I built the same app in 5 stacks*. Those stacks are:
- Ruby on Rails: https://roundest-rails.fly.dev/
- Elixir + Phoenix: https://roundest-phoenix.fly.dev/
- Go + GraphQL + React SPA: https://roundest-go.vercel.app/
- OG T3 Stack (Next.js/Pages + Prisma): https://roundest-t3.vercel.app/
- Next.js RSCs + App Router: https://roundest-rsc.vercel.app/
* Ben wrote all of the Go code and most of the Elixir version
Line counts:
- Ruby: 509 LOC
- Total: 1014 LOC
Note: I deleted >1k lines of stuff that the template came with.
Line counts:
- Elixir: 991 LOC
- Total: 1395 LOC
Without turbo:
- Elixir: 832 LOC
- Total: 1236 LOC
Line counts:
- TypeScript: 440 LOC
- Go: 423 LOC
- Total: 940 LOC
Line counts:
- Typescript: 443 LOC
- Total: 585 LOC
Line counts:
- Typescript: 434 LOC
- Total: 460 LOC
Without the turbo version:
- Typescript: 341 LOC
- Total: 367 LOC