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<title>Parrhasiana, or, Thoughts upon several subjects, as criticism, history, morality, and politics by Monsieur Le Clerk ... ; done into English by ****</title>
<title>Parrhasiana. English</title>
<author>Le Clerc, Jean, 1657-1736.</author>
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<title>Early English books online.</title>
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<note>Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 462:6)</note>
<title>Parrhasiana, or, Thoughts upon several subjects, as criticism, history, morality, and politics by Monsieur Le Clerk ... ; done into English by ****</title>
<title>Parrhasiana. English</title>
<author>Le Clerc, Jean, 1657-1736.</author>
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<publisher>Printed for A. and J. Churchil ...,</publisher>
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<note>Reproduction of original in Cambridge University Library.</note>
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<p>By Monſieur <hi>Le Clerk,</hi> under the feigned Name of <hi>Theodorus Parrhaſi.</hi>
<p>Done into <hi>Engliſh</hi> by ****</p>
<hi>London:</hi> Printed for <hi>A.</hi> and <hi>J. Churchil,</hi> at the <hi>Black Swan,</hi> in <hi>Pater-Noſter-Row.</hi> MDCC.</p>
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<p>'TIS an Obſervation made long ago, That the World is pleaſed with Miſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cellany Thoughts upon ſeveral Sub<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>jects, as appears not only by the kind reception the Thoughts of Monſieur <hi>Paſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>chal</hi> and Monſieur <hi>de la Bruyere</hi>'s Characters have found, but likewiſe by the <hi>Scaligerana, Perroniana, Sorberiana, Valeſiana, Mena<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>giana,</hi> &c. ſome of which have ſeen ſeveral Editions. This gave me Encouragement to ſet down in Paper ſeveral Reflexions which I had made upon very different Subjects, and now to venture them abroad.</p>
<p>I have not divided the Thoughts into ſeveral<note n="*" place="margin">This was our Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thor's Mo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deſty: However<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> for the eaſe of the Engliſh Reader, we have divided it into Chap.</note> Chapters, but only by ſome Marginal Notes, becauſe I never pretended to give any thing fini<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſhed upon any of the Matters I treat of. How<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ever I may affirm that, generally ſpeaking, they
<pb facs="tcp:99272:3"/>are better connected than any of thoſe I have men<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tioned above. If I had ſo thought fit, I cou'd have ſwell'd each of them into ſeveral little Tracts, by making a few Additions to them, and ſome of them I might have diſtinguiſhed by Chapters: But before I cou'd bring them to this Regularity, I muſt of neceſſity ſay many Things, which have been deliver'd by others in ſo exact and perſpicuous a manner, that there was no oc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>caſion to repeat them after them. My Deſign was only to touch upon thoſe Things, which to the beſt of my Knowledge were never ſaid before, or if they have been, were not ſo fully handled and ſupported, as now you find them. For Inſtance, there are ſeveral compleat Treatiſes of Rhe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>torick, and the Art of writing Hiſtory, to which a Man may have recourſe in order to form in his Mind an exact Idea of theſe Sciences; but I never read or ſaw any of thoſe Matters ſo fully handled as they deſerve. And therefore the Reader may if he pleaſes join what I have ſaid concerning them as a Supplement to thoſe Trea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tiſes of Rhetorick and Hiſtory that are extant, or elſe furniſh himſelf out of others what is defi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cient in mine.</p>
<p>The principal Thing I aim'd at in this Col<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lection of different Thoughts, was to ſay ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing that might be ſerviceable to the preſent Age: I leave it to the Reader to judge whether the Advertiſements I give him are well grounded, For my part, I am perſuaded that there was a neceſſity of ſaying ſomething like it, that Men of
<pb facs="tcp:99272:3"/>Parts may improve theſe Hints, and inlarge upon at their leiſure.</p>
<p>Perhaps it may be objected that there is too great a Freedom in my Thoughts and Expreſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions; but unleſs I am miſtaken, they can find nothing which in the least offends against Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ligion and Good Manners. No Man living is more perſuaded of the Truth and Import<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ance of both theſe things than my ſelf, and I ſhould never engage ſo heartily as to de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fend them against thoſe that attack them. The Obedience that is due to Sovereigns and Magiſtrates is not at all violated by this Li<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>berty, and 'tis no hard matter to be perſuaded of this Truth, in the Country where I live: Since there is not a Man here that has not reaſon to bleſs the Gentleneſs of the Govern<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment, and of its excellent Maxims, one of the chief of which is To ſuffer all that are Subjects to it to ſpeak freely, ſo long as they obey the Civil Laws. In effect let Men car<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry Liberty as high as they pleaſe, provided this Liberty be accompanied by a Love of Ju<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtice and of Order, it will only better diſcover the excellence of this Government, and oblige thoſe that live under it to obey it with more cheefulneſs.</p>
<p>As for the rest, the Liberty I have taken in this Collection was never intended to cre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ate any Quarrels. I have only made uſe of it to ſpeak general Truths, which I never apply but to Authors dead long ago. If any
<pb facs="tcp:99272:4"/>Perſons of the ſame Character are now alive, 'tis no fault of mine. It wou'd be impoſſible ever to Cenſure any Irregularities, if a Man were to ſtay till there were none to be found to whom his Cenſure might be applied. 'Tis ſufficient that he has no particular Views, and deſigns no ſuch matter.</p>
<p>At the end of this Collection I have only en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deavoured to defend the Writings of a certain Author in whom I am intereſſed, and if I have anſwer'd the Calumnies of his Adverſaries ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>what ſharply, I may ſafely ſay that it was not till after ſeveral of them had for a long time abuſed his Silence, and vented their Malice in the moſt injurious manner that could be. We uſe to ſuffer him who defends himſelf to ſpeak in a higher Tone than thoſe that attack his In<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nocence, and the World paſſes by ſeveral Things in him which are not pardon'd in the Aggreſſors. But I here declare that I have expreſs'd my ſelf with much more Tenderneſs than thoſe who have fallen foul upon the Party whom I defend, and thoſe that have read their Libels will make no queſtion of it. I have not enter'd here into any Matter, but only contented my ſelf to touch ſome Matters of Fact, till I have a proper opportu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nity to explain theſe Matters, as far as I ſee convenient. In the mean time the Publick ought not to be ſurprized that the Perſon whom I here defend, has return'd no other Anſwer to thoſe who had a Mind to quarrel with him. He has been, and ſtill is taken up in ſome Occupations
<pb facs="tcp:99272:4"/>that appear more uſeful to him, and conſequent<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly ſuch as he ought more to mind. There are ſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>veral honeſt and diſcerning Judges that will not be wanting to eſpouſe his Party, till ſuch time as he defends himſelf, if ever he thinks it neceſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſary. If he's capable of doing the Publick any Service either in diſcovering or ſupporting any one Truth which is of general Importance, they are more obliged to him in my Opinion, than if he had formally convicted his Adverſaries, of a thouſand falſe Reaſonings, and a thouſand Ca<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lumnies. As he is ready to ſacrifice his private Reſentments to the public Advantage, 'tis but reaſonable the Public ſhould do him Juſtice without his importuning them upon that ſcore.</p>
<div type="publishers_advertisement">
<pb facs="tcp:99272:5"/>
<head>Lately Publiſh'd,</head>
<p>THE Hiſtorical Library of <hi>Diodorus</hi> the <hi>Sicilian.</hi> In fifteen Books. The firſt Five, contain the Antiqui<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ties of <hi>Egypt, Aſia, Africa, Greece,</hi> the Iſlands, and <hi>Europe.</hi> The laſt Ten, an hiſtorical Account of the Affairs of the <hi>Perſians, Grecians, Macedonians,</hi> and other Parts of the World. To which are added, The fragments of <hi>Diodorus</hi> that are found in the Bibliotheca of <hi>Photius:</hi> Together with thoſe Publiſh'd by <hi>H. Valeſius, L. Rhodomannus,</hi> and <hi>F. <g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>rſinus.</hi> Made Engliſh by <hi>G. Booth,</hi> of the City of <hi>Cheſter,</hi>
<hi>in Folio.</hi>
<p>Three Diſcourſes of Happineſs, Virtue, and Liberty. Collected from the Works of the Learn'd <hi>Gaſſendi,</hi> by Monſieur <hi>Bernier.</hi>
<p>Letters written by Sir <hi>W. Temple,</hi> Baronet, and other Mi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>niſters of State, both at Home and Abroad. Containing an Account of the moſt Important Tranſactions that paſs'd in <hi>Chriſtendom</hi> from 1665 to 1672. In Two Volumes. Review'd by Sir <hi>W. Temple</hi> ſometime before his Death: And Publiſh'd by <hi>Jonathan Swift</hi> Domeſtick Chaplain to His Excellency the Earl of <hi>Berkeley,</hi> one of the Lords Juſtices of <hi>Ireland.</hi>
<p>The Adventures of <hi>Telemachus</hi> the Son of <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>lyſſes,</hi> Part 1.</p>
<p>All the other Parts will ſoon be publiſhed, and ſold by <hi>A.</hi> & <hi>J. Churchil.</hi>
<div type="text">
<pb n="1" facs="tcp:99272:5"/>
<hi>PARRHASIANA:</hi> OR, THOUGHTS ON Several Subjects.</head>
<div n="1" type="chapter">
<hi>CHAP. I.</hi> Of Poets and Poetry.</head>
<note place="margin">What <g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g> ſe is to be made of the Poets.</note>ABundance of Men read the Poets, who don't know what a Poet is, or at leaſt can't expreſs what they mean by it. A Poet is one who invents, either in whole or in part, the Subject he treats of; who diſpoſes it in a certain Order proper to ſurprize the Reader, and make him attentive: In ſhort, he's one who expreſſes himſelf in a different man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ner from the Vulgar, not only in reſpect of the Cadence, but likewiſe of the Elocution. That is to ſay, when a Man ſets himſelf to read a Po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>em,
<pb n="2" facs="tcp:99272:6"/>he ought to conſider, that he's going to read the Work of a Liar, who intends to entertain him with Fictions, or at leaſt with Truths ſo corrupt<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed, that 'tis no eaſie matter ſo diſtinguiſh one from t'other. We ought to remember, that by the glittering Pomp of his Expreſſion, he chiefly deſigns to ſurprize our Reaſon, and by the Har<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mony of his Cadence to pleaſe our Ears; in order to make us admire his Subject, and give us a great Idea of himſelf. Such Conſiderations as theſe wou'd ſerve us inſtead of an Antidote when we read their Compoſitions, which perhaps may be of ſome Profit to thoſe who think rightly and juſtly; but are only fit to ſeduce others whoſe Reaſon is not ſtrong enough to paſs a true Judg<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment upon what pleaſes them too much.</p>
<p>If it be demanded, what uſe a Man may make of the Poets, we are in the firſt place to diſtin<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guiſh between the Ancients and the Moderns, be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tween thoſe that write in the living, and thoſe that write in the dead Languages. We muſt like<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wiſe take care to diſtinguiſh between the Advan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tage a Man may reap from the Poets alone, and which is not to be had by reading any other Com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſitions, and that which is common to the Wri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tings of the Poets, and thoſe of other Authors: For upon all theſe Heads a Man may ſay different things.</p>
<p>Not to ſpeak of the Advantage, which is to be acquir'd by reading Authors in Proſe as well as in Verſe, 'tis certain that the ancient Poets may be ſerviceable to us in two reſpects. The firſt is, That they fill the Mind with admirable Leſſons of Morality and Politics, with which they embelliſh their Works, and that their Maxims being deli<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver'd in handſom Terms and in Verſe, not only affect us more, but make a more laſting Impreſſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on
<pb n="3" facs="tcp:99272:6"/>upon our Memory. The ſecond is, That their Stile being noble and elevated, warms the Imagi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nation of thoſe that read them, and may accuſtom them to expreſs themſelves in a lively and ani<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mated manner. For this reaſon, the ancient Rhe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>toricians adviſed the Reading of them to thoſe that applied themſelves to the Study of Elo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quence.</p>
<p>Theſe are in general the greateſt Advantages that may be drawn from the ancient Poets, for I don't call Diverſion an Advantage, which is the only uſe ſome Readers make of them, ſince a Man may do that by reading of Hiſtory: Beſides, that to read merely to amuſe one's ſelf ought not to be lookt upon as a ſerious Occupation. But you will ask me perhaps, Whether the Moderns, who write in <hi>Greek</hi> or <hi>Latin</hi> Verſe, may not be of equal Advantage? To which I anſwer in the Negative, That they are inferiour in all reſpects to the Ancients. Thoſe fine Sentences we ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mire in their Writings, are ſcarce at all to be found in thoſe of the Moderns; and beſides, there's a vaſt difference between the Stile of the former and that of the latter.</p>
<p>Several of the Moderns indeed have written <hi>Greek</hi> and <hi>Latin</hi> Verſes, but reſemble the Anci<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ents, juſt as Apes may be ſaid to reſemble Men. They copy their Vices much more than their good Qualities, and indeed 'tis as dangerous to imitate the Thoughts of the Moderns as their Stile. In<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtead of grave and noble Sentences, they give us nothing but groſs and mean Thoughts: Inſtead of Purity and Conciſeneſs, we find in them very ſu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſpicious manners of Speaking, and tireſome re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>petitions of ſynonymous Expreſſions, borrow'd out of the Ancients, and ill applied. There is ſcarce any modern Poet, either <hi>Greek</hi> or <hi>Latin,</hi>
<pb n="4" facs="tcp:99272:7"/>who may not juſtly be cenſured with a good part of what I have ſaid. For this reaſon no body recommends the Reading of them to ſuch as ſtu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dy the <hi>belles Lettres.</hi> We ſend our Youth to the Ancients, and counſel them to read over their Compoſitions, without ſo much as condeſcending to mention to them the modern Poets. In truth, it wou'd be full as ridiculous to read the Moderns, in order to inſtruct ourſelves in the ancient Poe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>try, as it wou'd be to read the <hi>Italian</hi> Verſes<g ref="char:punc">▪</g> written by Foreigners, as for inſtance, thoſe of Monſieur <hi>Menage,</hi> to learn how to write in <hi>Ita<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lian.</hi> All the World knows, that the <hi>Italians</hi> laugh at them, and find very notorious Soleciſms in them. We need not doubt but that the an<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cient Poets, were they to riſe out of their Graves, wou'd laugh in like manner at our <hi>Greek</hi> and <hi>La<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tin</hi> Verſes, and be amazed to find ſo many Peo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple in the World, take ſuch mighty pains, and loſe ſo much time to ſucceed ſo wretchedly.</p>
<p>If the ancient Philoſophers were to come up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on Earth again, and ſhould without prepoſſeſſion Study the modern Philoſophers, they wou'd ho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neſtly confeſs, that they are not to be compared to them in any reſpect, neither for the Art of Reaſoning juſtly, nor that of ordering and ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>preſſing their Thoughts with perſpicuity, nor for the importance of their Diſcoveries. We may paſs the ſame Judgment upon the ancient Critics, and the ancient Interpreters of the Holy Bible, compared with the Moderns. But as for the Po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ets, thoſe of latter Times (I deſire to be under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtood only of thoſe that write in the dead Lan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guages) are only Scholars in compariſon of thoſe of Antiquity. And what may the reaſon of this be? 'Tis becauſe the Moderns are ſordid Imita<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tors of the Ancients, and can pretend to no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing
<pb n="5" facs="tcp:99272:7"/>that is truly original, becauſe they are on<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly Poets by rote and by imitation, and have not penetrated into the Principles of their Art, as the modern Philoſophers, and the others, whom I juſt now mention'd, have done.</p>
<p>To diſengage himſelf from this ſervile. Spirit of Imitation, a Man ought to write in his own Mother-tongue. By this means he will think leſs of the Expreſſions and Thoughts of the Anci<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ents; and as he is full of modern Words and I<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deas, with which he is perfectly well acquainted, he will become an Original. The Poets of this Character do the ſame ſervice to their Language and Nation, as the <hi>Greek</hi> and <hi>Latin</hi> Poets former<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly did to theirs. If no one has as yet appear'd upon the Stage, who has equal'd <hi>Homer</hi> and <hi>Vir<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gil,</hi> in the modern Languages, the Reaſon of it in my opinion is, becauſe they are too much poſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſeſs'd by this Spirit of Imitation, and have not as yet dared to take thoſe Flights, which a noble I<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>magination, enlightned and regulated by good Senſe, might aſpire to. Beſides, they chequer their Writings too much with the poetic Orna<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ments of ancient <hi>Greece</hi> and <hi>Italy,</hi> which a Man ought wholly to throw aſide, who deſigns to paſs for an Original. To effect this, ſome happy Genius ought to ſtart up, of a Spirit ſuperior to the Pedantry of the Schools, who ſhould give an Example to others, and perform all that <hi>Homer</hi> wou'd be capable of performing, were he now a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>live; nay, to model Poetry a-new by the Ideas of good Senſe, which are infinitely better under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtood at preſent than they were formerly. Then we ſhould ſee Poems free from that abſurd Traſh of the Pagan Divinities, which the Ancients might well enough introduce into their Works, becauſe the People believed what was told con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cerning
<pb n="6" facs="tcp:99272:8"/>them. As now a-days we believe no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing of this, 'tis impoſſible for us to reliſh theſe antiquated Decorations, without forgetting the Age wherein we live, and the Truths we are moſt aſſur'd of. We muſt, if I dare ſo expreſs myſelf, tranſplant our Minds to the paſt Ages, in order to get their Taſt and Manners, without which we can never reconcile ourſelves to theſe ſtrange Ornaments. However, thoſe Poets that have written in the modern Languages, may be of ſome uſe both for their Thoughts and Stile, as I have remarqu'd of the Ancients. I take it for granted that the <hi>French,</hi> and thoſe of other Na<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tions who underſtand that Language, are no leſs obliged to <hi>Corneille, Deſpreaux, Racine, de la Fon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>taine, de Fontenelle,</hi> and others that have excell'd in ſome ſorts of Poetry, as the Ancients cou'd poſſibly be to their beſt Poets. We find in their Writings a Vein of ſtrong manly Senſe, which is not common, an elevation and delicacy of Thoughts ſet off in ſuch beautiful Expreſſions, that we cannot read them without admiration. Other Nations, even thoſe of the North, pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tend to have produced ſome Poets, that equal theſe, or at leaſt are not inferiour to them, but I am not able to judge of this matter.</p>
<p>Having mention'd the principal Advantages that may be drawn from reading the Poets both an<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cient and modern, 'tis requiſite I ſhould ſay ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing likewiſe of the Miſchief they may do thoſe People who converſe too much with them, and have not ſufficiently cultivated their Reaſon. In the firſt place, The Poets are full of falſe Thoughts, by which if we are not deceived, yet we inſenſibly loſe a good Taſt and right Judgment, which are the fineſt Ornaments of Human Nature. By read<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing theſe ſorts of Books too often, not only with
<pb n="7" facs="tcp:99272:8"/>Indulgence, but even with Admiration for the beauty of the Stile, we inſenſibly accuſtom our<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves to think after the ſame manner, and to approve for juſt that which is entirely falſe. We may obſerve the ſame effects of Humane Weak<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neſs in the reading of Authors of a quite differ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ent Character, which for the very ſame Reaſon, never fail to produce the ſame Effects. In ſome parts of the World, they read the <hi>Fathers</hi> of the <hi>Church,</hi> but eſpecially the <hi>Latines,</hi> being reſolved before-hand to find them polite and ſolid, and humbly to ſacrifice their Reaſon to them: Af<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter which they don't only give quarter to falſe Thoughts and ill Reaſonings, of which their Wri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tings are full, but by little and little they begin to admire and imitate them. They obſerve no other order in their Thoughts than what an Imaginati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on, heated by the Enthuſiaſms of a falſe Rhetoric, ſuggeſts; and every Argument, that makes but a tolerable appearance, paſſes for a good one. The ſame thing happens to thoſe who heat their Brain too much by reading the Poets: They arrive at that pitch at laſt as to have no manner of reliſh for exactneſs of Reaſoning. A Figure of Rheto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ric goes with them for a good Argument, provi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ded it be expreſs'd in fine Terms, and the Cadence of it be harmonious. As we pardon a thouſand ſilly things at an <hi>Opera</hi> in favour of the Muſic, ſo the agreeable ſound of Words, and the elegance of the Expreſſion makes us at firſt forgive ſuch things in the Poets, and afterwards in ourſelves.</p>
<p>If we imitate the falſe Thoughts of the Poets, only by being converſant in their Writings, we muſt certainly much more ſpoil ourſelves by their Stile, but eſpecially when we are young. That which is not too ſwelling for Verſe, is inſupport<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>able in Proſe: and after we have been accuſtom'd
<pb n="8" facs="tcp:99272:9"/>to the Bumbaſt of the Poets, we are apt to think we crawl on the Ground, when we deliver our<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves in a plain natural manner, and the moſt elevated Language of Proſe ſeems dull and inſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pid. Thus while we endeavour to write ſub<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>limely in Proſe, we fall into a poetical Affectati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on, which is condemned by all the Maſters of E<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>loquence.<note n="†" place="margin">In Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>aem. <hi>Lib.</hi> VIII.</note>
<hi>A Corruptiſſimo quo<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> Poetarum,</hi> ſays <hi>Quintilian, figuras, ſeu tranſlationes mutuamur, tum demum ingenioſi ſcilicet, ſi ad intelligendos nos opus fit ſit ingenio.</hi>
<q>We borrow Figures and Meta<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>phors from the worſt of Poets, and think we are very ingenious, when a Man muſt have ſome Wit to underſtand us.</q>
<p>In the mean time, while we affect a Stile too figurative, we really fall into a cold inſipid one, which we pretended to avoid by taking the other Courſe. For can any thing in Nature be more inſipid than to think to ſham mean vulgar Things upon the World for great ones, merely becauſe they are expreſs'd in an elevated manner? This is the Reaſon why, while an Orator of this com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>plexion puts himſelf almoſt into convulſive Fits that he may move his Auditory, they are either faſt aſleep, or in ſo perfect a ſtate of Inſenſibility, that 'tis near a-kin to ſleeping. And if he is ever ſo ill adviſed as to publiſh a Work of this nature, 'tis ten times worſe for him; for a Reader is in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>finitely more rigorous than an Auditor.</p>
<p>This is the Miſchief which the reading of the Poets may do ſuch as don't read them with Judg<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment enough. I don't here ſpeak of that it may have in common with the reading of other Works, which may corrupt the Mind and Heart, but of that Miſchief which is peculiar to itſelf, if we don't take care to prevent it.</p>
<pb n="9" facs="tcp:99272:9"/>
<note place="margin">Why Poetry pleaſes ſo much.</note>THERE are only three things that can pleaſe us in any Diſcourſe, the Matter of which it is compoſed, the Order in which this Matter is di<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtributed, and the Stile in which it is expreſſed. Poetry pleaſes in all theſe three Reſpects; but then there are abundance of things to be cenſured in Poetry upon theſe very Reſpects.</p>
<p>The matter of Heroic and Tragic Poems, (to confine ourſelves at preſent only to them) plea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſes us for the grandeur of the Actions and Events which it comprehends, and for the Incidents which are rare and ſurprizing, or proper to raiſe the Paſſions. That Admiration and Terror, that Pi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty and Indignation, which they ſtir up by turns in us, employ and engage our Minds in what they repreſent, and give us a ſenſible pleaſure when we read them. The Heart of Man is made to be incited by Paſſions, it takes a delight in being moved; nothing in ſhort is ſo tireſome to it as a Calm, or ſo dull as Indolence, and 'tis up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on this account that the Poets gain it over to their Party. Who can read the Adventures of <hi>Turnus</hi> in the <hi>Aeneis,</hi> without being Affected by them, and without abandoning himſelf with plea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſure to an agreeable Melancholy? Nay, we can<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>not read, without ſome emotion, a deſcription of the Paſſions that diſorder'd the unmerciful <hi>Mezentius,</hi> after the Death of his Son, which <hi>Virgil</hi> has expreſs'd in this manner:
<l>—<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Lib.</hi> Ae<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neid. X. <hi>v.</hi> 871.</note> Aeſtuat ingens</l>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>no in corde pudor, miſtóque inſania luctu,</l>
<l>Et furiis agitatus amor, & conſcia virtus.</l>
<q>Shame and Grief for the Death of his Son min<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gled with a furious Anger, Love that provo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ked
<pb n="10" facs="tcp:99272:10"/>him to the laſt degree, and a ſenſe of his Valour incited his Soul all at once.</q> We are no longer in a condition to judge rightly of Things, when once our Paſſions have diſcompoſed us. We pardon every thing, nay, we imagine every thing to be good in a Poet, who knows how to un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>hinge us.</p>
<p>The <hi>Romans</hi> who were accuſtom'd to uſe their Victories with Generoſity, and who wou'd have thought it ſtrange to ſee a parcel of poor Fel<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lows murder'd in cold Blood about the Herſe of a General that was fairly kill'd in Battel, did not however find fault with <hi>Virgil</hi> for introducing his <hi>Aeneas,</hi> the moſt pious of all Men, and the moſt beloved by the Gods, killing eight Wretches upon the funeral Pile of <hi>Pallas.</hi>
<l>—<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Lib.</hi> Ae<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neid. X. <hi>v.</hi> 518. <hi>Vide & Lib.</hi> XI. <hi>v.</hi> 18.</note> Sulmone creatos</l>
<l>Quatuor hîc juvenes, totidem quos educat <g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>fens,</l>
<l>Viventes rapit, inferias quos immolet umbris,</l>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> rogi perfundat ſanguine flammas.</l>
<p>Nothing can excuſe <hi>Virgil,</hi> but the Example of <hi>Homer,</hi> whom he has here imitated. For <hi>Homer</hi> makes <hi>Achilles</hi> commit the ſame Cruelty, who ſacrifices a dozen <hi>Trojans</hi> about <hi>Patroclus</hi>'s fune<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ral Pile in the tweny third Book of the <hi>Ilias.</hi> But what may be pardon'd in an enraged brutal <hi>Hero;</hi> as <hi>Achilles</hi> really was, ought never to be forgiven in the pious <hi>Aeneas.</hi> Beſides, <hi>Virgil,</hi> who was a Man of better Senſe, and lived in an Age that was infinitely more polite than <hi>Homer</hi>'s, is leſs to be excuſed than he for making his Hero com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mit ſo barbarous an Action. However, the World takes no notice of this Inhumanity, out of reſpect to the great things that he makes <hi>Aeneas</hi> per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>form, and the great Idea he gives of him in o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther places.</p>
<pb n="11" facs="tcp:99272:10"/>If <hi>Virgil</hi> has tranſgreſs'd againſt the Rules of De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cency in making his <hi>Aeneas</hi> guilty of ſo inhumane a piece of Cruelty, he has offended againſt good Senſe in changing thoſe Javelins, with which <hi>Po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lymneſtor</hi> had transfix'd <hi>Polydorus,</hi> into the Bran<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ches of a Tree, the Root whereof was <hi>Polydorus</hi> himſelf, in his third Book of his <hi>Aeneis:</hi> in ma<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>king a golden Bough to ſprout from another Tree, in his ſixth Book; and in turning the burnt Ships of <hi>Aeneas</hi> into ſo many Sea-Nymphs, in the ele<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>venth.<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Voſſius inſtituti. Poet.</hi> Lib. 1. c. 2.</note> I know that the common way of excu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſing <hi>Virgil,</hi> is by pretending, that in this he ac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>commodated himſelf to the ancient Fables, and to the Ideas of the People, who had a great eſteem for theſe ſorts of Fictions, and thought the Poets uſed them ſparingly when they did not aſcribe things that were palpably contradictory to their Gods. Theſe Reaſons may ſerve to excuſe the ridiculous Tales of old Women, with which they rock their Children aſleep, but not a Poem de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſign'd and carried on with a great deal of Art, where we ought to have nothing, but what is probable. It cannot be pretended that the <hi>Won<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>derful</hi> ſhews better in theſe ſorts of things than in thoſe that may really happen. If we muſt plain<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly ſpeak the truth, theſe Fictions are not won<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>derful, but altogether ridiculous. It will be grant<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed me, I ſuppoſe, that if <hi>Virgil</hi> had let them a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lone, the <hi>Aeneis</hi> had loſt none of its Beauties, and ſo he had ſaved us the Pains to excuſe them. To ſpeak impartially, our modern Romances are nothing but ſo many Poems in proſe; but ſhould the Authors of 'em ſtuff 'em with ſuch improbable Fictions, they wou'd ſoon be hiſs'd out of the World, altho' we find they introduce Heroes who lived in the remoteſt Ages. Such, in ſhort, is the famous Romance of <hi>Cyrus. Scudery</hi> had never had
<pb n="12" facs="tcp:99272:11"/>the ſatisfaction to ſee the Concluſion of that bul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ky Romance, had he fill'd it with ſuch monſtrous Chimeras: And his Bookſeller finding not vent for the firſt Parts, wou'd ſooner have been ſent to the Gallies, than he wou'd have continued them to the twelfth Volume. For my part all the Dif<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ference I can find between the modern Romances and Poems, if we conſider the Matter of them, is no more than there is between the Pieces of two Painters, one of whom imitates Nature, and re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>preſents nothing but what is to be ſeen, while the other deſigns Animals that were never in Nature, as an Elephant with a Crocodile's Head, or ſome ſuch Monſter as that. Theſe laſt Paintings wou'd rather offend than pleaſe the Sight, and the Beau<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty of the Colours, wou'd never be able to atone for the extravagance of the Painter. I need not give myſelf the trouble to apply this Compariſon to the Subject in hand.</p>
<p>To come now to the Diſpoſition of a Poem, 'tis certain there is ſomething ſurprizing in it, and which at firſt ſight commands the Reader's attention, becauſe inſtead of taking up the Acti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on at the beginning, the Poet takes it up at the middle, which keeps the Reader in ſuſpence, and makes him eager to know, how the Heroe of the Piece came into thoſe Circumſtances wherein he at firſt finds him. <hi>Virgil</hi> in his <hi>Aeneis</hi> has obſerv'd this Conduct much better, than <hi>Homer</hi> has done in his <hi>Ilias.</hi> The latter begins with the Quarrel between <hi>Achilles</hi> and <hi>Agamemnon,</hi> and goes on ac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cording to the ſeries of Time without recounting any thing that had paſt before, but only by ſcraps and pieces, to which a Man muſt add a great deal to have a perfect Idea of the Trojan War, till the Death and Funeral of <hi>Hector,</hi> with which he con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cludes his Poem. 'Tis true indeed, that the <hi>O<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dyſſee</hi>
<pb n="13" facs="tcp:99272:11"/>is much better managed, but the <hi>Aeneis</hi> is exquiſitely perfect. It begins at the ſeventh Year, and the Heroe of the Poem relates in the ſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cond and third Book all that happen'd to him before. Thus the Reader, at his firſt dipping in it, finds himſelf engaged to read what follows, ſo ſoon as he has read the beginning, and that pity which the Misfortunes of the Trojans raiſe in him, and which <hi>Virgil</hi> at firſt ſets forth with ſo much Art, makes him extremely deſirous to know how they ſhall be delivered out of them. Altho' he knows well enough that 'tis a pure Fi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ction of the Poet, yet the Matter is ſo touching and ſo well diſpoſed, that he forgets that 'tis a Romance, and is not only as much affected by it as if it were a real Truth, but what is more, as if he were mightily intereſſed in it. From that very moment, as I have already obſerv'd, every thing pleaſes, and of Critics or ſevere Readers, we become zealous Admirers of him, after which we are concern'd for the Reputation of the Man whom we have admired. We cannot endure that any one, whoever he be, ſhould find any Defects in him, altho' they are never ſo palpable. This is the Reaſon why <hi>Zoilus,</hi> ſurnam'd the Scourge of <hi>Homer,</hi> made himſelf a thouſand times more deteſted for having had the preſumption to cen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſure his Faults, than if he had blaſphem'd all the Gods. His very Memory was held in Horrour and Deteſtation among the Grammarians, the ſworn Partiſans of <hi>Homer,</hi> who fail'd not to poſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſeſs their Diſciples with the ſame Hatred of him, that is to ſay, The World; for all that learnt a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ny thing paſs'd at firſt under their Hands. Theſe Impreſſions that are made on us in our Childhood are not to be effaced without ſome trouble, ſo that we are not to wonder if the World has been
<pb n="15" facs="tcp:99272:12"/>ſo long prejudic'd in favour of <hi>Homer,</hi> even ſo far as to copy his very Faults.</p>
<hi>Adrian de Valois,</hi> who was a very learned Man, has<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Valeſia<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>na,</hi> p. 63.</note> remark'd, that <hi>Virgil</hi> has committed a great fault in the Deſcription he makes of <hi>Aſcanius.</hi> He cou'd not well be leſs than ſeven Years old when <hi>Troy</hi> was taken, becauſe he was able to march along with his Father, who held him by the hand, when he fled out of that City. <hi>Scquitúr<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> patrem non paſſibus aequis,</hi> ſays <hi>Virgil</hi> in the ſecond Book of his <hi>Aeneis.</hi> Conſequently then, when <hi>Aeneas</hi> was at <hi>Carthage</hi> ſeven Years after, he was at leaſt fourteen Years old. <hi>Dido</hi> ſpeaks thus to <hi>Aeneas</hi> towards the end of the firſt Book:</p>
<l>— Nam te jam ſeptima portat</l>
<l>Omnibus errantem terris & fluxibus aeſtas.</l>
<p>In effect <hi>Aſcanius</hi> was able at this time to ſit his Horſe, and ride out a Hunting. Nay, this was not all, for no leſs Game wou'd content our young Spark, but a Boar or a Lion thundering down the Mountains. By which it appears that he was not only a good Horſeman, but that he was already Maſter of ſome Force and Courage.</p>
<l>At puer Aſcanius,<note n="†" place="margin">Aeneid. <hi>Lib.</hi> IV. <hi>v.</hi> 156.</note> mediis in vallibus, acri</l>
<l>Gaudet equo, jám<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> hos curſu, jam praeterit illos:</l>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> dari pecora inter inertia votis</l>
<l>Optat aprum, aut fulvum deſcendere monte leonem.</l>
<p>Nevertheleſs in this very<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Aeneid.</hi> Lib. I. v. 722. IV. v. 84.</note> Book, as well as in the firſt, <hi>Dido</hi> dandles him upon her Knees like a Child of ſome four or five Years old. 'Tis viſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble that when <hi>Virgil</hi> put that Circumſtance into his Poem he forgot himſelf how old <hi>Aſcanius</hi> ought to have been according to his firſt ſuppoſition.
<pb n="14" facs="tcp:99272:12"/>However his Narration ſo takes up the Reader's Mind, that he is not ſenſible of this Contradicti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on, nay, and will not ſee it, when he is told of it.</p>
<p>The third thing that makes us take ſo much pleaſure in reading the Poets is their Stile, where<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>in two things are to be obſerved: The firſt is the Expreſſion conſidered in itſelf, and the other the cadence or the harmony of their Verſe. Their Expreſſion pleaſes when it is according to the Rules of Art, becauſe it is pure, proper, and ſim<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple, when it ought to be ſo, and figurative when it ought to be otherwiſe. The Figures above all are frequently employ'd in their Compoſitions, drawn from the moſt elevated and beautiful things, ſo that they fill the Mind with nothing but noble and ſublime Ideas.</p>
<p>Altho' in general Poets are obliged to follow the ſame Rules of Rhetoric as thoſe that write in Proſe, yet they are allow'd to employ much more Decoration, and to heighten all their Deſcriptions with the moſt lively Colours. There is as much difference between the ſame Subject, as it is ma<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>naged by a Poet, and by an Orator, as there is between an Aſſembly of Men dreſs'd in plain or<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dinary Cloaths, and the ſame Aſſembly in their richeſt Apparel upon ſome ſolemn Feſtival. The Deſcriptions when finely touch'd, particularly charm the Reader, who fancies he does not read the Deſcriptions of things recounted by the Poet, but that he ſees them with his Eyes, and is pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſent at all the Actions. <hi>Homer</hi> is excellent upon this ſcore, which occaſion'd the ſaying, That he ſurpaſs'd the Painters, who only repreſent that which ſtrikes the Eye, whereas he frequently paints the Thoughts, without ſo much as ſpeak<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing. Therefore we ought not to be ſurprized
<pb n="16" facs="tcp:99272:13"/>if the Poets pleaſe us more than the Orators.</p>
<p>The livelineſs of their Colours ſtrikes our Eyes ſo ſtrongly, that we forget with them the Rules of good Senſe, if we are not very much upon our Guard all the while we read them. The ir<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>regular Imagination of the Poet expreſſes itſelf in ſo noble and ſublime a manner, that it eaſily overpowers ours, and gives it the ſame Move<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ments, by which itſelf is agitated, and this makes all its Irregularities to diſappear. For inſtance, <hi>Virgil</hi> it in the firſt Book of his<note n="†" place="margin">Verſ. <hi>25.</hi> & ſeqq.</note>
<hi>Aeneis,</hi> thus de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſcribes the Habitation of the Winds.</p>
<l>— Hîc vaſto Rex Aeolus antro</l>
<l>Luctantes ventos, tempeſtatéſ<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> ſonoras</l>
<l>Imperio permit, ac vinclis & carcere fraenat.</l>
<q>Here in a vaſt Cavern King <hi>Aeolus</hi> commands the Winds that ſtruggle to get out, and the roaring Tempeſts which he impriſons.</q> I wou'd not have taken notice how ridiculous it was to make the four Winds to come out of one hole of a Rock in a little Iſland near <hi>Sicily,</hi> becauſe it may be replied, That the Poets are full of the like Blunders, and that we ought not to be ſo ſevere with them, if ſome Interpreters wou'd not bear us down, that all this was an effect of <hi>Vir<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gil</hi>'s great Learning, who knew that the Winds ariſe from ſubterraneous Vapours. For, ſuppoſe it was ſo, (altho' 'tis by no means probable) he ought to have aſſign'd to each Wind its par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ticular Cave, and to have placed the Eaſt-wind at the moſt eaſterly part of <hi>Aſia,</hi> and ſo the reſt; ſince 'tis impoſſible to eſtabliſh the Source of the Winds, if there were one, any-where but to<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wards thoſe places from whence they ſeem to come. For this Reaſon it was that the ancient
<pb n="17" facs="tcp:99272:13"/>
<hi>Greeks</hi> placed the Reſidence of <hi>Boreas</hi> in <hi>Thrace,</hi> who came from thence to carry away the Daugh<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter of the King of <hi>Athens;</hi> altho' I cannot com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>prehend what ſhift he made to get home back a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gain, unleſs we anſwer like the Fellow, who ha<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ving given the Name of the South-wind to the North-wind, defended himſelf by ſaying, <hi>That in truth it was the South-wind, brat that he was then en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deavouring to get home again.</hi> But let us ſee what follows:</p>
<l>Illi indignantes magno cum murmure, montis</l>
<l>Circum clauſtra fremunt. Celsâ ſedet Aeolus arce,</l>
<l>Sceptra tenens, mollit<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> animos & temperat iras.</l>
<l>Nî faciat, mania ac terras, coelúm<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> profundum</l>
<l>Quippe ferant rapidi ſecum, verránt<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> per auras.</l>
<q>Angry with being locked up in this manner, they rage with a great noiſe about the Moun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tain that confines them: But <hi>Aeolus</hi> who ſits on a high Eminence, with a Scepter in his Hand, ſoftens and moderates their Indignation. If he did not do ſo, they wou'd carry away with them the Sea, the Earth and Heaven like ſo many Balls thro' the Air.</q> This is what we may properly call, <hi>To throw the Houſe out of the Windows.</hi> Can it be ſuppoſed, with any manner of probability, that the Winds that ariſe from the Earth, and bruſh over its Surface, wou'd blow it the Lord knows whether, if ſome body did not look after them? Beſides, whither wou'd they blow it? What! to the imaginary Spaces, or the <hi>Intermons of</hi> Epicurus? What is this <hi>Heaven</hi> that the Winds wou'd carry through the Air? Some Interpreters ſay, That 'tis the Air itſelf: But what can be more ridiculous than to ſay, That the Wind carries <hi>the Air thro' the Air;</hi> that
<pb n="18" facs="tcp:99272:14"/>is to ſay, that the Air moving from a certain Quarter is carried croſs itſelf? If we are to un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>derſtand the celeſtial Bodies, to wit, the fix'd Stars and Planets, 'tis not only a groſs miſtake in Phiſics, worſe than the idle Dreams of <hi>Epicurus,</hi> but a monſtrous Hyperbole. I know it may be replied, That <hi>Virgil</hi> conſiders the Winds as Per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſons, nay, what is more, as Gods; but what<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ever is feign'd of thoſe ſorts of Gods, whom the Mythologiſts call Phyſical Gods, ought to be founded upon the Nature of the things that are deify'd. Thus take it in what ſenſe you pleaſe, 'tis evident that we cannot excuſe this Paſſage. He ſtill adds,
<l>Sed pater omnipotens, ſpeluncis abdidit atris,</l>
<l>Hoc metuens, molém<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> & montes inſuper altos</l>
<l>Impoſuit, regém<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> dedit, qui foedere certo</l>
<l>Et premere & laxas ſciret dare juſtus habenas.</l>
<q>But the almighty Father (<hi>Jupiter</hi>) fearing this, hid them in black Caverns, and over them ſet maſſy high Mountains. Beſides this, he gave them a King, who by his Order knew how to hold in, and let looſe the Reins, according to cer<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tain Laws.</q> As if two or three ſmall Moun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tains were able to keep in thoſe Deities, that with the Breath of their Mouth cou'd blow <hi>Hea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ven</hi> and <hi>Earth,</hi> whither they pleaſed, and as if a thing ſo changeable as the Winds, ſo far as we know any thing of this Nature, cou'd be ſubject<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed to Laws. However theſe magnificent Expreſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions that <hi>Virgil</hi> uſes in this place, hood-wink the Reader to that degree, that he does not perceive the abſurdity of this Fiction. There are ſeve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ral more in <hi>Homer,</hi> which I will not examine, having no intention to make a compleat Critic
<pb n="19" facs="tcp:99272:14"/>upon theſe two celebrated Poets, or indeed any other.</p>
<p>I know that what they call <hi>Probable</hi> and <hi>Won<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>derful</hi> in Poetry, ſignifies another thing than what we commonly call by that Name. We look up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on it in <hi>Homer</hi> and <hi>Heſiod</hi> as <hi>Wonderful,</hi> but not exceeding the Bounds of poetical <hi>Probability,</hi> that there are more<note n="†" place="margin">Hom. I<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>liad. <hi>Lib. XVIII.</hi> Heſiod. in Clypeo Herculis.</note> Sculptures upon one Buckler, in <hi>baſſo relievo,</hi> than can be imagined to be croud<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed in a Space a hundred times as big; that theſe Sculptures move and ſpeak as if they were ſo ma<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ny living Perſons; nay, that ſome of them hang in the Air and fly about the Bucklers like Flies, yet don't ſtir from it. To excuſe the Ridiculouſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neſs of theſe Fictions, 'tis pretended, that theſe Bucklers were wrought by a God; but, who e<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver ſaw the Gods work Miracles in this nature? All this had paſs'd for abſurd idle ſtuff, had it been written in Proſe, but we admire it in Verſe for the beauty of the Expreſſion, juſt as we ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mire Groteſque Figures upon Marble for the fine<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neſs of the Sculpture. This ſet <hi>Virgil</hi> upon imita<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ting theſe Poets in his deſcription of <hi>Aeneas</hi>'s Shield, which is to be found in the eighth Book of the <hi>Aeneis,</hi> tho' it is not altogether ſo extra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vagant. <hi>Theocritus</hi> has attempted the ſame thing upon a wretched wooden Cup, in his firſt <hi>Idylli<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>um,</hi> where he likewiſe repreſents things, which Sculpture cannot expreſs.</p>
<p>But that we may be the better able to con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceive the Ridiculouſneſs of this poetical Probabi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lity, let us hear what <hi>Ariſtotle</hi> ſays of it in his Art of Poetry, altho' he pretends to defend the Poets, and to give them Rules.<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Chap. XXV.</hi> We follow the Verſion of <hi>M. Dacier.</hi>
<hi>We ought,</hi> ſays he, <hi>to uſe the</hi> Wonderful <hi>in Tragedy, but much more in an Epic Poem, which, is this reſpect, goes as far as the</hi> Unreaſonable: <hi>For as in an Epic Poem we
<pb n="20" facs="tcp:99272:15"/>don't ſee the Perſons that Act, all that exceeds the bounds of Reaſon, is very proper to produce the Won<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>derful in it. For Example, what</hi> Homer <hi>tells us of</hi> Hector<hi>'s being purſued by</hi> Achilles, <hi>wou'd be ridicu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lous upon the Theatre, for no one cou'd forbear laugh<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing to behold the Greeks on one ſide, without making any motion, and</hi> Achilles <hi>on the other, who purſues</hi> Hector, <hi>and gives the Sign to his Troops: But this is not ſeen in an Epic Poem. Now the Wonderful is always agreeable, and for a proof of this, we find that thoſe that relate a Story, commonly add to the Truth, that they may better pleaſe the Hearers.</hi> This is well enough, when we don't carry Matters far<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther than they'll bear; but when we go to the <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nreaſonable,</hi> we make ourſelves ridiculous to thoſe that love to uſe their Reaſon in every thing, that is, to all wiſe Perſons. <hi>A Poet,</hi> ſays he a little lower, <hi>ought rather to chooſe things Impoſſible, pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vided they have the air of Probability, than the Poſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſible, that are incredible, with all their Poſſibility.</hi> I own that all that is <hi>Poſſible</hi> is not credible; but whatever is <hi>Impoſſible,</hi> in my Opinion, is much leſs ſo. 'Tis to no purpoſe to ſay, That what is im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſſible to Men, is not ſo to the Gods; and ſo that when the Gods intervene, thoſe things that are impoſſible to Men, become probable. A Man that has not debauch'd his Taſt by a blind admi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration of Antiquity, cannot digeſt this fooliſh pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fuſion of Miracles for the ſake of Trifles, of which <hi>Homer</hi> is ſo full. None but the<note n="†" place="margin">Inhabi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tants, of the Iſle of <hi>Scheria,</hi> in the Ionic Sea.</note>
<hi>Phaeacians,</hi> whom <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>lyſſes</hi> banter'd as he pleas'd, without fearing to of, he ca<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>l'd a Liar for his pains, cou'd divert them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves with reading theſe ridiculous Miracles, were they not told with all the agreeableneſs imaginable, I mean as to the Expreſſion.</p>
<p>Another thing which contributes very much to ſurprize our Reaſon in reading the Poets, is the
<pb n="21" facs="tcp:99272:15"/>pleaſant Cadence of their Verſe, which flatters our Ears after the ſame manner as Muſic does. When an Air pleaſes us, we never conſider the Words, as we find it by experience at an <hi>Opera,</hi> which we are not able to read with any tolerable pati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ence; but when 'tis repreſented on the Theatre, we hear it with admiration. As Muſic charms our Ears, by ſtriking them differently at ſeveral certain meaſur'd times; by never paſſing all on the ſudden from one extreme Tone to another, which is quite oppoſite to it, by carrying no Tone too high for fear of ſhocking our Ears, but by em<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ploying Tones that are proportion'd to our Or<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gans; and laſtly, by making us hear the ſame Ca<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dences, in the ſame Order, more than once: Af<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter the ſame manner the Poets, by uſing Syllables of a certain quantity (I ſpeak of the <hi>Latines</hi> and <hi>Greeks</hi>) in certain places; by chooſing Words of an agreeable Sound; by breaking their Courſe, which wou'd otherwiſe ſeem harſh, with <hi>Caeſuras;</hi> and by making us feel this Harmony ſome time after, fill our Ears ſo deliciouſly, that they obtain our Favour for a world of falſe Thoughts.</p>
<p>To be convinced of the truth of this Aſſertion, a Man need only ſet the fineſt Paſſages of the Poets in the natural order of Conſtruction, and he will find nothing in them to pleaſe him. Altho' we may there diſcover <hi>Disjecti membra Poetae,</hi> to uſe <hi>Horace</hi>'s Expreſſion, 'tis all of it nothing but a cold heap of great Words. Let us take, for In<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtance, the beginning of <hi>Simon</hi>'s Speech in the ſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cond Book of the <hi>Aeneis,</hi> which is aſſuredly the moſt artificial Speech that can be made, and Charms every one that reads it. <hi>Equidem, Rex, f<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>t <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>bor ti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bi cuncta, quaecun<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> ſucrint vera, neque nega<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="2 letters">
</gap>o n<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>e de gente Argolicâ. Hoc primum; nec ſi improba for<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tuna finxit Sinonem miſerum, finget etiam va<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="4 letters">
<pb n="22" facs="tcp:99272:16"/>mendacémque.</hi> Here indeed is a Latin Diſcourſe, however it does not come up to the Majeſty of Verſe. I will not give any more Inſtances of this Nature, becauſe every Man may try this Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>periment, in any place he thinks fit to ſingle out. 'Tis likewiſe eaſie to tranſpoſe after the ſame manner the deſcription of <hi>Aeolus</hi>'s Den, and the Reader will ſoon perceive that the Cadence of the Verſe ſerves very much to help it off.</p>
<note place="margin">The Incon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>veniences of Poetry.</note>HOWEVER there's one thing to be ob<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſerv'd in relation to Verſe, which is, That if the Poets have ſome Advantage over thoſe that write in Proſe, by reaſon of their Cadence, there are ſeveral Inconveniences which they cannot always avoid. For Inſtance, They cannot ſay all they have a mind to ſay, neither do they ſay it in that manner as they cou'd wiſh; they are forc'd to convert the Order of the Words, tho' never ſo much againſt their Inclination; they frequently ſay that which they wou'd not ſay, and clog their Diſcourſe with ſuperfluous Epithets, and ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>times forced ones, to fill up the Meaſure of their Verſe. There are abundance of noble ſignificant Words, that cannot ſtand in ſome ſorts of Poe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>try, eſpecially the Heroic, ſo that they are of<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ten forced to lay aſide good Thoughts that come into their Head, becauſe Words that are neceſſa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry to expreſs them fully, cannot come into the Verſe. If the Poet is not reſolved to part with his Thought, he muſt employ other Words that are not proper, and often invert them ſtrangely to make up his Meaſure. 'Tis true indeed, that in this reſpect we are apt to do the Poets Juſtice enough, in favour of their Cadence, ſince we have been ſo complaiſant as to beſtow the Name of Fi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gures upon real Faults of Diſcourſe, according
<pb n="23" facs="tcp:99272:16"/>to the Obſervation of <hi>Quintilian:</hi>
<note n="†" place="margin">Lib. 1. c. 8.</note>
<hi>Poetis quia plerum<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> metro ſervire coguntur, adeò ignoſcitur, ut vitia ipſa aliis in carmine appellationibus nominantur. Me<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>taplaſmos enim & Schematiſmos, & Schemata vo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>camus, & laudem virtutis neceſſitati damus.</hi>
<q>We are ſo favourable to the Poets, becauſe they are confin'd to meaſure, that even Vices in Verſe, go under other Names. We call them Meta<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>plaſms and Figures, and praiſe that as a Beau<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty, which was the meer effect of Neceſſity.</q>
<p>But there is nothing ſo inconvenient, as when being at a loſs how to fill up a Verſe which is well begun, they are obliged to end it ill. Nothing is more common in <hi>Homer</hi> and <hi>Heſiod</hi> than theſe Botches of a word or more to ſtop up the Gap. Nay, we find whole Verſes and Expreſſions, that return every moment upon us, rather to ſerve for <hi>Paſſevolans,</hi> if I may be allow'd ſo to ſpeak, and to make up the number, than for any real Neceſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſity. What they might very well expreſs in one word or two, they frequently employ a whole Verſe to do it in, and ſometimes more; and all this to no other purpoſe than to make the Diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>courſe more inſipid and tireſome. Had I written this Book in Latin, I wou'd have cited Examples enough to juſtifie this Aſſertion, in the mean time I appeal for the truth of it to all thoſe that have read theſe Poets, with a mind diſengaged from the Prejudices of the Grammarians.</p>
<p>'Tis very probable that the Reaſon why <hi>Vir<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gil,</hi> who has avoided theſe Faults more carefully than the above-mention'd <hi>Greek</hi> Poets, left ſome imperfect Verſes in his <hi>Aeneis,</hi> was only becauſe he cou'd not at firſt fill them up without making ſome Botches, or at leaſt ſome uſeleſs Repetiti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons. There are ſome Paſſages in his life rela<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ting to this Affair, which deſerve our Obſervati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on.
<pb n="24" facs="tcp:99272:17"/>However he cou'd not avoid, and that very often, to uſe ſeveral Words and Expreſſions, that only ſerve to fill up the Meaſure. Thus in the firſt Book of his <hi>Aeneis,</hi> having aſſign'd a little before the Reaſons why <hi>Juno</hi> was ſo implacable an Adverſary to <hi>Aeneas,</hi> he repeats it again a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bout the fortieth Verſe, <hi>Aeternum ſervans ſub pe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ctore vulnus.</hi> "Carrying an eternal Wound in "her Soul. Take away theſe words, and you maim the Verſe indeed, but not the Senſe. A little lower <hi>Juno</hi> promiſes <hi>Deiopeia</hi> for a Wife to <hi>Aeolus</hi> in theſe Words:
<l>Connubio jungam ſtabili, propriámque dicabo,</l>
<l>Omnes let tecum, meritis pro talibus, annos</l>
<l>Exigat & pulchrâ faciat to prole parentem.</l>
<q>I will give her you in Marriage for ever, that ſhe may paſs her Days with you, and make you the Father of fine Children.</q> There's no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing more belongs to the Senſe than theſe Words, <hi>Connubio jungam, quae pulcrâ faciat to prole parentem.</hi>
<q>I will give her you in Marriage, that ſhe may bring you fine Children, whatever the Inter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>preters have ſaid upon this place.</q>
<hi>Jupiter</hi> as he is telling <hi>Venus</hi> what the Fortune wou'd be of <hi>Aeneas</hi>'s Poſterity, to let her know that <hi>Aſcanius</hi> wou'd Reign thirty Years, thus expreſſes himſelf, <hi>v.</hi> 271.
<l>At puer Aſcanius, cui nunc cognomen Iulo</l>
<l>Additur, (Ilus erat dum res ſtetit Ilia Regno)</l>
<l>Trignta magnos volvendis menſibus orbes</l>
<l>Imperio explebit.</l>
<q>But young <hi>Aſcanius,</hi> who is at preſent Sir<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nam'd <hi>Iulus</hi> (he was call'd <hi>Ilus</hi> while the King<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dom
<pb n="25" facs="tcp:99272:17"/>of <hi>Ilion</hi> laſted) will Reign thirty long Years.</q> Now nothing is eſſential in this Paſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſage, but the three firſt Words of the firſt Verſe, and the third Verſe, <hi>At puer triginta,</hi> &c. Whe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther we put the other words in <hi>Jupiter</hi>'s Mouth, or the Poets, who ſpeaks by the Parentheſis, 'tis a Botch which the neceſſity of the Metre extort<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed from <hi>Virgil.</hi> What is the worſt on't is this, That injudicious Poets who have taken theſe Faults for Beauties, have often drain'd themſelves to repeat the ſame thing in different Words, as if the Readers were to eſteem their Verſes not by their intrinſic Worth, but by their Number. <hi>Ovid</hi> and <hi>Lucan</hi> have been very juſtly charged with this Fault, altho' the latter wanted not the poetical Enthuſiaſm, and the former had the moſt eaſie Verſification in the World.</p>
<note place="margin">Perſonal Defects of Poets.</note>IN the<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>p.</hi> 318. Edit. Col.</note>
<hi>Scaligerana</hi> we meet with this Judg<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment of <hi>Scaliger, No Man ever was a Poet, or lo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ved to read the Poets, but his Heart was ſeated in the right place.</hi> He expreſſes it much more warm<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly in<note n="*" place="margin">Tho' our Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thor has not cited it, yet I thought it wou'd not be a miſs to ſet it down, <hi>Nunquam Poeſis, aut poetarum amor in abjectum & humilem animam cadit, & omnium maxime divina ſequitur ingenia, eorum<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> perpetuus fere comes,</hi> Ibid.</note>
<hi>Latin.</hi> I ſuppoſe that by having <hi>his Heart ſeated in the right place,</hi> he means, having a good Opinion of himſelf, for indeed there are few Poets who have not a leaning that way. Poe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tical Enthuſiaſm makes theſe Gentlemen believe that they are above the ordinary Race of Man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>kind, becauſe they ſpeak a Language peculiar to themſelves, and when this Fury ſeizes them, there are certain Traces in their Countenance, which ſufficiently declare that,
<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Hor.</hi> L. II. Sat. vii. <hi>v.</hi> 117.</note>Aut inſanit homo, aut verſus facit —</q>
<pb n="26" facs="tcp:99272:18"/>"This Man is either a Fool or a Poet. Their ſlow walking, their diſcompoſed Air ſeems to come from this; for being accuſtom'd to make Verſes, and bite their Nails as they walk, they wou'd perſwade us that they are thinking on ſomething when they thinking on juſt nothing. To return to <hi>Scaliger,</hi> if he believed that Poets or Lovers of Poetry were uncapable of ſtooping to mean things, 'tis certain he cou'd never reckon thoſe for Poets or Lovers of Poetry, who have written ſo many Verſes in Praiſe of the <hi>Roman</hi> Emperors and their Favorites, whoſe Vices they have commended as well as their Virtues: that is to ſay, <hi>Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Statius, Martial,</hi> and the reſt whom I need not mention, after I have mention'd theſe five; the three firſt of which exceſſively flatter'd <hi>Auguſtus,</hi> and thoſe that were near his Perſon, and the other two the infamous <hi>Domitian.</hi> What meaneſſes in particular did not <hi>Ovid</hi> ſtoop to, to get himſelf recall'd from Ba<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>niſhment? Did not <hi>Virgil</hi> and <hi>Horace</hi> place <hi>Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guſtus,</hi> when living, among the number of the Gods? Thus we cannot excuſe this Judgment of <hi>Scaliger,</hi> who was no Poet, tho' he writ Ver<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſes ſometimes, but by Virtue of the poetical Pri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>viledge of Lying, when there was an occaſion for it.</p>
<note place="margin">An Exami<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nation of what <hi>Ho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>race</hi> ſays in, Favour of Poets.</note>
<hi>HORACE</hi> in the firſt Epiſtle of his ſecond Book, which is addreſs'd to <hi>Auguſtus</hi> makes a ſort of an Apology for the Poets, upon which 'tis no hard matter to confute him:
<l>Hic error tamen, & levis haec inſania quantas</l>
<l>Virtutes habeat ſic collige; vatis avarus</l>
<l>Non temerè est animus; verſus amat, hoc ſtudet unum,</l>
<pb n="27" facs="tcp:99272:18"/>Learn, ſays he, the Virtues that accompany this Fault and this ſlight Folly. 'Tis rare that a Poet has a covetous Soul, he loves nothing but Verſes: this is his only Paſſion.</q> But this Paſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſion for making Verſes ſometimes agrees well e<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nough with that of getting Mony, and there are few People that think they ought to be better conſider'd for the Pains they take than the Poets. <hi>Horace,</hi> to do him Juſtice, was not Covetous, as far as we can jugde of him by his Writings; but one of the <hi>Grecian</hi> Poets, whom he eſteem'd a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bove the reſt, I mean the inimitable <hi>Pindar,</hi> was as greedy a Wretch as a Man well cou'd be. His Odes were purely written to get the Pence, and we find him all along making a Panegyric upon Riches, which ſhow'd plainly enough that he ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pected a Preſent for his Pains. What can be more ſcandalous than the Compliment he makes to <hi>Xe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nocrates</hi> of <hi>Agrigentum,</hi> in the ſecond of his <hi>Iſth<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mians. The Muſe,</hi> ſays he, <hi>was not then a Friend to Gain, nor Mercenary, and it was not the faſhion to ſell the ſweet and agreeable Songs of</hi> Terpſichore, <hi>that have their Forehead ſilver'd; but at preſent ſhe gives leave to follow the Advice of an</hi> Argian, <hi>which is not repugnant to the Truth. Riches, Rich<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>es make a Man,</hi> cry'd he, <hi>being himſelf deſtitute of Mony and Friends: You are Wiſe, and I don't ſing to an Ignorant.</hi> This was enough to make a Man that knew his Right Hard from his Left to com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>prehend, that the Poet wanted to be greas'd in the Hand. If<note n="*" place="margin">This is he who writ <hi>La Pucelle,</hi> a <hi>French</hi> Heroic Poem, in the compoſing of which he took up near twenty Years, which occaſion'd the following Epigram upon him:
<l>Illa Capellani dudum expectata Puella,</l>
<l>Post longa, in lucem tempora, venit anus.</l>
The Reaſon why he was ſo long about it, was becauſe he had a Penſion of Two Thoſand Franks a Year from the Duke of <hi>Longueville,</hi> which he thought wou'd be ſtopt after the publiſhing of his Poem. <hi>See the</hi> Me<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nag. <hi>Vol.</hi> 1. <hi>p.</hi> 38.</note>
<hi>Chapelain</hi> had been comparable in
<pb n="28" facs="tcp:99272:19"/>any reſpect to <hi>Pindar,</hi> there had been another Po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>et too, who muſt have been turn'd out of <hi>Horace</hi>'s number. But <hi>Pindar</hi> alone is ſufficient to prove him miſtaken, and I leave to ſuch as have more leiſure than myſelf to compile a Catalogue of covetous Poets. I will only obſerve that <hi>Horace</hi> contradicts himſelf afterwards, where he thus ral<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lies a Comic <hi>Latin</hi> Poet. <hi>v.</hi> 173,
<l>Quantus ſit Doſſennus edacibus in Paraſitis,</l>
<l>Quà non aſtricto percurrat pulpita ſocco,</l>
<l>Geſtit enim in loculos nummum demittere, post hac</l>
<l>Securus cadat, an recto ſtet fabula talo.</l>
<q>How many Verſes does <hi>Doſſennus</hi> employ to deſcribe gluttonous Paraſites? How much li<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>berty does he allow himſelf in regard of the Meaſure? His whole Ambition is to get Mony in his Pocket for his Plays, and he does not trouble himſelf at all whether they ſucceed af<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>terwards, or not.</q> We might join <hi>Simonides</hi> to <hi>Pindar</hi> and <hi>Doſſennus;</hi> and thoſe who have a mind to be more particularly inform'd of his Begging and his Avarice, need only to conſult <hi>Phaedrus, Lib.</hi> IV. <hi>Fab.</hi> xxiv. What follows afterwards in <hi>Horace</hi> is full as true as what went before:
<l>Detrimenta, fugas ſervorum, incendia ridet,</l>
<l>Non fraudem ſocio, pueróve incogitat ullam</l>
<l>Pupillo; vivit ſiliquis, & pane ſecundo.</l>
<q>He laughs at Loſſes, the running away of his Slaves, and the burning of his Houſes. He neither deceives his Friend, nor his Pupil; he lives upon Pulſe and Brown-bread.</q> If this were true, the Poets wou'd he more diſengaged from the Vanities of this wicked World, than even the
<pb n="29" facs="tcp:99272:19"/>Monks themſelves, and ſuch of our Friends as we deſired to free from the Temptations of this Life, we ſhou'd not adviſe to retire into a Religious Houſe, but poſſeſs them with the Love of Poe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>try: By that means they wou'd be healed of all thoſe Deſires with which the reſt of Mankind are ſo violently agitated. But a Poet as Covetous as <hi>Pindar,</hi> or ſeveral others, wou'd be the laſt Man that I ſhould repoſe any Confidence in. I own that a frugal ſober Poet may be able to live upon Pulſe and Brown-bread, altho' he has where<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>with to live better if he pleaſes; but then he does not do this by Virtue of his Poetry. <hi>Horace</hi> him<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelf never obſerv'd Sobrietry, but according to the Maxims of <hi>Epicurus,</hi> that is to ſay, When he found good Cheer was incompatible with his Health, and ſo forth. If he delivers any Precepts for Temperance in his Works, there are other places where he piouſly exhorts us to drink and make much of ourſelves. There is no neceſſity to point at theſe places in order to refute him, for our Youth knows them but too well. In a word, 'Tis downright Raillery to pretend to ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>empt the Poets from Vices, to which they are ſubject as well as other Men. On the other hand, I think we ought not to accuſe them in particu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lar, as if Poetry inſpired them with ill Inclinati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons. They are in this reſpect neither better nor worſe than the reſt of the World: But to return to <hi>Horace,</hi> who continues to ſpeak of them in this manner:
<q>Militiae quamquam piger & malus, utilis urbi.</q>
<q>Altho' a bad Soldier and lazy, yet he forbears not to be Serviceable to the State.</q>
<hi>Horace</hi> deſign'd without queſtion to be underſtood here
<pb n="30" facs="tcp:99272:20"/>the Poets of his own time; for he knew well e<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nough that <hi>Tyrtaeus, Alcaeus,</hi> and other Poets of Antiquity had perform'd Miracles in the Field. For his own part, he fairly betook himſelf to his Heels at the Battel of <hi>Philippi,</hi>
<note n="†" place="margin">Ovid. VII. <hi>L.</hi> 2.</note>
<hi>Relictâ non bene parmulâ,</hi> leaving his Shield behind him. But let's now ſee wherein a Poet may be uſeful to the State in time of Peace:
<l>Si das hoc, parvis quo<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> rebus magna juvari,</l>
<l>Os tenerum pueri balbúm<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> Poeta figurat.</l>
<l>Torquet ab obſcoenis jam nunc ſermonibus aurem,</l>
<l>Mox etiam pectus praeceptis format amicis,</l>
<l>Aſpertiatis, & invidiae corrector, & irae.</l>
<l>Rectè facta refert, orientia tempora notis</l>
<l>Inſtruit exemplis, inopem ſolatur & aegrum.</l>
<q>If you will grant me that ſmall things may be ſerviceable to great Ones; 'tis the Poet that forms words for Children who know not yet how to ſpeak. He turns aſide their Ears even from obſcene Diſcourſes, and afterwards inſtructs them in wholeſome Precepts. He cor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rects rough Behaviour, Envy and Anger: He relates noble Actions, and furniſhes Youth with famous Examples: He comforts the Poor and Sorrowful.</q> In the ſecond Verſe <hi>Horace</hi> alludes to the Cuſtom they had of making Children learn the Poets, almoſt as ſoon as they were able to talk; this help'd to give them ſo great a Venera<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion for them, that they never left it afterwards, ſo that the moſt abſurd things did not ſhock them in a more advanc'd Age. For Inſtance, They made their Childen learn <hi>Homer,</hi> he that ſpeaks of the Gods not only as bare Men, but even as vitious Men; after which they were diſpos'd to receive all ſorts of Abſurdities in matters of Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ligion,
<pb n="31" facs="tcp:99272:20"/>and accordingly they did ſo. What care the Ancients took to teach their Children <hi>Homer</hi> may be ſeen in the beginning of <hi>the Allegories of He<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>raclides Ponticus.</hi> The Philoſophers complain'd, both before and after the time of <hi>Horace</hi> of this ill effect of Fables; witneſs <hi>Plato</hi> in his Books of the <hi>Common-wealth,</hi> and <hi>Plutarch</hi> in his Treatiſe, <hi>After what manner young Men ought to read the Po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ets.</hi>
<p>'Tis to no purpoſe to ſay, That we find good Examples in him; for to humble that Excuſe, we likewiſe find ſome of the worſt that can be. <hi>Ho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mer</hi> frequently extols Virtue, but then he repre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſents very wicked Men as Favorites of Heaven. <hi>Achilles,</hi> for Inſtance, is protected by the Gods in a moſt extraordinary manner, becauſe he is the Son of <hi>Thetis,</hi> altho' he was hot and ungovern<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>able, and more like to a wild Beaſt, than a Man. He never deſcribes the Gods as lovers of Virtue or haters of Vice, as he ought to have done, but on the contrary divided among themſelves upon the different Intereſts of Men below, and that by Paſſion merely, without any regard to good Man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ners, or the Juſtice of the Cauſe. As many of them eſpouſed the <hi>Trojan,</hi> as the <hi>Grecian</hi> Party, altho' the Quarrel of the firſt is really not to be defended. The ſucceeding Poets, who were blind Admirers of <hi>Homer,</hi> took no more care than he did to give us good Examples, as it might eaſily be made appear if it were neceſſary. We are only obliged to them for a Moral Sentence now and then interſpers'd in their Writings, for which they are beholding to the Philoſophers.</p>
<p>As for what <hi>Horace</hi> lays down, That the Po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ets turn aſide Youth from obſcene Diſcourſes, it wou'd be no hard matter to produce abundance of places in <hi>Homer</hi> and <hi>Heſiod,</hi> that are good for
<pb n="32" facs="tcp:99272:21"/>nothing but to give us very villainous Ideas, and to Debauch the Minds of young People, if in producing them, I ſhould not commit the ſame Fault as they did. Let a Man not only take <hi>O<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vid</hi> and <hi>Catullus</hi> into his Hands, and an infinite number of other good Poets, but even <hi>Horace</hi> himſelf, without caſtrating them, and then ſee what a heap of filthy Stuff he may find in them. But the Morals of the virtuous <hi>Horace,</hi> were not over-rigid, no more than thoſe of his Maſter <hi>Epicurus,</hi> and he ſucceeded infinitely better with him to preach upon the Juice of the Grape, than to meddle with a continued Body of <hi>Ethics.</hi>
<p>His Satyrs are none of the fitteſt things in the World to reform Rudeneſs, Envy and Anger, no more than thoſe Satyrs of the other Poets that are ſtill remaining. They are all ſtuff'd with Paſſages that proceed from theſe; altho' there are here ſome Moral Precepts interwoven, but without connexion, and without Principles. Their Diſcourſes reſemble that of a certain Parſon who wiſhed himſelf at the Devil, yet ſwore very heartily, that if he heard any of his Pariſhioners Swear, or talk of the Devil, he wou'd excom<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>municate them. <hi>Horace</hi> himſelf ſhews us the in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tolerable Abuſe of the ancient Poetry in theſe remarkable words, where he ſpeaks of the anci<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ent <hi>Greek</hi> Comedy:
<l>— Saevus apertam</l>
<l>In rabiem verti coepit jocus, & per honeſtas</l>
<l>Ire minax impune domos. Doluere cruento</l>
<l>Dente laceſſiti; ſuit intactis quo<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> cura</l>
<l>Conditione ſuper communi. Quin etiam lex</l>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> lata, malo quae nollet carmine quemquam</l>
<l>Deſcribi; vertêre modum, formidine fuſtis</l>
<l>Ad benedicendum, delectandúm<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> coacti,</l>
<pb n="33" facs="tcp:99272:21"/>This cruel Raillery in time turn'd to down<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>right Rage, and ſawcily expoſed the moſt vir<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tuous Families. Thoſe that ſuffer'd by their ſtabbing Satyrs, were not a little concern'd, nay, even ſuch as were not touch'd, took the Alarm by reaſon of the common danger. At laſt certain Laws were enacted, with Penalties affix'd to them, to hinder them from writing ſcurrilous Lampoons againſt any Man whate<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver. The Poets, for fear of a Cudgel, left off this way of Writing, and were forced to divert and ſpeak well of their Auditors.</q>
<hi>A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>riſtophanes</hi> is ſtill extant, who was one of the principal Ornaments of this old Comedy, full of Gall and Calumny, and in <hi>Horace</hi>'s time a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bundance more were remaining upon whom he ſet a great Value, as appears by divers places in his Works. Now what cou'd a Man learn from Poets full of Scandal and Ribbaldry, ſuch as <hi>Ari<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtophanes</hi> was, if he Read them with admiration, unleſs it were to Bite without pity and diſcretion, and talk after the moſt inſufferable rate that can be imagined? Thus the reading of theſe Poets cou'd not but be highly prejudicial, notwithſtand<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing <hi>Horace</hi> had ſo good an Opinion of them. Altho' we don't introduce People by their Names in Comedies, as the ancient <hi>Greeks</hi> did, yet for all that we have not left off writing ſcandalous Satyrs, where we frequently name them, or elſe deſcribe them ſo plainly, that all the World knows who it is we mean. Epigrams likewiſe, that were always in vogue, are for the generality pie<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ces that Bite to ſome purpoſe. Thoſe that have read <hi>Catullus, Horace, Perſius, Juvenal</hi> and <hi>Martial,</hi> know very well that what I here advance is laterally true. After this we muſt needs own that <hi>Horace</hi> makes merry with us, when he pretends to affirm
<pb n="34" facs="tcp:99272:22"/>that the Poets are very ſerviceable to reform the Manners of young Men, and cure them of Anger, Envy, and a rude Behaviour.</p>
<p>But it will be objected, that theſe very Poets, whom I have mention'd, have a thouſand moral Sayings in their Writings, and are uſeful, for in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtance, to comfort Men in adverſity or any ill Circumſtances, as <hi>Horace</hi> ſays: I own all this, but then you muſt grant me at the ſame time, that there are a thouſand other Paſſages in their Wri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tings, that in all probability will produce the quite contrary Effect. They frequently deſcribe Riches, Honours, and Pleaſure in ſo lively and charming a manner; and on the contrary, they paint Poverty and the ſad Conſequences of it, as ſomething ſo diſmal and inſupportable, that af<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter a Man has read them, 'tis a hard matter for him not to be ſtrangely caſt down. Let a Man read what <hi>Theognis</hi> has ſaid of Poverty, and the care we ought to take to avoid it, and he will own with me that the greateſt Miſer in the World cannot ſay more. Yet he is a ſententious Poet, and we put him into the Hands of Boys for the ſake of his moral Sayings. Let a Man read in <hi>Horace</hi> and ſeveral other Poets, what they ſay of the pleaſure a Man finds to be conſider'd in the World, to arrive at Honour and acquire Glory, and he'll be ſatisfied that the Deſcriptions they make of Virtue, which is to be eſteem'd, altho' it is de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſpiſed, are extremely forc'd in Compariſon of the Praiſes they beſtow upon Honour and Reputati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on. The reaſon of this difference is, that the lat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter Commendations pour down in a ſtream, where<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>as the former only come by fits and ſtarts, when they deſign'd to imitate the Philoſophers. I need not ſay any thing of Pleaſures to thoſe that have read <hi>Horace,</hi> who know well enough that he ſpeaks
<pb n="35" facs="tcp:99272:22"/>of them in ſo inſinuating a ſtrain, that his Elo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quence upon this Head is wholly contagious. If we therefore find in the Poets ſome Paſſages that are Good, which I don't deny, we likewiſe find in them abundance that are vicious, ſo that we often find them arguing <hi>pro</hi> and <hi>con,</hi> without gi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ving us any certain ſteddy Rules to diſcern Bad from Good. This is viſible from <hi>Stobaeus</hi>'s Col<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lection, wherein we may find upon ſeveral moral Subjects, Arguments on both ſides, drawn out of the Poets.</p>
<p>But to return to <hi>Horace,</hi> he goes on with this Panegyric upon thoſe of his own Profeſſion in theſe Terms:
<l>Caſtis cum pueris ignara puella mariti</l>
<l>Diſceret unde preces, vatem niſi Muſa dediſſet?</l>
<l>Poſcit opem Chorus, & praeſentia numina ſentit.</l>
<l>Coeleſtes implorat aquas, doctâ prece, blandus,</l>
<l>Avertit morbos, metuenda pericula pellit,</l>
<l>Impetrat & pacem, & locupletem frugibus annum.</l>
<l>Carmine Dii ſuperi placantur, Carmine Manes.</l>
<q>Young Boys and Maids that never knew what Marriage was, how ſhould they learn their Prayers, if the Muſe had not given them Poets. The Chorus implores the aſſiſtance of the Gods and finds their favour. They ſupplicate for Rain, they avert Sickneſſes and Dangers that are to be fear'd, they obtain Peace and fertile Years. Verſe equally appeaſes the heavenly and infernal Deities.</q>
<p>I will not ſay that all this is pure Banter out of <hi>Horace</hi>'s Mouth, who did not believe that the Gods concern'd themſelves in the governing of the World, no more than <hi>Epicurus;</hi> ſince to de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mand the aſſiſtance of the Gods, and to addreſs
<pb n="36" facs="tcp:99272:23"/>one's ſelf to a fortuitous concourſe of Atoms, ac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cording to, him is one and the ſame thing. I will on<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly obſerve that in this place he alludes to the Pray<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>er which the young Boys and Girls ſung for three Days and Nights at the <hi>Secular</hi> Games. But what can be more ridiculous than to affirm, that we ſhould not have known how to Pray, if there had been no Poets in the World? Were they then afraid to Pray in Proſe, or did they believe that the Divinity wou'd be ſooner affected by a pom<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pous Diſcourſe in Metre than by a ſimple Prayer in Proſe? Did they think that the Gods were better pleaſed to hear their Praiſes in Muſic, than an Elogium recited without ſinging? Tho' this be abſurd in the higheſt Degree, 'tis nevertheleſs very certain, that the Poets endeavour'd to make the World believe it, in order to make their Art more valued. They have feign'd Miracles, and made Souls come back from Purgatory (for by the by the Pagans had their Purgatory as well as the Chriſtians,) to propagate this Belief, that the Deity took greater Pleaſure to be praiſed in Verſe than Proſe.<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>See</hi> Phae<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>drus IV. <hi>Fab.</hi> 24.</note> They have told us that <hi>Simonides</hi> having agreed for a certain Price with a Champi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on to compoſe an Ode upon his Victory, finding this Champion was too obſcure a Fellow to furniſh a Poet with Materials enough to make an Ode, he took up two thirds of it with the Praiſes of <hi>Caſtor</hi> and <hi>Pollux;</hi> upon which the Champion wou'd give him no more than a third part of what he had bargain'd with him for; but had the civility how<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ever to invite him to Dinner. <hi>Simonides,</hi> who no doubt on't lov'd good Cheer, when it coſt him no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing, did not fail to come to the Entertainment, altho' the Champion had broke his word with him. As they were merry at the Table, and <hi>Simonides</hi> laid heartily about him, to revenge himſelf for
<pb n="37" facs="tcp:99272:23"/>the ſcurvy Trick the other had plaid him, two young Men cover'd with Duſt, and all over in a Sweat, as if they had rode Poſt, ſent to ſpeak with <hi>Simonides</hi> immediately, who was no ſooner inform'd of it, and had ſcarce got out of the Room, when all on the ſudden (Oh prodigious Miracle) the Roof of the Houſe fell upon the reſt of the Gueſts, and buried them in the Ruines: and the two Men who had ſent to ſpeak with <hi>Simonides</hi> were no where to be ſeen. All the World, ſays the Hiſtory, when they came to hear of this Accident, were firmly perſwaded that <hi>Caſtor</hi> and <hi>Pollux</hi> came on purpoſe to ſave our Poet's Life, for having prais'd them in his Ode. Thoſe that believed this Legend, to be ſure paid <hi>Simonides</hi> well, when they employ'd him. By this means he fill'd his ſtrong Cheſt, which he carried about him to put his Mony in; for he had, as he himſelf ſaid, two Cheſts, where he depoſited the Rewards that were given him, one of which was always very light, and the other pretty heavy. In the former he put the Compliments that were made him, and in the other his Mony.</p>
<p>What is reported of <hi>Pindar</hi> was no leſs inge<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>niouſly contrived to ſhow what eſteem the Gods had for the Incenſe of the Poets.<note n="†" place="margin">Pauſan, Boeoticor. <hi>p.</hi> 515.</note> A little be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fore his Death he dreamt, that the Goddeſs <hi>Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſerpina</hi> reproached him with having compoſed Hymns upon all the Deities except herſelf, but that ſhe expectd that he wou'd write one in her Praiſe, ſo ſoon as he came to her Dominions. Soon after he was dead, he appear'd in a Dream, as the Tradition goes, to an old Kinſwoman of his at <hi>Thebes,</hi> and ſung to her a Song in honour of this Goddeſs, which our ancient Gentlewoman re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>membred ſo well, that ſhe wrote it down, as ſoon as ſhe awaked, in the very words ſhe heard it,
<pb n="38" facs="tcp:99272:24"/>The Prieſteſs of <hi>Delphos,</hi> as the ſame Author in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>forms us, did a conſiderable Service by <hi>Apollo</hi>'s Order to a Poet of ſo covetous a Soul as <hi>Pindar</hi> was, for ſhe commanded thoſe of <hi>Delphos</hi> to give him a ſhare of all the firſt Fruits, which they of<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fer'd to <hi>Apollo.</hi> After this manner did the Poets and their Friends endeavour to perſwade the World, that the Gods eſteem'd their Language much more than that of other Men, and conſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quently that they obtain'd of them whatever they had occaſion for, more eaſily than any other Peo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple.</p>
<p>This is the Doctrin that <hi>Horace</hi> in the above<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mention'd Verſes preaches to <hi>Auguſtus</hi> and his Readers, as earneſtly as he was able. The cre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dulous People actually believed it, but what wou'd not thoſe People ſwallow down, who imagined that they appeaſed the Indignation of the Gods by dancing about their Altars? A great part of the Pagan World, as a witty Man has remarked, were ſtrongly perſwaded that they paid their Gods in good Mony, when they paid them <hi>in Dances and Songs.</hi> As theſe two things are near<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly related one to another, there is no queſtion but the Poets did all that in them lay to entertain the People in theſe Imaginations. Thus we find in the <hi>Grecian</hi> and <hi>Roman</hi> Hiſtory, that when<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ever they thought their Gods were angry with them, they conſecrated certain Sports and Games to them, in which Dramatical Repreſentations, Dances and Songs made a great part.</p>
<note place="margin">Why the <hi>Roman</hi> Law grants no Immu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nity to Po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ets.</note>HOWEVER it ſeems the Poets were never able to gain the <hi>Roman</hi> Lawyers over to their ſide. At leaſt the Emperour <hi>Juſtinian</hi> has inſert<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed into the Code a Law of <hi>Philip,</hi> which is not much for their Reputation or Favour. In the
<pb n="39" facs="tcp:99272:24"/>fifty ſecond Title <hi>Lib.</hi> 10. where we find a Col<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lection of Laws made by diverſe Emperours in favour of Grammarians, Rhetors, Lawyers and Phyſicians, in which Immunities, Privileges, and public Stipends are granted to thoſe that taught theſe Sciences or exerciſed them by public Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thority; we ſee this Law of the Emperour <hi>Philip. Poetae nullâ Immunitatis Prarogativâ juvantur: The Poets enjoy not the Privilege of any Immunity.</hi> We cannot accuſe <hi>Philip,</hi> as if he were the only Perſon that had not been favourable to the Poets, for if any Ordinance had ever paſſed in their Favour, <hi>Trebonian</hi> had not fail'd to inſert it into the Code. 'Tis probable that after <hi>Philip</hi>'s time, ſome Poets who had a good Opinion of themſelves, wou'd have had their ſhare in the Immunities, which the Profeſſors of other Sciences enjoy'd, and that Complaint of this being made to the Emperour, he explain'd in this manner the Laws in favour of thoſe that taught the Sciences publickly. The Interpreters of the Code have taken a world of pains to find out the Reaſon of this Law, as I have obſerv'd in thoſe whom I have conſulted, but have miſs'd it in my Opinion. However ſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>veral good Reaſons may be aſſigned: The firſt is, That the public Maſters of other Sciences are ſer<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>viceable to the State, by inſtructing the Youth in uſeful Knowledg; but a Poet whoſe chief Buſineſs it is to ſpend his time in compoſing Romances in Verſe, (for Epic Poems are the ſublimeſt Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ductions of Poetry) what ſuch mighty Service does he do the State, as to deſerve a public Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>compenſe? No <hi>Roman</hi> Emperour ever believed it, and for that Reaſon they wou'd not grant the Poets any Immunities In the ſecond place, If there was any Advantage in having a ſet number of Poets in the Republic, the Grammarians ought
<pb n="40" facs="tcp:99272:25"/>to be thanked for it, who without being Poets themſelves, taught all that was to be taught of the art of Poetry; witneſs thoſe who have writ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ten the beſt about it, yet were no Poets. In ſhort, had any Immunities been granted to the Poets, all the Subjects of the <hi>Roman</hi> Empire had buſied themſelves in making of Verſes, and had pretended to paſs for Poets, only to be excuſed from other Duties of the State. Then you wou'd have ſeen,
<q>Corvos Poëtas, & Poëtridas picas.</q> "Crows turn Poets, and Pies Poeteſſes. Don't tell me that they might have erected Tribunals to diſtinguiſh between good and bad Poets. What a prodigious number of ſuch Courts muſt have been erected to read and examine all the Pieces that wou'd have been brought before them, which cou'd not have been done without a vaſt Expence to the Public. Beſides that ſeveral notorious A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>buſes wou'd have of neceſſity crept in, which I need not recount at large. I will only ſay, That every Fellow who thought he was able to equal <hi>Chaerilus</hi> (a dull heavy Raſcal in <hi>Alexander</hi>'s time, who made him an odd ſort of a Preſent for ſome Verſes he had written in his Praiſe) wou'd have put in his Claim to theſe Privileges, it being highly reaſonable, that a Man who wou'd have been judged to be a good Poet by <hi>Alexander,</hi> the Diſciple of <hi>Ariſtotle,</hi> and Admirer of <hi>Homer,</hi> ſhould be recknon'd in this number. The Empe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rours would have been perſecuted every hour of the Day by Poets of all ſorts and ſizes, bringing their Verſes to them, and complaining of the great Injury that had been done them, to deny them this honourable Name. It cannot be replied to this, that every one is not capable of making Verſes,
<pb n="41" facs="tcp:99272:25"/>for when ſuch Feats are to be done, but eſpecial<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly in one's Mother-Tongue, a Million of Bloc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>heads think themſelves able to do it, and this ri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>diculous Imagination wou'd ſoon over-ſpread all the World out of hopes of Gain,
<note n="†" place="margin">Perſius in Prolo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>go.</note>Quis expedivit Pſittaco ſuum <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> docuit verba noſtra conari?</l>
<l>Magiſter artis, ingenî<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> largitor</l>
<l>Venter, negatas artifex ſequi voces.</l>
<l>Quod ſi doloſi ſpes refulſerit nummi,</l>
<l>Corvos Poëtas & Poëtridas Picas,</l>
<l>Cantare credas Pegaſeïum melos.</l>
<q>Who was it, ſays a Poet, that taught Parrots to cry, <hi>Good morrow</hi> in <hi>Greek,</hi> and Pies to en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deavour to talk as we do? The Belly, which is the Maſter of Arts, which gives Wit, and makes them imitate Words that Nature never taught them. If there were a deceitful Ap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pearance of the leaſt Gain you ſhould have Crows become Poets, and thoſe Poeteſſes the Pies to ſing moſt admirable Verſes.</q> I wou'd never adviſe any Prince to make this Experi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment, but for fear of extinguiſhing the poetic Fire he may beſtow Rewards upon thoſe that are capable of teaching other Sciences, and give them leave to make Verſes now and then, if they have a Talent that way.</p>
<note place="margin">Whether Epic Poets have writ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ten with a deſign to in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtruct or to divert.</note>I HAVE ſaid in the beginning of this Work that the Poets are not altogether unuſeful. I don't pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tend here to unſay it; but I dare affirm that the Epic Poets never propoſed to themſelves Inſtru<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ction as the principal part of their Deſign, but only to give Diverſion to the Reader, and in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtruct him no farther than it contributed to the
<pb n="42" facs="tcp:99272:26"/>Ornament of his Poem. I know indeed that thoſe that have written about the Art of Poetry are of a different Opinion, but I am ſatisfy'd they have rather ſaid that which the Poets ought to have done, than what they have actually done. To convince the Reader likewiſe of this, we need only examine ſome few of their principal Rea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſons.</p>
<p>A Man<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Le Boſſu,</hi> L. I. c. 3.</note> of Wit who has written about <hi>Epic Poetry</hi> in <hi>French</hi> with a great deal of Art and Per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſpicuity, thus defines an Heroic Poem. <hi>'Tis,</hi> ſays he, <hi>a Diſcourſe invented with Art to form the Man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ners by Inſtructions diſguiſed under Allegories of an important Action, which is told in Verſe in a man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ner probable, diverting and wonderful.</hi> But if we look more nearly upon it, we ſhall find that this Definition is only the Definition of an Idea. For in fine if I ſhould deny, that it appears by any place of <hi>Homer</hi> and <hi>Virgil,</hi> that they had any o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther deſign than that of pleaſing their Readers, no body can tell how to prove the contrary. It will be urged perhaps that we may draw certain Inſtructions from thoſe Events that are related in their Poems. But I maintain that there never was any Narration in the World from which ſome ſort of a Moral might not be deduced, altho' the Author of it never dreamt of any ſuch thing. Take any Romance or Novel you pleaſe, and I will engage to draw ſome moral Inſtructions out of it, which the Writer of that Romance or No<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vel had not any intention to give us. As Man is a rational Creature, ſubject to Laws which regu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>late his Conduct, he can ſcarce ſay any thing, up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on which one may not be able to moralize as much as he pleaſes. Therefore to be aſſured that any Poet had a deſign to give us certain Leſſons, 'tis neceſſary that he ſhould tell us ſo himſelf, or at
<pb n="43" facs="tcp:99272:26"/>leaſt ſet it down in his Writings after ſuch a man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ner that no body cou'd doubt it. Now 'tis cer<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tain that there is nothing in <hi>Homer</hi> or in <hi>Virgil</hi> that can convince us that they deſign'd to inſtruct us in certain moral Doctrines.</p>
<p>I take it for granted, that if by the help of our reaſoning we deduce moral Inſtructions out of theſe Poets, conformable to the Ideas of Virtue and Vice which they might have (for we muſt judge of them by their Ideas, and not by our own) we may like<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wiſe by the like Reaſonings draw quite contrary Concluſions. Now if this be true, 'tis viſible that what they ſay in favour of Virtue, and againſt Vice, is of very little Advantage to the World.</p>
<p>Let us ſee what they ſay of the Fable of the <hi>Iliads,</hi> or of that which the Poet has invented, with a deſign to inſinuate ſomething to the <hi>Greeks.</hi>
<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Ibid.</hi> c. 8.</note> We are told, That <hi>Homer</hi> ſeeing <hi>Greece</hi> divi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ded into ſo many States as it had Cities, yet upon emergent Affairs frequently obliged to unite in one body againſt the common Enemy, deſign'd to let his Country-men ſee in his <hi>Iliads</hi> that nothing but a good Underſtanding between them cou'd make any of their Deſigns that were formed and carried on by ſo many Generals, to ſucceed; and on the contrary, that Diviſions and Quarels pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ved always fatal to theſe Confederacies. There<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fore <hi>Homer,</hi> as they pretend built his Fable upon this great Truth, that a Miſ-underſtanding of Prin<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ces certainly Ruines their Dominions. <hi>I ſing,</hi> ſays he, <hi>the Anger of</hi> Achilles, <hi>ſo pernicious to the</hi> Greeks, <hi>and which has deſtroy'd ſo many Heroes, while King</hi> Agamemnon <hi>and this Prince quarell'd one with ano<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther.</hi>
<p>I confeſs indeed that ſuch an Inſtruction as this may be drawn from the <hi>Iliads,</hi> and that <hi>Homer</hi> faithfully relates all the Calamities that the <hi>Gre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cians</hi>
<pb n="44" facs="tcp:99272:27"/>ſuffer'd, during the conteſt between <hi>Aga<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>memnon</hi> and <hi>Achilles.</hi> But let him have told this in what manner he pleas'd, yet 'tis certain we might have inferr'd a moral Doctrin from it, as I have already ſaid; and we don't find in any one place of his Poem, that he propos'd this as his end. All that is ſaid upon this Head is nothing but meer Conjecture, and we have as much reaſon to reject as to propoſe it. If we may conclude from <hi>Homer</hi>'s Narration concerning the <hi>Greeks,</hi> that in ſuch a Confederacy as theirs was, it was neceſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſary to pitch upon one General, and obey his Orders, may we not inferr the quite contrary Doctrin from what he tells us of the <hi>Trojans;</hi> that becauſe they obey'd <hi>Priam,</hi> who ſuffer'd him<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelf to be govern'd by his Sons; and their Cap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tains and thoſe of their Allies blindly follow'd the Advice of <hi>Hector,</hi> they entirely ruin'd themſelves? Therefore <hi>Homer</hi> teaches us by all this, that the too great Authority of any Prince, as was that of King <hi>Priam,</hi> ſupported by his Sons, is the ruin of a State, which much neceſſarily be undone, let it be never ſo unanimous, when it is ill govern'd. It had been much better for this Prince and his Family that they had not had Authority enough to keep <hi>Helen,</hi> in ſpite of the <hi>Trojans,</hi> for then by delivering her to her Husband, they had a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>voided a War, which brought the moſt diſmal Calamities upon them, that were ever mention'd by the Poets. What may not a Man be able to ſay on this Occaſion, upon that admirable Max<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>im of good Policy, That in a well-regulated State there ought not to be any Authority ſuperiour to the Laws, or any ſingle Perſon who may do what<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ever he pleaſes, without fearing to be call'd to an Account for it? One might likewiſe make moſt excellent Obſervations upon the Counſel of
<pb n="45" facs="tcp:99272:27"/>
<note n="†" place="margin">See the eighteenth Book of the <hi>Ilias.</hi>
<hi>Polydamas</hi> to go back into <hi>Troy</hi> to avoid the In<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dignation of <hi>Achilles,</hi> and upon <hi>Hector</hi>'s Anſwer, where one might ſhew that a General ought to liſten to the Advice of his principal Officers, and that 'tis much better to let ſlip an Opportunity of gaining ſome Advantage over the Enemy, than to Ruin one's ſelf to all intents and purpoſes, by obeying a General who abuſes his Authority, and hazards all. Beſides one may ſay, That <hi>Ho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mer</hi> had it never in his Thoughts to ſhew that Diviſions were of fatal conſequence, ſince in his Poem he introduces the Gods ſtrangely<note n="†" place="margin">See par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ticularly the 20th. Book.</note> divi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ded between themſelves about the Quarel of the <hi>Trojans</hi> and <hi>Greeks,</hi> yet did not believe they were to be blamed for it.</p>
<p>To come now to the<note n="†" place="margin">Boſſu, <hi>Lib.</hi> I. c. 10.</note>
<hi>Odyſſes:</hi> 'Tis pretended that the principal Deſign of the Poet is to make it appear, that the Abſence of a Perſon from his own Houſe, or his not having a vigilant Eye up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on all that is done there, occaſions great Diſorders in his Affairs, ſo that the principal and moſt eſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſential part of the Action is the Abſence of the Heroe. It cannot be denied but that <hi>Homer</hi> de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſign'd to deſcribe the Abſence of <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>lyſſes,</hi> and the Irregularities it cauſed in his Family; but who can aſſure us that this was his chief Deſign, and that it was not rather to affect and divert the Reader, by raiſing his Compaſſion for <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>lyſſes</hi> and his Fire-ſide, and by exciting his Admiration and Curioſity by thoſe extraordinary Accidents that befel him? He was obliged to make <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>lyſſes</hi> ve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry prudent, and much favour'd by the Gods to get himſelf out of thoſe Dangers in which he was involved, which makes him to be the more admired and eſteem'd by the Reader. I confeſs, that among all this there is a great deal of good Inſtruction, but 'tis only an embroidery of the
<pb n="46" facs="tcp:99272:28"/>Fable, and not the principal Deſign of the Poet. We find the like Reflexions in all our Romances, altho' the Authors of them had no other end but to amuſe the Reader, by recounting to him in an agreeable manner, a Fiction for a true Hiſtory. We can<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>not therefore draw from thence any Conſequence in favour of <hi>Homer,</hi> unleſs we likewiſe aſcribe to <hi>Scudery</hi> and <hi>Calprenede</hi> a philoſophical Deſign to inſtruct the Public by their Romances, whoſe on<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly end was to amuſe and divert thoſe People, that are at a loſs how to employ their leiſure Hours.</p>
<p>Beſides, had he deſign'd to inſinuate that a Prince ought not to abſent himſelf from Home, he had much better have taken any other Perſon than <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>lyſſes,</hi> who left his Houſe and Native-Country with great Unwillingneſs, and if he was abſent, it was only becauſe he cou'd not help it. He ought to have choſen one that went a rambling out of Indiſcretion, and loyter'd abroad meerly for want of a good Conduct, which had much more clearly diſcover'd what it was the Poet in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tended to teach. By ſeeing Imprudence puniſh<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed, we ſhould much ſooner have comprehended that a Prince is obliged in Intereſt to ſtay at Home, than in ſeeing ſome Diſorders happen in a Man's Houſe who is kept abroad in ſpite of his own Inclination, and is abſent only becauſe 'tis impoſſible for him to return home.</p>
<p>But ſuppoſe theſe Reaſons were not ſo ſtrong as they are, we might at one blow deſtroy the above-mention'd Hypotheſis, by offering others that carry as much probability in them. Nothing cou'd hinder a Man from aſſerting upon the ſame Principles, that the Poet's Deſign was to ſhew that no hindrance of what Nature ſoever can hinder the execution of the Decrees of Fate. This
<pb n="47" facs="tcp:99272:28"/>Doctrin frequently occurs in <hi>Homer,</hi> and indeed the <hi>Odyſſes</hi> is nothing but a Comment upon it. We find <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>lyſſes</hi> there ſurrounded with Pleaſures and ſtrong Temptations, to make him forget his Na<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tive-Country. We find him encompaſt with ter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rible Dangers, out of which he happily frees himſelf, becauſe Heaven had decreed that he ſhould return home in ſafety. <hi>Homer</hi> tells us<note n="†" place="margin">Odyſſ. <hi>Lib.</hi> 1. <hi>verſ.</hi> 16.</note> not far from the beginning of the <hi>Odyſſes,</hi> that when <hi>the Years</hi> of <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>lyſſes</hi>'s Abſence <hi>were over, the time was come wherein the Gods had deſtin'd his re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>turn to</hi> Ithaca, <hi>and that he did not without ſome dif<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ficulty find himſelf even among his Friends.</hi>
<p>One might likewiſe pretend that <hi>Homer</hi> de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſign'd to deſcribe conjugal Love to us, by repre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſenting on one ſide <hi>Penelope</hi> not to be moved with Careſſes and Menaces of her Suitors, during ſo long an Abſence, and ſuffering herſelf rather to be ruined by theſe Fellows, who all the while they were Courting her, lived at her Expence, than to comply with any one of them; and on the o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther ſide, <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>lyſſes</hi> who could not be overcome by the Charms of <hi>Circe,</hi> nor of <hi>Calypſo,</hi> nor of the Daughter of <hi>Alcinous,</hi> but always paſſionately de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſired to ſee his dear <hi>Penelope</hi> again, to whom ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vertheleſs he was not ſo faithful as ſhe was to him. But even this contributes to ſhew his Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtancy, since Goddeſſes themſelves ſuch as <hi>Circe</hi> and <hi>Calypſo</hi> were, who refuſed him no Favours, were not able to detain him in their agreeable Iſlands, altho' they tempted him with ſo great a Bribe as Immortality. It is true that <hi>Homer</hi> mixes the Love of his Native-Country with his Deſire to return, but it is not incompatible with that of his Wife. <hi>Patriae,</hi>
<note n="†" place="margin">De Ora. <hi>L.</hi> 1. <hi>c.</hi> 44.</note> ſays <hi>Cicero, tanta est vis, ac tanta natura, ut Ithacam illam in aſperrimis ſaxulis, tanquam nidulum affixam ſapientiſſimus vir immorta<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>litati
<pb n="48" facs="tcp:99272:29"/>anteponeret.</hi>
<q>The Love of one's Country is ſo forcible and natural, that the wiſeſt Man of antiquity prefer'd <hi>Ithaca,</hi> which is ſituated like a Bird's Neſt among ſharp Rocks, to Im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mortality itſelf.</q>
<p>It will be granted me, that ſince we can give ſo many different interpretations to this pretend<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed Allegory, which compoſes the <hi>Odyſſes,</hi> it is not very probable that <hi>Homer</hi> propoſed any of them in particular, as the end and mark of his Work, or that if he had ſuch a Deſign in his Head, he has executed it very ill. An Allegory which is ſo obſcure, that it is equally capable of different Meanings, is no longer an Allegory, but a Riddle.</p>
<p>What is likewiſe ſaid of the<note n="†" place="margin">Le Boſſu <hi>Liv.</hi> 1. c. 11.</note> moral Deſign, which <hi>Virgil</hi> propoſed to himſelf in his <hi>Aeneis,</hi> is no better founded. Some People wou'd needs perſwade us, that this Poet deſign'd to inſtruct <hi>Auguſtus,</hi> as the Founder of a mighty Empire, and to inſpire him, as well as his Succeſſors with the ſame Spirit and Conduct, which had made this Empire ſo great. A wiſe Roman, ſay they, who was an able Politician in his time ('tis <hi>Cice<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ro</hi> they mean) informs us that Clemency was ſo peculiar to this Government, that it reign'd there even in the midſt of War, and that nothing but downright abſolute Neceſſity cou'd make them ſuſpend the Obſerving of it. They maintain that this is the Inſtruction, which <hi>Virgil</hi> deſign'd to give the <hi>Roman</hi> Emperours in his <hi>Aeneis.</hi>
<p>But to this it may be replied in the firſt place, that <hi>Virgil</hi> indeed repreſents <hi>Aeneas</hi> all along as one that was very devout, and ready on all occa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions to follow the Orders of Heaven; but he does not make him exerciſe any extraordinary Com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>paſſion towards the Vanquiſhed. We don't find
<pb n="49" facs="tcp:99272:29"/>that he any where ſignalizes his Clemency. On the contrary he makes him in all his Battels kill thoſe that cry'd to him for Quarter, without the leaſt remorſe.</p>
<p>In the ſecond place, If we had a mind to reaſon upon the Suppoſition that <hi>Virgil</hi> deſign'd to give us moral Inſtructions, 'tis more natural to imagine that his Intention was to demonſtrate, that we ought to ſubmit to the Orders of Provi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dence, altho' they appear hard and difficult to execute. This is a Thought which runs through the whole <hi>Aeneis,</hi> as it wou'd be eaſie to demon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtrate. We might likewiſe ſay, That he deſign'd to inform the <hi>Romans,</hi> that the Eſtabliſhment of a great Empire is not made without a particular Providence of Heaven, and to poſſeſs them con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſequently with devout Thoughts. But theſe Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>jects are by no means fit for an <hi>Epicurean,</hi> and all the World knows that <hi>Virgil</hi> embraced the Opinions of <hi>Epicurus</hi> as well as his Friend <hi>Ho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>race.</hi>
<p>If we muſt plainly deliver the Truth, 'tis high<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly probable that <hi>Virgil</hi> meant nothing elſe than to flatter <hi>Auguſtus</hi> and the <hi>Romans</hi> in particular, by making a Romance about the Origine of their Empire, and of the <hi>Iulian</hi> Family, which he de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>duces from <hi>Iulus,</hi> the Son of <hi>Aeneas,</hi> according to the Tradition of that Family. This was cer<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tainly the Poet's Aim, who ſeldom loſes any oc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>caſion to flatter <hi>Auguſtus</hi> and the <hi>Romans</hi> in ge<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neral, and not to exhort the Emperours to Cle<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mency.</p>
<p>Thus you have beheld the moral Projects of the three fineſt Epic Poems that were ever compoſed, intirely overthrown; after which, it will not be hard to believe that Tragic Poems are not writ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ten for nobler Ends. <hi>Ariſtotle</hi> defines Tragedy
<pb n="50" facs="tcp:99272:30"/>thus: <hi>'Tis,</hi>
<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Ch. IV.</hi> Of his Poe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>try.</note> ſays he, <hi>the Imitation of a grave en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tire Action, which has a just Greatneſs,</hi> &c. <hi>which by the means of Compaſſion and Terrour fully purgeth in us theſe and the like Paſſions.</hi> Thus the Tragic Poets wou'd pretend to heal the Paſſions of their Auditors, or at leaſt to leſſen them, by exciting Terrour and Compaſſion in their Souls. I won't ſay, that no Tragic Poet in the World ever pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pos'd a moral Deſign to himſelf; but I believe that for the generality they have not troubled themſelves about that matter, and that the moral Paſſages ſcattered up and down in their Compo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſitions, are rather to embelliſh the Subject, and pleaſe the Audience, than with a Deſign to calm their Paſſions. It may indeed ſometimes ſo fall out, that the Spectator by ſeeing the Calamities of Humane Life repreſented on the Stage, and the incertainty of Honour and Greatneſs deſcri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bed in a lively manner, on purpoſe to affect him, may moderate himſelf a little better in his De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſires and Tranſports; but Terrour and Pity are not healed, by being often rais'd in the Heart: On the contrary, in proceſs of time Men accuſtom themſelves to them ſo well, that the leaſt thing at long run is capable to diſturb them. After this manner all Habitudes are formed. By having the ſame Movements often within us they become ſo natural, that 'tis very difficult to diſengage ourſelves from them. But it will be objected perhaps, that by virtue of ſeeing theſe ſad and terrible Objects, which are repreſented in Tra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gedies, we may come in time to be leſs ſenſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble of the impreſſions of Pity and Fear; as Sol<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>diers uſe to deſpiſe Dangers, wherein they fre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quently find themſelves engaged. But this Com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pariſon ſignifies juſt nothing, for Soldiers as of<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ten as they find themſelves in Danger, do all
<pb n="51" facs="tcp:99272:30"/>they can to diſſipate their Fears, and encourage one another: whereas a Tragic Poet ſets all his Engines on work to raiſe the Paſſions of the Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ditors; and as the latter takes no manner of care to oppoſe his Deſign, 'tis no wonder that at laſt they contract a habit of thoſe very Paſſions which the Poet excites in them.</p>
<p>It will ſtill be urged that Examples of the Miſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fortunes of Human Life, which we ſee in Trage<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dies, diſpoſe thoſe that behold them often repre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſented on the Theatre, to be leſs ſurprized at them, when-ever they fall upon themſelves.<note n="†" place="margin">Vide <hi>Marc. An<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>toninum.</hi> L. XI. n. 6. <hi>& ad eum locum</hi> Tho. Ga<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>takerum.</note> It is true that the Philoſophers endeavour to make this uſe of Tragedy, and that they frequently cite Inſtances out of them, to perſwade Men to Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtancy. But 'tis one thing to endeavour to draw ſome Profit from a thing which is eſtabliſh'd, and another to do the ſame thing with a certain De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſign. The Philoſophers are to be commended for their Endeavours to lead Men to Virtue, by the very Objects of their Paſſions and their Pleaſures; but the Tragic Poets rather buſied their Brains to procure the Applauſe of the People and their Diverſion, than their Reformation or Amend<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment. Thus they oftner arrive at the firſt of theſe Ends, than at the ſecond.</p>
<p>The Comic Poets pretended alſo to have a ſhare in this Honour, and it was commonly ſaid, <hi>To Teach Comedy</hi> as well as Tragedy, to mean the publiſh<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing of any Dramatic Compoſitions. In effect, by repreſenting common Life, and rallying the Follies of the World, they might perhaps make a better Impreſſion upon their Auditors, than by pompouſly ſetting forth the extraordinary Calamities of Heroes and Princes, after the man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ner of the Tragic Poets. There are but few Kings, and Great Men in the World, to whom
<pb n="52" facs="tcp:99272:31"/>alone the Examples of Tragedy can be well ſui<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ted: But on the contrary, we have infinite num<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bers of private Men, who may, to their great Advantage, behold their Paſſions and Humours laſh'd and ridicul'd in Comedy. But before the Comic Poets can pretend to paſs for public Teach<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ers of Virtue, 'tis neceſſary that they ſhould be first Philoſophers, or elſe that none but Philoſo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>phers ſhould deal in Comedy: As we find it to be quite othewiſe, 'tis no wonder that our Comedies, being compoſed by thoſe that are not the moſt regular Men in the World, have no leſs contri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>buted to propagate Vice, than to ſhow the Folly of it. They don't repreſent Intemperance, and divers other Vices as blamable, but when they are carried to great Exceſs, that is to ſay, never but when they may hurt the Eſtabiſhment or For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tune of thoſe People who abandon themſelves to them. Now, ſound Philoſophy demands a great deal more Virtue from us than will juſt keep us from being Scandalous, or ruining ourſelves in the World. Thus, whatever they allege for them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves, the Comic Poets ſeem to have nothing elſe in view but to divert the Public, and to get Reputation and Mony by diverting them. To compaſs this, they were obliged to mix abundance of moral Sentences in the Converſation of their Perſons, becauſe they frequently hold ſuch ſorts of Diſcourſes; and becauſe that after they have laughed heartily, the Public is diverted with theſe Sallies of Morality, rather for the variety of the Entertainment, than for any Inſtruction. A ſuf<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ficient Proof of this is that they are not a jot the better for it, as a<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Plautus in Rud.</hi> Act. IV. Sec. 7.</note> Comic Poet has very well obſerv'd in theſe Verſes.</p>
<pb n="53" facs="tcp:99272:31"/>
<l>Spectavi ego pridem Comicos ad iſtum modum</l>
<l>Sapienter dicta dicere at<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> iis plaudier,</l>
<l>Cum illos ſapientes mores monſtrabant populo;</l>
<l>Sed cùm inde ſuam quiſ<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> ibant divorſi domum,</l>
<l>Nullus erat illo pacto, ut illi juſſerunt.</l>
<q>I have often ſeen that after the Comic Poets have ſaid good things, and that they have been applauded for them, while they taught good Manners to the People, as ſoon as they were got home, no body was the better for their Advice.</q>
<p>I don't pretend to prove by this Diſcourſe that we cannot give very uſeful Precepts in Verſe, and that they have not been actually given in them. All that I wou'd ſhow by it is, that what<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ever has been ſaid of the moral Deſigns of the fineſt Compoſitions of ancient Poetry, has much more appearance than Solidity in it, when we come to examine it nearly. This does not in the leaſt hinder, but that a Poet, who has taſted the good Maxims of a Philoſophy which is ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>what ſeverer, than that of the greateſt Poets of Antiquity was, and who poſſeſſeth them as they did the Opinions of their own time, may not un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dertake a Poem with the ſame Views, that have been vainly aſcribed to them, and by this means re-eſtabliſh the Honour of Poetry, which has been defamed by the Faults we have already taken notice of. 'Tis of ſuch a Poet, that we may truely ſay what <hi>Horace</hi> ſays of him, whom he endeavour'd to inſtruct in his Art of Poetry:
<l>Omne tulit punctum, qui miſcuit utile dulci,</l>
<l>Lectorem delectando, paritér<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> monendo.</l>
<pb n="54" facs="tcp:99272:32"/>that Writer gains the good Opinion of the whole World, who mixes the uſeful with the agreeable, by diverting his Reader, and giving him good Advice at the ſame time.</q> But I am mightily afraid that ſuch a Poet has for a long while been nothing elſe but a pure Idea without reality.</p>
<div n="2" type="chapter">
<hi>CHAP. II.</hi> Of True and Falſe Eloquence.</head>
<p>NOTHING is more eſteemed than Elo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quence, not only among Men of Learning, but even the Vulgar: However, there is ſcarce any thing of which for the generality, we have a wronger Idea. 'Tis certain that 'tis the moſt uſeful thing in the World, when we really poſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſeſs it; but 'tis as certain that when we only be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lieve we poſſeſs it, and have perſwaded the Mul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>titude of it, there is ſcarce any thing ſo pernici<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ous. We not only take a Phantom for ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing Real, but we frequently put off a Falſehood for a Truth, or at leaſt inſtead of illuſtrating the Truth we loſe it in the thickeſt Darkneſs. I call true Eloquence, that the Reader may not be deceived, <q>The Art of ſpeaking Truth, as we ought to ſpeak it, to convince reaſonable Men, to render them attentive, and to affect them, if 'tis neceſſary, while we ſpeak it.</q> On the con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>trary, falſe Eloquence is an Art, if it deſerves ſuch a Name, of recommending Falſehood inſtead of Truth, and of making the ſame Reſpect be
<pb n="55" facs="tcp:99272:32"/>paid to the former, which is only due to the lat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter: To which we ought to add the want of Ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dreſs in thoſe that propoſe Truth itſelf, but do it in ſo awkward and ſilly a manner, that they make their Hearers doubt of it, and that no one liſtens to them, nor is affected by their Diſcourſe, altho' in the bottom 'tis true.</p>
<p>To ſhew the Excellence of true Eloquence, and the Diſadvantages of the falſe, wou'd take up a compleat Treatiſe of Rhetoric, which is far from my Thoughts at preſent. I will only make ſome general Reflexions upon the four parts of this Science, <hi>Invention, Diſpoſition, Expreſſion</hi> and <hi>Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nunciation.</hi>
<p n="1">I. <hi>INVENTION</hi> conſiſts,<note place="margin">Of Inven<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion.</note> as every one knows, in diſcovering all that can be ſaid upon a Subject we have choſe to treat of; but as we ought not to ſay every thing that comes into our Heads, altho' it belongs to the Subject in hand, becauſe then we ſhould never make an end, we ought ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceſſarily to make choice of thoſe Thoughts that are proper to the end we propoſe to ourſelves: and herein the Art and Addreſs of an Orator conſiſts. Unleſs a Man is perfectly Stupid, and has never read in his Life, 'tis impoſſible for him to be wholly un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>provided of Matter, when he has any Truth or hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtorical Fact to diſcourſe upon; but then, unleſs he underſtands the Art of Thinking juſtly, and has often made long and profound Reflexions upon it, unleſs he has a true Reliſh and Diſcernment, we find that he generally makes an ill Choice of the things that preſent themſelves to his Mind: he will enlarge too much upon things of little Im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>portance, or dwell upon ſuch as have no connexi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on with the Subject in hand, while he omits thoſe that are more important and Effential, or touches
<pb n="56" facs="tcp:99272:33"/>them but ſlightly. This is what happens daily, but eſpecially to Preachers, who without Under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtanding the Rules of Art, learn to preach by Rote and Cuſtom.</p>
<p>But to talk more particularly upon this Occa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſion, we are apt to commit three Faults princi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pally, which don't appear ſo to the Eyes of thoſe who are not able to diſtinguiſh true Eloquence from the falſe, but which are not the leſs for all that, and which for that very Reaſon, produce very ill Effects.</p>
<p>The firſt is, that abundance of People are of the Opinion, That provided they talk a great deal, ſo that their Matter never fails them, 'tis enough to give them the Character of eloquent Men, unleſs it happens that they are altogether deſtitute of exterior Talents that relate to the Stile and Pronunciation. To be able to talk an Hour or too about a Trifle of no Conſequence, altho' without Choice and Judgment, ſeems to be the fineſt thing in the World, provided a Man does not heſitate but runs glibly on, and moves his Auditors. We fooliſhly perſwade ourſelves that we acquire the Reputation of Men of Wit, in ſpite of good Senſe, as if it were poſſible to be one without the other. 'Tis the ſame with Authors as with Orators, altho' they ought to be much more ſevere in the Choice of their Thoughts, as a Reader is infinitely harder to pleaſe, than one that hears. However, if they can ſo order Matters, as to make a large Book, and they don't want Words when they are at<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tack'd, they think that they perfectly ſatisfie all Difficulties, and anſwer all Objections. Thus this ſort of People fall foul upon every thing without Diſtinction, which does not ſuit with their Paſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions, in a vain Preſumption, that a Torrent of
<pb n="57" facs="tcp:99272:33"/>Words will effectually do their Buſineſs for them, and that they ſhall never want a Supply. I knew a Man of this Character, who thought that Talk<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing and Proving were the ſame thing; ſo that after he had talked a great deal, he fancied he brought abundance of Proofs; and on the con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>trary, that thoſe that talk little prove nothing. He perſwaded himſelf that the World counts the Sentences in a Book juſt as they do Soldiers in an Army, and that the more Ink a Man uſes, the more Reaſon he has on his ſide. One may apply to this Man a Saying of<note n="†" place="margin">See <hi>Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lus Gell.</hi> L. 1. c. xv.</note>
<hi>Saluſt, Satis loquentiae, ſapi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>entiae parum,</hi> Words enough, but little good Senſe. On the other hand, thoſe that are really Elo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quent, after they have form'd a clear Idea of the Propoſitions they intend to prove, (for this in ſhort is the end of all Diſcourſes whatever they are, if they are reaſonable) make uſe only of thoſe Proofs that appear the moſt ſimple, the moſt direct, and the moſt ſenſible, and reject all the reſt. After this they adorn the Proofs they have choſen with all the Decorations that ſolid Eloquence uſes to employ, and of which I ſhall take occaſion to diſcourſe at the Concluſion of theſe Reflexions. When they have a fertile Sub<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ject, which deſerves to be enlarged upon, they talk the longer of it: But if it is Barren, and the thing in hand is not of that importance, as to require a long Examination, they ſoon diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>patch it. In a word, they lengthen their Diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>courſe according to the Nature of their Subject; whereas others amplify theirs, according to the extravagant Deſire they have to talk much, or to make a ſhow of their pretended Eloquence. The former talk when they have ſomething to communicate, which deſerves to be heard, and the latter never hold their Tongue, but when
<pb n="58" facs="tcp:99272:34"/>no Body will do the Penance to liſten to them.</p>
<p>The ſecond Fault we may obſerve in thoſe that are only Maſters of a falſe Eloquence, and which concerns the Choice of what is proper to be ſaid, is that they believe that if they are not allow'd to ſay every thing that comes into their head, they are not however obliged to uſe no Arguments, but ſuch as are concluding. They flatter themſelves that the World ought to conſider them as Perſons of a nice Diſcernment, if they employ no Reaſon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ings that are palpably abſur'd, that ſhock the Imagination. The ſlighteſt Appearances and the moſt incertain Probabilities ſerve their turn. They perpetually confound the Poſſible with the Probable, and the Probable with the True. Their Diſcourſes and Works are full of Reaſon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ings of this Nature, which wou'd no more en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dure the Teſt of Logic, than a gilded Shilling wou'd endure the Touch-ſtone. If we confine them to Syllogiſm, and carefully conſider their equivocal Expreſſions, and their precarious Prin<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ciples, we ſhall find at firſt ſight, that they are nothing but pure Sophiſms which are founded upon Ambiguities or Suppoſitions that cannot be defended: We ſhall find that by Reaſoning after this manner, there is nothing which we cannot attack and nothing which we cannot prove. We may meet abundance of Examples of this Nature in the Writings of the ancient Philoſophers, and Fathers of the Church, eſpecially when they Diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pute or Reaſon upon the Old Teſtament. In every Page we find Suppoſitions altogether un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>certain, and which 'tis impoſſible to prove, if once we deny them, and Arguments that are wholly built upon the Ambiguity of ſome Words, which they wou'd not give themſelves the trou<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble to explain, to have an occaſion to Reaſon out of our ſight. It will be told me perhaps, that I
<pb n="59" facs="tcp:99272:34"/>ought to talk more reſpectfully of the Fathers, and that the conſent of Antiquity, for Reaſon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing in this manner, is a ſufficient Proof that it is warrantable and good. But I have nothing to do here with Theological Doctrins, wherein their Authority uſes to be of weight: Logic, at preſent, is the Buſineſs in debate, which will not allow the Authority of Citations, but only the ſtrict Rules of Art. Whoever violates them, is to be tried before the Tribunal of Logicians, tho' it were an Oecumenical Council, confirmed by ſeveral others. There is no Authority in the World that can make Arbitrary Laws for good Reaſoning, or change a Sophiſm into a true Syllo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>giſm, or make a juſt Argument become a Sophiſm, without altering ſomething in it. No Perſon has power to grant Immunities to the Prejudice of the Rights of Reaſon, or to make any Exception in favour of any thing of this Nature. We muſt either obey the Rules, or undergo the Sentence. The true Rhetoricians follow upon this occaſion the Authority of the Philoſophers, or rather the inviolable Light of good Senſe. They maintain, that when a Man is to prove any thing ſolidly, he ought to employ no Reaſonings, but thoſe that are ſolid: If he will needs make uſe of probable Reaſonings, whatever he con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cludes from them, cannot be more certain than the Proofs he brings. All that he can make of them will only amount to a Probability. Now as there are ſeveral Degrees of Probability, a Man likewiſe ought to have a regard to that, and to make ſlight Appearances go for no more than they are really worth.</p>
<p>In the Civil Law, for Example, there is no Authority which can make a bad Conſequence go for a good one. When any thing is to be pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ved
<pb n="60" facs="tcp:99272:35"/>by a Law or an Act, we muſt plainly ſhew that the Terms of that Law or Act cannot be poſſibly underſtood in another ſenſe. Probabi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lity, eſpecially when it is ſlight, ſerves only to ſpoil our Cauſe: For the Advocate of the o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther ſide, let him underhand his Profeſſion never ſo little, will not fail to obſerve that nothing concluding has been urged in the Caſe; and the Judges demand ſolid Proofs, and not ſimple Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>jectures. If any Man ſhould be ſo ill-adviſed as to Reaſon at the Barr upon the Laws, as <hi>Origene</hi> does upon the Bible, he wou'd be hiſs'd out of the Court, and in a ſhort time no Body wou'd retain him, unleſs he intirely changed his Me<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thod. Let People ſay what they pleaſe, ſince the Fathers never had any ſuch Privilege from Heaven, as to be exempted from following the Laws of good Logic, we lie under no Obligation to believe that thoſe Reaſonings are good in their Writings, which wou'd be exploded any where elſe.</p>
<p>However, in ſeveral parts of the World, thoſe that deſign for the Pulpit, read them to model themſelves upon their Eloquence, and to uſe, upon occaſion, their Words or their Arguments, and as if they durſt not employ the Rules of Lo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gic to examin them by, they learn by little and little to Reaſon juſt as they did, and at laſt to declaim againſt Reaſon, for fear, I ſuppoſe, leſt the World ſhould find out their little Sophiſtry. This is one of the moſt crying Sins of Eccleſia<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtical Eloquence, as 'tis managed in thoſe Places where the Fathers are the Copies they write af<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter. A Man ought to leave his Reaſon and Lo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gic behind him in the Church-Porch to be edified with ſuch Preaching. Thus theſe arbitrary Sup<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſitipons, and irregular Reaſonings have made
<pb n="61" facs="tcp:99272:35"/>the <hi>Italians</hi> ſay of theſe ſorts of Diſcourſe, that, <hi>il creder è di corteſia,</hi> they believe them merely out of good Manners and Civility: And for this cauſe when they have any falſe Point, or any unjuſt Reaſoning, their Anſwer is, <hi>guardate queſto per la predica,</hi> keep this Nonſenſe to yourſelf till you are a Preacher. They are convinced by Experience, that abundance of things, which we patiently ſuffer from the Pulpit, wou'd be ridiculous in a ſerious Converſation of rational Perſons.</p>
<p>On the contrary, true ſubſtantial Eloquence ſuffers us to utter nothing for Truth, but what we prove in ſo convincing a manner, that the ſtricteſt Logicians can have nothing to object a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gainſt it. If we have nothing, as I have already ſaid, but probable things to propoſe, ſhe will oblige us to acquaint our Auditors with it. As ſhe has no other deſign but to inſtruct, and that in a ſolid manner, ſo that the Reader ſhall not only be perſwaded upon the ſpot, but retain the Truth which has been demonſtrated to him, in his Mind; ſhe never employs any of thoſe tinſel Arguments that may glitter for a Moment, but ſoon after diſappear; the only uſes the eternal and inviolable Lights of good Senſe, which ap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pear to be ſo much the more true, the nearer we come to examine them.</p>
<p>However, now and then an occaſion preſents itſelf, where it is lawful for us to make uſe of weak Reaſonings for a little time. And this happens when our Hearers or Readers are more affected by them than by the beſt Arguments. In ſuch a Caſe, we are oblig'd to accommodate ourſelves to their Imbecillity, in order to gain them over to our ſide, and afterwards to be in a condition to inſtruct them better, when they can hearken to what we have to offer to them, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out
<pb n="62" facs="tcp:99272:36"/>prejudice. The Mind of Man is Haughty and Jealous, and ſometimes he cannot be unde<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceived but by himſelf, by our making a dexte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rous uſe of thoſe Principles which he admits for true ones ſo that he attributes the change, that is made in him, to his own Knowlege, and not to that of another. We muſt therefore make uſe of his Principles, which are frequently ei<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther falſe or incertain, as if they were built upon Truth, to make him draw a Conſequence from them, which be wou'd not otherwiſe admit.</p>
<p>If we had only honeſt ſincere Men to deal with, who ſearch after nothing but the Truth, then we need do no more than propoſe it clearly to them, in order to bring them over to us: But we are oblig'd every moment of the day to unde<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceive People that are govern'd by their Paſſions, and prepoſſeſs'd by a thouſand Prejudices direct<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly oppoſite to the Truth; and therefore we muſt, as far as 'tis poſſible, Reaſon with ſuch Men ei<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther upon common Principles, or their own pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>per Ideas. If we let them ſee, that we are at too great a diſtance from their Opinions, or that we look down upon their Errors with contempt, they immediately take it for granted, that we deſpiſe their Perſons, and this Conſideration a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lone makes them ſhut their Ears to the Truth. Upon this account the Maſters of this Art inform thoſe that wou'd perſwade others, not to ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vance any thing that may in the leaſt wound the Imagination of their Auditors, and make them ſuſpect that we want Reſpect or Conſideration for them. We may obſerve thiſ wiſe Precau<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion in the firſt Diſcourſes which the Apoſtles heretofore made to the Jews and Pagans, whom they managed with as much Addreſs as was poſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſible. We may upon this Head, conſider the
<pb n="63" facs="tcp:99272:36"/>Harangue which St. <hi>Paul</hi> makes to the Athenians, in the 17th Chap. of the <hi>Acts</hi> where he makes uſe of the Inſcription upon an Altar, and the Words of a <hi>Greek</hi> Poet, and gives them the beſt Meaning he cou'd, to endeavour to gain theſe I<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dolaters, as it were, out of their own proper Principles. We likewiſe find in his Writings that he managed the Jews with great dexterity, before they had conſtrain'd him by their ill treat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment to break off with them, and addreſs him<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelf to the Gentiles. On theſe Occaſions, he ſays abundance of things which ſuppoſe the vul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gar Opinions, tho' he did not at the ſame time believe them to be altogether true. But we ought never to uſe this Method, but when we are compell'd, that is to ſay, when the Truth wou'd be rejected at firſt ſight, if it appeared to be ſuch, as it is really in itſelf.</p>
<p>The third Fault that is to be cenſured in the Eloquence of ſeveral People, is that they believe that they ought to be conſider'd as Authors or Orators of a good Judgment and Taſt, when their Reaſons are juſt and concluding, tho' they never trouble themſelves, whether they make for the Subject, or at leaſt whether what they propoſe to prove, is preciſely the ſame with what they prove. They don't explain the Que<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtions in hand ſo clearly as they ought to be, and the Reaſons which afterwards they bring, don't direct the Reader or Hearer to find out thoſe Truths that they engage to prove. They chuſe certain Reaſonings which they extend by diverſe Reflexions, and embelliſh with ſeveral Examples, without concerning themſelves about any thing elſe, but that what they deliver be true in itſelf, and has ſome relation to what they treat of. Thus they put the change upon their Auditors,
<pb n="64" facs="tcp:99272:37"/>and if they don't deceive them in the bottom of things, they deceive them at leaſt in their expectati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on. The Authors, whom I have named, are full of this Cheat. The Title of their Works, and the fine Promiſes they make at firſt to treat of certain Matters, draw on the Reader, who is de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſirous to be inſtructed in them. But ſo ſoon as he ſets himſelf to read them, he perceives that his Author ſhams him off with ſomething elſe than what he expected to find in him. He cannot then forbear to cry out, <hi>Quò nunc ſe proripit ille?</hi> Whi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther is the Man a going? It ſeems that ſo ſoon as he wou'd enter upon the Matter, the irregu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>larity of his Imagination hurries his Reaſon whi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther it never intended to go; like a reſtif Horſe that runs away with a Man in ſpite of his Teeth, when he has not ſtrength or skill enough to keep him in and govern him. He gallops away with mighty ſpeed, and does not ſtumble, but goes where no Body expected he ſhould go.</p>
<p>On the contrary, thoſe that know how to ſpeak and write according to the Rules of Art, propoſe at firſt the Queſtion they intend to treat of, with all Perſpicuity imaginable, ſo that neither them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves, nor thoſe that hear or read them can poſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſibly be deceived. They go to their Journey's end in the ſtraiteſt and plaineſt Road, and their whole Diſcourſe conſpires, if I may uſe the Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>preſſion, to prove the ſame thing. The Auditor, or the Reader on his ſide, perfectly well compre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>hending what he had a mind to demonſtrate, and the Proofs he brings to ſupport it, finds himſelf ſatisfied and inſtructed, ſo that he is never de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceived upon the ſame Subject, ſo long as he re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>members what he has heard, or read.</p>
<pb n="65" facs="tcp:99272:37"/>
<note place="margin">The ill Ef<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fects of falſe Rheto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ric.</note>THE Defects, I have remarked in falſe Elo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quence, are at leaſt in part the occaſion of ſeve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ral Diſorders we ſee in the World, which nothing but true Rhetoric can remedy.</p>
<p>The firſt is, that ſuch People as ſuffer them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves to be born away by a multitude of Words, by falſe Reaſons, or Thoughts that make nothing to the Subject in hand, are over-whelm'd indeed with the noiſe of the Words, and the great number of the Thoughts, but they underſtand not a ſyllable of the Matter. Altho' they fancy they are much better'd by a Diſcourſe of this nature which they have heard or read, yet they cannot tell what it contains, nor reduce it to certain clear and continued Heads. Every thing is confuſed, every thing is turned upſide down in their Minds and as Connexion and Order are of excellent uſe to the Memory, which otherwiſe is apt to be diſorder'd and to loſe what it has learnt, theſe Gentlemen ſoon forget what they have read or heard.</p>
<p>The ſecond Diſorder, which this pretended E<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>loquence produceth, is that thoſe People that are accuſtom'd to it, come to loſe their Taſt and Judgment inſenſibly, and at laſt find themſelves utterly uncapable of judging what ought to be ſaid and what omitted, what is good and what is bad reaſoning, what is to the purpoſe and what not. They are no longer able to ſeparate what is treated of from what makes nothing to the Subject, nor to diſcern the Proofs that are brought to bring about ones Ends, from what is introduced meerly for Show and Ornament, or for the ſake of ſome reſemblance.</p>
<p>The third Diſorder is, that if the End of the Diſcourſe be to correct the Faults of the Rea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ders
<pb n="66" facs="tcp:99272:38"/>and Auditors, the multitude of impertinent Words, the weakneſs of the Reaſonings, and the judicious Choice of the Thoughts, produce but very ſorry Effects. As we are perſwaded with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out knowing why or wherefore, and have no clear and continued Principles to preſerve our<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves from Errour, and to regulate our Conduct aright, our Manners will infalliby derive an un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>happy Tincture from the diſorder of our Minds we do Good and Evil without diſcerning them ſo diſtinctly as we ought to do, and our Lives be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>come a perpetual mixture of a little Virtue and a great deal of Vice. We know the general Rules of Good and Evil confuſedly, and we ap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ply them almoſt by meer accident to the parti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cular Actions of Life.</p>
<p>Let us ſuppoſe on the contrary, that by ſome Miracle or other it ſo fell out in ſome Kingdom or Republic, that they had no public Orator (the Reader will ſoon perceive that I mean our Preachers here) nor ſo much as one Writer that exactly obſerv'd the Rules above-menti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on'd of good Rhetoric, I don't in the leaſt queſtion but that we ſhould ſoon behold a con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſiderable change in their Diſcourſes and in their Lives. The publick Aſſemblies wou'd be excel<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lent Schools for the Heart and Mind to take a true caſt in: We ſhould not learn the Trick there to pay ourſelves with a parcel of inſignifi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cant words, we ſhou'd ſay nothing but what was to the purpoſe, and reaſon juſtly upon the Opi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nions of Religion and upon Morality, and this Knowledge wou'd loon diffuſe itſelf all over our Lives and Actions. We ſhould no longer ſee ſuch vaſt numbers of People, that only do Good by meer accident almoſt, and only avoid Evil by meer good luck, by reaſon of their confuſed and
<pb n="67" facs="tcp:99272:38"/>uncertain Lights, by which they regulate their Conduct. But we muſt needs own, if we will ſpeak out the truth, as we ought to do in a Mat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter of ſo great importance, that we for the moſt part ſee ten Orators that are proper to do Miſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>chief, for one that is capable to edifie us ſolidly; ſo that we ought not to wonder if the uncertain Multitude blunder and grope their way at mid-day, without knowing what Road they ſhould take, or implicitely follow the firſt Man they meet.</p>
<p n="2">
<note place="margin">Of Diſpoſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion</note>II. THIS is enough to be ſaid upon the Article of Invention, which is the moſt import<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ant part of Rhetoric, and the foundation of all the reſt, ſince 'tis neceſſary we know what we ought to ſay, before we think how to range and expreſs it. Nevertheleſs 'tis of very great con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſequence to diſpoſe the matter, we have found out by Meditation, in a right order, becauſe the diſpoſition is of infinite uſe to make others right<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly underſtand what we intend to ſay, and to make them perceive the force of the Proofs which we alledge.</p>
<p>The Rhetors lay down good general Precepts concerning the diſpoſition of a Diſcourſe, in re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gard to the Order we ought to obſerve between the parts which compoſe it, and what we ought to follow in each of theſe parts. I find nothing to cenſure in them as for what they teach upon this Head, and am of Opinion, that thoſe that ſpeak in public wou'd do very well to read over from time to time the Precepts of the Maſters of this Art, the greateſt part of which are found<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed upon good Senſe. But there is one thing wanting in them, which is of that conſideration, that without it all their Precepts ſignifie juſt no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing. 'Tis this, that they ſay almoſt nothing
<pb n="68" facs="tcp:99272:39"/>about the eſſential ordering of the Thoughts a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mong one another, in each part of the Diſcourſe, and which is abſolutely neceſſary, whether it be to avoid Repetions, or to inſtruct more eaſily, and to convince the Reader or Auditor. This Or<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>der is not only neceſſary in thoſe Diſcourſes which we pronounce without publiſhing them in Print; but principally in Books of what nature ſoever they be. However one may juſtly ſay that no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing has been more neglected not only by the ancient Orators, but eſpecially by the Philoſophers, the greateſt part of whoſe Diſcourſes is a mere Confuſion and Chaos. <hi>Plutarch,</hi> for inſtance, a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mong the <hi>Greeks,</hi> and <hi>Seneca</hi> among the <hi>Latins,</hi> have written with the greateſt Confuſion in the World. The eccleſiaſtical Authors have imitated them in this particular. We ſee both the one and the other, frequently begin to treat of a Subject without taking the leaſt care to ſtate the Queſtion in Terms clear and without equivocation, and then on they gallop, without knowing from whence they ſet out or whither they are going, till ſuch time as their Imagination is perfectly founder'd, and they can run no longer. Read their Treati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſes and Diſcourſes over and over again, and you will find a vaſt number of them, wherein you can neither comprehend the principal Deſign they drive at, nor the Method they propoſed to fol<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>low, in order to execute it. The beſt are thoſe, whoſe Deſign we can perceive in groſs, and where the Matter is not too far fetch'd, altho' there is no Order in it. They heap together a world of Materials to build, as one wou'd think, a fine Structure, but afterwards they throw them one upon another without Order and any Rules of Architecture. Thus 'tis a difficult matter well to diſentangle this confuſion of Thoughts, and to
<pb n="69" facs="tcp:99272:39"/>form a clear and continued Idea of their Senti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ments, which has in part proved the occaſion of ſo many Diſputes about their Doctrin.</p>
<p>It muſt be own'd, that thoſe that write or ſpeak now a days have much more Method, at leaſt for the greateſt part; and 'tis an undeniable Truth, that in this reſpect we very much ſurpaſs the Ancients, whatever the Admirers of Antiquity may pretend. However there are abundance of People ſtill in the World, who never made any ſerious reflexion upon a Method to diſpoſe their Reaſons, in ſuch a manner as ſhall be proper to make their Diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>courſe clear and concluding. If they ſometimes ſucceed in this, 'tis by meer hazard, for they treſpaſs oftner againſt the moſt eſſential Rules.</p>
<p>Theſe Rules had continued as it were hidden among the Geometricians till the time of <hi>Deſcar<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tes,</hi> who firſt diſcover'd the great Uſe that might be made of them upon all occaſions. Since the Diſcoveries that have been made in our Age a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bout them, ſeveral Perſons have enlarged and e<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ven rectified his Thoughts as we may ſee in the <hi>Logic</hi> of the <hi>Port-Royal,</hi> and the<note n="†" place="margin">By F. Male Branche</note>
<hi>Search</hi> after Truth. The ſame Matter has likewiſe been treat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed with care in a <hi>Latin</hi>
<note n="†" place="margin">Logicae Joannis Clerici, de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nuo edita, anno <hi>1698</hi>
</note> Logic, printed twice at <hi>Amſterdam</hi> within a few Years, where the uſe that may be made of it in all ſorts of Diſquiſiti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons, iſ ſhown at large. Theſe Books are too common, to want any tranſcribing here.</p>
<p>I will only ſay in general, that theſe Rules teach us that we ought in the firſt place to have an exact knowledge of the Queſtion we intend to handle, and to expreſs it without Ambiguity: In the ſecond place, That we muſt divide it into its parts, if it is compoſed of ſeveral Propoſitions: Thirdly, That we muſt range theſe Propoſitions in that Order, that the moſt ſimple and moſt eaſie may march firſt; Fourthly, That the Propoſitions
<pb n="70" facs="tcp:99272:40"/>that follow ought to be deduced from the preceed<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing ones, as far as is poſſible. There are other particular Rules with which I ſhall not meddle here. 'Tis ſufficient to remark that theſe general Rules are notoriouſly violated both in Diſcourſes and in Writings. We ſet ourſelves to compoſe, without knowing well what we are minded to treat of, and after ſome diviſion ill underſtood, we ſay in each part what we think belongs to it, without troubling ourſelves in what Order we range it. What is more, ſeveral Perſons, who affect to be thought Wits, take a pride in retail<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing their Thoughts without any manner of con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nexion, and think it enough that each Thought in particular has a relation to the Subject they treat upon. This is call'd Writing and Preaching <hi>by Thoughts,</hi> and after this manner it is that a good part of the Treatiſes, which compoſe the famous Collection of the <hi>Eſſays of Morality</hi> are written, the drift and end of which we cannot comprehend, but in a general way, and whoſe Method is ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceedingly embroil'd. Altho' the Stile of them is pure and fine, and there are abundance of noble independent Thoughts in 'em; yet, to ſpeak freely what I think, theſe Works taken in the Groſs, are full of nonſenſical Stuff, and Sophiſms: The reaſon of which, in my Opinion, is only this, becauſe thoſe that compoſed them, either did not know what a good Method was, or at leaſt did not know the importance of obſerving it.</p>
<p>In the mean time no Man can queſtion the Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cellence of the above-mention'd Rules, if it were only becauſe all the Truths of the Mathematicians depend upon them. 'Tis impoſſible to deny that the Order they preſcribe is admirable, both to enlighten the Mind, and touch the Heart of rea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſonable
<pb n="71" facs="tcp:99272:40"/>Perſons. 'Tis likewiſe as plain 'tis extremely uſeful and convenient for thoſe that write; for by this means they form a Plan of what they ſhould ſay with all the eaſe imaginable, when once they are accuſtom'd to them: They avoid impertinent Repetitions, and the Pain of finding out independent Thoughts, and after<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wards of connecting them together by unnatu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ral Tranſitions. I own indeed, that ſuch as have not uſed to make themſelves a Plan, which they are to follow, and have contracted a habitude of Speaking without one, will find themſelves ſhack<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>led by it; but thoſe that reaſon <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ill, don't love, for the ſame reaſon, the Rules of good Reaſon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing. Does it therefore follow, that they muſt not endeavour to reform themſelves, or that o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thers muſt imitate them?</p>
<p>I know nothing that can be objected againſt this, but ſome Opinions of the Rhetors. They maintain, for Inſtance,<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Quinil.</hi> Lib. IV. c. 5.</note>
<q>That it is not good to divide one's Matter with exactneſs, be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cauſe it ſeems too much ſtudied, and the ge<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nerality of things are more agreeable, when they appear to be invented on the ſudden, and deduced from the thing itſelf, than when we believe the Orator meditated on them at home.</q>
<hi>Pleraque gratiora ſi inventa ſubitò, nec demo allata, ſed inter dicendum ex re ipſâ nata vi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deantur.</hi> To which I anſwer, That this Remark may perhaps hold good in a Reply which an Ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vocate makes before the Judges, where ſome things may ſeem to have been invented upon the Spot. But on other Occaſions, when all the World knows we come prepared, in what we write and order to be Printed, this ſort of a Cheat will not paſs Muſter. Thus, 'tis plain, that <hi>Quinti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lian</hi> made this Remark upon the account of the
<pb n="72" facs="tcp:99272:41"/>Advocates only, for whoſe uſe principally he compoſed his Book of Inſtitutions. In this Occa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſion, thoſe that have a bad Cauſe to defend, are often forced to make uſe of divers Artifices that are below the Eloquence I have been talking of, which will only undertake the Defence of a good Cauſe. Of this kind is the Artifice that the ſame <hi>Rhetor</hi> ſpeaks of in the following Words: <q>Sometimes, ſays he, we muſt put falſe Dice upon the Judge, and inſinuate ourſelves into his favour by ſeveral Artifices, ſo that he may believe we have a different deſign from that we have in reality. Now and then a Man is forced to propoſe ſomething, which 'tis diffi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cult to obtain; and if the Judge foreſees it, he is afraid of it, before we ſpeak to the Point; juſt as we ſee a wounded Man fears the Inſtru<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ments of a Chirurgeon, when he ſees them, before the Operation begins. But if a Diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>courſe happens to make ſome Impreſſion upon a Judge, who diſtruſts nothing, and having had no Intimation of the Buſineſs, is not upon his Guard; then it produces ſuch Effects, which a Man cou'd not have believed, if they had been premiſed him before-hand. In the mean time we muſt not only avoid the divid<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing of what we are about, but we muſt not ſo much as treat of it at all. We muſt diſturb and ruffle the Paſſions of the Auditors, and hinder them from being too attentive to Mat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter of Fact: For an Orator not only propoſes to himſelf to inſtruct, but much more to move. Now nothing is ſo contrary to this as an ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>act and ſcrupulous Diviſion, at a time when we endeavour to hinder the Judge from ma<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>king any uſe of his Judgment.</q>
<hi>Interim verò etiam fallendus est Judex, & varijs artibus ſubeun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dus,
<pb n="73" facs="tcp:99272:41"/>ut aliud agi, quàm quod petimus, putet. Nam est nonnumquam dura propoſitio, quam Judex, ſi providet, non aliter reformidat, quàm qui ferrum me<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>did priusquàm curetur adſpexit,</hi> &c.</p>
<p>'Tis true, indeed, that we ſometimes meet with People of ſo unaccountable a Temper, and ſo averſe to Truth, that the moſt exact Diſpoſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion of Reaſons, and the moſt proper to ſhew their Force or Weakneſs, ſhocks and provokes them; ſo that we are forced, in our own Defence, to take By-ways, and wheel round about, to bring them to themſelves. When we have ſuch Gen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tlemen as theſe to deal with, we muſt make an Exception to the General Rule, from which o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>therwiſe we ought never to depart without a vi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſible Neceſſity. As the principal End of thoſe that talk or write, is to recommend the Truth, we muſt change the order wherein it ſhines with greateſt Luſtre, if this Luſtre too much offends the Eyes of thoſe, who as yet don't love her. As the Precepts of this Art were laid down by thoſe that have written of them, only to lead us to this End, we muſt of neceſſity lay them aſide, when they no longer lead us to it. <q>It would be down-right Madneſs to adhere ſuperſtiti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ouſly to theſe Precepts againſt the intereſt of the Cauſe we have undertaken.</q>
<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Quin<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>.</hi> Lib. IV. c. 2.</note>
<hi>Amentis est, ſuperſtione proeceptorum, contrà rationem cauſoe trahi.</hi>
<p>When this does not happen, we ought both in our Books and in our Diſcourſes to follow the moſt exact Method that is poſſible, ſo that it may be known at firſt ſight what is the general De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſign we propoſe to ourſelves, and what are the Parts of it; as likewiſe that we may ſhew the Connexion of all theſe Parts and Reaſonings, of which they are compos'd. This Order carries
<pb n="74" facs="tcp:99272:42"/>Light and Convicton with it, as I have already ſaid; and beſides this, the Reader or Hearer is more attentive to it, and is not ſo ſoon tired. This is the Judgment of <hi>Quintilian,</hi> who tells us, that <q>Diviſion, where it is properly uſed, gives a great deal of Light and Ornament to a Diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>courſe. It not only occaſions, continues he, that whatever is ſaid becomes more clear, in drawing, as it were, from among a crowd of Thoughts, that which we have a deſign to ſay, and in ſetting it before the Eyes of the Judges, but it relieves the Hearer alſo, in ſhewing him the end of each part, after the ſame man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ner as the Miles that are marked upon Stone in the great Roads, are a refreſhment to the Travellers: For 'tis ſome ſatisfaction to know how far we are gone in our Journey, and we ſurmount what remains behind with more Ala<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>crity, when we know how long it is for no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing can ſeem long, if we ſee the end of it.</q>
<note n="†" place="margin">Lib. IV. c. 5.</note>
<hi>Opportunè adbibita plurimùm orationi lucis & gra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tiae confert. Neque enim id ſolum efficit ut clariora fiant quae dicantur, rebus velut ex turba extractis, & in conſpectu judicum poſitis ſed reſicit quoque au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dientem, certo ſingularium partium fine: Non ali<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter quàm facientibus iter multùm detrahunt fatiga<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tionis netata, inſcriptis lapidibus, ſpatia. Nam & exhauſti laboris noſſe menſuram voluptati est, & hor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tatur ad reliqua fortiùs exſequenda ſcire quantum ſu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>perſit. Nihil enim longum videri neceſſe est, in quo quid ultimum ſit certum est.</hi> Now if Diviſion alone produces this Effect, according to this judicious Rhetorician, what may we not expect from a compleat Method, which ought to reign in each part of the Diſcourſe, and which repre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſents all the Reaſonings, of which it is compos'd, in their natural Order.</p>
<pb n="75" facs="tcp:99272:42"/>There is ſcarce any Author or Orator to be found now a-days, that writes wholly without Diviſion, as <hi>Plutarch</hi> and <hi>Seneca</hi> have done, and as abundance of <hi>Greek</hi> and <hi>Latin</hi> Fathers have practis'd; but then there are ſeveral that divide their Subject amiſs, and obſerve no Order, nei<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther between the general Parts, nor between the particular Reaſonings. This proceeds in the firſt place from their not having an Idea extenſive e<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nough of what they deſign to ſay, and from their dividing their Subject, before they fully know the Parts of it; ſecondly, from their being ig<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>norant of the Rules of Diviſion, or not think<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing on them; and laſtly, from their not know<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing of what Conſequence it is to place the moſt ſimple Idea, before thoſe that are more com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pounded. While thoſe that ſpeak and write, are ignorant of theſe general Principles of Lo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gic, 'tis impoſſible but there muſt be a world of Confuſion in their Diſcourſe, and conſequently a world of Obſcurity, which cannot fail to leſſen the Attention of thoſe that either hear or read them, and which muſt of neceſſity diſguſt them. I ſuppoſe that the Diſcourſes are good in them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves and that a Man inſtructed in the Method of ordering his Thoughts, might be able to make exact and ſolid Diſcourſes of them. But 'tis much worſe, when 'tis nothing but a confuſed <hi>Tiſſu</hi> of ill Reaſonings, for 'tis impoſſible to do any good with it, tho' you caſt it into as good Order as you pleaſe. This Confuſion then ſerves as a Cloud to conceal the weakneſs of the Rea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſons from thoſe, who will not give, themſelves the trouble to examin them nearer at hand, or are not capable of doing it.</p>
<p n="3">
<pb n="76" facs="tcp:99272:43"/>
<note place="margin">Of the Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>preſſion.</note>III. ALTHO' the <hi>Invention</hi> and <hi>Diſpoſition</hi> of Thoughts be the two firſt parts of Rhetoric, and that no one can pretend to real Eloquence, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out obſerving the above mention'd Rules relat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing to both, 'tis nevertheleſs very certain that if we don't add to all this, the other Rules, which the Maſters of this Art have given us a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bout <hi>Elocution,</hi> we cannot paſs for Eloquent. For in ſhort, the Thoughts may be juſt and well order'd; and yet, for Example, not be intelligi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble, by reaſon of the ill Choice of the Expreſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions. Now a Diſcourſe, unintelligible or only difficult to be underſtood, can never paſs for Eloquent. We may ſay the ſame thing of other Faults of the Stile, upon which we may conſult the Rhetors. When a Man has nothing elſe to do but to ſatisfie himſelf in Thinking or Writing, 'tis enough for him to obſerve the Rules that relate to <hi>Invention</hi> and <hi>Diſpoſition:</hi> But when he is to communicate hiſ Thoughts to others, they ought to be conceived in clear and proper Terms, that may make ſuch an impreſſion upon their Minds as we deſire.</p>
<p>We propoſe to ourſelves three Things in Speaking or Writing, or at leaſt one or two of them; that is, <hi>to inſtruct, to give pleaſure, and to move</hi> the Paſſions. We may likewiſe reduce to three ſorts of Things, all that we undertake to talk about: The firſt is of that which regards common Life, or things of pure Speculation, which of themſelves are not proper to excite any Movement in the Mind of thoſe that hear them: The ſecond is of that which is a little more ele<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vated, tho' for all that it has nothing extraordi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nary nor great: The third is of great Things that are not common in Good and Evil. The
<pb n="77" facs="tcp:99272:43"/>firſt require a ſimple and proper Stile; the ſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cond an Elocution ſomewhat more raiſed, and the third a ſublime Stile. We ought to look upon it as an inviolable Law, always to ſuit our Stile to our Matter and Deſign. We are not more allow'd to uſe a low Stile when we are about great Things, nor an elevated Stile when we talk of vulgar Matters, than we can dreſs a full<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>grown Man in the Cloaths of a little Boy, or a little Boy in the Cloaths of a well-grown Man. We are likewiſe as much forbidden a figurative and vehement Stile, when we deſign to inſtruct, as we are to cry out Fire, when we only ſee a ſcrap of Paper on Fire. On the contrary, we ought to look upon it as unpardonable indiffe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rence to expreſs great Things in a cold and gro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>veling Stile. This is what we may ſay in gene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ral about the Stile, and to this may be redu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ced the principal Rules of Rhetoric, that con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cern the Expreſſion.</p>
<q>He is truly Eloquent, ſays a great Orator, who ſo orders his Speech, as to prove, to pleaſe, and to affect us. We are obliged to prove whatever we advance. The Agree<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment of Diſcourſe requires that it divert the Hearer; and to make an intire Conqueſt of him, we muſt bend him. This one thing con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tributes more than all the reſt, to gain one's Cauſe. There are as many different Stiles, as there are Duties impos'd on an Orator; ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>act Expreſſions ſerve to prove, a middle Stile to delight, and a vehement Stile to move; and 'tis in this that all the force of a Diſcourſe conſiſts.</q>
<note n="*" place="margin">Cicero in Oratore, <hi>c. 21.</hi>
<hi>Erit cloquens is, qui — ita dicet, ut probet, ut delectet, ut flectat. Probare neceſſitatis est, delectare ſuavitatis, flectere victoriae; nam id unum ex omnibus ad obtinendas cauſas poteſt pluri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>múm.
<pb n="78" facs="tcp:99272:44"/>Sed quot officia Oratoris, tot ſunt genera di<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cendi; ſubtile in probando, modicum in delectando, vehemens in flectendo; in quo uno vis omnis Orato<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ris est.</hi> He afterwards ſhews that the Judgment of an Orator appears chiefly in obſerving a <hi>De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>corum</hi> in relation to the Matter. All his Diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>courſe deſerves to be read, but I cou'd not ſet it down here.</p>
<p>Above all things, he ought to be a perfect Maſter of the Language he makes uſe of; that is to ſay, he ſhould know the proper and figurative Senſe of every word, and all that concerns the Grammar of that Language; which is to be learn'd by reading and conſulting the choiceſt Authors. This ought to be practis'd from our very Infancy, for fear leſt if we tarry too long, we ſhould have a Stile form'd, as it were, by hazard, before we are perfectly skill'd in our Mother-Tongue, which happens very frequent<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly. Then we have no time to ſtudy the Lan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guage; the indiſpenſable Affairs of Life, and the Habit we have contracted of ſpeaking ill, will not permit us to apply ourſelves ſufficiently to it, to correct ourſelves of thoſe Faults to which we have been accuſtom'd for ſo many Years. If we ſay this truly of our Mother-Tongue, we ſhall find it much more when we have to do with Dead or Foreign Languages.</p>
<p>So ſoon as we have Taſte enough to diſtin<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guiſh a Diſcourſe that is written Elegantly from one that is not, and to take pleaſure in reading it, we are then fit to hear and comprehend the Leſſons of the Rhetoricians. The firſt thing we ought to do, in order to arrive one day at ſolid Eloquence, is to accuſtom ourſelves to write in proper and ſimple Terms, ſo as to commit, if poſſible, no Fault againſt the Propriety of Lan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guage,
<pb n="79" facs="tcp:99272:44"/>nor againſt the Preſpicuity of Stile. As the principal End of Speaking, is to be under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtood, the firſt thing we ſhould endeavour to ob<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tain, is a Habit of Speaking ſo well, that the Hearers may not only divine our Thoughts, but likewiſe that it may not be poſſible not to under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtand them, when we have no deſign to ſpeak obſcurely.</p>
<p>This, one wou'd think, ſhou'd be eaſie, ſince the moſt ſimple and natural manner of Speaking ought to preſent itſelf firſt to the Mind: But we are encompaſſed from our Cradle by People that expreſs themſelves ill, and that have no reliſh for theſe ſort of things ſo that we are forced to ſtudy for that, which Nature ought to have taught us. Among the <hi>Greeks</hi> they had Gram<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>marians, to whom they ſent their Children ſo ſoon as they were able to write and read, to teach them to ſpeak their own Tongue truly, which they cou'd not get at home with their Pa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rents, nor by the common uſe of Life. Among the <hi>Romans</hi> they not only taught <hi>Greek</hi> but <hi>Latin</hi> likewiſe. We ought in like manner to have Grammarians now a-days maintain'd at the pub<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lick Salary, to teach our Youth the Modern Lan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guages and I wonder, for my part, that no E<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtabliſhments of this Nature have been erected any where; for in ſhort, there is no Nation which does not love to hear its Language ſpoken Politely; nay ſome Nations have taken extraor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dinary Pains to Poliſh theirs.</p>
<p>They that dont't know what it is to write in pure and proper Terms, and to expreſs them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves with Perſpicuity, imagine that there's no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing ſo eaſie as this, and that 'tis much more difficult to ſpeak in a more elevated Manner. Theſe People are of Opinion, that a ſtronger
<pb n="80" facs="tcp:99272:45"/>Genius is required to deſcribe ſome tragical Ac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cident in a pompous magnificent manner than to diſcourſe of the ordinary things of Human Life, in a clear familiar way: But in this they are ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tremely miſtaken. 'Tis much eaſier, for inſtance, to imitate the Hydropic Sublimity of <hi>Seneca</hi> or <hi>Lucan,</hi> than the unaffected ſimplicity of <hi>Terence,</hi> and ſome Epigrams of <hi>Martial.</hi> I dare affirm that thoſe that are capable of writing like <hi>Terence,</hi> may reach <hi>Lucan</hi>'s Grandeur, if they pleaſe: but I defie a Man who has always uſed himſelf to a ſwelling Stile, ever to imitate <hi>Terence</hi> happily. To ſpeak of a modern Language, I am perſwaded that <hi>Brebeuf,</hi> who, as every one knows, has tranſlated the <hi>Pharſalia</hi> in Verſe as bloated, as thoſe of the Original, wou'd never have been able to compoſe two or three Pages of <hi>Moliere</hi>'s <hi>Miſanthrope;</hi> and that <hi>Moliere</hi> on the contrary, if he had thought it worth his while, cou'd have ſoared as high as <hi>Brebeuf.</hi> We have ſeveral pie<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ces of <hi>La Fontaine</hi> written in as good an Heroic Stile as any by thoſe that have always practis'd the elevated Stile, but there is not one of theſe ſublime Genius's that cou'd ever come near his Fables.</p>
<p>What I have here maintain'd may ſeem a Pa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>radox to thoſe that have not ſufficiently reflected upon it: However, to convince theſe Gentlemen I wou'd only deſire them to try how they can i<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mitate any Author that has written in a proper and ſimple Stile, and is eſteem'd in his kind, and af<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>terwards to imitate the ſublime Stile of any of our moſt elevated Writers. They will then be convinced by experience that the ancient Maſters of this Art had reaſon to judge the firſt more dif<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ficult than the ſecond, altho' the firſt does not
<pb n="81" facs="tcp:99272:45" rendition="simple:additions"/>ſeem to be ſo at firſt ſight.<note n="†" place="margin">Cicero in Orato<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>re. <hi>c.</hi> 23.</note>
<hi>Orationis ſublimitas imitabilis quidem illa videtur eſſe exiſtimanti, ſed ni<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>hil est experienti minùs.</hi>
<q>The exactneſs of Diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>courſe ſeems eaſie to imitate when we content our ſelves with judging without making a trial: But when we have tried it, we ſhall find it to be quite otherwiſe.</q>
<hi>Horace</hi> ſaid the ſame thing, ſpeaking of the natural Stile of Converſation. <q>I will make Verſes compoſed of known Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>preſſions, ſo that in reading them every one ſhall hope to do the like: But thoſe that will endeavour to make the Experiment, will ſweat and take a world of Pains to no purpoſe; ſo much force is there in Order and Connexion, and ſo much elegance in a Stile that is taken from the common Language.</q>
<note place="margin">Art. Poet. <hi>ver.</hi> 240.</note>Ex noto fictum carmen ſe quar, ut ſibi quivis</l>
<l>Speret idem, ſuder multùm, fruſtráque laboret</l>
<l>Auſuſ idem, tantùm ſeries juncturáque pollet!</l>
<l>Tantùm de medio ſumptis accedit honoris!</l>
<q>This Talent, ſays another, is neglected by abundance of People, who look after nothing but the Acclamations of the Multitude, whom they have to applaud them, or elſe come acci<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dentally to hear them, and who cannot endure that ſilence which Approbation produces. They fancy that they are not Eloquent, unleſs they deafen all that are about them with their Cries and Clamours. They believe that it on<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly belongs to Converſation to deſcribe what they are talking of in vulgar Terms, and that even ignorant People may do it; whereas no Body knows whether they don't do that which they deſpiſe as eaſie, either becauſe they will not do it, or becauſe they find it impoſſible and
<pb n="82" facs="tcp:99272:46"/>out of their reach. For there is nothing in the extent of Eloquence, which thoſe who have tried all find ſo difficult to imitate, as that which every one thinks he ſhould have ſaid in the ſame manner, when he heard it: Becauſe People don't believe that this Stile is elegant, but that it is ſincere. An Orator never ſpeaks better, than when he appears to ſpeak the Truth.</q>
<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Quintil.</hi> Lib. IV. c. 2.</note>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> enim aliud in eloquentia cuncta experti diffici<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lius reperient, quâm id quod ſe dicturos fuiſſe omnes putant, poſtquàm audierunt; quia non bona judicant illa, ſed vera. Tum autem optimè dicit Orator, cùm videtur vera dicere.</hi>
<p>If we may believe any one in his own Profeſſion, when there is no Temptation to conceal the Truth, we cannot reaſonably doubt of what the three great Maſters in the Art of writing both in Verſe and Proſe have told us. This Stile which they commend ſo warmly is compoſed only of pure and proper Expreſſions, of obvious eaſie Meta<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>phors, and Figures that ariſe from the thing itſelf, which are never uſed but for neceſſity, and to il<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>luſtrate their meaning. The principal Rock, which we ought to avoid in this ſimple and natu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ral Language is Obſcurity, and 'tis for that rea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſon that we carefully ſhun every thing that may produce it, as equivocal Terms, too great plen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty of Figures, and an ill Diſpoſition of Words and Thoughts. This is the Stile we ſhould em<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ploy to inſtruct; this is the Language of Truth, which deſires nothing more than to appear all na<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ked to the Eyes of Men. Thoſe who have no other Deſign but to make her appear, chuſe to expreſs themſelves in this manner, where every thing frequently is neglected, except Perſpicuity, and where Negligence, according to the Judg<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment of <hi>Cicero,</hi>
<q>Is a Negligence which is not diſagreeable, and which comes from a Man,
<pb n="83" facs="tcp:99272:46"/>who is more ſollicitous about Things than Words.</q>
<note n="†" place="margin">In Ora<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tore <hi>c.</hi> 23.</note>
<hi>Non ingrata negligentia, de re ho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>minis, magis quàm de verbis, laborantis.</hi>
<p>Thoſe that can talk and write after this manner, avoid two Faults, which in my Opini<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on, are unpardonable in thoſe that value them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves upon declaiming. The firſt iſ Obſcurity, the greateſt fault that a Man can commit in ſpeaking, ſince the end of ſpeaking, as I ſuppoſe, is to be underſtood. This Fault principally reigns in the Stile of Declaimers who ſpeak nothing na<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>turally, but muffle up all in figurative Expreſſions, for fear they ſhou'd fall into a low frigid Stile, who give us a clear and diſtinct Idea of nothing, ſo that 'tis difficult to know exactly what they mean. With this Fault we may juſtly charge the greateſt part of the <hi>Greek</hi> and <hi>Latin</hi> Fathers, who are almoſt perpetually upon the Harangue, and who avoid clear and proper Expreſſions with as much care as the Athenian Orators ſought af<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter them. Thus every thing almoſt is diſguis'd and ſwell'd in their Writings, in ſo extraordina<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry a manner, that a Man has all the difficulty in the World to underſtand them, when they treat of a Subject which is ſomewhat obſcure in itſelf. Sometimes they carry Matters ſo extravagantly high, that one cannot tell whether they talk ſeri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ouſly, or have a mind only to impoſe upon the Populace. This in truth was the Fault of the Times as well as of the Men; for the Eloquence of thoſe Ages was extremely different from that of the ancient Orators, either <hi>Athenian</hi> or <hi>Roman,</hi> as a Woman that is loaded, and en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cumbred with ſuperfluity of Habits is from one in a modeſt Garb. Thus we muſt excuſe this Fault in them, but we ought to take care not to imitate them in it. The Reader may ſee this
<pb n="84" facs="tcp:99272:47"/>Subject treated more at large in<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Vide Ar<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tem. Crit.</hi> P. 2. S. 1. cap. 15, <hi>&</hi> 16.</note> Authors that have compoſed the Hiſtory of Rhetoric.</p>
<p>Another Fault, which we find not in a ſimple and natural Stile, is, that there is nothing in it to make thoſe, that write ſo, ſuſpected of a ſort of Affectati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on, which is exceedingly prejudicial to thoſe that wou'd perſwade. I mean, the Affectation to ap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pear eloquent, which a diſcerning Hearer is no ſooner ſenſible of, but he ſuſpects that the Orator whom he hears, or the Author whom he reads is more intent to diſplay his own Eloquence than to teach him the Truth, and give him any uſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ful Inſtructions from that very minute he be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lieves that it may be poſſible for the Perſon that ſpeaks to believe very little of what he ſays, that he only choſe this Subject to get himſelf ſome Reputation by treating of it eloquently. Be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſides, when we are heartily affected by any thing, and nothing but Nature talks, we uſe in our Diſcourſes no far-fetch'd Ornaments of Rheto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ric, but only ſuch as ariſe from the Subject, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out our thinking on them. The ſame thing may be obſerved in Tragedy itſelf, when it is rightly compoſed.</p>
<l>Et<note n="†" place="margin">Horat. de Arte Poet. <hi>v.</hi> 95.</note> Tragicus plerum<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> dolet ſermone pedeſtri.</l>
<l>Telephus & Peleus, cùm pauper & exſul uter<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
<l>Projicit ampullas & ſeſquipedalia verba,</l>
<l>Si curat cor ſpectantis tetigiſſe querelâ.</l>
<q>Even the Tragic Poets ſometimes expreſs Grief in common Language. <hi>Telephus</hi> and <hi>Pe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>leus,</hi> when they lye under the Hardſhips of Poverty and Baniſhment, wholly throw aſide affected Expreſſions and big rumbling Words, if they have a mind to intereſt the Spectator in their Complaints.</q> The Reaſon of this is
<pb n="85" facs="tcp:99272:47"/>becauſe we cannot be touched but by the natural repreſentation of a Paſſion, and that all Affecta<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion ſhocks us. I am perſwaded that a ſimple plain Diſcourſe, provided it be naturally delive<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>red, moves thoſe Auditors that have a true Taſte, more feelingly than the talleſt Metaphors and that even upon Paper it is much more affect<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing than one that is penn'd in a more ſublime Stile.</p>
<p>However, I confeſs that there are cerain oc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>caſions on which we are indiſpenſably obliged to riſe above the vulgar Stile; as, for inſtance, when we are to praiſe or condemn any thing, when we wou'd excite Admiration or Hatred; in ſhort, when our Subject is of a more elevated Character than what happens daily. On ſuch an occaſion the Reader or Auditor is very well pleas'd that we ſhould have recourſe to Rhetorical Orna<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ments. As it is not ſo much our Buſineſs at ſuch a time to inſtruct as to delight him, or to excite in him Paſſions more turbulent than Pity, he is ſatisfied with theſe Decorations nay, what is more, he expects them, ſo that it we diſappoint him, we make him deſpiſe us, and no longer at<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tend to what we ſay. He thinks it but requiſite that he that ſpeaks or writes to entertain him, ſhould be well prepared before-hand, and tell him nothing but that which does not frequently fall into every Body's Head.</p>
<p>When the Occaſion is extraordinary, or when the Subject is naturally ſublime, we expect a Stile of the ſame Dignity, that tranſports, that ra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>viſhes, that governs and turns our Souls abou<gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap> as it pleaſes. This is the ſublime Stile, concern<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing which <hi>Longinus</hi> has written a Treatiſe, which is in every Body's Hands, eſpecially ſince it has been<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>By Mr.</hi> Boi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>leau.</note> tranſlated into <hi>French.</hi>
<pb n="86" facs="tcp:99272:48"/>I will not dwell any longer upon theſe two latter ſorts of Stiles, which are or ought to be properly the Stile of Sermons if we except thoſe places in them, where we only explain the Matter before us, without drawing any Conſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quences from it, or making any application to the Auditors. 'Tis ſufficient to ſay, That thoſe that aſpire to this Eloquence cannot too often read over thoſe Paſſages in the celebrated Ma<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſters of this Art where 'tis handled. An infinite number of People confound the ſublime Stile with Fuſtian, and think they raviſh all the World with Admiration, when they loſe themſelves in the Clouds, and are laugh'd and ridicul'd by all Men of a true Palat. The reaſon of this is, be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cauſe they don't enough conſider the Rules of this Art, and don't know that we ought to expreſ s ourſelves in magnificent Terms only about thoſe things that are Sublime in their own Nature.</p>
<note place="margin">Objections againſt what has been ſaid.</note>SOME Objections, which at firſt ſight ſeem to have ſomething in them, may be railed againſt what I have aſſerted relating to Eloquence. As for inſtance, That ſeveral of the Ancients, whom I have accuſed of having committed very groſs Faults againſt the Rules, and ſeveral of the Mo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>derns, whom I have imitated, did pats in their own time, and ſtill paſs in ours for Models of Eloquence, in the Opinions of a vaſt number of People that underſtand Rhetoric, and are by no means to be call'd Men of an ill Reliſh. One may go yet farther, and urge, That we behold every Day Books received with great Applauſe, and that we hear with Admiration ſeveral Diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>courſes wherein ſcarce any of the above-men<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion'd Rules are obſerv'd. As Eloquence, will theſe Gentlemen pretend, is only for thoſe whom
<pb n="87" facs="tcp:99272:48"/>we have to do with, ſo ſoon as we have found out the Myſtery to pleaſe and to affect them in Speaking or Writing, we have Title enough to ſet up for Men of Eloquence.</p>
<p>Indeed if the eſtabliſh'd Rules of Rhetoric, which are for the generality of them ſupported by the Authority of the moſt famous Rhetors, were arbitrary Laws, and founded rather upon the uſage of ſome Language, which depends up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on the Caprice of the Multitude, than upon Rea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſon, which never changes I confeſs that one might confront them with Examples, and coun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>terballance the Authority, they have got, by the Reputation of thoſe who have violated them: But as they are built upon everlaſting Foundati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons, we can only conclude, that the Taſte of thoſe Gentlemen, who firſt admired thoſe that neglect<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed theſe Laws, was a depraved Taſte, and that if there are any Men of Wit, who continue ſtill to praiſe the vicious Rhetoric of the paſt Ages, they only follow the Cuſtom in it, without conſulting their Reaſon, and repeat without examination, what had been told them from their Infancy. We cannot make the Fathers, and Philoſophers, who lived after Jeſus Chriſt, paſs for juſt Rea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſoners, nor for methodical Authors but as they were the moſt ingenious Men of their times, nay, and ſometimes formidable by their Authority, and by their Cabals, they were exceſſively prai<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſed in their own and the ſucceeding Ages, which yet were darker and more ignorant than their own. Theſe Praiſes have been handed down like a Tradition to us, and we are only the Echos, if I may ſo expreſs myſelf, of the moſt barbarous and groſs Centuries, without being at the pains to examine, whether what we ſay after them be true or not. We daily commend, merely out of cu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtom,
<pb n="88" facs="tcp:99272:49"/>ſeveral Works, which we ſhould have been aſham'd to have written ourſelves, and which, in truth, we cou'd not write in this Age, without drawing the contempt of all the World upon us.</p>
<p>That which ſtill keeps up this Language, which at the bottom is not ſincere, is that every Man cites the Fathers in Theological Controver<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſies, and deſires to have them of his own ſide; yet this cou'd not be done with any Advantage, if People were generally perſwaded that they were bad Orators, and yet worſe Logicians. Thus we ſet as high a value on them as we are able, without being ſatisfied of their Merit, to make uſe of their Authority in Time and Place againſt thoſe who have declared againſt thoſe Opinions, which we ſuppoſe to have been favour'd by the Fathers. Were it not for Cuſtom and theſe Po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>litic Reaſons, we ſhould make no ſcruple to treat them as a parcel of Men that ſtand in need of their Antiquity to make us bear with them.</p>
<p>I confeſ s that even now a-days a Man may be admired by the People, and paſs for an eloquent Writer in his own Imagination, who violates every moment the Rules of good Rhetoric and of right Reaſon: But does it therefore follow, that there is no ſuch thing as true Rhetoric and Reaſon? If this were allow'd, we might ſay, That the Rhetoric and Reaſon of the <hi>Europeans,</hi> are good in <hi>Europe,</hi> but are worth nothing in <hi>Aſia</hi> and <hi>Afric,</hi> where the People neither talk, nor reaſon after the ſame manner. We ought to commend in <hi>Aſia</hi> and <hi>Afric</hi> the ridiculous and fantaſtical Thoughts of the People that inhabit thoſe two mighty Parts of the Earth, becauſe they find an infinite number of Admirers there. Now if we wou'd not fall into theſe Abſurdities,
<pb n="89" facs="tcp:99272:49"/>we muſt own that we ought not to accommodate ourſelves to the Taſte of the People, any farther than good Senſe will warrant us and that thoſe who are ſo deſirous to be applauded by them without this, abuſe their Ignorance, which they ſhould endeavour to undeceive, whereas they la<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bour to increaſe it by their vicious manner of Diſcourſing. Thus true Judges will not be wanting to oppoſe themſelves to the Taſte of the Multitude; and tho' they don't make ſo great a noiſe as the latter, they are the true Di<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtributers of a ſolid and laſting Reputation.</p>
<p>We may upon this Head add, what <hi>Quintilian</hi> has obſerv'd of the Orators of his own Time, <hi>viz.</hi> That we are oblig'd to accommodate our<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves to the Humour of the People, who have no great regard for this extraordinary juſtneſs of Thought, of Order and Expreſſion. <q>We are forced, ſaid they, to compoſe our Diſcourſes according to the reliſh of others, and we muſt often ſpeak before People who are wholly ig<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>norant, and have no knowledge of other Sci<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ences. If we don't gain them over to our Party by delighting them, if we don't per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſwade them by the vehemence of our Diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>courſe, or ſometimes by moving their Paſſions, we cannot obtain even thoſe things that are juſt and reaſonable.</q>
<note n="†" place="margin">Lib. IV. c. 14.</note>
<hi>Nobis ad aliorum judi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cia componenda est oratio, & ſaepius apud omnino imperitos atque aliarum certe ignaros literarum lo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quendum est; quos niſi & delectatione allicimus, & viribus trahimus & nonnunquam turbamus affecti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bus, ipſa quae juſta ac vera ſunt, tenere non poſſumus.</hi>
<p>But after all good Reaſonings propoſed in a clear and elegant manner, and thrown into a good order, are likelier to take with the People, than Fuſtian and Bombaſt, which they think they
<pb n="90" facs="tcp:99272:50"/>underſtand, while at the bottom they know no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing of it. Beſides, the Rules that are given us don't in the leaſt hinder us from embelliſhing our Diſcourſe with what-ever may pleaſe the Auditor, provided that theſe Embelliſhments don't ſpoil the Perſpicuity. <hi>Nullum ornatum,</hi> ſays <hi>Quin<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tilian</hi> in the ſame place, <hi>qui modo non obſcuret, ſubtrahendum puto.</hi>
<q>We ought not to retrench any Ornaments, unleſs they make the Senſe obſcure.</q> We may likewiſe move the Paſſions of the Auditor; but this ought not to be done till we have enlightned his Underſtanding that he may know why he is moved, and be convinced by his Judgment that he has reaſon to be ſo. But the public Orators have often incenſed the Peo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple againſt thoſe that did not pleaſe them, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out informing them by any clear Reaſon why they deſerved their Indignation. They think it enough to charge them with a thouſand odious things, but don't give themſelves the trouble to prove them; but ſpeaking them in a vehement, pathetic manner, and appearing to be perſwad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed themſelves of the Truth they ſay, they eaſily gain the People to their ſide, without any ſolid Reaſon. We cannot pretend that this Conduct ought to be imitated, without openly declaring oneſelf an Enemy to good Senſe and Equity.</p>
<p n="4">
<note place="margin">Of the Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nunciation.</note>IV. I SHOULD now, according to the me<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thod I propoſed to my ſelf, ſpeak of <hi>Pronuncia<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion,</hi> but I cannot do better than to ſend my Rea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>der to a little Book about the <hi>Action of an Orator,</hi> compoſed by <hi>Michael le Faucheur:</hi> 'Tis a Ma<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſter-piece in its kind, to which nothing can be added. I will only mention two things which at the bottom comprehend all: The firſt is, That we ought to recite naturally, I mean to
<pb n="91" facs="tcp:99272:50"/>modulate the Tone of our Voice, ſo as the Na<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ture of the Things, we treat about, requires, to explain or relate any thing in the ſame Pitch of Voice as we are uſed to obſerve when we relate or explain any thing, and wherein we ſhew a great concern before grave Perſons, and to ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>preſs the Paſſions, that may reign in the Diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>courſe, as we commonly do when we don't think of haranguing, but only follow the movement of the Paſſion by which we are animated. It ought to be with the Geſture exactly as with the Voice. The ſecond thing we ought to remark, is, That when they tell us we ought to follow Nature, they mean Nature poliſhed by a Gentleman-like Education, and by converſing with Perſons of good Breeding: Otherwiſe, if thoſe that have been meanly educated, and have contracted vi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tious Habits, which by length of time become natural to them, ſhould be ſo ill adviſed as to re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cite in Public, before they have reformed their ill manner, they wou'd certainly be laughed at by all the World. There are ſome Perſons, whoſe Behaviour is naturally ſo cold and uncon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cern'd, that if they did not ſhew a little more Heat and Life when they appear'd in Public, they wou'd moſt infallibly ſet the whole Com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pany a ſleeping. Others on the contrary, are of ſo fiery a Temper, that they cry out from the beginning to the end, without having the leaſt regard to the difference of the matter of which they talk. We ought therefore to follow Na<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ture, but Nature poliſh'd by Education and Care, if we have a mind to ſpeak in Public.</p>
<p>We have often ſeen a Diſcourſe, that has been neither faulty in the Matter, the Diſpoſition, nor the Expreſſion, to diſpleaſe merely for the ill Pronunciation of him that deliver'd it, but eſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pecially
<pb n="92" facs="tcp:99272:51"/>becauſe his Pronunciation had ſomething forced and affected, which did not ſhew the Man to be in earneſt. 'Tis one of the moſt common Faults, with our Preachers, to deliver them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves in ſuch a Tone of Voice as was never heard out of a Pulpit, and to have ſuch Geſtures with them as expreſs no Paſſion, and are no where ſeen but there. One wou'd ſwear, that ſo ſoon as they begin to talk and to toſs their Arms, they were not the ſame Men, and that they talk to a ſort of People whoſe Manners are clearly different: They complain, they are an<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gry, they admire, in a word, they expreſs all the Paſſions which they have a mind to repreſent, after another way than the reſt of the World are acquainted with. If a Man ſhould behave himſelf ſo ridiculouſly at the Bar, there is no queſtion but that he wou'd ſet the Judges a laughing; and in a ſerious Converſation, where things of great Conſequence are to be treated off, the Tone of the Pulpit wou'd be much more inſufferable. A Man wou'd be to intrench upon a <hi>Merry Andrew's</hi> Province, ſhou'd he fling about his Arms, and ſhew a thouſand Geſtures that are only good to drive away the Flies. I have been told that a famous Ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vocate diſcourſing on a day with a very awk<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ward Orator, of this Character, as the Orator asked him how he liked his manner of reciting, and whether he thought it wou'd not ſucceed at the Bar: The Advocate bluntly told him, That the very firſt thing, thoſe young Gentlemen that deſign'd to appear at the Bar, ought to do, was to forget all his Leſſons, and return to that na<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tural manner which he had endeavour'd to efface inſtead of poliſhing.</p>
<pb n="93" facs="tcp:99272:51"/>I have frequently heard an Orator, who was ſcarce Maſter of any one of the other Talents we quire in a Man of his Profeſſion, but who recit<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed in ſo natural and ſo lively a manner, that he charm'd his Auditors by this ſingle Qualification, accompanied with a ſtrong articulate Voice; I never heard him, but he put me in mind of a certain Story of<note n="†" place="margin">Cicero <hi>in Orat.</hi> C. 17.</note>
<hi>Demoſthenes,</hi> who being asked what was the chief part of Rhetoric, anſwer'd, Pronunciation; being next asked, what was the ſecond beſt, he ſtill anſwer'd, Pronunciation; and ſo on, till they dropt the Queſtion. His meaning was, that this Talent was of the laſt Conſequence in <hi>Athens,</hi> where Affairs of the greateſt importance, in relation to the State and to private Men, were often determin'd in a bare Pleading, without the drawing of any Writings. 'Tis likewiſe extremely ſerviceable in our Pul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pits; but 'tis only for the Reputation of the Preacher, and not for the public Advantage, when it is not join'd with the other parts of good Rhetoric. At ſuch times the People go from the Sermon, full of Admiration for the Parſon, altho' they ſcarce underſtand a Word he told them, and are not in the leaſt convinced, by Reaſon, of any one thing he wou'd have per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſwaded to do. On the contrary, they ought to go out of Church full of Admiration for the Go<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſpel, full of a true Senſe of their own Faults, and full of a vigorous Reſolution to correct them, without thinking upon the Orator: They ought to be able to repeat whatever they have learnt, and to carry home with them an exact Idea of their Duties, without minding the Perſon from whom they learnt them. A good Judge takes no notice at all of an Advocate's Action, but of his Reaſonings, when he is to paſs a definitive Sen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tence
<pb n="94" facs="tcp:99272:52"/>but eſpecially if it be a matter of any im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>portance.</p>
<p>We cannot blame thoſe that take a due care of their Pronunciation: On the contrary, we ſhou'd have juſt Reaſon to complain of them, if they did not do it; but then 'tis neceſſary they ſhou'd join the other parts of Rhetoric with it, and cultivate them with ſo much the more care, as they are of more importance. An Orator ought to be aſham'd to deceive the People, who only conſider the out-ſide, becauſe they have been uſed to be paid in that Mony: It ſhould make him bluſh to think that he ſends home his Audi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tors well ſatisfied, that he recites well, but lit<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tle inſtructed in the Matter he treated of; like thoſe Orators, of whom <hi>Quintilian</hi> has obſerv'd very judiciouſly, <q>That they ſoften their Voice, and turn themſelves in different man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ners; that they hang down the Head, and toſs their Arms about; that they affect a great abundance of Things, and artificial Words; and that at laſt (what ſeems to be monſtrous) People commend the Action, but don't un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>derſtand a Jot of the Cauſe they have pleaded.</q>
<note n="†" place="margin">Lib. 4. c. 2.</note>
<hi>Vocem flectunt et cervicem reponunt, et brachium in latus jactant, totoque et rerum et verborum et compoſitionis genere laſciviunt; deinde (id quod ſit monſtro ſimile) placet actio, cauſa non intelligi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tur.</hi>
<p>Thoſe that have any tenderneſs of Conſcience ought to employ this Talent of reciting agree<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ably; and by that means of rend'ring the Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ditors attentive, only to inſtruct them better, and make them reliſh the great Truths of the Goſpel. To effect this, they ſhould vigorouſly apply themſelves to perform their other Duties that are requiſite in a public Orator, and to
<pb n="95" facs="tcp:99272:52"/>ſpeak to the Congregation that liſtens to them; not as if they hoped the manner of their Recital wou'd make every thing paſs, but as if they ſpoke before ſevere Judges, who wou'd not par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>don them one falſe Thought, who wou'd re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quire from them an exact Order, and a Style ſuited to the Matter they talk of; and as if when they come out of the Pulpit, they were to leave the written Sermon in their Hands, to be exa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>min'd by them at leiſure. Without this, what can one ſay of the Eloquence of the Pulpit, which he cannot at the ſame time apply to that of the Stage, which we go to hear not for Inſtruction, but only for our Diverſion? What can we think of the Office of a public Orator, but what we think of the vileſt and worſt employ'd of all Trades, the Followers of which endeavour to get what we promis'd them, without troubling themſelves whether their Work be good or no? Our Orators ought to fear theſe Reproaches with ſo much the more reaſon, as they retail to the People things of the higheſt importance; nay, and call their Diſcourſes the Word of God, upon pretence that the firſt Preachers of the Goſpel, whom God had honoured with the Gift of Mi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>racles, and of extraordinary Revelations, gave this Name to what they preached to the People. 'Tis now a-days a ſort of Sacrilege to ſpeak in this manner of a negligent Diſcourſe, where we can neither ſee good Senſe, nor Method, nor Language ſuitable to the Occaſion, but which is delivered with a great deal of Boldneſs and Preſumption, as if it comprehended in effect no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing but heavenly Oracles.</p>
<p>Since God does not make himſelf known to Men, but by Reaſon and Revelation, we ought to call nothing his <hi>Word,</hi> but what is clearly
<pb n="96" facs="tcp:99272:53"/>founded either upon one, or the other, and not a dull trifling Diſcourſe, where we find no traces of any light either natural, or ſupernatural. If we ought to endeavour to have an agreeable outſide, it is not becauſe from that moment we are in poſſeſſion of Saying all, and ſhamming eve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry thing upon a blind ignorant Congregation, by means of their Voice and Geſture that pleaſe them; but only to accommodate ourſelves to their Weakneſs, and be in a condition to make them liſten to that which is really the <hi>Word of God.</hi> Formerly the Miracles, which the Apo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtles perform'd, and the great Sanctity of their Lives render'd their Auditors attentive to what they utter'd, tho' it was deſtitute of the Orna<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ments of Humane Eloquence. But now-a-days, when Miracles are no longer wrought, and that the Holineſs of the Lives of theſe public Orators is not ſo very extraordinary, 'tis but reaſonable, that, in order to attract our Attention, they ſhould employ, not the <hi>ſecular Arm,</hi> as is the practiſe of ſome Countries, but all that may ſerve to en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lighten and touch reaſonable Men, and ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>times even thoſe that are a little too deli<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cate.</p>
<p>I am afraid I have ſaid too much upon this ſort of Eloquence; but muſt we always diſſemble, either out of fearfulneſs or intereſt, thoſe Truths that wou'd be of infinite Uſe, if one Day we ſhou'd liſten to them? If all thoſe that might profit themſelves by it, neglect to do it, perhaps ſome one may do it, and be follow'd by ſome others. <hi>Quintilian</hi> after having ſpoken ſcurvily enough of the Orators of his time, concludes, <q>That it is better to omit theſe ſorts of things, for fear of offending more People by reproving what is bad, than we oblige them by giving them good Advice.</q>
<note n="†" place="margin">Lib. IV. c. 2.</note>
<pb n="97" facs="tcp:99272:53"/>omittamus, ne minùs gratiae, praecipiendo recta; quam offenſae, reprehendendo prava, mereamur.</hi> But when ſhould we ſpeak Truth, tho' the moſt important in the World, if we were to ſtay till it wou'd make us Friends among the generality of Man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>kind? Perhaps never.</p>
<div n="3" type="chapter">
<hi>CHAP. III.</hi> Of Hiſtory and the Defference between the Modern and Ancient Hiſtori<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ans.</head>
<p>NOTHING is ſo entertaining and inſtru<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ctive as Hiſtory, when it is well written; and on the contrary, nothing more infamous and hurtful, when it is not written as it ought to be: that is to ſay, when it delivers Lies inſtead of Truth, nay even when it diſſembles it. The former ſupplies us with what we want in Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>perience, which is always ſhut up in narrow bounds, by faithfully relating all that happen'd before us, by which we may reap as great Benefit, as if we had actually ſeen them. On the other hand, the latter inſtructs us in nothing, becauſe it reports things otherwiſe than they fell out, and indeed than they commonly do fall out. The firſt repreſents a Man, ſuch as he is, with his good and bad Qualities, with his laudable Actions, and thoſe that deſerve Cenſure: The ſecond de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſcribes him ſuch as the Hiſtorian wiſhes him to have been, whether bad or good, or rather it ſub<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtitutes
<pb n="98" facs="tcp:99272:54"/>a Phantome in his place. As a true and ſincere Hiſtory propoſes the Advantage of the Reader by diſcovering Truth to him: So that which is falſe and diſguiſed has no other end but the Profit of the Hiſtorian, who hopes to get ſomething by lying or by diſſembling what he knows.</p>
<p>Four things, in my Opinion, are requiſite to make a good Hiſtorian, and without them we cannot ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pect any thing conſiderable from him.
<item>The firſt is, To be well Inſtructed in what he attempts to Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>late:</item>
<item>The ſecond, To be capable of Saying with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out any Diſguiſe what he believes to be true:</item>
<item>The third, To know how to Relate what he knows: And laſtly,</item>
<item>the fourth, To be able to form a true Judgment of the Events he reports, and of the Men who contributed to bring them about.</item>
It will not be amiſs to make ſome Reflexi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons upon theſe four things; a general Knowledge of which may enable us to judge whether a Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtory be good, or bad.</p>
<p n="1">
<note place="margin">Of the Mat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter of Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtory.</note>I. A MAN may be inſtructed two ſeveral ways in what he relates when he writes the Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtory of his own time, that is to ſay, either by himſelf or others. He is inſtructed by himſelf in what he ſaw and what he managed, the conſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quence of which he obſerved himſelf: But it muſt be confeſſed that this does not go very far, ſince that abſolutely ſpeaking, he cou'd do but very few things by himſelf, and cou'd be preſent but in one place at a time. That which others do, they relate to us, juſt as they themſelves think ſit, eſpecially if there were but few Witneſſes of their Actions, or if theſe Witneſſes are dead, or dare not contradict them. They either take care not to ſpeak of the Faults they committed, or
<pb n="99" facs="tcp:99272:54"/>elſe they ſtrangely diſguiſe them. If any Diſad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vantageous Accident befalls them, they attribute it either to the Malice of others, or to ill Fortune, but never to their own Indiſcretion. He that queſtions this, needs only caſt his Eyes upon the <hi>Memoirs,</hi> which abundance of illuſtrious Perſons have compoſed of their own Life, and there he will every-where find enough to juſtifie my Aſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſertion. Theſe are not Hiſtorians, who ſpeak of themſelves without Paſſion: They are rather Ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vocates that plead their own Cauſe, or that make their own Apology before Poſterity, as well as before thoſe who lived in their own time. What has been ſaid of theſe <hi>Memoirs,</hi> the ſame, and perhaps much worſe we may ſay of the Reports that have been made to Princes and Generals con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cerning Matters that were tranſacted in thoſe places where they were not. This occaſion'd <hi>Aſinius Pollio</hi> to ſay, <q>That the Memoirs of <hi>Cae<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſar</hi> (for ſo we ought to call his Commentaries in <hi>Engliſh</hi>) were written with little Care, and with too little regard to the Truth; becauſe he too eaſily believed the greateſt part of what was related to him about the Actions of other Men, and has unfaithfully reported what he himſelf did, either out of Deſign, or thro' defect of Memory.</q>
<note n="†" place="margin">Sueton. in Jul. Cae<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſare. <hi>c.</hi> 56.</note>
<hi>Pollio Aſinius parùm dili<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gentèr, parúm<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> integrâ veritate compoſitos</hi> (Caeſaris Commentarios) <hi>putat; cùm pleraque, quae per alios erant geſta temerè crediderit, & quae per ſe, vel con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſulto, vel etiam memoriâ lapſus perperam ediderit.</hi> It is not to be doubted but that thoſe that after<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wards writ Memoirs in imitation of him, have been guilty of the ſame Practice. <hi>Cicero</hi> in one of his<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Ad Fam.</hi> Lib. V. Epiſt. 12.</note> Letters, wherein he teſtifies an extraor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dinary deſire to ſee the Hiſtory of his Conſulſhip written by <hi>Lucceius,</hi> ſays merrily, that if this
<pb n="100" facs="tcp:99272:55"/>Hiſtorian refuſed him this favour, he wou'd write it himſelf, after the Example of ſeveral Perſons before him. <q>But as you know well enough, continues he, there are Inconveniences in this manner of Writing: Becauſe a Man is obliged to ſpeak of himſelf with too much reſerved<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neſs, when he comes to recount any thing that deſerves Commendation, and to omit whatever is to be found fault with: <hi>Sed quod te non fugit, haec ſunt in hoc genere vitia; & ut verecundiùs de ſe ipſi ſcribant neceſſe est, ſiquid est laudandum, et prae<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tereant ſuquid fortè reprehendendum est.</hi>
<p>The Caſe being thus, we muſt not expect to learn the whole truth exactly either from Princes, or their Miniſters, or their Generals, even tho' we might ask them any Queſtions we deſir'd to be inform'd in, and they were inclin'd fairly to anſwer them, which however but very rarely happens. What courſe then ſhall an Hiſtorian take to inform himſelf of the Truth? For my part I ſee no other way for him, than to enquire of all the People he can, to liſten to what is ſaid of all ſides, and what Enemies report one of another, to heap together all that is publiſhed in ſeveral Languages of both the Parties, and eſpe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cially the public Acts: And laſtly, To compare all theſe different Reports with abundance of care. By this means he comes to be convinced, that there are certain inconteſtable matters of Fact in which all the World are a greed; but that there are ſeveral Circumſtances of which a Man cannot be certain, by reaſon of all the great variety of Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ports. An Hiſtorian ought to paſs over theſe doubtful Matters in general terms, for fear of deceiving his Reader by a Relation, which he cannot warrant.</p>
<p>In order to collect his Materials well, 'tis requi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſite that he ſhould be skill'd in ſeveral Langua<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ges,
<pb n="101" facs="tcp:99272:55"/>that he ſhou'd know the form of Govern<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment of thoſe places, whoſe Hiſtory he writes, as alſo their Intereſts; that he be acquainted with the Genius of the People and their Forces; that he be not ignorant of the Situation of Places; and, above all this, that he be laborious, atten<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tive, and diligent, have a good Diſcernment, a ſolid Judgment, and a ſincere Mind. If one of theſe Qualifications be wanting, 'tis enough to make an Author uncapable of ſucceeding. For Inſtance, we have ſeen ſome Years ago ſeveral Hiſtories publiſh'd in <hi>France,</hi> wherein are related abundance of matters of Fact, and other things relating to <hi>England</hi> and <hi>Holland.</hi> A Man will at firſt ſight obſerve that many of theſe Authors were not in a Capacity to conſult the Writings and Relations that were daily publiſhed in theſe two places, and that they were intirely ignorant of their manner of Government and their For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ces, as well as of the Genius of their People, He will likewiſe find that the Difference of Opi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nions, concerning the Principles of Religion and Politics, has made them take things quite other<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wiſe than they were. I don't at all queſtion but that on the other ſide great Faults have been com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mitted, in relation to <hi>France,</hi> eſpecially by thoſe, who do not underſtand <hi>French,</hi> or never were in <hi>France,</hi> or ſuffer'd themſelves to be too much in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fluenced by a Spirit of Partiality. It muſt howe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver be ſaid, that the Government of <hi>France,</hi> and all that belongs to it, is more eaſie to be under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtood by Strangers, than the Affairs of Strangers by <hi>French</hi> Men.</p>
<p>Sometimes though we are furniſh'd with all the neceſſary Aſſiſtances to know the truth of a Fact, Negligence makes us commit abominable Miſtakes. Thus <hi>Vittorio Siri,</hi> in his<note n="†" place="margin">Tom. <gap reason="illegible" resp="#PDCC" extent="1 letter">
</gap>. p. <hi>665.</hi>
<hi>Memorie Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>condite,</hi> ſpeaks of the Night, in which <hi>Lewis</hi> the
<pb n="102" facs="tcp:99272:56"/>XIV. was born. <hi>Quattro hore ſpeſe il Re in quel colloquio, ſi che l'hora trovataſi troppo tarda per ri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tornare quella notte nevoſiſſima (correndo il meſe di Decembre à Grobois, convenne per forzoſa neceſſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tà dormire) à Parige; & rimaſto il letto del Re à Grobois, la Regina colla cena li fece parte del ſuo; notte fortunatiſſima per la Francia, perche per un in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>trecciamento di circoſtance ſi ſtupende, s'infantò il Dolfino,</hi> &c. Not to take notice of the nonſen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſical Bombaſt in theſe words, which might ſuffer a little perhaps too thro' the Fault of the Printer; <hi>Siri</hi> might eaſily have known that <hi>Lewis</hi> the XIV. was not born in <hi>December</hi> but <hi>September,</hi> and not at <hi>Paris,</hi> but at St. <hi>Germain en Laye.</hi> So groſs a Miſtake as this muſt needs be the effect of an inexcuſable Negligence. Some have been of Opi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nion, that the Example alledged out of <hi>Siri,</hi> is not well choſen, but ſee what the Author has ſaid about it, in the <hi>Nouvelles de la Republiquae des Let<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tres</hi> of this preſent Year, in <hi>September.</hi>
<p>Perhaps it will be told me, that I require ſo many things in an Hiſtorian to judge him only capable of informing himſelf as to matters of Fact for which he has occaſion, that there are but very few, who, in my Opinion, ought to be ſuffer'd to write Hiſtory. I own it, and further add, that I look upon it to be the moſt difficult Task in the World, if a Man wou'd acquit himſelf in it as he ought. But then the Advantages, that thoſe who are now living, and thoſe that come after us, may reap from a good Hiſtory, are ſo great, we ought not to expect it from an ordinary Man.</p>
<p>It will ſtill be objected perhaps, that ſuppoſe an able Man, ſuch as I have deſcribed, had done all that lay in his power to inform himſelf of the Truth, he wou'd ſtill be at a loſs to find out the Springs and Motives of ſeveral very conſiderable
<pb n="103" facs="tcp:99272:56"/>Actions, becauſe the Perſons concerned in them are obliged in Intereſt to keep 'em concealed, and that without this Knowledge, a Hiſtory will reſemble a Body without a Soul, all whoſe Move<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ments appear to be forced. To this I anſwer, That by diverſe indiſputable Matters of Fact, and by the General Knowledge we have of the Intereſts and Deſigns of the ſeveral Powers that are mentioned there, we may clearly enough know the General Motives that ſet them in Action, and which are undoubtedly the moſt im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>portant and, as it were, the principal Wheels, which move the whole Machine, whoſe Motion is there deſcribed: As for the others, which we cannot penetrate into, we muſt either let them alone, and elſe relate them in a doubting man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ner. An Hiſtorian is not oblig'd to recount every thing, and to advance nothing but what he is poſitively certain of: He is only oblig'd not to relate any thing that is falſe for true, and not warrant any thing that is incertain.</p>
<p>What I have ſaid, concerns the Hiſtory of the preſent Age, or what happens during the Life of the Hiſtorian. When we undertake an Hiſtory, in which we cannot inſtruct ourſelves from the Mouths of ocular Witneſſes who are all dead, either lately, or a long while ago; all we can do, is to conſult the Writings that are remain<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing, whether they be Public or Private; and for this end we muſt take the ſame care, and have the ſame Knowledge and Qualifications, which I have already mention'd, in reſpect of Witneſſes and Modern Writings. Above all, we ought to bring with us a great ſtock of Diſcernment for this ſort of Reading, that we may not be ſur<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>prized by Relations ſtuff'd with lies, or too paſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſionately written.</p>
<pb n="104" facs="tcp:99272:57"/>The ancient <hi>Greek</hi> and <hi>Latin</hi> Hiſtorians, that have attempted to write the Hiſtory of the re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>moteſt Times, or at leaſt of the Ages which im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mediately preceded theirs, have, often obſerv'd this Maxim very religiouſly, altho' I cannot deny that ſeveral of them have neglected it. When they ſpeak of the fabulous Times, they give us the Hiſtory of them for no more than they are worth, that is to ſay, for a Narration, where among ſome true Matters of Fact, there are an infinite number of Lies. When they come down to the Hiſtory of thoſe Ages, of which they had certain Monuments extant, they took a great deal of Pains to diſtinguiſh between the true and the falſe. Of this we find ſome remarkable Examples, in the <hi>Roman</hi> Hiſtory of <hi>Dionyſius Halicarnaſſeus,</hi> and even in that of <hi>Livy,</hi> tho' it is not ſo judicious nor exact. <hi>Polybius</hi> has given us undoubted Marks of an exquiſite Judgment in his Hiſtory; a fair Inſtance of which we may find in the<note n="†" place="margin">Lib. I. <hi>p.</hi> 18.</note> Judgment he makes of two Hiſto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rians, one of which favour'd the <hi>Romans,</hi> and the other the <hi>Carthaginians:</hi>
<q>I was ſo much the more induced to attempt the Hiſtory of this War, becauſe thoſe who are commonly ſup<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſed to have written it the beſt, have not ſo carefully follow'd the Truth, as they ought to have done. I don't believe indeed that they publiſh'd Lies with a deſign, when I conſider their Life and the Party they follow'd: But in my Opinion, the ſame thing befel them which happens to Men who are blinded by Love. It appears to <hi>Philinus,</hi> by reaſon of his Pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſſeſſion for his own Side, that the <hi>Cartha<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ginians</hi> did every thing bravely, and the <hi>Ro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mans</hi> quite otherwiſe. <hi>Fabius</hi> is of a diffe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rent Opinion.</q> He afterwards moſt admirably
<pb n="105" facs="tcp:99272:57"/>deſcribes that diſintereſſed Impartiality, in which an Hiſtorian ought always to continue, and I will cite ſome of his words a little lower. But I muſt here ſet down an Inſtance he gives us of the Paſſion of theſe two Hiſtorians, and after what manner we ought to judge of paſſionate Relations. <q>
<hi>Philinus,</hi> ſays he, in the beginning of his Narration and of his ſecond Book tells us, that while the <hi>Carthaginians</hi> and <hi>Syracuſians</hi> beſieged <hi>Meſſina,</hi> the <hi>Romans</hi> got into the Town by Sea, and ſallying out immediately againſt the <hi>Syracuſians,</hi> they were obliged to turn back to the Town with a conſiderable Loſs: That afterwards making another Sally upon the <hi>Carthaginians,</hi> they were not only ſoundly beaten, but a great number of their Soldiers were made Priſoners. After having related this, he ſays, that <hi>Hiero</hi> King of <hi>Syra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cuſe,</hi> after this Battel became ſo extravagant that he not only ſet Fire on his Camp that Inſtant, and retired in the Night to <hi>Syracuſe,</hi> but aban<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>don'd all the ſtrong Places he poſſeſs'd upon the Frontier of thoſe of <hi>Meſſina:</hi> That the <hi>Carthaginians,</hi> after the ſame Battel, abandon'd likewiſe their Camp, and diſperſed themſelves in the Towns, daring to defend nothing of that which had not been fortified: That for this reaſon, their Leaders perceiving the fear of their Soldiers, reſolved not to hazard a Battel: That the <hi>Romans</hi> who follow'd them, not only plunder'd the Country, but alſo at<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tempted to Beſiege <hi>Syracuſe,</hi> and take it by Force. This Narration, adds <hi>Polybius,</hi> ap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pears to me ſo full of Abſurdities, that I don't think it neceſſary to beſtow a longer Exami<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nation upon it; for thoſe whom he had re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>preſented as Beſieging <hi>Meſſina,</hi> and Conque<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rors
<pb n="106" facs="tcp:99272:58"/>of the <hi>Romans,</hi> he deſcribes afterwards flying, abandoning all Places that were not fortified, and at laſt beſieged, and full of fears. On the contrary, thoſe whom he had deſcrib<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed as vanquiſhed and beſieged, he repreſents them perſuing their Enemies, Maſters of the Field, and at laſt Beſieging <hi>Syracuſe.</hi> 'Tis im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſſible to reconcile theſe Matters of Fact; for it follows of neceſſity, that either what he ſaid at firſt is falſe, or that the following Nar<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration is falſe: But this Narration in effect is true, for the <hi>Carthaginians</hi> and <hi>Syracuſians</hi> aban<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>don'd the Field, and the <hi>Romans</hi> immediately beſieged <hi>Syracuſe,</hi> &c. We muſt therefore confeſs, that what he had ſaid in the beginning was falſe, and that altho' the <hi>Romans</hi> came off Conquerors in the Battels they fought about <hi>Meſſina,</hi> he had repreſented them as beaten. We ſhall find that <hi>Philinus</hi> does the ſame in all his Work, and that <hi>Fabius</hi> comes not ſhort of him. By this 'tis evident, that we may diſco<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver the falſity of ſeveral Matters of Fact, by examining what follows in the Hiſtory.</q>
<p>It wou'd be an eaſie matter to apply this to the different Relations we have had publiſh'd of the War, which was lately concluded between <hi>France, England,</hi> and <hi>Holland.</hi> One ſide de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſcribes <hi>France</hi> to us always Victorious, acting pru<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dently on all Occaſions, abounding in every thing, in a Condition to continue the War ſeve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ral Years longer: And on the contrary, its Ene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mies almoſt always beaten, loſing their Towns one after another for want of Proviſions, exhau<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſted and ready to beg a Peace at the Feet of the Conquerors. It wou'd follow naturally from hence, that the great Superiority of the Conque<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ror wou'd put him in a Condition to give ſuch a
<pb n="107" facs="tcp:99272:58"/>Peace as he pleaſed. Nevertheleſs we have ſeen the contrary, ſince he has reſtor'd all that he has taken, and more than that; after he had preſs'd in an extraordinary manner to have a Peace. On the other ſide, they have repreſented <hi>France</hi> as drain'd and diſpeopled to all Eternity, by the groſs Soleciſms of its Politics, and by its exceſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſive Expenſes; whereas its Enemies were ſtill formidable, and in very flouriſhing Circumſtan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ces. If this had been intirely true, the Peace ought to have been more Advantagious for them, as well as their Succeſs in the War. To ſay the truth, both Parties ought to abate very much of their Rodomantades and Calumnies. Some Peo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple perhaps will think that I have expreſs'd my ſelf too freely about an Affair ſo recent; but when I was ſpeaking of the Laws of Hiſtory, was it poſſible for me to ſpeak otherwiſe? A Man muſt have a very mean Opinion of the People that were intereſſed in the laſt War, to think they are uncapable of hearing the leaſt truth up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on that occaſion. For my part, I don't believe them to be ſo unreaſonable.</p>
<p>'Tis a common Queſtion, whether thoſe who write ancient Hiſtory, or at leaſt a Hiſtory of which there are no living Witneſſes, ought to cite the Authors, whom they make uſe of, in every Page, or every Article. Upon this there are different Opinions; ſome believe that it is not at all neceſſary to make uſe of ſuch Citations, and that the Reader ought to rely upon the Choice and Sincerity of the Hiſtorian, without asking him from whence he took the Matters of Fact, he recounts. They ground themſelves upon the Practice of the ancient <hi>Greek</hi> and <hi>Latin</hi> Hiſtori<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ans, who very rarely quote the Authors they make uſe of; as for inſtance, when there is ſome
<pb n="108" facs="tcp:99272:59"/>difference of Opinion between them. Since therefore we truſt the Relations of theſe Hiſto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rians, they maintain that we ought to ſhew the ſame Complaiſance to the Moderns. If an Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtorian finds it for his purpoſe, he may publiſh, ſay they, a Liſt of the Hiſtorians, whom he has conſulted, either at the beginning or end of his Hiſtory, that we may ſee from whom he has borrow'd his Materials; but he is not oblig'd to cite them for every Fact in particular.</p>
<p>Others maintain, that an Hiſtorian ought to cite his Authors all along, and pretend that the Ancients were in the wrong not to do it; and that we ought not ſo intirely to depend upon them for that very reaſon. Indeed, if the thing be ill in itſelf, the Example of the Ancients does not make it a jot the better, and nothing ought to hinder us from doing better than they. The Republic of Letters is at laſt become a Country of Reaſon and Light, and not of Authority and implicit Faith, as it has been but too long. Mul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>titudes paſs no longer there for Arguments, and all Cabals are ſilenced. There is no Divine or Humane Law which prohibits us to bring the Art of writing Hiſtory to Perfection, as we have endeavour'd to bring to Perfection the other Arts and Sciences. As a Philoſoper is not to be excuſed now a-days if he ſpeaks obſcurely, or ſuppoſes incertain things for certain, after the Example of <hi>Ariſtotle</hi> and other ancient Philoſo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>phers, who have committed the ſame Faults: So the Example of <hi>Herodotus</hi> or <hi>Livy</hi> is no man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ner of Protection to thoſe that imitate their De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fects and Vices. If we commend them, it muſt always be remembred that theſe Commendations are paid to what is good in them, as the Purity and Elegance of their Style but by no means to
<pb n="109" facs="tcp:99272:59"/>their Faults and Imperfections. Beſides, we ought to conſider that we eſteem them in part, be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cauſe we have no other Monuments left but theirs; and that we don't believe them but when we have no juſt Reaſon to contradict them, or for the ſake of the Probability of their Narrations, or becauſe we have no Teſtimony more ancient and more exact than theirs, to correct them. We believe in ſhort the Groſs of the Hiſtory, but we remain in ſuſpence as to the Circumſtan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ces.</p>
<p>The Caſe being thus, if there are great incon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>veniences in making no Citations, neither the Example of the Ancients nor their Imitators, is enough to cover from Cenſure ſuch as have o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mitted to do it. We therefore maintain, that if a Man avoids to quote his Vouchers, the reaſon of it is, becauſe he wou'd not have any one to examine the Hiſtory, as he relates it, by com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>paring the Narration with that of other Hiſto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rians who writ before him. For what way is there to examine what any Author ſays, in caſe he cites no one in particular, unleſs we had every Book that he conſulted, and had care<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fully read them, and preſerv'd them in our Me<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mory? Not one Man in a thouſand is capable of it, and not one Man in a thouſand has all the Books which he ought to have for this purpoſe. But beſides this, we have always a juſt Pretence to think that we are impos'd upon; for it may ſo happen; that the Author whom we read, has follow'd ſome Hiſtorian, whom thoſe who have an intereſt to examine the Hiſtory, have not by them, or elſe have not read him, or laſtly, have forgotten him. But tho' we dare not immediate<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly charge that Hiſtorian with Falſehood, who has not made his Citations, ſo neither dare we rely up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on
<pb n="110" facs="tcp:99272:60"/>him. As by following this Method, 'tis eaſie for a Man to ſham a Romance upon the World without fear of diſcovery, and to give his Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtory whatever Turn he pleaſes, the ſuſpicious Reader does not know where to take his Word, and immediately throws aſide a Book, on which he cannot ſafety depend.</p>
<p>It has been affirmed, that a Modern Hiſtorian who has compos'd a very large Hiſtory concern<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing the Troubles of Religion, took this courſe, that he might with more ſafety invent what might make for his ſide, and ſatisfie the Facts that diſpleaſed him. For my part, I never exa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mined him, and therefore can ſay nothing to this Buſineſs; but I muſt confeſs that the Method he has follow'd, makes him ſuſpected of all that has been laid to his Charge, and that he has no other way to juſtifie himſelf, but by fairly producing his Witneſſes; otherwiſe he will never anſwer the Objections and Complaints that have been made againſt his Books, and which without que<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtion have come to his Ears before now.</p>
<p>Beſides this, they maintain that the Precau<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion which ſome Writers have taken to place the Authors whom they follow'd, at the Head of their Hiſtory, is altogether inſignificant, unleſs they had cited the particular Places, becauſe that it is liable to almoſt all the Inconveniences which we complain'd of in thoſe who don't cite at all. In effect 'tis a very difficult matter to know what Hiſtorian a Man may have follow'd, in every Fact, even tho' he had them all: But they carry the Matter farther, and ſay, That often<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>times this pompous Catalogue of Authors is, only made for Oſtentation, and that the Compiler of it perhaps never ſaw the Covers of half the Books he puts in his Muſter-Roll. 'Tis certain
<pb n="111" facs="tcp:99272:60"/>that nothing is ſo eaſie as to compoſe a great Liſt of Hiſtorians whom we never beheld, and to place them boldly at the Head of a Hiſtory; but ſuppoſing it compos'd with never ſo much ſincerity, yet ſtill it depends upon the Reader, whether he will believe it or no. There is only one thing I know of, which can pardon this in an Hiſtorian, and that is our being aſſured of his Veracity. For this reaſon it is that we don't think the worſe of <hi>Thuanus,</hi> for having uſed this Conduct. Thoſe evident Marks of Sincerity and Moderation which he ſhews all along, have made us forgive him this Fault, altho' we don't for<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>give it in ſuch People as <hi>Varillas,</hi> whoſe Paſſion and Romancing Genius are conſpicuous in every Line of his Works.</p>
<p n="2">
<note place="margin">Of Truth.</note>II. THE ſecond thing we require of an Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtorian, is that after he has taken all poffible care to inſtruct himſelf in the Truth, to have the Courage to declare it without being byaſs'd. <q>Who is it but muſt know that the principal Law of Hiſtory, is that it dare to utter no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing which is falſe, and that it dare to ſpeak all the truth, that it may not give the leaſt Umbrage, that it is influenced either by Affe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ction or Prejudice? Theſe, in ſhort, are its Foundations that are known by all the World.</q>
<note n="†" place="margin">Cicero <hi>Lib. II.</hi> de Oratore <hi>c. 15.</hi>
<hi>Quis neſcit primam eſſe Hiſtoriae legem, nequid falſi dicere audeat; deinde nequid veri non audeat; ne qua ſuſpicio gratiae ſit in ſcribendo, nequa ſimul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tatis? Haec ſcilicet fundamenta nota ſuns omni<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bus.</hi>
<p>But in order to obſerve this Law, which is without diſpute eſſential to Hiſtory, a Man be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fore he ſets himſelf down to Write, ought en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tirely to diſengage himſelf from all ſorts of Paſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions
<pb n="112" facs="tcp:99272:61"/>and Prepoſſeſſions, without which he will certainly ſuppreſs or diſguiſe the Truth, nay and publiſh a thouſand Lies either on purpoſe, or elſe for want of taking due heed. 'Tis impoſſible to ſay any thing upon this Article more vehement, or more ſolid, or more neceſſary than what <hi>Luci<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>an</hi> has ſaid in that Treatiſe, where he teaches us in what manner a Hiſtory ought to be written. I will here ſet down ſome of his words, and will follow <hi>d' Ablancourt</hi>'s Tranſlation, altho' it only expreſſes the Author's Meaning, and has re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>trench'd a great deal from the Original. <q>A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bove all, ſays he, we ought not to be devoted to any Party; for we muſt not do like that Painter who painted a Monarch <hi>de profil,</hi> becauſe he had only one Eye: We ought to repreſent him entire. Let not his Reſpect for his Coun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>try hinder him from relating the Loſſes ſhe has ſuſtain'd, or the Faults ſhe has committed; for an Hiſtorian, no more than a Player, is to be blamed for the Misfortunes he repreſents. If it were in our power to repair Diſorders by diſguiſing them, or paſſing them over in ſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lence, <hi>Thucydides</hi> had not been wanting to have raz'd with a ſtroke of his Pen the Fortifi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cations of the Enemy, and to have re-eſtablſh'd the Affairs of his Country; but even the Gods themſelves are not able to change whatever is paſt. Therefore 'tis the Duty of an Hiſtorian to recount all Tranſactions, juſt as they hap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pen'd, which 'tis impoſſible for him to do, when he is a Dependant upon any Prince or Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>public, from whom he has any thing to hope or fear. When-ever he is obliged to ſpeak of 'em, he ought to have a greater regard for Truth, than for his Intereſt, or Paſſion. For ſhe is the only Divinity to whom he ought to
<pb n="113" facs="tcp:99272:61"/>Sacrifice, without thinking of the reſt. In ſhort he ought always to have before his Eyes the judgment of Poſterity, if he wou'd not ra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther wear the Character of a Flatterer than that of an Hiſtorian. — I wou'd have my Hiſtori<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>an zealous to ſpeak the Truth, and that he lye under no Temptations to conceal it; let him make no Allowances to Fear or Hope, to Friend<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſhip or Hatred; let him not be of any Country or Party, and let him call every thing by its true Name, without remembring either to of<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fend or pleaſe. And this, continues he, is the Method which <hi>Thucydides</hi> follow'd, altho' he ſaw <hi>Herodotus</hi> was in ſo great Eſteem, that his Books had the Names of the Muſes beſtow'd upon them. It is infinitely better for me, ſaid he, to write ſomething that will laſt for ever, than only endeavour to pleaſe for the preſent. I ought not to take in fabulous Stories, but to tranſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mit to Poſterity the Truth, as it happen'd. — See now what ought to be the Sentiments of a true Hiſtorian.</q>
<p>Theſe are ſuch evident Truths that 'tis impoſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſible to reject them, however it may be conveni<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ent to enlarge upon them a little more, to ſhow the great Importance of them, in a more ſenſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble manner. I ſay then that an Hiſtorian ought at firſt ſetting out to forget that he has any Friends, Relations, or any Country; that he may be able to ſpeak of them with the ſame diſinte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>reſſed Freedom as if he had no manner of En<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gagements to them. The Duties of a Friend, of a Relation, or of a Citizen are one thing, and the Duty of an Hiſtorian another. The former are confined to certain Perſons and Places, whoſe ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vantage we endeavour to procure, but the latter concerns all Mankind in general, that are able to
<pb n="114" facs="tcp:99272:62"/>read Hiſtory, in whatever place or time they are born. As 'tis but convenient that the Inte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>reſts of our Friends and Relations ſhou'd give way to thoſe of our Country, becauſe 'tis much better to procure the Advantage of a great num<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ber of Perſons, or of a whole Society, than that of ſome few of its Members, ſo in the ſame man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ner the preſent Intereſt of one's Country ought to be leſs conſider'd, than that which is infinitely more extenſive, the Intereſt of all Mankind.<note n="†" place="margin">Lib. <hi>I.</hi> p. <hi>18.</hi> Edit. Amſtel.</note>
<hi>Polybius</hi> ſpeaking of ſome Hiſtorians who had been too favourable to their Country, ſays admirably well, <q>That in other Duties of Life this Diſpo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſition was not to be blamed. For 'tis juſt that a good Man ſhould be a Friend to his Friend, and to his Country, and bear a Hatred to their Enemies, and a Friend to their Friends. But ſo ſoon as he takes the Character of an Hiſto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rian upon him, that very moment he ought to forget all this. An Hiſtorian is frequently ob<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>liged to ſpeak well of his Enemies, and to give them-great Commendations, when their Acti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons deſerve it. He muſt often cenſure his near<g ref="char:EOLunhyphen"/>eſt Relations, and cover them with Infamy, when they have committed ſuch Faults that he can<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>not ſpeak otherwiſe of them. As a Creature which has loſt its Eyes becomes unſerviceable; in the ſame manner, if you take away Truth from Hiſtory, what remains is good for no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing. For this Conſideration he ſhou'd not make any difficulty to condemn his Friends, and blame his Enemies. He muſt not be afraid to cenſure the ſame Perſons upon whom he has beſtow'd Commendations, ſince thoſe that are in the Government cannot always ſucceed, nor on the other hand, commit Faults perpetual<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly. Without having any regard to the Perſons,
<pb n="115" facs="tcp:99272:62"/>he ought to relate things by themſelves, and to ſpeak of them in his Hiſtory, as they deſerve.</q> Some one will ſay perhaps that theſe are fine words, and that they comprehend an excellent Leſſon, but a Man muſt be Maſter of a great deal of Cou<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rage and Reſolution, he muſt love Truth in an extraordinary manner to obſerve the Rules which this Hiſtorian has laid down. Theſe are Quali<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ties that are not eaſily to be found; and has he follow'd the ſame Precepts himſelf, which he re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>commends to others?</p>
<p>But I ask the Gentlemen, who ſtart theſe Dif<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ficulties, Whether they imagine that to Write a Hiſtory be an Employment proper for every one that can expreſs himſelf with Facility? Whe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther they believe that a mean-ſpirited Wretch, that a Flatterer, that a covetous intereſſed Man is fit to inſtruct all Poſterity? A Man's Talents ought to anſwer the Greatneſs of ſuch an Enter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>prize; and if 'tis a rare matter to find Perſons that poſſeſs them all, 'tis equally as rare to find Hiſtories that deſerve to be read. As for <hi>Poly<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bius,</hi> only thoſe that never read him, can poſſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bly take him for a Philoſopher or Preacher, which People often do the quite contrary to what they re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>commend to others. He ſhows all along that he had a very great Eſteem for <hi>Aratus,</hi> the General of the <hi>Achaeans:</hi> However, that does not hinder him from cenſuring in his Conduct, with great free<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dom, whatever he thought was amiſs in it. For inſtance, He deſcribes at length, in the fourth Book of his Hiſtory, the Faults, which <hi>Aratus</hi> committed in a Battel againſt the <hi>Aetolians,</hi> that was purely loſt by his means; without diſſem<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bling any thing of, and endeavouring to excuſe what wou'd admit of no Apology. He knew what difference there is between Pardoning and
<pb n="116" facs="tcp:99272:63"/>Juſtifying; and altho' he was of opinion that the <hi>Achaeans</hi> ought to pardon <hi>Aratus</hi> for the Faults he had commited upon this Occaſion, in conſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deration of the great Services he had done their Republic, and the Honeſty of his Intentions, yet he knew that 'twas not an Hiſtorian's Buſineſs to endeavour to Juſtifie them. But <hi>Polybius</hi> was by no means capable of betraying the Truth in fa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vour of <hi>Aratus:</hi> he who does in no manner con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceal the Faults of <hi>Philopoemen,</hi> nor thoſe of <hi>Lycor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tas;</hi> the latter of whom was his Father, and the former his Friend and Protector. This the Rea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>der may eaſily remark in his<note n="†" place="margin">Excerpta Legat. <hi>41.</hi>
</note> Narration of the Embaſſy of <hi>Lycortas</hi> in <hi>Aegypt,</hi> in the Name of the <hi>Achaeans.</hi> He went thither to renew the Al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>liance which the <hi>Achaeans</hi> had long before made with the <hi>Ptolomys,</hi> and this Deſign had been vigo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rouſly ſupported by <hi>Philopoemen.</hi> However heacquit<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ted himſelf ſo negligently in this Employ, that he contented himſelf with making the King of <hi>Ae<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gypt</hi> Swear, and with ſwearing himſelf in the Name or the <hi>Achaeans,</hi> before he had agreed upon any Ar<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ticles with him; altho' the <hi>Achaeans</hi> had made ſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>veral different Treaties with the <hi>Ptolomys.</hi> At his return home, <hi>Ariſtenus,</hi> General of the <hi>Achae<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ans,</hi> who was of the contrary Faction, as he was giving his Advice in the general Aſſembly of <hi>A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>chaia,</hi> ask'd him what ſort of an Alliance he had renew'd with the King of <hi>Aegypt,</hi> and reckon'd up ſeveral Treaties which the Republic had made with his Predeceſſors. Upon this the Aſſem<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bly was eager to know which of theſe Treaties he had confirmed. <q>Now this, ſays the Son of <hi>Lycortas,</hi> was what neither <hi>Philopoemen</hi> himſelf, who, as being General, had adviſed the renew<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing of the Alliance, nor <hi>Lycortas,</hi> nor the o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther Ambaſſadors, who had been at <hi>Alexan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dria,</hi>
<pb n="117" facs="tcp:99272:63"/>cou'd ſay any thing to. It was therefore unanimouſly adjudged, that they had acquit<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ted themſelves very negligently in their Com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>miſſion. <hi>Ariſtenus,</hi> on the contrary, ſeemed to be a Man of Ability, as being the only Per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſon who knew what he ſaid.</q> 'Tis after this manner that <hi>Polybius</hi> ſpeaks of his Protector and of his Father. He obſerves the ſame Conduct, when he ſpeaks of thoſe Perſons for whom he had no Kindneſs. He lays down their Virtues with as much Impartiality as their Vices; becauſe his only pleaſure was to ſpeak Truth. I will give an Inſtance of it below.</p>
<p>The beſt Hiſtorians have imitated him more or leſs, according as they had more or leſs Courage, or Love for the Truth. It is almoſt impoſſible for a Man not to have an Averſion for the Ene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mies of his Country, or thoſe from whom he has received any perſonal Injury. He will have an Idea of Injuſtice generally before his Eyes, when<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ever he thinks of them, and this will ſo far in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fluence him as to make him repreſent them for a People, or a Set of Men that are Enemies to Ju<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtice. The Princes that enter'd into a Cofedera<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cy againſt <hi>France,</hi> (in the War which began in 1688, and ended in 1697) and their Subjects have looked upon, and do ſtill look upon <hi>France</hi> as an unjuſt Power, which deſign'd to make itſelf Mi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtreſs of all <hi>Europe.</hi> In <hi>France,</hi> on the other hand, they have accuſed the Allies of Injuſtice, and it may be they are ſtill prepoſſeſs'd with this Opi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nion. Thus it happens that when Writers of theſe different Countries, undertake to ſpeak of the contrary Party, they ſeldom fail to load it with an odious Character, and to make an Apo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>logy for their own. As their Minds are poſſeſs'd by prejudice and Paſſion, their Thoughts conſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quently
<pb n="118" facs="tcp:99272:64"/>take the ſame Tincture, even without, their being ſenſible of it; and this is the Reaſon why we ſee nothing almoſt upon theſe Subjects, that deſerves to be read. But as we ought to forget that we have Friends, Relations, and a Country, when we are obliged to mention them in Hiſtory, ſo we ought not to number whether others, whom we have occaſion to ſpeak of, be Enemies, whether public or private. 'Tis im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſſible to ſay any thing more proper to this pur<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſe, than what <hi>Polybius</hi> has ſaid upon the occaſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on of <hi>Timaeus</hi> the Hiſtorian, and <hi>Agathocles,</hi> the Tyrant of <hi>Syracuſe;</hi> and this is ſo much the more worthy of our obſervation, as <hi>Polybius</hi> was born in a Commonwealth, and extremely tinctured with Republican Inclinations, as appears by what remains of his Works.<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Lib.</hi> XII. <hi>p.</hi> 917.</note>
<q>As wiſe People, ſays he, when they have a mind to be reveng'd on their Enemies, don't ſo much conſider what their Enemies have deſerved at their Hands, as what Equity and good Manners will ſuffer them to do them; in like manner, when we are to ſay any thing diſadvantagious of them, we ſhould not ſo much conſider what they de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſerve ſhould be ſaid of them, as what is fitting for us to publiſh; and indeed 'tis neceſſary that we ſhou'd have a regard to this above all things. Thoſe that meaſure every thing by their An<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ger and Hatred, fall unavoidably into a thou<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſand Faults, and ſpeak more III of them than they ought to do. For this Reaſon we have Juſtice on our ſide to refuſe our belief to the greateſt part of thoſe things, which <hi>Timaeus</hi> has alledg'd againſt <hi>Demochares.</hi> No body can ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cuſe this in him, or believe him, becauſe he has exceeded all the bounds of Juſtice, in gra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tifying his reviling Humour. Nay I can't en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dure
<pb n="119" facs="tcp:99272:64"/>the ſcandalous things he tells us of <hi>Aga<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thocles,</hi> he who was a wicked Man: I mean what ſays of him towards the concluſion of his Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtory, where he lays the moſt infamous De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>baucheries to his Charge, <hi>&c.</hi> There is no queſtion but Nature had beſtow'd very eminent Qualities upon <hi>Agathocles,</hi> which ſufficiently appears even by what <hi>Timaeus</hi> has ſaid of him. For ſince he left the Wheel, the Smoke, and Clay of his Father's Shop, who was an ordina<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry Potter, being ſcarce eighteen Years old when he came to <hi>Syracuſe,</hi> yet from theſe diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>advantagious Circumſtances, he was able ſome time after to make himſelf Maſter of all <hi>Sicily,</hi> and to involve the <hi>Carthaginians</hi> in very great Difficulties; and laſtly, ſince he had grown old in Tyranny, he died with the Name and Dignity of a King; are we not forced to own that he was an extraordinary Man, and that he was poſſeſs'd of admirable Talents for the ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ecution of great Affairs? Upon this account an Hiſtorian is obliged to recount to Poſte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rity not only what was ill and blamable in <hi>Agathocles,</hi> but likewiſe whatever was worthy of Commendation. This ought to be the Aim and Intention of Hiſtory: But <hi>Timaeus</hi> blinded by his natural Inclination to Calumny, reports the Bad with a world of Animoſity and Exag<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>geration, and paſſes over all his noble Actions in a few words. In all appearance he was ig<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>norant, that to ſuppreſs in a Hiſtory what real<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly happen'd is no leſs a Lye than to advance what never was.</q>
<p>We may joyn to <hi>Polybius</hi> a famous modern Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtorian, who after he had ſuffer'd exceedingly by the Injuſtice of a great Prince, yet for all that was not wanting to relate his great Exploits, with
<pb n="120" facs="tcp:99272:65"/>as much care and diligence as any other Hiſtorian, and to ſpeak all along of him, as his eminent Qua<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lities deſerv'd, without ſuffering the leaſt word to drop from him, which might ſhow that he had a juſt occaſion to complain of him. I mean the incomparable <hi>Hugo Grotius,</hi> who, in his Hiſtory of the <hi>Low-Countries,</hi> has ſpoke of Prince <hi>Maurice</hi> of <hi>Naſſau,</hi> as if he had never had any Quarrel with him. Here is now a remarkable Inſtance of Impartiality, which ſhows that it is by no means impoſſible for a Man to overcome his Paſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſion, and to ſpeak honourably of his Enemies, as abundance of People imagine, who judge of o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thers by themſelves.</p>
<p>Another thing that has contributed to ruine the Sincerity of ſeveral Hiſtorians, is that they un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dertook the writing of Hiſtory, to obtain ſome Reward, or to Advance themſelves in the Party wherein they were obliged. Suppoſe that an Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtorian lies really under ſuch Circumſtances that he has occaſion for ſome Acknowledgment, and that he believes to obtain it by favouring a Party, 'tis a hundred to one if his Occaſions don't pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vail over his Love for Truth. There are but few Men that are able without ſome regret to behold Flatterers recompens'd for their Writings, living in Reputation and enjoying their Pleaſures, when melancholy Truth is diſcouraged and con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>temned, together with all thoſe that dare admire her, or ſpeak of her in public. And there are as few learned Men, whoſe Fortunes, generally ſpeaking, are none of the greateſt, whom Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wards cannot gain, or at leaſt prevail with to con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceal what is III, if they don't invent advantagi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ous Facts for thoſe that recompence them. From hence it follows that the buſineſs of writing mo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dern Hiſtory, in thoſe places where a Man is any
<pb n="121" facs="tcp:99272:65"/>ways intereſſed, ought not to be an Office or Employment, by which one propoſes purely Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fit to himſelf. A Man may write foreign or an<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cient Hiſtories, in which all the World is pleaſed to hear the truth, becauſe we are no farther con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cern'd in that than only to know what has hap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pen'd. But 'tis almoſt impoſſible to write in any Government by public Order, and in conſequence of a Penſion, the Tranſactions that lately fell out in it, and at the ſame time to confine himſelf re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ligiouſly to the Truth. After this, when we ſee throngs of People crowd and preſs to obtain the like Employments, who can forbear crying out, <hi>Oh! Homines ad mentiendum paratos!</hi> Here are Men that are ready to tell Lies for their Inte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>reſt.</p>
<p>But may it not ſo happen that a Prince or a Government may be pleas'd for a Man to ſay the Truth, nay and even recompenſe the generous Li<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>berty of an Hiſtorian, who has told both the good and bad without diſſembling in the leaſt? Is this Virtue impracticable, or above Humane Nature? There is no queſtion to be made but this is poſſible to God, who is able to change the Hearts of Men as he pleaſes; but I look upon it to be impoſſible to Men, in the preſent Conditi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on wherein we find them. Flatterers are not only rewarded in all places of the World, but we look upon thoſe Perſons to be diſaffected and ſeditious, that dare proclaim any Faults that we have committed; and we are more ſevere in pu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>niſhing ſuch People, than we are liberal in re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>warding thoſe that Flatter us. Princes imagine that it is not ſo advantageous for them that we ſpeak Well of them, as 'tis dangerous to ſuffer us to ſpeak the leaſt III of them. Mankind is eve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry-where violently prejudiced againſt the Praiſes
<pb n="122" facs="tcp:99272:66"/>of thoſe, that cannot blame without expoſing themſelves to ſome Diſgrace, and eaſily believe the Ill, which it is dangerous to ſpeak. This is the reaſon why we are much more afraid of a ſin<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cere Writer, than we love thoſe that are ready to ſay all that we wou'd have them ſay. Thus even thoſe Perſons who wou'd ſcorn to proſtitute themſelves ſo meanly as to tell Lies for a Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ward, have not Courage enough oftentimes to expoſe themſelves to Perſecutions for ſpeaking the Truth.</p>
<p>If Sovereign Princes had a mind to inſtruct Po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſterity at their own Expence, they ought ſo to ma<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nage Matters, that Hiſtorians might have nothing to fear from them, for deſcribing their Defects as well as their Virtues, and the Faults they have committed as well as their fine Actions. Thoſe to whom they addreſs themſelves to write their Hiſtory, ought to anſwer them in ſome ſuch a manner as follows. <q>If you wou'd have the World believe the Good I can write of you, give me leave not to diſſemble, whatever may with truth be ſaid to your diſadvantage. If you wou'd have them think that it is not out of Intereſt that I commend you, take care that they have not any reaſon to ſuſpect that the fear of being Ill-uſed has not hinder'd my Pen from writing what may be juſtly cenſured. Otherwiſe leave me at liberty to hold my Tongue, and reſerve your Favours for other Perſons than for Flatterers, who are as lit<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tle believed when they praiſe thoſe, to whom they have ſold their Liberty, as when they blame without reaſon the Enemies of their Be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nefactors. For my part, there are no Lies or Diſſimulations to be bought of me, and I will never ſell the Truth.</q> But to make ſuch a plain-dealing Speech as this is, a Man muſt be of the
<pb n="123" facs="tcp:99272:66"/>Humour of <hi>Philoxenus</hi> who rather choſe to drudge in the vileſt Employment, with Irons upon his Feet, than not to ridicule the wretched Verſes of a certain Tyrant of <hi>Syracuſe:</hi> But we have few Men of this Temper.</p>
<p>But it is not only Paſſion that may miſlead an Hiſtorian, for there are Prepoſſeſſions that may have the ſame Effect upon him, and equally lead him out of his way. When we have once enter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tained a good Opinion of a Man, we are reſolved without farther Examination to believe all that is ſaid to his Advantage; and on the other hand we readily believe all the Ill that is reported of thoſe whom we don't eſteem. However, it may ſo fall out, that Perſons, who in all Reſpects de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſerve our Admiration, may commit very great Faults, and that others, who little deſerve to be eſteem'd, may ſometimes do very good Acti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons. Humane Nature is not ſo equal in itſelf, whatever condition it may be in, but it frequent<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly paſſes from Good to Evil, and from Evil to Good, when we leaſt intend it. The Examples of <hi>Aratus</hi> and <hi>Agathocles</hi> which I have already cited, are an evident Proof of it. Therefore an Hiſtorian ought to diſengage himſelf from all Pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vention, and to exanine in themſelves the Proofs of thoſe Facts he is going to relate: To cenſure, if there be a juſt Occaſion for it, thoſe whom he has Eſteem'd, and, on the contrary, to praiſe thoſe of whom he had a bad Opinion, if they deſerve it.</p>
<hi>Polybius</hi> infinitely eſteem'd the <hi>Romans</hi> upon the ſcore of moral and military Virtues, and in truth he had reaſon to admire them upon ſeveral Ac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>counts. It is not to be ſuppoſed that he cou'd have ſo advantageous an Idea of the <hi>Carthagini<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ans,</hi> and to ſay the truth, they did not equal the
<pb n="124" facs="tcp:99272:67"/>
<hi>Romans.</hi> However, this does not hinder him from publiſhing the Faults of the former, and their Violation of Faith upon diverſe occaſions, as particularly their Uſage of the <hi>Carthaginians</hi> after the end of the firſt Punic War. In like manner he commends the good conduct of the <hi>Carthaginian</hi> Generals, when they deſerved it. Thus the <hi>Romans</hi> had ſo great an eſteem for his Sincerity and Judgment, that <hi>Brutus,</hi> who kill'd <hi>Julius Caeſar,</hi> made an Abridgment of his Hiſtory in the latter part of his Life, at which time he was moſt of all taken up with Buſineſs.</p>
<p>But we find few Hiſtorians ſo impartial and ſincere. The preſent Writers of <hi>France</hi> don't think that 'tis poſſible for the Council that go<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>verns it, to commit the leaſt Indiſcretions, ſo high an Idea they have of their wiſe Maxims, and ſteddy Conduct. I will not pretend to op<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſe this Idea of theirs, becauſe in truth it is founded upon diverſe weighty Reaſons: But they ſhould judge of Facts and their Conſequences, without having any regard to them; becauſe the moſt prudent Councils are not always infallible, but are ſubject to take falſe Meaſures, altho' this does not happen ſo often to them. It is like<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wiſe reaſonable that thoſe that admire the Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>duct of the other Princes of <hi>Europe,</hi> who join'd againſt <hi>France,</hi> ſhould remember that the beſt Heads are ſometimes over-ſeen: We ought to do Juſtice reciprocally one to another, and to judge of Faults and great Actions, by them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves, and by their Conſequences, and not alto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gether by Prepoſeſſion.</p>
<note place="margin">Of Eccleſia<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtic Hiſtory</note>THESE Precautions, in my Opinion, are abſolutely neceſſary for an Hiſtorian, if he wou'd
<pb n="125" facs="tcp:99272:67"/>acquit himſelf, as he ought, in his Undertaking. We may find, as already has been obſerv'd, Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>amples and Proofs of it in the beſt Hiſtorians of Pagan Antiquity. But there is a ſort of Hiſtory among Chriſtians, wherein, if we muſt talk Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtorically, that is to ſay, without being byaſs'd, all the above-mention'd Rules, that have been preſcrib'd for the Writing of Hiſtory, are neg<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lected and violated. An <hi>Orthodox</hi> Author that undertakes to Compoſe an Eccleſiaſtic Hiſtory, cannot be too hot-headed and zealous for his own Party, nor have too violent an Averſion for the other Sects: He muſt ſhew this Diſpoſition of Mind all along in his Work; for therwiſe he will be defamed not only for a Man of no Abi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lities, but likewiſe for an impious Perſon. 'Tis but juſt he ſhould propoſe to himſelf, as a Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>compenſe for his Labour, ſome Eccleſiaſtic Dig<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nities, if he is of a Profeſſion to pretend to them, or ſome other equivalent, if he is a Laic, upon condition he all along favour <hi>Orthodoxy,</hi> that is, his own Party. If he be ſo ill adviſed, as to ſpeak never ſo little in favour of the <hi>Heretics,</hi> or ſuch as are oppoſite to his own ſide, he muſt expect to be expos'd to the fury of Zealots, to their Accuſations, and perhaps to all the Puniſhments, Eccleſiaſtic and Civil, that are inflicted in the place where he lives; unleſs he will retract theſe raſh Truths, which are to be found in him, ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vantageous to <hi>Hereſy.</hi> He ought to fore-arm himſelf with this Prejudice and never lay it aſide, <hi>viz.</hi> That all that may be honourable in <hi>Heretics</hi> is falſe, and that all that is ſaid to their Diſrepu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tation is true: As on the contrary, every thing that can do honour to the <hi>Orthodox</hi> is undoubt<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed, and all that reflects upon them is a down<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>right Life. 'Tis neceſſary that an <hi>Orthodox</hi> Hiſto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rian
<pb n="126" facs="tcp:99272:68"/>ſhould carefully ſuppreſs, or at leaſt exte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nuate, as far as in him lies, the Errors and Vi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ces of thoſe that are reſpected among the <hi>Ortho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dox,</hi> altho' they are not well known by them; and on the other hand, that he exaggerate, as much as he can, the Miſtakes and Faults of the <hi>Heretics.</hi> Beſides, he ought to remember that any <hi>Orthodox</hi> may ſerve as a Witneſs againſt a <hi>Heretic,</hi> and ought to be believed upon his word; and that on the contrary, a <hi>Heretic</hi>'s word ought never to be taken againſt the <hi>Ortho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dox.</hi> All the honour that muſt be allow'd him, is to hearken to him when he has any thing to ſay in favour of <hi>Orthodoxy,</hi> or againſt himſelf. An <hi>Orthodox</hi> may be cited as a Witneſs in his own proper Cauſe, but a <hi>Heretic</hi> muſt not be ſo even in that of another. In ſhort, there are Maxims, which he muſt not examine but follow, if he undertakes to write Eccleſiaſtic Hiſtory, under pain of Infamy, Excommunication, Ba<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>niſhment, <hi>&c.</hi> After this manner the <hi>Centuria<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tors of Magdeburg</hi> have written on one ſide, and <hi>Cardinal Baronius</hi> on the other; which has ob<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tain'd both of them among their own Party, an immortal Reputation: But we muſt confeſs at the ſame time that they were not the firſt; and that they only imitated the generality of thoſe that preceded them, in this way of Writing. It had been the faſhion ſeveral Ages before this, to ſearch out in Antiquity, not what was really there, but what we judged ought to be there, for the good of the Party which we had eſpous'd; and to repreſent the Ancients, ſuch as we found it for our porpoſe, that they ſhould be, for the advantage of the Cauſe, which we have under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>taken to defend. A Man certainly found his
<pb n="127" facs="tcp:99272:68"/>profit in writing after this manner, and danger in doing otherwiſe.</p>
<hi>Sozomen,</hi> in<note n="*" place="margin">Lib. I. c. 1.</note> his Eccleſiaſtic Hiſtory, after having enumerated the Monuments, out of which he compil'd it, goes on as follows: <q>For fear leſt any one ſhould condemn my Work of Falſehood, upon my not being ſufficiently in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtructed in Matters as they happen'd, becauſe he finds the Relations in other Authors diffe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rent from mine; he muſt underſtand that up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on the occaſion of <hi>Arius</hi>'s Opinions, and thoſe which ſprung up afterwards, the Governours of the Church being divided, every one writ to thoſe of his own Opinion concerning thoſe things, which he himſelf had taken to Heart: That having aſſembled Synods a-part, they confirm'd whatever they had a mind to, and frequently condemn'd their Adverſaries in their abſence; That they made their Court to the Emperors and the Great Men about them, and left no Stone unturn'd to gain them over to their ſide, and make them receive their own Opinions; That in order to paſs for <hi>Or<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thodox</hi> in the World, each Party took a par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ticular care to collect the Letters which fa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vour'd their Sect, and omitted the reſt. And this, ſays he, has given me abundance of trou<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble in my Search after the Truth. But ſince the Sincerity of Hiſtory requires that we ſhould do all that in us lies to diſcover the Truth, I thought myſelf oblig'd diligently to examine theſe ſorts of Writings. If I relate the Quar<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rels which the Eccleſiaſtics have had among one another, about the Preference of their Sects; let no one believe that this proceeds from Malice, or any ſiniſter Deſign. Beſides that, 'tis juſt, as I have already obſerv'd, that an
<pb n="128" facs="tcp:99272:69"/>Hiſtorian ſhould prefer the Truth to all things; the Truth of the Doctrins of the Ca<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tholick Church does but appear the more by it, having been ſeveral times put to the Proof, by the cunning Deſigns of thoſe that oppoſed it, <hi>&c.</hi>
</q> It ſeems that he durſt not ſpeak all that he thought, for after he had taken notice of the Quarrels and Ambition of the Eccleſiaſtics, as well as of their Writings and Letters, direct<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly oppoſite one to the other; he ought to have told his Reader what Rules he had follow'd in his Hiſtory, to diſtinguiſh the Truth from Falſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>hood: Beſides, he ought to have concluded o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>therwiſe than he has done, and have ſaid that the vitious Lives, and wicked Actions of the Ec<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cleſiaſtics have no Connexion with the Chriſtian Religion, which condemns them, and conſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quently ought not to be ſet down to her Ac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>count; That therefore for his ſpeaking Truth of the firſt Fathers of the Church, altho' it was not advantageous for them, no ſuch Concluſion ought to be drawn, as that he deſign'd to do the leaſt injury to Religion; That we ought not to con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>found the private and perſonal Intereſts of the Church-men with the general Intereſt of the Go<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſpel; That this was an Artifice which the irre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gular Clergy made uſe of, to authorize their ill living, or hinder others from daring to reprove it, as if what was levell'd only at their diſorders, muſt needs ſtrike directly at Religion itſelf, whoſe unworthy Miniſters they muſt own them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves to be; That we ought likewiſe to diſtin<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guiſh between good and bad, between Orders that were inſtituted with Reaſon in the Church, and the Abuſe that was made of them; in order to let the World ſee that thoſe who blame the Abuſe, don't cenſure the thing itſelf, and that
<pb n="129" facs="tcp:99272:69"/>thoſe who recount the ill Actions of wicked Men, don't loſe the Reſpect which ought to be paid to the Good; That it is notoriouſly manifeſt that the Truth of Opinions don't make all ſuch as profeſs them, virtuous; and that ſpeculative Errors don't corrupt the Manners of all thoſe who are engaged in them; ſo that the mixture of good and bad in the Conduct of Life, is almoſt equal between the <hi>Orthodox</hi> and the <hi>Heretics;</hi> That therefore we ought not to take all for Goſpel which the former ſay, nor yet to reject every thing as falſe that comes from the ſecond; but that we ought to examine what both of them can ſay, according to the ſame Rules which the Law preſcribes for ſifting of Witneſſes, in Civil and Criminal Affairs; That in fine, it is of the laſt importance to ſpeak out the truth freely in all this, leſt the Libertines ſhould imagine that 'tis a Belief among the Chriſtians, that the Opi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nions of the Mind, or Employments in the Church, change Vice into Virtue, and Virtue in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>to Vice; and leſt Perſons of weak Judgments ſhould inſenſibly be led into it by ſeeing both one and the other equally conſecrated in the Per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſon of Eccleſiaſtics, and at laſt forget that the Chriſtian Religion conſiſts in believing the Do<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ctrins of the Goſpel, and obeying its Precepts, and not in the Reſpect that is paid to Men, who are neither made better, nor more knowing by their Dignities. This is what ought to be ſaid in a Preface to an Eccleſiaſtic Hiſtory, and what <hi>Sozomen</hi> perhaps wou'd have ſaid, if he had da<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>red to ſpeak all that he thought: But it was too dangerous at that time to ſpeak thus at <hi>Conſtan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tinople,</hi> as it is ſtill ſo in the greateſt part of <hi>Eu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rope.</hi>
<p n="3">
<pb n="130" facs="tcp:99272:70"/>
<note place="margin">Of the Stile of Hiſtory.</note>III. IT is not neceſſary that I ſhould ſpeak of the Order which an Hiſtorian ought to obſerve, becauſe the Series of the Time ſufficiently directs him in that, and the Rhetors have aſſign'd Rules for the Narration, which are as ſuitable to an Hiſtorian as they are to an Orator. As for the Style, the only Qualities which it ought to have, is to be pure, clear, and as conciſe as poſſible, without becoming obſcure. 'Tis in Hiſtory where we ought principally to employ that ſimple and natural Style, which the Maſters of this Art ſo exceedingly commend. As an Hiſtorian only propoſes to himſelf to inform his Reader of what has happen'd, without any deſign to move or di<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vert him, any farther than the Matter may con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tribute to it, without the Hiſtorians having any ſuch Thought; all ſorts of studied Ornaments are ſuperfluous, and an Affectation of ſhewing one's Eloquence is altogether impertinent. We ought to hear what is ſaid upon this Head by <hi>Lucian,</hi> or by <hi>d'Ablancourt;</hi> for it ſignifies nothing which of the two ſpeaks, provided that the Rules are good. <q>Hiſtory, ſay they, is more chaſt than Poetry, and can no more employ the Orna<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ments of the latter, than a virtuous Woman thoſe of a Harlot; and ſo much the more as it has no occaſion to be beholding to Fiction, and has none of thoſe Figures and Movements which tranſport and diſorder the Soul. If you beſtow too much Decoration upon it, you make it reſemble <hi>Hercules,</hi> when he has <hi>Om<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>phale</hi>'s Cloaths on, which is the higheſt piece of Extravagance.</q> They likewiſe ſay in ano<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther place, diſcourſing of an Hiſtorian; <q>That his Style ought to be clear and natural, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out being low; for as we aſſign him Freedom
<pb n="131" facs="tcp:99272:70"/>and Truth to regulate the Matter of his Nar<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration, ſo Clearneſs and Perſpicuity ought to regulate the Manner of it. The Figures ought neither to be too ſublime, nor too far fetch'd; unleſs when he comes to deſcribe a Battel, or to make an Harangue: For upon thoſe occa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions, he is allow'd to elevate his Style, and if I may ſo expreſs myſelf, to unfurl all the Sails of his Eloquence. However, it is not neceſſary that he ſhould raiſe himſelf in pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>portion to the things, of which he talks; and he ought to preſerve his Style altogether free from the Enthuſiaſm and Fury of Poetry; for 'tis to be fear'd that if he riſes too high, his Head will be apt to grow giddy, and loſe itſelf in Fiction—Therefore if he has a mind to riſe, let it rather be by the Things than the Words; for 'tis infinitely better that his Style ſhould be ordinary, and his Thoughts ſublime, than that his Thoughts ſhould be mean and his Style elevated, or that he ſhould ſuffer himſelf to be too violently hurried by the force of his Imagination. Let his Periods be neither too long nor too much ſtudied; his Style neither too harmonious, nor too negli<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gent, becauſe one has a tincture of Barbarity, and the other of Affectation.</q>
<p>This is all that may reaſonably be ſaid in ge<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neral of an Hiſtorical Style; for I am by no means of their Opinion, who pretend that the Style of an Hiſtorian ought to be more elevated than that of an Orator, and almoſt Poetical, as<note n="*" place="margin">
<hi>Lib.</hi> X. <hi>c.</hi> 1.</note>
<hi>Quintilian</hi> believed. Neither do I believe that 'tis neceſſary for a Man to be an Orator to be an Hiſtorian, as<note n="†" place="margin">Lib. <hi>II.</hi> de Oratore, c. <hi>9.</hi> & ſeq.</note>
<hi>Cicero</hi> has maintain'd. As Inſtru<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ction is his main and principal Buſineſs, all that is not ſerviceable to that end, has no relation to
<pb n="132" facs="tcp:99272:71"/>the Hiſtory, what Taſte ſoever the Ancients had of theſe Matters, who were ſomewhat too fond of the Ornaments of Rhetoric. If a Man has a mind to pleaſe his Reader by his Style, 'tis e<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nough if it has the above-mention'd Qualities. A Narration conceiv'd in pure Terms, clear and ſhort, is ſufficiently agreeable of itſelf, and needs no Foreign Ornaments to recommend it, if the things we relate do otherwiſe deſerve to be read. So ſoon as the Reader perceives that an Hiſto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rian makes it his Buſineſs to diſplay his Elo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quence, he has a very juſt Reaſon to ſuſpect his want of Integrity, becauſe 'tis the Cuſtom of Declamers to alter the things they relate, that they may make a better ſhew in the Declama<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tory manner. <hi>Cicero</hi> in his <hi>Brutus,</hi> having com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>par'd the death of <hi>Coriolanus</hi> with that of <hi>Themi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtocles,</hi> as if both one and the other had been ſlain,<note n="*" place="margin">Cap. 11.</note> excuſes himſelf for doing ſo to his Friend <hi>Atticus,</hi> who believed that he died of a natural Death, and accordingly had affirm'd ſo much in a Hiſtory of his own Compoſing; upon which <hi>Atticus</hi> anſwers him very handſomly, <q>That he might uſe what liberty he pleaſed, becauſe the Rhetors were allow'd to depart from the truth of Hiſtory, to have a better opportunity of ſhewing their Parts. For as for what you have feign'd about <hi>Coriolanus,</hi> is no more than what <hi>Clitarehus</hi> and <hi>Stratocles</hi> have feign'd about <hi>Themiſtocles. Thucydides,</hi> who was an <hi>Athenian,</hi> deſcended from a good Family, and a great Man; and what is more, one that lived a little time after him, only tells us that he died, that he was buried pri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vately in <hi>Attica,</hi> and that ſome ſuſpected that he was Poiſon'd. But theſe two Authors re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>late, how that having ſacrfic'd a Bull, he re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceived the Blood in a Cup, and fell down dead after he had drank it. The reaſon was, that
<pb n="133" facs="tcp:99272:71"/>they were able to deſcribe this Death in a Tragical magnificent manner, where this com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mon Death furniſhed them with no Topics, on which they might diſplay their Rhetoric. Therefore ſince your Occaſions require that <hi>Themiſtocles</hi> and <hi>Coriolanus</hi> ſhould reſemble one another in every thing, I will, if you pleaſe, lend you a Cup for the latter; nay, I will pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vide you with a Victim, that <hi>Coriolanus</hi> may be in all reſpects another: <hi>Themiſtocles.</hi>
<hi>Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceſſum est Rhetoribus ementiri in Hiſtoriis, ut aliquid dicere poſſint argutius.</hi>
<p>For this very Reaſon a Man ought to avoid all ſort of Affectation in an Hiſtorical Style: But a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bove all things, he ought to take care that it be pure, becauſe ſince the Purity of the Style is by no means incompatible with the Truth, 'tis ridi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>culous to diſhearten the Reader by a barbarous Style. Such, for inſtance, is that of <hi>Aubigné</hi> in his Hiſtory, which we can hardly endure to read for that very Reaſon, and which nothing can ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cuſe, ſince it was in his power to write other<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wiſe, as we may find by his other Works.</p>
<p>Such is likewiſe, in part, the Style of <hi>Meze<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ray,</hi> in his great Hiſtory of <hi>France,</hi> and likewiſe in his Abridgment. Without being a jot the worſe Hiſtorian, he might have written much better French, at a time when the Language was infinitely more pure and polite, than it ſeems to have been by his Writings. By <hi>Purity</hi> and <hi>Po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>liteneſs,</hi> I don't mean a Style elaborately turn'd in a Declamatory ſtrain, ſuch as are the Styles of <hi>John Baptiſt Nani,</hi> in his Hiſtory of <hi>Venice;</hi> or of <hi>Emanuel Teſauro,</hi> in his Hiſtorical Writ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ings; but a Choice of Words and Expreſſions conformable to the beſt uſe of the Tongue, and the connecting of them, which hath nothing
<pb n="134" facs="tcp:99272:72"/>harſh nor intricate. In this way of writing, <hi>Cornelius Nepos,</hi> and <hi>Julius Caeſar,</hi> excel among the Ancients; and among the Moderns, the Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thor of the Life of St. <hi>Lewis</hi> (I mean the Abbot <hi>de la Chaiſe</hi>) and he that writ the Hiſtory of <hi>Theodoſius</hi> the Great, and the Life of Cardinal <hi>Ximenes.</hi>
<p>If a Man follows this Advice, 'tis almoſt im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſſible for him to be obſcure; for 'tis certain, that the good uſe of any Tongue, authorizes nothing that may make the Narration obſcure. Thoſe that talk obſcurely, don't fall into this Fault, by conforming themſelves to the general Uſe, but by affecting to talk otherwiſe than the reſt of the World do. Not one of thoſe that ſpoke well at <hi>Athens</hi> or <hi>Rome,</hi> talked ſo ob<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſcurely as <hi>Thucydides</hi> and <hi>Tacitus</hi> have written. It proceeded from their endeavouring to riſe a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bove the common uſe, that they have fallen in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>to this obſcurity, which we ſo juſtly blame in their Stile. No one can deny that this ſort of Stile is not affected, and that theſe Authors thought to recommend their Hiſtories by a maſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>culine Eloquence, if I may ſo expreſs myſelf, in which a Man thinks to expreſs abundance of things in a few words, which is above the vulgar way. I can't imagine what Charms ſome learn<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed Men diſcover'd in this manner of writing, who have attempted to imitate them, as <hi>Hugo Grotius,</hi> and <hi>Denys Voſſius</hi> in his Tranſlation of <hi>de Rheide</hi>'s Hiſtory. For after all, good Thoughts need not be made obſcure to appear good to thoſe that underſtand them; and the Reader, who is forced to ſtop every moment to find out the meaning, is not at all obliged to the Hiſto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rian who gives him this trouble. By this means they have brought it to paſs, that excellent Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtories,
<pb n="135" facs="tcp:99272:72"/>in regard of their Matter, are read but by very few People; whereas, inſtead of propoſing to inſtruct thoſe, who underſtand the <hi>Latin</hi> Tongue well enough to read an Hiſtorian with pleaſure, they ſhould endeavour to make themſelves under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtood, without difficulty, by thoſe who have not arrived to that perfection in that Language, and to render their Works uſeful to as many Perſons, as is poſſible. The more any Hiſtory is worthy of being Read, for the variety of Events it com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>prehends, the more it deſerves to be ſpread abroad. The Authority of the Ancients, who have neg<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lected this perſpicuity of Stile, ought to be no pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tection to the Moderns, who have imitated them, againſt the Reaſons I have mentioned above, or rather againſt good Senſe.</p>
<p>All that we can ſay is, That the obſcurity of theſe Authors comes in part from the brevity of their Expreſſions and Periods, which neceſſarily carries along with it ſomething of Darkneſs, tho' it has I know not what more Majeſty and Life than a more extended Stile. I own it has, but then I maintain, that to repreſent truly the Cha<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>racter of theſe Hiſtorians, we muſt join to this brevity an impropriety of Terms and Expreſſions, and a perplexed Conſtruction, which without di<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſpute are no Ornaments to any Stile. We ought no farther to be Conciſe than Perſpicuity will give us leave, whatever Advantage we may otherwiſe find in Brevity; for indeed there is no Advan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tage that can equal that of being rightly under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtood, when a Man writes to be ſo. The impro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>priety of Terms and perplexity of the Conſtucti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on can never make a Diſcourſe more fit to be read, but only by thoſe who like better what they don't underſtand, than what they do, and whoſe Votes, in my opinion, it is worth no learned Man's while to obtain.</p>
<pb n="136" facs="tcp:99272:73"/>
<hi>Salust</hi>'s Stile is not ſo conciſe as that of <hi>Tacitus,</hi> but 'tis no leſs animated; and were it not for his Antique manner of Speaking, and the boldneſs of his Metaphors, he wou'd be infinitely more clear, without loſing any thing of his force. If we compare <hi>Strada</hi> to <hi>Grotius,</hi> or to de <hi>Rheide,</hi> we ſhall find him in truth ſomewhat more diffu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſive, and his Expreſſions ſometimes bordering more upon Poetry than Hiſtory. Nevertheleſs, he has nothing languiſhing in him, and if we re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>trench his Superfluities in ſome places, and cor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rect the vitious <hi>Latin</hi> in others, there are few Hiſtorians that wou'd be more delightful to be read, in reſpect of the Stile; unleſs there were a per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fect neceſſity to make him ſpeak after the manner of Oracles.</p>
<p>I might add ſome other things relating to the Stile of Hiſtory, but it never was in my Thoughts to write any thing compleat upon this matter. The famous <hi>Gerard John Voſſius</hi> has gone through all the Queſtions almoſt, that uſe to be propoſed upon this Subject, and tho' in ſome places he ſeems to have made a greater uſe of his Reading, than of his Judgment, (a common Fault, with Writers of his Character) yet I have no deſign to contradict him.</p>
<p n="4">
<note place="margin">Of the Judgments that are made in Hiſtory.</note>IV. TO make a perfect Hiſtorian, a Man ought not only to know the Verity of the Facts which he recounts, and have a Will to publiſh and Art to expreſs it, as it ought to be; he like<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wiſe ought to be profoundly read in Morality and Politics, without which he will never be able to paſs a true Judgment upon Humane Actions.<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>See</hi> Voſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſius de Arte Hiſtor. <hi>c. 18.</hi>
</note> It is true, there are ſome Perſons, who believe that an Hiſtorian ought to content himſelf with recounting things as they happen'd, without in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>terpoſing
<pb n="137" facs="tcp:99272:73"/>his own Opinion, and leave the Reader to take that ſide which the things themſelves will incline him to take, without endeavouring to pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſſeſs him. But as this reſervedneſs may be ju<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtifiable in doubtful Matters, yet when the Events themſelves ſpeak, if I may be allow'd ſo to ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>preſs myſelf, who can take it ill if the Hiſtorian joyns his Judgment to them? The generality of Readers are pleaſed to read it, and indeed want ſuch helps to refreſh their Memories as to what reſults from what they have read. That Man can by no means be ſaid to prepoſſeſs them, who only judgeth of a thing which he has related, and that too upon inconteſtable Facts, which them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves have read. Thus we find this has been the conſtant practice of almoſt all Hiſtorians, ſome of whom however judge in a more direct manner, and others more obliquely, according to their different Genius. Some intermix more Sentences than others do, and ſome again wou'd have them interwoven into the Series of the Narration, al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tho' others place them independently by them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves, and out of the Deſign of the Hiſtory, that they may be the more taken notice of. In this we ought to obſerve certain Bounds, within which we ſhall not be liable to cenſure, that is to ſay, the Sentences ought neither to be too fre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quent, nor too far fetch'd. Otherwiſe it will look as if we had written a Hiſtory to have an opportu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nity of retailing Sentences, than Sentences to render the Hiſtory more uſeful. We cannot accuſe <hi>Strada</hi> with having had a deſign to publiſh his Collecti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons of moral Sentences when he was compoſing his Hiſtory, but we cannot deny that he was a little too profuſe of them. Any Man may ob<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſerve this in the Indexes of his two Volumes, where we find a great number of them upon eve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry Letter of the Alphabet.</p>
<pb n="138" facs="tcp:99272:74"/>But what is of moſt importance in this Occaſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on, the Judgments we make ought to be juſt, and the Sentences ſuch as may paſs for unqueſtionable Maxims. For this Effect, we ought to apply our<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves vigorouſly to Morality and Politics, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out which we ſhall be liable to make wrong Reflexi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons, and to utter deceitful Maxims. This is not a place to eſtabliſh the Principles of theſe Sciences. I will only remark in general, that as Hiſtory takes in all Ages and all Nations, and that an Hiſtorian ought to be an equitable Judge of ſo many different Nations, whoſe Opinions differ ſo vaſtly one from another; 'tis neceſſary he ſhould keep himſelf within the general Ideas which good Senſe will furniſh him with, about Religion, a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bout Virtue and Vice, about the reciprocal Du<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ties of the People, and of thoſe that govern them; and laſtly, about whatever Nations may owe one to another.</p>
<p>Otherwiſe, if an Hiſtorian judges of a Nation by the Principles of a Religion, which is unknown to it, or which it diſapproves, he takes a Party, and expoſes his own Religion to undergo the ſame Law, when Hiſtorians of a different Religion ſhall write the Hiſtory of a Nation whoſe Opinions he ſhall approve. For no Man upon the Face of the Earth has a right to lay down conteſted Opi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nions as if they were indiſputable, and if he will needs condemn others upon this Foot, he can<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>not in juſtice complain if others condemn him in aſſerting contrary Opinions, which they believe to be true. For example, let a Catholic Hiſtori<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>an write a Hiſtory of the Troubles of Religion, which have happen'd in <hi>Europe</hi> ſince the laſt Age, he ought not, in the Judgments which he makes of the Proteſtants, to ſet up ſuch Ideas as the Mobb and thoſe that are no better inſtructed,
<pb n="139" facs="tcp:99272:74"/>frame to themſelves of the Deity, as if it had the ſame Paſſions with the Eccleſiaſtics, and ought to deſtroy in this and to'ther World, thoſe that have had the Preſumption to find fault with their Doctrin and their Conduct. Or at leaſt if he have any ſuch Ideas, they ought never to come into his Hiſtory, where we only ſee theſe Qua<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rels, which Men have with one another, and by no means the ſecret Thoughts of the Divinity, who does not always ſend Proſperity as a mark of his Favour, nor calamitous Accidents as a ſign of his Indignation. Whatever Sentiments a Man may have upon the Subject of Religion, we want not Examples to prove, That Proſperity as often ac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>companies what we believe to be Errour and In<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>juſtice, as what we look upon to be Truth and a a good Cauſe. There is no Party, upon which what they object to others, may not be retorted in this Caſe.</p>
<p>For inſtance, it was ridiculous in <hi>Strada</hi> to re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mark, as he frequently does, upon the Eve of what Feſtival, a Town was attack'd by the <hi>Spa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>niſh</hi> Army; as if the Saint to whom the Church of <hi>Rome</hi> has conſecrated that Day, had favoured the <hi>Spaniards</hi> to make them Victorious. In like manner, we ſhould laugh at any Proteſtant who ſhould affirm it to be a ſenſible Mark that the In<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vocation of saints is a Practice diſagreeable to God, becauſe the Proteſtants did beat the Ca<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tholics in ſuch and ſuch Engagements, altho' the latter had recommended themſelves, before the Battel began, to all the Saints in Paradiſe. The ſame <hi>Strada</hi> often menaceth what he calls Here<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſie, with all ſorts of Calamities, and promiſeth Victories to the Monarchy of <hi>Spain</hi> againſt the U<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nited Provinces, upon the ſcore of its Zeal for the Catholic Religion. We are now ſenſible how
<pb n="140" facs="tcp:99272:75"/>ill a Prophet he has proved in this particular; and if we are to judge of God's Deſigns by the Events, we ought to ſay that Providence had de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>creed that the United Provinces ſhould become an abſolute independent Republic, for the Pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſervation of the Crown of <hi>Spain,</hi> to the Intereſts of which it was to be as firmly devoted at the end of the XVII. Century, as it had been op<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſite to it till towards the middle of the ſame Age, and about the end of the former.</p>
<p>To ſhew how little a ſtreſs we ought to lay upon theſe Theological Reflexions, the above<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mention'd Hiſtorian, who never fails to attribute the Advantages of the <hi>Spaniards</hi> to a particular Favour of Heaven, which declared itſelf againſt Hereſie, is obliged ſhamefully to turn the Tables, when he comes to ſpeak of the Victory, which the <hi>Engliſh</hi> obtained over the pretended invinci<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble Armada of the <hi>Spaniards,</hi> and to reaſon in the following manner:<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>Towards the end of</hi> Lib. IX. Dec. 2.</note>
<q>'Tis reported that Queen <hi>Elizabeth</hi> went to Church in a Triumphal Cha<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>riot, in the midſt of the Colours of the van<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quiſhed Enemy, and that ſhe ordered the Spoils of the <hi>Spaniards</hi> to be hung up there, after ſhe had given Thanks to God for this Victory, who had been, as ſhe believed, ſo favourable to her upon this Occaſion: Whereas at that very time when ſhe made it be believed that he moſt favour'd her, he ſhew'd that he was incenſed againſt her, ſince he permitted her to abuſe this good Succeſs, to confirm Hereſie, the Yoke of which ſhe might have ſhaken off, both for herſelf and for her Kingdom, to her great Advantage, if ſhe had been overcome. Beſides the Winds and Tempeſts did not give the <hi>Engliſh</hi> much reaſon to magnifie themſelves, and they had no reaſon to believe themſelves
<pb n="141" facs="tcp:99272:75"/>better Men, becauſe they were more fortunate, unleſs they conclude that we ought to prefer the Impiety of Saracens and Turks to the Pie<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty of the Chriſtians, ſince theſe Barbarians have often beaten the beſt prepared Forces of the Chriſtians.</q> This laſt Reflexion is very true: But if <hi>Strada</hi> had remembred it all along, where he ſpeaks of the Victories of the <hi>Spaniards,</hi> he might very well have ſpared a great deal of impertinent Rhetoric, to ſhew the favours of Heaven towards the Catholics, in the Advantages they gained over their Enemies. This it is to have two Weights and two Meaſures, to pretend that Providence favours one ſide, when it gives them Victory, and that it is angry with the other, when it treats them after the ſame manner. However I am of Opi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nion, that one may ſafely ſay, that in caſe the <hi>Spaniards</hi> had ſucceeded in their deſign'd Invaſion of <hi>England, Strada</hi> wou'd have ſaid, That God had changed the Winds in their favour, and bleſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſed a Fleet, which went to exterpate Hereſie in that Kingdom.</p>
<p>It will perhaps be offer'd in favour of <hi>Strada,</hi> and other Hiſtorians, who write in this manner, of whatſoever party they are, that it is not poſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſible they ſhould believe that Religion not to be true, which they follow, and conſequently that they ſhould not look upon every thing as a favour of Heaven, which ſerves to eſtabliſh it. For my part, I don't in the leaſt hinder them from think<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing ſo, but I maintain that theſe Reflexions ought not to be allow'd a place in Hiſtory, when 'tis no part of our Buſineſs to render to our Religion what we owe to it, but to inſtruct all Mankind, if we are able, by Truths which cannot be con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>teſted on any ſide. Let them believe what they pleaſe, as for what concerns their own particu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lar,
<pb n="144" facs="tcp:99272:76"/>but let them cenſure none, except it be up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on Principles of good Senſe, or of Religion, that are acknowledged even by thoſe whom they cen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſure. No Man ought to be blamed for not doing what he believes he ought not to do, according to his own Principles, ſo long as he retains them, altho' theſe Principles are falſe. If we can blame him, 'tis for receiving Falſities without examina<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion, but it belongs to Divines to enter into this Diſpute and not to Hiſtorians, who don't treat of the Errours but of the Actions of Men.</p>
<p>Beſides this, theſe Hiſtorians, that are ſo par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tial in the matter of Religion, are extremely ſubject to give an advantageous turn to all the conduct of that Party, which ſupports what they believe to be the Truth, to ſay no worſe of them. I don't ſpeak of the <hi>Varilla's</hi> and <hi>Maimbourgs,</hi> and other Liers of that ſtamp, who have renounced all Truth; but even of more moderate Hiſtorians. It were to be wiſhed that when they begin to write their Hiſtories, they had forgotten the Par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty which they eſpouſed, in the preſent Diviſions of Chriſtendom; that they might have been able to ſpeak of their Diſputes and Differences, as Men wou'd do that were not at all concern'd in them. The Love of a Party, as reaſonable as it may appear to be, makes us always lean ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>what towards it, when we come to relate any thing that is diſadvantagious to the good Cauſe.</p>
<p>If I might here be allowed to deſcribe the Idea, which I wou'd have an Hiſtorian frame to him<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelf of the Divinity, in relation to thoſe Events that are comprehended in Hiſtory, I wou'd tell him that he ought to conſider God as the common Father of all Mankind, who looks down with compaſſion upon their Errours and their Vices, but contents himſelf with giving them Laws,
<pb n="145" facs="tcp:99272:76"/>which they may obſerve or violate, without his intervening to make them be obey'd by Rewards or by ſenſible Pains during this Life, reſerving it to himſelf to diſplay his Juſtice, when he ſhall have judged that Mankind has continued long enough upon the Earth. As theſe Sentiments can be called in queſtion by no Man, an Hiſtorian ought to look upon what we call Happineſs or Unhappineſs in the things of this Life, as Acci<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dents that neither denote the Anger, nor the Ap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>probation of Heaven, and to draw no Conſequen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ces in this reſpect, either to the Advantage or Diſadvantage of any Party whatſoever.</p>
<p>Altho' God has diſcovered to Mankind by Rea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſon and by Revelation, what is agreeable to him, yet he has accompanied neither the one nor the other with ſo great a Light, that it ſhould be impoſſible for us to take that for Reaſon or Revelation, which is not really ſo. He permits Men to diſpute upon theſe Principles, and without doubt he likewiſe looks upon them with pity, yet for all that he does not draw the Curtain, if I may ſo ſpeak, which con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceals him from our Eyes, and appear in an un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>conteſtable manner to come to decide our Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>troverſies. He will do that, whenever he ſees it convenient; in the mean time 'tis every one's Du<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty to remember that he is a Man, ſubject to Er<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rour as well as another, and equally ſubmitted to this laſt Judgment of the Creator of the World. None among us Chriſtians diſagree about theſe Principles, and Hiſtorians in particular ought to remember them more than any other Men. If they thought ſeriouſly of them, they wou'd not be ready to make ſuch ſharp and violent Inve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ctives, againſt the ſpeculative Errours of other Men, even ſuppoſing them to be Errours.</p>
<pb n="144" facs="tcp:99272:77"/>
<hi>Strada,</hi> for example, had not declaimed ſo ea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gerly againſt Hereſie, as he does upon all Occa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions, and principally in his<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>In the be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ginning of</hi> Lib. II. Dec. 1.</note> Hiſtory, when he aſſigns the Cauſes of the Wars of the <hi>Low-Coun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tries,</hi> where he employs all his Eloquence to per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſwade the World, that Hereſie cauſeth nothing but Diſorders and Rebellions, and makes Men wicked and Atheiſts. When the Proteſtant Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtorians fall into the like Invectives, ſpeaking of the famous <hi>Catholic League,</hi> which for ſo long a time tore <hi>France</hi> in pieces, the contrary Party cannot endure this bitter Language, and ſay, That this is to <hi>Preach,</hi> and not to Write a Hi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtory. If we had any remainders of Equity left among us, we ſhould unanimouſly condemn theſe Practices, and be ſo honeſt as to own that the Vices of Men have infinitely a greater ſhare in the Diſorders of <hi>Europe,</hi> than Religion, in whatſoe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver manner 'tis explain'd. We ſhould forbear all theſe Invectives, which indeed are pardonable in no Man, but much leſs in an Hiſtorian; or if we muſt needs be venting our Malice againſt thoſe Parties whom we diſapprove, we muſt not take it ill, if they return us the ſame Language in their turn.</p>
<p>But herein lyes our Weakneſs, to imagine that God is as partial and peeviſh as ourſelves are, and conſequently that he requires of us that we loſe no opportunity of railing and exclaiming againſt thoſe, whoſe Creator and Father he is as well as of the moſt fiery Zealots, and rendring them odious whatever it coſts us.</p>
<p>Hiſtorians ought to be more prudent, and thoſe that read them ought likewiſe to approve thoſe generally who come neareſt to this noble Idea, which the Maſters of this Art give us of a diſinte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>reſſed Hiſtorian. True Judges have exceedingly
<pb n="145" facs="tcp:99272:77"/>commended <hi>Thuanus,</hi> who in his Hiſtory has ob<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſerved ſo admirable a moderation, in relation to the Party wherein he was born and wherein he died: But thoſe who cou'd not endure to hear any Truths prejudicial to their Party, have ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>claimed vehemently againſt him. Such a Man was <hi>Juſtus Lipſius,</hi> a great Critic, but one of a ſhallow Judgment in every thing beſides, who writ to him,<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>See the</hi> Scaligera<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>na, p. <hi>391.</hi> Ed. Am<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtel. an. <hi>1695.</hi>
<hi>That this Hiſtory very much diſplea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſed him, and the Liberty he took in writing it, was not ſuitable for this Age.</hi> Theſe are the Terms which <hi>de Thou</hi> uſes in a Letter to <hi>Joſ. Scaliger,</hi> dated <hi>June</hi> 29th. 1606. <hi>I don't know,</hi> continues he, <hi>whether I ought to make him any anſwer. He is mightily changed ſince he left</hi> Leyden <hi>for</hi> Lou<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vain. <hi>I am the very ſame I ever was, and will be, if it pleaſes God, ready to correct any thing which I have written. He exhorts me ſtrongly to this correcti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on, but does not tell me wherein, ſo that I know not what to make of his Advice. — I believe he wou'd ſend me to the Inquiſition, but it will be a hard mat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter to reconcile the</hi> French <hi>Liberty to that Yoke. He deſerves a ſharper Anſwer than I am in a Hu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mour to write.</hi> I was willing to ſet down the greateſt part of this Letter, that I might draw two Conſequences from it: The firſt is, that of<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tentimes even Men of Learning; who know the value of Liberty, are the very firſt to betray her infamouſly, as <hi>Lipſius</hi> did, altho' they know well enough that they do ill in it. This Grammarian, who bound himſelf hand and foot, like a mean-ſpirited Slave, to the Jeſuites, when he retired to <hi>Louvain,</hi> was well enough ſatisfied in his own Conſcience that <hi>de Thou</hi> had advanced nothing falſe, at leaſt out of Paſſion, and did not tax him with deſerting the Intereſt of Truth, but only with taking a liberty, which <hi>was not ſuitable for
<pb n="146" facs="tcp:99272:78"/>this Age;</hi> as if we were born to be Slaves, rather than thoſe that were born in former Ages! What Privilege of Heaven did they receive, which we have not? We are no leſs free than they, ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cept it be becauſe we are afraid of our own Sha<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dows, and that inſtead of defending at leaſt mo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deſtly thoſe that have more Generoſity than others, we not only abandon them to the fury of the Factious, who make uſe of the pretence of Reli<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gion to hinder Truth from being ſpoken, but e<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ven endeavour to deſtroy them, to procure to ourſelves the favour of the Druids. If all the Men of Learning in <hi>France</hi> had been of <hi>Lipſius</hi>'s Humour, we had loſt this illuſtrious Preſident, to whom Poſterity is ſo much obliged, and who is, if I muſt ſay it, the laſt of the <hi>French</hi> Hiſtorians, who has ſpoken with moderation of an oppoſite Party in reſpect of Religion. For as for <hi>Meze<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ray,</hi> he was very far from obſerving the Laws of Hiſtory in this particular, altho' they ſtill com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mend that little liberty he ſhows, in a Country, where it is entirely extinct.</p>
<p>Another Conſequence which I draw from this ſlaviſh and cowardly Advice of <hi>Lipſius,</hi> is that we ought to be glad that he was only <hi>Hiſtoriographer</hi> of <hi>Spain;</hi> for a Man of his Temper would at leaſt have diſſembled all that he knew diſadvantageous to his own Party, and have poiſon'd all the reſt,<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>See his</hi> Epist. ad Belgas Cent. <hi>2.</hi> Ep. <hi>67.</hi>
</note> altho' he pretends to ſet up for a Philoſopher, and what is more, for a <hi>Stoic.</hi> The King of <hi>Spain</hi> did very well to give him a Penſion in conſideration of his great Learning, but he ſhould not give him a Farthing, in quality of an Hiſtorian, a Title for which he was altogether unfit. The Hiſtory of the Miracles of the two <hi>Notre-dames,</hi> for which he has been ſo juſtly ridiculed, ſufficiently ſhews what he was capable of doing, in a Hiſtory, where<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>in Religion was any ways concern'd.</p>
<pb n="147" facs="tcp:99272:78"/>The ſecond thing, wherein thoſe that attempt to write a Hiſtory, ought to be perfectly inſtruct<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed, is the Principles upon which Humane Society in general, and particular Societies are founded, and principally all that has a relation to Juſtice and Injuſtice. Without this, they will never be able to paſs a ſolid Judgment upon almoſt any ſingle Action that comes before them. They will be liable to take very wicked Men for Models of Virtue, and on the other hand, virtuous Perſons for Men of a moſt flagitious Character. They will beſtow the Elogiums of Virtue upon Vice, and treat Virtue herſelf no better than a Crimi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nal. What is Vice with ſome People, paſſes for Virtue with others, and what we approve in our own Country, we look upon as execrable in an E<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nemy. Thoſe that afterwards read theſe Hiſtories, and have not a better ſtock of Knowledge than the Hiſtorians, inſtead of drawing thoſe Advantages which they ought from 'em, will ſoon fill their Minds with falſe Ideas, which at long run will have but too great an Influence upon their Conduct.</p>
<p>An Hiſtorian therefore ought to conſider what are the Duties, which the very Conſtitution of Humane Nature has impoſed upon all Men, of what Condition or Quality ſoever, and in what place or time ſover they are born. Theſe are the Laws which all Men are obliged to obſerve one with another, which can never ſuffer any change, nor be alter'd by any form of Govern<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment whatſoever; without violating the Princi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ples of Humanity, and conſequently without de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſerving Cenſure. For example, (for it is not my Buſineſs here to treat at large of that matter) the weakneſs of Humane Nature has impoſed a neceſſity upon us of aſſiſting one another, and the leaſt experience of Life teaches us that we ought
<pb n="148" facs="tcp:99272:79"/>not to do that to another, which we ſhould call Injuſtice if they did to us. This Principle being put, and 'tis impoſſible to ſhake it, it will neceſſa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rily follow that whatever is contrary to it, ought to be blamed, let the Perſon who did it be who he will, and under what pretence he pleaſes.</p>
<p>Therefore thoſe that write Hiſtory ought to condemn without partiality whatever oppoſes this Principle of Humane Society. This ought chiefly to diſcover itſelf in thoſe that write Lives, where they have an occaſion to ſpeak diſtinctly of the Virtues and Vices of thoſe Perſons whoſe Hiſtory they write. We can hardly blame the Pagan Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thors in this reſpect, I mean ſuch as are of any Eſteem; for 'tis certain that they don't in the leaſt diſſemble the Vices which were known to them, and that they likewiſe beſtow upon Virtue the Commendations ſhe deſerved, according to the Idea which they had of it. This is what we may remark in the Lives of <hi>Plutarch,</hi> for Inſtance, and of <hi>Suetonius,</hi> wherein they diſtribute their Cen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſures and their Praiſes with a great deal of Juſtice and Freedom. All that we can find fault in them, is that they had not the cleareſt and exacteſt Ideas of Virtue and Vice. For Example, Ambition and a Paſſion for making War, either to gain a Crown, or acquire Reputation, or to oppreſs one's Neigh<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bour, and to be admired by the wickedeſt of Men, paſs for Virtues in their Writings, or at leaſt for the Qualities of an Heroic Soul, that is eleva<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ted above the Vulgar. We may eaſily perceive by the manner wherein theſe Authors ſpeak of their Heroes, that they took ſeveral for <hi>Great Men,</hi> who were indeed <hi>Great Scourges</hi> both of their own Country and the neighbouring Nations.</p>
<p>The miſchief is, that after the Revelation of the Goſpel, we are not much wiſer than before.
<pb n="149" facs="tcp:99272:79"/>We may diſcover, by the Stile of ſome Chriſtian Hiſtorians, who have written the Lives of ſeveral illuſtrious Men, either ſeparately, or in the courſe of their general Hiſtories, that they no leſs ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mir'd them notwithſtanding their Injuſtices, and all the other Artifices they employ'd to advance themſelves, than if they had always obſerved the niceſt Juſtice in all their Actions. Nay, ſeveral People believe that this ſcrupulous Virtue is in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>compatible with that which makes what we call a great Prince, or a great Stateſman. To illu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtrate this by a famous Inſtance, we fram'd to our<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves a high Idea of <hi>Charles</hi> the Fifth, as hereto<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fore we did of <hi>Julius Caeſar,</hi> tho' very little Ju<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtice went into his Compoſition; as if the Idea of a great Man cou'd poſſibly ſubſiſt without this Virtue. Hiſtorians that are full of this vulgar Prepoſſeſſion, merely for not having ſtudied e<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nough the Principles of Morality, deceive their Readers, who know no better than themſelves; and thus we continue from Generation to Gene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration to admire theſe fine People, becauſe they have had the good Fortune, if I may be allow'd ſo to ſpeak, to do a world of Miſchief to infinite numbers of their Contemporaries, without being called to an account for it.</p>
<p>There is however this difference between the ancient Hiſtorians and the Moderns, that the for<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mer ſpeak much more freely of the Perſons, whoſe Lives they write, and diſſemble their Vices much leſs than the Moderns have done in the like Com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſitions. At leaſt I don't remember that I ever met any Modern who writ his Thoughts with that freedom and ſincerity, which is ſo emphatical<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly conſpicuous in the two above-mention'd Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thors. The greateſt part of them endeavour to ſet off their Heroe as much as they can; as
<pb n="150" facs="tcp:99272:80"/>if the Reader were more obliged to them for concealing from him the Defects of thoſe whoſe Lives they write, than for diſcovering them to him; whereas the very Eſſence of Hiſtory re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quires of us, that we deſcribe their Defects and the ill Conſequences occaſion'd by them, that we teach the reſt of the World to ſhun them, as well as to imitate thoſe Virtues, of which ſhe gives us the Examples. If a Man of the Genius of <hi>Plutarch</hi> or <hi>Suetonius,</hi> as far as he can reaſona<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bly be ſo now-a-days, had written the Life of Cardinal <hi>Richelieu,</hi> or of Cardinal <hi>Mazarin,</hi> he wou'd have written it after another manner than the <hi>Sieur Aubery</hi> has done, who has had ſo bad an opinion of our Age, that he has endeavour'd to perſwade the World that they were pious Men, and good Biſhops. He wou'd not have for<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gotten their good Qualities, ſuch as were their Vigilance and Addreſs, but he wou'd not have preſumed ſo far upon his Reader as to have talk'd of their Devotion and Humility. Several Perſons are likewiſe of opinion, that it was down-right Raillery to ſtrive to make a Saint of Cardinal <hi>Ximenes,</hi> ſince all the Actions of his Life ſuffici<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ently diſcovered that he was a very haughty and ambitious Man.</p>
<p>The <hi>Greeks</hi> and <hi>Romans</hi> have generally commit<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ted a very great fault againſt the Principles of Humanity, and that is, when they ſpeak of the Incurſions which their Generals made into thoſe Countries which they call <hi>Barbarous,</hi> of their man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ner of ſubduing them, and how they treated the People who rebelled againſt them, after they had overcome by force; they ſlide gently over theſe places, as if the <hi>Greeks</hi> and <hi>Romans</hi> had commit<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ted no Inhumanity in all this. When the <hi>Greeks</hi> made Depredations upon the <hi>Perſians</hi> and their
<pb n="151" facs="tcp:99272:80"/>Subjects, to carry them into Slavery and kill'd all ſuch as pretended to oppoſe them, they<note n="†" place="margin">
<hi>See</hi> Gro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tius de jure <hi>B.</hi> & <hi>P.</hi> Lib. <hi>II.</hi>
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