#How to release a new version of the wrapper
- Your gpg key is registered on a public keyserver (see How To Generate PGP Signatures With Maven)
- You have an account on Sonatype OSS (see Sonatype OSS Maven Repository Usage Guide)
- You have added Sonatype repos and credentials to
Bump version constants in
- build.gradle
- src/main/java/com/soundcloud/api/package-info.java
- src/main/java/com/soundcloud/api/CloudAPI.java
- README.md (javadoc)
Regenerate pom.xml (only if build.gradle has changed)
$ gradle writePom
This doesn't work properly at the moment - use gradle uploadArchive
and copy
to pom.xml
(make sure there are no uncommitted changes in the repo and pom has SNAPSHOT tag)
$ mvn -Dresume=false release:prepare # tag repo, bump pom.xml
$ mvn release:perform -Darguments="[email protected] -Dgpg.passphrase="
This will build and sign all artifcats and upload them to the staging server. In order to release you need to login to Sonatype OSS, from the "Build Promotion" tab on the left hand site select "Staging Repositories". The release you just uploaded should show up in the list. Select it and pick "Close". This will check if the deployment is complete and properly signed, then create a staging repository which can be used for testing. Once everything works you select "Release" to actually release it to the release repo. The release repo is synced with Maven Central.
Regenerate + publish javadoc (no SNAPSHOT tag in build.gradle):
$ ./update_javadoc.sh
This is for releasing developer version of the package and can be done anytime,
just make sure build.gradle
version contains a -SNAPSHOT
suffix, then run:
$ gradle uploadArchive
Snapshots can be found in the snapshot repo.
Release a jar-all version to github:
$ gradle jarAll