrogate(r rune) bool {
+ return 0xDC00 <= r && r <= 0xDFFF
+type utf16Encoder struct {
+ endianness Endianness
+ initialBOMPolicy BOMPolicy
+ currentBOMPolicy BOMPolicy
+func (u *utf16Encoder) Reset() {
+ u.currentBOMPolicy = u.initialBOMPolicy
+func (u *utf16Encoder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) {
+ if u.currentBOMPolicy&writeBOM != 0 {
+ if len(dst) < 2 {
+ return 0, 0, transform.ErrShortDst
+ }
+ dst[0], dst[1] = 0xfe, 0xff
+ u.currentBOMPolicy = IgnoreBOM
+ nDst = 2
+ }
+ r, size := rune(0), 0
+ for nSrc < len(src) {
+ r = rune(src[nSrc])
+ // Decode a 1-byte rune.
+ if r < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ size = 1
+ } else {
+ // Decode a multi-byte rune.
+ r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:])
+ if size == 1 {
+ // All valid runes of size 1 (those below utf8.RuneSelf) were
+ // handled above. We have invalid UTF-8 or we haven't seen the
+ // full character yet.
+ if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[nSrc:]) {
+ err = transform.ErrShortSrc
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if r <= 0xffff {
+ if nDst+2 > len(dst) {
+ err = transform.ErrShortDst
+ break
+ }
+ dst[nDst+0] = uint8(r >> 8)
+ dst[nDst+1] = uint8(r)
+ nDst += 2
+ } else {
+ if nDst+4 > len(dst) {
+ err = transform.ErrShortDst
+ break
+ }
+ r1, r2 := utf16.EncodeRune(r)
+ dst[nDst+0] = uint8(r1 >> 8)
+ dst[nDst+1] = uint8(r1)
+ dst[nDst+2] = uint8(r2 >> 8)
+ dst[nDst+3] = uint8(r2)
+ nDst += 4
+ }
+ nSrc += size
+ }
+ if u.endianness == LittleEndian {
+ for i := 0; i < nDst; i += 2 {
+ dst[i], dst[i+1] = dst[i+1], dst[i]
+ }
+ }
+ return nDst, nSrc, err
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/utf8internal/utf8internal.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/utf8internal/utf8internal.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5c53b1b3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/utf8internal/utf8internal.go
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package utf8internal contains low-level utf8-related constants, tables, etc.
+// that are used internally by the text package.
+package utf8internal
+// The default lowest and highest continuation byte.
+const (
+ LoCB = 0x80 // 1000 0000
+ HiCB = 0xBF // 1011 1111
+// Constants related to getting information of first bytes of UTF-8 sequences.
+const (
+ // ASCII identifies a UTF-8 byte as ASCII.
+ ASCII = as
+ // FirstInvalid indicates a byte is invalid as a first byte of a UTF-8
+ // sequence.
+ FirstInvalid = xx
+ // SizeMask is a mask for the size bits. Use use x&SizeMask to get the size.
+ SizeMask = 7
+ // AcceptShift is the right-shift count for the first byte info byte to get
+ // the index into the AcceptRanges table. See AcceptRanges.
+ AcceptShift = 4
+ // The names of these constants are chosen to give nice alignment in the
+ // table below. The first nibble is an index into acceptRanges or F for
+ // special one-byte cases. The second nibble is the Rune length or the
+ // Status for the special one-byte case.
+ xx = 0xF1 // invalid: size 1
+ as = 0xF0 // ASCII: size 1
+ s1 = 0x02 // accept 0, size 2
+ s2 = 0x13 // accept 1, size 3
+ s3 = 0x03 // accept 0, size 3
+ s4 = 0x23 // accept 2, size 3
+ s5 = 0x34 // accept 3, size 4
+ s6 = 0x04 // accept 0, size 4
+ s7 = 0x44 // accept 4, size 4
+// First is information about the first byte in a UTF-8 sequence.
+var First = [256]uint8{
+ // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
+ as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x00-0x0F
+ as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x10-0x1F
+ as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x20-0x2F
+ as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x30-0x3F
+ as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x40-0x4F
+ as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x50-0x5F
+ as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x60-0x6F
+ as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, as, // 0x70-0x7F
+ // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
+ xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, // 0x80-0x8F
+ xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, // 0x90-0x9F
+ xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, // 0xA0-0xAF
+ xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, // 0xB0-0xBF
+ xx, xx, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, // 0xC0-0xCF
+ s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, // 0xD0-0xDF
+ s2, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s3, s4, s3, s3, // 0xE0-0xEF
+ s5, s6, s6, s6, s7, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, // 0xF0-0xFF
+// AcceptRange gives the range of valid values for the second byte in a UTF-8
+// sequence for any value for First that is not ASCII or FirstInvalid.
+type AcceptRange struct {
+ Lo uint8 // lowest value for second byte.
+ Hi uint8 // highest value for second byte.
+// AcceptRanges is a slice of AcceptRange values. For a given byte sequence b
+// AcceptRanges[First[b[0]]>>AcceptShift]
+// will give the value of AcceptRange for the multi-byte UTF-8 sequence starting
+// at b[0].
+var AcceptRanges = [...]AcceptRange{
+ 0: {LoCB, HiCB},
+ 1: {0xA0, HiCB},
+ 2: {LoCB, 0x9F},
+ 3: {0x90, HiCB},
+ 4: {LoCB, 0x8F},
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/copylock/copylock.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/copylock/copylock.go
index ff2b41ac4a..ec7727de76 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/copylock/copylock.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/copylock/copylock.go
@@ -223,6 +223,8 @@ func (path typePath) String() string {
func lockPathRhs(pass *analysis.Pass, x ast.Expr) typePath {
+ x = analysisutil.Unparen(x) // ignore parens on rhs
if _, ok := x.(*ast.CompositeLit); ok {
return nil
@@ -231,7 +233,7 @@ func lockPathRhs(pass *analysis.Pass, x ast.Expr) typePath {
return nil
if star, ok := x.(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
- if _, ok := star.X.(*ast.CallExpr); ok {
+ if _, ok := analysisutil.Unparen(star.X).(*ast.CallExpr); ok {
// A call may return a pointer to a zero value.
return nil
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/packagesdriver/sizes.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/packagesdriver/sizes.go
index 18a002f82a..0454cdd78e 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/packagesdriver/sizes.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/packagesdriver/sizes.go
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ package packagesdriver
import (
- "go/types"
@@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ import (
var debug = false
-func GetSizesGolist(ctx context.Context, inv gocommand.Invocation, gocmdRunner *gocommand.Runner) (types.Sizes, error) {
+func GetSizesForArgsGolist(ctx context.Context, inv gocommand.Invocation, gocmdRunner *gocommand.Runner) (string, string, error) {
inv.Verb = "list"
inv.Args = []string{"-f", "{{context.GOARCH}} {{context.Compiler}}", "--", "unsafe"}
stdout, stderr, friendlyErr, rawErr := gocmdRunner.RunRaw(ctx, inv)
@@ -29,21 +28,21 @@ func GetSizesGolist(ctx context.Context, inv gocommand.Invocation, gocmdRunner *
inv.Args = []string{"GOARCH"}
envout, enverr := gocmdRunner.Run(ctx, inv)
if enverr != nil {
- return nil, enverr
+ return "", "", enverr
goarch = strings.TrimSpace(envout.String())
compiler = "gc"
} else {
- return nil, friendlyErr
+ return "", "", friendlyErr
} else {
fields := strings.Fields(stdout.String())
if len(fields) < 2 {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse GOARCH and Go compiler in format \" \":\nstdout: <<%s>>\nstderr: <<%s>>",
+ return "", "", fmt.Errorf("could not parse GOARCH and Go compiler in format \" \":\nstdout: <<%s>>\nstderr: <<%s>>",
stdout.String(), stderr.String())
goarch = fields[0]
compiler = fields[1]
- return types.SizesFor(compiler, goarch), nil
+ return compiler, goarch, nil
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/golist.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/golist.go
index 58230038a7..b5de9cf9f2 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/golist.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/golist.go
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import (
- "go/types"
@@ -153,10 +152,10 @@ func goListDriver(cfg *Config, patterns ...string) (*driverResponse, error) {
if cfg.Mode&NeedTypesSizes != 0 || cfg.Mode&NeedTypes != 0 {
go func() {
- var sizes types.Sizes
- sizes, sizeserr = packagesdriver.GetSizesGolist(ctx, state.cfgInvocation(), cfg.gocmdRunner)
- // types.SizesFor always returns nil or a *types.StdSizes.
- response.dr.Sizes, _ = sizes.(*types.StdSizes)
+ compiler, arch, err := packagesdriver.GetSizesForArgsGolist(ctx, state.cfgInvocation(), cfg.gocmdRunner)
+ sizeserr = err
+ response.dr.Compiler = compiler
+ response.dr.Arch = arch
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packages.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packages.go
index da1a27eea6..124a6fe143 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packages.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packages.go
@@ -220,8 +220,10 @@ type driverResponse struct {
// lists of multiple drivers, go/packages will fall back to the next driver.
NotHandled bool
- // Sizes, if not nil, is the types.Sizes to use when type checking.
- Sizes *types.StdSizes
+ // Compiler and Arch are the arguments pass of types.SizesFor
+ // to get a types.Sizes to use when type checking.
+ Compiler string
+ Arch string
// Roots is the set of package IDs that make up the root packages.
// We have to encode this separately because when we encode a single package
@@ -262,7 +264,7 @@ func Load(cfg *Config, patterns ...string) ([]*Package, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
- l.sizes = response.Sizes
+ l.sizes = types.SizesFor(response.Compiler, response.Arch)
return l.refine(response)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/types/objectpath/objectpath.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/types/objectpath/objectpath.go
index c725d839ba..fa5834baf7 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/types/objectpath/objectpath.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/types/objectpath/objectpath.go
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import (
_ "unsafe"
+ "golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal"
// A Path is an opaque name that identifies a types.Object
@@ -127,12 +128,15 @@ type Encoder struct {
skipMethodSorting bool
-// Exposed to gopls via golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal
-// TODO(golang/go#61443): eliminate this parameter one way or the other.
+// Expose back doors so that gopls can avoid method sorting, which can dominate
+// analysis on certain repositories.
-//go:linkname skipMethodSorting
-func skipMethodSorting(enc *Encoder) {
- enc.skipMethodSorting = true
+// TODO(golang/go#61443): remove this.
+func init() {
+ typesinternal.SkipEncoderMethodSorting = func(enc interface{}) {
+ enc.(*Encoder).skipMethodSorting = true
+ }
+ typesinternal.ObjectpathObject = object
// For returns the path to an object relative to its package,
@@ -572,17 +576,16 @@ func findTypeParam(obj types.Object, list *typeparams.TypeParamList, path []byte
// Object returns the object denoted by path p within the package pkg.
func Object(pkg *types.Package, p Path) (types.Object, error) {
- return object(pkg, p, false)
+ return object(pkg, string(p), false)
// Note: the skipMethodSorting parameter must match the value of
// Encoder.skipMethodSorting used during encoding.
-func object(pkg *types.Package, p Path, skipMethodSorting bool) (types.Object, error) {
- if p == "" {
+func object(pkg *types.Package, pathstr string, skipMethodSorting bool) (types.Object, error) {
+ if pathstr == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty path")
- pathstr := string(p)
var pkgobj, suffix string
if dot := strings.IndexByte(pathstr, opType); dot < 0 {
pkgobj = pathstr
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/imports/zstdlib.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/imports/zstdlib.go
index 31a75949cd..9f992c2bec 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/imports/zstdlib.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/imports/zstdlib.go
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "ContainsFunc",
@@ -147,6 +148,11 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "cmp": {
+ "Compare",
+ "Less",
+ "Ordered",
+ },
"compress/bzip2": {
@@ -228,6 +234,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
"context": {
+ "AfterFunc",
@@ -239,8 +246,11 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "WithDeadlineCause",
+ "WithTimeoutCause",
+ "WithoutCancel",
"crypto": {
@@ -445,6 +455,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
"crypto/tls": {
+ "AlertError",
@@ -476,6 +487,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "NewResumptionState",
@@ -484,6 +496,27 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "ParseSessionState",
+ "QUICClient",
+ "QUICConfig",
+ "QUICConn",
+ "QUICEncryptionLevel",
+ "QUICEncryptionLevelApplication",
+ "QUICEncryptionLevelEarly",
+ "QUICEncryptionLevelHandshake",
+ "QUICEncryptionLevelInitial",
+ "QUICEvent",
+ "QUICEventKind",
+ "QUICHandshakeDone",
+ "QUICNoEvent",
+ "QUICRejectedEarlyData",
+ "QUICServer",
+ "QUICSessionTicketOptions",
+ "QUICSetReadSecret",
+ "QUICSetWriteSecret",
+ "QUICTransportParameters",
+ "QUICTransportParametersRequired",
+ "QUICWriteData",
@@ -493,6 +526,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "SessionState",
@@ -523,6 +557,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "VersionName",
@@ -618,6 +653,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "RevocationListEntry",
@@ -1002,10 +1038,42 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "DF_1_DIRECT",
+ "DF_1_EDITED",
+ "DF_1_GLOBAL",
+ "DF_1_GROUP",
+ "DF_1_KMOD",
+ "DF_1_NODUMP",
+ "DF_1_NOHDR",
+ "DF_1_NOOPEN",
+ "DF_1_NOW",
+ "DF_1_ORIGIN",
+ "DF_1_PIE",
+ "DF_1_STUB",
+ "DF_1_TRANS",
@@ -1144,6 +1212,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "DynFlag1",
@@ -2111,6 +2180,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "R_PPC64_REL24_P9NOTOC",
@@ -2848,6 +2918,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "NativeEndian",
@@ -2963,6 +3034,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
"errors": {
+ "ErrUnsupported",
@@ -2989,6 +3061,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "BoolFunc",
@@ -3119,6 +3192,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "IsGenerated",
@@ -3169,6 +3243,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "Directive",
@@ -3184,6 +3259,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
"go/build/constraint": {
+ "GoVersion",
@@ -3626,6 +3702,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "ErrJSTemplate",
@@ -3870,6 +3947,8 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "FormatDirEntry",
+ "FormatFileInfo",
@@ -3942,6 +4021,78 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "log/slog": {
+ "Any",
+ "AnyValue",
+ "Attr",
+ "Bool",
+ "BoolValue",
+ "Debug",
+ "DebugContext",
+ "Default",
+ "Duration",
+ "DurationValue",
+ "Error",
+ "ErrorContext",
+ "Float64",
+ "Float64Value",
+ "Group",
+ "GroupValue",
+ "Handler",
+ "HandlerOptions",
+ "Info",
+ "InfoContext",
+ "Int",
+ "Int64",
+ "Int64Value",
+ "IntValue",
+ "JSONHandler",
+ "Kind",
+ "KindAny",
+ "KindBool",
+ "KindDuration",
+ "KindFloat64",
+ "KindGroup",
+ "KindInt64",
+ "KindLogValuer",
+ "KindString",
+ "KindTime",
+ "KindUint64",
+ "Level",
+ "LevelDebug",
+ "LevelError",
+ "LevelInfo",
+ "LevelKey",
+ "LevelVar",
+ "LevelWarn",
+ "Leveler",
+ "Log",
+ "LogAttrs",
+ "LogValuer",
+ "Logger",
+ "MessageKey",
+ "New",
+ "NewJSONHandler",
+ "NewLogLogger",
+ "NewRecord",
+ "NewTextHandler",
+ "Record",
+ "SetDefault",
+ "Source",
+ "SourceKey",
+ "String",
+ "StringValue",
+ "TextHandler",
+ "Time",
+ "TimeKey",
+ "TimeValue",
+ "Uint64",
+ "Uint64Value",
+ "Value",
+ "Warn",
+ "WarnContext",
+ "With",
+ },
"log/syslog": {
@@ -3977,6 +4128,13 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "maps": {
+ "Clone",
+ "Copy",
+ "DeleteFunc",
+ "Equal",
+ "EqualFunc",
+ },
"math": {
@@ -4371,6 +4529,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "ErrSchemeMismatch",
@@ -5084,6 +5243,8 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "PanicNilError",
+ "Pinner",
@@ -5172,6 +5333,37 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "slices": {
+ "BinarySearch",
+ "BinarySearchFunc",
+ "Clip",
+ "Clone",
+ "Compact",
+ "CompactFunc",
+ "Compare",
+ "CompareFunc",
+ "Contains",
+ "ContainsFunc",
+ "Delete",
+ "DeleteFunc",
+ "Equal",
+ "EqualFunc",
+ "Grow",
+ "Index",
+ "IndexFunc",
+ "Insert",
+ "IsSorted",
+ "IsSortedFunc",
+ "Max",
+ "MaxFunc",
+ "Min",
+ "MinFunc",
+ "Replace",
+ "Reverse",
+ "Sort",
+ "SortFunc",
+ "SortStableFunc",
+ },
"sort": {
@@ -5242,6 +5434,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "ContainsFunc",
@@ -5299,6 +5492,9 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "OnceFunc",
+ "OnceValue",
+ "OnceValues",
@@ -9135,10 +9331,12 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
@@ -9368,6 +9566,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
@@ -9411,8 +9610,24 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
@@ -9504,11 +9719,14 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
@@ -9891,6 +10109,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
@@ -10574,6 +10793,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "Testing",
"testing/fstest": {
@@ -10603,6 +10823,9 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "testing/slogtest": {
+ "TestHandler",
+ },
"text/scanner": {
@@ -10826,6 +11049,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "Cypro_Minoan",
@@ -10889,6 +11113,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "Kawi",
@@ -10943,6 +11168,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "Nag_Mundari",
@@ -10964,6 +11190,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "Old_Uyghur",
@@ -11038,6 +11265,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "Tangsa",
@@ -11052,6 +11280,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "Toto",
@@ -11061,6 +11290,7 @@ var stdlib = map[string][]string{
+ "Vithkuqi",
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/coretype.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/coretype.go
index 993135ec90..71248209ee 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/coretype.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/coretype.go
@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ func CoreType(T types.Type) types.Type {
// restrictions may be arbitrarily complex. For example, consider the
// following:
-// type A interface{ ~string|~[]byte }
+// type A interface{ ~string|~[]byte }
-// type B interface{ int|string }
+// type B interface{ int|string }
-// type C interface { ~string|~int }
+// type C interface { ~string|~int }
-// type T[P interface{ A|B; C }] int
+// type T[P interface{ A|B; C }] int
// In this example, the structural type restriction of P is ~string|int: A|B
// expands to ~string|~[]byte|int|string, which reduces to ~string|~[]byte|int,
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/termlist.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/termlist.go
index 933106a23d..cbd12f8013 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/termlist.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/termlist.go
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func (xl termlist) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i, x := range xl {
if i > 0 {
- buf.WriteString(" ∪ ")
+ buf.WriteString(" | ")
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeterm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeterm.go
index 7ddee28d98..7350bb702a 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeterm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeterm.go
@@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ import "go/types"
// A term describes elementary type sets:
-// ∅: (*term)(nil) == ∅ // set of no types (empty set)
-// 𝓤: &term{} == 𝓤 // set of all types (𝓤niverse)
-// T: &term{false, T} == {T} // set of type T
-// ~t: &term{true, t} == {t' | under(t') == t} // set of types with underlying type t
+// ∅: (*term)(nil) == ∅ // set of no types (empty set)
+// 𝓤: &term{} == 𝓤 // set of all types (𝓤niverse)
+// T: &term{false, T} == {T} // set of type T
+// ~t: &term{true, t} == {t' | under(t') == t} // set of types with underlying type t
type term struct {
tilde bool // valid if typ != nil
typ types.Type
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/objectpath.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/objectpath.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e96e89557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/objectpath.go
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package typesinternal
+import "go/types"
+// This file contains back doors that allow gopls to avoid method sorting when
+// using the objectpath package.
+// This is performance-critical in certain repositories, but changing the
+// behavior of the objectpath package is still being discussed in
+// golang/go#61443. If we decide to remove the sorting in objectpath we can
+// simply delete these back doors. Otherwise, we should add a new API to
+// objectpath that allows controlling the sorting.
+// SkipEncoderMethodSorting marks enc (which must be an *objectpath.Encoder) as
+// not requiring sorted methods.
+var SkipEncoderMethodSorting func(enc interface{})
+// ObjectpathObject is like objectpath.Object, but allows suppressing method
+// sorting.
+var ObjectpathObject func(pkg *types.Package, p string, skipMethodSorting bool) (types.Object, error)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/types.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/types.go
index 66e8b099bd..ce7d4351b2 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/types.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/types.go
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ import (
- "golang.org/x/tools/go/types/objectpath"
func SetUsesCgo(conf *types.Config) bool {
@@ -52,17 +50,3 @@ func ReadGo116ErrorData(err types.Error) (code ErrorCode, start, end token.Pos,
var SetGoVersion = func(conf *types.Config, version string) bool { return false }
-// SkipEncoderMethodSorting marks the encoder as not requiring sorted methods,
-// as an optimization for gopls (which guarantees the order of parsed source files).
-// TODO(golang/go#61443): eliminate this parameter one way or the other.
-//go:linkname SkipEncoderMethodSorting golang.org/x/tools/go/types/objectpath.skipMethodSorting
-func SkipEncoderMethodSorting(enc *objectpath.Encoder)
-// ObjectpathObject is like objectpath.Object, but allows suppressing method
-// sorting (which is not necessary for gopls).
-//go:linkname ObjectpathObject golang.org/x/tools/go/types/objectpath.object
-func ObjectpathObject(pkg *types.Package, p objectpath.Path, skipMethodSorting bool) (types.Object, error)
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/iamcredentials/v1/iamcredentials-gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/iamcredentials/v1/iamcredentials-gen.go
index 0a6304d51d..5dfff4cb2c 100644
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/iamcredentials/v1/iamcredentials-gen.go
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/iamcredentials/v1/iamcredentials-gen.go
@@ -8,6 +8,17 @@
// For product documentation, see: https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/creating-short-lived-service-account-credentials
+// # Library status
+// These client libraries are officially supported by Google. However, this
+// library is considered complete and is in maintenance mode. This means
+// that we will address critical bugs and security issues but will not add
+// any new features.
+// When possible, we recommend using our newer
+// [Cloud Client Libraries for Go](https://pkg.go.dev/cloud.google.com/go)
+// that are still actively being worked and iterated on.
// # Creating a client
// Usage example:
@@ -17,24 +28,26 @@
// ctx := context.Background()
// iamcredentialsService, err := iamcredentials.NewService(ctx)
-// In this example, Google Application Default Credentials are used for authentication.
-// For information on how to create and obtain Application Default Credentials, see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials.
+// In this example, Google Application Default Credentials are used for
+// authentication. For information on how to create and obtain Application
+// Default Credentials, see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials.
// # Other authentication options
-// To use an API key for authentication (note: some APIs do not support API keys), use option.WithAPIKey:
+// To use an API key for authentication (note: some APIs do not support API
+// keys), use [google.golang.org/api/option.WithAPIKey]:
// iamcredentialsService, err := iamcredentials.NewService(ctx, option.WithAPIKey("AIza..."))
-// To use an OAuth token (e.g., a user token obtained via a three-legged OAuth flow), use option.WithTokenSource:
+// To use an OAuth token (e.g., a user token obtained via a three-legged OAuth
+// flow, use [google.golang.org/api/option.WithTokenSource]:
// config := &oauth2.Config{...}
// // ...
// token, err := config.Exchange(ctx, ...)
// iamcredentialsService, err := iamcredentials.NewService(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(config.TokenSource(ctx, token)))
-// See https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/api/option/ for details on options.
+// See [google.golang.org/api/option.ClientOption] for details on options.
package iamcredentials // import "google.golang.org/api/iamcredentials/v1"
import (
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/idtoken/validate.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/idtoken/validate.go
index 5f89b9b630..47d314f50e 100644
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/idtoken/validate.go
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/idtoken/validate.go
@@ -122,6 +122,23 @@ func Validate(ctx context.Context, idToken string, audience string) (*Payload, e
return defaultValidator.validate(ctx, idToken, audience)
+// ParsePayload parses the given token and returns its payload.
+// Warning: This function does not validate the token prior to parsing it.
+// ParsePayload is primarily meant to be used to inspect a token's payload. This is
+// useful when validation fails and the payload needs to be inspected.
+// Note: A successful Validate() invocation with the same token will return an
+// identical payload.
+func ParsePayload(idToken string) (*Payload, error) {
+ jwt, err := parseJWT(idToken)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return jwt.parsedPayload()
func (v *Validator) validate(ctx context.Context, idToken string, audience string) (*Payload, error) {
jwt, err := parseJWT(idToken)
if err != nil {
@@ -145,7 +162,7 @@ func (v *Validator) validate(ctx context.Context, idToken string, audience strin
if now().Unix() > payload.Expires {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("idtoken: token expired")
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("idtoken: token expired: now=%v, expires=%v", now().Unix(), payload.Expires)
switch header.Algorithm {
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/creds.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/creds.go
index 92b3acf6ed..05165f333b 100644
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/creds.go
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/creds.go
@@ -78,9 +78,8 @@ const (
// met:
// (1) At least one of the following is true:
-// (a) No scope is provided
-// (b) Scope for self-signed JWT flow is enabled
-// (c) Audiences are explicitly provided by users
+// (a) Scope for self-signed JWT flow is enabled
+// (b) Audiences are explicitly provided by users
// (2) No service account impersontation
// - Otherwise, executes standard OAuth 2.0 flow
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/s2a.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/s2a.go
index c5b421f554..c70f2419b4 100644
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/s2a.go
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/s2a.go
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
-const configEndpointSuffix = "googleAutoMtlsConfiguration"
+const configEndpointSuffix = "instance/platform-security/auto-mtls-configuration"
// The period an MTLS config can be reused before needing refresh.
var configExpiry = time.Hour
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/settings.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/settings.go
index 3a3874df11..84f9302dcf 100644
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/settings.go
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/settings.go
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import (
+ "os"
+ "strconv"
@@ -16,6 +18,10 @@ import (
+const (
// DialSettings holds information needed to establish a connection with a
// Google API service.
type DialSettings struct {
@@ -47,6 +53,7 @@ type DialSettings struct {
ImpersonationConfig *impersonate.Config
EnableDirectPath bool
EnableDirectPathXds bool
+ EnableNewAuthLibrary bool
AllowNonDefaultServiceAccount bool
// Google API system parameters. For more information please read:
@@ -77,6 +84,16 @@ func (ds *DialSettings) HasCustomAudience() bool {
return len(ds.Audiences) > 0
+func (ds *DialSettings) IsNewAuthLibraryEnabled() bool {
+ if ds.EnableNewAuthLibrary {
+ return true
+ }
+ if b, err := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv(newAuthLibEnVar)); err == nil {
+ return b
+ }
+ return false
// Validate reports an error if ds is invalid.
func (ds *DialSettings) Validate() error {
if ds.SkipValidation {
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/version.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/version.go
index 06fd417033..b0a50e8416 100644
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/version.go
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/internal/version.go
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
package internal
// Version is the current tagged release of the library.
-const Version = "0.138.0"
+const Version = "0.147.0"
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/option/internaloption/internaloption.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/option/internaloption/internaloption.go
index 3b8461d1da..b2b249eec6 100644
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/option/internaloption/internaloption.go
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/option/internaloption/internaloption.go
@@ -150,6 +150,19 @@ func (w *withCreds) Apply(o *internal.DialSettings) {
o.InternalCredentials = (*google.Credentials)(w)
+// EnableNewAuthLibrary returns a ClientOption that specifies if libraries in this
+// module to delegate auth to our new library. This option will be removed in
+// the future once all clients have been moved to the new auth layer.
+func EnableNewAuthLibrary() option.ClientOption {
+ return enableNewAuthLibrary(true)
+type enableNewAuthLibrary bool
+func (w enableNewAuthLibrary) Apply(o *internal.DialSettings) {
+ o.EnableNewAuthLibrary = bool(w)
// EmbeddableAdapter is a no-op option.ClientOption that allow libraries to
// create their own client options by embedding this type into their own
// client-specific option wrapper. See example for usage.
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/storage/v1/storage-api.json b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/storage/v1/storage-api.json
index 6212071181..adc2dc58bf 100644
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/storage/v1/storage-api.json
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/storage/v1/storage-api.json
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"description": "Stores and retrieves potentially large, immutable data objects.",
"discoveryVersion": "v1",
"documentationLink": "https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/",
- "etag": "\"39353535313838393033333032363632303533\"",
+ "etag": "\"32313532343139313031303538363232393732\"",
"icons": {
"x16": "https://www.google.com/images/icons/product/cloud_storage-16.png",
"x32": "https://www.google.com/images/icons/product/cloud_storage-32.png"
@@ -446,6 +446,12 @@
"parameters": {
+ "enableObjectRetention": {
+ "default": "false",
+ "description": "When set to true, object retention is enabled for this bucket.",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
"predefinedAcl": {
"description": "Apply a predefined set of access controls to this bucket.",
"enum": [
@@ -1572,6 +1578,34 @@
"objects": {
"methods": {
+ "bulkRestore": {
+ "description": "Initiates a long-running bulk restore operation on the specified bucket.",
+ "httpMethod": "POST",
+ "id": "storage.objects.bulkRestore",
+ "parameterOrder": [
+ "bucket"
+ ],
+ "parameters": {
+ "bucket": {
+ "description": "Name of the bucket in which the object resides.",
+ "location": "path",
+ "required": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "path": "b/{bucket}/o/bulkRestore",
+ "request": {
+ "$ref": "BulkRestoreObjectsRequest"
+ },
+ "response": {
+ "$ref": "GoogleLongrunningOperation"
+ },
+ "scopes": [
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write"
+ ]
+ },
"compose": {
"description": "Concatenates a list of existing objects into a new object in the same bucket.",
"httpMethod": "POST",
@@ -1925,6 +1959,11 @@
"location": "query",
"type": "string"
+ "softDeleted": {
+ "description": "If true, only soft-deleted object versions will be listed. The default is false. For more information, see Soft Delete.",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
"userProject": {
"description": "The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.",
"location": "query",
@@ -2177,6 +2216,11 @@
"location": "query",
"type": "string"
+ "softDeleted": {
+ "description": "If true, only soft-deleted object versions will be listed. The default is false. For more information, see Soft Delete.",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
"startOffset": {
"description": "Filter results to objects whose names are lexicographically equal to or after startOffset. If endOffset is also set, the objects listed will have names between startOffset (inclusive) and endOffset (exclusive).",
"location": "query",
@@ -2257,6 +2301,11 @@
"required": true,
"type": "string"
+ "overrideUnlockedRetention": {
+ "description": "Must be true to remove the retention configuration, reduce its unlocked retention period, or change its mode from unlocked to locked.",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
"predefinedAcl": {
"description": "Apply a predefined set of access controls to this object.",
"enum": [
@@ -2309,6 +2358,94 @@
+ "restore": {
+ "description": "Restores a soft-deleted object.",
+ "httpMethod": "POST",
+ "id": "storage.objects.restore",
+ "parameterOrder": [
+ "bucket",
+ "object"
+ ],
+ "parameters": {
+ "bucket": {
+ "description": "Name of the bucket in which the object resides.",
+ "location": "path",
+ "required": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "copySourceAcl": {
+ "description": "If true, copies the source object's ACL; otherwise, uses the bucket's default object ACL. The default is false.",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "generation": {
+ "description": "Selects a specific revision of this object.",
+ "format": "int64",
+ "location": "query",
+ "required": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "ifGenerationMatch": {
+ "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's one live generation matches the given value. Setting to 0 makes the operation succeed only if there are no live versions of the object.",
+ "format": "int64",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "ifGenerationNotMatch": {
+ "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether none of the object's live generations match the given value. If no live object exists, the precondition fails. Setting to 0 makes the operation succeed only if there is a live version of the object.",
+ "format": "int64",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "ifMetagenerationMatch": {
+ "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's one live metageneration matches the given value.",
+ "format": "int64",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "ifMetagenerationNotMatch": {
+ "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether none of the object's live metagenerations match the given value.",
+ "format": "int64",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "object": {
+ "description": "Name of the object. For information about how to URL encode object names to be path safe, see Encoding URI Path Parts.",
+ "location": "path",
+ "required": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "projection": {
+ "description": "Set of properties to return. Defaults to full.",
+ "enum": [
+ "full",
+ "noAcl"
+ ],
+ "enumDescriptions": [
+ "Include all properties.",
+ "Omit the owner, acl property."
+ ],
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "userProject": {
+ "description": "The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "path": "b/{bucket}/o/{object}/restore",
+ "request": {
+ "$ref": "Object"
+ },
+ "response": {
+ "$ref": "Object"
+ },
+ "scopes": [
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control"
+ ]
+ },
"rewrite": {
"description": "Rewrites a source object to a destination object. Optionally overrides metadata.",
"httpMethod": "POST",
@@ -2617,6 +2754,11 @@
"required": true,
"type": "string"
+ "overrideUnlockedRetention": {
+ "description": "Must be true to remove the retention configuration, reduce its unlocked retention period, or change its mode from unlocked to locked.",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
"predefinedAcl": {
"description": "Apply a predefined set of access controls to this object.",
"enum": [
@@ -2764,6 +2906,117 @@
+ "operations": {
+ "methods": {
+ "cancel": {
+ "description": "Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not guaranteed.",
+ "httpMethod": "POST",
+ "id": "storage.buckets.operations.cancel",
+ "parameterOrder": [
+ "bucket",
+ "operationId"
+ ],
+ "parameters": {
+ "bucket": {
+ "description": "The parent bucket of the operation resource.",
+ "location": "path",
+ "required": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "operationId": {
+ "description": "The ID of the operation resource.",
+ "location": "path",
+ "required": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "path": "b/{bucket}/operations/{operationId}/cancel",
+ "scopes": [
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write"
+ ]
+ },
+ "get": {
+ "description": "Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.",
+ "httpMethod": "GET",
+ "id": "storage.buckets.operations.get",
+ "parameterOrder": [
+ "bucket",
+ "operationId"
+ ],
+ "parameters": {
+ "bucket": {
+ "description": "The parent bucket of the operation resource.",
+ "location": "path",
+ "required": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "operationId": {
+ "description": "The ID of the operation resource.",
+ "location": "path",
+ "required": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "path": "b/{bucket}/operations/{operationId}",
+ "response": {
+ "$ref": "GoogleLongrunningOperation"
+ },
+ "scopes": [
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write"
+ ]
+ },
+ "list": {
+ "description": "Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.",
+ "httpMethod": "GET",
+ "id": "storage.buckets.operations.list",
+ "parameterOrder": [
+ "bucket"
+ ],
+ "parameters": {
+ "bucket": {
+ "description": "Name of the bucket in which to look for operations.",
+ "location": "path",
+ "required": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "filter": {
+ "description": "A filter to narrow down results to a preferred subset. The filtering language is documented in more detail in [AIP-160](https://google.aip.dev/160).",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "pageSize": {
+ "description": "Maximum number of items to return in a single page of responses. Fewer total results may be returned than requested. The service uses this parameter or 100 items, whichever is smaller.",
+ "format": "int32",
+ "location": "query",
+ "minimum": "0",
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ "pageToken": {
+ "description": "A previously-returned page token representing part of the larger set of results to view.",
+ "location": "query",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "path": "b/{bucket}/operations",
+ "response": {
+ "$ref": "GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse"
+ },
+ "scopes": [
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only",
+ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
"projects": {
"resources": {
"hmacKeys": {
@@ -3010,7 +3263,7 @@
- "revision": "20230710",
+ "revision": "20230926",
"rootUrl": "https://storage.googleapis.com/",
"schemas": {
"Bucket": {
@@ -3036,6 +3289,15 @@
"description": "Whether or not Autoclass is enabled on this bucket",
"type": "boolean"
+ "terminalStorageClass": {
+ "description": "The storage class that objects in the bucket eventually transition to if they are not read for a certain length of time. Valid values are NEARLINE and ARCHIVE.",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "terminalStorageClassUpdateTime": {
+ "description": "A date and time in RFC 3339 format representing the time of the most recent update to \"terminalStorageClass\".",
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
"toggleTime": {
"description": "A date and time in RFC 3339 format representing the instant at which \"enabled\" was last toggled.",
"format": "date-time",
@@ -3319,6 +3581,16 @@
"description": "The name of the bucket.",
"type": "string"
+ "objectRetention": {
+ "description": "The bucket's object retention config.",
+ "properties": {
+ "mode": {
+ "description": "The bucket's object retention mode. Can be Enabled.",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "type": "object"
+ },
"owner": {
"description": "The owner of the bucket. This is always the project team's owner group.",
"properties": {
@@ -3370,6 +3642,22 @@
"description": "The URI of this bucket.",
"type": "string"
+ "softDeletePolicy": {
+ "description": "The bucket's soft delete policy, which defines the period of time that soft-deleted objects will be retained, and cannot be permanently deleted.",
+ "properties": {
+ "effectiveTime": {
+ "description": "Server-determined value that indicates the time from which the policy, or one with a greater retention, was effective. This value is in RFC 3339 format.",
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "retentionDurationSeconds": {
+ "description": "The period of time in seconds, that soft-deleted objects in the bucket will be retained and cannot be permanently deleted.",
+ "format": "int64",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "type": "object"
+ },
"storageClass": {
"description": "The bucket's default storage class, used whenever no storageClass is specified for a newly-created object. This defines how objects in the bucket are stored and determines the SLA and the cost of storage. Values include MULTI_REGIONAL, REGIONAL, STANDARD, NEARLINE, COLDLINE, ARCHIVE, and DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY. If this value is not specified when the bucket is created, it will default to STANDARD. For more information, see storage classes.",
"type": "string"
@@ -3525,6 +3813,38 @@
"type": "object"
+ "BulkRestoreObjectsRequest": {
+ "description": "A bulk restore objects request.",
+ "id": "BulkRestoreObjectsRequest",
+ "properties": {
+ "allowOverwrite": {
+ "description": "If false (default), the restore will not overwrite live objects with the same name at the destination. This means some deleted objects may be skipped. If true, live objects will be overwritten resulting in a noncurrent object (if versioning is enabled). If versioning is not enabled, overwriting the object will result in a soft-deleted object. In either case, if a noncurrent object already exists with the same name, a live version can be written without issue.",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "copySourceAcl": {
+ "description": "If true, copies the source object's ACL; otherwise, uses the bucket's default object ACL. The default is false.",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "matchGlobs": {
+ "description": "Restores only the objects matching any of the specified glob(s). If this parameter is not specified, all objects will be restored within the specified time range.",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "type": "array"
+ },
+ "softDeletedAfterTime": {
+ "description": "Restores only the objects that were soft-deleted after this time.",
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "softDeletedBeforeTime": {
+ "description": "Restores only the objects that were soft-deleted before this time.",
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "type": "object"
+ },
"Channel": {
"description": "An notification channel used to watch for resource changes.",
"id": "Channel",
@@ -3656,6 +3976,86 @@
"type": "object"
+ "GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse": {
+ "description": "The response message for storage.buckets.operations.list.",
+ "id": "GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse",
+ "properties": {
+ "nextPageToken": {
+ "description": "The continuation token, used to page through large result sets. Provide this value in a subsequent request to return the next page of results.",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "operations": {
+ "description": "A list of operations that matches the specified filter in the request.",
+ "items": {
+ "$ref": "GoogleLongrunningOperation"
+ },
+ "type": "array"
+ }
+ },
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "GoogleLongrunningOperation": {
+ "description": "This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.",
+ "id": "GoogleLongrunningOperation",
+ "properties": {
+ "done": {
+ "description": "If the value is \"false\", it means the operation is still in progress. If \"true\", the operation is completed, and either \"error\" or \"response\" is available.",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "$ref": "GoogleRpcStatus",
+ "description": "The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation."
+ },
+ "metadata": {
+ "additionalProperties": {
+ "description": "Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.",
+ "type": "any"
+ },
+ "description": "Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains progress information and common metadata such as create time. Some services might not provide such metadata. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any.",
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "description": "The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service that originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping, the \"name\" should be a resource name ending with \"operations/{operationId}\".",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "response": {
+ "additionalProperties": {
+ "description": "Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.",
+ "type": "any"
+ },
+ "description": "The normal response of the operation in case of success. If the original method returns no data on success, such as \"Delete\", the response is google.protobuf.Empty. If the original method is standard Get/Create/Update, the response should be the resource. For other methods, the response should have the type \"XxxResponse\", where \"Xxx\" is the original method name. For example, if the original method name is \"TakeSnapshot()\", the inferred response type is \"TakeSnapshotResponse\".",
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ },
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "GoogleRpcStatus": {
+ "description": "The \"Status\" type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). Each \"Status\" message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/errors).",
+ "id": "GoogleRpcStatus",
+ "properties": {
+ "code": {
+ "description": "The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.",
+ "format": "int32",
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ "details": {
+ "description": "A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.",
+ "items": {
+ "additionalProperties": {
+ "description": "Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.",
+ "type": "any"
+ },
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "type": "array"
+ },
+ "message": {
+ "description": "A developer-facing error message, which should be in English.",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "type": "object"
+ },
"HmacKey": {
"description": "JSON template to produce a JSON-style HMAC Key resource for Create responses.",
"id": "HmacKey",
@@ -3910,6 +4310,11 @@
"format": "int64",
"type": "string"
+ "hardDeleteTime": {
+ "description": "This is the time (in the future) when the soft-deleted object will no longer be restorable. It is equal to the soft delete time plus the current soft delete retention duration of the bucket.",
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
"id": {
"description": "The ID of the object, including the bucket name, object name, and generation number.",
"type": "string"
@@ -3962,6 +4367,21 @@
"type": "object"
+ "retention": {
+ "description": "A collection of object level retention parameters.",
+ "properties": {
+ "mode": {
+ "description": "The bucket's object retention mode, can only be Unlocked or Locked.",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "retainUntilTime": {
+ "description": "A time in RFC 3339 format until which object retention protects this object.",
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "type": "object"
+ },
"retentionExpirationTime": {
"description": "A server-determined value that specifies the earliest time that the object's retention period expires. This value is in RFC 3339 format. Note 1: This field is not provided for objects with an active event-based hold, since retention expiration is unknown until the hold is removed. Note 2: This value can be provided even when temporary hold is set (so that the user can reason about policy without having to first unset the temporary hold).",
"format": "date-time",
@@ -3976,6 +4396,11 @@
"format": "uint64",
"type": "string"
+ "softDeleteTime": {
+ "description": "The time at which the object became soft-deleted in RFC 3339 format.",
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
"storageClass": {
"description": "Storage class of the object.",
"type": "string"
@@ -3990,7 +4415,7 @@
"type": "string"
"timeDeleted": {
- "description": "The deletion time of the object in RFC 3339 format. Will be returned if and only if this version of the object has been deleted.",
+ "description": "The time at which the object became noncurrent in RFC 3339 format. Will be returned if and only if this version of the object has been deleted.",
"format": "date-time",
"type": "string"
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/storage/v1/storage-gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/storage/v1/storage-gen.go
index 69a6e41e7c..e35440cc3b 100644
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/storage/v1/storage-gen.go
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/storage/v1/storage-gen.go
@@ -10,6 +10,17 @@
// For product documentation, see: https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/
+// # Library status
+// These client libraries are officially supported by Google. However, this
+// library is considered complete and is in maintenance mode. This means
+// that we will address critical bugs and security issues but will not add
+// any new features.
+// When possible, we recommend using our newer
+// [Cloud Client Libraries for Go](https://pkg.go.dev/cloud.google.com/go)
+// that are still actively being worked and iterated on.
// # Creating a client
// Usage example:
@@ -19,28 +30,31 @@
// ctx := context.Background()
// storageService, err := storage.NewService(ctx)
-// In this example, Google Application Default Credentials are used for authentication.
-// For information on how to create and obtain Application Default Credentials, see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials.
+// In this example, Google Application Default Credentials are used for
+// authentication. For information on how to create and obtain Application
+// Default Credentials, see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials.
// # Other authentication options
-// By default, all available scopes (see "Constants") are used to authenticate. To restrict scopes, use option.WithScopes:
+// By default, all available scopes (see "Constants") are used to authenticate.
+// To restrict scopes, use [google.golang.org/api/option.WithScopes]:
// storageService, err := storage.NewService(ctx, option.WithScopes(storage.DevstorageReadWriteScope))
-// To use an API key for authentication (note: some APIs do not support API keys), use option.WithAPIKey:
+// To use an API key for authentication (note: some APIs do not support API
+// keys), use [google.golang.org/api/option.WithAPIKey]:
// storageService, err := storage.NewService(ctx, option.WithAPIKey("AIza..."))
-// To use an OAuth token (e.g., a user token obtained via a three-legged OAuth flow), use option.WithTokenSource:
+// To use an OAuth token (e.g., a user token obtained via a three-legged OAuth
+// flow, use [google.golang.org/api/option.WithTokenSource]:
// config := &oauth2.Config{...}
// // ...
// token, err := config.Exchange(ctx, ...)
// storageService, err := storage.NewService(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(config.TokenSource(ctx, token)))
-// See https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/api/option/ for details on options.
+// See [google.golang.org/api/option.ClientOption] for details on options.
package storage // import "google.golang.org/api/storage/v1"
import (
@@ -148,6 +162,7 @@ func New(client *http.Client) (*Service, error) {
s.Notifications = NewNotificationsService(s)
s.ObjectAccessControls = NewObjectAccessControlsService(s)
s.Objects = NewObjectsService(s)
+ s.Operations = NewOperationsService(s)
s.Projects = NewProjectsService(s)
return s, nil
@@ -171,6 +186,8 @@ type Service struct {
Objects *ObjectsService
+ Operations *OperationsService
Projects *ProjectsService
@@ -244,6 +261,15 @@ type ObjectsService struct {
s *Service
+func NewOperationsService(s *Service) *OperationsService {
+ rs := &OperationsService{s: s}
+ return rs
+type OperationsService struct {
+ s *Service
func NewProjectsService(s *Service) *ProjectsService {
rs := &ProjectsService{s: s}
rs.HmacKeys = NewProjectsHmacKeysService(s)
@@ -359,6 +385,9 @@ type Bucket struct {
// Name: The name of the bucket.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
+ // ObjectRetention: The bucket's object retention config.
+ ObjectRetention *BucketObjectRetention `json:"objectRetention,omitempty"`
// Owner: The owner of the bucket. This is always the project team's
// owner group.
Owner *BucketOwner `json:"owner,omitempty"`
@@ -389,6 +418,11 @@ type Bucket struct {
// SelfLink: The URI of this bucket.
SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`
+ // SoftDeletePolicy: The bucket's soft delete policy, which defines the
+ // period of time that soft-deleted objects will be retained, and cannot
+ // be permanently deleted.
+ SoftDeletePolicy *BucketSoftDeletePolicy `json:"softDeletePolicy,omitempty"`
// StorageClass: The bucket's default storage class, used whenever no
// storageClass is specified for a newly-created object. This defines
// how objects in the bucket are stored and determines the SLA and the
@@ -444,6 +478,16 @@ type BucketAutoclass struct {
// Enabled: Whether or not Autoclass is enabled on this bucket
Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
+ // TerminalStorageClass: The storage class that objects in the bucket
+ // eventually transition to if they are not read for a certain length of
+ // time. Valid values are NEARLINE and ARCHIVE.
+ TerminalStorageClass string `json:"terminalStorageClass,omitempty"`
+ // TerminalStorageClassUpdateTime: A date and time in RFC 3339 format
+ // representing the time of the most recent update to
+ // "terminalStorageClass".
+ TerminalStorageClassUpdateTime string `json:"terminalStorageClassUpdateTime,omitempty"`
// ToggleTime: A date and time in RFC 3339 format representing the
// instant at which "enabled" was last toggled.
ToggleTime string `json:"toggleTime,omitempty"`
@@ -946,6 +990,34 @@ func (s *BucketLogging) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return gensupport.MarshalJSON(raw, s.ForceSendFields, s.NullFields)
+// BucketObjectRetention: The bucket's object retention config.
+type BucketObjectRetention struct {
+ // Mode: The bucket's object retention mode. Can be Enabled.
+ Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"`
+ // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Mode") to
+ // unconditionally include in API requests. By default, fields with
+ // empty or default values are omitted from API requests. However, any
+ // non-pointer, non-interface field appearing in ForceSendFields will be
+ // sent to the server regardless of whether the field is empty or not.
+ // This may be used to include empty fields in Patch requests.
+ ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"`
+ // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Mode") to include in API
+ // requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty
+ // values are omitted from API requests. However, any field with an
+ // empty value appearing in NullFields will be sent to the server as
+ // null. It is an error if a field in this list has a non-empty value.
+ // This may be used to include null fields in Patch requests.
+ NullFields []string `json:"-"`
+func (s *BucketObjectRetention) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ type NoMethod BucketObjectRetention
+ raw := NoMethod(*s)
+ return gensupport.MarshalJSON(raw, s.ForceSendFields, s.NullFields)
// BucketOwner: The owner of the bucket. This is always the project
// team's owner group.
type BucketOwner struct {
@@ -1027,6 +1099,43 @@ func (s *BucketRetentionPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return gensupport.MarshalJSON(raw, s.ForceSendFields, s.NullFields)
+// BucketSoftDeletePolicy: The bucket's soft delete policy, which
+// defines the period of time that soft-deleted objects will be
+// retained, and cannot be permanently deleted.
+type BucketSoftDeletePolicy struct {
+ // EffectiveTime: Server-determined value that indicates the time from
+ // which the policy, or one with a greater retention, was effective.
+ // This value is in RFC 3339 format.
+ EffectiveTime string `json:"effectiveTime,omitempty"`
+ // RetentionDurationSeconds: The period of time in seconds, that
+ // soft-deleted objects in the bucket will be retained and cannot be
+ // permanently deleted.
+ RetentionDurationSeconds int64 `json:"retentionDurationSeconds,omitempty,string"`
+ // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "EffectiveTime") to
+ // unconditionally include in API requests. By default, fields with
+ // empty or default values are omitted from API requests. However, any
+ // non-pointer, non-interface field appearing in ForceSendFields will be
+ // sent to the server regardless of whether the field is empty or not.
+ // This may be used to include empty fields in Patch requests.
+ ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"`
+ // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "EffectiveTime") to include
+ // in API requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with
+ // empty values are omitted from API requests. However, any field with
+ // an empty value appearing in NullFields will be sent to the server as
+ // null. It is an error if a field in this list has a non-empty value.
+ // This may be used to include null fields in Patch requests.
+ NullFields []string `json:"-"`
+func (s *BucketSoftDeletePolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ type NoMethod BucketSoftDeletePolicy
+ raw := NoMethod(*s)
+ return gensupport.MarshalJSON(raw, s.ForceSendFields, s.NullFields)
// BucketVersioning: The bucket's versioning configuration.
type BucketVersioning struct {
// Enabled: While set to true, versioning is fully enabled for this
@@ -1282,6 +1391,59 @@ func (s *Buckets) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return gensupport.MarshalJSON(raw, s.ForceSendFields, s.NullFields)
+// BulkRestoreObjectsRequest: A bulk restore objects request.
+type BulkRestoreObjectsRequest struct {
+ // AllowOverwrite: If false (default), the restore will not overwrite
+ // live objects with the same name at the destination. This means some
+ // deleted objects may be skipped. If true, live objects will be
+ // overwritten resulting in a noncurrent object (if versioning is
+ // enabled). If versioning is not enabled, overwriting the object will
+ // result in a soft-deleted object. In either case, if a noncurrent
+ // object already exists with the same name, a live version can be
+ // written without issue.
+ AllowOverwrite bool `json:"allowOverwrite,omitempty"`
+ // CopySourceAcl: If true, copies the source object's ACL; otherwise,
+ // uses the bucket's default object ACL. The default is false.
+ CopySourceAcl bool `json:"copySourceAcl,omitempty"`
+ // MatchGlobs: Restores only the objects matching any of the specified
+ // glob(s). If this parameter is not specified, all objects will be
+ // restored within the specified time range.
+ MatchGlobs []string `json:"matchGlobs,omitempty"`
+ // SoftDeletedAfterTime: Restores only the objects that were
+ // soft-deleted after this time.
+ SoftDeletedAfterTime string `json:"softDeletedAfterTime,omitempty"`
+ // SoftDeletedBeforeTime: Restores only the objects that were
+ // soft-deleted before this time.
+ SoftDeletedBeforeTime string `json:"softDeletedBeforeTime,omitempty"`
+ // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "AllowOverwrite") to
+ // unconditionally include in API requests. By default, fields with
+ // empty or default values are omitted from API requests. However, any
+ // non-pointer, non-interface field appearing in ForceSendFields will be
+ // sent to the server regardless of whether the field is empty or not.
+ // This may be used to include empty fields in Patch requests.
+ ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"`
+ // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "AllowOverwrite") to
+ // include in API requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields
+ // with empty values are omitted from API requests. However, any field
+ // with an empty value appearing in NullFields will be sent to the
+ // server as null. It is an error if a field in this list has a
+ // non-empty value. This may be used to include null fields in Patch
+ // requests.
+ NullFields []string `json:"-"`
+func (s *BulkRestoreObjectsRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ type NoMethod BulkRestoreObjectsRequest
+ raw := NoMethod(*s)
+ return gensupport.MarshalJSON(raw, s.ForceSendFields, s.NullFields)
// Channel: An notification channel used to watch for resource changes.
type Channel struct {
// Address: The address where notifications are delivered for this
@@ -1498,6 +1660,150 @@ func (s *Expr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return gensupport.MarshalJSON(raw, s.ForceSendFields, s.NullFields)
+// GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse: The response message for
+// storage.buckets.operations.list.
+type GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse struct {
+ // NextPageToken: The continuation token, used to page through large
+ // result sets. Provide this value in a subsequent request to return the
+ // next page of results.
+ NextPageToken string `json:"nextPageToken,omitempty"`
+ // Operations: A list of operations that matches the specified filter in
+ // the request.
+ Operations []*GoogleLongrunningOperation `json:"operations,omitempty"`
+ // ServerResponse contains the HTTP response code and headers from the
+ // server.
+ googleapi.ServerResponse `json:"-"`
+ // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "NextPageToken") to
+ // unconditionally include in API requests. By default, fields with
+ // empty or default values are omitted from API requests. However, any
+ // non-pointer, non-interface field appearing in ForceSendFields will be
+ // sent to the server regardless of whether the field is empty or not.
+ // This may be used to include empty fields in Patch requests.
+ ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"`
+ // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "NextPageToken") to include
+ // in API requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with
+ // empty values are omitted from API requests. However, any field with
+ // an empty value appearing in NullFields will be sent to the server as
+ // null. It is an error if a field in this list has a non-empty value.
+ // This may be used to include null fields in Patch requests.
+ NullFields []string `json:"-"`
+func (s *GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ type NoMethod GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse
+ raw := NoMethod(*s)
+ return gensupport.MarshalJSON(raw, s.ForceSendFields, s.NullFields)
+// GoogleLongrunningOperation: This resource represents a long-running
+// operation that is the result of a network API call.
+type GoogleLongrunningOperation struct {
+ // Done: If the value is "false", it means the operation is still in
+ // progress. If "true", the operation is completed, and either "error"
+ // or "response" is available.
+ Done bool `json:"done,omitempty"`
+ // Error: The error result of the operation in case of failure or
+ // cancellation.
+ Error *GoogleRpcStatus `json:"error,omitempty"`
+ // Metadata: Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It
+ // typically contains progress information and common metadata such as
+ // create time. Some services might not provide such metadata. Any
+ // method that returns a long-running operation should document the
+ // metadata type, if any.
+ Metadata googleapi.RawMessage `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
+ // Name: The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same
+ // service that originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP
+ // mapping, the "name" should be a resource name ending with
+ // "operations/{operationId}".
+ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
+ // Response: The normal response of the operation in case of success. If
+ // the original method returns no data on success, such as "Delete", the
+ // response is google.protobuf.Empty. If the original method is standard
+ // Get/Create/Update, the response should be the resource. For other
+ // methods, the response should have the type "XxxResponse", where "Xxx"
+ // is the original method name. For example, if the original method name
+ // is "TakeSnapshot()", the inferred response type is
+ // "TakeSnapshotResponse".
+ Response googleapi.RawMessage `json:"response,omitempty"`
+ // ServerResponse contains the HTTP response code and headers from the
+ // server.
+ googleapi.ServerResponse `json:"-"`
+ // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Done") to
+ // unconditionally include in API requests. By default, fields with
+ // empty or default values are omitted from API requests. However, any
+ // non-pointer, non-interface field appearing in ForceSendFields will be
+ // sent to the server regardless of whether the field is empty or not.
+ // This may be used to include empty fields in Patch requests.
+ ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"`
+ // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Done") to include in API
+ // requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty
+ // values are omitted from API requests. However, any field with an
+ // empty value appearing in NullFields will be sent to the server as
+ // null. It is an error if a field in this list has a non-empty value.
+ // This may be used to include null fields in Patch requests.
+ NullFields []string `json:"-"`
+func (s *GoogleLongrunningOperation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ type NoMethod GoogleLongrunningOperation
+ raw := NoMethod(*s)
+ return gensupport.MarshalJSON(raw, s.ForceSendFields, s.NullFields)
+// GoogleRpcStatus: The "Status" type defines a logical error model that
+// is suitable for different programming environments, including REST
+// APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC (https://github.com/grpc). Each
+// "Status" message contains three pieces of data: error code, error
+// message, and error details. You can find out more about this error
+// model and how to work with it in the API Design Guide
+// (https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/errors).
+type GoogleRpcStatus struct {
+ // Code: The status code, which should be an enum value of
+ // google.rpc.Code.
+ Code int64 `json:"code,omitempty"`
+ // Details: A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a
+ // common set of message types for APIs to use.
+ Details []googleapi.RawMessage `json:"details,omitempty"`
+ // Message: A developer-facing error message, which should be in
+ // English.
+ Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
+ // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Code") to
+ // unconditionally include in API requests. By default, fields with
+ // empty or default values are omitted from API requests. However, any
+ // non-pointer, non-interface field appearing in ForceSendFields will be
+ // sent to the server regardless of whether the field is empty or not.
+ // This may be used to include empty fields in Patch requests.
+ ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"`
+ // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Code") to include in API
+ // requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty
+ // values are omitted from API requests. However, any field with an
+ // empty value appearing in NullFields will be sent to the server as
+ // null. It is an error if a field in this list has a non-empty value.
+ // This may be used to include null fields in Patch requests.
+ NullFields []string `json:"-"`
+func (s *GoogleRpcStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ type NoMethod GoogleRpcStatus
+ raw := NoMethod(*s)
+ return gensupport.MarshalJSON(raw, s.ForceSendFields, s.NullFields)
// HmacKey: JSON template to produce a JSON-style HMAC Key resource for
// Create responses.
type HmacKey struct {
@@ -1812,6 +2118,12 @@ type Object struct {
// versioning.
Generation int64 `json:"generation,omitempty,string"`
+ // HardDeleteTime: This is the time (in the future) when the
+ // soft-deleted object will no longer be restorable. It is equal to the
+ // soft delete time plus the current soft delete retention duration of
+ // the bucket.
+ HardDeleteTime string `json:"hardDeleteTime,omitempty"`
// Id: The ID of the object, including the bucket name, object name, and
// generation number.
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
@@ -1849,6 +2161,9 @@ type Object struct {
// the object.
Owner *ObjectOwner `json:"owner,omitempty"`
+ // Retention: A collection of object level retention parameters.
+ Retention *ObjectRetention `json:"retention,omitempty"`
// RetentionExpirationTime: A server-determined value that specifies the
// earliest time that the object's retention period expires. This value
// is in RFC 3339 format. Note 1: This field is not provided for objects
@@ -1864,6 +2179,10 @@ type Object struct {
// Size: Content-Length of the data in bytes.
Size uint64 `json:"size,omitempty,string"`
+ // SoftDeleteTime: The time at which the object became soft-deleted in
+ // RFC 3339 format.
+ SoftDeleteTime string `json:"softDeleteTime,omitempty"`
// StorageClass: Storage class of the object.
StorageClass string `json:"storageClass,omitempty"`
@@ -1879,9 +2198,9 @@ type Object struct {
// TimeCreated: The creation time of the object in RFC 3339 format.
TimeCreated string `json:"timeCreated,omitempty"`
- // TimeDeleted: The deletion time of the object in RFC 3339 format. Will
- // be returned if and only if this version of the object has been
- // deleted.
+ // TimeDeleted: The time at which the object became noncurrent in RFC
+ // 3339 format. Will be returned if and only if this version of the
+ // object has been deleted.
TimeDeleted string `json:"timeDeleted,omitempty"`
// TimeStorageClassUpdated: The time at which the object's storage class
@@ -1990,6 +2309,39 @@ func (s *ObjectOwner) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return gensupport.MarshalJSON(raw, s.ForceSendFields, s.NullFields)
+// ObjectRetention: A collection of object level retention parameters.
+type ObjectRetention struct {
+ // Mode: The bucket's object retention mode, can only be Unlocked or
+ // Locked.
+ Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"`
+ // RetainUntilTime: A time in RFC 3339 format until which object
+ // retention protects this object.
+ RetainUntilTime string `json:"retainUntilTime,omitempty"`
+ // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Mode") to
+ // unconditionally include in API requests. By default, fields with
+ // empty or default values are omitted from API requests. However, any
+ // non-pointer, non-interface field appearing in ForceSendFields will be
+ // sent to the server regardless of whether the field is empty or not.
+ // This may be used to include empty fields in Patch requests.
+ ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"`
+ // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Mode") to include in API
+ // requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty
+ // values are omitted from API requests. However, any field with an
+ // empty value appearing in NullFields will be sent to the server as
+ // null. It is an error if a field in this list has a non-empty value.
+ // This may be used to include null fields in Patch requests.
+ NullFields []string `json:"-"`
+func (s *ObjectRetention) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ type NoMethod ObjectRetention
+ raw := NoMethod(*s)
+ return gensupport.MarshalJSON(raw, s.ForceSendFields, s.NullFields)
// ObjectAccessControl: An access-control entry.
type ObjectAccessControl struct {
// Bucket: The name of the bucket.
@@ -3966,6 +4318,14 @@ func (r *BucketsService) Insert(projectid string, bucket *Bucket) *BucketsInsert
return c
+// EnableObjectRetention sets the optional parameter
+// "enableObjectRetention": When set to true, object retention is
+// enabled for this bucket.
+func (c *BucketsInsertCall) EnableObjectRetention(enableObjectRetention bool) *BucketsInsertCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("enableObjectRetention", fmt.Sprint(enableObjectRetention))
+ return c
// PredefinedAcl sets the optional parameter "predefinedAcl": Apply a
// predefined set of access controls to this bucket.
@@ -4139,6 +4499,12 @@ func (c *BucketsInsertCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Bucket, error) {
// "project"
// ],
// "parameters": {
+ // "enableObjectRetention": {
+ // "default": "false",
+ // "description": "When set to true, object retention is enabled for this bucket.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "boolean"
+ // },
// "predefinedAcl": {
// "description": "Apply a predefined set of access controls to this bucket.",
// "enum": [
@@ -8344,72 +8710,215 @@ func (c *ObjectAccessControlsUpdateCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Obje
-// method id "storage.objects.compose":
+// method id "storage.objects.bulkRestore":
-type ObjectsComposeCall struct {
- s *Service
- destinationBucket string
- destinationObject string
- composerequest *ComposeRequest
- urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
- ctx_ context.Context
- header_ http.Header
+type ObjectsBulkRestoreCall struct {
+ s *Service
+ bucket string
+ bulkrestoreobjectsrequest *BulkRestoreObjectsRequest
+ urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
+ ctx_ context.Context
+ header_ http.Header
-// Compose: Concatenates a list of existing objects into a new object in
-// the same bucket.
+// BulkRestore: Initiates a long-running bulk restore operation on the
+// specified bucket.
-// - destinationBucket: Name of the bucket containing the source
-// objects. The destination object is stored in this bucket.
-// - destinationObject: Name of the new object. For information about
-// how to URL encode object names to be path safe, see Encoding URI
-// Path Parts
-// (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).
-func (r *ObjectsService) Compose(destinationBucket string, destinationObject string, composerequest *ComposeRequest) *ObjectsComposeCall {
- c := &ObjectsComposeCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
- c.destinationBucket = destinationBucket
- c.destinationObject = destinationObject
- c.composerequest = composerequest
+// - bucket: Name of the bucket in which the object resides.
+func (r *ObjectsService) BulkRestore(bucket string, bulkrestoreobjectsrequest *BulkRestoreObjectsRequest) *ObjectsBulkRestoreCall {
+ c := &ObjectsBulkRestoreCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
+ c.bucket = bucket
+ c.bulkrestoreobjectsrequest = bulkrestoreobjectsrequest
return c
-// DestinationPredefinedAcl sets the optional parameter
-// "destinationPredefinedAcl": Apply a predefined set of access controls
-// to the destination object.
-// Possible values:
-// "authenticatedRead" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and
-// allAuthenticatedUsers get READER access.
-// "bucketOwnerFullControl" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and
-// project team owners get OWNER access.
-// "bucketOwnerRead" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and project
-// team owners get READER access.
-// "private" - Object owner gets OWNER access.
-// "projectPrivate" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team
-// members get access according to their roles.
-// "publicRead" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and allUsers get
-// READER access.
-func (c *ObjectsComposeCall) DestinationPredefinedAcl(destinationPredefinedAcl string) *ObjectsComposeCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("destinationPredefinedAcl", destinationPredefinedAcl)
+// Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved. See
+// https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse
+// for more information.
+func (c *ObjectsBulkRestoreCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ObjectsBulkRestoreCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("fields", googleapi.CombineFields(s))
return c
-// IfGenerationMatch sets the optional parameter "ifGenerationMatch":
-// Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's current
-// generation matches the given value. Setting to 0 makes the operation
-// succeed only if there are no live versions of the object.
-func (c *ObjectsComposeCall) IfGenerationMatch(ifGenerationMatch int64) *ObjectsComposeCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("ifGenerationMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifGenerationMatch))
+// Context sets the context to be used in this call's Do method. Any
+// pending HTTP request will be aborted if the provided context is
+// canceled.
+func (c *ObjectsBulkRestoreCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *ObjectsBulkRestoreCall {
+ c.ctx_ = ctx
+ return c
+// Header returns an http.Header that can be modified by the caller to
+// add HTTP headers to the request.
+func (c *ObjectsBulkRestoreCall) Header() http.Header {
+ if c.header_ == nil {
+ c.header_ = make(http.Header)
+ }
+ return c.header_
+func (c *ObjectsBulkRestoreCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
+ reqHeaders := make(http.Header)
+ reqHeaders.Set("x-goog-api-client", "gl-go/"+gensupport.GoVersion()+" gdcl/"+internal.Version)
+ for k, v := range c.header_ {
+ reqHeaders[k] = v
+ }
+ reqHeaders.Set("User-Agent", c.s.userAgent())
+ var body io.Reader = nil
+ body, err := googleapi.WithoutDataWrapper.JSONReader(c.bulkrestoreobjectsrequest)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ reqHeaders.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ c.urlParams_.Set("alt", alt)
+ c.urlParams_.Set("prettyPrint", "false")
+ urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{bucket}/o/bulkRestore")
+ urls += "?" + c.urlParams_.Encode()
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", urls, body)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ req.Header = reqHeaders
+ googleapi.Expand(req.URL, map[string]string{
+ "bucket": c.bucket,
+ })
+ return gensupport.SendRequest(c.ctx_, c.s.client, req)
+// Do executes the "storage.objects.bulkRestore" call.
+// Exactly one of *GoogleLongrunningOperation or error will be non-nil.
+// Any non-2xx status code is an error. Response headers are in either
+// *GoogleLongrunningOperation.ServerResponse.Header or (if a response
+// was returned at all) in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header. Use
+// googleapi.IsNotModified to check whether the returned error was
+// because http.StatusNotModified was returned.
+func (c *ObjectsBulkRestoreCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*GoogleLongrunningOperation, error) {
+ gensupport.SetOptions(c.urlParams_, opts...)
+ res, err := c.doRequest("json")
+ if res != nil && res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotModified {
+ if res.Body != nil {
+ res.Body.Close()
+ }
+ return nil, gensupport.WrapError(&googleapi.Error{
+ Code: res.StatusCode,
+ Header: res.Header,
+ })
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer googleapi.CloseBody(res)
+ if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
+ return nil, gensupport.WrapError(err)
+ }
+ ret := &GoogleLongrunningOperation{
+ ServerResponse: googleapi.ServerResponse{
+ Header: res.Header,
+ HTTPStatusCode: res.StatusCode,
+ },
+ }
+ target := &ret
+ if err := gensupport.DecodeResponse(target, res); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return ret, nil
+ // {
+ // "description": "Initiates a long-running bulk restore operation on the specified bucket.",
+ // "httpMethod": "POST",
+ // "id": "storage.objects.bulkRestore",
+ // "parameterOrder": [
+ // "bucket"
+ // ],
+ // "parameters": {
+ // "bucket": {
+ // "description": "Name of the bucket in which the object resides.",
+ // "location": "path",
+ // "required": true,
+ // "type": "string"
+ // }
+ // },
+ // "path": "b/{bucket}/o/bulkRestore",
+ // "request": {
+ // "$ref": "BulkRestoreObjectsRequest"
+ // },
+ // "response": {
+ // "$ref": "GoogleLongrunningOperation"
+ // },
+ // "scopes": [
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write"
+ // ]
+ // }
+// method id "storage.objects.compose":
+type ObjectsComposeCall struct {
+ s *Service
+ destinationBucket string
+ destinationObject string
+ composerequest *ComposeRequest
+ urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
+ ctx_ context.Context
+ header_ http.Header
+// Compose: Concatenates a list of existing objects into a new object in
+// the same bucket.
+// - destinationBucket: Name of the bucket containing the source
+// objects. The destination object is stored in this bucket.
+// - destinationObject: Name of the new object. For information about
+// how to URL encode object names to be path safe, see Encoding URI
+// Path Parts
+// (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).
+func (r *ObjectsService) Compose(destinationBucket string, destinationObject string, composerequest *ComposeRequest) *ObjectsComposeCall {
+ c := &ObjectsComposeCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
+ c.destinationBucket = destinationBucket
+ c.destinationObject = destinationObject
+ c.composerequest = composerequest
+ return c
+// DestinationPredefinedAcl sets the optional parameter
+// "destinationPredefinedAcl": Apply a predefined set of access controls
+// to the destination object.
+// Possible values:
+// "authenticatedRead" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and
+// allAuthenticatedUsers get READER access.
+// "bucketOwnerFullControl" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and
+// project team owners get OWNER access.
+// "bucketOwnerRead" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and project
+// team owners get READER access.
+// "private" - Object owner gets OWNER access.
+// "projectPrivate" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team
+// members get access according to their roles.
+// "publicRead" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and allUsers get
+// READER access.
+func (c *ObjectsComposeCall) DestinationPredefinedAcl(destinationPredefinedAcl string) *ObjectsComposeCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("destinationPredefinedAcl", destinationPredefinedAcl)
+ return c
+// IfGenerationMatch sets the optional parameter "ifGenerationMatch":
+// Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's current
+// generation matches the given value. Setting to 0 makes the operation
+// succeed only if there are no live versions of the object.
+func (c *ObjectsComposeCall) IfGenerationMatch(ifGenerationMatch int64) *ObjectsComposeCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("ifGenerationMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifGenerationMatch))
return c
@@ -9327,6 +9836,14 @@ func (c *ObjectsGetCall) Projection(projection string) *ObjectsGetCall {
return c
+// SoftDeleted sets the optional parameter "softDeleted": If true, only
+// soft-deleted object versions will be listed. The default is false.
+// For more information, see Soft Delete.
+func (c *ObjectsGetCall) SoftDeleted(softDeleted bool) *ObjectsGetCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("softDeleted", fmt.Sprint(softDeleted))
+ return c
// UserProject sets the optional parameter "userProject": The project to
// be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.
func (c *ObjectsGetCall) UserProject(userProject string) *ObjectsGetCall {
@@ -9513,6 +10030,11 @@ func (c *ObjectsGetCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Object, error) {
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
+ // "softDeleted": {
+ // "description": "If true, only soft-deleted object versions will be listed. The default is false. For more information, see Soft Delete.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "boolean"
+ // },
// "userProject": {
// "description": "The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.",
// "location": "query",
@@ -10274,6 +10796,14 @@ func (c *ObjectsListCall) Projection(projection string) *ObjectsListCall {
return c
+// SoftDeleted sets the optional parameter "softDeleted": If true, only
+// soft-deleted object versions will be listed. The default is false.
+// For more information, see Soft Delete.
+func (c *ObjectsListCall) SoftDeleted(softDeleted bool) *ObjectsListCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("softDeleted", fmt.Sprint(softDeleted))
+ return c
// StartOffset sets the optional parameter "startOffset": Filter results
// to objects whose names are lexicographically equal to or after
// startOffset. If endOffset is also set, the objects listed will have
@@ -10461,6 +10991,11 @@ func (c *ObjectsListCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Objects, error) {
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
+ // "softDeleted": {
+ // "description": "If true, only soft-deleted object versions will be listed. The default is false. For more information, see Soft Delete.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "boolean"
+ // },
// "startOffset": {
// "description": "Filter results to objects whose names are lexicographically equal to or after startOffset. If endOffset is also set, the objects listed will have names between startOffset (inclusive) and endOffset (exclusive).",
// "location": "query",
@@ -10584,6 +11119,15 @@ func (c *ObjectsPatchCall) IfMetagenerationNotMatch(ifMetagenerationNotMatch int
return c
+// OverrideUnlockedRetention sets the optional parameter
+// "overrideUnlockedRetention": Must be true to remove the retention
+// configuration, reduce its unlocked retention period, or change its
+// mode from unlocked to locked.
+func (c *ObjectsPatchCall) OverrideUnlockedRetention(overrideUnlockedRetention bool) *ObjectsPatchCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("overrideUnlockedRetention", fmt.Sprint(overrideUnlockedRetention))
+ return c
// PredefinedAcl sets the optional parameter "predefinedAcl": Apply a
// predefined set of access controls to this object.
@@ -10775,6 +11319,11 @@ func (c *ObjectsPatchCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Object, error) {
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
+ // "overrideUnlockedRetention": {
+ // "description": "Must be true to remove the retention configuration, reduce its unlocked retention period, or change its mode from unlocked to locked.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "boolean"
+ // },
// "predefinedAcl": {
// "description": "Apply a predefined set of access controls to this object.",
// "enum": [
@@ -10830,212 +11379,91 @@ func (c *ObjectsPatchCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Object, error) {
-// method id "storage.objects.rewrite":
+// method id "storage.objects.restore":
-type ObjectsRewriteCall struct {
- s *Service
- sourceBucket string
- sourceObject string
- destinationBucket string
- destinationObject string
- object *Object
- urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
- ctx_ context.Context
- header_ http.Header
+type ObjectsRestoreCall struct {
+ s *Service
+ bucket string
+ object string
+ object2 *Object
+ urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
+ ctx_ context.Context
+ header_ http.Header
-// Rewrite: Rewrites a source object to a destination object. Optionally
-// overrides metadata.
+// Restore: Restores a soft-deleted object.
-// - destinationBucket: Name of the bucket in which to store the new
-// object. Overrides the provided object metadata's bucket value, if
-// any.
-// - destinationObject: Name of the new object. Required when the object
-// metadata is not otherwise provided. Overrides the object metadata's
-// name value, if any. For information about how to URL encode object
-// names to be path safe, see Encoding URI Path Parts
-// (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).
-// - sourceBucket: Name of the bucket in which to find the source
-// object.
-// - sourceObject: Name of the source object. For information about how
-// to URL encode object names to be path safe, see Encoding URI Path
-// Parts
-// (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).
-func (r *ObjectsService) Rewrite(sourceBucket string, sourceObject string, destinationBucket string, destinationObject string, object *Object) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
- c := &ObjectsRewriteCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
- c.sourceBucket = sourceBucket
- c.sourceObject = sourceObject
- c.destinationBucket = destinationBucket
- c.destinationObject = destinationObject
+// - bucket: Name of the bucket in which the object resides.
+// - generation: Selects a specific revision of this object.
+// - object: Name of the object. For information about how to URL encode
+// object names to be path safe, see Encoding URI Path Parts.
+func (r *ObjectsService) Restore(bucket string, object string, object2 *Object) *ObjectsRestoreCall {
+ c := &ObjectsRestoreCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
+ c.bucket = bucket
c.object = object
+ c.object2 = object2
return c
-// DestinationKmsKeyName sets the optional parameter
-// "destinationKmsKeyName": Resource name of the Cloud KMS key, of the
-// form
-// projects/my-project/locations/global/keyRings/my-kr/cryptoKeys/my-key,
-// that will be used to encrypt the object. Overrides the object
-// metadata's kms_key_name value, if any.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) DestinationKmsKeyName(destinationKmsKeyName string) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("destinationKmsKeyName", destinationKmsKeyName)
- return c
-// DestinationPredefinedAcl sets the optional parameter
-// "destinationPredefinedAcl": Apply a predefined set of access controls
-// to the destination object.
-// Possible values:
-// "authenticatedRead" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and
-// allAuthenticatedUsers get READER access.
-// "bucketOwnerFullControl" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and
-// project team owners get OWNER access.
-// "bucketOwnerRead" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and project
-// team owners get READER access.
-// "private" - Object owner gets OWNER access.
-// "projectPrivate" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team
-// members get access according to their roles.
-// "publicRead" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and allUsers get
-// READER access.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) DestinationPredefinedAcl(destinationPredefinedAcl string) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("destinationPredefinedAcl", destinationPredefinedAcl)
+// CopySourceAcl sets the optional parameter "copySourceAcl": If true,
+// copies the source object's ACL; otherwise, uses the bucket's default
+// object ACL. The default is false.
+func (c *ObjectsRestoreCall) CopySourceAcl(copySourceAcl bool) *ObjectsRestoreCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("copySourceAcl", fmt.Sprint(copySourceAcl))
return c
// IfGenerationMatch sets the optional parameter "ifGenerationMatch":
-// Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's current
+// Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's one live
// generation matches the given value. Setting to 0 makes the operation
// succeed only if there are no live versions of the object.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfGenerationMatch(ifGenerationMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+func (c *ObjectsRestoreCall) IfGenerationMatch(ifGenerationMatch int64) *ObjectsRestoreCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("ifGenerationMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifGenerationMatch))
return c
// IfGenerationNotMatch sets the optional parameter
// "ifGenerationNotMatch": Makes the operation conditional on whether
-// the object's current generation does not match the given value. If no
+// none of the object's live generations match the given value. If no
// live object exists, the precondition fails. Setting to 0 makes the
// operation succeed only if there is a live version of the object.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfGenerationNotMatch(ifGenerationNotMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+func (c *ObjectsRestoreCall) IfGenerationNotMatch(ifGenerationNotMatch int64) *ObjectsRestoreCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("ifGenerationNotMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifGenerationNotMatch))
return c
// IfMetagenerationMatch sets the optional parameter
// "ifMetagenerationMatch": Makes the operation conditional on whether
-// the destination object's current metageneration matches the given
-// value.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfMetagenerationMatch(ifMetagenerationMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+// the object's one live metageneration matches the given value.
+func (c *ObjectsRestoreCall) IfMetagenerationMatch(ifMetagenerationMatch int64) *ObjectsRestoreCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("ifMetagenerationMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifMetagenerationMatch))
return c
// IfMetagenerationNotMatch sets the optional parameter
// "ifMetagenerationNotMatch": Makes the operation conditional on
-// whether the destination object's current metageneration does not
-// match the given value.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfMetagenerationNotMatch(ifMetagenerationNotMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("ifMetagenerationNotMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifMetagenerationNotMatch))
- return c
-// IfSourceGenerationMatch sets the optional parameter
-// "ifSourceGenerationMatch": Makes the operation conditional on whether
-// the source object's current generation matches the given value.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfSourceGenerationMatch(ifSourceGenerationMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("ifSourceGenerationMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifSourceGenerationMatch))
- return c
-// IfSourceGenerationNotMatch sets the optional parameter
-// "ifSourceGenerationNotMatch": Makes the operation conditional on
-// whether the source object's current generation does not match the
-// given value.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfSourceGenerationNotMatch(ifSourceGenerationNotMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("ifSourceGenerationNotMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifSourceGenerationNotMatch))
- return c
-// IfSourceMetagenerationMatch sets the optional parameter
-// "ifSourceMetagenerationMatch": Makes the operation conditional on
-// whether the source object's current metageneration matches the given
+// whether none of the object's live metagenerations match the given
// value.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfSourceMetagenerationMatch(ifSourceMetagenerationMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("ifSourceMetagenerationMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifSourceMetagenerationMatch))
- return c
-// IfSourceMetagenerationNotMatch sets the optional parameter
-// "ifSourceMetagenerationNotMatch": Makes the operation conditional on
-// whether the source object's current metageneration does not match the
-// given value.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfSourceMetagenerationNotMatch(ifSourceMetagenerationNotMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("ifSourceMetagenerationNotMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifSourceMetagenerationNotMatch))
- return c
-// MaxBytesRewrittenPerCall sets the optional parameter
-// "maxBytesRewrittenPerCall": The maximum number of bytes that will be
-// rewritten per rewrite request. Most callers shouldn't need to specify
-// this parameter - it is primarily in place to support testing. If
-// specified the value must be an integral multiple of 1 MiB (1048576).
-// Also, this only applies to requests where the source and destination
-// span locations and/or storage classes. Finally, this value must not
-// change across rewrite calls else you'll get an error that the
-// rewriteToken is invalid.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) MaxBytesRewrittenPerCall(maxBytesRewrittenPerCall int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("maxBytesRewrittenPerCall", fmt.Sprint(maxBytesRewrittenPerCall))
+func (c *ObjectsRestoreCall) IfMetagenerationNotMatch(ifMetagenerationNotMatch int64) *ObjectsRestoreCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("ifMetagenerationNotMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifMetagenerationNotMatch))
return c
// Projection sets the optional parameter "projection": Set of
-// properties to return. Defaults to noAcl, unless the object resource
-// specifies the acl property, when it defaults to full.
+// properties to return. Defaults to full.
// Possible values:
// "full" - Include all properties.
// "noAcl" - Omit the owner, acl property.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Projection(projection string) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+func (c *ObjectsRestoreCall) Projection(projection string) *ObjectsRestoreCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("projection", projection)
return c
-// RewriteToken sets the optional parameter "rewriteToken": Include this
-// field (from the previous rewrite response) on each rewrite request
-// after the first one, until the rewrite response 'done' flag is true.
-// Calls that provide a rewriteToken can omit all other request fields,
-// but if included those fields must match the values provided in the
-// first rewrite request.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) RewriteToken(rewriteToken string) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("rewriteToken", rewriteToken)
- return c
-// SourceGeneration sets the optional parameter "sourceGeneration": If
-// present, selects a specific revision of the source object (as opposed
-// to the latest version, the default).
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) SourceGeneration(sourceGeneration int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("sourceGeneration", fmt.Sprint(sourceGeneration))
- return c
// UserProject sets the optional parameter "userProject": The project to
// be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) UserProject(userProject string) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+func (c *ObjectsRestoreCall) UserProject(userProject string) *ObjectsRestoreCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("userProject", userProject)
return c
@@ -11043,7 +11471,7 @@ func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) UserProject(userProject string) *ObjectsRewriteCall
// Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved. See
// https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse
// for more information.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+func (c *ObjectsRestoreCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ObjectsRestoreCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("fields", googleapi.CombineFields(s))
return c
@@ -11051,21 +11479,21 @@ func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
// Context sets the context to be used in this call's Do method. Any
// pending HTTP request will be aborted if the provided context is
// canceled.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+func (c *ObjectsRestoreCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *ObjectsRestoreCall {
c.ctx_ = ctx
return c
// Header returns an http.Header that can be modified by the caller to
// add HTTP headers to the request.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Header() http.Header {
+func (c *ObjectsRestoreCall) Header() http.Header {
if c.header_ == nil {
c.header_ = make(http.Header)
return c.header_
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
+func (c *ObjectsRestoreCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
reqHeaders := make(http.Header)
reqHeaders.Set("x-goog-api-client", "gl-go/"+gensupport.GoVersion()+" gdcl/"+internal.Version)
for k, v := range c.header_ {
@@ -11073,14 +11501,14 @@ func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
reqHeaders.Set("User-Agent", c.s.userAgent())
var body io.Reader = nil
- body, err := googleapi.WithoutDataWrapper.JSONReader(c.object)
+ body, err := googleapi.WithoutDataWrapper.JSONReader(c.object2)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reqHeaders.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
c.urlParams_.Set("alt", alt)
c.urlParams_.Set("prettyPrint", "false")
- urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{sourceBucket}/o/{sourceObject}/rewriteTo/b/{destinationBucket}/o/{destinationObject}")
+ urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{bucket}/o/{object}/restore")
urls += "?" + c.urlParams_.Encode()
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", urls, body)
if err != nil {
@@ -11088,22 +11516,20 @@ func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
req.Header = reqHeaders
googleapi.Expand(req.URL, map[string]string{
- "sourceBucket": c.sourceBucket,
- "sourceObject": c.sourceObject,
- "destinationBucket": c.destinationBucket,
- "destinationObject": c.destinationObject,
+ "bucket": c.bucket,
+ "object": c.object,
return gensupport.SendRequest(c.ctx_, c.s.client, req)
-// Do executes the "storage.objects.rewrite" call.
-// Exactly one of *RewriteResponse or error will be non-nil. Any non-2xx
-// status code is an error. Response headers are in either
-// *RewriteResponse.ServerResponse.Header or (if a response was returned
-// at all) in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header. Use
-// googleapi.IsNotModified to check whether the returned error was
-// because http.StatusNotModified was returned.
-func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*RewriteResponse, error) {
+// Do executes the "storage.objects.restore" call.
+// Exactly one of *Object or error will be non-nil. Any non-2xx status
+// code is an error. Response headers are in either
+// *Object.ServerResponse.Header or (if a response was returned at all)
+// in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header. Use googleapi.IsNotModified to
+// check whether the returned error was because http.StatusNotModified
+// was returned.
+func (c *ObjectsRestoreCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Object, error) {
gensupport.SetOptions(c.urlParams_, opts...)
res, err := c.doRequest("json")
if res != nil && res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotModified {
@@ -11122,7 +11548,7 @@ func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*RewriteResponse,
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, gensupport.WrapError(err)
- ret := &RewriteResponse{
+ ret := &Object{
ServerResponse: googleapi.ServerResponse{
Header: res.Header,
HTTPStatusCode: res.StatusCode,
@@ -11134,110 +11560,64 @@ func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*RewriteResponse,
return ret, nil
// {
- // "description": "Rewrites a source object to a destination object. Optionally overrides metadata.",
+ // "description": "Restores a soft-deleted object.",
// "httpMethod": "POST",
- // "id": "storage.objects.rewrite",
+ // "id": "storage.objects.restore",
// "parameterOrder": [
- // "sourceBucket",
- // "sourceObject",
- // "destinationBucket",
- // "destinationObject"
+ // "bucket",
+ // "object"
// ],
// "parameters": {
- // "destinationBucket": {
- // "description": "Name of the bucket in which to store the new object. Overrides the provided object metadata's bucket value, if any.",
+ // "bucket": {
+ // "description": "Name of the bucket in which the object resides.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
- // "destinationKmsKeyName": {
- // "description": "Resource name of the Cloud KMS key, of the form projects/my-project/locations/global/keyRings/my-kr/cryptoKeys/my-key, that will be used to encrypt the object. Overrides the object metadata's kms_key_name value, if any.",
+ // "copySourceAcl": {
+ // "description": "If true, copies the source object's ACL; otherwise, uses the bucket's default object ACL. The default is false.",
// "location": "query",
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "destinationObject": {
- // "description": "Name of the new object. Required when the object metadata is not otherwise provided. Overrides the object metadata's name value, if any. For information about how to URL encode object names to be path safe, see [Encoding URI Path Parts](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).",
- // "location": "path",
- // "required": true,
- // "type": "string"
+ // "type": "boolean"
// },
- // "destinationPredefinedAcl": {
- // "description": "Apply a predefined set of access controls to the destination object.",
- // "enum": [
- // "authenticatedRead",
- // "bucketOwnerFullControl",
- // "bucketOwnerRead",
- // "private",
- // "projectPrivate",
- // "publicRead"
- // ],
- // "enumDescriptions": [
- // "Object owner gets OWNER access, and allAuthenticatedUsers get READER access.",
- // "Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team owners get OWNER access.",
- // "Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team owners get READER access.",
- // "Object owner gets OWNER access.",
- // "Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team members get access according to their roles.",
- // "Object owner gets OWNER access, and allUsers get READER access."
- // ],
+ // "generation": {
+ // "description": "Selects a specific revision of this object.",
+ // "format": "int64",
// "location": "query",
+ // "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "ifGenerationMatch": {
- // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's current generation matches the given value. Setting to 0 makes the operation succeed only if there are no live versions of the object.",
+ // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's one live generation matches the given value. Setting to 0 makes the operation succeed only if there are no live versions of the object.",
// "format": "int64",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "ifGenerationNotMatch": {
- // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's current generation does not match the given value. If no live object exists, the precondition fails. Setting to 0 makes the operation succeed only if there is a live version of the object.",
+ // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether none of the object's live generations match the given value. If no live object exists, the precondition fails. Setting to 0 makes the operation succeed only if there is a live version of the object.",
// "format": "int64",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "ifMetagenerationMatch": {
- // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the destination object's current metageneration matches the given value.",
+ // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's one live metageneration matches the given value.",
// "format": "int64",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "ifMetagenerationNotMatch": {
- // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the destination object's current metageneration does not match the given value.",
- // "format": "int64",
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "ifSourceGenerationMatch": {
- // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the source object's current generation matches the given value.",
- // "format": "int64",
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "ifSourceGenerationNotMatch": {
- // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the source object's current generation does not match the given value.",
- // "format": "int64",
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "ifSourceMetagenerationMatch": {
- // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the source object's current metageneration matches the given value.",
- // "format": "int64",
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "ifSourceMetagenerationNotMatch": {
- // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the source object's current metageneration does not match the given value.",
+ // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether none of the object's live metagenerations match the given value.",
// "format": "int64",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
- // "maxBytesRewrittenPerCall": {
- // "description": "The maximum number of bytes that will be rewritten per rewrite request. Most callers shouldn't need to specify this parameter - it is primarily in place to support testing. If specified the value must be an integral multiple of 1 MiB (1048576). Also, this only applies to requests where the source and destination span locations and/or storage classes. Finally, this value must not change across rewrite calls else you'll get an error that the rewriteToken is invalid.",
- // "format": "int64",
- // "location": "query",
+ // "object": {
+ // "description": "Name of the object. For information about how to URL encode object names to be path safe, see Encoding URI Path Parts.",
+ // "location": "path",
+ // "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "projection": {
- // "description": "Set of properties to return. Defaults to noAcl, unless the object resource specifies the acl property, when it defaults to full.",
+ // "description": "Set of properties to return. Defaults to full.",
// "enum": [
// "full",
// "noAcl"
@@ -11249,88 +11629,233 @@ func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*RewriteResponse,
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
- // "rewriteToken": {
- // "description": "Include this field (from the previous rewrite response) on each rewrite request after the first one, until the rewrite response 'done' flag is true. Calls that provide a rewriteToken can omit all other request fields, but if included those fields must match the values provided in the first rewrite request.",
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "sourceBucket": {
- // "description": "Name of the bucket in which to find the source object.",
- // "location": "path",
- // "required": true,
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "sourceGeneration": {
- // "description": "If present, selects a specific revision of the source object (as opposed to the latest version, the default).",
- // "format": "int64",
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "sourceObject": {
- // "description": "Name of the source object. For information about how to URL encode object names to be path safe, see [Encoding URI Path Parts](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).",
- // "location": "path",
- // "required": true,
- // "type": "string"
- // },
// "userProject": {
// "description": "The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
- // "path": "b/{sourceBucket}/o/{sourceObject}/rewriteTo/b/{destinationBucket}/o/{destinationObject}",
+ // "path": "b/{bucket}/o/{object}/restore",
// "request": {
// "$ref": "Object"
// },
// "response": {
- // "$ref": "RewriteResponse"
+ // "$ref": "Object"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
- // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control",
- // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write"
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control"
// ]
// }
-// method id "storage.objects.setIamPolicy":
+// method id "storage.objects.rewrite":
-type ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall struct {
- s *Service
- bucket string
- object string
- policy *Policy
- urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
- ctx_ context.Context
- header_ http.Header
+type ObjectsRewriteCall struct {
+ s *Service
+ sourceBucket string
+ sourceObject string
+ destinationBucket string
+ destinationObject string
+ object *Object
+ urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
+ ctx_ context.Context
+ header_ http.Header
-// SetIamPolicy: Updates an IAM policy for the specified object.
+// Rewrite: Rewrites a source object to a destination object. Optionally
+// overrides metadata.
-// - bucket: Name of the bucket in which the object resides.
-// - object: Name of the object. For information about how to URL encode
-// object names to be path safe, see Encoding URI Path Parts
-// (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).
-func (r *ObjectsService) SetIamPolicy(bucket string, object string, policy *Policy) *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall {
- c := &ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
- c.bucket = bucket
+// - destinationBucket: Name of the bucket in which to store the new
+// object. Overrides the provided object metadata's bucket value, if
+// any.
+// - destinationObject: Name of the new object. Required when the object
+// metadata is not otherwise provided. Overrides the object metadata's
+// name value, if any. For information about how to URL encode object
+// names to be path safe, see Encoding URI Path Parts
+// (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).
+// - sourceBucket: Name of the bucket in which to find the source
+// object.
+// - sourceObject: Name of the source object. For information about how
+// to URL encode object names to be path safe, see Encoding URI Path
+// Parts
+// (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).
+func (r *ObjectsService) Rewrite(sourceBucket string, sourceObject string, destinationBucket string, destinationObject string, object *Object) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c := &ObjectsRewriteCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
+ c.sourceBucket = sourceBucket
+ c.sourceObject = sourceObject
+ c.destinationBucket = destinationBucket
+ c.destinationObject = destinationObject
c.object = object
- c.policy = policy
return c
-// Generation sets the optional parameter "generation": If present,
-// selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the latest
-// version, the default).
-func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Generation(generation int64) *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("generation", fmt.Sprint(generation))
+// DestinationKmsKeyName sets the optional parameter
+// "destinationKmsKeyName": Resource name of the Cloud KMS key, of the
+// form
+// projects/my-project/locations/global/keyRings/my-kr/cryptoKeys/my-key,
+// that will be used to encrypt the object. Overrides the object
+// metadata's kms_key_name value, if any.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) DestinationKmsKeyName(destinationKmsKeyName string) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("destinationKmsKeyName", destinationKmsKeyName)
+ return c
+// DestinationPredefinedAcl sets the optional parameter
+// "destinationPredefinedAcl": Apply a predefined set of access controls
+// to the destination object.
+// Possible values:
+// "authenticatedRead" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and
+// allAuthenticatedUsers get READER access.
+// "bucketOwnerFullControl" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and
+// project team owners get OWNER access.
+// "bucketOwnerRead" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and project
+// team owners get READER access.
+// "private" - Object owner gets OWNER access.
+// "projectPrivate" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team
+// members get access according to their roles.
+// "publicRead" - Object owner gets OWNER access, and allUsers get
+// READER access.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) DestinationPredefinedAcl(destinationPredefinedAcl string) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("destinationPredefinedAcl", destinationPredefinedAcl)
+ return c
+// IfGenerationMatch sets the optional parameter "ifGenerationMatch":
+// Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's current
+// generation matches the given value. Setting to 0 makes the operation
+// succeed only if there are no live versions of the object.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfGenerationMatch(ifGenerationMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("ifGenerationMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifGenerationMatch))
+ return c
+// IfGenerationNotMatch sets the optional parameter
+// "ifGenerationNotMatch": Makes the operation conditional on whether
+// the object's current generation does not match the given value. If no
+// live object exists, the precondition fails. Setting to 0 makes the
+// operation succeed only if there is a live version of the object.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfGenerationNotMatch(ifGenerationNotMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("ifGenerationNotMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifGenerationNotMatch))
+ return c
+// IfMetagenerationMatch sets the optional parameter
+// "ifMetagenerationMatch": Makes the operation conditional on whether
+// the destination object's current metageneration matches the given
+// value.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfMetagenerationMatch(ifMetagenerationMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("ifMetagenerationMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifMetagenerationMatch))
+ return c
+// IfMetagenerationNotMatch sets the optional parameter
+// "ifMetagenerationNotMatch": Makes the operation conditional on
+// whether the destination object's current metageneration does not
+// match the given value.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfMetagenerationNotMatch(ifMetagenerationNotMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("ifMetagenerationNotMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifMetagenerationNotMatch))
+ return c
+// IfSourceGenerationMatch sets the optional parameter
+// "ifSourceGenerationMatch": Makes the operation conditional on whether
+// the source object's current generation matches the given value.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfSourceGenerationMatch(ifSourceGenerationMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("ifSourceGenerationMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifSourceGenerationMatch))
+ return c
+// IfSourceGenerationNotMatch sets the optional parameter
+// "ifSourceGenerationNotMatch": Makes the operation conditional on
+// whether the source object's current generation does not match the
+// given value.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfSourceGenerationNotMatch(ifSourceGenerationNotMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("ifSourceGenerationNotMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifSourceGenerationNotMatch))
+ return c
+// IfSourceMetagenerationMatch sets the optional parameter
+// "ifSourceMetagenerationMatch": Makes the operation conditional on
+// whether the source object's current metageneration matches the given
+// value.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfSourceMetagenerationMatch(ifSourceMetagenerationMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("ifSourceMetagenerationMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifSourceMetagenerationMatch))
+ return c
+// IfSourceMetagenerationNotMatch sets the optional parameter
+// "ifSourceMetagenerationNotMatch": Makes the operation conditional on
+// whether the source object's current metageneration does not match the
+// given value.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) IfSourceMetagenerationNotMatch(ifSourceMetagenerationNotMatch int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("ifSourceMetagenerationNotMatch", fmt.Sprint(ifSourceMetagenerationNotMatch))
+ return c
+// MaxBytesRewrittenPerCall sets the optional parameter
+// "maxBytesRewrittenPerCall": The maximum number of bytes that will be
+// rewritten per rewrite request. Most callers shouldn't need to specify
+// this parameter - it is primarily in place to support testing. If
+// specified the value must be an integral multiple of 1 MiB (1048576).
+// Also, this only applies to requests where the source and destination
+// span locations and/or storage classes. Finally, this value must not
+// change across rewrite calls else you'll get an error that the
+// rewriteToken is invalid.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) MaxBytesRewrittenPerCall(maxBytesRewrittenPerCall int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("maxBytesRewrittenPerCall", fmt.Sprint(maxBytesRewrittenPerCall))
+ return c
+// Projection sets the optional parameter "projection": Set of
+// properties to return. Defaults to noAcl, unless the object resource
+// specifies the acl property, when it defaults to full.
+// Possible values:
+// "full" - Include all properties.
+// "noAcl" - Omit the owner, acl property.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Projection(projection string) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("projection", projection)
+ return c
+// RewriteToken sets the optional parameter "rewriteToken": Include this
+// field (from the previous rewrite response) on each rewrite request
+// after the first one, until the rewrite response 'done' flag is true.
+// Calls that provide a rewriteToken can omit all other request fields,
+// but if included those fields must match the values provided in the
+// first rewrite request.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) RewriteToken(rewriteToken string) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("rewriteToken", rewriteToken)
+ return c
+// SourceGeneration sets the optional parameter "sourceGeneration": If
+// present, selects a specific revision of the source object (as opposed
+// to the latest version, the default).
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) SourceGeneration(sourceGeneration int64) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("sourceGeneration", fmt.Sprint(sourceGeneration))
return c
// UserProject sets the optional parameter "userProject": The project to
// be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.
-func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) UserProject(userProject string) *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall {
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) UserProject(userProject string) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("userProject", userProject)
return c
@@ -11338,7 +11863,7 @@ func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) UserProject(userProject string) *ObjectsSetIam
// Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved. See
// https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse
// for more information.
-func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall {
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("fields", googleapi.CombineFields(s))
return c
@@ -11346,21 +11871,21 @@ func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ObjectsSetIamPol
// Context sets the context to be used in this call's Do method. Any
// pending HTTP request will be aborted if the provided context is
// canceled.
-func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall {
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *ObjectsRewriteCall {
c.ctx_ = ctx
return c
// Header returns an http.Header that can be modified by the caller to
// add HTTP headers to the request.
-func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Header() http.Header {
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Header() http.Header {
if c.header_ == nil {
c.header_ = make(http.Header)
return c.header_
-func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
reqHeaders := make(http.Header)
reqHeaders.Set("x-goog-api-client", "gl-go/"+gensupport.GoVersion()+" gdcl/"+internal.Version)
for k, v := range c.header_ {
@@ -11368,35 +11893,37 @@ func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error)
reqHeaders.Set("User-Agent", c.s.userAgent())
var body io.Reader = nil
- body, err := googleapi.WithoutDataWrapper.JSONReader(c.policy)
+ body, err := googleapi.WithoutDataWrapper.JSONReader(c.object)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reqHeaders.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
c.urlParams_.Set("alt", alt)
c.urlParams_.Set("prettyPrint", "false")
- urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{bucket}/o/{object}/iam")
+ urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{sourceBucket}/o/{sourceObject}/rewriteTo/b/{destinationBucket}/o/{destinationObject}")
urls += "?" + c.urlParams_.Encode()
- req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", urls, body)
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", urls, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header = reqHeaders
googleapi.Expand(req.URL, map[string]string{
- "bucket": c.bucket,
- "object": c.object,
+ "sourceBucket": c.sourceBucket,
+ "sourceObject": c.sourceObject,
+ "destinationBucket": c.destinationBucket,
+ "destinationObject": c.destinationObject,
return gensupport.SendRequest(c.ctx_, c.s.client, req)
-// Do executes the "storage.objects.setIamPolicy" call.
-// Exactly one of *Policy or error will be non-nil. Any non-2xx status
-// code is an error. Response headers are in either
-// *Policy.ServerResponse.Header or (if a response was returned at all)
-// in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header. Use googleapi.IsNotModified to
-// check whether the returned error was because http.StatusNotModified
-// was returned.
-func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Policy, error) {
+// Do executes the "storage.objects.rewrite" call.
+// Exactly one of *RewriteResponse or error will be non-nil. Any non-2xx
+// status code is an error. Response headers are in either
+// *RewriteResponse.ServerResponse.Header or (if a response was returned
+// at all) in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header. Use
+// googleapi.IsNotModified to check whether the returned error was
+// because http.StatusNotModified was returned.
+func (c *ObjectsRewriteCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*RewriteResponse, error) {
gensupport.SetOptions(c.urlParams_, opts...)
res, err := c.doRequest("json")
if res != nil && res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotModified {
@@ -11415,7 +11942,7 @@ func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Policy, err
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, gensupport.WrapError(err)
- ret := &Policy{
+ ret := &RewriteResponse{
ServerResponse: googleapi.ServerResponse{
Header: res.Header,
HTTPStatusCode: res.StatusCode,
@@ -11427,44 +11954,156 @@ func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Policy, err
return ret, nil
// {
- // "description": "Updates an IAM policy for the specified object.",
- // "httpMethod": "PUT",
- // "id": "storage.objects.setIamPolicy",
+ // "description": "Rewrites a source object to a destination object. Optionally overrides metadata.",
+ // "httpMethod": "POST",
+ // "id": "storage.objects.rewrite",
// "parameterOrder": [
- // "bucket",
- // "object"
+ // "sourceBucket",
+ // "sourceObject",
+ // "destinationBucket",
+ // "destinationObject"
// ],
// "parameters": {
- // "bucket": {
- // "description": "Name of the bucket in which the object resides.",
+ // "destinationBucket": {
+ // "description": "Name of the bucket in which to store the new object. Overrides the provided object metadata's bucket value, if any.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
- // "generation": {
- // "description": "If present, selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the latest version, the default).",
- // "format": "int64",
+ // "destinationKmsKeyName": {
+ // "description": "Resource name of the Cloud KMS key, of the form projects/my-project/locations/global/keyRings/my-kr/cryptoKeys/my-key, that will be used to encrypt the object. Overrides the object metadata's kms_key_name value, if any.",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
- // "object": {
- // "description": "Name of the object. For information about how to URL encode object names to be path safe, see [Encoding URI Path Parts](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).",
+ // "destinationObject": {
+ // "description": "Name of the new object. Required when the object metadata is not otherwise provided. Overrides the object metadata's name value, if any. For information about how to URL encode object names to be path safe, see [Encoding URI Path Parts](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
- // "userProject": {
- // "description": "The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.",
- // "location": "query",
+ // "destinationPredefinedAcl": {
+ // "description": "Apply a predefined set of access controls to the destination object.",
+ // "enum": [
+ // "authenticatedRead",
+ // "bucketOwnerFullControl",
+ // "bucketOwnerRead",
+ // "private",
+ // "projectPrivate",
+ // "publicRead"
+ // ],
+ // "enumDescriptions": [
+ // "Object owner gets OWNER access, and allAuthenticatedUsers get READER access.",
+ // "Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team owners get OWNER access.",
+ // "Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team owners get READER access.",
+ // "Object owner gets OWNER access.",
+ // "Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team members get access according to their roles.",
+ // "Object owner gets OWNER access, and allUsers get READER access."
+ // ],
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "ifGenerationMatch": {
+ // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's current generation matches the given value. Setting to 0 makes the operation succeed only if there are no live versions of the object.",
+ // "format": "int64",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "ifGenerationNotMatch": {
+ // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's current generation does not match the given value. If no live object exists, the precondition fails. Setting to 0 makes the operation succeed only if there is a live version of the object.",
+ // "format": "int64",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "ifMetagenerationMatch": {
+ // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the destination object's current metageneration matches the given value.",
+ // "format": "int64",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "ifMetagenerationNotMatch": {
+ // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the destination object's current metageneration does not match the given value.",
+ // "format": "int64",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "ifSourceGenerationMatch": {
+ // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the source object's current generation matches the given value.",
+ // "format": "int64",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "ifSourceGenerationNotMatch": {
+ // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the source object's current generation does not match the given value.",
+ // "format": "int64",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "ifSourceMetagenerationMatch": {
+ // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the source object's current metageneration matches the given value.",
+ // "format": "int64",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "ifSourceMetagenerationNotMatch": {
+ // "description": "Makes the operation conditional on whether the source object's current metageneration does not match the given value.",
+ // "format": "int64",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "maxBytesRewrittenPerCall": {
+ // "description": "The maximum number of bytes that will be rewritten per rewrite request. Most callers shouldn't need to specify this parameter - it is primarily in place to support testing. If specified the value must be an integral multiple of 1 MiB (1048576). Also, this only applies to requests where the source and destination span locations and/or storage classes. Finally, this value must not change across rewrite calls else you'll get an error that the rewriteToken is invalid.",
+ // "format": "int64",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "projection": {
+ // "description": "Set of properties to return. Defaults to noAcl, unless the object resource specifies the acl property, when it defaults to full.",
+ // "enum": [
+ // "full",
+ // "noAcl"
+ // ],
+ // "enumDescriptions": [
+ // "Include all properties.",
+ // "Omit the owner, acl property."
+ // ],
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "rewriteToken": {
+ // "description": "Include this field (from the previous rewrite response) on each rewrite request after the first one, until the rewrite response 'done' flag is true. Calls that provide a rewriteToken can omit all other request fields, but if included those fields must match the values provided in the first rewrite request.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "sourceBucket": {
+ // "description": "Name of the bucket in which to find the source object.",
+ // "location": "path",
+ // "required": true,
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "sourceGeneration": {
+ // "description": "If present, selects a specific revision of the source object (as opposed to the latest version, the default).",
+ // "format": "int64",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "sourceObject": {
+ // "description": "Name of the source object. For information about how to URL encode object names to be path safe, see [Encoding URI Path Parts](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).",
+ // "location": "path",
+ // "required": true,
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "userProject": {
+ // "description": "The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.",
+ // "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
- // "path": "b/{bucket}/o/{object}/iam",
+ // "path": "b/{sourceBucket}/o/{sourceObject}/rewriteTo/b/{destinationBucket}/o/{destinationObject}",
// "request": {
- // "$ref": "Policy"
+ // "$ref": "Object"
// },
// "response": {
- // "$ref": "Policy"
+ // "$ref": "RewriteResponse"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
@@ -11475,45 +12114,43 @@ func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Policy, err
-// method id "storage.objects.testIamPermissions":
+// method id "storage.objects.setIamPolicy":
-type ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall struct {
- s *Service
- bucket string
- object string
- urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
- ifNoneMatch_ string
- ctx_ context.Context
- header_ http.Header
+type ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall struct {
+ s *Service
+ bucket string
+ object string
+ policy *Policy
+ urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
+ ctx_ context.Context
+ header_ http.Header
-// TestIamPermissions: Tests a set of permissions on the given object to
-// see which, if any, are held by the caller.
+// SetIamPolicy: Updates an IAM policy for the specified object.
// - bucket: Name of the bucket in which the object resides.
// - object: Name of the object. For information about how to URL encode
// object names to be path safe, see Encoding URI Path Parts
// (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).
-// - permissions: Permissions to test.
-func (r *ObjectsService) TestIamPermissions(bucket string, object string, permissions []string) *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall {
- c := &ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
+func (r *ObjectsService) SetIamPolicy(bucket string, object string, policy *Policy) *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall {
+ c := &ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
c.bucket = bucket
c.object = object
- c.urlParams_.SetMulti("permissions", append([]string{}, permissions...))
+ c.policy = policy
return c
// Generation sets the optional parameter "generation": If present,
// selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the latest
// version, the default).
-func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Generation(generation int64) *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall {
+func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Generation(generation int64) *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("generation", fmt.Sprint(generation))
return c
// UserProject sets the optional parameter "userProject": The project to
// be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.
-func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) UserProject(userProject string) *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall {
+func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) UserProject(userProject string) *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("userProject", userProject)
return c
@@ -11521,54 +12158,46 @@ func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) UserProject(userProject string) *Objects
// Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved. See
// https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse
// for more information.
-func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall {
+func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("fields", googleapi.CombineFields(s))
return c
-// IfNoneMatch sets the optional parameter which makes the operation
-// fail if the object's ETag matches the given value. This is useful for
-// getting updates only after the object has changed since the last
-// request. Use googleapi.IsNotModified to check whether the response
-// error from Do is the result of In-None-Match.
-func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) IfNoneMatch(entityTag string) *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall {
- c.ifNoneMatch_ = entityTag
- return c
// Context sets the context to be used in this call's Do method. Any
// pending HTTP request will be aborted if the provided context is
// canceled.
-func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall {
+func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall {
c.ctx_ = ctx
return c
// Header returns an http.Header that can be modified by the caller to
// add HTTP headers to the request.
-func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Header() http.Header {
+func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Header() http.Header {
if c.header_ == nil {
c.header_ = make(http.Header)
return c.header_
-func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
+func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
reqHeaders := make(http.Header)
reqHeaders.Set("x-goog-api-client", "gl-go/"+gensupport.GoVersion()+" gdcl/"+internal.Version)
for k, v := range c.header_ {
reqHeaders[k] = v
reqHeaders.Set("User-Agent", c.s.userAgent())
- if c.ifNoneMatch_ != "" {
- reqHeaders.Set("If-None-Match", c.ifNoneMatch_)
- }
var body io.Reader = nil
+ body, err := googleapi.WithoutDataWrapper.JSONReader(c.policy)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ reqHeaders.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
c.urlParams_.Set("alt", alt)
c.urlParams_.Set("prettyPrint", "false")
- urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{bucket}/o/{object}/iam/testPermissions")
+ urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{bucket}/o/{object}/iam")
urls += "?" + c.urlParams_.Encode()
- req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", urls, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -11580,14 +12209,14 @@ func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, e
return gensupport.SendRequest(c.ctx_, c.s.client, req)
-// Do executes the "storage.objects.testIamPermissions" call.
-// Exactly one of *TestIamPermissionsResponse or error will be non-nil.
-// Any non-2xx status code is an error. Response headers are in either
-// *TestIamPermissionsResponse.ServerResponse.Header or (if a response
-// was returned at all) in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header. Use
-// googleapi.IsNotModified to check whether the returned error was
-// because http.StatusNotModified was returned.
-func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*TestIamPermissionsResponse, error) {
+// Do executes the "storage.objects.setIamPolicy" call.
+// Exactly one of *Policy or error will be non-nil. Any non-2xx status
+// code is an error. Response headers are in either
+// *Policy.ServerResponse.Header or (if a response was returned at all)
+// in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header. Use googleapi.IsNotModified to
+// check whether the returned error was because http.StatusNotModified
+// was returned.
+func (c *ObjectsSetIamPolicyCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Policy, error) {
gensupport.SetOptions(c.urlParams_, opts...)
res, err := c.doRequest("json")
if res != nil && res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotModified {
@@ -11606,7 +12235,7 @@ func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*TestI
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, gensupport.WrapError(err)
- ret := &TestIamPermissionsResponse{
+ ret := &Policy{
ServerResponse: googleapi.ServerResponse{
Header: res.Header,
HTTPStatusCode: res.StatusCode,
@@ -11618,13 +12247,12 @@ func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*TestI
return ret, nil
// {
- // "description": "Tests a set of permissions on the given object to see which, if any, are held by the caller.",
- // "httpMethod": "GET",
- // "id": "storage.objects.testIamPermissions",
+ // "description": "Updates an IAM policy for the specified object.",
+ // "httpMethod": "PUT",
+ // "id": "storage.objects.setIamPolicy",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "bucket",
- // "object",
- // "permissions"
+ // "object"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "bucket": {
@@ -11645,69 +12273,261 @@ func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*TestI
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
- // "permissions": {
- // "description": "Permissions to test.",
- // "location": "query",
- // "repeated": true,
- // "required": true,
- // "type": "string"
- // },
// "userProject": {
// "description": "The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
- // "path": "b/{bucket}/o/{object}/iam/testPermissions",
+ // "path": "b/{bucket}/o/{object}/iam",
+ // "request": {
+ // "$ref": "Policy"
+ // },
// "response": {
- // "$ref": "TestIamPermissionsResponse"
+ // "$ref": "Policy"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
- // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only",
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control",
- // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only",
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write"
// ]
// }
-// method id "storage.objects.update":
+// method id "storage.objects.testIamPermissions":
-type ObjectsUpdateCall struct {
- s *Service
- bucket string
- object string
- object2 *Object
- urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
- ctx_ context.Context
- header_ http.Header
+type ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall struct {
+ s *Service
+ bucket string
+ object string
+ urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
+ ifNoneMatch_ string
+ ctx_ context.Context
+ header_ http.Header
-// Update: Updates an object's metadata.
+// TestIamPermissions: Tests a set of permissions on the given object to
+// see which, if any, are held by the caller.
// - bucket: Name of the bucket in which the object resides.
// - object: Name of the object. For information about how to URL encode
// object names to be path safe, see Encoding URI Path Parts
// (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).
-func (r *ObjectsService) Update(bucket string, object string, object2 *Object) *ObjectsUpdateCall {
- c := &ObjectsUpdateCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
+// - permissions: Permissions to test.
+func (r *ObjectsService) TestIamPermissions(bucket string, object string, permissions []string) *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall {
+ c := &ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
c.bucket = bucket
c.object = object
- c.object2 = object2
+ c.urlParams_.SetMulti("permissions", append([]string{}, permissions...))
return c
// Generation sets the optional parameter "generation": If present,
// selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the latest
// version, the default).
-func (c *ObjectsUpdateCall) Generation(generation int64) *ObjectsUpdateCall {
+func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Generation(generation int64) *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("generation", fmt.Sprint(generation))
return c
-// IfGenerationMatch sets the optional parameter "ifGenerationMatch":
+// UserProject sets the optional parameter "userProject": The project to
+// be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.
+func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) UserProject(userProject string) *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("userProject", userProject)
+ return c
+// Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved. See
+// https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse
+// for more information.
+func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("fields", googleapi.CombineFields(s))
+ return c
+// IfNoneMatch sets the optional parameter which makes the operation
+// fail if the object's ETag matches the given value. This is useful for
+// getting updates only after the object has changed since the last
+// request. Use googleapi.IsNotModified to check whether the response
+// error from Do is the result of In-None-Match.
+func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) IfNoneMatch(entityTag string) *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall {
+ c.ifNoneMatch_ = entityTag
+ return c
+// Context sets the context to be used in this call's Do method. Any
+// pending HTTP request will be aborted if the provided context is
+// canceled.
+func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall {
+ c.ctx_ = ctx
+ return c
+// Header returns an http.Header that can be modified by the caller to
+// add HTTP headers to the request.
+func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Header() http.Header {
+ if c.header_ == nil {
+ c.header_ = make(http.Header)
+ }
+ return c.header_
+func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
+ reqHeaders := make(http.Header)
+ reqHeaders.Set("x-goog-api-client", "gl-go/"+gensupport.GoVersion()+" gdcl/"+internal.Version)
+ for k, v := range c.header_ {
+ reqHeaders[k] = v
+ }
+ reqHeaders.Set("User-Agent", c.s.userAgent())
+ if c.ifNoneMatch_ != "" {
+ reqHeaders.Set("If-None-Match", c.ifNoneMatch_)
+ }
+ var body io.Reader = nil
+ c.urlParams_.Set("alt", alt)
+ c.urlParams_.Set("prettyPrint", "false")
+ urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{bucket}/o/{object}/iam/testPermissions")
+ urls += "?" + c.urlParams_.Encode()
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ req.Header = reqHeaders
+ googleapi.Expand(req.URL, map[string]string{
+ "bucket": c.bucket,
+ "object": c.object,
+ })
+ return gensupport.SendRequest(c.ctx_, c.s.client, req)
+// Do executes the "storage.objects.testIamPermissions" call.
+// Exactly one of *TestIamPermissionsResponse or error will be non-nil.
+// Any non-2xx status code is an error. Response headers are in either
+// *TestIamPermissionsResponse.ServerResponse.Header or (if a response
+// was returned at all) in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header. Use
+// googleapi.IsNotModified to check whether the returned error was
+// because http.StatusNotModified was returned.
+func (c *ObjectsTestIamPermissionsCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*TestIamPermissionsResponse, error) {
+ gensupport.SetOptions(c.urlParams_, opts...)
+ res, err := c.doRequest("json")
+ if res != nil && res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotModified {
+ if res.Body != nil {
+ res.Body.Close()
+ }
+ return nil, gensupport.WrapError(&googleapi.Error{
+ Code: res.StatusCode,
+ Header: res.Header,
+ })
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer googleapi.CloseBody(res)
+ if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
+ return nil, gensupport.WrapError(err)
+ }
+ ret := &TestIamPermissionsResponse{
+ ServerResponse: googleapi.ServerResponse{
+ Header: res.Header,
+ HTTPStatusCode: res.StatusCode,
+ },
+ }
+ target := &ret
+ if err := gensupport.DecodeResponse(target, res); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return ret, nil
+ // {
+ // "description": "Tests a set of permissions on the given object to see which, if any, are held by the caller.",
+ // "httpMethod": "GET",
+ // "id": "storage.objects.testIamPermissions",
+ // "parameterOrder": [
+ // "bucket",
+ // "object",
+ // "permissions"
+ // ],
+ // "parameters": {
+ // "bucket": {
+ // "description": "Name of the bucket in which the object resides.",
+ // "location": "path",
+ // "required": true,
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "generation": {
+ // "description": "If present, selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the latest version, the default).",
+ // "format": "int64",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "object": {
+ // "description": "Name of the object. For information about how to URL encode object names to be path safe, see [Encoding URI Path Parts](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).",
+ // "location": "path",
+ // "required": true,
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "permissions": {
+ // "description": "Permissions to test.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "repeated": true,
+ // "required": true,
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "userProject": {
+ // "description": "The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // }
+ // },
+ // "path": "b/{bucket}/o/{object}/iam/testPermissions",
+ // "response": {
+ // "$ref": "TestIamPermissionsResponse"
+ // },
+ // "scopes": [
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write"
+ // ]
+ // }
+// method id "storage.objects.update":
+type ObjectsUpdateCall struct {
+ s *Service
+ bucket string
+ object string
+ object2 *Object
+ urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
+ ctx_ context.Context
+ header_ http.Header
+// Update: Updates an object's metadata.
+// - bucket: Name of the bucket in which the object resides.
+// - object: Name of the object. For information about how to URL encode
+// object names to be path safe, see Encoding URI Path Parts
+// (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-endpoints#encoding).
+func (r *ObjectsService) Update(bucket string, object string, object2 *Object) *ObjectsUpdateCall {
+ c := &ObjectsUpdateCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
+ c.bucket = bucket
+ c.object = object
+ c.object2 = object2
+ return c
+// Generation sets the optional parameter "generation": If present,
+// selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the latest
+// version, the default).
+func (c *ObjectsUpdateCall) Generation(generation int64) *ObjectsUpdateCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("generation", fmt.Sprint(generation))
+ return c
+// IfGenerationMatch sets the optional parameter "ifGenerationMatch":
// Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's current
// generation matches the given value. Setting to 0 makes the operation
// succeed only if there are no live versions of the object.
@@ -11743,6 +12563,15 @@ func (c *ObjectsUpdateCall) IfMetagenerationNotMatch(ifMetagenerationNotMatch in
return c
+// OverrideUnlockedRetention sets the optional parameter
+// "overrideUnlockedRetention": Must be true to remove the retention
+// configuration, reduce its unlocked retention period, or change its
+// mode from unlocked to locked.
+func (c *ObjectsUpdateCall) OverrideUnlockedRetention(overrideUnlockedRetention bool) *ObjectsUpdateCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("overrideUnlockedRetention", fmt.Sprint(overrideUnlockedRetention))
+ return c
// PredefinedAcl sets the optional parameter "predefinedAcl": Apply a
// predefined set of access controls to this object.
@@ -11934,6 +12763,11 @@ func (c *ObjectsUpdateCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Object, error) {
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
+ // "overrideUnlockedRetention": {
+ // "description": "Must be true to remove the retention configuration, reduce its unlocked retention period, or change its mode from unlocked to locked.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "boolean"
+ // },
// "predefinedAcl": {
// "description": "Apply a predefined set of access controls to this object.",
// "enum": [
@@ -11968,181 +12802,697 @@ func (c *ObjectsUpdateCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Object, error) {
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
- // "userProject": {
- // "description": "The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.",
- // "location": "query",
+ // "userProject": {
+ // "description": "The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // }
+ // },
+ // "path": "b/{bucket}/o/{object}",
+ // "request": {
+ // "$ref": "Object"
+ // },
+ // "response": {
+ // "$ref": "Object"
+ // },
+ // "scopes": [
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control"
+ // ]
+ // }
+// method id "storage.objects.watchAll":
+type ObjectsWatchAllCall struct {
+ s *Service
+ bucket string
+ channel *Channel
+ urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
+ ctx_ context.Context
+ header_ http.Header
+// WatchAll: Watch for changes on all objects in a bucket.
+// - bucket: Name of the bucket in which to look for objects.
+func (r *ObjectsService) WatchAll(bucket string, channel *Channel) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c := &ObjectsWatchAllCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
+ c.bucket = bucket
+ c.channel = channel
+ return c
+// Delimiter sets the optional parameter "delimiter": Returns results in
+// a directory-like mode. items will contain only objects whose names,
+// aside from the prefix, do not contain delimiter. Objects whose names,
+// aside from the prefix, contain delimiter will have their name,
+// truncated after the delimiter, returned in prefixes. Duplicate
+// prefixes are omitted.
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Delimiter(delimiter string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("delimiter", delimiter)
+ return c
+// EndOffset sets the optional parameter "endOffset": Filter results to
+// objects whose names are lexicographically before endOffset. If
+// startOffset is also set, the objects listed will have names between
+// startOffset (inclusive) and endOffset (exclusive).
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) EndOffset(endOffset string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("endOffset", endOffset)
+ return c
+// IncludeTrailingDelimiter sets the optional parameter
+// "includeTrailingDelimiter": If true, objects that end in exactly one
+// instance of delimiter will have their metadata included in items in
+// addition to prefixes.
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) IncludeTrailingDelimiter(includeTrailingDelimiter bool) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("includeTrailingDelimiter", fmt.Sprint(includeTrailingDelimiter))
+ return c
+// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "maxResults": Maximum number
+// of items plus prefixes to return in a single page of responses. As
+// duplicate prefixes are omitted, fewer total results may be returned
+// than requested. The service will use this parameter or 1,000 items,
+// whichever is smaller.
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("maxResults", fmt.Sprint(maxResults))
+ return c
+// PageToken sets the optional parameter "pageToken": A
+// previously-returned page token representing part of the larger set of
+// results to view.
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) PageToken(pageToken string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("pageToken", pageToken)
+ return c
+// Prefix sets the optional parameter "prefix": Filter results to
+// objects whose names begin with this prefix.
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Prefix(prefix string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("prefix", prefix)
+ return c
+// Projection sets the optional parameter "projection": Set of
+// properties to return. Defaults to noAcl.
+// Possible values:
+// "full" - Include all properties.
+// "noAcl" - Omit the owner, acl property.
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Projection(projection string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("projection", projection)
+ return c
+// StartOffset sets the optional parameter "startOffset": Filter results
+// to objects whose names are lexicographically equal to or after
+// startOffset. If endOffset is also set, the objects listed will have
+// names between startOffset (inclusive) and endOffset (exclusive).
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) StartOffset(startOffset string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("startOffset", startOffset)
+ return c
+// UserProject sets the optional parameter "userProject": The project to
+// be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) UserProject(userProject string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("userProject", userProject)
+ return c
+// Versions sets the optional parameter "versions": If true, lists all
+// versions of an object as distinct results. The default is false. For
+// more information, see Object Versioning.
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Versions(versions bool) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("versions", fmt.Sprint(versions))
+ return c
+// Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved. See
+// https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse
+// for more information.
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("fields", googleapi.CombineFields(s))
+ return c
+// Context sets the context to be used in this call's Do method. Any
+// pending HTTP request will be aborted if the provided context is
+// canceled.
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+ c.ctx_ = ctx
+ return c
+// Header returns an http.Header that can be modified by the caller to
+// add HTTP headers to the request.
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Header() http.Header {
+ if c.header_ == nil {
+ c.header_ = make(http.Header)
+ }
+ return c.header_
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
+ reqHeaders := make(http.Header)
+ reqHeaders.Set("x-goog-api-client", "gl-go/"+gensupport.GoVersion()+" gdcl/"+internal.Version)
+ for k, v := range c.header_ {
+ reqHeaders[k] = v
+ }
+ reqHeaders.Set("User-Agent", c.s.userAgent())
+ var body io.Reader = nil
+ body, err := googleapi.WithoutDataWrapper.JSONReader(c.channel)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ reqHeaders.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ c.urlParams_.Set("alt", alt)
+ c.urlParams_.Set("prettyPrint", "false")
+ urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{bucket}/o/watch")
+ urls += "?" + c.urlParams_.Encode()
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", urls, body)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ req.Header = reqHeaders
+ googleapi.Expand(req.URL, map[string]string{
+ "bucket": c.bucket,
+ })
+ return gensupport.SendRequest(c.ctx_, c.s.client, req)
+// Do executes the "storage.objects.watchAll" call.
+// Exactly one of *Channel or error will be non-nil. Any non-2xx status
+// code is an error. Response headers are in either
+// *Channel.ServerResponse.Header or (if a response was returned at all)
+// in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header. Use googleapi.IsNotModified to
+// check whether the returned error was because http.StatusNotModified
+// was returned.
+func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Channel, error) {
+ gensupport.SetOptions(c.urlParams_, opts...)
+ res, err := c.doRequest("json")
+ if res != nil && res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotModified {
+ if res.Body != nil {
+ res.Body.Close()
+ }
+ return nil, gensupport.WrapError(&googleapi.Error{
+ Code: res.StatusCode,
+ Header: res.Header,
+ })
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer googleapi.CloseBody(res)
+ if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
+ return nil, gensupport.WrapError(err)
+ }
+ ret := &Channel{
+ ServerResponse: googleapi.ServerResponse{
+ Header: res.Header,
+ HTTPStatusCode: res.StatusCode,
+ },
+ }
+ target := &ret
+ if err := gensupport.DecodeResponse(target, res); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return ret, nil
+ // {
+ // "description": "Watch for changes on all objects in a bucket.",
+ // "httpMethod": "POST",
+ // "id": "storage.objects.watchAll",
+ // "parameterOrder": [
+ // "bucket"
+ // ],
+ // "parameters": {
+ // "bucket": {
+ // "description": "Name of the bucket in which to look for objects.",
+ // "location": "path",
+ // "required": true,
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "delimiter": {
+ // "description": "Returns results in a directory-like mode. items will contain only objects whose names, aside from the prefix, do not contain delimiter. Objects whose names, aside from the prefix, contain delimiter will have their name, truncated after the delimiter, returned in prefixes. Duplicate prefixes are omitted.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "endOffset": {
+ // "description": "Filter results to objects whose names are lexicographically before endOffset. If startOffset is also set, the objects listed will have names between startOffset (inclusive) and endOffset (exclusive).",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "includeTrailingDelimiter": {
+ // "description": "If true, objects that end in exactly one instance of delimiter will have their metadata included in items in addition to prefixes.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "boolean"
+ // },
+ // "maxResults": {
+ // "default": "1000",
+ // "description": "Maximum number of items plus prefixes to return in a single page of responses. As duplicate prefixes are omitted, fewer total results may be returned than requested. The service will use this parameter or 1,000 items, whichever is smaller.",
+ // "format": "uint32",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "minimum": "0",
+ // "type": "integer"
+ // },
+ // "pageToken": {
+ // "description": "A previously-returned page token representing part of the larger set of results to view.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "prefix": {
+ // "description": "Filter results to objects whose names begin with this prefix.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "projection": {
+ // "description": "Set of properties to return. Defaults to noAcl.",
+ // "enum": [
+ // "full",
+ // "noAcl"
+ // ],
+ // "enumDescriptions": [
+ // "Include all properties.",
+ // "Omit the owner, acl property."
+ // ],
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "startOffset": {
+ // "description": "Filter results to objects whose names are lexicographically equal to or after startOffset. If endOffset is also set, the objects listed will have names between startOffset (inclusive) and endOffset (exclusive).",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "userProject": {
+ // "description": "The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "versions": {
+ // "description": "If true, lists all versions of an object as distinct results. The default is false. For more information, see Object Versioning.",
+ // "location": "query",
+ // "type": "boolean"
+ // }
+ // },
+ // "path": "b/{bucket}/o/watch",
+ // "request": {
+ // "$ref": "Channel",
+ // "parameterName": "resource"
+ // },
+ // "response": {
+ // "$ref": "Channel"
+ // },
+ // "scopes": [
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write"
+ // ],
+ // "supportsSubscription": true
+ // }
+// method id "storage.buckets.operations.cancel":
+type OperationsCancelCall struct {
+ s *Service
+ bucket string
+ operationId string
+ urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
+ ctx_ context.Context
+ header_ http.Header
+// Cancel: Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation.
+// The server makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success
+// is not guaranteed.
+// - bucket: The parent bucket of the operation resource.
+// - operationId: The ID of the operation resource.
+func (r *OperationsService) Cancel(bucket string, operationId string) *OperationsCancelCall {
+ c := &OperationsCancelCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
+ c.bucket = bucket
+ c.operationId = operationId
+ return c
+// Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved. See
+// https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse
+// for more information.
+func (c *OperationsCancelCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *OperationsCancelCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("fields", googleapi.CombineFields(s))
+ return c
+// Context sets the context to be used in this call's Do method. Any
+// pending HTTP request will be aborted if the provided context is
+// canceled.
+func (c *OperationsCancelCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *OperationsCancelCall {
+ c.ctx_ = ctx
+ return c
+// Header returns an http.Header that can be modified by the caller to
+// add HTTP headers to the request.
+func (c *OperationsCancelCall) Header() http.Header {
+ if c.header_ == nil {
+ c.header_ = make(http.Header)
+ }
+ return c.header_
+func (c *OperationsCancelCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
+ reqHeaders := make(http.Header)
+ reqHeaders.Set("x-goog-api-client", "gl-go/"+gensupport.GoVersion()+" gdcl/"+internal.Version)
+ for k, v := range c.header_ {
+ reqHeaders[k] = v
+ }
+ reqHeaders.Set("User-Agent", c.s.userAgent())
+ var body io.Reader = nil
+ c.urlParams_.Set("alt", alt)
+ c.urlParams_.Set("prettyPrint", "false")
+ urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{bucket}/operations/{operationId}/cancel")
+ urls += "?" + c.urlParams_.Encode()
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", urls, body)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ req.Header = reqHeaders
+ googleapi.Expand(req.URL, map[string]string{
+ "bucket": c.bucket,
+ "operationId": c.operationId,
+ })
+ return gensupport.SendRequest(c.ctx_, c.s.client, req)
+// Do executes the "storage.buckets.operations.cancel" call.
+func (c *OperationsCancelCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) error {
+ gensupport.SetOptions(c.urlParams_, opts...)
+ res, err := c.doRequest("json")
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer googleapi.CloseBody(res)
+ if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
+ return gensupport.WrapError(err)
+ }
+ return nil
+ // {
+ // "description": "Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not guaranteed.",
+ // "httpMethod": "POST",
+ // "id": "storage.buckets.operations.cancel",
+ // "parameterOrder": [
+ // "bucket",
+ // "operationId"
+ // ],
+ // "parameters": {
+ // "bucket": {
+ // "description": "The parent bucket of the operation resource.",
+ // "location": "path",
+ // "required": true,
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "operationId": {
+ // "description": "The ID of the operation resource.",
+ // "location": "path",
+ // "required": true,
+ // "type": "string"
+ // }
+ // },
+ // "path": "b/{bucket}/operations/{operationId}/cancel",
+ // "scopes": [
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write"
+ // ]
+ // }
+// method id "storage.buckets.operations.get":
+type OperationsGetCall struct {
+ s *Service
+ bucket string
+ operationId string
+ urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
+ ifNoneMatch_ string
+ ctx_ context.Context
+ header_ http.Header
+// Get: Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
+// - bucket: The parent bucket of the operation resource.
+// - operationId: The ID of the operation resource.
+func (r *OperationsService) Get(bucket string, operationId string) *OperationsGetCall {
+ c := &OperationsGetCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
+ c.bucket = bucket
+ c.operationId = operationId
+ return c
+// Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved. See
+// https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse
+// for more information.
+func (c *OperationsGetCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *OperationsGetCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("fields", googleapi.CombineFields(s))
+ return c
+// IfNoneMatch sets the optional parameter which makes the operation
+// fail if the object's ETag matches the given value. This is useful for
+// getting updates only after the object has changed since the last
+// request. Use googleapi.IsNotModified to check whether the response
+// error from Do is the result of In-None-Match.
+func (c *OperationsGetCall) IfNoneMatch(entityTag string) *OperationsGetCall {
+ c.ifNoneMatch_ = entityTag
+ return c
+// Context sets the context to be used in this call's Do method. Any
+// pending HTTP request will be aborted if the provided context is
+// canceled.
+func (c *OperationsGetCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *OperationsGetCall {
+ c.ctx_ = ctx
+ return c
+// Header returns an http.Header that can be modified by the caller to
+// add HTTP headers to the request.
+func (c *OperationsGetCall) Header() http.Header {
+ if c.header_ == nil {
+ c.header_ = make(http.Header)
+ }
+ return c.header_
+func (c *OperationsGetCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
+ reqHeaders := make(http.Header)
+ reqHeaders.Set("x-goog-api-client", "gl-go/"+gensupport.GoVersion()+" gdcl/"+internal.Version)
+ for k, v := range c.header_ {
+ reqHeaders[k] = v
+ }
+ reqHeaders.Set("User-Agent", c.s.userAgent())
+ if c.ifNoneMatch_ != "" {
+ reqHeaders.Set("If-None-Match", c.ifNoneMatch_)
+ }
+ var body io.Reader = nil
+ c.urlParams_.Set("alt", alt)
+ c.urlParams_.Set("prettyPrint", "false")
+ urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{bucket}/operations/{operationId}")
+ urls += "?" + c.urlParams_.Encode()
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ req.Header = reqHeaders
+ googleapi.Expand(req.URL, map[string]string{
+ "bucket": c.bucket,
+ "operationId": c.operationId,
+ })
+ return gensupport.SendRequest(c.ctx_, c.s.client, req)
+// Do executes the "storage.buckets.operations.get" call.
+// Exactly one of *GoogleLongrunningOperation or error will be non-nil.
+// Any non-2xx status code is an error. Response headers are in either
+// *GoogleLongrunningOperation.ServerResponse.Header or (if a response
+// was returned at all) in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header. Use
+// googleapi.IsNotModified to check whether the returned error was
+// because http.StatusNotModified was returned.
+func (c *OperationsGetCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*GoogleLongrunningOperation, error) {
+ gensupport.SetOptions(c.urlParams_, opts...)
+ res, err := c.doRequest("json")
+ if res != nil && res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotModified {
+ if res.Body != nil {
+ res.Body.Close()
+ }
+ return nil, gensupport.WrapError(&googleapi.Error{
+ Code: res.StatusCode,
+ Header: res.Header,
+ })
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer googleapi.CloseBody(res)
+ if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
+ return nil, gensupport.WrapError(err)
+ }
+ ret := &GoogleLongrunningOperation{
+ ServerResponse: googleapi.ServerResponse{
+ Header: res.Header,
+ HTTPStatusCode: res.StatusCode,
+ },
+ }
+ target := &ret
+ if err := gensupport.DecodeResponse(target, res); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return ret, nil
+ // {
+ // "description": "Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.",
+ // "httpMethod": "GET",
+ // "id": "storage.buckets.operations.get",
+ // "parameterOrder": [
+ // "bucket",
+ // "operationId"
+ // ],
+ // "parameters": {
+ // "bucket": {
+ // "description": "The parent bucket of the operation resource.",
+ // "location": "path",
+ // "required": true,
+ // "type": "string"
+ // },
+ // "operationId": {
+ // "description": "The ID of the operation resource.",
+ // "location": "path",
+ // "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
- // "path": "b/{bucket}/o/{object}",
- // "request": {
- // "$ref": "Object"
- // },
+ // "path": "b/{bucket}/operations/{operationId}",
// "response": {
- // "$ref": "Object"
+ // "$ref": "GoogleLongrunningOperation"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
- // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control"
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only",
+ // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write"
// ]
// }
-// method id "storage.objects.watchAll":
+// method id "storage.buckets.operations.list":
-type ObjectsWatchAllCall struct {
- s *Service
- bucket string
- channel *Channel
- urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
- ctx_ context.Context
- header_ http.Header
+type OperationsListCall struct {
+ s *Service
+ bucket string
+ urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
+ ifNoneMatch_ string
+ ctx_ context.Context
+ header_ http.Header
-// WatchAll: Watch for changes on all objects in a bucket.
+// List: Lists operations that match the specified filter in the
+// request.
-// - bucket: Name of the bucket in which to look for objects.
-func (r *ObjectsService) WatchAll(bucket string, channel *Channel) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
- c := &ObjectsWatchAllCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
+// - bucket: Name of the bucket in which to look for operations.
+func (r *OperationsService) List(bucket string) *OperationsListCall {
+ c := &OperationsListCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
c.bucket = bucket
- c.channel = channel
- return c
-// Delimiter sets the optional parameter "delimiter": Returns results in
-// a directory-like mode. items will contain only objects whose names,
-// aside from the prefix, do not contain delimiter. Objects whose names,
-// aside from the prefix, contain delimiter will have their name,
-// truncated after the delimiter, returned in prefixes. Duplicate
-// prefixes are omitted.
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Delimiter(delimiter string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("delimiter", delimiter)
- return c
-// EndOffset sets the optional parameter "endOffset": Filter results to
-// objects whose names are lexicographically before endOffset. If
-// startOffset is also set, the objects listed will have names between
-// startOffset (inclusive) and endOffset (exclusive).
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) EndOffset(endOffset string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("endOffset", endOffset)
return c
-// IncludeTrailingDelimiter sets the optional parameter
-// "includeTrailingDelimiter": If true, objects that end in exactly one
-// instance of delimiter will have their metadata included in items in
-// addition to prefixes.
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) IncludeTrailingDelimiter(includeTrailingDelimiter bool) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("includeTrailingDelimiter", fmt.Sprint(includeTrailingDelimiter))
+// Filter sets the optional parameter "filter": A filter to narrow down
+// results to a preferred subset. The filtering language is documented
+// in more detail in AIP-160 (https://google.aip.dev/160).
+func (c *OperationsListCall) Filter(filter string) *OperationsListCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("filter", filter)
return c
-// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "maxResults": Maximum number
-// of items plus prefixes to return in a single page of responses. As
-// duplicate prefixes are omitted, fewer total results may be returned
-// than requested. The service will use this parameter or 1,000 items,
-// whichever is smaller.
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("maxResults", fmt.Sprint(maxResults))
+// PageSize sets the optional parameter "pageSize": Maximum number of
+// items to return in a single page of responses. Fewer total results
+// may be returned than requested. The service uses this parameter or
+// 100 items, whichever is smaller.
+func (c *OperationsListCall) PageSize(pageSize int64) *OperationsListCall {
+ c.urlParams_.Set("pageSize", fmt.Sprint(pageSize))
return c
// PageToken sets the optional parameter "pageToken": A
// previously-returned page token representing part of the larger set of
// results to view.
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) PageToken(pageToken string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+func (c *OperationsListCall) PageToken(pageToken string) *OperationsListCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("pageToken", pageToken)
return c
-// Prefix sets the optional parameter "prefix": Filter results to
-// objects whose names begin with this prefix.
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Prefix(prefix string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("prefix", prefix)
- return c
-// Projection sets the optional parameter "projection": Set of
-// properties to return. Defaults to noAcl.
-// Possible values:
-// "full" - Include all properties.
-// "noAcl" - Omit the owner, acl property.
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Projection(projection string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("projection", projection)
- return c
-// StartOffset sets the optional parameter "startOffset": Filter results
-// to objects whose names are lexicographically equal to or after
-// startOffset. If endOffset is also set, the objects listed will have
-// names between startOffset (inclusive) and endOffset (exclusive).
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) StartOffset(startOffset string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("startOffset", startOffset)
- return c
-// UserProject sets the optional parameter "userProject": The project to
-// be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) UserProject(userProject string) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("userProject", userProject)
- return c
-// Versions sets the optional parameter "versions": If true, lists all
-// versions of an object as distinct results. The default is false. For
-// more information, see Object Versioning.
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Versions(versions bool) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
- c.urlParams_.Set("versions", fmt.Sprint(versions))
- return c
// Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved. See
// https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse
// for more information.
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+func (c *OperationsListCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *OperationsListCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("fields", googleapi.CombineFields(s))
return c
+// IfNoneMatch sets the optional parameter which makes the operation
+// fail if the object's ETag matches the given value. This is useful for
+// getting updates only after the object has changed since the last
+// request. Use googleapi.IsNotModified to check whether the response
+// error from Do is the result of In-None-Match.
+func (c *OperationsListCall) IfNoneMatch(entityTag string) *OperationsListCall {
+ c.ifNoneMatch_ = entityTag
+ return c
// Context sets the context to be used in this call's Do method. Any
// pending HTTP request will be aborted if the provided context is
// canceled.
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *ObjectsWatchAllCall {
+func (c *OperationsListCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *OperationsListCall {
c.ctx_ = ctx
return c
// Header returns an http.Header that can be modified by the caller to
// add HTTP headers to the request.
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Header() http.Header {
+func (c *OperationsListCall) Header() http.Header {
if c.header_ == nil {
c.header_ = make(http.Header)
return c.header_
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
+func (c *OperationsListCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
reqHeaders := make(http.Header)
reqHeaders.Set("x-goog-api-client", "gl-go/"+gensupport.GoVersion()+" gdcl/"+internal.Version)
for k, v := range c.header_ {
reqHeaders[k] = v
reqHeaders.Set("User-Agent", c.s.userAgent())
- var body io.Reader = nil
- body, err := googleapi.WithoutDataWrapper.JSONReader(c.channel)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
+ if c.ifNoneMatch_ != "" {
+ reqHeaders.Set("If-None-Match", c.ifNoneMatch_)
- reqHeaders.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ var body io.Reader = nil
c.urlParams_.Set("alt", alt)
c.urlParams_.Set("prettyPrint", "false")
- urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{bucket}/o/watch")
+ urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "b/{bucket}/operations")
urls += "?" + c.urlParams_.Encode()
- req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", urls, body)
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -12153,14 +13503,15 @@ func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
return gensupport.SendRequest(c.ctx_, c.s.client, req)
-// Do executes the "storage.objects.watchAll" call.
-// Exactly one of *Channel or error will be non-nil. Any non-2xx status
-// code is an error. Response headers are in either
-// *Channel.ServerResponse.Header or (if a response was returned at all)
-// in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header. Use googleapi.IsNotModified to
-// check whether the returned error was because http.StatusNotModified
-// was returned.
-func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Channel, error) {
+// Do executes the "storage.buckets.operations.list" call.
+// Exactly one of *GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse or error will
+// be non-nil. Any non-2xx status code is an error. Response headers are
+// in either
+// *GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse.ServerResponse.Header or (if
+// a response was returned at all) in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header.
+// Use googleapi.IsNotModified to check whether the returned error was
+// because http.StatusNotModified was returned.
+func (c *OperationsListCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse, error) {
gensupport.SetOptions(c.urlParams_, opts...)
res, err := c.doRequest("json")
if res != nil && res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotModified {
@@ -12179,7 +13530,7 @@ func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Channel, error)
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, gensupport.WrapError(err)
- ret := &Channel{
+ ret := &GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse{
ServerResponse: googleapi.ServerResponse{
Header: res.Header,
HTTPStatusCode: res.StatusCode,
@@ -12191,38 +13542,27 @@ func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Channel, error)
return ret, nil
// {
- // "description": "Watch for changes on all objects in a bucket.",
- // "httpMethod": "POST",
- // "id": "storage.objects.watchAll",
+ // "description": "Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.",
+ // "httpMethod": "GET",
+ // "id": "storage.buckets.operations.list",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "bucket"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "bucket": {
- // "description": "Name of the bucket in which to look for objects.",
+ // "description": "Name of the bucket in which to look for operations.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
- // "delimiter": {
- // "description": "Returns results in a directory-like mode. items will contain only objects whose names, aside from the prefix, do not contain delimiter. Objects whose names, aside from the prefix, contain delimiter will have their name, truncated after the delimiter, returned in prefixes. Duplicate prefixes are omitted.",
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "endOffset": {
- // "description": "Filter results to objects whose names are lexicographically before endOffset. If startOffset is also set, the objects listed will have names between startOffset (inclusive) and endOffset (exclusive).",
+ // "filter": {
+ // "description": "A filter to narrow down results to a preferred subset. The filtering language is documented in more detail in [AIP-160](https://google.aip.dev/160).",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
- // "includeTrailingDelimiter": {
- // "description": "If true, objects that end in exactly one instance of delimiter will have their metadata included in items in addition to prefixes.",
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "boolean"
- // },
- // "maxResults": {
- // "default": "1000",
- // "description": "Maximum number of items plus prefixes to return in a single page of responses. As duplicate prefixes are omitted, fewer total results may be returned than requested. The service will use this parameter or 1,000 items, whichever is smaller.",
- // "format": "uint32",
+ // "pageSize": {
+ // "description": "Maximum number of items to return in a single page of responses. Fewer total results may be returned than requested. The service uses this parameter or 100 items, whichever is smaller.",
+ // "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "0",
// "type": "integer"
@@ -12231,48 +13571,11 @@ func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Channel, error)
// "description": "A previously-returned page token representing part of the larger set of results to view.",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
- // },
- // "prefix": {
- // "description": "Filter results to objects whose names begin with this prefix.",
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "projection": {
- // "description": "Set of properties to return. Defaults to noAcl.",
- // "enum": [
- // "full",
- // "noAcl"
- // ],
- // "enumDescriptions": [
- // "Include all properties.",
- // "Omit the owner, acl property."
- // ],
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "startOffset": {
- // "description": "Filter results to objects whose names are lexicographically equal to or after startOffset. If endOffset is also set, the objects listed will have names between startOffset (inclusive) and endOffset (exclusive).",
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "userProject": {
- // "description": "The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets.",
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "string"
- // },
- // "versions": {
- // "description": "If true, lists all versions of an object as distinct results. The default is false. For more information, see Object Versioning.",
- // "location": "query",
- // "type": "boolean"
// }
// },
- // "path": "b/{bucket}/o/watch",
- // "request": {
- // "$ref": "Channel",
- // "parameterName": "resource"
- // },
+ // "path": "b/{bucket}/operations",
// "response": {
- // "$ref": "Channel"
+ // "$ref": "GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
@@ -12280,12 +13583,32 @@ func (c *ObjectsWatchAllCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Channel, error)
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control",
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only",
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write"
- // ],
- // "supportsSubscription": true
+ // ]
// }
+// Pages invokes f for each page of results.
+// A non-nil error returned from f will halt the iteration.
+// The provided context supersedes any context provided to the Context method.
+func (c *OperationsListCall) Pages(ctx context.Context, f func(*GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse) error) error {
+ c.ctx_ = ctx
+ defer c.PageToken(c.urlParams_.Get("pageToken")) // reset paging to original point
+ for {
+ x, err := c.Do()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err := f(x); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if x.NextPageToken == "" {
+ return nil
+ }
+ c.PageToken(x.NextPageToken)
+ }
// method id "storage.projects.hmacKeys.create":
type ProjectsHmacKeysCreateCall struct {
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/grpc/dial.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/grpc/dial.go
index e1403e08ee..e36d7589ee 100644
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/grpc/dial.go
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/grpc/dial.go
@@ -35,9 +35,6 @@ const disableDirectPath = "GOOGLE_CLOUD_DISABLE_DIRECT_PATH"
// Check env to decide if using google-c2p resolver for DirectPath traffic.
-// Set at init time by dial_appengine.go. If nil, we're not on App Engine.
-var appengineDialerHook func(context.Context) grpc.DialOption
// Set at init time by dial_socketopt.go. If nil, socketopt is not supported.
var timeoutDialerOption grpc.DialOption
@@ -186,12 +183,6 @@ func dial(ctx context.Context, insecure bool, o *internal.DialSettings) (*grpc.C
- if appengineDialerHook != nil {
- // Use the Socket API on App Engine.
- // appengine dialer will override socketopt dialer
- grpcOpts = append(grpcOpts, appengineDialerHook(ctx))
- }
// Add tracing, but before the other options, so that clients can override the
// gRPC stats handler.
// This assumes that gRPC options are processed in order, left to right.
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/grpc/dial_appengine.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/grpc/dial_appengine.go
deleted file mode 100644
index fd3dc0565d..0000000000
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/grpc/dial_appengine.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 Google LLC.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-//go:build appengine
-// +build appengine
-package grpc
-import (
- "context"
- "net"
- "time"
- "google.golang.org/appengine"
- "google.golang.org/appengine/socket"
- "google.golang.org/grpc"
-func init() {
- // NOTE: dev_appserver doesn't currently support SSL.
- // When it does, this code can be removed.
- if appengine.IsDevAppServer() {
- return
- }
- appengineDialerHook = func(ctx context.Context) grpc.DialOption {
- return grpc.WithDialer(func(addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
- return socket.DialTimeout(ctx, "tcp", addr, timeout)
- })
- }
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/http/dial.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/http/dial.go
index eca0c3ba79..a07362ffdb 100644
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/http/dial.go
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/http/dial.go
@@ -145,22 +145,13 @@ func (t *parameterTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error
return rt.RoundTrip(&newReq)
-// Set at init time by dial_appengine.go. If nil, we're not on App Engine.
-var appengineUrlfetchHook func(context.Context) http.RoundTripper
-// defaultBaseTransport returns the base HTTP transport.
-// On App Engine, this is urlfetch.Transport.
-// Otherwise, use a default transport, taking most defaults from
-// http.DefaultTransport.
+// defaultBaseTransport returns the base HTTP transport. It uses a default
+// transport, taking most defaults from http.DefaultTransport.
// If TLSCertificate is available, set TLSClientConfig as well.
func defaultBaseTransport(ctx context.Context, clientCertSource cert.Source, dialTLSContext func(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error)) http.RoundTripper {
- if appengineUrlfetchHook != nil {
- return appengineUrlfetchHook(ctx)
- }
// Copy http.DefaultTransport except for MaxIdleConnsPerHost setting,
- // which is increased due to reported performance issues under load in the GCS
- // client. Transport.Clone is only available in Go 1.13 and up.
+ // which is increased due to reported performance issues under load in the
+ // GCS client. Transport.Clone is only available in Go 1.13 and up.
trans := clonedTransport(http.DefaultTransport)
if trans == nil {
trans = fallbackBaseTransport()
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/http/dial_appengine.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/http/dial_appengine.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f064e133f7..0000000000
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/transport/http/dial_appengine.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 Google LLC.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-//go:build appengine
-// +build appengine
-package http
-import (
- "context"
- "net/http"
- "google.golang.org/appengine/urlfetch"
-func init() {
- appengineUrlfetchHook = func(ctx context.Context) http.RoundTripper {
- return &urlfetch.Transport{Context: ctx}
- }
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/internal/socket/socket_service.pb.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/internal/socket/socket_service.pb.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ec872e460..0000000000
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/internal/socket/socket_service.pb.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2822 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
-// source: google.golang.org/appengine/internal/socket/socket_service.proto
-package socket
-import proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
-import fmt "fmt"
-import math "math"
-// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
-var _ = proto.Marshal
-var _ = fmt.Errorf
-var _ = math.Inf
-// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
-// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
-// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
-// proto package needs to be updated.
-const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion2 // please upgrade the proto package
-type RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode int32
-const (
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYSTEM_ERROR RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode = 1
- RemoteSocketServiceError_GAI_ERROR RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode = 2
- RemoteSocketServiceError_FAILURE RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode = 4
- RemoteSocketServiceError_PERMISSION_DENIED RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode = 5
- RemoteSocketServiceError_INVALID_REQUEST RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode = 6
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SOCKET_CLOSED RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode = 7
-var RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode_name = map[int32]string{
- 2: "GAI_ERROR",
- 4: "FAILURE",
-var RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode_value = map[string]int32{
- "GAI_ERROR": 2,
- "FAILURE": 4,
-func (x RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode) Enum() *RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode {
- p := new(RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode)
- *p = x
- return p
-func (x RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode) String() string {
- return proto.EnumName(RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode_name, int32(x))
-func (x *RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- value, err := proto.UnmarshalJSONEnum(RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode_value, data, "RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *x = RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode(value)
- return nil
-func (RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{0, 0}
-type RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError int32
-const (
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_SUCCESS RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 0
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EPERM RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 1
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOENT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 2
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ESRCH RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 3
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EINTR RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 4
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EIO RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 5
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENXIO RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 6
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_E2BIG RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 7
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOEXEC RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 8
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EBADF RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 9
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ECHILD RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 10
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EAGAIN RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 11
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EWOULDBLOCK RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 11
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOMEM RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 12
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EACCES RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 13
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EFAULT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 14
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOTBLK RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 15
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EBUSY RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 16
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EEXIST RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 17
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EXDEV RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 18
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENODEV RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 19
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOTDIR RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 20
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EISDIR RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 21
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EINVAL RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 22
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENFILE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 23
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EMFILE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 24
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOTTY RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 25
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ETXTBSY RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 26
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EFBIG RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 27
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOSPC RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 28
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ESPIPE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 29
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EROFS RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 30
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EMLINK RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 31
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EPIPE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 32
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EDOM RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 33
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ERANGE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 34
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EDEADLK RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 35
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EDEADLOCK RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 35
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENAMETOOLONG RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 36
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOLCK RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 37
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOSYS RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 38
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOTEMPTY RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 39
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ELOOP RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 40
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOMSG RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 42
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EIDRM RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 43
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ECHRNG RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 44
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EL2NSYNC RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 45
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EL3HLT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 46
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EL3RST RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 47
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ELNRNG RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 48
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EUNATCH RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 49
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOCSI RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 50
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EL2HLT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 51
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EBADE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 52
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EBADR RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 53
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EXFULL RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 54
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOANO RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 55
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EBADRQC RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 56
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EBADSLT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 57
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EBFONT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 59
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOSTR RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 60
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENODATA RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 61
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ETIME RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 62
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOSR RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 63
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENONET RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 64
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOPKG RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 65
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EREMOTE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 66
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOLINK RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 67
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EADV RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 68
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ESRMNT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 69
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ECOMM RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 70
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EPROTO RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 71
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EMULTIHOP RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 72
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EDOTDOT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 73
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EBADMSG RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 74
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EOVERFLOW RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 75
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOTUNIQ RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 76
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EBADFD RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 77
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EREMCHG RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 78
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ELIBACC RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 79
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ELIBBAD RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 80
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ELIBSCN RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 81
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ELIBMAX RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 82
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ELIBEXEC RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 83
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EILSEQ RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 84
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ERESTART RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 85
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ESTRPIPE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 86
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EUSERS RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 87
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOTSOCK RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 88
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EDESTADDRREQ RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 89
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EMSGSIZE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 90
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EPROTOTYPE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 91
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOPROTOOPT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 92
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EPROTONOSUPPORT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 93
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ESOCKTNOSUPPORT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 94
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EOPNOTSUPP RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 95
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOTSUP RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 95
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EPFNOSUPPORT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 96
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EAFNOSUPPORT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 97
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EADDRINUSE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 98
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EADDRNOTAVAIL RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 99
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENETDOWN RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 100
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENETUNREACH RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 101
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENETRESET RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 102
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ECONNABORTED RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 103
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ECONNRESET RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 104
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOBUFS RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 105
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EISCONN RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 106
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOTCONN RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 107
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ESHUTDOWN RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 108
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ETOOMANYREFS RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 109
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ETIMEDOUT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 110
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ECONNREFUSED RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 111
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EHOSTDOWN RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 112
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EHOSTUNREACH RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 113
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EALREADY RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 114
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EINPROGRESS RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 115
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ESTALE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 116
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EUCLEAN RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 117
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOTNAM RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 118
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENAVAIL RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 119
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EISNAM RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 120
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EREMOTEIO RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 121
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EDQUOT RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 122
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOMEDIUM RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 123
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EMEDIUMTYPE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 124
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ECANCELED RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 125
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOKEY RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 126
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EKEYEXPIRED RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 127
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EKEYREVOKED RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 128
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EKEYREJECTED RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 129
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_EOWNERDEAD RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 130
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ENOTRECOVERABLE RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 131
- RemoteSocketServiceError_SYS_ERFKILL RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError = 132
-var RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError_name = map[int32]string{
- 1: "SYS_EPERM",
- 2: "SYS_ENOENT",
- 3: "SYS_ESRCH",
- 4: "SYS_EINTR",
- 5: "SYS_EIO",
- 6: "SYS_ENXIO",
- 7: "SYS_E2BIG",
- 9: "SYS_EBADF",
- 10: "SYS_ECHILD",
- 11: "SYS_EAGAIN",
- // Duplicate value: 11: "SYS_EWOULDBLOCK",
- 12: "SYS_ENOMEM",
- 13: "SYS_EACCES",
- 14: "SYS_EFAULT",
- 15: "SYS_ENOTBLK",
- 16: "SYS_EBUSY",
- 17: "SYS_EEXIST",
- 18: "SYS_EXDEV",
- 19: "SYS_ENODEV",
- 20: "SYS_ENOTDIR",
- 21: "SYS_EISDIR",
- 22: "SYS_EINVAL",
- 23: "SYS_ENFILE",
- 24: "SYS_EMFILE",
- 25: "SYS_ENOTTY",
- 26: "SYS_ETXTBSY",
- 27: "SYS_EFBIG",
- 28: "SYS_ENOSPC",
- 29: "SYS_ESPIPE",
- 30: "SYS_EROFS",
- 31: "SYS_EMLINK",
- 32: "SYS_EPIPE",
- 33: "SYS_EDOM",
- 34: "SYS_ERANGE",
- 35: "SYS_EDEADLK",
- // Duplicate value: 35: "SYS_EDEADLOCK",
- 37: "SYS_ENOLCK",
- 38: "SYS_ENOSYS",
- 40: "SYS_ELOOP",
- 42: "SYS_ENOMSG",
- 43: "SYS_EIDRM",
- 44: "SYS_ECHRNG",
- 45: "SYS_EL2NSYNC",
- 46: "SYS_EL3HLT",
- 47: "SYS_EL3RST",
- 48: "SYS_ELNRNG",
- 49: "SYS_EUNATCH",
- 50: "SYS_ENOCSI",
- 51: "SYS_EL2HLT",
- 52: "SYS_EBADE",
- 53: "SYS_EBADR",
- 54: "SYS_EXFULL",
- 55: "SYS_ENOANO",
- 56: "SYS_EBADRQC",
- 57: "SYS_EBADSLT",
- 59: "SYS_EBFONT",
- 60: "SYS_ENOSTR",
- 61: "SYS_ENODATA",
- 62: "SYS_ETIME",
- 63: "SYS_ENOSR",
- 64: "SYS_ENONET",
- 65: "SYS_ENOPKG",
- 66: "SYS_EREMOTE",
- 67: "SYS_ENOLINK",
- 68: "SYS_EADV",
- 69: "SYS_ESRMNT",
- 70: "SYS_ECOMM",
- 71: "SYS_EPROTO",
- 73: "SYS_EDOTDOT",
- 74: "SYS_EBADMSG",
- 77: "SYS_EBADFD",
- 78: "SYS_EREMCHG",
- 79: "SYS_ELIBACC",
- 80: "SYS_ELIBBAD",
- 81: "SYS_ELIBSCN",
- 82: "SYS_ELIBMAX",
- 84: "SYS_EILSEQ",
- 87: "SYS_EUSERS",
- // Duplicate value: 95: "SYS_ENOTSUP",
- 100: "SYS_ENETDOWN",
- 105: "SYS_ENOBUFS",
- 106: "SYS_EISCONN",
- 107: "SYS_ENOTCONN",
- 114: "SYS_EALREADY",
- 116: "SYS_ESTALE",
- 117: "SYS_EUCLEAN",
- 118: "SYS_ENOTNAM",
- 119: "SYS_ENAVAIL",
- 120: "SYS_EISNAM",
- 122: "SYS_EDQUOT",
- 126: "SYS_ENOKEY",
- 132: "SYS_ERFKILL",
-var RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError_value = map[string]int32{
- "SYS_EPERM": 1,
- "SYS_ENOENT": 2,
- "SYS_ESRCH": 3,
- "SYS_EINTR": 4,
- "SYS_EIO": 5,
- "SYS_ENXIO": 6,
- "SYS_E2BIG": 7,
- "SYS_EBADF": 9,
- "SYS_ECHILD": 10,
- "SYS_EAGAIN": 11,
- "SYS_ENOMEM": 12,
- "SYS_EACCES": 13,
- "SYS_EFAULT": 14,
- "SYS_ENOTBLK": 15,
- "SYS_EBUSY": 16,
- "SYS_EEXIST": 17,
- "SYS_EXDEV": 18,
- "SYS_ENODEV": 19,
- "SYS_ENOTDIR": 20,
- "SYS_EISDIR": 21,
- "SYS_EINVAL": 22,
- "SYS_ENFILE": 23,
- "SYS_EMFILE": 24,
- "SYS_ENOTTY": 25,
- "SYS_ETXTBSY": 26,
- "SYS_EFBIG": 27,
- "SYS_ENOSPC": 28,
- "SYS_ESPIPE": 29,
- "SYS_EROFS": 30,
- "SYS_EMLINK": 31,
- "SYS_EPIPE": 32,
- "SYS_EDOM": 33,
- "SYS_ERANGE": 34,
- "SYS_EDEADLK": 35,
- "SYS_ENOLCK": 37,
- "SYS_ENOSYS": 38,
- "SYS_ELOOP": 40,
- "SYS_ENOMSG": 42,
- "SYS_EIDRM": 43,
- "SYS_ECHRNG": 44,
- "SYS_EL2NSYNC": 45,
- "SYS_EL3HLT": 46,
- "SYS_EL3RST": 47,
- "SYS_ELNRNG": 48,
- "SYS_EUNATCH": 49,
- "SYS_ENOCSI": 50,
- "SYS_EL2HLT": 51,
- "SYS_EBADE": 52,
- "SYS_EBADR": 53,
- "SYS_EXFULL": 54,
- "SYS_ENOANO": 55,
- "SYS_EBADRQC": 56,
- "SYS_EBADSLT": 57,
- "SYS_EBFONT": 59,
- "SYS_ENOSTR": 60,
- "SYS_ENODATA": 61,
- "SYS_ETIME": 62,
- "SYS_ENOSR": 63,
- "SYS_ENONET": 64,
- "SYS_ENOPKG": 65,
- "SYS_EREMOTE": 66,
- "SYS_ENOLINK": 67,
- "SYS_EADV": 68,
- "SYS_ESRMNT": 69,
- "SYS_ECOMM": 70,
- "SYS_EPROTO": 71,
- "SYS_EDOTDOT": 73,
- "SYS_EBADMSG": 74,
- "SYS_EBADFD": 77,
- "SYS_EREMCHG": 78,
- "SYS_ELIBACC": 79,
- "SYS_ELIBBAD": 80,
- "SYS_ELIBSCN": 81,
- "SYS_ELIBMAX": 82,
- "SYS_EILSEQ": 84,
- "SYS_EUSERS": 87,
- "SYS_ENOTSUP": 95,
- "SYS_ENETDOWN": 100,
- "SYS_ENOBUFS": 105,
- "SYS_EISCONN": 106,
- "SYS_ENOTCONN": 107,
- "SYS_EALREADY": 114,
- "SYS_ESTALE": 116,
- "SYS_EUCLEAN": 117,
- "SYS_ENOTNAM": 118,
- "SYS_ENAVAIL": 119,
- "SYS_EISNAM": 120,
- "SYS_EDQUOT": 122,
- "SYS_ENOKEY": 126,
- "SYS_ERFKILL": 132,
-func (x RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError) Enum() *RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError {
- p := new(RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError)
- *p = x
- return p
-func (x RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError) String() string {
- return proto.EnumName(RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError_name, int32(x))
-func (x *RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- value, err := proto.UnmarshalJSONEnum(RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError_value, data, "RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *x = RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError(value)
- return nil
-func (RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{0, 1}
-type CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily int32
-const (
- CreateSocketRequest_IPv4 CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily = 1
- CreateSocketRequest_IPv6 CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily = 2
-var CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily_name = map[int32]string{
- 1: "IPv4",
- 2: "IPv6",
-var CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily_value = map[string]int32{
- "IPv4": 1,
- "IPv6": 2,
-func (x CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily) Enum() *CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily {
- p := new(CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily)
- *p = x
- return p
-func (x CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily) String() string {
- return proto.EnumName(CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily_name, int32(x))
-func (x *CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- value, err := proto.UnmarshalJSONEnum(CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily_value, data, "CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *x = CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily(value)
- return nil
-func (CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{2, 0}
-type CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol int32
-const (
- CreateSocketRequest_TCP CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol = 1
- CreateSocketRequest_UDP CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol = 2
-var CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol_name = map[int32]string{
- 1: "TCP",
- 2: "UDP",
-var CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol_value = map[string]int32{
- "TCP": 1,
- "UDP": 2,
-func (x CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol) Enum() *CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol {
- p := new(CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol)
- *p = x
- return p
-func (x CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol) String() string {
- return proto.EnumName(CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol_name, int32(x))
-func (x *CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- value, err := proto.UnmarshalJSONEnum(CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol_value, data, "CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *x = CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol(value)
- return nil
-func (CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{2, 1}
-type SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel int32
-const (
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SOL_IP SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel = 0
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SOL_SOCKET SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel = 1
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SOL_TCP SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel = 6
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SOL_UDP SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel = 17
-var SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel_name = map[int32]string{
-var SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel_value = map[string]int32{
-func (x SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel) Enum() *SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel {
- p := new(SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel)
- *p = x
- return p
-func (x SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel) String() string {
- return proto.EnumName(SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel_name, int32(x))
-func (x *SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- value, err := proto.UnmarshalJSONEnum(SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel_value, data, "SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *x = SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel(value)
- return nil
-func (SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{10, 0}
-type SocketOption_SocketOptionName int32
-const (
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_DEBUG SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 1
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_REUSEADDR SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 2
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_TYPE SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 3
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_ERROR SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 4
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_DONTROUTE SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 5
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_BROADCAST SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 6
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_SNDBUF SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 7
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_RCVBUF SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 8
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_KEEPALIVE SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 9
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_OOBINLINE SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 10
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_LINGER SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 13
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_RCVTIMEO SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 20
- SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_SNDTIMEO SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 21
- SocketOption_SOCKET_IP_TOS SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 1
- SocketOption_SOCKET_IP_TTL SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 2
- SocketOption_SOCKET_IP_HDRINCL SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 3
- SocketOption_SOCKET_IP_OPTIONS SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 4
- SocketOption_SOCKET_TCP_NODELAY SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 1
- SocketOption_SOCKET_TCP_MAXSEG SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 2
- SocketOption_SOCKET_TCP_CORK SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 3
- SocketOption_SOCKET_TCP_KEEPIDLE SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 4
- SocketOption_SOCKET_TCP_KEEPINTVL SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 5
- SocketOption_SOCKET_TCP_KEEPCNT SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 6
- SocketOption_SOCKET_TCP_SYNCNT SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 7
- SocketOption_SOCKET_TCP_LINGER2 SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 8
- SocketOption_SOCKET_TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 9
- SocketOption_SOCKET_TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 10
- SocketOption_SOCKET_TCP_INFO SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 11
- SocketOption_SOCKET_TCP_QUICKACK SocketOption_SocketOptionName = 12
-var SocketOption_SocketOptionName_name = map[int32]string{
- // Duplicate value: 1: "SOCKET_IP_TOS",
- // Duplicate value: 2: "SOCKET_IP_TTL",
- // Duplicate value: 3: "SOCKET_IP_HDRINCL",
- // Duplicate value: 4: "SOCKET_IP_OPTIONS",
- // Duplicate value: 1: "SOCKET_TCP_NODELAY",
- // Duplicate value: 2: "SOCKET_TCP_MAXSEG",
- // Duplicate value: 3: "SOCKET_TCP_CORK",
- // Duplicate value: 4: "SOCKET_TCP_KEEPIDLE",
- // Duplicate value: 5: "SOCKET_TCP_KEEPINTVL",
- // Duplicate value: 6: "SOCKET_TCP_KEEPCNT",
- // Duplicate value: 7: "SOCKET_TCP_SYNCNT",
- // Duplicate value: 8: "SOCKET_TCP_LINGER2",
- // Duplicate value: 9: "SOCKET_TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT",
- // Duplicate value: 10: "SOCKET_TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP",
-var SocketOption_SocketOptionName_value = map[string]int32{
-func (x SocketOption_SocketOptionName) Enum() *SocketOption_SocketOptionName {
- p := new(SocketOption_SocketOptionName)
- *p = x
- return p
-func (x SocketOption_SocketOptionName) String() string {
- return proto.EnumName(SocketOption_SocketOptionName_name, int32(x))
-func (x *SocketOption_SocketOptionName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- value, err := proto.UnmarshalJSONEnum(SocketOption_SocketOptionName_value, data, "SocketOption_SocketOptionName")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *x = SocketOption_SocketOptionName(value)
- return nil
-func (SocketOption_SocketOptionName) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{10, 1}
-type ShutDownRequest_How int32
-const (
- ShutDownRequest_SOCKET_SHUT_RD ShutDownRequest_How = 1
- ShutDownRequest_SOCKET_SHUT_WR ShutDownRequest_How = 2
- ShutDownRequest_SOCKET_SHUT_RDWR ShutDownRequest_How = 3
-var ShutDownRequest_How_name = map[int32]string{
-var ShutDownRequest_How_value = map[string]int32{
-func (x ShutDownRequest_How) Enum() *ShutDownRequest_How {
- p := new(ShutDownRequest_How)
- *p = x
- return p
-func (x ShutDownRequest_How) String() string {
- return proto.EnumName(ShutDownRequest_How_name, int32(x))
-func (x *ShutDownRequest_How) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- value, err := proto.UnmarshalJSONEnum(ShutDownRequest_How_value, data, "ShutDownRequest_How")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *x = ShutDownRequest_How(value)
- return nil
-func (ShutDownRequest_How) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{21, 0}
-type ReceiveRequest_Flags int32
-const (
- ReceiveRequest_MSG_OOB ReceiveRequest_Flags = 1
- ReceiveRequest_MSG_PEEK ReceiveRequest_Flags = 2
-var ReceiveRequest_Flags_name = map[int32]string{
- 1: "MSG_OOB",
- 2: "MSG_PEEK",
-var ReceiveRequest_Flags_value = map[string]int32{
- "MSG_OOB": 1,
- "MSG_PEEK": 2,
-func (x ReceiveRequest_Flags) Enum() *ReceiveRequest_Flags {
- p := new(ReceiveRequest_Flags)
- *p = x
- return p
-func (x ReceiveRequest_Flags) String() string {
- return proto.EnumName(ReceiveRequest_Flags_name, int32(x))
-func (x *ReceiveRequest_Flags) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- value, err := proto.UnmarshalJSONEnum(ReceiveRequest_Flags_value, data, "ReceiveRequest_Flags")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *x = ReceiveRequest_Flags(value)
- return nil
-func (ReceiveRequest_Flags) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{27, 0}
-type PollEvent_PollEventFlag int32
-const (
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLNONE PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 0
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLIN PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 1
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLPRI PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 2
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLOUT PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 4
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLERR PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 8
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLHUP PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 16
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLNVAL PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 32
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLRDNORM PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 64
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLRDBAND PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 128
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLWRNORM PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 256
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLWRBAND PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 512
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLMSG PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 1024
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLREMOVE PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 4096
- PollEvent_SOCKET_POLLRDHUP PollEvent_PollEventFlag = 8192
-var PollEvent_PollEventFlag_name = map[int32]string{
-var PollEvent_PollEventFlag_value = map[string]int32{
-func (x PollEvent_PollEventFlag) Enum() *PollEvent_PollEventFlag {
- p := new(PollEvent_PollEventFlag)
- *p = x
- return p
-func (x PollEvent_PollEventFlag) String() string {
- return proto.EnumName(PollEvent_PollEventFlag_name, int32(x))
-func (x *PollEvent_PollEventFlag) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- value, err := proto.UnmarshalJSONEnum(PollEvent_PollEventFlag_value, data, "PollEvent_PollEventFlag")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *x = PollEvent_PollEventFlag(value)
- return nil
-func (PollEvent_PollEventFlag) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{29, 0}
-type ResolveReply_ErrorCode int32
-const (
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_ADDRFAMILY ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 1
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_AGAIN ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 2
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_BADFLAGS ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 3
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_FAIL ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 4
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_FAMILY ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 5
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_MEMORY ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 6
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_NODATA ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 7
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_NONAME ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 8
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_SERVICE ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 9
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_SOCKTYPE ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 10
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_SYSTEM ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 11
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_BADHINTS ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 12
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_PROTOCOL ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 13
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_OVERFLOW ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 14
- ResolveReply_SOCKET_EAI_MAX ResolveReply_ErrorCode = 15
-var ResolveReply_ErrorCode_name = map[int32]string{
-var ResolveReply_ErrorCode_value = map[string]int32{
-func (x ResolveReply_ErrorCode) Enum() *ResolveReply_ErrorCode {
- p := new(ResolveReply_ErrorCode)
- *p = x
- return p
-func (x ResolveReply_ErrorCode) String() string {
- return proto.EnumName(ResolveReply_ErrorCode_name, int32(x))
-func (x *ResolveReply_ErrorCode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- value, err := proto.UnmarshalJSONEnum(ResolveReply_ErrorCode_value, data, "ResolveReply_ErrorCode")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *x = ResolveReply_ErrorCode(value)
- return nil
-func (ResolveReply_ErrorCode) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{33, 0}
-type RemoteSocketServiceError struct {
- SystemError *int32 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=system_error,json=systemError,def=0" json:"system_error,omitempty"`
- ErrorDetail *string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=error_detail,json=errorDetail" json:"error_detail,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *RemoteSocketServiceError) Reset() { *m = RemoteSocketServiceError{} }
-func (m *RemoteSocketServiceError) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*RemoteSocketServiceError) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*RemoteSocketServiceError) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{0}
-func (m *RemoteSocketServiceError) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_RemoteSocketServiceError.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *RemoteSocketServiceError) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_RemoteSocketServiceError.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *RemoteSocketServiceError) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_RemoteSocketServiceError.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *RemoteSocketServiceError) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_RemoteSocketServiceError.Size(m)
-func (m *RemoteSocketServiceError) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_RemoteSocketServiceError.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_RemoteSocketServiceError proto.InternalMessageInfo
-const Default_RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError int32 = 0
-func (m *RemoteSocketServiceError) GetSystemError() int32 {
- if m != nil && m.SystemError != nil {
- return *m.SystemError
- }
- return Default_RemoteSocketServiceError_SystemError
-func (m *RemoteSocketServiceError) GetErrorDetail() string {
- if m != nil && m.ErrorDetail != nil {
- return *m.ErrorDetail
- }
- return ""
-type AddressPort struct {
- Port *int32 `protobuf:"varint,1,req,name=port" json:"port,omitempty"`
- PackedAddress []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=packed_address,json=packedAddress" json:"packed_address,omitempty"`
- HostnameHint *string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=hostname_hint,json=hostnameHint" json:"hostname_hint,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *AddressPort) Reset() { *m = AddressPort{} }
-func (m *AddressPort) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*AddressPort) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*AddressPort) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{1}
-func (m *AddressPort) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_AddressPort.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *AddressPort) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_AddressPort.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *AddressPort) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_AddressPort.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *AddressPort) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_AddressPort.Size(m)
-func (m *AddressPort) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_AddressPort.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_AddressPort proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *AddressPort) GetPort() int32 {
- if m != nil && m.Port != nil {
- return *m.Port
- }
- return 0
-func (m *AddressPort) GetPackedAddress() []byte {
- if m != nil {
- return m.PackedAddress
- }
- return nil
-func (m *AddressPort) GetHostnameHint() string {
- if m != nil && m.HostnameHint != nil {
- return *m.HostnameHint
- }
- return ""
-type CreateSocketRequest struct {
- Family *CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily `protobuf:"varint,1,req,name=family,enum=appengine.CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily" json:"family,omitempty"`
- Protocol *CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol `protobuf:"varint,2,req,name=protocol,enum=appengine.CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol" json:"protocol,omitempty"`
- SocketOptions []*SocketOption `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=socket_options,json=socketOptions" json:"socket_options,omitempty"`
- ProxyExternalIp *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=proxy_external_ip,json=proxyExternalIp" json:"proxy_external_ip,omitempty"`
- ListenBacklog *int32 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=listen_backlog,json=listenBacklog,def=0" json:"listen_backlog,omitempty"`
- RemoteIp *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=remote_ip,json=remoteIp" json:"remote_ip,omitempty"`
- AppId *string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=app_id,json=appId" json:"app_id,omitempty"`
- ProjectId *int64 `protobuf:"varint,10,opt,name=project_id,json=projectId" json:"project_id,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) Reset() { *m = CreateSocketRequest{} }
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*CreateSocketRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*CreateSocketRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{2}
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_CreateSocketRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_CreateSocketRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *CreateSocketRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_CreateSocketRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_CreateSocketRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_CreateSocketRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_CreateSocketRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-const Default_CreateSocketRequest_ListenBacklog int32 = 0
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) GetFamily() CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily {
- if m != nil && m.Family != nil {
- return *m.Family
- }
- return CreateSocketRequest_IPv4
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) GetProtocol() CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol {
- if m != nil && m.Protocol != nil {
- return *m.Protocol
- }
- return CreateSocketRequest_TCP
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) GetSocketOptions() []*SocketOption {
- if m != nil {
- return m.SocketOptions
- }
- return nil
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) GetProxyExternalIp() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.ProxyExternalIp
- }
- return nil
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) GetListenBacklog() int32 {
- if m != nil && m.ListenBacklog != nil {
- return *m.ListenBacklog
- }
- return Default_CreateSocketRequest_ListenBacklog
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) GetRemoteIp() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.RemoteIp
- }
- return nil
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) GetAppId() string {
- if m != nil && m.AppId != nil {
- return *m.AppId
- }
- return ""
-func (m *CreateSocketRequest) GetProjectId() int64 {
- if m != nil && m.ProjectId != nil {
- return *m.ProjectId
- }
- return 0
-type CreateSocketReply struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- ServerAddress *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=server_address,json=serverAddress" json:"server_address,omitempty"`
- ProxyExternalIp *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=proxy_external_ip,json=proxyExternalIp" json:"proxy_external_ip,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- proto.XXX_InternalExtensions `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *CreateSocketReply) Reset() { *m = CreateSocketReply{} }
-func (m *CreateSocketReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*CreateSocketReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*CreateSocketReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{3}
-var extRange_CreateSocketReply = []proto.ExtensionRange{
- {Start: 1000, End: 536870911},
-func (*CreateSocketReply) ExtensionRangeArray() []proto.ExtensionRange {
- return extRange_CreateSocketReply
-func (m *CreateSocketReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_CreateSocketReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *CreateSocketReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_CreateSocketReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *CreateSocketReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_CreateSocketReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *CreateSocketReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_CreateSocketReply.Size(m)
-func (m *CreateSocketReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_CreateSocketReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_CreateSocketReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *CreateSocketReply) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-func (m *CreateSocketReply) GetServerAddress() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.ServerAddress
- }
- return nil
-func (m *CreateSocketReply) GetProxyExternalIp() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.ProxyExternalIp
- }
- return nil
-type BindRequest struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- ProxyExternalIp *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,2,req,name=proxy_external_ip,json=proxyExternalIp" json:"proxy_external_ip,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *BindRequest) Reset() { *m = BindRequest{} }
-func (m *BindRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*BindRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*BindRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{4}
-func (m *BindRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_BindRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *BindRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_BindRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *BindRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_BindRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *BindRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_BindRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *BindRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_BindRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_BindRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *BindRequest) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-func (m *BindRequest) GetProxyExternalIp() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.ProxyExternalIp
- }
- return nil
-type BindReply struct {
- ProxyExternalIp *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=proxy_external_ip,json=proxyExternalIp" json:"proxy_external_ip,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *BindReply) Reset() { *m = BindReply{} }
-func (m *BindReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*BindReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*BindReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{5}
-func (m *BindReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_BindReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *BindReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_BindReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *BindReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_BindReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *BindReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_BindReply.Size(m)
-func (m *BindReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_BindReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_BindReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *BindReply) GetProxyExternalIp() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.ProxyExternalIp
- }
- return nil
-type GetSocketNameRequest struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *GetSocketNameRequest) Reset() { *m = GetSocketNameRequest{} }
-func (m *GetSocketNameRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*GetSocketNameRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*GetSocketNameRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{6}
-func (m *GetSocketNameRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketNameRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *GetSocketNameRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketNameRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *GetSocketNameRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketNameRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *GetSocketNameRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketNameRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *GetSocketNameRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketNameRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketNameRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *GetSocketNameRequest) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-type GetSocketNameReply struct {
- ProxyExternalIp *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=proxy_external_ip,json=proxyExternalIp" json:"proxy_external_ip,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *GetSocketNameReply) Reset() { *m = GetSocketNameReply{} }
-func (m *GetSocketNameReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*GetSocketNameReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*GetSocketNameReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{7}
-func (m *GetSocketNameReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketNameReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *GetSocketNameReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketNameReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *GetSocketNameReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketNameReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *GetSocketNameReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketNameReply.Size(m)
-func (m *GetSocketNameReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketNameReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketNameReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *GetSocketNameReply) GetProxyExternalIp() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.ProxyExternalIp
- }
- return nil
-type GetPeerNameRequest struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *GetPeerNameRequest) Reset() { *m = GetPeerNameRequest{} }
-func (m *GetPeerNameRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*GetPeerNameRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*GetPeerNameRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{8}
-func (m *GetPeerNameRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetPeerNameRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *GetPeerNameRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetPeerNameRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *GetPeerNameRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_GetPeerNameRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *GetPeerNameRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetPeerNameRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *GetPeerNameRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_GetPeerNameRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_GetPeerNameRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *GetPeerNameRequest) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-type GetPeerNameReply struct {
- PeerIp *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=peer_ip,json=peerIp" json:"peer_ip,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *GetPeerNameReply) Reset() { *m = GetPeerNameReply{} }
-func (m *GetPeerNameReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*GetPeerNameReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*GetPeerNameReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{9}
-func (m *GetPeerNameReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetPeerNameReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *GetPeerNameReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetPeerNameReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *GetPeerNameReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_GetPeerNameReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *GetPeerNameReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetPeerNameReply.Size(m)
-func (m *GetPeerNameReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_GetPeerNameReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_GetPeerNameReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *GetPeerNameReply) GetPeerIp() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.PeerIp
- }
- return nil
-type SocketOption struct {
- Level *SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel `protobuf:"varint,1,req,name=level,enum=appengine.SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel" json:"level,omitempty"`
- Option *SocketOption_SocketOptionName `protobuf:"varint,2,req,name=option,enum=appengine.SocketOption_SocketOptionName" json:"option,omitempty"`
- Value []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,req,name=value" json:"value,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *SocketOption) Reset() { *m = SocketOption{} }
-func (m *SocketOption) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*SocketOption) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*SocketOption) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{10}
-func (m *SocketOption) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SocketOption.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *SocketOption) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SocketOption.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *SocketOption) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_SocketOption.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *SocketOption) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SocketOption.Size(m)
-func (m *SocketOption) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_SocketOption.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_SocketOption proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *SocketOption) GetLevel() SocketOption_SocketOptionLevel {
- if m != nil && m.Level != nil {
- return *m.Level
- }
- return SocketOption_SOCKET_SOL_IP
-func (m *SocketOption) GetOption() SocketOption_SocketOptionName {
- if m != nil && m.Option != nil {
- return *m.Option
- }
- return SocketOption_SOCKET_SO_DEBUG
-func (m *SocketOption) GetValue() []byte {
- if m != nil {
- return m.Value
- }
- return nil
-type SetSocketOptionsRequest struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- Options []*SocketOption `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=options" json:"options,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsRequest) Reset() { *m = SetSocketOptionsRequest{} }
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*SetSocketOptionsRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*SetSocketOptionsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{11}
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SetSocketOptionsRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SetSocketOptionsRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *SetSocketOptionsRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_SetSocketOptionsRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SetSocketOptionsRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_SetSocketOptionsRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_SetSocketOptionsRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsRequest) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsRequest) GetOptions() []*SocketOption {
- if m != nil {
- return m.Options
- }
- return nil
-type SetSocketOptionsReply struct {
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsReply) Reset() { *m = SetSocketOptionsReply{} }
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*SetSocketOptionsReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*SetSocketOptionsReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{12}
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SetSocketOptionsReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SetSocketOptionsReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *SetSocketOptionsReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_SetSocketOptionsReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SetSocketOptionsReply.Size(m)
-func (m *SetSocketOptionsReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_SetSocketOptionsReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_SetSocketOptionsReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-type GetSocketOptionsRequest struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- Options []*SocketOption `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=options" json:"options,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsRequest) Reset() { *m = GetSocketOptionsRequest{} }
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*GetSocketOptionsRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*GetSocketOptionsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{13}
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketOptionsRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketOptionsRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *GetSocketOptionsRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketOptionsRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketOptionsRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketOptionsRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketOptionsRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsRequest) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsRequest) GetOptions() []*SocketOption {
- if m != nil {
- return m.Options
- }
- return nil
-type GetSocketOptionsReply struct {
- Options []*SocketOption `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=options" json:"options,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsReply) Reset() { *m = GetSocketOptionsReply{} }
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*GetSocketOptionsReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*GetSocketOptionsReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{14}
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketOptionsReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketOptionsReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *GetSocketOptionsReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketOptionsReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketOptionsReply.Size(m)
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketOptionsReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_GetSocketOptionsReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *GetSocketOptionsReply) GetOptions() []*SocketOption {
- if m != nil {
- return m.Options
- }
- return nil
-type ConnectRequest struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- RemoteIp *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,2,req,name=remote_ip,json=remoteIp" json:"remote_ip,omitempty"`
- TimeoutSeconds *float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,3,opt,name=timeout_seconds,json=timeoutSeconds,def=-1" json:"timeout_seconds,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *ConnectRequest) Reset() { *m = ConnectRequest{} }
-func (m *ConnectRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*ConnectRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*ConnectRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{15}
-func (m *ConnectRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ConnectRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *ConnectRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ConnectRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *ConnectRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_ConnectRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *ConnectRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ConnectRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *ConnectRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_ConnectRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_ConnectRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-const Default_ConnectRequest_TimeoutSeconds float64 = -1
-func (m *ConnectRequest) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-func (m *ConnectRequest) GetRemoteIp() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.RemoteIp
- }
- return nil
-func (m *ConnectRequest) GetTimeoutSeconds() float64 {
- if m != nil && m.TimeoutSeconds != nil {
- return *m.TimeoutSeconds
- }
- return Default_ConnectRequest_TimeoutSeconds
-type ConnectReply struct {
- ProxyExternalIp *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=proxy_external_ip,json=proxyExternalIp" json:"proxy_external_ip,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- proto.XXX_InternalExtensions `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *ConnectReply) Reset() { *m = ConnectReply{} }
-func (m *ConnectReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*ConnectReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*ConnectReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{16}
-var extRange_ConnectReply = []proto.ExtensionRange{
- {Start: 1000, End: 536870911},
-func (*ConnectReply) ExtensionRangeArray() []proto.ExtensionRange {
- return extRange_ConnectReply
-func (m *ConnectReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ConnectReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *ConnectReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ConnectReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *ConnectReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_ConnectReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *ConnectReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ConnectReply.Size(m)
-func (m *ConnectReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_ConnectReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_ConnectReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *ConnectReply) GetProxyExternalIp() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.ProxyExternalIp
- }
- return nil
-type ListenRequest struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- Backlog *int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,req,name=backlog" json:"backlog,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *ListenRequest) Reset() { *m = ListenRequest{} }
-func (m *ListenRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*ListenRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*ListenRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{17}
-func (m *ListenRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ListenRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *ListenRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ListenRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *ListenRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_ListenRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *ListenRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ListenRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *ListenRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_ListenRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_ListenRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *ListenRequest) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-func (m *ListenRequest) GetBacklog() int32 {
- if m != nil && m.Backlog != nil {
- return *m.Backlog
- }
- return 0
-type ListenReply struct {
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *ListenReply) Reset() { *m = ListenReply{} }
-func (m *ListenReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*ListenReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*ListenReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{18}
-func (m *ListenReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ListenReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *ListenReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ListenReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *ListenReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_ListenReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *ListenReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ListenReply.Size(m)
-func (m *ListenReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_ListenReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_ListenReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-type AcceptRequest struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- TimeoutSeconds *float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,2,opt,name=timeout_seconds,json=timeoutSeconds,def=-1" json:"timeout_seconds,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *AcceptRequest) Reset() { *m = AcceptRequest{} }
-func (m *AcceptRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*AcceptRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*AcceptRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{19}
-func (m *AcceptRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_AcceptRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *AcceptRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_AcceptRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *AcceptRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_AcceptRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *AcceptRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_AcceptRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *AcceptRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_AcceptRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_AcceptRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-const Default_AcceptRequest_TimeoutSeconds float64 = -1
-func (m *AcceptRequest) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-func (m *AcceptRequest) GetTimeoutSeconds() float64 {
- if m != nil && m.TimeoutSeconds != nil {
- return *m.TimeoutSeconds
- }
- return Default_AcceptRequest_TimeoutSeconds
-type AcceptReply struct {
- NewSocketDescriptor []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=new_socket_descriptor,json=newSocketDescriptor" json:"new_socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- RemoteAddress *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=remote_address,json=remoteAddress" json:"remote_address,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *AcceptReply) Reset() { *m = AcceptReply{} }
-func (m *AcceptReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*AcceptReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*AcceptReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{20}
-func (m *AcceptReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_AcceptReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *AcceptReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_AcceptReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *AcceptReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_AcceptReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *AcceptReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_AcceptReply.Size(m)
-func (m *AcceptReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_AcceptReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_AcceptReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *AcceptReply) GetNewSocketDescriptor() []byte {
- if m != nil {
- return m.NewSocketDescriptor
- }
- return nil
-func (m *AcceptReply) GetRemoteAddress() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.RemoteAddress
- }
- return nil
-type ShutDownRequest struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- How *ShutDownRequest_How `protobuf:"varint,2,req,name=how,enum=appengine.ShutDownRequest_How" json:"how,omitempty"`
- SendOffset *int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,req,name=send_offset,json=sendOffset" json:"send_offset,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *ShutDownRequest) Reset() { *m = ShutDownRequest{} }
-func (m *ShutDownRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*ShutDownRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*ShutDownRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{21}
-func (m *ShutDownRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ShutDownRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *ShutDownRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ShutDownRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *ShutDownRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_ShutDownRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *ShutDownRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ShutDownRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *ShutDownRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_ShutDownRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_ShutDownRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *ShutDownRequest) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-func (m *ShutDownRequest) GetHow() ShutDownRequest_How {
- if m != nil && m.How != nil {
- return *m.How
- }
- return ShutDownRequest_SOCKET_SHUT_RD
-func (m *ShutDownRequest) GetSendOffset() int64 {
- if m != nil && m.SendOffset != nil {
- return *m.SendOffset
- }
- return 0
-type ShutDownReply struct {
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *ShutDownReply) Reset() { *m = ShutDownReply{} }
-func (m *ShutDownReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*ShutDownReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*ShutDownReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{22}
-func (m *ShutDownReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ShutDownReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *ShutDownReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ShutDownReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *ShutDownReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_ShutDownReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *ShutDownReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ShutDownReply.Size(m)
-func (m *ShutDownReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_ShutDownReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_ShutDownReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-type CloseRequest struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- SendOffset *int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=send_offset,json=sendOffset,def=-1" json:"send_offset,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *CloseRequest) Reset() { *m = CloseRequest{} }
-func (m *CloseRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*CloseRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*CloseRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{23}
-func (m *CloseRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_CloseRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *CloseRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_CloseRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *CloseRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_CloseRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *CloseRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_CloseRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *CloseRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_CloseRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_CloseRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-const Default_CloseRequest_SendOffset int64 = -1
-func (m *CloseRequest) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-func (m *CloseRequest) GetSendOffset() int64 {
- if m != nil && m.SendOffset != nil {
- return *m.SendOffset
- }
- return Default_CloseRequest_SendOffset
-type CloseReply struct {
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *CloseReply) Reset() { *m = CloseReply{} }
-func (m *CloseReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*CloseReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*CloseReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{24}
-func (m *CloseReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_CloseReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *CloseReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_CloseReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *CloseReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_CloseReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *CloseReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_CloseReply.Size(m)
-func (m *CloseReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_CloseReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_CloseReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-type SendRequest struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- Data []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,req,name=data" json:"data,omitempty"`
- StreamOffset *int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,req,name=stream_offset,json=streamOffset" json:"stream_offset,omitempty"`
- Flags *int32 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=flags,def=0" json:"flags,omitempty"`
- SendTo *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=send_to,json=sendTo" json:"send_to,omitempty"`
- TimeoutSeconds *float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,6,opt,name=timeout_seconds,json=timeoutSeconds,def=-1" json:"timeout_seconds,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *SendRequest) Reset() { *m = SendRequest{} }
-func (m *SendRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*SendRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*SendRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{25}
-func (m *SendRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SendRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *SendRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SendRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *SendRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_SendRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *SendRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SendRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *SendRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_SendRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_SendRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-const Default_SendRequest_Flags int32 = 0
-const Default_SendRequest_TimeoutSeconds float64 = -1
-func (m *SendRequest) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-func (m *SendRequest) GetData() []byte {
- if m != nil {
- return m.Data
- }
- return nil
-func (m *SendRequest) GetStreamOffset() int64 {
- if m != nil && m.StreamOffset != nil {
- return *m.StreamOffset
- }
- return 0
-func (m *SendRequest) GetFlags() int32 {
- if m != nil && m.Flags != nil {
- return *m.Flags
- }
- return Default_SendRequest_Flags
-func (m *SendRequest) GetSendTo() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.SendTo
- }
- return nil
-func (m *SendRequest) GetTimeoutSeconds() float64 {
- if m != nil && m.TimeoutSeconds != nil {
- return *m.TimeoutSeconds
- }
- return Default_SendRequest_TimeoutSeconds
-type SendReply struct {
- DataSent *int32 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=data_sent,json=dataSent" json:"data_sent,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *SendReply) Reset() { *m = SendReply{} }
-func (m *SendReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*SendReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*SendReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{26}
-func (m *SendReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SendReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *SendReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SendReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *SendReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_SendReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *SendReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_SendReply.Size(m)
-func (m *SendReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_SendReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_SendReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *SendReply) GetDataSent() int32 {
- if m != nil && m.DataSent != nil {
- return *m.DataSent
- }
- return 0
-type ReceiveRequest struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- DataSize *int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,req,name=data_size,json=dataSize" json:"data_size,omitempty"`
- Flags *int32 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=flags,def=0" json:"flags,omitempty"`
- TimeoutSeconds *float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,5,opt,name=timeout_seconds,json=timeoutSeconds,def=-1" json:"timeout_seconds,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *ReceiveRequest) Reset() { *m = ReceiveRequest{} }
-func (m *ReceiveRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*ReceiveRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*ReceiveRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{27}
-func (m *ReceiveRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ReceiveRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *ReceiveRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ReceiveRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *ReceiveRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_ReceiveRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *ReceiveRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ReceiveRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *ReceiveRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_ReceiveRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_ReceiveRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-const Default_ReceiveRequest_Flags int32 = 0
-const Default_ReceiveRequest_TimeoutSeconds float64 = -1
-func (m *ReceiveRequest) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-func (m *ReceiveRequest) GetDataSize() int32 {
- if m != nil && m.DataSize != nil {
- return *m.DataSize
- }
- return 0
-func (m *ReceiveRequest) GetFlags() int32 {
- if m != nil && m.Flags != nil {
- return *m.Flags
- }
- return Default_ReceiveRequest_Flags
-func (m *ReceiveRequest) GetTimeoutSeconds() float64 {
- if m != nil && m.TimeoutSeconds != nil {
- return *m.TimeoutSeconds
- }
- return Default_ReceiveRequest_TimeoutSeconds
-type ReceiveReply struct {
- StreamOffset *int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=stream_offset,json=streamOffset" json:"stream_offset,omitempty"`
- Data []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=data" json:"data,omitempty"`
- ReceivedFrom *AddressPort `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=received_from,json=receivedFrom" json:"received_from,omitempty"`
- BufferSize *int32 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=buffer_size,json=bufferSize" json:"buffer_size,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *ReceiveReply) Reset() { *m = ReceiveReply{} }
-func (m *ReceiveReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*ReceiveReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*ReceiveReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{28}
-func (m *ReceiveReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ReceiveReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *ReceiveReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ReceiveReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *ReceiveReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_ReceiveReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *ReceiveReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ReceiveReply.Size(m)
-func (m *ReceiveReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_ReceiveReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_ReceiveReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *ReceiveReply) GetStreamOffset() int64 {
- if m != nil && m.StreamOffset != nil {
- return *m.StreamOffset
- }
- return 0
-func (m *ReceiveReply) GetData() []byte {
- if m != nil {
- return m.Data
- }
- return nil
-func (m *ReceiveReply) GetReceivedFrom() *AddressPort {
- if m != nil {
- return m.ReceivedFrom
- }
- return nil
-func (m *ReceiveReply) GetBufferSize() int32 {
- if m != nil && m.BufferSize != nil {
- return *m.BufferSize
- }
- return 0
-type PollEvent struct {
- SocketDescriptor *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=socket_descriptor,json=socketDescriptor" json:"socket_descriptor,omitempty"`
- RequestedEvents *int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,req,name=requested_events,json=requestedEvents" json:"requested_events,omitempty"`
- ObservedEvents *int32 `protobuf:"varint,3,req,name=observed_events,json=observedEvents" json:"observed_events,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *PollEvent) Reset() { *m = PollEvent{} }
-func (m *PollEvent) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*PollEvent) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*PollEvent) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{29}
-func (m *PollEvent) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_PollEvent.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *PollEvent) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_PollEvent.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *PollEvent) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_PollEvent.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *PollEvent) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_PollEvent.Size(m)
-func (m *PollEvent) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_PollEvent.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_PollEvent proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *PollEvent) GetSocketDescriptor() string {
- if m != nil && m.SocketDescriptor != nil {
- return *m.SocketDescriptor
- }
- return ""
-func (m *PollEvent) GetRequestedEvents() int32 {
- if m != nil && m.RequestedEvents != nil {
- return *m.RequestedEvents
- }
- return 0
-func (m *PollEvent) GetObservedEvents() int32 {
- if m != nil && m.ObservedEvents != nil {
- return *m.ObservedEvents
- }
- return 0
-type PollRequest struct {
- Events []*PollEvent `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=events" json:"events,omitempty"`
- TimeoutSeconds *float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,2,opt,name=timeout_seconds,json=timeoutSeconds,def=-1" json:"timeout_seconds,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *PollRequest) Reset() { *m = PollRequest{} }
-func (m *PollRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*PollRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*PollRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{30}
-func (m *PollRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_PollRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *PollRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_PollRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *PollRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_PollRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *PollRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_PollRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *PollRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_PollRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_PollRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-const Default_PollRequest_TimeoutSeconds float64 = -1
-func (m *PollRequest) GetEvents() []*PollEvent {
- if m != nil {
- return m.Events
- }
- return nil
-func (m *PollRequest) GetTimeoutSeconds() float64 {
- if m != nil && m.TimeoutSeconds != nil {
- return *m.TimeoutSeconds
- }
- return Default_PollRequest_TimeoutSeconds
-type PollReply struct {
- Events []*PollEvent `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=events" json:"events,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *PollReply) Reset() { *m = PollReply{} }
-func (m *PollReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*PollReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*PollReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{31}
-func (m *PollReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_PollReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *PollReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_PollReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *PollReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_PollReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *PollReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_PollReply.Size(m)
-func (m *PollReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_PollReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_PollReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *PollReply) GetEvents() []*PollEvent {
- if m != nil {
- return m.Events
- }
- return nil
-type ResolveRequest struct {
- Name *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=name" json:"name,omitempty"`
- AddressFamilies []CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily `protobuf:"varint,2,rep,name=address_families,json=addressFamilies,enum=appengine.CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily" json:"address_families,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *ResolveRequest) Reset() { *m = ResolveRequest{} }
-func (m *ResolveRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*ResolveRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*ResolveRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{32}
-func (m *ResolveRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ResolveRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *ResolveRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ResolveRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *ResolveRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_ResolveRequest.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *ResolveRequest) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ResolveRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *ResolveRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_ResolveRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_ResolveRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *ResolveRequest) GetName() string {
- if m != nil && m.Name != nil {
- return *m.Name
- }
- return ""
-func (m *ResolveRequest) GetAddressFamilies() []CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily {
- if m != nil {
- return m.AddressFamilies
- }
- return nil
-type ResolveReply struct {
- PackedAddress [][]byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=packed_address,json=packedAddress" json:"packed_address,omitempty"`
- CanonicalName *string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=canonical_name,json=canonicalName" json:"canonical_name,omitempty"`
- Aliases []string `protobuf:"bytes,4,rep,name=aliases" json:"aliases,omitempty"`
- XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
- XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
- XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
-func (m *ResolveReply) Reset() { *m = ResolveReply{} }
-func (m *ResolveReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*ResolveReply) ProtoMessage() {}
-func (*ResolveReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
- return fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808, []int{33}
-func (m *ResolveReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ResolveReply.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *ResolveReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ResolveReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (dst *ResolveReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
- xxx_messageInfo_ResolveReply.Merge(dst, src)
-func (m *ResolveReply) XXX_Size() int {
- return xxx_messageInfo_ResolveReply.Size(m)
-func (m *ResolveReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
- xxx_messageInfo_ResolveReply.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_ResolveReply proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *ResolveReply) GetPackedAddress() [][]byte {
- if m != nil {
- return m.PackedAddress
- }
- return nil
-func (m *ResolveReply) GetCanonicalName() string {
- if m != nil && m.CanonicalName != nil {
- return *m.CanonicalName
- }
- return ""
-func (m *ResolveReply) GetAliases() []string {
- if m != nil {
- return m.Aliases
- }
- return nil
-func init() {
- proto.RegisterType((*RemoteSocketServiceError)(nil), "appengine.RemoteSocketServiceError")
- proto.RegisterType((*AddressPort)(nil), "appengine.AddressPort")
- proto.RegisterType((*CreateSocketRequest)(nil), "appengine.CreateSocketRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*CreateSocketReply)(nil), "appengine.CreateSocketReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*BindRequest)(nil), "appengine.BindRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*BindReply)(nil), "appengine.BindReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*GetSocketNameRequest)(nil), "appengine.GetSocketNameRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*GetSocketNameReply)(nil), "appengine.GetSocketNameReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*GetPeerNameRequest)(nil), "appengine.GetPeerNameRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*GetPeerNameReply)(nil), "appengine.GetPeerNameReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*SocketOption)(nil), "appengine.SocketOption")
- proto.RegisterType((*SetSocketOptionsRequest)(nil), "appengine.SetSocketOptionsRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*SetSocketOptionsReply)(nil), "appengine.SetSocketOptionsReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*GetSocketOptionsRequest)(nil), "appengine.GetSocketOptionsRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*GetSocketOptionsReply)(nil), "appengine.GetSocketOptionsReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*ConnectRequest)(nil), "appengine.ConnectRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*ConnectReply)(nil), "appengine.ConnectReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*ListenRequest)(nil), "appengine.ListenRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*ListenReply)(nil), "appengine.ListenReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*AcceptRequest)(nil), "appengine.AcceptRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*AcceptReply)(nil), "appengine.AcceptReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*ShutDownRequest)(nil), "appengine.ShutDownRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*ShutDownReply)(nil), "appengine.ShutDownReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*CloseRequest)(nil), "appengine.CloseRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*CloseReply)(nil), "appengine.CloseReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*SendRequest)(nil), "appengine.SendRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*SendReply)(nil), "appengine.SendReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*ReceiveRequest)(nil), "appengine.ReceiveRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*ReceiveReply)(nil), "appengine.ReceiveReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*PollEvent)(nil), "appengine.PollEvent")
- proto.RegisterType((*PollRequest)(nil), "appengine.PollRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*PollReply)(nil), "appengine.PollReply")
- proto.RegisterType((*ResolveRequest)(nil), "appengine.ResolveRequest")
- proto.RegisterType((*ResolveReply)(nil), "appengine.ResolveReply")
-func init() {
- proto.RegisterFile("google.golang.org/appengine/internal/socket/socket_service.proto", fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808)
-var fileDescriptor_socket_service_b5f8f233dc327808 = []byte{
- // 3088 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
- 0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xc4, 0x59, 0x5f, 0x77, 0xe3, 0xc6,
- 0x75, 0x37, 0x48, 0xfd, 0xe3, 0x90, 0x94, 0xee, 0x62, 0xa5, 0x5d, 0x25, 0x6e, 0x12, 0x05, 0x8e,
- 0x1b, 0x25, 0x8e, 0x77, 0x6d, 0x39, 0x4d, 0x9b, 0xa4, 0x49, 0x16, 0x04, 0x86, 0x24, 0x4c, 0x00,
- 0x03, 0xcd, 0x0c, 0x25, 0xd1, 0x6d, 0x8a, 0xd0, 0x22, 0xa4, 0x65, 0x4c, 0x11, 0x0c, 0xc9, 0xdd,
- 0xf5, 0xba, 0x69, 0xaa, 0xfe, 0x39, 0xfd, 0x12, 0x7d, 0xe8, 0x73, 0x3f, 0x43, 0x4f, 0x4f, 0x5f,
- 0xfa, 0xec, 0xc7, 0x7e, 0x84, 0x9e, 0xbe, 0xb4, 0x9f, 0xa1, 0x67, 0x06, 0xe0, 0x60, 0xc8, 0xd5,
- 0xae, 0x77, 0x75, 0x72, 0x4e, 0x9e, 0xa4, 0xfb, 0xbb, 0x77, 0xee, 0xff, 0x99, 0xb9, 0x03, 0xa2,
- 0x47, 0x97, 0x69, 0x7a, 0x39, 0x4a, 0x1e, 0x5c, 0xa6, 0xa3, 0xfe, 0xf8, 0xf2, 0x41, 0x3a, 0xbd,
- 0x7c, 0xd8, 0x9f, 0x4c, 0x92, 0xf1, 0xe5, 0x70, 0x9c, 0x3c, 0x1c, 0x8e, 0xe7, 0xc9, 0x74, 0xdc,
- 0x1f, 0x3d, 0x9c, 0xa5, 0xe7, 0x9f, 0x25, 0xf3, 0xfc, 0x4f, 0x3c, 0x4b, 0xa6, 0x4f, 0x87, 0xe7,
- 0xc9, 0x83, 0xc9, 0x34, 0x9d, 0xa7, 0x66, 0x45, 0xc9, 0x5b, 0xff, 0xbc, 0x8b, 0xf6, 0x69, 0x72,
- 0x95, 0xce, 0x13, 0x26, 0x25, 0x59, 0x26, 0x88, 0xa7, 0xd3, 0x74, 0x6a, 0x7e, 0x07, 0xd5, 0x66,
- 0xcf, 0x67, 0xf3, 0xe4, 0x2a, 0x4e, 0x04, 0xbd, 0x6f, 0x1c, 0x18, 0x87, 0xeb, 0x3f, 0x31, 0x3e,
- 0xa0, 0xd5, 0x0c, 0xce, 0xa4, 0xbe, 0x8d, 0x6a, 0x92, 0x1d, 0x0f, 0x92, 0x79, 0x7f, 0x38, 0xda,
- 0x2f, 0x1d, 0x18, 0x87, 0x15, 0x5a, 0x95, 0x98, 0x2b, 0x21, 0xeb, 0x73, 0x54, 0x91, 0xb2, 0x4e,
- 0x3a, 0x48, 0x4c, 0x40, 0x35, 0xd6, 0x63, 0x1c, 0x07, 0x31, 0xa6, 0x94, 0x50, 0x30, 0xcc, 0x3a,
- 0xaa, 0xb4, 0x6c, 0x2f, 0x27, 0x4b, 0x66, 0x15, 0x6d, 0x36, 0x6d, 0xcf, 0xef, 0x52, 0x0c, 0x6b,
- 0xe6, 0x1e, 0xba, 0x13, 0x61, 0x1a, 0x78, 0x8c, 0x79, 0x24, 0x8c, 0x5d, 0x1c, 0x7a, 0xd8, 0x85,
- 0x75, 0xf3, 0x2e, 0xda, 0xf1, 0xc2, 0x13, 0xdb, 0xf7, 0xdc, 0x98, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0x2e, 0x66, 0x1c,
- 0x36, 0xcc, 0x3b, 0xa8, 0xce, 0x88, 0xd3, 0xc1, 0x3c, 0x76, 0x7c, 0xc2, 0xb0, 0x0b, 0x9b, 0xd6,
- 0xbf, 0x99, 0xa8, 0xca, 0x34, 0x67, 0x77, 0x50, 0x95, 0xf5, 0x58, 0xcc, 0xba, 0x8e, 0x83, 0x19,
- 0x83, 0xb7, 0x84, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x60, 0x61, 0x04, 0x0c, 0x73, 0x1b, 0x21, 0x49, 0x86, 0x04, 0x87,
- 0x1c, 0x4a, 0x8a, 0xcd, 0xa8, 0xd3, 0x86, 0xb2, 0x22, 0xbd, 0x90, 0x53, 0x58, 0x13, 0x9e, 0x66,
- 0x24, 0x81, 0x75, 0xc5, 0x0b, 0xcf, 0x3c, 0x02, 0x1b, 0x8a, 0x3c, 0x6a, 0x78, 0x2d, 0xd8, 0x5c,
- 0x18, 0x16, 0x8a, 0xcf, 0xb0, 0x03, 0x5b, 0x8a, 0xdf, 0xb0, 0xdd, 0x26, 0x54, 0x94, 0x61, 0xa7,
- 0xed, 0xf9, 0x2e, 0x20, 0x45, 0xdb, 0x2d, 0xdb, 0x0b, 0xa1, 0x2a, 0x02, 0x96, 0xf4, 0x29, 0xe9,
- 0xfa, 0x6e, 0xc3, 0x27, 0x4e, 0x07, 0xaa, 0x9a, 0xb7, 0x01, 0x0e, 0xa0, 0x56, 0x2c, 0x12, 0xd1,
- 0x41, 0x5d, 0xd1, 0x4d, 0xbb, 0xeb, 0x73, 0xd8, 0xd6, 0x9c, 0xe0, 0x0d, 0xbf, 0x03, 0x3b, 0x85,
- 0x13, 0x5d, 0xd6, 0x03, 0x50, 0xf2, 0xf8, 0xcc, 0x63, 0x1c, 0xee, 0x28, 0xf6, 0x99, 0x8b, 0x4f,
- 0xc0, 0xd4, 0xcc, 0x09, 0xfa, 0xae, 0xae, 0xce, 0xf5, 0x28, 0xec, 0x2a, 0x01, 0x8f, 0x09, 0x7a,
- 0xaf, 0xa0, 0x45, 0xa9, 0xe0, 0x5e, 0xa1, 0xa0, 0xe9, 0xf9, 0x18, 0xee, 0x2b, 0x3a, 0x90, 0xf4,
- 0xbe, 0x66, 0x80, 0xf3, 0x1e, 0x7c, 0x4d, 0x19, 0xe0, 0x67, 0xbc, 0xc1, 0x7a, 0xf0, 0x75, 0xe5,
- 0x50, 0x53, 0x24, 0xf5, 0x6d, 0x4d, 0x9e, 0x45, 0x0e, 0xfc, 0x91, 0xa2, 0x59, 0xe4, 0x45, 0x18,
- 0xbe, 0xa1, 0xc4, 0x29, 0x69, 0x32, 0xf8, 0x66, 0x61, 0xce, 0xf7, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x7c, 0xab, 0xa8,
- 0xbd, 0x90, 0x3e, 0x30, 0x6b, 0x68, 0x4b, 0x92, 0x2e, 0x09, 0xe0, 0xdb, 0x4a, 0x98, 0xda, 0x61,
- 0x0b, 0x83, 0xa5, 0x7c, 0x71, 0xb1, 0xed, 0xfa, 0x1d, 0x78, 0x47, 0x76, 0x9b, 0x02, 0x44, 0x3d,
- 0xde, 0x31, 0x77, 0x11, 0x64, 0xfe, 0xd8, 0x01, 0xe6, 0x84, 0xf8, 0x24, 0x6c, 0xc1, 0x77, 0x34,
- 0x2f, 0x7d, 0xa7, 0x03, 0xef, 0xea, 0x5e, 0xf7, 0x18, 0xfc, 0xb1, 0x52, 0x14, 0x12, 0x8e, 0x83,
- 0x88, 0xf7, 0xe0, 0xbb, 0xca, 0x33, 0x9f, 0x90, 0x08, 0x0e, 0xf5, 0x3a, 0xb3, 0x16, 0x7c, 0xbf,
- 0x68, 0x43, 0x97, 0x06, 0xf0, 0x9e, 0xd6, 0x3b, 0x34, 0x6c, 0xc1, 0x0f, 0xf2, 0x1d, 0x16, 0x63,
- 0xff, 0x28, 0x64, 0xbd, 0xd0, 0x81, 0xf7, 0x95, 0x84, 0xff, 0x51, 0xdb, 0xe7, 0xf0, 0x40, 0xa3,
- 0x29, 0xe3, 0xf0, 0xb0, 0xa0, 0x43, 0xa1, 0xe1, 0x03, 0x15, 0x6c, 0x37, 0xb4, 0xb9, 0xd3, 0x86,
- 0x0f, 0x35, 0x0f, 0x1c, 0xe6, 0xc1, 0x51, 0xb1, 0xe0, 0x48, 0x28, 0xfc, 0x48, 0xef, 0x66, 0x0c,
- 0x3f, 0xd4, 0x49, 0x0a, 0x7f, 0xa2, 0xa4, 0xcf, 0x9a, 0x5d, 0xdf, 0x87, 0x1f, 0x69, 0xda, 0xec,
- 0x90, 0xc0, 0x9f, 0x2a, 0x73, 0x42, 0xfc, 0xd8, 0x81, 0x3f, 0xd3, 0x01, 0xe6, 0x73, 0xf8, 0xb1,
- 0x5a, 0xd1, 0x68, 0x92, 0x90, 0xc3, 0x4f, 0xf5, 0x1c, 0x72, 0x0a, 0x7f, 0xae, 0xb5, 0xa2, 0x6b,
- 0x73, 0x1b, 0x7e, 0xa6, 0x3c, 0xe0, 0x5e, 0x80, 0xe1, 0xe7, 0xc5, 0xe6, 0x24, 0x8c, 0xc2, 0x2f,
- 0xb4, 0xe5, 0x21, 0xe6, 0xf0, 0x48, 0xa3, 0xa3, 0x4e, 0x0b, 0x6c, 0xa5, 0x8e, 0xe2, 0x80, 0x70,
- 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x4d, 0xbf, 0xec, 0x1d, 0x47, 0x35, 0x8b, 0xed, 0x9e, 0x80, 0x5b, 0x34, 0x1e, 0x0d,
- 0x42, 0x0e, 0x58, 0x99, 0x73, 0x48, 0x10, 0x40, 0x53, 0xb1, 0x23, 0x4a, 0x38, 0x81, 0x96, 0xaa,
- 0x78, 0xd0, 0xf5, 0xb9, 0xd7, 0x26, 0x11, 0xb4, 0x8b, 0xf6, 0x22, 0xdc, 0x25, 0x1c, 0x3c, 0x3d,
- 0x05, 0xa2, 0xe8, 0x1f, 0xab, 0x45, 0xe4, 0x04, 0xd3, 0xa6, 0x4f, 0x4e, 0xa1, 0xa3, 0x0a, 0x1d,
- 0x12, 0xde, 0x0d, 0xbd, 0x63, 0xf0, 0x8b, 0x3c, 0xd9, 0x6e, 0xd3, 0x85, 0x40, 0x0f, 0xc4, 0x69,
- 0xb7, 0x20, 0x54, 0x80, 0xef, 0x35, 0x6c, 0xc7, 0x01, 0xa2, 0x03, 0x0d, 0xdb, 0x85, 0x48, 0x07,
- 0x98, 0x13, 0xc2, 0xb1, 0x0e, 0x04, 0xf6, 0x19, 0xd0, 0xa2, 0xbf, 0xbc, 0x86, 0x3c, 0xcc, 0x58,
- 0xb1, 0xd1, 0x7d, 0x86, 0x8f, 0x81, 0x2b, 0x09, 0x8a, 0x19, 0xb7, 0x29, 0x87, 0xae, 0x42, 0x18,
- 0xa7, 0x72, 0xbb, 0x9d, 0xa8, 0x35, 0x5d, 0x86, 0x29, 0x83, 0x53, 0x3d, 0x18, 0x71, 0x8a, 0xc3,
- 0x99, 0xda, 0x4e, 0xae, 0xd0, 0xe2, 0xba, 0x94, 0xe2, 0x63, 0xe8, 0x29, 0xb9, 0x80, 0xb5, 0x98,
- 0xf7, 0x09, 0x86, 0x4f, 0x4c, 0x13, 0x6d, 0x17, 0xe9, 0xe5, 0xbd, 0x08, 0xc3, 0x5f, 0xa8, 0xf3,
- 0x32, 0x24, 0x12, 0x25, 0x11, 0x87, 0xbf, 0x34, 0xef, 0xa3, 0xbb, 0x85, 0x60, 0x48, 0x58, 0x37,
- 0x8a, 0x08, 0xe5, 0xf0, 0x4b, 0xc5, 0x10, 0x86, 0x79, 0xc1, 0xf8, 0x2b, 0xa5, 0x9a, 0x44, 0xc2,
- 0xad, 0x6e, 0x14, 0x41, 0xac, 0x1f, 0x7b, 0xac, 0x2b, 0x80, 0x85, 0x9f, 0x51, 0xb3, 0x58, 0xfa,
- 0x2b, 0x85, 0xda, 0x1a, 0xda, 0x57, 0x0a, 0x45, 0x3c, 0x5e, 0xd8, 0x65, 0x18, 0x3e, 0x15, 0x77,
- 0x9c, 0xc2, 0x42, 0xc2, 0xed, 0x13, 0xdb, 0xf3, 0xe1, 0xbc, 0x48, 0x08, 0xe6, 0x2e, 0x39, 0x0d,
- 0x61, 0x50, 0x04, 0x85, 0x79, 0x37, 0xa4, 0xd8, 0x76, 0xda, 0x90, 0x14, 0xc7, 0x07, 0xe6, 0x14,
- 0x33, 0xcc, 0xe1, 0x42, 0x99, 0x76, 0x48, 0x18, 0xda, 0x0d, 0x42, 0x39, 0x76, 0xe1, 0x52, 0x99,
- 0x16, 0x68, 0x26, 0xf9, 0x58, 0x8b, 0xa5, 0xd1, 0x6d, 0x32, 0x18, 0x2a, 0xc0, 0x63, 0x42, 0x0c,
- 0x7e, 0xad, 0x97, 0x45, 0x22, 0x9f, 0x29, 0x83, 0xac, 0xdd, 0xcd, 0x1c, 0x1b, 0x29, 0x83, 0x9c,
- 0x90, 0xc0, 0x0e, 0x7b, 0x14, 0x37, 0x19, 0x5c, 0x29, 0x41, 0xb1, 0x07, 0x5d, 0xd2, 0xe5, 0x30,
- 0x5e, 0xf2, 0x8c, 0xe2, 0x66, 0x57, 0xdc, 0xd2, 0xa9, 0x12, 0x6c, 0x13, 0x96, 0x69, 0x9c, 0x28,
- 0x41, 0x01, 0x2d, 0x62, 0xfd, 0x8d, 0x72, 0xc6, 0xf6, 0x29, 0xb6, 0xdd, 0x1e, 0x4c, 0x55, 0x4a,
- 0xbc, 0x30, 0xa2, 0xa4, 0x45, 0xc5, 0xa5, 0x3e, 0x2b, 0xb6, 0x23, 0xb7, 0x7d, 0x0c, 0xf3, 0xe2,
- 0x38, 0x73, 0x7c, 0x6c, 0x87, 0xf0, 0x44, 0x2f, 0x61, 0x68, 0x07, 0xf0, 0xb4, 0x00, 0xb2, 0xe4,
- 0x3f, 0xd3, 0xae, 0x32, 0x21, 0xf0, 0xb9, 0x72, 0x31, 0x3b, 0x11, 0x3c, 0x02, 0xcf, 0x95, 0x88,
- 0x7b, 0xdc, 0x25, 0x1c, 0xbe, 0xd0, 0xce, 0xf1, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x5e, 0x37, 0x80, 0xbf, 0x56, 0xde,
- 0x65, 0x80, 0x6c, 0xcd, 0xdf, 0x2a, 0x39, 0xc7, 0x0e, 0x1d, 0xec, 0x63, 0x17, 0xfe, 0x46, 0x3b,
- 0x7f, 0x3a, 0xb8, 0x07, 0xbf, 0x53, 0xeb, 0x3a, 0xb8, 0x87, 0xcf, 0x22, 0x8f, 0x62, 0x17, 0xfe,
- 0xd6, 0xdc, 0x2d, 0x40, 0x8a, 0x4f, 0x48, 0x07, 0xbb, 0x70, 0x6d, 0x98, 0x7b, 0x79, 0xa2, 0x24,
- 0xfa, 0x31, 0x76, 0x44, 0xad, 0xff, 0xce, 0x30, 0xef, 0x2e, 0x1a, 0xf7, 0x34, 0xc4, 0x54, 0x5c,
- 0x51, 0xf0, 0xf7, 0x86, 0xb9, 0x9f, 0xb7, 0x79, 0x48, 0x38, 0xc5, 0x8e, 0x38, 0x48, 0xec, 0x86,
- 0x8f, 0xe1, 0x1f, 0x0c, 0x13, 0x16, 0xe7, 0x44, 0xb3, 0xe3, 0xf9, 0x3e, 0xfc, 0xa3, 0xf1, 0xf5,
- 0x12, 0x18, 0xd6, 0x15, 0xaa, 0xda, 0x83, 0xc1, 0x34, 0x99, 0xcd, 0xa2, 0x74, 0x3a, 0x37, 0x4d,
- 0xb4, 0x36, 0x49, 0xa7, 0xf3, 0x7d, 0xe3, 0xa0, 0x74, 0xb8, 0x4e, 0xe5, 0xff, 0xe6, 0xbb, 0x68,
- 0x7b, 0xd2, 0x3f, 0xff, 0x2c, 0x19, 0xc4, 0xfd, 0x4c, 0x52, 0xce, 0x7f, 0x35, 0x5a, 0xcf, 0xd0,
- 0x7c, 0xb9, 0xf9, 0x0e, 0xaa, 0x3f, 0x4e, 0x67, 0xf3, 0x71, 0xff, 0x2a, 0x89, 0x1f, 0x0f, 0xc7,
- 0xf3, 0xfd, 0xb2, 0x9c, 0x12, 0x6b, 0x0b, 0xb0, 0x3d, 0x1c, 0xcf, 0xad, 0x7f, 0x5a, 0x43, 0x77,
- 0x9d, 0x69, 0xd2, 0x5f, 0x0c, 0xa3, 0x34, 0xf9, 0xcd, 0x93, 0x64, 0x36, 0x37, 0x1d, 0xb4, 0x71,
- 0xd1, 0xbf, 0x1a, 0x8e, 0x9e, 0x4b, 0xcb, 0xdb, 0x47, 0xef, 0x3d, 0x50, 0x03, 0xec, 0x83, 0x1b,
- 0xe4, 0x1f, 0x64, 0x54, 0x53, 0x2e, 0xa1, 0xf9, 0x52, 0xd3, 0x43, 0x5b, 0x72, 0xfa, 0x3d, 0x4f,
- 0xc5, 0x88, 0x2a, 0xd4, 0xbc, 0xff, 0x5a, 0x6a, 0xa2, 0x7c, 0x11, 0x55, 0xcb, 0xcd, 0x9f, 0xa3,
- 0xed, 0x7c, 0xae, 0x4e, 0x27, 0xf3, 0x61, 0x3a, 0x9e, 0xed, 0x97, 0x0f, 0xca, 0x87, 0xd5, 0xa3,
- 0xfb, 0x9a, 0xc2, 0x6c, 0x31, 0x91, 0x7c, 0x5a, 0x9f, 0x69, 0xd4, 0xcc, 0x6c, 0xa0, 0x3b, 0x93,
- 0x69, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf3, 0x38, 0xf9, 0x3c, 0x9b, 0xd6, 0xe3, 0xe1, 0x64, 0x7f, 0xed, 0xc0, 0x38,
- 0xac, 0x1e, 0xdd, 0xd3, 0x54, 0x68, 0xa9, 0xa7, 0x3b, 0x72, 0x01, 0xce, 0xe5, 0xbd, 0x89, 0x79,
- 0x88, 0xb6, 0x47, 0xc3, 0xd9, 0x3c, 0x19, 0xc7, 0x9f, 0xf6, 0xcf, 0x3f, 0x1b, 0xa5, 0x97, 0xfb,
- 0xeb, 0x8b, 0xe9, 0xbc, 0x9e, 0x31, 0x1a, 0x19, 0x6e, 0x7e, 0x84, 0x2a, 0x53, 0x39, 0xe1, 0x0b,
- 0x2b, 0x1b, 0xaf, 0xb4, 0xb2, 0x95, 0x09, 0x7a, 0x13, 0x73, 0x0f, 0x6d, 0xf4, 0x27, 0x93, 0x78,
- 0x38, 0xd8, 0xaf, 0xc8, 0x42, 0xad, 0xf7, 0x27, 0x13, 0x6f, 0x60, 0x7e, 0x03, 0xa1, 0xc9, 0x34,
- 0xfd, 0x75, 0x72, 0x3e, 0x17, 0x2c, 0x74, 0x60, 0x1c, 0x96, 0x69, 0x25, 0x47, 0xbc, 0x81, 0x65,
- 0xa1, 0x9a, 0x9e, 0x7b, 0x73, 0x0b, 0xad, 0x79, 0xd1, 0xd3, 0x1f, 0x82, 0x91, 0xff, 0xf7, 0x23,
- 0x28, 0x59, 0x16, 0xda, 0x5e, 0x4e, 0xac, 0xb9, 0x89, 0xca, 0xdc, 0x89, 0xc0, 0x10, 0xff, 0x74,
- 0xdd, 0x08, 0x4a, 0xd6, 0x97, 0x06, 0xba, 0xb3, 0x5c, 0x91, 0xc9, 0xe8, 0xb9, 0xf9, 0x1e, 0xba,
- 0x93, 0xa7, 0x7d, 0x90, 0xcc, 0xce, 0xa7, 0xc3, 0xc9, 0x3c, 0x7f, 0x93, 0x54, 0x28, 0x64, 0x0c,
- 0x57, 0xe1, 0xe6, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xb6, 0x78, 0xf4, 0x24, 0x53, 0xd5, 0x97, 0xe5, 0x57, 0x86, 0x5e,
- 0xcf, 0xa4, 0x17, 0xfd, 0xfa, 0x7b, 0x28, 0xd1, 0xf7, 0x2b, 0x5b, 0xff, 0xb3, 0x09, 0xd7, 0xd7,
- 0xd7, 0xd7, 0x25, 0xeb, 0x77, 0xa8, 0xda, 0x18, 0x8e, 0x07, 0x8b, 0x86, 0x7e, 0x49, 0x24, 0xa5,
- 0x1b, 0x23, 0xb9, 0xd1, 0x15, 0xd1, 0xc1, 0xaf, 0xef, 0x8a, 0x45, 0x50, 0x25, 0xb3, 0x2f, 0xf2,
- 0x78, 0xa3, 0x42, 0xe3, 0x8d, 0x62, 0xb3, 0x1c, 0xb4, 0xdb, 0x4a, 0xe6, 0x59, 0x75, 0xc2, 0xfe,
- 0x55, 0x72, 0x9b, 0xc8, 0xac, 0x33, 0x64, 0xae, 0x28, 0x79, 0xa9, 0x7b, 0xa5, 0x37, 0x73, 0xcf,
- 0x96, 0x9a, 0xa3, 0x24, 0x99, 0xde, 0xda, 0x39, 0x07, 0xc1, 0x92, 0x0a, 0xe1, 0xda, 0x43, 0xb4,
- 0x39, 0x49, 0x92, 0xe9, 0x57, 0x3b, 0xb4, 0x21, 0xc4, 0xbc, 0x89, 0xf5, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0x62, 0x47,
- 0x64, 0x7b, 0xdf, 0xfc, 0x05, 0x5a, 0x1f, 0x25, 0x4f, 0x93, 0x51, 0x7e, 0x92, 0x7d, 0xef, 0x25,
- 0x27, 0xc6, 0x12, 0xe1, 0x8b, 0x05, 0x34, 0x5b, 0x67, 0x3e, 0x42, 0x1b, 0xd9, 0xa1, 0x93, 0x1f,
- 0x62, 0x87, 0xaf, 0xa3, 0x41, 0x46, 0x90, 0xaf, 0x33, 0x77, 0xd1, 0xfa, 0xd3, 0xfe, 0xe8, 0x49,
- 0xb2, 0x5f, 0x3e, 0x28, 0x1d, 0xd6, 0x68, 0x46, 0x58, 0x09, 0xba, 0xf3, 0x82, 0x4d, 0xed, 0x41,
- 0xcd, 0x88, 0x1f, 0x7b, 0x11, 0xbc, 0x25, 0x67, 0x95, 0x02, 0xca, 0xfe, 0x05, 0x43, 0xce, 0x16,
- 0x05, 0x2c, 0xb6, 0xf3, 0xc6, 0x0a, 0x26, 0x76, 0xf6, 0x1d, 0xeb, 0xdf, 0xd7, 0x11, 0xac, 0x7a,
- 0x26, 0x6f, 0xbb, 0x85, 0x60, 0xec, 0xe2, 0x46, 0xb7, 0x05, 0x86, 0x1c, 0xc9, 0x14, 0x48, 0xc5,
- 0x94, 0x28, 0xc6, 0x23, 0x28, 0x2d, 0xa9, 0x8d, 0xe5, 0x95, 0x5a, 0x5e, 0xd6, 0x90, 0x7d, 0x47,
- 0x58, 0x5b, 0xd6, 0xe0, 0x92, 0x90, 0x53, 0xd2, 0xe5, 0x18, 0xd6, 0x97, 0x19, 0x0d, 0x4a, 0x6c,
- 0xd7, 0xb1, 0xe5, 0x07, 0x04, 0x31, 0x74, 0x28, 0x06, 0x0b, 0xdd, 0x46, 0xb7, 0x09, 0x9b, 0xcb,
- 0x28, 0x75, 0x4e, 0x04, 0xba, 0xb5, 0xac, 0xa4, 0x83, 0x71, 0x64, 0xfb, 0xde, 0x09, 0x86, 0xca,
- 0x32, 0x83, 0x90, 0x86, 0x17, 0xfa, 0x5e, 0x88, 0x01, 0x2d, 0xeb, 0xf1, 0xbd, 0xb0, 0x85, 0x29,
- 0xd4, 0xcd, 0x7b, 0xc8, 0x5c, 0xd2, 0x2e, 0x86, 0x25, 0x02, 0xbb, 0xcb, 0x38, 0x0b, 0xdd, 0x0c,
- 0xdf, 0xd3, 0x6a, 0xe2, 0x45, 0x31, 0x27, 0x0c, 0x8c, 0x15, 0x88, 0xfb, 0x50, 0xd2, 0xca, 0xe4,
- 0x45, 0x71, 0x5b, 0x8c, 0x9a, 0x8e, 0x0f, 0xe5, 0x65, 0x98, 0x44, 0xdc, 0x23, 0x21, 0x83, 0x35,
- 0xcd, 0x16, 0x77, 0xa2, 0x58, 0x3c, 0xef, 0x7d, 0xbb, 0x07, 0x86, 0x26, 0x2e, 0xf0, 0xc0, 0x3e,
- 0x63, 0xb8, 0x05, 0x25, 0x2d, 0xdb, 0x02, 0x76, 0x08, 0xed, 0x40, 0x59, 0x0b, 0x5b, 0x80, 0x22,
- 0x21, 0x9e, 0xeb, 0x63, 0x58, 0x33, 0xf7, 0xd1, 0xee, 0x2a, 0x23, 0xe4, 0x27, 0x3e, 0xac, 0xaf,
- 0x98, 0x15, 0x1c, 0x27, 0x14, 0x65, 0x58, 0x36, 0x2b, 0x9e, 0xb0, 0x21, 0x87, 0xcd, 0x15, 0xf1,
- 0x2c, 0x81, 0x47, 0xb0, 0x65, 0xbe, 0x8d, 0xee, 0x6b, 0xb8, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x98, 0xc6, 0xb6, 0xe3,
- 0xe0, 0x88, 0x43, 0x65, 0x85, 0x79, 0xea, 0x85, 0x2e, 0x39, 0x8d, 0x1d, 0xdf, 0x0e, 0x22, 0x40,
- 0x2b, 0x81, 0x78, 0x61, 0x93, 0x40, 0x75, 0x25, 0x90, 0xe3, 0xae, 0xe7, 0x74, 0x6c, 0xa7, 0x03,
- 0x35, 0x39, 0x11, 0x3d, 0x47, 0xf7, 0xd9, 0xe2, 0xc8, 0xca, 0xaf, 0xf3, 0x5b, 0x1d, 0xea, 0x1f,
- 0xa2, 0xcd, 0xc5, 0xec, 0x50, 0x7a, 0xf5, 0xec, 0xb0, 0x90, 0xb3, 0xee, 0xa3, 0xbd, 0x17, 0x4d,
- 0x4f, 0x46, 0xcf, 0x85, 0x4f, 0xad, 0x3f, 0x90, 0x4f, 0x1f, 0xa3, 0xbd, 0xd6, 0x4d, 0x3e, 0xdd,
- 0x46, 0xd7, 0xbf, 0x18, 0x68, 0xdb, 0x49, 0xc7, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0x7c, 0x7e, 0x2b, 0xf7, 0x97, 0xe6,
- 0x9c, 0x57, 0xdf, 0x8f, 0xc5, 0x9c, 0xf3, 0x1e, 0xda, 0x99, 0x0f, 0xaf, 0x92, 0xf4, 0xc9, 0x3c,
- 0x9e, 0x25, 0xe7, 0xe9, 0x78, 0x90, 0xcd, 0x09, 0xc6, 0x4f, 0x4a, 0xef, 0x7f, 0x48, 0xb7, 0x73,
- 0x16, 0xcb, 0x38, 0xd6, 0x2f, 0x51, 0x4d, 0x39, 0xf8, 0x7b, 0xba, 0x48, 0xf5, 0x21, 0xe1, 0x04,
- 0xd5, 0x7d, 0x39, 0xb9, 0xdd, 0x2a, 0xfc, 0x7d, 0xb4, 0xb9, 0x98, 0x04, 0x4b, 0x72, 0x3e, 0x5f,
- 0x90, 0x56, 0x1d, 0x55, 0x17, 0x7a, 0x45, 0xbb, 0x0c, 0x51, 0xdd, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x4f, 0x26, 0xb7,
- 0xcb, 0xf2, 0x0d, 0x09, 0x2b, 0xbd, 0x34, 0x61, 0xd7, 0x06, 0xaa, 0x2e, 0x6c, 0x89, 0x84, 0x1d,
- 0xa1, 0xbd, 0x71, 0xf2, 0x2c, 0x7e, 0xd1, 0x5a, 0xf6, 0x66, 0xb8, 0x3b, 0x4e, 0x9e, 0xb1, 0x1b,
- 0x06, 0xb9, 0xbc, 0xac, 0xaf, 0x39, 0xc8, 0x65, 0xd2, 0x39, 0x64, 0xfd, 0x97, 0x81, 0x76, 0xd8,
- 0xe3, 0x27, 0x73, 0x37, 0x7d, 0x76, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0x7e, 0x80, 0xca, 0x8f, 0xd3, 0x67, 0xf9, 0x6d,
- 0xfb, 0x4d, 0xbd, 0x8b, 0x97, 0xb5, 0x3e, 0x68, 0xa7, 0xcf, 0xa8, 0x10, 0x35, 0xbf, 0x85, 0xaa,
- 0xb3, 0x64, 0x3c, 0x88, 0xd3, 0x8b, 0x8b, 0x59, 0x32, 0x97, 0xd7, 0x6c, 0x99, 0x22, 0x01, 0x11,
- 0x89, 0x58, 0x0e, 0x2a, 0xb7, 0xd3, 0x67, 0xfa, 0x45, 0xd6, 0xee, 0xf2, 0x98, 0xba, 0xcb, 0xf7,
- 0xa8, 0xc0, 0x4e, 0xc5, 0x85, 0xa7, 0xdd, 0x1b, 0x99, 0xdc, 0x29, 0x85, 0xb2, 0xb5, 0x83, 0xea,
- 0x85, 0x07, 0xa2, 0xae, 0xbf, 0x42, 0x35, 0x67, 0x94, 0xce, 0x6e, 0x35, 0xed, 0x98, 0xef, 0x2c,
- 0xfb, 0x2c, 0xea, 0x51, 0x96, 0x25, 0xd5, 0xfd, 0xae, 0x21, 0x94, 0x5b, 0x10, 0xf6, 0xfe, 0xcf,
- 0x40, 0x55, 0x96, 0xdc, 0x72, 0xa8, 0xbd, 0x87, 0xd6, 0x06, 0xfd, 0x79, 0x5f, 0xa6, 0xb5, 0xd6,
- 0x28, 0x6d, 0x19, 0x54, 0xd2, 0xe2, 0x9d, 0x38, 0x9b, 0x4f, 0x93, 0xfe, 0xd5, 0x72, 0xf6, 0x6a,
- 0x19, 0x98, 0xf9, 0x61, 0xde, 0x47, 0xeb, 0x17, 0xa3, 0xfe, 0xe5, 0x4c, 0x0e, 0xe4, 0xf2, 0xc9,
- 0x93, 0xd1, 0x62, 0x3e, 0x93, 0x51, 0xcc, 0x53, 0xf9, 0x1a, 0x7a, 0xc5, 0x7c, 0x26, 0xc4, 0x78,
- 0x7a, 0x53, 0x37, 0x6f, 0xbc, 0xb4, 0x9b, 0x0f, 0x51, 0x25, 0x8b, 0x57, 0xb4, 0xf2, 0xdb, 0xa8,
- 0x22, 0x1c, 0x8e, 0x67, 0xc9, 0x78, 0x9e, 0xfd, 0x30, 0x42, 0xb7, 0x04, 0xc0, 0x92, 0xf1, 0xdc,
- 0xfa, 0x4f, 0x03, 0x6d, 0xd3, 0xe4, 0x3c, 0x19, 0x3e, 0xbd, 0x5d, 0x35, 0x94, 0xf2, 0xe1, 0x17,
- 0x49, 0xbe, 0x9b, 0x33, 0xe5, 0xc3, 0x2f, 0x92, 0x22, 0xfa, 0xf2, 0x4a, 0xf4, 0x37, 0x04, 0xb3,
- 0xfe, 0xd2, 0x60, 0x2c, 0xb4, 0xde, 0x94, 0xab, 0xaa, 0x68, 0x33, 0x60, 0x2d, 0x31, 0xa8, 0x80,
- 0x61, 0xd6, 0xd0, 0x96, 0x20, 0x22, 0x8c, 0x3b, 0x50, 0xb2, 0xfe, 0xd5, 0x40, 0x35, 0x15, 0x86,
- 0x08, 0xfa, 0x85, 0xea, 0xc8, 0x3e, 0x59, 0xa9, 0xce, 0xa2, 0xb4, 0xc2, 0x3d, 0xbd, 0xb4, 0x3f,
- 0x45, 0xf5, 0x69, 0xa6, 0x6c, 0x10, 0x5f, 0x4c, 0xd3, 0xab, 0xaf, 0x78, 0x4e, 0xd5, 0x16, 0xc2,
- 0xcd, 0x69, 0x7a, 0x25, 0xf6, 0xd4, 0xa7, 0x4f, 0x2e, 0x2e, 0x92, 0x69, 0x96, 0x13, 0xf9, 0xd6,
- 0xa5, 0x28, 0x83, 0x44, 0x56, 0xac, 0x2f, 0xcb, 0xa8, 0x12, 0xa5, 0xa3, 0x11, 0x7e, 0x9a, 0x8c,
- 0xdf, 0x30, 0xdb, 0xdf, 0x43, 0x30, 0xcd, 0xaa, 0x94, 0x0c, 0xe2, 0x44, 0xac, 0x9f, 0xe5, 0x49,
- 0xdf, 0x51, 0xb8, 0x54, 0x3b, 0x33, 0xbf, 0x8b, 0x76, 0xd2, 0x4f, 0xe5, 0x4b, 0x51, 0x49, 0x96,
- 0xa5, 0xe4, 0xf6, 0x02, 0xce, 0x04, 0xad, 0xff, 0x28, 0xa1, 0xba, 0x72, 0x47, 0x24, 0x5a, 0x9b,
- 0x35, 0x22, 0xe2, 0xfb, 0x21, 0x09, 0x31, 0xbc, 0xa5, 0x4d, 0x6e, 0x02, 0xf4, 0xc2, 0xa5, 0x13,
- 0x40, 0x40, 0x11, 0xf5, 0x96, 0x46, 0x5e, 0x81, 0x91, 0x2e, 0x87, 0xb5, 0x15, 0x0c, 0x53, 0x0a,
- 0x5b, 0x2b, 0x58, 0xbb, 0x1b, 0x01, 0xac, 0xda, 0x3d, 0xb1, 0x7d, 0x38, 0xd0, 0x26, 0x2c, 0x01,
- 0x52, 0x37, 0x24, 0x34, 0x80, 0x47, 0xe6, 0xbd, 0x15, 0xb8, 0x61, 0x87, 0xf2, 0x1b, 0xd3, 0x32,
- 0x7e, 0x4a, 0xa5, 0xf8, 0x75, 0xe9, 0x05, 0x3c, 0x93, 0x5f, 0x93, 0x1f, 0x9f, 0x0a, 0x3c, 0x60,
- 0x2d, 0xb8, 0xde, 0x5a, 0x55, 0x8e, 0x03, 0x72, 0x82, 0xe1, 0xfa, 0x40, 0x7e, 0xc0, 0xd2, 0x8d,
- 0x0a, 0xb7, 0xaf, 0x1f, 0x59, 0x8f, 0x51, 0x55, 0x24, 0x70, 0xb1, 0x7f, 0x7e, 0x80, 0x36, 0xf2,
- 0x84, 0x1b, 0x72, 0x9e, 0xd8, 0xd5, 0xda, 0x46, 0x25, 0x9a, 0xe6, 0x32, 0x6f, 0x76, 0x4b, 0xfd,
- 0x38, 0xeb, 0x9c, 0xac, 0xc5, 0x0b, 0x3b, 0xa5, 0xaf, 0xb6, 0x63, 0xfd, 0x56, 0xec, 0xf3, 0x59,
- 0x3a, 0x2a, 0xf6, 0xb9, 0x89, 0xd6, 0xc6, 0xfd, 0xab, 0x24, 0x6f, 0x36, 0xf9, 0xbf, 0x79, 0x82,
- 0x20, 0xbf, 0xbb, 0x62, 0xf9, 0x31, 0x6a, 0x98, 0x64, 0xda, 0xdf, 0xf0, 0x4b, 0xd6, 0x4e, 0xae,
- 0xa4, 0x99, 0xeb, 0xb0, 0xfe, 0xbb, 0x2c, 0xf6, 0x67, 0x6e, 0x5e, 0x38, 0x7f, 0xd3, 0xc7, 0xb8,
- 0xf2, 0x8b, 0x1f, 0xe3, 0xde, 0x45, 0xdb, 0xe7, 0xfd, 0x71, 0x3a, 0x1e, 0x9e, 0xf7, 0x47, 0xb1,
- 0xf4, 0x36, 0xfb, 0x1a, 0x57, 0x57, 0xa8, 0x7c, 0x96, 0xed, 0xa3, 0xcd, 0xfe, 0x68, 0xd8, 0x9f,
- 0x25, 0xe2, 0xa0, 0x2d, 0x1f, 0x56, 0xe8, 0x82, 0xb4, 0xfe, 0xb7, 0xa4, 0xff, 0xa0, 0xfb, 0x35,
- 0xb4, 0x97, 0x17, 0x10, 0xdb, 0x5e, 0x2c, 0x5e, 0x69, 0x4d, 0x3b, 0xf0, 0x7c, 0xf1, 0x80, 0x28,
- 0xae, 0x2e, 0xc9, 0x92, 0xbf, 0x65, 0x96, 0xb4, 0x09, 0x5b, 0xa0, 0x0d, 0xdb, 0x6d, 0xfa, 0x76,
- 0x8b, 0x2d, 0x3d, 0xe3, 0x04, 0xa3, 0x69, 0x7b, 0x7e, 0xf6, 0x0b, 0xf0, 0x12, 0x28, 0x55, 0xaf,
- 0xaf, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x0e, 0x08, 0xed, 0x2d, 0xbd, 0x1d, 0x04, 0x9c, 0xff, 0x1c, 0xb4, 0xf9, 0x02,
- 0x1c, 0xda, 0x01, 0x86, 0x2d, 0xed, 0x49, 0x21, 0x60, 0x86, 0xe9, 0x89, 0xe7, 0x2c, 0xbf, 0xe1,
- 0x24, 0x4e, 0x9c, 0x8e, 0x7c, 0x68, 0xa2, 0x15, 0x3d, 0xd9, 0xef, 0xd8, 0x4b, 0x6f, 0x86, 0x3c,
- 0xa2, 0xb6, 0x17, 0x72, 0x06, 0xb5, 0x15, 0x86, 0xfc, 0xdd, 0xc1, 0x21, 0x3e, 0xd4, 0x57, 0x18,
- 0xea, 0x37, 0x9d, 0x6d, 0x6d, 0x0f, 0xcb, 0xb8, 0xec, 0x33, 0xd8, 0x69, 0x6c, 0x7d, 0xb2, 0x91,
- 0x9d, 0x5a, 0xff, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x31, 0x03, 0x4e, 0xbd, 0xfd, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00,
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/internal/socket/socket_service.proto b/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/internal/socket/socket_service.proto
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-syntax = "proto2";
-option go_package = "socket";
-package appengine;
-message RemoteSocketServiceError {
- enum ErrorCode {
- GAI_ERROR = 2;
- FAILURE = 4;
- }
- enum SystemError {
- option allow_alias = true;
- SYS_EPERM = 1;
- SYS_ESRCH = 3;
- SYS_EINTR = 4;
- SYS_EIO = 5;
- SYS_ENXIO = 6;
- SYS_E2BIG = 7;
- SYS_EBADF = 9;
- SYS_ECHILD = 10;
- SYS_EAGAIN = 11;
- SYS_ENOMEM = 12;
- SYS_EACCES = 13;
- SYS_EFAULT = 14;
- SYS_EBUSY = 16;
- SYS_EEXIST = 17;
- SYS_EXDEV = 18;
- SYS_ENODEV = 19;
- SYS_EISDIR = 21;
- SYS_EINVAL = 22;
- SYS_ENFILE = 23;
- SYS_EMFILE = 24;
- SYS_ENOTTY = 25;
- SYS_EFBIG = 27;
- SYS_ENOSPC = 28;
- SYS_ESPIPE = 29;
- SYS_EROFS = 30;
- SYS_EMLINK = 31;
- SYS_EPIPE = 32;
- SYS_EDOM = 33;
- SYS_ERANGE = 34;
- SYS_ENOLCK = 37;
- SYS_ENOSYS = 38;
- SYS_ELOOP = 40;
- SYS_ENOMSG = 42;
- SYS_EIDRM = 43;
- SYS_ECHRNG = 44;
- SYS_EL2NSYNC = 45;
- SYS_EL3HLT = 46;
- SYS_EL3RST = 47;
- SYS_ELNRNG = 48;
- SYS_ENOCSI = 50;
- SYS_EL2HLT = 51;
- SYS_EBADE = 52;
- SYS_EBADR = 53;
- SYS_EXFULL = 54;
- SYS_ENOANO = 55;
- SYS_EBFONT = 59;
- SYS_ENOSTR = 60;
- SYS_ETIME = 62;
- SYS_ENOSR = 63;
- SYS_ENONET = 64;
- SYS_ENOPKG = 65;
- SYS_EADV = 68;
- SYS_ESRMNT = 69;
- SYS_ECOMM = 70;
- SYS_EPROTO = 71;
- SYS_EBADFD = 77;
- SYS_EILSEQ = 84;
- SYS_EUSERS = 87;
- SYS_ENOBUFS = 105;
- SYS_EISCONN = 106;
- SYS_ESTALE = 116;
- SYS_EUCLEAN = 117;
- SYS_ENOTNAM = 118;
- SYS_ENAVAIL = 119;
- SYS_EISNAM = 120;
- SYS_EDQUOT = 122;
- SYS_ENOKEY = 126;
- SYS_ERFKILL = 132;
- }
- optional int32 system_error = 1 [default=0];
- optional string error_detail = 2;
-message AddressPort {
- required int32 port = 1;
- optional bytes packed_address = 2;
- optional string hostname_hint = 3;
-message CreateSocketRequest {
- enum SocketFamily {
- IPv4 = 1;
- IPv6 = 2;
- }
- enum SocketProtocol {
- TCP = 1;
- UDP = 2;
- }
- required SocketFamily family = 1;
- required SocketProtocol protocol = 2;
- repeated SocketOption socket_options = 3;
- optional AddressPort proxy_external_ip = 4;
- optional int32 listen_backlog = 5 [default=0];
- optional AddressPort remote_ip = 6;
- optional string app_id = 9;
- optional int64 project_id = 10;
-message CreateSocketReply {
- optional string socket_descriptor = 1;
- optional AddressPort server_address = 3;
- optional AddressPort proxy_external_ip = 4;
- extensions 1000 to max;
-message BindRequest {
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
- required AddressPort proxy_external_ip = 2;
-message BindReply {
- optional AddressPort proxy_external_ip = 1;
-message GetSocketNameRequest {
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
-message GetSocketNameReply {
- optional AddressPort proxy_external_ip = 2;
-message GetPeerNameRequest {
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
-message GetPeerNameReply {
- optional AddressPort peer_ip = 2;
-message SocketOption {
- enum SocketOptionLevel {
- }
- enum SocketOptionName {
- option allow_alias = true;
- }
- required SocketOptionLevel level = 1;
- required SocketOptionName option = 2;
- required bytes value = 3;
-message SetSocketOptionsRequest {
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
- repeated SocketOption options = 2;
-message SetSocketOptionsReply {
-message GetSocketOptionsRequest {
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
- repeated SocketOption options = 2;
-message GetSocketOptionsReply {
- repeated SocketOption options = 2;
-message ConnectRequest {
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
- required AddressPort remote_ip = 2;
- optional double timeout_seconds = 3 [default=-1];
-message ConnectReply {
- optional AddressPort proxy_external_ip = 1;
- extensions 1000 to max;
-message ListenRequest {
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
- required int32 backlog = 2;
-message ListenReply {
-message AcceptRequest {
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
- optional double timeout_seconds = 2 [default=-1];
-message AcceptReply {
- optional bytes new_socket_descriptor = 2;
- optional AddressPort remote_address = 3;
-message ShutDownRequest {
- enum How {
- }
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
- required How how = 2;
- required int64 send_offset = 3;
-message ShutDownReply {
-message CloseRequest {
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
- optional int64 send_offset = 2 [default=-1];
-message CloseReply {
-message SendRequest {
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
- required bytes data = 2 [ctype=CORD];
- required int64 stream_offset = 3;
- optional int32 flags = 4 [default=0];
- optional AddressPort send_to = 5;
- optional double timeout_seconds = 6 [default=-1];
-message SendReply {
- optional int32 data_sent = 1;
-message ReceiveRequest {
- enum Flags {
- MSG_OOB = 1;
- MSG_PEEK = 2;
- }
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
- required int32 data_size = 2;
- optional int32 flags = 3 [default=0];
- optional double timeout_seconds = 5 [default=-1];
-message ReceiveReply {
- optional int64 stream_offset = 2;
- optional bytes data = 3 [ctype=CORD];
- optional AddressPort received_from = 4;
- optional int32 buffer_size = 5;
-message PollEvent {
- enum PollEventFlag {
- };
- required string socket_descriptor = 1;
- required int32 requested_events = 2;
- required int32 observed_events = 3;
-message PollRequest {
- repeated PollEvent events = 1;
- optional double timeout_seconds = 2 [default=-1];
-message PollReply {
- repeated PollEvent events = 2;
-message ResolveRequest {
- required string name = 1;
- repeated CreateSocketRequest.SocketFamily address_families = 2;
-message ResolveReply {
- enum ErrorCode {
- };
- repeated bytes packed_address = 2;
- optional string canonical_name = 3;
- repeated string aliases = 4;
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/socket/doc.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/socket/doc.go
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--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/socket/doc.go
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-// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package socket provides outbound network sockets.
-// This package is only required in the classic App Engine environment.
-// Applications running only in App Engine "flexible environment" should
-// use the standard library's net package.
-package socket
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/socket/socket_classic.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/socket/socket_classic.go
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--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/socket/socket_classic.go
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-// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build appengine
-package socket
-import (
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "net"
- "strconv"
- "time"
- "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
- "golang.org/x/net/context"
- "google.golang.org/appengine/internal"
- pb "google.golang.org/appengine/internal/socket"
-// Dial connects to the address addr on the network protocol.
-// The address format is host:port, where host may be a hostname or an IP address.
-// Known protocols are "tcp" and "udp".
-// The returned connection satisfies net.Conn, and is valid while ctx is valid;
-// if the connection is to be used after ctx becomes invalid, invoke SetContext
-// with the new context.
-func Dial(ctx context.Context, protocol, addr string) (*Conn, error) {
- return DialTimeout(ctx, protocol, addr, 0)
-var ipFamilies = []pb.CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily{
- pb.CreateSocketRequest_IPv4,
- pb.CreateSocketRequest_IPv6,
-// DialTimeout is like Dial but takes a timeout.
-// The timeout includes name resolution, if required.
-func DialTimeout(ctx context.Context, protocol, addr string, timeout time.Duration) (*Conn, error) {
- dialCtx := ctx // Used for dialing and name resolution, but not stored in the *Conn.
- if timeout > 0 {
- var cancel context.CancelFunc
- dialCtx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
- defer cancel()
- }
- host, portStr, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- port, err := strconv.Atoi(portStr)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("socket: bad port %q: %v", portStr, err)
- }
- var prot pb.CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol
- switch protocol {
- case "tcp":
- prot = pb.CreateSocketRequest_TCP
- case "udp":
- prot = pb.CreateSocketRequest_UDP
- default:
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("socket: unknown protocol %q", protocol)
- }
- packedAddrs, resolved, err := resolve(dialCtx, ipFamilies, host)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("socket: failed resolving %q: %v", host, err)
- }
- if len(packedAddrs) == 0 {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("no addresses for %q", host)
- }
- packedAddr := packedAddrs[0] // use first address
- fam := pb.CreateSocketRequest_IPv4
- if len(packedAddr) == net.IPv6len {
- fam = pb.CreateSocketRequest_IPv6
- }
- req := &pb.CreateSocketRequest{
- Family: fam.Enum(),
- Protocol: prot.Enum(),
- RemoteIp: &pb.AddressPort{
- Port: proto.Int32(int32(port)),
- PackedAddress: packedAddr,
- },
- }
- if resolved {
- req.RemoteIp.HostnameHint = &host
- }
- res := &pb.CreateSocketReply{}
- if err := internal.Call(dialCtx, "remote_socket", "CreateSocket", req, res); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &Conn{
- ctx: ctx,
- desc: res.GetSocketDescriptor(),
- prot: prot,
- local: res.ProxyExternalIp,
- remote: req.RemoteIp,
- }, nil
-// LookupIP returns the given host's IP addresses.
-func LookupIP(ctx context.Context, host string) (addrs []net.IP, err error) {
- packedAddrs, _, err := resolve(ctx, ipFamilies, host)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("socket: failed resolving %q: %v", host, err)
- }
- addrs = make([]net.IP, len(packedAddrs))
- for i, pa := range packedAddrs {
- addrs[i] = net.IP(pa)
- }
- return addrs, nil
-func resolve(ctx context.Context, fams []pb.CreateSocketRequest_SocketFamily, host string) ([][]byte, bool, error) {
- // Check if it's an IP address.
- if ip := net.ParseIP(host); ip != nil {
- if ip := ip.To4(); ip != nil {
- return [][]byte{ip}, false, nil
- }
- return [][]byte{ip}, false, nil
- }
- req := &pb.ResolveRequest{
- Name: &host,
- AddressFamilies: fams,
- }
- res := &pb.ResolveReply{}
- if err := internal.Call(ctx, "remote_socket", "Resolve", req, res); err != nil {
- // XXX: need to map to pb.ResolveReply_ErrorCode?
- return nil, false, err
- }
- return res.PackedAddress, true, nil
-// withDeadline is like context.WithDeadline, except it ignores the zero deadline.
-func withDeadline(parent context.Context, deadline time.Time) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
- if deadline.IsZero() {
- return parent, func() {}
- }
- return context.WithDeadline(parent, deadline)
-// Conn represents a socket connection.
-// It implements net.Conn.
-type Conn struct {
- ctx context.Context
- desc string
- offset int64
- prot pb.CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol
- local, remote *pb.AddressPort
- readDeadline, writeDeadline time.Time // optional
-// SetContext sets the context that is used by this Conn.
-// It is usually used only when using a Conn that was created in a different context,
-// such as when a connection is created during a warmup request but used while
-// servicing a user request.
-func (cn *Conn) SetContext(ctx context.Context) {
- cn.ctx = ctx
-func (cn *Conn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
- const maxRead = 1 << 20
- if len(b) > maxRead {
- b = b[:maxRead]
- }
- req := &pb.ReceiveRequest{
- SocketDescriptor: &cn.desc,
- DataSize: proto.Int32(int32(len(b))),
- }
- res := &pb.ReceiveReply{}
- if !cn.readDeadline.IsZero() {
- req.TimeoutSeconds = proto.Float64(cn.readDeadline.Sub(time.Now()).Seconds())
- }
- ctx, cancel := withDeadline(cn.ctx, cn.readDeadline)
- defer cancel()
- if err := internal.Call(ctx, "remote_socket", "Receive", req, res); err != nil {
- return 0, err
- }
- if len(res.Data) == 0 {
- return 0, io.EOF
- }
- if len(res.Data) > len(b) {
- return 0, fmt.Errorf("socket: internal error: read too much data: %d > %d", len(res.Data), len(b))
- }
- return copy(b, res.Data), nil
-func (cn *Conn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
- const lim = 1 << 20 // max per chunk
- for n < len(b) {
- chunk := b[n:]
- if len(chunk) > lim {
- chunk = chunk[:lim]
- }
- req := &pb.SendRequest{
- SocketDescriptor: &cn.desc,
- Data: chunk,
- StreamOffset: &cn.offset,
- }
- res := &pb.SendReply{}
- if !cn.writeDeadline.IsZero() {
- req.TimeoutSeconds = proto.Float64(cn.writeDeadline.Sub(time.Now()).Seconds())
- }
- ctx, cancel := withDeadline(cn.ctx, cn.writeDeadline)
- defer cancel()
- if err = internal.Call(ctx, "remote_socket", "Send", req, res); err != nil {
- // assume zero bytes were sent in this RPC
- break
- }
- n += int(res.GetDataSent())
- cn.offset += int64(res.GetDataSent())
- }
- return
-func (cn *Conn) Close() error {
- req := &pb.CloseRequest{
- SocketDescriptor: &cn.desc,
- }
- res := &pb.CloseReply{}
- if err := internal.Call(cn.ctx, "remote_socket", "Close", req, res); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- cn.desc = "CLOSED"
- return nil
-func addr(prot pb.CreateSocketRequest_SocketProtocol, ap *pb.AddressPort) net.Addr {
- if ap == nil {
- return nil
- }
- switch prot {
- case pb.CreateSocketRequest_TCP:
- return &net.TCPAddr{
- IP: net.IP(ap.PackedAddress),
- Port: int(*ap.Port),
- }
- case pb.CreateSocketRequest_UDP:
- return &net.UDPAddr{
- IP: net.IP(ap.PackedAddress),
- Port: int(*ap.Port),
- }
- }
- panic("unknown protocol " + prot.String())
-func (cn *Conn) LocalAddr() net.Addr { return addr(cn.prot, cn.local) }
-func (cn *Conn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr { return addr(cn.prot, cn.remote) }
-func (cn *Conn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
- cn.readDeadline = t
- cn.writeDeadline = t
- return nil
-func (cn *Conn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
- cn.readDeadline = t
- return nil
-func (cn *Conn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
- cn.writeDeadline = t
- return nil
-// KeepAlive signals that the connection is still in use.
-// It may be called to prevent the socket being closed due to inactivity.
-func (cn *Conn) KeepAlive() error {
- req := &pb.GetSocketNameRequest{
- SocketDescriptor: &cn.desc,
- }
- res := &pb.GetSocketNameReply{}
- return internal.Call(cn.ctx, "remote_socket", "GetSocketName", req, res)
-func init() {
- internal.RegisterErrorCodeMap("remote_socket", pb.RemoteSocketServiceError_ErrorCode_name)
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/socket/socket_vm.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/socket/socket_vm.go
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--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/socket/socket_vm.go
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@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build !appengine
-package socket
-import (
- "net"
- "time"
- "golang.org/x/net/context"
-// Dial connects to the address addr on the network protocol.
-// The address format is host:port, where host may be a hostname or an IP address.
-// Known protocols are "tcp" and "udp".
-// The returned connection satisfies net.Conn, and is valid while ctx is valid;
-// if the connection is to be used after ctx becomes invalid, invoke SetContext
-// with the new context.
-func Dial(ctx context.Context, protocol, addr string) (*Conn, error) {
- conn, err := net.Dial(protocol, addr)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &Conn{conn}, nil
-// DialTimeout is like Dial but takes a timeout.
-// The timeout includes name resolution, if required.
-func DialTimeout(ctx context.Context, protocol, addr string, timeout time.Duration) (*Conn, error) {
- conn, err := net.DialTimeout(protocol, addr, timeout)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &Conn{conn}, nil
-// LookupIP returns the given host's IP addresses.
-func LookupIP(ctx context.Context, host string) (addrs []net.IP, err error) {
- return net.LookupIP(host)
-// Conn represents a socket connection.
-// It implements net.Conn.
-type Conn struct {
- net.Conn
-// SetContext sets the context that is used by this Conn.
-// It is usually used only when using a Conn that was created in a different context,
-// such as when a connection is created during a warmup request but used while
-// servicing a user request.
-func (cn *Conn) SetContext(ctx context.Context) {
- // This function is not required in App Engine "flexible environment".
-// KeepAlive signals that the connection is still in use.
-// It may be called to prevent the socket being closed due to inactivity.
-func (cn *Conn) KeepAlive() error {
- // This function is not required in App Engine "flexible environment".
- return nil
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations/field_behavior.pb.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations/field_behavior.pb.go
index dbe2e2d0c6..6ce01ac9a6 100644
--- a/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations/field_behavior.pb.go
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations/field_behavior.pb.go
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// protoc-gen-go v1.26.0
-// protoc v3.21.9
+// protoc v3.21.12
// source: google/api/field_behavior.proto
package annotations
@@ -78,6 +78,19 @@ const (
// a non-empty value will be returned. The user will not be aware of what
// non-empty value to expect.
FieldBehavior_NON_EMPTY_DEFAULT FieldBehavior = 7
+ // Denotes that the field in a resource (a message annotated with
+ // google.api.resource) is used in the resource name to uniquely identify the
+ // resource. For AIP-compliant APIs, this should only be applied to the
+ // `name` field on the resource.
+ //
+ // This behavior should not be applied to references to other resources within
+ // the message.
+ //
+ // The identifier field of resources often have different field behavior
+ // depending on the request it is embedded in (e.g. for Create methods name
+ // is optional and unused, while for Update methods it is required). Instead
+ // of method-specific annotations, only `IDENTIFIER` is required.
+ FieldBehavior_IDENTIFIER FieldBehavior = 8
// Enum value maps for FieldBehavior.
@@ -91,6 +104,7 @@ var (
FieldBehavior_value = map[string]int32{
@@ -101,6 +115,7 @@ var (
@@ -169,7 +184,7 @@ var file_google_api_field_behavior_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x6f, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x61, 0x70, 0x69, 0x1a, 0x20, 0x67,
0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x64,
0x65, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72, 0x69, 0x70, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x2a,
- 0xa6, 0x01, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x46, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x42, 0x65, 0x68, 0x61, 0x76, 0x69, 0x6f,
+ 0xb6, 0x01, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x46, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x42, 0x65, 0x68, 0x61, 0x76, 0x69, 0x6f,
0x72, 0x12, 0x1e, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x46, 0x49, 0x45, 0x4c, 0x44, 0x5f, 0x42, 0x45, 0x48, 0x41, 0x56,
0x49, 0x4f, 0x52, 0x5f, 0x55, 0x4e, 0x53, 0x50, 0x45, 0x43, 0x49, 0x46, 0x49, 0x45, 0x44, 0x10,
0x00, 0x12, 0x0c, 0x0a, 0x08, 0x4f, 0x50, 0x54, 0x49, 0x4f, 0x4e, 0x41, 0x4c, 0x10, 0x01, 0x12,
@@ -179,7 +194,8 @@ var file_google_api_field_behavior_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x0a, 0x09, 0x49, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0x55, 0x54, 0x41, 0x42, 0x4c, 0x45, 0x10, 0x05, 0x12, 0x12, 0x0a,
0x0e, 0x55, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x52, 0x44, 0x45, 0x52, 0x45, 0x44, 0x5f, 0x4c, 0x49, 0x53, 0x54, 0x10,
0x06, 0x12, 0x15, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x4e, 0x5f, 0x45, 0x4d, 0x50, 0x54, 0x59, 0x5f, 0x44,
- 0x45, 0x46, 0x41, 0x55, 0x4c, 0x54, 0x10, 0x07, 0x3a, 0x60, 0x0a, 0x0e, 0x66, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c,
+ 0x45, 0x46, 0x41, 0x55, 0x4c, 0x54, 0x10, 0x07, 0x12, 0x0e, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x49, 0x44, 0x45, 0x4e,
+ 0x54, 0x49, 0x46, 0x49, 0x45, 0x52, 0x10, 0x08, 0x3a, 0x60, 0x0a, 0x0e, 0x66, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c,
0x64, 0x5f, 0x62, 0x65, 0x68, 0x61, 0x76, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x12, 0x1d, 0x2e, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f,
0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2e, 0x46, 0x69, 0x65,
0x6c, 0x64, 0x4f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x18, 0x9c, 0x08, 0x20, 0x03, 0x28, 0x0e,
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations/field_info.pb.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations/field_info.pb.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d02e6bbc89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations/field_info.pb.go
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
+// versions:
+// protoc-gen-go v1.26.0
+// protoc v3.21.12
+// source: google/api/field_info.proto
+package annotations
+import (
+ reflect "reflect"
+ sync "sync"
+ protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
+ protoimpl "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl"
+ descriptorpb "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/descriptorpb"
+const (
+ // Verify that this generated code is sufficiently up-to-date.
+ _ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(20 - protoimpl.MinVersion)
+ // Verify that runtime/protoimpl is sufficiently up-to-date.
+ _ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(protoimpl.MaxVersion - 20)
+// The standard format of a field value. The supported formats are all backed
+// by either an RFC defined by the IETF or a Google-defined AIP.
+type FieldInfo_Format int32
+const (
+ // Default, unspecified value.
+ FieldInfo_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED FieldInfo_Format = 0
+ // Universally Unique Identifier, version 4, value as defined by
+ // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4122. The value may be
+ // normalized to entirely lowercase letters. For example, the value
+ // `F47AC10B-58CC-0372-8567-0E02B2C3D479` would be normalized to
+ // `f47ac10b-58cc-0372-8567-0e02b2c3d479`.
+ FieldInfo_UUID4 FieldInfo_Format = 1
+ // Internet Protocol v4 value as defined by [RFC
+ // 791](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc791). The value may be
+ // condensed, with leading zeros in each octet stripped. For example,
+ // `` would be condensed to ``.
+ FieldInfo_IPV4 FieldInfo_Format = 2
+ // Internet Protocol v6 value as defined by [RFC
+ // 2460](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2460). The value may be
+ // normalized to entirely lowercase letters, and zero-padded partial and
+ // empty octets. For example, the value `2001:DB8::` would be normalized to
+ // `2001:0db8:0:0`.
+ FieldInfo_IPV6 FieldInfo_Format = 3
+ // An IP address in either v4 or v6 format as described by the individual
+ // values defined herein. See the comments on the IPV4 and IPV6 types for
+ // allowed normalizations of each.
+ FieldInfo_IPV4_OR_IPV6 FieldInfo_Format = 4
+// Enum value maps for FieldInfo_Format.
+var (
+ FieldInfo_Format_name = map[int32]string{
+ 1: "UUID4",
+ 2: "IPV4",
+ 3: "IPV6",
+ 4: "IPV4_OR_IPV6",
+ }
+ FieldInfo_Format_value = map[string]int32{
+ "UUID4": 1,
+ "IPV4": 2,
+ "IPV6": 3,
+ "IPV4_OR_IPV6": 4,
+ }
+func (x FieldInfo_Format) Enum() *FieldInfo_Format {
+ p := new(FieldInfo_Format)
+ *p = x
+ return p
+func (x FieldInfo_Format) String() string {
+ return protoimpl.X.EnumStringOf(x.Descriptor(), protoreflect.EnumNumber(x))
+func (FieldInfo_Format) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor {
+ return file_google_api_field_info_proto_enumTypes[0].Descriptor()
+func (FieldInfo_Format) Type() protoreflect.EnumType {
+ return &file_google_api_field_info_proto_enumTypes[0]
+func (x FieldInfo_Format) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber {
+ return protoreflect.EnumNumber(x)
+// Deprecated: Use FieldInfo_Format.Descriptor instead.
+func (FieldInfo_Format) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
+ return file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{0, 0}
+// Rich semantic information of an API field beyond basic typing.
+type FieldInfo struct {
+ state protoimpl.MessageState
+ sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
+ unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
+ // The standard format of a field value. This does not explicitly configure
+ // any API consumer, just documents the API's format for the field it is
+ // applied to.
+ Format FieldInfo_Format `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=format,proto3,enum=google.api.FieldInfo_Format" json:"format,omitempty"`
+func (x *FieldInfo) Reset() {
+ *x = FieldInfo{}
+ if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
+ mi := &file_google_api_field_info_proto_msgTypes[0]
+ ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
+ ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi)
+ }
+func (x *FieldInfo) String() string {
+ return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
+func (*FieldInfo) ProtoMessage() {}
+func (x *FieldInfo) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
+ mi := &file_google_api_field_info_proto_msgTypes[0]
+ if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
+ ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
+ if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
+ ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi)
+ }
+ return ms
+ }
+ return mi.MessageOf(x)
+// Deprecated: Use FieldInfo.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
+func (*FieldInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
+ return file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{0}
+func (x *FieldInfo) GetFormat() FieldInfo_Format {
+ if x != nil {
+ return x.Format
+ }
+var file_google_api_field_info_proto_extTypes = []protoimpl.ExtensionInfo{
+ {
+ ExtendedType: (*descriptorpb.FieldOptions)(nil),
+ ExtensionType: (*FieldInfo)(nil),
+ Field: 291403980,
+ Name: "google.api.field_info",
+ Tag: "bytes,291403980,opt,name=field_info",
+ Filename: "google/api/field_info.proto",
+ },
+// Extension fields to descriptorpb.FieldOptions.
+var (
+ // Rich semantic descriptor of an API field beyond the basic typing.
+ //
+ // Examples:
+ //
+ // string request_id = 1 [(google.api.field_info).format = UUID4];
+ // string old_ip_address = 2 [(google.api.field_info).format = IPV4];
+ // string new_ip_address = 3 [(google.api.field_info).format = IPV6];
+ // string actual_ip_address = 4 [
+ // (google.api.field_info).format = IPV4_OR_IPV6
+ // ];
+ //
+ // optional google.api.FieldInfo field_info = 291403980;
+ E_FieldInfo = &file_google_api_field_info_proto_extTypes[0]
+var File_google_api_field_info_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
+var file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
+ 0x0a, 0x1b, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2f, 0x61, 0x70, 0x69, 0x2f, 0x66, 0x69, 0x65,
+ 0x6c, 0x64, 0x5f, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x67,
+ 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x61, 0x70, 0x69, 0x1a, 0x20, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c,
+ 0x65, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x64, 0x65, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72,
+ 0x69, 0x70, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x22, 0x94, 0x01, 0x0a, 0x09,
+ 0x46, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x12, 0x34, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72,
+ 0x6d, 0x61, 0x74, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0e, 0x32, 0x1c, 0x2e, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67,
+ 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x61, 0x70, 0x69, 0x2e, 0x46, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f,
+ 0x2e, 0x46, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x74, 0x52, 0x06, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x74, 0x22,
+ 0x51, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x46, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x74, 0x12, 0x16, 0x0a, 0x12, 0x46, 0x4f, 0x52,
+ 0x4d, 0x41, 0x54, 0x5f, 0x55, 0x4e, 0x53, 0x50, 0x45, 0x43, 0x49, 0x46, 0x49, 0x45, 0x44, 0x10,
+ 0x00, 0x12, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x05, 0x55, 0x55, 0x49, 0x44, 0x34, 0x10, 0x01, 0x12, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x04,
+ 0x49, 0x50, 0x56, 0x34, 0x10, 0x02, 0x12, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x49, 0x50, 0x56, 0x36, 0x10, 0x03,
+ 0x12, 0x10, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x49, 0x50, 0x56, 0x34, 0x5f, 0x4f, 0x52, 0x5f, 0x49, 0x50, 0x56, 0x36,
+ 0x10, 0x04, 0x3a, 0x57, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x66, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x5f, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f,
+ 0x12, 0x1d, 0x2e, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62,
+ 0x75, 0x66, 0x2e, 0x46, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x4f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x18,
+ 0xcc, 0xf1, 0xf9, 0x8a, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x32, 0x15, 0x2e, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67,
+ 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x61, 0x70, 0x69, 0x2e, 0x46, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f,
+ 0x52, 0x09, 0x66, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x42, 0x6c, 0x0a, 0x0e, 0x63,
+ 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2e, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x61, 0x70, 0x69, 0x42, 0x0e, 0x46,
+ 0x69, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x50, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x50, 0x01, 0x5a,
+ 0x41, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x2e, 0x6f,
+ 0x72, 0x67, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67,
+ 0x6c, 0x65, 0x61, 0x70, 0x69, 0x73, 0x2f, 0x61, 0x70, 0x69, 0x2f, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x74,
+ 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x3b, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f,
+ 0x6e, 0x73, 0xa2, 0x02, 0x04, 0x47, 0x41, 0x50, 0x49, 0x62, 0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f,
+ 0x33,
+var (
+ file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDescOnce sync.Once
+ file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDescData = file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDesc
+func file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDescGZIP() []byte {
+ file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDescOnce.Do(func() {
+ file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDescData = protoimpl.X.CompressGZIP(file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDescData)
+ })
+ return file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDescData
+var file_google_api_field_info_proto_enumTypes = make([]protoimpl.EnumInfo, 1)
+var file_google_api_field_info_proto_msgTypes = make([]protoimpl.MessageInfo, 1)
+var file_google_api_field_info_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{
+ (FieldInfo_Format)(0), // 0: google.api.FieldInfo.Format
+ (*FieldInfo)(nil), // 1: google.api.FieldInfo
+ (*descriptorpb.FieldOptions)(nil), // 2: google.protobuf.FieldOptions
+var file_google_api_field_info_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
+ 0, // 0: google.api.FieldInfo.format:type_name -> google.api.FieldInfo.Format
+ 2, // 1: google.api.field_info:extendee -> google.protobuf.FieldOptions
+ 1, // 2: google.api.field_info:type_name -> google.api.FieldInfo
+ 3, // [3:3] is the sub-list for method output_type
+ 3, // [3:3] is the sub-list for method input_type
+ 2, // [2:3] is the sub-list for extension type_name
+ 1, // [1:2] is the sub-list for extension extendee
+ 0, // [0:1] is the sub-list for field type_name
+func init() { file_google_api_field_info_proto_init() }
+func file_google_api_field_info_proto_init() {
+ if File_google_api_field_info_proto != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if !protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
+ file_google_api_field_info_proto_msgTypes[0].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
+ switch v := v.(*FieldInfo); i {
+ case 0:
+ return &v.state
+ case 1:
+ return &v.sizeCache
+ case 2:
+ return &v.unknownFields
+ default:
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ type x struct{}
+ out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{
+ File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{
+ GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(),
+ RawDescriptor: file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDesc,
+ NumEnums: 1,
+ NumMessages: 1,
+ NumExtensions: 1,
+ NumServices: 0,
+ },
+ GoTypes: file_google_api_field_info_proto_goTypes,
+ DependencyIndexes: file_google_api_field_info_proto_depIdxs,
+ EnumInfos: file_google_api_field_info_proto_enumTypes,
+ MessageInfos: file_google_api_field_info_proto_msgTypes,
+ ExtensionInfos: file_google_api_field_info_proto_extTypes,
+ }.Build()
+ File_google_api_field_info_proto = out.File
+ file_google_api_field_info_proto_rawDesc = nil
+ file_google_api_field_info_proto_goTypes = nil
+ file_google_api_field_info_proto_depIdxs = nil
diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt
index 8c04370bb2..08f1630d45 100644
--- a/vendor/modules.txt
+++ b/vendor/modules.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# 4d63.com/gochecknoglobals v0.2.1
## explicit; go 1.15
-# cloud.google.com/go v0.110.7
+# cloud.google.com/go v0.110.8
## explicit; go 1.19
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ cloud.google.com/go/compute/internal
# cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata v0.2.3
## explicit; go 1.19
-# cloud.google.com/go/firestore v1.12.0
+# cloud.google.com/go/firestore v1.13.0
## explicit; go 1.19
-# cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.1
+# cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.2
## explicit; go 1.19
-# cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.15.1
+# cloud.google.com/go/kms v1.15.2
## explicit; go 1.19
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ github.com/Antonboom/nilnil/pkg/analyzer
## explicit
-# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore v1.7.1
+# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore v1.8.0
## explicit; go 1.18
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime
-# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity v1.3.1
+# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity v1.4.0
## explicit; go 1.18
# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal v1.3.0
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ github.com/ashanbrown/forbidigo/forbidigo
# github.com/ashanbrown/makezero v1.1.1
## explicit; go 1.12
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.45.0
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.45.25
## explicit; go 1.11
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sso/ssoiface
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.21.0
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.21.2
## explicit; go 1.15
@@ -365,10 +365,10 @@ github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/shareddefaults
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config v1.18.37
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config v1.18.45
## explicit; go 1.15
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials v1.13.35
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials v1.13.43
## explicit; go 1.15
@@ -377,17 +377,17 @@ github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials/endpointcreds/internal/client
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/ec2/imds v1.13.11
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/ec2/imds v1.13.13
## explicit; go 1.15
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/configsources v1.1.41
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/configsources v1.1.43
## explicit; go 1.15
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/endpoints/v2 v2.4.35
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/endpoints/v2 v2.4.37
## explicit; go 1.15
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini v1.3.42
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini v1.3.45
## explicit; go 1.15
# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ecr v1.18.11
@@ -400,30 +400,30 @@ github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ecr/types
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/presigned-url v1.9.35
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/presigned-url v1.9.37
## explicit; go 1.15
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/kms v1.24.5
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/kms v1.24.6
## explicit; go 1.15
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso v1.13.5
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso v1.15.2
## explicit; go 1.15
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ssooidc v1.15.5
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ssooidc v1.17.3
## explicit; go 1.15
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts v1.21.5
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts v1.23.2
## explicit; go 1.15
-# github.com/aws/smithy-go v1.14.2
+# github.com/aws/smithy-go v1.15.0
## explicit; go 1.15
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ github.com/daixiang0/gci/pkg/parse
-# github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1
+# github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.2-0.20180830191138-d8f796af33cc
## explicit
# github.com/decred/dcrd/dcrec/secp256k1/v4 v4.2.0
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ github.com/go-playground/locales/currency
# github.com/go-playground/universal-translator v0.18.1
## explicit; go 1.18
-# github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 v10.15.2
+# github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 v10.15.5
## explicit; go 1.18
# github.com/go-toolsmith/astcast v1.1.0
@@ -1010,8 +1010,8 @@ github.com/google/licenseclassifier/stringclassifier
-# github.com/google/s2a-go v0.1.5
-## explicit; go 1.16
+# github.com/google/s2a-go v0.1.7
+## explicit; go 1.19
@@ -1033,13 +1033,13 @@ github.com/google/s2a-go/internal/v2/remotesigner
-# github.com/google/uuid v1.3.0
+# github.com/google/uuid v1.3.1
## explicit
# github.com/google/wire v0.5.0
## explicit; go 1.12
-# github.com/googleapis/enterprise-certificate-proxy v0.2.5
+# github.com/googleapis/enterprise-certificate-proxy v0.3.1
## explicit; go 1.19
@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ github.com/hashicorp/hcl/hcl/token
-# github.com/hashicorp/vault/api v1.9.2
+# github.com/hashicorp/vault/api v1.10.0
## explicit; go 1.19
# github.com/hexops/gotextdiff v1.0.3
@@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ github.com/kisielk/gotool/internal/load
# github.com/kkHAIKE/contextcheck v1.1.4
## explicit; go 1.20
-# github.com/klauspost/compress v1.16.7
+# github.com/klauspost/compress v1.17.0
## explicit; go 1.18
@@ -1438,7 +1438,7 @@ github.com/outcaste-io/ristretto/z/simd
# github.com/pborman/uuid v1.2.1
## explicit
-# github.com/pelletier/go-toml/v2 v2.0.8
+# github.com/pelletier/go-toml/v2 v2.1.0
## explicit; go 1.16
@@ -1461,19 +1461,19 @@ github.com/pkg/browser
# github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1
## explicit
-# github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0
+# github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.1-0.20181226105442-5d4384ee4fb2
## explicit
# github.com/polyfloyd/go-errorlint v1.4.4
## explicit; go 1.20
-# github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.16.0
-## explicit; go 1.17
+# github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.17.0
+## explicit; go 1.19
-# github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.4.0
+# github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.4.1-0.20230718164431-9a2bf3000d16
## explicit; go 1.18
# github.com/prometheus/common v0.44.0
@@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@ github.com/prometheus/client_model/go
-# github.com/prometheus/procfs v0.10.1
+# github.com/prometheus/procfs v0.11.1
## explicit; go 1.19
@@ -1536,6 +1536,12 @@ github.com/ryanrolds/sqlclosecheck/pkg/analyzer
# github.com/ryanuber/go-glob v1.0.0
## explicit
+# github.com/sagikazarmark/locafero v0.3.0
+## explicit; go 1.20
+# github.com/sagikazarmark/slog-shim v0.1.0
+## explicit; go 1.20
# github.com/sanposhiho/wastedassign/v2 v2.0.7
## explicit; go 1.14
@@ -1626,7 +1632,7 @@ github.com/sigstore/cosign/v2/pkg/types
# github.com/sigstore/fulcio v1.4.0
## explicit; go 1.20
-# github.com/sigstore/rekor v1.3.0
+# github.com/sigstore/rekor v1.3.2
## explicit; go 1.21
@@ -1655,8 +1661,8 @@ github.com/sigstore/rekor/pkg/types/intoto/v0.0.2
-# github.com/sigstore/sigstore v1.7.3
-## explicit; go 1.19
+# github.com/sigstore/sigstore v1.7.4
+## explicit; go 1.20
@@ -1667,17 +1673,17 @@ github.com/sigstore/sigstore/pkg/signature/kms
-# github.com/sigstore/sigstore/pkg/signature/kms/aws v1.7.3
-## explicit; go 1.19
+# github.com/sigstore/sigstore/pkg/signature/kms/aws v1.7.4
+## explicit; go 1.20
-# github.com/sigstore/sigstore/pkg/signature/kms/azure v1.7.3
-## explicit; go 1.19
+# github.com/sigstore/sigstore/pkg/signature/kms/azure v1.7.4
+## explicit; go 1.20
-# github.com/sigstore/sigstore/pkg/signature/kms/gcp v1.7.3
-## explicit; go 1.19
+# github.com/sigstore/sigstore/pkg/signature/kms/gcp v1.7.4
+## explicit; go 1.20
-# github.com/sigstore/sigstore/pkg/signature/kms/hashivault v1.7.3
-## explicit; go 1.19
+# github.com/sigstore/sigstore/pkg/signature/kms/hashivault v1.7.4
+## explicit; go 1.20
# github.com/sigstore/timestamp-authority v1.1.2
## explicit; go 1.20
@@ -1702,10 +1708,16 @@ github.com/skratchdot/open-golang/open
+# github.com/sourcegraph/conc v0.3.0
+## explicit; go 1.19
# github.com/sourcegraph/go-diff v0.7.0
## explicit; go 1.14
-# github.com/spf13/afero v1.9.5
+# github.com/spf13/afero v1.10.0
## explicit; go 1.16
@@ -1716,14 +1728,11 @@ github.com/spf13/cast
# github.com/spf13/cobra v1.7.0
## explicit; go 1.15
-# github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman v1.1.0
-## explicit
# github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5
## explicit; go 1.12
-# github.com/spf13/viper v1.16.0
-## explicit; go 1.17
+# github.com/spf13/viper v1.17.0
+## explicit; go 1.18
@@ -1767,7 +1776,7 @@ github.com/stretchr/objx
## explicit; go 1.20
-# github.com/subosito/gotenv v1.4.2
+# github.com/subosito/gotenv v1.6.0
## explicit; go 1.18
# github.com/syndtr/goleveldb v1.0.1-0.20220721030215-126854af5e6d
@@ -1790,7 +1799,7 @@ github.com/t-yuki/gocover-cobertura
# github.com/tdakkota/asciicheck v0.2.0
## explicit; go 1.18
-# github.com/tektoncd/pipeline v0.52.0
+# github.com/tektoncd/pipeline v0.52.1
## explicit; go 1.19
@@ -2077,7 +2086,7 @@ go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded
# go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.16.0
## explicit; go 1.19
-# go.step.sm/crypto v0.35.0
+# go.step.sm/crypto v0.36.0
## explicit; go 1.20
@@ -2184,16 +2193,19 @@ golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/agent
-# golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230510235704-dd950f8aeaea
+# golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230905200255-921286631fa9
## explicit; go 1.20
# golang.org/x/exp/typeparams v0.0.0-20230307190834-24139beb5833
## explicit; go 1.18
-# golang.org/x/mod v0.12.0
-## explicit; go 1.17
+# golang.org/x/mod v0.13.0
+## explicit; go 1.18
@@ -2214,16 +2226,18 @@ golang.org/x/net/internal/socks
-# golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.11.0
+# golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.13.0
## explicit; go 1.18
-# golang.org/x/sync v0.3.0
+# golang.org/x/sync v0.4.0
## explicit; go 1.17
@@ -2241,9 +2255,14 @@ golang.org/x/sys/windows/registry
# golang.org/x/text v0.13.0
## explicit; go 1.17
@@ -2254,7 +2273,7 @@ golang.org/x/text/width
# golang.org/x/time v0.3.0
## explicit
-# golang.org/x/tools v0.12.0
+# golang.org/x/tools v0.13.0
## explicit; go 1.18
@@ -2339,7 +2358,7 @@ golang.org/x/xerrors/internal
# gomodules.xyz/jsonpatch/v2 v2.2.0
## explicit; go 1.12
-# google.golang.org/api v0.138.0
+# google.golang.org/api v0.147.0
## explicit; go 1.19
@@ -2370,11 +2389,9 @@ google.golang.org/appengine/internal/datastore
-# google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20230803162519-f966b187b2e5
+# google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20231002182017-d307bd883b97
## explicit; go 1.19
@@ -2382,12 +2399,12 @@ google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/expr
-# google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api v0.0.0-20230803162519-f966b187b2e5
+# google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api v0.0.0-20231002182017-d307bd883b97
## explicit; go 1.19
-# google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc v0.0.0-20230807174057-1744710a1577
+# google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc v0.0.0-20231009173412-8bfb1ae86b6c
## explicit; go 1.19
@@ -3177,8 +3194,8 @@ mvdan.cc/unparam/check
## explicit; go 1.18
-# sigs.k8s.io/release-utils v0.7.4
-## explicit; go 1.19
+# sigs.k8s.io/release-utils v0.7.5
+## explicit; go 1.20
# sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.2.3
## explicit; go 1.13
diff --git a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/release-utils/version/version.go b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/release-utils/version/version.go
index 46dd1dc8ae..86de4f154e 100644
--- a/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/release-utils/version/version.go
+++ b/vendor/sigs.k8s.io/release-utils/version/version.go
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import (
+ "sync"
@@ -53,6 +54,9 @@ var (
compiler = unknown
// platform is the used os/arch identifier.
platform = unknown
+ once sync.Once
+ info = Info{}
type Info struct {
@@ -129,42 +133,46 @@ func getKey(bi *debug.BuildInfo, key string) string {
// GetVersionInfo represents known information on how this binary was built.
func GetVersionInfo() Info {
- buildInfo := getBuildInfo()
- gitVersion = getGitVersion(buildInfo)
- if gitCommit == unknown {
- gitCommit = getCommit(buildInfo)
- }
+ once.Do(func() {
+ buildInfo := getBuildInfo()
+ gitVersion = getGitVersion(buildInfo)
+ if gitCommit == unknown {
+ gitCommit = getCommit(buildInfo)
+ }
- if gitTreeState == unknown {
- gitTreeState = getDirty(buildInfo)
- }
+ if gitTreeState == unknown {
+ gitTreeState = getDirty(buildInfo)
+ }
- if buildDate == unknown {
- buildDate = getBuildDate(buildInfo)
- }
+ if buildDate == unknown {
+ buildDate = getBuildDate(buildInfo)
+ }
- if goVersion == unknown {
- goVersion = runtime.Version()
- }
+ if goVersion == unknown {
+ goVersion = runtime.Version()
+ }
- if compiler == unknown {
- compiler = runtime.Compiler
- }
+ if compiler == unknown {
+ compiler = runtime.Compiler
+ }
- if platform == unknown {
- platform = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
- }
+ if platform == unknown {
+ platform = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
+ }
- return Info{
- ASCIIName: asciiName,
- GitVersion: gitVersion,
- GitCommit: gitCommit,
- GitTreeState: gitTreeState,
- BuildDate: buildDate,
- GoVersion: goVersion,
- Compiler: compiler,
- Platform: platform,
- }
+ info = Info{
+ ASCIIName: asciiName,
+ GitVersion: gitVersion,
+ GitCommit: gitCommit,
+ GitTreeState: gitTreeState,
+ BuildDate: buildDate,
+ GoVersion: goVersion,
+ Compiler: compiler,
+ Platform: platform,
+ }
+ })
+ return info
// String returns the string representation of the version info