A MQTT webcomponent, allowing to have several subscribers and publishers.
The component connect to the MQTT server through a websocket.
The component is based on the Paho javascript client library.
The component has no GUI.
The component is provided in ES6
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/tsante-mqtt.html">
or for older browser in ES5
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/tsante-mqtt.es5.html">
Nota : the demo doesn't work on webcomponents.org, due to permission access to the localstorage, to see a demo please consult the demo link below.
<tsante-mqtt host="ws://test.mosquitto.org:8080/" >
<tsante-mqtt-subscriber topic="terminal/hello"></tsante-mqtt-subscriber>
<tsante-mqtt-publisher id="publisher"
The component is licensed under the ISC License
Demo and doc are available on https://telecomsante.github.io/tsante-mqtt/
starting 1.4.0, it's possible to embed more deeper susbscribers and publishers
<tsante-mqtt host="ws://test.mosquitto.org:8080/" >
<tsante-mqtt-subscriber topic="terminal/hello"></tsante-mqtt-subscriber>
<tsante-mqtt-publisher id="publisher"
events are fired bytsante-mqtt-subscriber
elements rather than bytsante-mqtt
however as the events bubble it's always possible to get the events from the
ancestor. In this case some events can appear to be emitted several time, but look at the evt.target it must be different.
prerequisites : You will need to have docker and docker-compose installed
To run the test suites, you must start a local MQTT server. This is automatically done when running :
npm test
npm run mosquitto:start : starts a MQTT server into a docker container
npm run mosquitto:stop : stops the MQTT server
npm test : starts the MQTT server and runs the test suites on all installed browsers.
npm run build-es5 : builds es5 compatible components
The development of this component follows the git flow recommandations, so when you fork this repository and want to do a PR (push request), do it on the "develop" branch.