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215 lines (172 loc) · 7.15 KB

Upgrade from v4.x to v5.x

Please consult the examples directory for reference example configurations. If you find a bug, please open an issue with supporting configuration to reproduce.

List of backwards incompatible changes

  • Minimum supported Terraform version increased to v1.3 to support Terraform state moved blocks as well as other advanced features
  • The apigatewayv2_ and default_apigatewayv2_ prefixes has been removed from the output names
  • When a custom domain is used, the execution endpoint is disabled automatically; this is to ensure that requests are sent via the custom domain
  • For authorizers, the audience and issuer properties are now nested under jwt_configuration to better match the upstream API

Additional changes

  • Minimum supported Terraform AWS provider raised to v5.37.0 to support recent bug fixes in the provider
  • Default values for api_key_selection_expression, route_selection_expression variables set to null (still matches prior value v4.x version but is set as null now)
  • The input data structure for routes (was integrations) has been updated and now uses optional inputs


  • Support for creating a websocket API endpoint
  • Support for creating Route53 alias records for custom domain names w/ support for multiple sub-domains using a wildcard API Gateway custom domain name
  • Support for creating ACM certificate for custom domain
  • Support for automatically deploying the stage when updates have been made (for Websocket, HTTP is always auto-deployed by the API)


  • Stage access log group settings are now embedded into the stage_access_log_settings variable
  • API mapping is created automatically when using a custom domain
  • Default values of 500 and 1000 have been set for throttling_burst_limit and throttling_rate_limit respectively to ensure users do not face errors when deploying APIs for the first time and not configuring these
  • Default values for the log group name ("/aws/apigateway/${}/${var.stage_name}") and retention period (30) have been provided for the stage access logs log group


  • None

Variable and output changes

  1. Removed variables:

    • create_api_gateway
    • create_default_stage_api_mapping
    • create_default_stage_access_log_group -> replaced by create_log_group set within stage_access_log_settings
    • default_stage_access_log_* -> replaced by setting values within stage_access_log_settings
    • create_vpc_link
    • default_stage_access_log_destination_arn
    • domain_name_tags
  2. Renamed variables:

    • integrations -> routes
    • create_default_stage -> create_stage
    • create_api_domain_name -> create_domain_name
    • default_route_settings -> stage_default_route_settings
    • default_stage_tags -> stage_tags
  3. Added variables:

    • create_domain_name
    • create_domain_records
    • subdomains
    • create_certificate
    • stage_access_log_settings
    • stage_client_certificate_id
    • stage_description
    • stage_name
    • stage_variables
    • deploy_stage
  4. Removed outputs:

    • default_apigatewayv2_stage_domain_name
    • aws_apigatewayv2_api_mapping
    • apigatewayv2_vpc_link_id -> replaced by vpc_links
    • apigatewayv2_vpc_link_arn -> replaced by vpc_links
    • apigatewayv2_authorizer_id -> replaced by authorizers
  5. Renamed outputs:

    • apigatewayv2_api_ -> prefix replaced with api_
    • default_apigatewayv2_stage_ prefix replaced with stage_
    • apigatewayv2_domain_ prefix replaced with domain_
  6. Added outputs:

    • acm_certificate_arn
    • integrations
    • routes
    • stage_access_logs_cloudwatch_log_group_name
    • stage_access_logs_cloudwatch_log_group_arn

Upgrade Migrations

Diff of Before (v4.0) vs After (v5.0)

 module "apigateway_v2" {
   source  = "terraform-aws-modules/apigateway-v2/aws"
-  version = "~> 4.0"
+  version = "~> 5.0"

-  create_default_stage_access_log_group = true
-  default_stage_access_log_format = "$context.identity.sourceIp"
+  stage_access_log_settings = {
+    create_log_group = true
+    format           = "$context.identity.sourceIp"
+  }

  authorizers = {
    "cognito" = {
      authorizer_type  = "JWT"
      identity_sources = "$request.header.Authorization"
      name             = "cognito"

-     audience = ["d6a38afd-45d6-4874-d1aa-3c5c558aqcc2"]
-     issuer   = "https://${aws_cognito_user_pool.this.endpoint}"
      jwt_configuration = {
+       audience = ["d6a38afd-45d6-4874-d1aa-3c5c558aqcc2"]
+       issuer   = "https://${aws_cognito_user_pool.this.endpoint}"

-  integrations = {
+  routes = {
    "POST /start-step-function" = {
-     integration_type    = "AWS_PROXY"
-     integration_subtype = "StepFunctions-StartExecution"
-     credentials_arn     = module.step_function.role_arn

-     request_parameters = jsonencode({
-       StateMachineArn = module.step_function.state_machine_arn
-     })

-     payload_format_version = "1.0"
-     timeout_milliseconds   = 12000

+     integration = {
+       type            = "AWS_PROXY"
+       subtype         = "StepFunctions-StartExecution"
+       credentials_arn = module.step_function.role_arn

+       request_parameters = {
+         StateMachineArn = module.step_function.state_machine_arn
+       }

+       payload_format_version = "1.0"
+       timeout_milliseconds   = 12000
+     }

    "GET /some-route-with-authorizer-and-scope" = {
-     lambda_arn             = module.lambda_function.lambda_function_arn
-     payload_format_version = "2.0"
-     authorization_type     = "JWT"
-     authorizer_key         = "cognito"
-     authorization_scopes   = "tf/,tf/something.relevant.write"

+     authorization_type   = "JWT"
+     authorizer_key       = "cognito"
+     authorization_scopes = ["tf/", "tf/something.relevant.write"]

+     integration = {
+       uri                    = module.lambda_function.lambda_function_arn
+       payload_format_version = "2.0"
+     }

    "$default" = {
-     lambda_arn = module.lambda_function.lambda_function_arn
-     tls_config = jsonencode({
-       server_name_to_verify = local.domain_name
-     })

-     response_parameters = jsonencode([
-       {
-         status_code = 500
-         mappings = {
-           "append:header.header1" = "$context.requestId"
-           "overwrite:statuscode"  = "403"
-         }
-       },
-       {
-         status_code = 404
-         mappings = {
-           "append:header.error" = "$stageVariables.environmentId"
-         }
-       }
-     ])

+     integration = {
+       uri = module.lambda_function.lambda_function_arn
+       tls_config = jsonencode({
+         server_name_to_verify = local.domain_name
+       })

+       response_parameters = [
+         {
+           status_code = 500
+           mappings = {
+             "append:header.header1" = "$context.requestId"
+             "overwrite:statuscode"  = "403"
+           }
+         },
+         {
+           status_code = 404
+           mappings = {
+             "append:header.error" = "$stageVariables.environmentId"
+           }
+         }
+       ]
+     }