This is a small database application that tracks results from a Swiss-style tournament.
python 2.7 postgres 9.5.6
vagrant@vagrant:/vagrant/tournament$ psql
psql (9.5.6)
Type "help" for help.
vagrant=> \i tournament.sql
vagrant@vagrant:~$ cd /vagrant
vagrant@vagrant:/vagrant$ cd tournament
vagrant@vagrant:/vagrant/tournament$ python
connect() -- connect to the tournament database
deleteMatches() -- delete all matches
deletePlayers() -- delete all players
countPlayers() -- count the players
registerPlayer(name) -- register a player
playerStandings() -- get a list of all players and their statistics sorted by who has won the most matches
reportMatch() -- record the results of a match
swissPairings -- get the pairings for the next round of the tournament
version 0.1
Kenneth Kehl
This project was a class project for the Udacity full stack nanodegree.
This project is released under the MIT License