A Here document (Heredoc) is a redirection that allows you to pass multiple lines of input to a command.
By default the contents of the heredoc are evaluated as if it were a double quoted string. To avoid evaluation, and treat special characters as literals, surround the here word with single quotes, eg:
cat <<'EOF'
___ \\ '--._
.'` `' o )
/ \ '. __.'
_| /_ \ \_\_
jgs {_\______\-'\__\_\
<<- ignores leading tabs.
To read into a variable:
read -r -d '' VAR << EOM
This is line 1.
This is line 2.
Line 3.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_document#Unix_shells https://stackoverflow.com/a/2500451/149412
[[ $- == *i* ]] && echo "in an interactive shell"
to get the current script dir:
"$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0}")")"
converts a relative to absolute and resolves symlinks. It's similar to realpath
but more ubiquitous eg: realpath doesn't ship in BSD (Darwin) whereas readlink ships in both BSD and Linux.
extracts the directory part of the path.
works in both bash and zsh, either sourced or directly run:
how | bash | zsh |
direct | uses BASH_SOURCE[0] |
uses BASH_SOURCE[0] |
sourced | uses BASH_SOURCE[0] |
uses $0 |