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<title>Reflections upon what the works commonly call good-luck and ill-luck with regard to lotteries and of the good use which may be made of them / written originally in French by Monsieur Le Clerk, done into English.</title>
<title>Reflexions sur ce que l'on appelle bonheur et malheur en matière de loteries et sur le bon usage qu'on en peut faire. English</title>
<author>Le Clerc, Jean, 1657-1736.</author>
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<title>Early English books online.</title>
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<note>Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 963:3)</note>
<title>Reflections upon what the works commonly call good-luck and ill-luck with regard to lotteries and of the good use which may be made of them / written originally in French by Monsieur Le Clerk, done into English.</title>
<title>Reflexions sur ce que l'on appelle bonheur et malheur en matière de loteries et sur le bon usage qu'on en peut faire. English</title>
<author>Le Clerc, Jean, 1657-1736.</author>
<extent>[26], 199, [3] p. </extent>
<publisher>Printed for Matth. Gillyflower ... Tim. Goodwin, Matth. Wooton, and B. Took,</publisher>
<pubPlace>London :</pubPlace>
<note>Reproduction of original in Cambridge University Library.</note>
<note>Table of contents: p. [23]-[26]</note>
<note>Advertisement: p. [1]-[3] at end.</note>
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<p>EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative (http://www.tei-c.org).</p>
<p>The EEBO-TCP project was divided into two phases. The 25,368 texts created during Phase 1 of the project (2000-2009), initially available only to institutions that contributed to their creation, were released into the public domain on 1 January 2015. The approximately 40,000 texts produced during Phase 2 (2009- ), of which 34,963 had been released as of 2020, originally similarly restricted, were similarly freed from all restrictions on 1 August 2020. As of that date anyone is free to take and use these texts for any purpose (modify them, annotate them, distribute them, etc.). But we do respectfully request that due credit and attribution be given to their original source.</p>
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<p>REFLECTIONS Upon what the WORLD Commonly call <hi>GOOD-LUCK</hi> AND <hi>ILL-LUCK,</hi> With Regard to LOTTERIES. And of the Good Uſe which may be made of them.</p>
<p>Written Originally in French By Monſieur <hi>Le Clerk.</hi>
<hi>Done into Engliſh.</hi>
<hi>London,</hi> Printed for <hi>Matth. Gillyflower</hi> in <hi>Weſtminſter-Hall, Tim. Goodwin, Matth. Wotton,</hi> and <hi>B. Tooke</hi> in <hi>Fleetſtreet,</hi> 16<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
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<head>THE PREFACE.</head>
<p>THE following Treatiſe falls in ſo exactly with the prevailing Humour of the Times, that a Man need go no farther than the Title-Page to convince himſelf of its being ſeaſon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>able. And the Argument handled in it is ſo ingeni<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ouſly managed, that no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing needs be ſaid here
<pb facs="tcp:64166:3"/>to prove it uſeful. The Happineſs of Mankind, with regard to the Acci<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dents and Affairs of the preſent Life, depends in a great meaſure upon the Notions they entertain of the ſeveral Events which happen to them, and the Diſpoſition of thoſe E<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vents. They who ſuffer themſelves to be carried away with falſe and fanta<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtical Opinions in this Mat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter, ſlide inſenſibly into all the Whimſies and diſquie<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ting Terrours of Superſti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion; A Diſeaſe exceeding
<pb facs="tcp:64166:3"/>common, bred up and che<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>riſhed by early Prejudices; and though incident chie<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fly to weak Minds, yet very rarely rooted out entirely by the ſtrongeſt. The Conſequences of this Evil are the more to be dreaded, not only upon the account of the Ty<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ranny and Torture which it exerciſes upon them who live in Bondage to it; but likewiſe with regard to the great and manifeſt Obſtru<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ction, which it puts upon the wiſeſt, juſteſt, and moſt commendable Deſigns. For
<pb facs="tcp:64166:4"/>how often do we ſee theſe ſuſpended, or wholly laid aſide, how many happy Opportunities are neglect<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed and loſt, upon a childiſh regard to <hi>Omens,</hi> and <hi>Days,</hi> and <hi>Perſons,</hi> which are vul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>garly believed inauſpici<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ous and unfortunate? This is ſo Epidemical a Folly, that never a one of my Readers, I dare ſay, hath not found it fall within the Compaſs of his own Obſervation. And yet not one of them neither, can account to himſelf, for the Riſe and Progreſs of it in
<pb facs="tcp:64166:4"/>the World. St. <hi>Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guſtine,</hi>
<note place="margin">De Doct. Chriſt.</note> and other eminent Writers in the Church, have expoſed theſe Fopperies as they deſerve, by repreſenting them to be ſome of thoſe Deluſions, into which Al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mighty God ſuffered the old Pagans to fall; Thus puniſhing their affected, with a judicial, Blind<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neſs. But we find plain<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly by <hi>Tully</hi> and Others, that even among the Pa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gans, Men of Judgment and better Senſe deteſted and deſpiſed them, though
<pb facs="tcp:64166:5"/>the Corruptions of their Worſhip gave ſo much Countenance to them. And, if even with wiſe Heathens they were de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſpicable, among Chriſti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ans moſt certainly they are monſtrous and abomi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nable; unworthy of, and inconſiſtent with the Diſco<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>veries, which God in Scri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pture hath made of himſelf and his Dealings with Man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>kind. One cannot, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out Indignation, hear Per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſons, who profeſs to Believe and Underſtand the Go<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſpel, laying a Streſs upon
<pb facs="tcp:64166:5"/>
<hi>Fatal Numbers, Climacteri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cal Years, Childermaſs Days, Lucky Hours, Succeſsful Phy<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſicians,</hi> and a Hundred other ſuch ſenſleſs Trifles, which are frequently not received only, but taken in as Principles to govern their Conduct by; with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out any reſpect to natural or reaſonable Cauſes of the good or ill Succeſs attend<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing theſe Things and Per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſons. For it is not in Mat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ters of Diverſion, in Ga<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ming only, that theſe Fan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cies prevail, but even in the moſt important Affairs
<pb facs="tcp:64166:6"/>of Humane Life: A Man hath earneſt Buſineſs, and muſt not begin a Journey, or take the firſt Step in it: He is Sick, and may by no means Bleed or take a proper Medicine, becauſe it is <hi>Childermaſs Day;</hi> He needs Advice, and de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>clines to ask it of one whom he verily believes more skilful, becauſe ano<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther leſs ſo is more <hi>lucky;</hi> His Relation or Friend dies, and this muſt be imputed to his <hi>being in ſuch a fatal Year,</hi> or <hi>ſitting Thirteen at Table;</hi> as if
<pb facs="tcp:64166:6"/>Sixty three were more dangerous, than Seventy, or Seventy two; and it were more probable, that <hi>one in Thirteen</hi> ſhould drop that Year, than one in Thirty. Theſe ſilly Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceipts are guilty, in their Conſequences, of fixing ſuch odd Conſtructions up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on the Divine Providence, and repreſenting it ſo ca<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pricious, ſo partially fond or cruel, ſo unaccountable in its Diſpenſations of ve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry great Moment, that no Man of common Senſe would endure to have
<pb facs="tcp:64166:7"/>himſelf ſo meanly thought of, as that he acts by ſuch Meaſures. And therefore the Fathers of the Church inveigh ſeverely againſt all the Follies of this kind as being not only irratio<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nal, but profane, and ir<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>religious, and highly provoking to Almighty God.</p>
<p>How foreign ſoever theſe Inſtances mentioned here may ſeem to the Subject-matter of this Book, yet in regard all the Sorts of ſuperſtitious Imaginations proceed from one and the
<pb facs="tcp:64166:7"/>ſame common Principle, I thought it expedient to warn my Reader, that the Arguments made uſe of by this Author againſt one <hi>Species,</hi> will with a very eaſie Application be accommodated to all the reſt. For the Root of all this prodigious Vanity is a miſtaken Apprehenſion of that Cauſe, which go<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>verns Us and our Events, attributing too little or too much to it, and reſolving Things into blind Chance, fatal Neceſſity, or ſuch a Providence, as we are
<pb facs="tcp:64166:8"/>pleaſed to form to our ſelves, without modelling our Idea's by the Stan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dard of Natural or Reveal<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed Truths. Our Author hath ſufficiently diſproved and expoſed the Abſurdi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty of ſuch Errours, and ſhewed how exceeding ri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>diculous, and perfectly groundleſs they are. But I thought it might not be amiſs to add in this Pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>face, how extreamly inju<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rious they are to that Wiſe Being, who diſpoſes all our Affairs in due Order and Meaſure: and to put
<pb facs="tcp:64166:8"/>the well-inclined Reader in mind, that by Indul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ging theſe Follies, he is not only guilty of a ſen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſleſs and unwarrantable, but even of a ſinful and impious Superſtition, ſuch as the Darkneſs of the Heathen Ignorance could ſcarce excuſe, but the Light of Chriſtianity is by all means bound to a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>void and abhor.</p>
<p>Were there no other Benefit to be reaped from this Tract, than meer<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly the contributing ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>what of uſe to our Minds
<pb facs="tcp:64166:9"/>at large from this unrea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſonable Slavery, and aſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſiſting Men in framing juſter Conceptions of God and Providence; that a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lone would be ſufficient to entitle it to good Ac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceptance and a very care<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ful Peruſal. But there is another indeed, no leſs ſea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſonable, and neceſſary Ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vantage to be hoped for by it, The exciting Men, I mean, to Charity and Li<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>berality to thoſe in Want and Diſtreſs. A Virtue, for which we can never want Opportunities, becauſe we
<pb facs="tcp:64166:9"/>
<hi>always have,</hi> and always ſhall have <hi>the Poor with us,</hi> and <hi>whenever we will, we may do them good.</hi> But the par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ticular Circumſtances of this Time and Nation cry at preſent more loudly than ordinary for Relief, and it will argue a very hard and unchriſtian Tem<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>per to be Deaf to their importunate Complaints. The general Calamities in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>troduced by a long expen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſive War, have deprived many who are willing to get their Suſtenance by hard Labour, of the Means
<pb facs="tcp:64166:10"/>of ſupporting themſelves and their indigent Fami<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lies. And the vaſt Increaſe which ſome have found by being <hi>fortunate</hi> in Lotteries, put into their Hands the Power of doing much good at very ſmall Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pence. If the Publick Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thority do not here, as it does abroad, enjoyn a great Rebate of their Gains to be applied to Charitable Uſes, yet the Goſpel is a ſtanding Law, and directs us all to make the Free<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dom of our Diſtributions bear ſome decent Propor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion
<pb facs="tcp:64166:10"/>to the Freedom of our Receipts. And every Man in this Point may and ought to be a Law to himſelf; the more he is left at liberty by the Civil Conſtitution, the more ge<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nerous and commendable is the good Man's choice; and what is done of his own accord will be the more pleaſing Sacrifice. This Argument is handled in ſome of the latter Chap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ters of this Book with great Addreſs; and, how<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ever ſelfiſh and worldly Men may be prejudiced a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gainſt
<pb facs="tcp:64166:11"/>thoſe Reaſons, which differ ſo much from com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mon Practice, yet I con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceive, upon ſerious conſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deration, it will not be eaſie for a good Chriſtian, to evade the force of them.</p>
<p>I might add ſomewhat concerning that laſt Chap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter drawn from the ingeni<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ous Mr. <hi>Paſcall;</hi> which did Men rightly attend to, they could not ſuffer themſelves to be ſo negligent and thoughtleſs in their great<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>eſt Concern. But I will de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tain my Reader no longer, than while I beg of him to
<pb facs="tcp:64166:11"/>manage himſelf with the ſame Prudence in the Af<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fairs of another and better World, which he would eſteem ſcandalous not to uſe in thoſe of the preſent, and leſs valuable one; and that, as he goes along, he would not confine his Thoughts to the ſingle Matter before him, but ap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ply what he finds here, to all thoſe Caſes, which have an affinity to it; and to the curing or correcting ſuch Errors, which by Parity of Reaſon, thoſe <hi>Arguments</hi> are capable of doing him Ser<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vice in.</p>
<div type="table_of_contents">
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<label>CHAP. I.</label> The Occaſion and Deſign of this little Tract. The Original of the Word <hi>Lot, Page I.</hi>
<label>CHAP. II.</label> The different Significations, of which the Words, <hi>Good Luck</hi> and <hi>Ill Luck</hi> are capable, <hi>Page 8</hi>
<label>CHAP. III.</label> That <hi>Deſtiny</hi> is not the Cauſe of <hi>Good Luck,</hi> or <hi>Ill Luck, Page 22</hi>
<pb facs="tcp:64166:13"/>
<label>CHAP. IV.</label> That the Terms <hi>Good</hi> or <hi>Ill Fortune</hi> fre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quently mean nothing; no more than <hi>Chance.</hi> What Senſe this last Word is capable of, <hi>Page 35</hi>
<label>CHAP. V.</label> The Objections drawn from <hi>Lotteries,</hi> and all Games that depend upon <hi>Chance,</hi> anſwered; and ſhewed inſufficient to denominate Men <hi>Fortunate;</hi> or to prove, that any Perſons have <hi>Good Luck</hi> conſtantly going along with them, <hi>Page 55</hi>
<label>CHAP. VI.</label> Why <hi>Good</hi> and <hi>Ill Deſtiny</hi> and <hi>Fortune,</hi> and ſome other ſuch Terms, though they ſignifie nothing real and poſitive, ſhould yet continue ſo long in common uſe. In what Senſe the Words, <hi>Good</hi> and <hi>Ill Luck</hi> may be lawfully admitted, <hi>Page 63</hi>
<label>CHAP. VII.</label> That Mens <hi>Good</hi> or <hi>Bad Genius</hi> or <hi>An<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gels</hi> is not the Cauſe of their <hi>Good</hi> or
<pb facs="tcp:64166:13"/>
<hi>Ill Luck,</hi> in Gaming and Lotteries, <hi>Page 76</hi>
<label>CHAP. VIII.</label> That <hi>God</hi> does not by any particular and extraordinary Determination of his Di<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vine Will, ordain <hi>Good Luck</hi> to ſome, and <hi>Ill Luck</hi> to Others, in Caſes of <hi>Play</hi> and <hi>Lotteries, Page 81</hi>
<label>CHAP. IX.</label> That Thoſe, who believe God preſides over Caſual Events in ſo particular and ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>traordinary a manner, run into an old Errour and Superſtition, and think of Providence, as the Heathens did, <hi>Page 95</hi>
<label>CHAP. X.</label> That thoſe Magiſtrates are not to blame, who have ſet up <hi>Lotteries</hi> for the Bene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fit of the Poor. A Commendation of the States of <hi>Holland</hi> in general, and particularly with regard to the <hi>Lotte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ries</hi> opened there by Publick Order, <hi>Page 109</hi>
<label>CHAP. XI.</label> The Lawfulneſs of putting into <hi>Lotteries,</hi> provided it be not done upon a Princi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple of Covetouſneſs. Some Directions
<pb facs="tcp:64166:14"/>how to judge, whether a Man proceed upon this Principle, or not, <hi>Page 123</hi>
<label>CHAP. XII.</label> A Digreſſion concerning <hi>Liberality</hi> in ge<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neral; wherein the Nature of this Vir<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tue is deſcribed, and the Practice of it earneſtly recommended, with ſeveral Rules how to exerciſe it regularly, <hi>Page 147</hi>
<label>CHAP. XIII.</label> The Concluſion of this Diſcourſe. Mens Management of themſelves in the Bu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſineſs of Religion, compared with the Conduct of Thoſe, who put into <hi>Lotte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ries.</hi> From the ingenious Mr. <hi>Paſcall, Page 194</hi>
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<p>Pag. 65. in Marg. for <hi>Iliad.</hi> 2. r. 16.</p>
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<head>REFLECTIONS UPON What the World Commonly call Good Luck and Ill Luck.</head>
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<hi>CHAP. I.</hi> The Occaſion and Deſign of this little Tract. The Original of the Word <hi>Lot.</hi>
<p>LOtteries were never ſo general a Subject of Diſcourſe, as they have been of late, ſince that eminent one in <hi>England</hi> in the Year 1694. Their Neighbours, obſer<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ving a <hi>Million Sterling</hi> ſpeedily raiſed, in hopes of gaining ſome of the Great Bene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fits there propoſed, have betaken themſelves to the ſame Methods, of perſwading Peo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple to part with ready Mony, which no Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſideration of any good Uſe to be made of it, would otherwiſe have been able to draw from
<pb n="2" facs="tcp:64166:15"/>them. Several Cities in <hi>Holland</hi> and the Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vinces adjacent, and even ſome little Towns have even rivalled one another in this Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ject; and many others it is ſaid are like to be ſet on Foot, in places at a greater diſtance. The Few Perſons, who have been Fortu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nate in the Lotteries already drawn, are ſo eager and full of Hope to grow Rich at a ſmall Expence, in the many more propoſed afreſh, that every one haſtens to bring in his Mony to thoſe next to be drawn, with an Intention to venture all, or a conſiderable part of his Gains, in others to be drawn afterwards. This is obſervable to be con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtantly the Caſe, where Men are perſwaded of the Integrity of the Directors; as in <hi>Hol<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>land</hi> particularly, where great Care and Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>actneſs is uſed in matters of this kind. Peo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple are there as greedy of advancing Mony, as if they lent it at a large Intereſt; or put it out at the <hi>Two-hundredth Penny.</hi>
<p>All <hi>Holland</hi> being now warm in theſe Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>jections, a Man comes into no Company, where theſe do not make a part of the Conver<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſation; every one is expreſſing his Concern for his Loſs, or his Joy for his Gain in Lot<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>teries, or at leaſt his Hopes of obtaining ſome Benefit, in thoſe at preſent on Foot. The Liſts that come out daily are greedily bought up, to ſee whether Mens Numbers are come up; A huge Roll of Cyphers are carefully pe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ruſed, to obſerve whether there be any hopes yet left, or whether they muſt think of ma<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>king
<pb n="3" facs="tcp:64166:15"/>themſelves Amends in ſome future Lot<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tery. If the <hi>Numbers</hi> lookt for are not yet paſt, they cheriſh Hopes of a good Benefit yet to come; And though the Odds give more ground for Fear than Hope, yet every Man's Hopes are infinitely above his Fears. The firſt Queſtion upon every Meeting is, <hi>How Tickets</hi> go? and every Moment we hear of the <hi>Good Luck</hi> of thoſe who have <hi>Benefits;</hi> and the <hi>Ill Luck</hi> of thoſe that have only <hi>Blanks.</hi> Some there are that have ſucceeded in every Adven<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ture, and theſe are called the <hi>Fortunate,</hi> they have the Opinion of great <hi>Good Luck</hi> attending them, and are often envied upon this Account. Others again, who have got nothing, lament their own <hi>Ill Luck,</hi> and declare that now finding themſelves to be <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nfortunate,</hi> they re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſolve never to venture in Lotteries any more.</p>
<p>I happened in Company lately to hear ſo much of This, that I could not forbear asking ſome who talked at this rate, Whether they underſtood what they ſaid, when they affirm<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed a Man, to have <hi>Good</hi> or <hi>Ill Luck?</hi> This Queſtion at firſt ſurpriſed them much, becauſe no Expreſſions are more frequent than Theſe, not only with regard to Lotteries, but all other Plays that depend upon Chance, and a Thouſand other Incidents of Humane Life. However I took upon me to maintain, that theſe Words had no real Senſe belonging to them, but were merely Terms of courſe, or at leaſt very dark and unintelligible, in the Conception of moſt that uſed them. Upon
<pb n="4" facs="tcp:64166:16"/>this the Diſcourſe grew warm; and They, who were ſurpriſed at my Queſtion, main<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tained, that the Senſe of theſe Words were exceeding obvious and clear, and that it was perfect Humour and Peeviſhneſs to cavil at them. The main Argument by which they ſupported themſelves, was common Uſe, and Cuſtom; and the Inſtances of <hi>Fortunate</hi> Per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſons produced by them they thought ſuffici<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ent, to confirm and warrant the Expreſſions which a cuſtomary Way of Speaking had eſta<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bliſhed. Still I maintained the contrary, by ſuch Arguments, as the Reader will find in the Sequel of this Work. What Succeſs I met, or ought to have met with, I forbear to ſay, becauſe it is more fit, that they, who peruſe this Tract, ſhould afterwards deter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mine that Point, as They ſee reaſonable.</p>
<p>This gave me the firſt Hint, and ſome Incli<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nation to draw my Arguments into Form, and make them publick. I told them then, it were no hard matter to write a Book upon this Sub<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ject; which might contain many Things, that deſerve more ſerious Reflection, than Men commonly allow them. I communicated this Deſign afterwards to ſome Friends, who en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>couraged me to proceed in it; and told me, that ſeveral vulgar Errours concerning things of this kind would never be more ſeaſonably expoſed than now. They perſwaded me, that ſuch a Tract could not coſt me any great Pains; and that a few Days would ſuffice for putting my Thoughts into Writing. They aſſured me
<pb n="5" facs="tcp:64166:16"/>farther, that an Attempt of this Nature muſt needs turn to good Account, becauſe falling in with the reigning Humour of the Time and the Country. At laſt I yielded, and reſolved to let the World ſee, both my own Reaſons, and the Objections they are liable to. But not intending ſo dry a Buſineſs as mere Criti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ciſm, I reſolve to interſperſe ſeveral things, which may both pleaſe and profit my Readers, if I can be ſo happy, as to make theſe Two Advantages meet together.</p>
<p>Now I will ſhew, that theſe two Words <hi>Good Luck,</hi> and <hi>Ill Luck,</hi> have in reality no Senſe or Signification, as they are generally uſed, the different Manners whereof I will ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>amine diſtinctly. I will likewiſe ſhew, that ſeveral other Words, as commonly received, both in Ancient and Modern Speech, are of a very looſe, and uncertain Signification. Af<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter which, to proceed to ſomewhat of grea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter Conſequence, I ſhall enquire into the Mo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tives, by which Men are ſo commonly prevail<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed upon, to part with their Mony ſo eaſily into <hi>Lotteries;</hi> and then in the laſt place, I will in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>form my Reader, what Uſe Men ought to make of the Advantage they reap from <hi>Benefit Tick<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ets,</hi> or of the Loſſes they ſuſtain by Blanks.</p>
<p>Thus I have laid down a ſhort Scheme of my Deſign. But, before I enter upon Par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ticulars, it will be proper to offer my Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>jecture, concerning the Original of the Word <hi>Lot,</hi> from whence <hi>Lottery</hi> is derived. Now this ſeems to be an old <hi>Saxon</hi> word, as we
<pb n="6" facs="tcp:64166:17"/>may probably conclude, from its being in uſe in moſt of the Languages in theſe Northern Parts of the World.</p>
<p>There is great reaſon to believe, that at the firſt Peopling of <hi>Europe,</hi> one and the ſame Nation of <hi>Aſia,</hi> came along by the North of the <hi>Euxin</hi> Sea, and afterwards ſeparated ſo, that one part, after having followed the Nor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thern Coaſt of that Sea, turned Southward, and took up all that Tract of Land from <hi>Thrace</hi> to the utmoſt Southern Part of <hi>Peloponneſus</hi> and the <hi>Morea;</hi> and the other Diviſion marched Weſtward, and inhabited <hi>Germany.</hi> The for<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mer were called <hi>Greeks,</hi> the latter <hi>Germans.</hi> Hence is that ſurpriſing Affinity, obſervable between the <hi>Greek,</hi> and <hi>Saxon,</hi> which was the ancient Language of the <hi>Germans;</hi> and from whence <hi>High-Dutch, Low-Dutch,</hi> and a great part of the <hi>Engliſh</hi> Tongue mani<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>feſtly come.<note place="margin">M<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>rie. Caſaub Diſſert. de Ling. Saxon.</note> This is ſo fully made out by a Learned Man, in his Diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſertation upon the <hi>Saxon</hi> Tongue; that I may take the liberty of ſuppoſing it upon this oc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>caſion, without troubling my ſelf to prove it after him.</p>
<p>Upon theſe Terms, it ought not to ſeem Strange, if I derive the word <hi>Lot</hi> from the ſame Original, with the <hi>Ionick</hi> word <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap>; which <hi>Heſychius</hi> and the <hi>Great Etymologicon</hi> de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>clare to ſignify the ſame thing. Thence comes <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap> to <hi>have a Lot,</hi> inſtead whereof, now grown obſolete, the <hi>Greek</hi> makes uſe of <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap>. It may perhaps be objected, that were the
<pb n="7" facs="tcp:64166:17"/>
<hi>Greek</hi> Word <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap> or <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap>, my Conjecture might carry ſome probability with it; but the Change of a <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap> into a <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap> ſeems too harſh and hard of Digeſtion. To which I anſwer, That theſe two Letters were often put for one another, even in the ancient Dialects of the <hi>Greek</hi> Tongue. Thus they of <hi>Tarentum</hi> ſaid <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap>, for <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
<hi>Birds;</hi> and the <hi>Sicilians</hi>
<gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap> while others pronounced and wrote <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap>. Learned Men have derived the <hi>Latin Hortus</hi> from the <hi>Greek</hi>
<gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
<hi>a Garden. Muſtus New</hi> from <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap>. <hi>Nato to Swim</hi> from <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap>; and ſeveral other Changes, of the Letters <hi>C.</hi> and <hi>T.</hi> of which <hi>G. J. Voſſius</hi> hath produced In<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtances, in his Treatiſe upon that Subject. So that without Treſpaſſing too far upon the common Rules of Etymology, we may affirm, that <hi>Lot</hi> and <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap> are not more diſtant, than many other Words in the ſeveral Dialects of one and the ſame Tongue. And <hi>Lot,</hi> as well as <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap> ſignifies originally, that which falls to a Man by Chance.</p>
<p>Some perhaps may think, that inſtead of taking <hi>Lot</hi> for the primitive Word, I ought rather to have written <hi>Los</hi> after the <hi>German</hi> manner at this Day: But in regard <hi>Lot</hi> is u<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſed in <hi>Engliſh, Daniſh, Flemiſh</hi> and <hi>French,</hi> I thought this ought to be looked upon, as the ancient, and more authentick Pronunciation. However, either way it comes to the ſame Thing at laſt; ſince it is certain, that in the <hi>Saxon</hi> Tongue, and its Dialects, <hi>T.</hi> and <hi>S.</hi> are often put for each other, as they were former<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly
<pb n="8" facs="tcp:64166:18"/>in the <hi>Greek.</hi> But if you pleaſe, the ſame Compariſon will hold between <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap> and <hi>Los,</hi> or <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap> and <hi>Lot</hi> indifferently: Since in Derivations <hi>C. H.</hi> is frequently turned into <hi>S.</hi> as the ſame <hi>Vaſſius</hi> hath abundantly proved.</p>
<div n="2" type="chapter">
<hi>CHAP. II.</hi> The Different Significations, of which the Words <hi>Good Luck</hi> and <hi>III Luck</hi> are capable.</head>
<p>IF we attend to the firſt and moſt ſimple Idea's which this Word <hi>Good Luck</hi> awa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>kens in our Mind, when we hear it; we ſhall find, that this Name is properly applied, to an Event, favourable to a Man, without any Care or Foreſight of his own, contributing to it. Thus when a Man plays at any Game of Chance, as <hi>Dice</hi> for inſtance, and wins at it, this is called <hi>Good Luck,</hi> and ſuch a one is ſaid to be <hi>Fortunate at Play.</hi> A Man is likewiſe called <hi>Lucky</hi> when in Circumſtances that conduce to Advancing his Intereſt, without any Concurrence of his own. A Merchant is ſaid to be a <hi>Fortunate</hi> Trader, when his Ship arrives ſafe, or the Commodi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ties, of which his Venture conſiſts, riſe in Value, without his Management. A Gene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ral of an Army is eſteemed <hi>Fortunate,</hi> when ſucceeding in Attempts, which were likely to have proved his Ruin, or when ſome unfore<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſeen Accident favours his Deſigns. Theſe Terms are uſed upon a thouſand like Oc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>caſions;
<pb n="9" facs="tcp:64166:18"/>And the Words <hi>Ill Luck</hi> and <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>n<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fortunate</hi> to denote juſt the contrary. Which Remark will hold in Words of the like Im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>portance, in all other Languages.</p>
<p>It may perhaps be alledged, that I have already overthrown the whole Deſign of this Book, by aſſigning clear Idea's to Terms, which I pretend in moſt Mens Mouths to be thrown out at Random, without any mean<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing at all. And, were Men content to ſtop here, I ſhould make no Difficulty to own my ſelf in the wrong. But 'tis plain, that theſe Words are extended a great deal farther, than thoſe moſt ſimple and obvious Idea's already inſtanced in. When we call a Man <hi>Fortunate,</hi> or ſay he hath <hi>Good Luck</hi> in any thing; this does not only mean, that ſome Advantages have happened to him, which were not of his own procuring; but beſides, that there is ſomewhat attending upon, and as it were fixt to ſuch a Perſon, which makes Him Succeſsful, where any other Man would Miſcarry; and yet this Succeſs cannot be attributed to any Prudence or good Manage<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment, wherein he excels thoſe that miſs of like Succeſs. And I ſhall ſhew by ſome Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>amples, that this laſt Senſe, is what Men commonly intend by <hi>Good Luck.</hi>
<p>When a Man is ſaid to be <hi>Fortunate</hi> at Play, this means, not only that he hath often won heretofore, but that he will in all likelihood win, whenever he pleaſes to play hereafter: Upon this Account, we are fond of <hi>Bettnig</hi>
<pb n="10" facs="tcp:64166:19"/>upon his Head, or <hi>going Partners</hi> with him, if he will ſuffer us to ſhare in his <hi>Luck.</hi> They on the other Hand, who are called <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nfortu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nate</hi> in theſe Reſpects, we look upon, as Men that always, or at leaſt generally, Loſe; and it is uſual to ſay, that <hi>ſuch Men</hi> would do well to leave off <hi>Play;</hi> which yet the Men of <hi>Good Luck</hi> are permitted and encouraged to uſe. Now this makes it plain, that we have a dark Notion of an odd unintelligible Quali<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ty, from whence it comes to paſs, that ſome Men Win and Others Loſe. And in this Senſe it is, that I affirm the Words <hi>Good Luck</hi> and <hi>Ill Luck</hi> to be empty Sounds, and to ſigni<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fie nothing at all.</p>
<p>Several Perſons of Eminence have been eſteemed <hi>Fortunate,</hi> in their Undertakings; and their former Succeſſes have been re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceived as Pledges of the like in all their future Attemps. A certain Principle of <hi>Good Luck</hi> hath been thought inherent in them, which could not fail of bringing every thing they took in Hand to its deſired Effect. Many re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>markable Examples of this kind are to be met with in Story; Some of which I will do my ſelf the Juſtice to produce, that I may prevent any Suſpicion of impoſing upon my Reader in this Matter.</p>
<p>One of the moſt <hi>Fortunate</hi> Perſons (for I ſhall uſe the vulgar Way of ſpeaking in this and other ſuch like Terms, till I have fully explained my ſelf about them) that Hiſtory makes mention of, is <hi>Polycrates,</hi> Tyrant of
<pb n="11" facs="tcp:64166:19"/>
<hi>Samos,</hi> who was Cotemporary with <hi>Cambyſes</hi> King of <hi>Perſia;</hi> above five hundred Years be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fore <hi>Christ. Herodotus</hi> gives us an Account of Him, ſome of the moſt memorable Paſſages whereof I will very briefly relate. He, though of private Fortune and low Birth, found means, in Conjunction with his two Brothers, to poſſeſs himſelf of the Iſle of <hi>Samos,</hi> of which He and They were likewiſe Tyrants, or Kings. Now it was <hi>Good Luck</hi> not to ſink under ſo bold and deſperate an Attempt; but this was only the firſt ſtep of his <hi>great Fortune.</hi> The holding a little Iſland in Part<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nerſhip with two others, was no ſuch mighty Matter: but, ſhortly after, he put one of his Brothers to Death, and the Other upon ſa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ving himſelf by Flight, and thus was left in ſole Poſſeſſion of <hi>Samos.</hi> His Battles both by Sea and Land were Succeſsful to a Wonder. He conquer'd ſeveral Iſlands in the <hi>Archipelago,</hi> ſeized the Ships of all that paſſed there with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out any Damage to himſelf; and uſed to ſay, <hi>That if they belonged to the Enemy, they were good Prize; but if they were Friends, it was in his Power to oblige them more by Reſtitution, than if they had never been ſeized at all.</hi> All this was ſo far from working him Miſchief, that he be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>came the Terrour of the <hi>Archipelago,</hi> and of all the Coaſts of <hi>Greece</hi> and <hi>Aſia,</hi> which lye upon that Sea.</p>
<p>In the mean while he entred into Alliance with <hi>Amaſis</hi> King of <hi>Egypt;</hi> who, having heard the continued <hi>Succeſſes</hi> of <hi>Polycrates,</hi>
<pb n="12" facs="tcp:64166:20"/>wrote him Word, That though all the Ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vantages of a Prince, in Friendſhip with him<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelf, were matter of great Joy to him, yet he could not but ſuſpect ſo uninterrupted a courſe of <hi>Happineſs,</hi> when <hi>he conſidered how the God's en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vy Men their Proſperity.</hi> He therefore adviſed him to croſs the Strain of this <hi>Fortune,</hi> by induſtriouſly loſing ſomething, which was particularly dear to him. <hi>Polycrates,</hi> in Com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pliance with this Advice, went on Board, and threw into the Sea a very curious Seal, engraven upon an <hi>Emerald;</hi> ſo that no Poſſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bility appeared of his ever recovering a Seal, upon which he ſet an infinite Value, and which he parted with, with great Reluctancy. Yet by <hi>Good Luck</hi> ſo it came about, (which perhaps was an Accident ſcarce to be paral<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lell'd) that, five or ſix Days after, a Fiſher<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>man preſented him with a Fiſh of prodigious Bigneſs, which he had taken in that Sea: And in the Belly of this Fiſh, the Seal was found. <hi>Polycrates</hi> his <hi>Good Fortune</hi> did not ſtop there; but there needs no more be ſaid, to ſhew what <hi>Herodotus</hi> meant by calling him a <hi>Fortunate</hi> Perſon, which is a Title frequently applied to him, by that Hiſtorian.</p>
<p>And yet this very Man came to the moſt <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nfortunate</hi> End that ever was, by ſuffering himſelf to be moſt groſly impoſed upon by <hi>Oretes,</hi> Preſident of <hi>Lydia;</hi> who, to decoy him thither, pretended to have vaſt Sums of Mo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ny, which he deſigned to depoſit in his Hands, intending afterwards to retire with him to
<pb n="13" facs="tcp:64166:20"/>
<hi>Samos;</hi> where, he hoped to be out of the Reach of his enraged Maſter, the King of <hi>Perſia,</hi> who ſought his Life. <hi>Polycrates,</hi> though diſcouraged by his Friends, by the Oracles, and by a Dream of his Daughter which fore<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>told his <hi>Misfortune,</hi> yet, in deſpight of all, truſted himſelf with <hi>Oretes,</hi> who Crucified him. We may reckon this Tyrant <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nfortu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nate to the last Degree,</hi> not to reflect, that he could not with any Safety repoſe his Confi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dence in a Deputy of the King of <hi>Perſia,</hi> and 'tis evident he lay not under any Neceſſity, nor indeed any reaſonable Temptation, to leave <hi>Samos,</hi> where he knew himſelf ſafe, ſo long as he continued in it.</p>
<p>It is ſcarce to be imagined, that a Man ſhould mention <hi>Good Fortune,</hi> and not think upon <hi>Alexander:</hi> Who from a petty Prince of <hi>Macedonia</hi> became Maſter of that huge Em<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pire of the <hi>Perſians,</hi> and made his Way <hi>ſucceſsfully</hi> through Dangers innumerable, as every body knows. For his Story is too well underſtood, to need an Abridgment upon this Occaſion. He might have been cut off a thouſand times, in the Purſuit of his Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>queſts in <hi>Aſia,</hi> had his Enemies had either Cou<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rage or Conduct. But He was ſo <hi>Fortunate,</hi> that the very things which would have ruin<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed any Other Perſon, only conduced to render his <hi>Good Fortune</hi> more Conſpicuous: Some Inſtances whereof I ſhall juſt mention from the principal Hiſtorians, who wrote his Life; and thoſe in ſuch Events as are very extraor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dinary and ſurpriſing.</p>
<pb n="14" facs="tcp:64166:21"/>
<hi>Quint. Curtius</hi> tells us, that <hi>Alexander him<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelf admired</hi> his own <hi>Good Fortune, when he con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſidered the Condition of thoſe Paſſes,</hi>
<note place="margin">L. iii. c. 4.</note>
<hi>through which he had made his way into</hi> Cilicia; <hi>and acknowledged, how eaſie a Matter it had been, to have knocked them all on the head, with Stones, had his Enemies but thrown them down from the Rocks, as they were marching underneath. Contemplatus Locorum Situm, non aliàs magis dicitur admiratus eſſe felicitatem ſuam, obrui potuiſſe vel ſaxis confite<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>batur, ſi fuiſſent qui in ſubeuntes propellerent.</hi> In another Paſſage, ſpeaking of <hi>Parmenio,</hi> one of <hi>Alexander</hi>'s chief Commanders; He ſays, <hi>he durst not venture upon a Way, with which he was unacquainted, without the Directi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons of a Guide; but depending upon his Maſter's</hi> Good Fortune, <hi>he ordered ſome of the Coun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>try People to be called in, and truſted himſelf to Their Conduct. Ignotum iter ſine duce non au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>debat ingredi;</hi> Felicitati <hi>tamen Regis ſui confiſus,</hi>
<note place="margin">Cap. 13.</note>
<hi>Agreſtes, qui duces ite<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neris eſſent, excipi juſſit.</hi> He ſays in another place, <q>That <hi>Alexander</hi>'s <hi>Good Fortune</hi> ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver forſook him in times of Difficulty and Danger.</q>
<hi>Nec defuit illi</hi> perpetua <hi>in re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bus dubiis</hi> felicitas. He introduces <hi>Alexander,</hi> enjoyning his Men to rely upon his <hi>Good Fortune,</hi>
<note place="margin">L. iv. c. 8. c. 11.</note> and putting great Confidence in it himſelf. <hi>Arrian</hi> obſerves, that his <hi>Good Fortune</hi> encouraged him to attempt the moſt hazardous and deſperate things; And many other Paſſages both theſe
<pb n="15" facs="tcp:64166:21"/>Authors have to the ſame purpoſe, not ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceſſary to be inſiſted upon at preſent. Theſe already produced prove ſufficiently, that the <hi>Greek</hi> and <hi>Latin</hi> Words, which anſwer to <hi>Good Fortune,</hi> ſignifie ſome notional unintelli<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gible thing, which was ſuppoſed to attend conſtantly upon <hi>Alexander,</hi> and to render him ſucceſsful. <hi>Quintus Curtius</hi> ſays, that <hi>notwith<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtanding a great deal of that Succeſs was owing to his Gallantry, yet he was indebted to</hi> Fortune <hi>for the much greater part of his Conqueſts, for, ſhe ſeemed to be at his Diſpoſal entirely, and to have Devoted her ſelf to Him only, of all Mankind. Fatendum est, cum plurimum virtuti debuerit, plus debuiſſe Fortunae,</hi>
<note place="margin">L. x. 5.</note>
<hi>quam ſolus Omnium Mortalium in poteſtate habuit.</hi>
<note n="*" place="margin">De for<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tuna <hi>Alex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>and.</hi>
<hi>Plutarch</hi> indeed, hath compoſed two Diſcourſes, where<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>in he undertakes to prove the con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>trary; but even there he uſes the Words <hi>Fortune</hi> and <hi>Good Succeſs</hi> in the ſame Senſe I am ſpeaking of. This Acceptation of the Words is no part of the thing he quarrels at; but he only takes upon him to ſhew, that the many Victories obtained by <hi>Alexander</hi> were truly and properly the Effect of his extra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ordinary Valour and Conduct, and not ſo much the Gift of his <hi>Good Fortune.</hi>
<p>The ſame Author in the Life of <hi>Sylla,</hi> ob<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſerves, that his Enemies eſteemed him a very <hi>Fortunate</hi> General;<note place="margin">Plutarch <hi>in</hi> Sylla.</note> and that he was ſo far from taking Offence at his Victories being attributed to
<pb n="16" facs="tcp:64166:22"/>his <hi>Good Fortune,</hi> that himſelf affected to te<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="2 letters">
</gap> the World, how much better he ſucceeded in Attempts of the greateſt Hazard, than in others where all his Meaſures had been moſt prudently adjuſted. After his Triumph; when he gave the People of <hi>Rome</hi> an Account of all that had befallen him in the Wars juſt then concluded; he was equally careful to relate all thoſe<note n="*" place="margin">
<gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
<hi>Succeſſes</hi> which were owing to his <hi>Good For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tune,</hi> as thoſe other Advantages due to his Valour and Conduct. And at laſt ordered that the Surname of<note n="*" place="margin">
<gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
<hi>For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tunate</hi> ſhould be given to him.</p>
<p>The <hi>Roman</hi> Hiſtorians have boaſted greatly of the <hi>Good Fortune</hi> of <hi>Pompey;</hi> and <hi>Cicero</hi> makes uſe of this Argument, to diſpoſe the People of <hi>Rome</hi> in his Favour; and to procure for him the Command of the War againſt <hi>Mithridates.</hi> Obſerve how he expreſſes him<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelf upon this Occaſion: <q>It remains now, that I ſay ſomething with regard to his <hi>Good Fortune,</hi> which, though no Man may preſume to engage for in his own Caſe, yet we all may take notice of, and relate, in the Actions of Others; but his I ſhall do with all that Modeſty and Reſerve, which becomes a Subject, depending wholly upon the Divine Power and Providence. Now I am clearly of Opinion, that when <hi>Fabius Maximus, Marcellus, Scipio, Marius,</hi> and ſundry other Eminent Generals, were em<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ployed by the State, it was not only their
<pb n="17" facs="tcp:64166:22"/>Courage, but their <hi>Fortune,</hi> which induced the People to entruſt them with the Com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mand of their Armies. For no doubt can be made, but that, beſides their great Abilities, there was a certain <hi>Fortune</hi> ap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pointed by Divine Providence to attend upon ſome famous Men, and to Conduct them to Honour, and Renown, and uncom<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mon <hi>Succeſs</hi> in their Management of Im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>portant Affairs. Now, with reſpect to this Perſon in particular, I ſhall ſo tem<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>per my ſelf, as to ſay, not that he hath <hi>Fortune</hi> abſolutely at his own Diſpoſal; but, which is ſufficient for my Purpoſe, that we ſhall do well to remember how he hath ſucceeded formerly, and from thence to Proportion our Hopes and Expectations, of what he is like to do hereafter.</q>
<hi>Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>liquum est, ut de Felicitate, quam praeſtare de ſe ipſo nemo potest,</hi>
<note place="margin">Cic. pro Lege, Ma<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nilia. c. xvi.</note>
<hi>memi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>niſſe & commemorare de altero poſſu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mus, ſicut aequum est homini de pote<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtate Deorum, timidè & panca Dicamus. Ego autem ſic exiſtimo, Maximo, Marcello, Mario & caeteris Magnis Imperatoribus, non ſolum propter virtutem, ſed etiam propter fortunam, ſepius Imperia Man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>data, at<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> exercitus eſſe commiſſos. Fuit enim pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fectò quibuſdam ſummis viris quaedam ad amplitudi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nem, & gloriam, & ad res magnas bene gerendas divinitùs Adjuncta Fortuna. De hujus autem hominis felicitate quo de nunc Agimus, hac utar Moderatione dicendi, non ut in illius poteſtate poſitam eſſe Fortunam, ſed ut praeterita meminiſſe, reliqua ſperare videamur.</hi>
<pb n="18" facs="tcp:64166:23"/>
<p>It were eaſie to produce other Teſtimonies concerning <hi>Pompey</hi>'s <hi>Good Fortune,</hi> but there is no occaſion at all for them. It will be more agreeable to my preſent Deſign, to Reflect a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>little upon the <hi>Ill Fortune,</hi> which befell him in the Civil War. Firſt of all, when <hi>Caeſar</hi> be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gan to oppoſe him, he was utterly unprovi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ded of any Means to Reſiſt him, and under a neceſſity of quitting <hi>Rome</hi> and <hi>Italy,</hi> to his Ri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>val, in an ignominious manner. His Army in <hi>Spain,</hi> under the Command of <hi>Afranius</hi> and <hi>Petreius,</hi> was routed by <hi>Caeſar,</hi> without ſo much as one formal Battle. He could not hinder him from paſſing out of <hi>Italy</hi> into <hi>Epirus,</hi> tho' <hi>Caeſar</hi> had no Fleet, to withſtand His. <hi>Caeſar</hi>'s Troops paſſed twice without Oppoſition. He loſt an Opportunity, which was put into his Hands, of defeating his Army; which might all have been cut to pieces, had he purſued the Advantage gained upon them in <hi>Epirus;</hi> And, in the Fight at <hi>Pharſalia,</hi> where there was all the likelihood in the World of his beating <hi>Caeſar,</hi> he was ſo <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nfortunate,</hi> that the very thing, which in Appearance muſt have ſecured his Conqueſt, was the very Oc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>caſion of his Ruine. After this Defeat, in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtead of retreating into <hi>Mauritania,</hi> to King <hi>Juba,</hi> who would moſt gladly have received and aſſiſted him with all his Forces, he un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>luckily threw himſelf into <hi>Egypt;</hi> and was there Aſſaſſinated and Murdered, juſt as he was going aſhore.</p>
<pb n="19" facs="tcp:64166:23"/>
<hi>Caeſar,</hi> on the Contrary, had nothing but <hi>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ood Fortune</hi> as we plainly ſee by his own commentaries; and even the raſheſt and <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>oſt hazardous Undertakings proſpered in his Hand. His Hiſtory is univerſally known, and I need not inſiſt upon Particulars. I will therefore only detain the Reader, with one ſingle Paſſage, taken out of <hi>Plutarch</hi>'s Book, <hi>Of the</hi> Fortune <hi>of the</hi> Romans. <q>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>pon</hi> leaving <hi>Brunduſium,</hi> ſays he, the fourth of <hi>January,</hi> he croſſed the Sea ſucceſsfully, his <hi>Fortune</hi> getting the better of the Wea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther and the Seaſon. When he had found <hi>Pompey,</hi> who was then in <hi>Epirus</hi> with his whole Army, and Maſter both of the Field and the Sea, though but a handful of his own Forces were with him, thoſe under <hi>Antonius</hi> and <hi>Sabinus</hi> being not yet come up to joyn him; he boldly embarked in a ſmall Veſſel, and ſet Sail, without letting the Pilot know who he was, and paſſing in the Diſguiſe of a Servant. A violent Storm ſpringing up, the Pilot began to tack, and then diſcovering himſelf, he ſaid, <hi>Go on, my Lad, and fear not; ſpread all thy Sails to</hi> Fortune, <hi>and take in all the Wind thou canst, for thou hast</hi> Caeſar <hi>and his</hi> Fortune <hi>on board thee.</hi> Thus He was confident, that this <hi>Good Fortune</hi> ſailed and travelled with him, that it encamped with him in the Army, that it fought with him in his Battles, in ſhort that it never left him. This made the Sea calm in the rougheſt
<pb n="20" facs="tcp:64166:24"/>Tempeſt, this made Winter to him become as Summer, this made Delay and Speed equally ſucceſsful in the Event, and inſpi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>red Cowards with Courage; Nay, which is yet more amazing, this made <hi>Pompey</hi> flee, and <hi>Ptolomy</hi> Murder his Friend, that ſo <hi>Pompey</hi> might fall, without <hi>Caeſar</hi> having the Guilt of ſhedding his Son-in-law's Blood.</q> They who read this Book of <hi>Plu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tarch</hi> will find, that he endeavours to repre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſent the Greatneſs of the <hi>Roman</hi> Empire, as an Effect of <hi>Good Fortune,</hi> no leſs than of Conduct or Courage.</p>
<p>By theſe Examples it is plain, and by infi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nite others it might be made appear, that it is no new thing for Men to uſe thoſe Words, which in other Languages anſwer to <hi>Good</hi> and <hi>Ill Fortune,</hi> in a ſenſe denoting ſomewhat peculiar to <hi>this</hi> or <hi>that</hi> Perſon, at leaſt ac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>companying him for ſome Time, and upon ſome Occaſions, which ſucceeds or defeats what he undertakes, ſo as that his Proſpe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rous or Diſaſtrous Events cannot be charged upon his own Prudence, or the Want of it. Though <hi>Europe</hi> be at this Day Chriſtian, yet the Pagan Modes of Expreſſion continue ſtill in uſe; and many Words are taken into com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mon Speech, which have ſcarce any Signifi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cation. For after all, what is this <hi>Je ne ſcay quoy,</hi> which denominates Men <hi>Fortunate</hi> or <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nfortunate?</hi> It can only be One of theſe <hi>Four</hi> things. Either <hi>First, Deſtiny,</hi> which ſome heretofore, and many even in our Days look
<pb n="21" facs="tcp:64166:24"/>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>pon as the Cauſe of all that happens in the World. Or <hi>Secondly, Fortune,</hi> which is but a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nother Name for <hi>Chance.</hi> Or <hi>Thirdly,</hi> what the Heathen called a Man's <hi>Good or Evil Genius,</hi> and ſome Chriſtians ſtill term his <hi>Good or Evil Angel.</hi> Or elſe <hi>Laſtly, God</hi> himſelf. Now I am poſitive, that no Man, without expreſs Revelation, can be aſſured, that <hi>God</hi> or the <hi>Angels</hi> produce thoſe Events, for which we can aſſign no natural Cauſe; and that <hi>Fortune</hi> and <hi>Deſtiny</hi> are merely imaginary things; ſo that this pretended Principle of <hi>Good Luck</hi> is in effect nothing at all. If a Man were with any Skill to examine thoſe, who think they underſtand themſelves perfectly well, when they talk of this Matter; He would ſoon find them at a loſs to make out their own Meaning. If <hi>Socrates</hi> were alive again, who had the knack of confounding Errours, by driving Men to Abſurdities with plain Queſtions, he would quickly gravel the great<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>eſt part of thoſe who talk of <hi>Good</hi> and <hi>Ill Luck,</hi> by ſhewing them, that they do not know what it is they would be at. But it may per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>haps be vain to expect, that any Man ſhould be found in this Art of Reaſoning, equal to that incomparable Philoſopher. And there<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fore we muſt content our ſelves with another Method of Diſabuſing Mankind, by proving particularly, that never a one of theſe <hi>Four</hi> things juſt now mentioned is the real Cauſe of Mens <hi>Good</hi> or <hi>Ill Luck,</hi> either in <hi>Lotteries</hi> or in any other Matters, which have no
<pb n="22" facs="tcp:64166:25"/>neceſſary Dependence upon the Skill an<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> Prudence of the Perſons, who engage i<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> them.</p>
<div n="3" type="chapter">
<head>CHAP. III. <hi>That</hi> Deſtiny <hi>is not the Cauſe of</hi> Good Luck Ill Luck.</head>
<p>SEveral of the ancient Heathens, and par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ticularly the Sect of the Stoicks, though every thing that happened to be the unavoid<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>able Effect of <hi>Deſtiny.</hi> And many no doub<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> at this Day tread in Their Steps; from whence it is, that we are ſo frequently told that <hi>No Man can avoid his</hi> Deſtiny, and tha<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> ſo many Events are charged upon I know no<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> what <hi>Fatality,</hi> which neceſſarily brings them to paſs.</p>
<p>When the Stoicks heretofore were asked What they meant by <hi>Deſtiny?</hi> they readily gave this Anſwer, <hi>A certain Fram<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> or Diſpoſition of all things mutually linked together,</hi>
<note place="margin">A Gell. L. vi. c. 2.</note>
<hi>and moving it ſelf by eternal Succeſſions of Cauſes and Effects, in ſuch a Manner, that nothing can break the Chain, or divert its Courſe;</hi> ſo that, according to their Principles, whatever at any time came to paſs could not poſſibly but come to paſs. It were eaſie to ſhew from expreſs Teſtimonies of ancient Writers, how generally this Opi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nion was received; The Reader, if he pleaſe may conſult thoſe quoted in the Margin, for
<pb n="23" facs="tcp:64166:25"/>his farther Satisfaction<note n="*" place="margin">
<hi>A Gell.</hi> L. vi. c. 2. <hi>Diog. Laert.</hi> L. vii. ſ. 149. <hi>J. Lipſ. de Conſtan.</hi> L. i. c. 17.</note>. As I do <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ot intend to enlarge upon explain<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ng the Opinion, ſo neither do I <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>pon the Arguments uſed, either <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>n Defence, or in Prejudice of it. The Whole of my Deſign, is only <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>o ſhew, that They, who attributed all things <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>o ſuch a Chain of Cauſes, did not under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>tand themſelves, nor had any Idea of what <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>hey ſaid in the Matter.</p>
<hi>First</hi> then. All they advanced concern<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ng this <hi>Deſtiny</hi> was groundleſs, and ſuppoſed <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>nly; and that too ſuch a Notion, as is of <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>o ſervice towards the clearing any one Diffi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ulty in the World. For who ever told the Stoicks, that every thing is neceſſarily and <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>navoidably brought about, in the Manner <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="2 letters">
</gap>ve ſee it? How did they know, that Cauſes <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ct with ſuch uncontroulable Power, and that the Effects ſo inſeparably follow them? This was not ſure revealed to them from Heaven; They never pretended to ſuch Di<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vine Authority for it. It was in truth a vulgar Opinion, which They, as well as many others, eſpouſed by Strength of Fancy. There was not any inward Sentiment of their Mind, reflecting upon the <hi>Fatality</hi> of their own Actions, that had diſpoſed them to it. Let any Man examine his own Breaſt, and ſay, in good earneſt, whether he be throughly convinced, that all the Reſolutions he takes were ſuch as he found himſelf neceſſarily de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>termined to; and that he could not poſſibly
<pb n="24" facs="tcp:64166:26"/>have reſolved otherwiſe. No Man, I dar<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> be conſident, who ſpeaks ſincerely, is abl<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> to ſay this. Can we then affirm, that othe<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> Intelligent Beings, which the Stoicks, (wh<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> held an infinite Number of <hi>Gods</hi> of diffe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rent Orders) acknowledged to be in th<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> World, have no Liberty neither; but tha<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> They are dragg'd along in all they do, by th<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> ſame Chain of <hi>Deſtiny?</hi> It is evident, no Ma<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> can affirm this, without ſaying what he nei<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther does, nor can know. Now if ſuch <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 word">
</gap> Spirit as our <hi>Humane Soul</hi> be free, as we plain<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly find and feel it, at leaſt in abundance o<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> Inſtances; and if there may be other Intelli<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gent Subſtances free as well as this, then it i<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> the vaineſt thing in the World to talk o<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
<hi>Fatality</hi> or <hi>Deſtiny;</hi> when infinite Free Spi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rits do a thouſand things, which it was poſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſible for them not to have done at all. Bu<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> without running the Matter ſo far, this i<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> moſt certain, that no Man can ſay, that he aſſuredly knows, that there are no free Agents or Cauſes in the World; and conſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quently it muſt be allowed that <hi>Deſtiny</hi> is a<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> groundleſs Suppoſition, and advanced with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out any Proof. Nay, it is the leſs defenſible, becauſe of no uſe in Philoſophy: My mean<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing is, that, admitting the thing, we are ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver the nearer giving an account of any one natural Effect, than thoſe who reject it; Nay Theſe indeed give a much more probable Ac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>count, upon Their Principles, than the for<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mer. And if we make a Tryal now by ap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>plying
<pb n="25" facs="tcp:64166:26"/>this Notion to any common Caſe, our own Experience will quickly demonſtrate the Truth of what I ſay.</p>
<p>To keep cloſe to my Subject; I deſire to know for inſtance, whence it comes to paſs, that the Perſons who had the greateſt <hi>Bene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fits</hi> in the <hi>Lotteries</hi> lately drawn, had thoſe advantagious <hi>Lots;</hi> and that a world of Peo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple who took out as many or more <hi>Tickets</hi> than They, got nothing? Will you think it an Anſwer to ſay, This was brought about by a Chain of neceſſary Cauſes, which diſpo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſed the Benefits and Blanks, in ſuch a certain Order? Where are theſe neceſſary Cauſes, which have produced this Effect? It is ridicu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lous, to aſſert ſuch a thing as this without any Proof; and to give a meer Suppoſition for a Reaſon of ſomewhat elſe, and that too ſuch a Suppoſition, as it is impoſſible to give any pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bable appearance to. Now if I, on the other hand, averr; that this Combination of <hi>Tickets</hi> proceeds from the Motions given to them when they were mingled together, without any knowledge or deſign of the Perſons by whom they were ſo mingled; this is what no Man can diſprove me in. If I proceed, and ſay again, that ſuch a Motion is the Effect of a free Intelligent Subſtance, who ſhakes the Boxes in which the Tickets lye, more or leſs, and who is guided more by Humour or Fancy than by Reaſon; This again is what cannot be denied me. Now then, I will ſay, ſuch a one had the Great Lot, becauſe,
<pb n="26" facs="tcp:64166:27"/>according to the Motion of the Tickets, his Number came up againſt that Lot; After which, there is no reaſon for any farther enquiry. For I ought not undertake, nor is it poſſible for me, to give the reaſon of that Motion and Order, into which the Tickets were put, without the Minglers knowing what effect it would produce; nor why they ſhook the Boxes, <hi>Ten</hi> times (for inſtance) rather than <hi>Nine</hi> or <hi>Eleven.</hi> So that the Stoick's <hi>Fatality,</hi> which ſome will have the Cauſe of <hi>good</hi> and <hi>bad Luck</hi> upon theſe Occa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions, is the fondeſt Imagination that can be. But I have more againſt it ſtill; which is, that They, who uſe the words <hi>Fatality</hi> and <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> have no Idea of what they ſay them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves; and this is my Second Remark upon the particular Point now before us.</p>
<p>'Tis true, they give ſeveral Definitions of theſe things, which come at laſt to that al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ready mentioned. But they are ſuch Defini<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tions, as do not ſhew, that they have any clear and diſtinct, or indeed any Idea at all, of the thing they pretend to define. This will ſoon be ſeen, by examining <hi>Chryſippus</hi> his Definition in <hi>A. Gellius,</hi> whoſe words in the Original are theſe: <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap>. That is, <hi>A Natural Connexion of all this <g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>niverſe, where from all Eternity one thing follows another con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtantly and regularly.</hi> This Connexi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on, he ſays afterwards is<note n="*" place="margin">
<gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
<hi>invio<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lable. A. Gellius</hi> hath paraphraſed
<pb n="27" facs="tcp:64166:27"/>it thus: <hi>Sempiterna quaedam & indeclinabilis ſeries <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>rerum & Catena, volvens ſemet ipſa ſeſe, & im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>plicans per aeternos Conſequentiae ordines, ex qui<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bus apta connexa<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> est.</hi> The rendring where<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>of ſtrictly and literally, as it is difficult, ſo is it unneceſſary, becauſe I have given the ſenſe of it before.</p>
<p>Now, in order to comprehend the Falla<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cy of theſe Terms, we ſhall do well to ob<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſerve, that our Ideas may be reduced to Two ſorts. The Firſt are of Things which have an actual exiſtence without us; The Other of ſuch as our Mind forms to it ſelf at plea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſure, and which have nothing in nature and reality, which anſwers to our Ideas. When I, for example, am looking upon a Tree, and conſider what it is that then preſents it ſelf to my thoughts, this is an Idea of a thing really exiſting, whether I think upon it, or not. But now, when I form to my ſelf an Idea of a Tree, a Mile in heighth, and bear<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing golden Apples; this is a fanciful Idea, and ſuch as no <hi>Tree</hi> actually exiſting ever re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſembled. Now, when theſe two ſorts of Ideas are to be defined, we muſt proceed ve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry differently with reſpect to each of them. When an imaginary Idea is to be defined, you are at your own liberty; Say but what you will have it, and the Definition is juſt and good. But when a thing which actually exiſts is to be defined, by the Idea we con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceive of it, we are not then at liberty to make this Definition what we pleaſe, becauſe
<pb n="28" facs="tcp:64166:28"/>the exiſtence of the thing is independent upon us: and, to make this a good Definition, it muſt ſhew, what the thing defined hath in common with the reſt of the ſame <hi>Species,</hi> and what it hath peculiar to it ſelf, whereby it is diſtin<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guiſhed from them. So that, after having heard and underſtood this, we can conceive the thing before us clearly, without confound<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing it with any other thing whatſoever.</p>
<p>Great care muſt be taken not to confound the Definition of an abſtracted Idea, with that which deſcribes an Idea of a thing which really exiſts. For elſe it is evident, we ſhall not only attribute to things exiſting ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>what which in truth they have not; but we ſhall alſo miſtake abſtracted and arbitrary Ideas, for the Images of things which have an actual exiſtence.</p>
<p>And this is directly the Errour of the Stoicks in the Matter now under conſidera<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion. They ſaw not any thing in Nature, which could oblige them to think, that there is an unavoidable <hi>Deſtiny</hi> in all Events. The Idea they have been pleaſed to form to them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves of this Matter cannot be ſaid to be co<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pied after Nature, as that of a <hi>Tree</hi> is from ſomething ſeen by us. It is an Idea purely notional and abſtracted, ſuch as they have tryed to frame as they could, and in which theſe two things are obſervable. <hi>First,</hi> They take it for granted without any Proof, that there is in reality ſuch a <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> as they had formed in their own imagination. They con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>found
<pb n="29" facs="tcp:64166:28"/>an Idea framed at pleaſure, with an Idea of ſomewhat actually exiſting; and this ſhews, that they did not rightly underſtand themſelves. <hi>Secondly,</hi> Setting aſide the thing it ſelf, conſidered as ſomewhat exiſting, o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>therwiſe than in our own imagination, yet, if we examine the Idea, which anſwers to the Words I have now quoted, even thus we ſhall find it looſe and altogether indi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtinct. Thoſe Words, <hi>A Connexion of all things in the <g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>niverſe with each other,</hi> ſignifie nothing particular and expreſs upon this oc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>caſion; and the reſt of the Definition, <hi>which follow one another from all Eternity,</hi> are every whit as dark and confuſed as the former. This is a blind Deſcription of a chimerical <hi>Je ne ſcay quoy,</hi> which hath ſome affinity and rela<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion to the looſe Ideas of <hi>Diſpoſition, Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nexion,</hi> and <hi>Conſequence.</hi> It is a Picture of an unknown <hi>Entity,</hi> of which no Man hath a particular Conception, and by vertue where<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>of, according to the Principles of the Stoick Philoſophy, every thing is neceſſarily brought to paſs.</p>
<hi>Plutarch,</hi> who frequently falls foul upon theſe Philoſophers, though he ſeem in part to concur with their Opinion of <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> will furniſh us with ſundry and ſenſible Inſtances of Expreſſions, which have no determinate ſignification. In his Book, <hi>how Men ought to ſtudy the Poets,</hi> he tells us, that ſeveral things attributed to the Gods, are not to be under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtood of the Gods themſelves, but of <hi>Deſtiny</hi>
<pb n="30" facs="tcp:64166:29"/>or <hi>Fortune.</hi> When <hi>Heſiod,</hi> for the purpoſe, forbids us to reproach any <hi>Man</hi> with his Po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>verty, becauſe <hi>this is the Diſpoſal and Gift of the</hi>
<note n="*" place="margin">i.e. <hi>the Gods.</hi>
<hi>Bleſſed, that exist eternally. Plutarch</hi> hath this Remark. <q>The Poet calls that the Gift of the <hi>Gods,</hi> which depends upon <hi>Fortune.</hi> He tells us, we ought not to blame thoſe, whom <hi>Fortune</hi> hath made poor, but that Poverty is then blamable and reproach<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ful, when attended with <hi>Idleneſs, Meanneſs of Spirit, Effeminacy,</hi> and <hi>Prodigality</hi> in the Perſon labouring under it. For the Name of <hi>Fortune</hi> being not yet commonly uſed, and Men being ſenſible, that their utmoſt Prudence could not obſtruct the ſovereign Power of a Cauſe acting without Rule or Method, they deſcribed this Cauſe by at<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tributing it to the <hi>Gods.</hi>
</q> And afterwards, having cited ſome Verſes of <hi>Homer,</hi> which ſeem to make <hi>Jupiter</hi> the Author of Evil, he adds, that <hi>by</hi> Jupiter <hi>we are to underſtand</hi> De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtiny <hi>or</hi> Fortune, <hi>which are Cauſes which we cannot comprehend, and ſuch as have no dependence at all upon our ſelves.</hi>
<gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap>. Theſe Words ſhew plainly, that thoſe Expreſſions are Names for two very dark Ideas, and which are little, if at all, different from <hi>Nothing.</hi>
<p>Now, though this Obſervation be moſt true, yet men are ſo uſed to talk what they do not underſtand, and at the ſame time to fancy they underſtand what they ſay perfect<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly
<pb n="31" facs="tcp:64166:29"/>well, that the ſame Expreſſions continue ſtill in uſe. To ſay nothing at preſent of <hi>Fortune,</hi> which will come under our Conſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deration by and by, we every Day hear Men expreſſing themſelves after this manner; that <hi>ſuch a one was brought to ſuch a place by his Good or Ill Fate; that his Good Fate put him upon ven<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>turing in ſuch a Lottery, where he got a good Be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nefit; That his Ill Deſtiny ordained he ſhould put in a greater Sum than he could afford in a Lottery, where he drew nothing but Blanks. That his Good Deſtiny brought him a good Lot; That his Ill De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtiny kept him from winning,</hi> and a world of o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther ſuch like Forms of Speech in common Converſation.</p>
<p>If the much greater part of Men who talk thus were called upon to explain their own meaning, they would find themſelves wretch<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>edly at a loſs. For moſt People, in ſpeaking, are governed more by Cuſtom, than by Know<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ledge and Conſideration.</p>
<p>They uſe this Word, upon ſome Occaſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons, which they find it applied to before by others, without attending to any Senſe of it. I have often made the Experiment, and found, that Men, who had their <hi>good</hi> and <hi>ill Fate</hi> conſtantly in their Mouths, have not been able to anſwer me, when I asked what they meant by it. They were ſurpriſed at my enquiring what they intended by ſo com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mon an Expreſſion, but yet they were not able to make me underſtand what they would be at, when they uſed it.</p>
<pb n="32" facs="tcp:64166:30"/>
<p>If we conſult the <hi>Gentlemen of the French Academy,</hi> they tell us in their Dictionary, that <hi>the Philoſophers gave this Name to a neceſſa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry Chain of Cauſes, ſubordinate to each other, which never fail of producing their Effect; and that the Poets underſtood by it a Power, to which the Gods themſelves are ſubject.</hi> This Definition is much the ſame with the former, only not al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>together ſo exact. And beſides, theſe Gentle<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>men had no reaſon to make a difference be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tween the Poets and the Philoſophers, for both agreed in thinking the <hi>Gods</hi> ſubject to <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> as I could eaſily ſhew, were it ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceſſary to my purpoſe. I need not inſiſt lon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ger upon this Definition, after what hath been ſaid to That of the Stoicks. But they have given us another, whereby they ſeem to intend an Explication of <hi>Fate</hi> and <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> as they are commonly uſed at preſent. <hi>De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtiny,</hi> they tell us, <hi>is likewiſe taken for the par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ticular Lot of each Perſon, and for that Portion of Good or Evil ordinarily diſtributed to each Man.</hi>
<p>One would think this Definition ſufficient<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly clear, and that all I have ſaid upon this occaſion might be abundantly confuted by having recourſe to it. And indeed, did it import no more than barely the Events of Things, without any regard to the Neceſſity of ſuch Events, or to ſome unknown Cauſe, which determins and produces them, the Difficulty would vaniſh. But I aſſert, that in uſing this word, Men conſtantly imply in
<pb n="33" facs="tcp:64166:30"/>their Ideas of it, this <hi>Cauſe,</hi> and the <hi>Neceſſity</hi> of ſuch Events. The <hi>Academy</hi> have put this beyond diſpute, by the Examples they give; <hi>as, No Man can avoid his Deſtiny; This is the Fate of Great Men,</hi> or <hi>Great Common-wealths,</hi> and the like. The Firſt of theſe makes ma<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nifeſtly for me; For it is derived from the Pagan Idiom, who conſtantly delivered their Minds after this manner. Many Examples whereof <hi>Stobaeus</hi> hath left us in his eighth and ninth Chapters of the Collections of Na<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tural Productions. The two others upon en<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quiry will be found to confirm what I have ſaid. We commonly ſay, 'tis the <hi>Fate</hi> of Great Men to be more eſteemed when dead, than while yet living; and we plainly mean by this, not only, that this very often hap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pens, but that their being ſo is the Effect of I know not what <hi>Fatality,</hi> which entails En<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vy upon Virtue and Merit. So again we ſay, it is the <hi>Fate</hi> of Great Common-wealths to fall by their own Weight, and to ruine themſelves when they grow too Great; By which is inferred, that there is a certain Period, and Meaſure of Greatneſs, deter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mined by <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> to which when Common-wealths have once attained, all beyond that tends to their decay and undoing. Every Reader will eaſily recollect what he hath heard or read in Authors to this purpoſe.</p>
<p>Perhaps theſe Gentlemen thought <hi>Deſtiny</hi> and <hi>Fatality</hi> to be two diſtinct Things. For they define the latter, by calling it <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>navoid<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>able
<pb n="34" facs="tcp:64166:31"/>Deſtiny,</hi> which looks, as if they had a Notion, that there is a ſort of <hi>Deſtiny which may be avoided.</hi> They have likewiſe among their Examples put <hi>Fatal Deſtiny.</hi> Now <hi>Fa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tal</hi> and <hi>Inevitable</hi> when applied to <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> are mere <hi>Epithets</hi> and <hi>Expletives,</hi> fit only for Poets when they want to make up a Verſe, but otherwiſe of no uſe at all.</p>
<p>M. <hi>Richelet</hi> ſeems to know no <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> but that which is inevitable; For his Definition of it is, a <hi>Certain Diſpoſition and Order of Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vidence, which makes things infallibly come to paſs.</hi> This is in truth the Stoicks Notion put into Chriſtian Language: And thus <hi>Lipſius</hi> hath done in his Book <hi>of Conſtancy:</hi> The Abbot <hi>Furetiere</hi> comes very near M. <hi>Richelet,</hi> and defines <hi>Deſtiny</hi> thus: <hi>A Diſpoſition or Chain of Second Cauſes, ordered by Providence, which infers and produces a Neceſſity in the Event.</hi>
<p>I ſhall not here conteſt theſe Definitions; becauſe my <hi>Eighth</hi> Chapter will oblige me to it, where I propoſe to ſhew, that <hi>God</hi> is not the Cauſe of what the World call <hi>Good Luck,</hi> as is generally ſuppoſed. But beſides, it is plain, that They who uſe theſe words, <hi>Deſti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ny</hi> and <hi>Fatality,</hi> think as little of Providence at that inſtant, as if there were no ſuch thing. Theſe Gentlemen indeed, if we obſerve it ſtrictly, have defined what the word <hi>Deſtiny</hi> muſt ſignify, if it ſignify any thing at all: but by no means what the Generality of People intend by it, when they ſpeak it. Now there
<pb n="35" facs="tcp:64166:31"/>is a vaſt difference, between giving us a De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>finition of that which Men ſhould mean by a Word, and that which they generally do mean by it, in common Diſcourſe.</p>
<p>It is ſufficient, that from what hath gone before, I may fairly conclude, that Stoical <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> or <hi>Fatality</hi> ſignifies nothing, neither in the Books of the Ancient or Modern Wri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ters, nor in the Mouth of the Vulgar. There is no real Being in Nature, to which theſe Names properly belong; and no thing is more looſe and fantaſtical, more confuſed and un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>intelligible, than that arbitrary Idea, which Men form of it in their own Minds. A Man had much better ſay nothing, than affirm, that he Won or Loſt in a <hi>Lottery,</hi> becauſe it was his <hi>Good</hi> or <hi>Ill Fate</hi> to do ſo. I ſhould think it much more excuſable to declare I Won or Loſt by <hi>Hocus pocus tempora bonus,</hi> and think the Gibberiſh of common Jugglers the better Senſe of the Two.</p>
<div n="4" type="chapter">
<hi>CHAP. IV.</hi> That the Terms Good or Ill Fortune frequently mean nothing, no more than Chance. What Senſe this last Word is capable of.</head>
<p>THe ſecond Cauſe uſually aſſigned for <hi>Good</hi> or <hi>Ill Luck</hi> is <hi>Fortune;</hi> or, which is but another Name for the ſame thing, <hi>Chance.</hi> Now I think my ſelf able to prove, that theſe Engliſh words, and thoſe which anſwer to
<pb n="36" facs="tcp:64166:32"/>them in other Languages, are as far from ha<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ving any clear Significations as thoſe treated of in the laſt Chapter. But before I reprove the modern Uſe of theſe Words, it will be proper to enquire, what Notions the ancient Greeks and Romans had of them, becauſe from thence they are derived down to us. If They were at a loſs for their own Meaning in them, it can hardly be expected, that We ſhould under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtand them better: And we indeed are more to blame, becauſe Religion and Time ought to have enlightned our Underſtandings, and taught us to ſpeak more correctly than They did.</p>
<p>The word <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap> in Greek, and <hi>Fortuna</hi> in Latin, ſignified formerly what <hi>Fortune</hi> does in Engliſh; but withal, ſome unknown Princi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple, <hi>by which a thouſand Things came to paſs with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out any neceſſity of their being thus or thus.</hi> This is the Difference between <hi>Fortune</hi> and <hi>Deſti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ny,</hi> that the One ſuppoſes a <hi>neceſſary Cauſe</hi> of the Effects produced by it, and the other ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cludes it.<note n="*" place="margin">
<hi>Phyſ. L.</hi> 2. <hi>c.</hi> 4, 5, 6.</note>
<hi>Ariſtotle,</hi> whoſe natural Philoſophy is generally founded upon the Expreſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions and Notions of the People, condemns the Philoſophers, who had written before him, of a great Abſur<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dity, for not defining <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
<hi>Fortune,</hi> or <hi>Chance</hi>
<gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap>; becauſe 'tis clear, he ſays, beyond diſpute, that <hi>Fortune</hi> or <hi>Chance</hi> produce infi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nite Effects in Nature. And though <hi>They</hi> had not thought ſo, yet they ought to have ſpo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ken
<pb n="37" facs="tcp:64166:32"/>to them, and ſo much the rather, becauſe they ſometimes uſed theſe Words themſelves.</p>
<p>For his own part, he made no doubt, but that there were ſuch things as <hi>Fortune</hi> and <hi>Chance.</hi> And this is his manner of Arguing upon them, by which he diſcovers the Vulgar Forms of Speech to have oftentimes lain at the bottom of his Opinions. <q>In regard we ſee that <hi>ſome</hi> things come to paſs always, and <hi>others</hi> for the moſt part, after the ſame manner, this makes it plain, that <hi>Fortune</hi> is not the Cauſe of any of theſe things. That which is an Effect of <hi>Fortune</hi> cannot proceed from a neceſſary and regular Cauſe, which <hi>always,</hi> nor from ſuch a one as <hi>generally,</hi> Acts alike. But now, ſince ſome things there are, beſides theſe, which happen ſo, that all the World declare them to be the Effect of <hi>Fortune,</hi> we may plainly ſee, that there are ſuch things, as <hi>Fortune</hi> and <hi>Chance.</hi> For we know very well, both that the things of this Nature are the Work of <hi>Fortune,</hi> and that what <hi>Fortune</hi> does is always of this Na<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ture.</q> This manner of Argument ſuppoſes the common Forms of Speaking to be the Rule of True and Falſe; and, that a Man may con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>clude from Words to Things, which, in a Phi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>loſopher, is a moſt ridiculous Imagination. For what is more common, than for the Peo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple to entertain falſe Notions of Things; and for the ways of expreſſing themſelves, ſuited to their Notions, to be very improper and diſtant from the Truth?</p>
<pb n="38" facs="tcp:64166:33"/>
<p>Afterwards he ſays, that <q>when any thing of Advantage happens to a Man by Acci<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dent, This is ſuch a thing as we call the Ef<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fect of <hi>Fortune</hi> or <hi>Chance.</hi>
</q> For Example: A Man goes to a Place, whither he does not uſe to go; and where he ſhould receive Mo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ney, though at that time he went not thither with any ſuch deſign; if he receive Money there, we ſay, that he went thither, and re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceived it, by <hi>Chance.</hi>
<p>He pretends again, that Herein <hi>Fortune</hi> and <hi>Chance</hi> differ. <hi>Fortune</hi> is not properly concerned, except in the Actions of ſuch Be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ings, as act upon a Principle of Choice; whereas <hi>Chance</hi> takes place in the Effects of Cauſes, which do not act by Choice. I know not whether this Difference were conſtantly obſerved in common Speech, but it is certain, that thoſe Bodies were called <hi>Automata,</hi> which were thought to move of themſelves.</p>
<p>Thus this Philoſopher imagined he had de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fined the Nature of a Cauſe in Phyſicks, while he only defined the Words, by which Peo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple uſed to expreſs themſelves: for he pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tends, that <hi>Chance</hi> had a great hand in Form<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing the Univerſe; which is a moſt abſurd Fancy, and more becoming a Clown or an I<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deot, than a Philoſopher, as we ſhall ſee by and by.</p>
<p>The Latins, who put no ſuch diſtinction be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tween <hi>Fortuna</hi> and <hi>Caſus,</hi> define them thus: <q>
<hi>Lot, Chance, Fortune, Event,</hi> what elſe is all this, but a thing's falling out after one
<pb n="39" facs="tcp:64166:33"/>particular manner, when it might either not have happened at all, or have happened after quite another manner than it hath done.</q>
<hi>Quid est aliud Sors, quid Fortuna, quid Caſus, quid Eventus, niſi cum ſic ali<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quid accidit, ſic evênit,</hi>
<note place="margin">De Div. Nat. L. 2. c. 6.</note>
<hi>ut vel non ca<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dere at<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> evenire, vel aliter cadere at<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> evenire potuerit?</hi>
<p>A Man that reads theſe Definitions of <hi>For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tune,</hi> would be apt to think, by ſome part of them, that the Ancients did mean ſomething by it; and yet on the other hand to ſuſpect, that they had no Notion at all of the matter. <hi>Ariſtotle</hi> is expreſs that the common Way of Speaking proves <hi>Fortune</hi> and <hi>Chance</hi> to be ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing. <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap>. But if they be ſomething, what ſort of Things are they? Are they Spirits? Are they Bo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dies? Are they of ſome different Nature? <hi>Ariſtotle</hi> in his Sixth Chapter of the Second Book of <hi>Phyſicks,</hi> diſtinguiſhes them plainly from Spirit and<note n="*" place="margin">i. e. <hi>Body.</hi>
</note> Nature, for theſe, (he ſays,) are the Cauſes of all things Eſſentially, and <hi>per ſe.</hi> Theſe two laſt Cauſes, he owns, did at firſt produce the Heaven, and all the material World, but yet he ſays, that when all this was done, a thou<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſand Things were effected by <hi>Chance</hi> after<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wards. But ſtill he does not inform us, what this pretended Cauſe is, conſidered in it ſelf. For in truth he knew not what he meant by it him<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelf. And one may ſee he did not, by his quo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ting the common Form of Speech, explaining
<pb n="40" facs="tcp:64166:34"/>the Word by the Uſe of it; but never giving any Definition of <hi>Fortune.</hi> He does indeed diſallow that Notion of ſome, <hi>who made</hi> For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tune <hi>a real Cauſe, but ſuch as the Mind of Man knew nothing of, becauſe too divine a thing for Man to comprehend it.</hi> But all that he does, is only telling us the Occaſion, how this Word grew ſo generally into Uſe.</p>
<p>In the mean while, not to mention the Poets and their Modes of Speech, which might be accuſed of too great liberty in Fiction, the Temples, which in ſeveral places were dedicated to <hi>Good</hi> or <hi>Ill Fortune,</hi> ſeem to ſay, that This was generally reputed a Deity. For certainly Men muſt be mad to the laſt Degree, who ſhall go about to build Tem<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ples, addreſs their Prayers and Praiſes, and offer Sacrifices, to any but <hi>Gods;</hi> that is, ſuch as they believe to have a divine, and much more an actual, Exiſtence. Now This Reaſoning were certainly concluſive, did Men always ſpeak and act conſiſtently; but as it is, they often ſpeak Words which they do not underſtand, and do many Things, when they know not what they do. <hi>Tullus Hoſtilius</hi> built a Temple to <hi>Fear</hi> and <hi>Paleneſs.</hi> Others erected Temples to the <hi>Mind,</hi> to <hi>Vertue,</hi>
<note place="margin">Pallori & Pavori Liv. l. 1. c. 27. Cic. de. Nat. Deor. l. 2. Lactan. l. 1.</note> to <hi>Honour,</hi> to <hi>Piety,</hi> to <hi>Fi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>delity,</hi> to <hi>Hope,</hi> to <hi>Chaſtity,</hi> to <hi>Concord,</hi> to <hi>Peace,</hi> to <hi>Rest,</hi> to <hi>Safety,</hi> to <hi>Fortune,</hi> to <hi>Liberty,</hi> &c. Others again were conſecrated, to to the <hi>Feaver,</hi> to the <hi>Year,</hi> the <hi>Month,</hi> to <hi>Art,</hi>
<pb n="41" facs="tcp:64166:34"/>to <hi>Poverty,</hi> to <hi>Old Age,</hi> to <hi>Death.</hi> Now I can by no means perſwade my ſelf, that the Ancients believed all theſe things to be things actually Exiſting; but they knew not what they did, when they built ſuch Temples: and therefore the Actions of Men will give us no ſurer ground of arguing from them, than their Words and common Talk will.</p>
<p>Nay Some among them were well aware, that, when Men talked of <hi>Fortune,</hi> they talked of a thing they did not underſtand. <hi>Democritus</hi> ſays, <hi>Men formed to themſelves a Phan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tome of</hi> Fortune,<note place="margin">Euſeb. Praep. Ev. l. xiv. 27.</note>
<hi>only for a Cover to their Ignorance.</hi> This Paſſage is likewiſe quoted from a Comedy of <hi>Philemon: There is no ſuch Deity as Men call</hi> Fortune, <hi>no; no ſuch matter; all things happen by</hi> Chance: <hi>and that which the World calls</hi> Fortune, <hi>is any thing that happens to Men, without being able to give a Reaſon why it ſhould do ſo.</hi> So again <hi>Tully,</hi> The Cauſes under the <hi>Governance of</hi> Fortune <hi>are ſecret, for every thing must have its Cauſe,</hi>
<note place="margin">Cic. Top. c. 17.</note>
<hi>but whatever is effected by a hidden Cauſe, and by a Me<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thod which we cannot account for, this is properly an Effect of</hi> Fortune. And <hi>Juvenal</hi> tells us,<note place="margin">Sat. x.</note> that <hi>Fortune</hi> is only a God<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deſs in Fiction, and of Mens making.</p>
<l>Nullum Numen abest ſi ſit Prudentia, ſed Te</l>
<l>Nos facimus, Fortuna, Deam, caelo<expan>
<g ref="char:abque"/>
</expan> locamus.</l>
<hi>Fortune</hi> was never Worſhipp'd by the Wiſe; But, ſet aloft by Fools, uſurps the Skies.</p>
<pb n="42" facs="tcp:64166:35"/>
<p>Thus you ſee, by the Teſtimony of theſe Heathen Writers, that the Word <hi>Fortune</hi> ſignifies nothing at all, though ſome pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tended, that it imports a real Exiſtence. I ſhall clear this Point, by enquiring into the thing it ſelf, when I have firſt produced two Paſſages of Chriſtian Authors, who ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſe and confute the Worſhippers of <hi>For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tune,</hi> and were of my Opinion, that this Word ſignifies Nothing.</p>
<p>The former of theſe is <hi>Lactantius,</hi> who argues thus: <q>
<hi>Fortune</hi> in it ſelf is nothing; we are not to ſuppoſe, that the Word denotes any thing of real exiſtence,<note place="margin">
<hi>Inſt. Divin.</hi> l. 3. c. 29.</note> take it in what ſenſe you pleaſe. <hi>Fortune</hi> is no more than an Event, which is ſudden and unexpected. But the Philoſophers, that they might not fail to miſtake in every thing, pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tended to be very Wiſe in a trifling Mat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter. Thoſe I mean, who change the Sex of <hi>Fortune,</hi> and will needs have it a God, and not a Goddeſs. The ſame Deity they call ſometimes <hi>Nature,</hi> and ſometimes <hi>For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tune, becauſe</hi> as <hi>Cicero</hi> obſerves, <hi>it effects many things which we do not expect, by reaſon of our Ignorance in the Cauſes that produce them. And, not knowing the Reaſons why a thing happens, Men must needs be ignorant what it is, that brings it about.</hi> The ſame Author in a very ſerious Tract, where he gives his Son Rules drawn from Philoſophy, to govern him in his Behaviour, <hi>Who,</hi> ſays
<pb n="43" facs="tcp:64166:35"/>he, "<hi>does not know, that the Power of</hi> Fortune <hi>is great, which ſide ſoever ſhe takes? For when ſhe oppoſes us, we are certainly worſted.</hi>
<hi>Lactantius</hi> (after ſome Reflections upon <hi>Cicero,</hi> which are not much to the Matter now in hand,) proceeds in this manner: <q>
<hi>Who does not know?</hi> ſays he, For my part I know no ſuch thing. Let him ſhew me, if he can, what that Power is, what is the Favour of <hi>Fortune,</hi> and what her Oppoſition to us. It is by no means for the Repu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tation of a Man of Wit and Parts, to lay down a thing for granted, which, if one deny, he is not able to make out.</q>
<p>The other Author, which I ſhall produce upon this Occaſion, is<note n="*" place="margin">De Conſ. Phil. L. <hi>1.</hi> Proſ. i.</note>
<hi>Boethius,</hi> whoſe Style in Beauty is equal to that of <hi>Lactantius,</hi> and his Reaſon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing is much before His. <q>If any one (ſays <hi>Philoſophy,</hi> with whom <hi>Boethius</hi> is holding a Dialogue) defines an acciden<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tal Event <hi>(Caſum)</hi> and ſuch as is not pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>duced by any Connexion of Cauſes; I aſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſert, that <hi>Chance</hi> is nothing in the World, that it is an empty Word, without any Senſe or Signification at all. For where can <hi>Chance</hi> find a place, in things which God keeps in a regular Method? There is no greater Truth, than that nothing can come out of nothing. Not one of the An<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cients ever contradicted this Maxime, tho' they underſtood it, not of the <hi>Efficient,</hi> but the <hi>Material,</hi> Cauſe. Now, if a thing
<pb n="44" facs="tcp:64166:36"/>were produced without a Cauſe, that thing would come out of nothing. But, if this cannot be, then neither can there be ſuch a thing as <hi>Chance,</hi> according to our Defi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nition of it. Well, but (replies <hi>Boethius</hi>) is there then nothing, which we can pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>perly call <hi>fortuitous</hi> or <hi>caſual?</hi> Or is there ſomewhat to which theſe Names belong, tho' the Vulgar know it not? <hi>Ariſtotle,</hi> (ſays <hi>Philoſophy</hi>) hath cleared this Difficulty in few words, in his Book of Phyſicks, and comes very near to the truth of the mat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter. What I pray is his Reſolution of the Caſe? (Says <hi>Boethius.</hi>) When any thing is done with a certain deſign, (replies <hi>Philo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſophy</hi>) and ſome other thing, different from that which was intended, does for other cauſes happen: this thing, ſo be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſides the Intention of the Agent, is what we call a <hi>fortuitous</hi> or <hi>caſual</hi> Event. As if a Man (for inſtance) in digging his Ground, with a deſign to cultivate it, ſhould find a Pot of Gold hidden there: We ſay this is <hi>caſual;</hi> but yet it had a real and proper Cauſe; and the unforeſeen and unexpect<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed Concurrence of ſuch Cauſes forms that which is termed a <hi>caſual</hi> Event. If He, who cultivated his Ground had not digged it; or if he who buried this Treaſure had not laid it in that place, the Gold had not been found as it was. Theſe then are the Cauſes of that <hi>accidental</hi> Gain, which hap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pened to the Man by this Concurrence of
<pb n="45" facs="tcp:64166:36"/>theirs, altogether foreign from the De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſign, which he propoſed to himſelf in dig<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ging his Ground.</q> The Remainder of this Argument may be ſeen in the Original, for I cannot agree with <hi>Boethius</hi> in every Branch of it. But this proves, that if the Ancients uſed the words of <hi>Fortune</hi> or <hi>Chance</hi> to de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>note any unknown Being, which acts without any Rule, and which is neither a Spiritual, nor a Bodily Subſtance, they knew not their own meaning. And yet thus I have ſhewed, that <hi>Ariſtotle</hi> uſed them, whatever <hi>Boethius</hi> ſays here to bring him off.</p>
<p>Let us now conſider the Thing in it ſelf; And, in order to diſcern what Senſe theſe words <hi>Fortune</hi> and <hi>Chance</hi> are capable of, we muſt remember, that there are only Two ſorts of Beings, which we know of, that can contribute to any thing that befals us. The <hi>First</hi> ſort, conſiſts of <hi>Bodies,</hi> which, acting alone, and without the interpoſition of any other Cauſe, leave no room for <hi>Fortune</hi> or <hi>Chance:</hi> Becauſe they act by fix'd unalterable Rules of Mechaniſm, as all, who have the leaſt knowledge of Mechanicks and Natural Philoſophy are abundantly ſatisfied. The Common People indeed ſay, a Body falls of it ſelf, when no Man, nor any ſenſible Cauſe, that comes under our Obſervation, threw it down. As when Fruit falls from a Tree, or a Tile from the Roof of a Houſe, without any pulling, or blaſt of Wind, to blow it down. And it is a very uſual thing,
<pb n="46" facs="tcp:64166:37"/>to ſay ſuch things fell of themſelves, or by <hi>Chance.</hi> But it is by no means true, that nothing interpoſed, and that no external Cauſe contributed to that Fall. The Air and the Weight of the Bodies, (not to mention ſeveral other Cauſes that might concur) oc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>caſioned their Fall. A Body would continue for ever in the ſame State, did not ſome Cauſe from without make an Alteration. This is an Axiom in Natural Philoſophy, which I need not here go about to prove.</p>
<p>The ſecond ſort of Beings, are what we call <hi>Spirits,</hi> who, among ſeveral other Facul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ties belonging to them, are endued with <hi>Liberty,</hi> which they exerciſe upon infinite Occaſions. They can at any time <hi>do</hi> or <hi>not do</hi> what they do; they can do it after <hi>this</hi> or <hi>that</hi> manner; they <hi>determine themſelves</hi> in doubtful or indifferent Caſes, or what they look upon to be ſuch, by Humour and Fan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cy; Without any Other Reaſon, but that they have a mind to act ſo or ſo, and with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out the interpoſition of any thing, that ſhould neceſſarily engage their Judgment, or their Will. Without troubling my Readers with a long Lecture of Metaphyſicks, I appeal to every Man's own Senſe and Experience, and am entirely perſwaded, that all who will ſpeak truly what they feel within themſelves, in innumerable Inſtances of Humane Life, will agree, that what I have ſaid, is the ve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry Truth of the Caſe.</p>
<pb n="47" facs="tcp:64166:37"/>
<p>In this reſpect it may be ſaid, that the free determination of a Spiritual Subſtance is an Effect of Chance, becauſe it does not proceed from any neceſſary Cauſe. And, in regard Spirits act much upon Bodies, the intervening of theſe Operations produce ſomewhat <hi>caſual</hi> in thoſe Motions, which o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>therwiſe would not be at all. We will put the caſe, that a Box full of Tickets (for the purpoſe) lyes upon a Table; Thoſe Tickets will all remain in the ſame ſituation, till they are moved, and that which lyes uppermoſt, will infallibly be drawn firſt. Here is no <hi>Chance</hi> in all this. But if a Man ſhakes this Box ſeveral times, without knowing what Alteration this ſhaking makes in the Order of the Tickets, by the Will of that Perſon intervening upon this occaſion, and that in a manner altogether free, Here is ſomewhat of <hi>Chance.</hi> It is in the Choice of that Per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſon, whether he will ſhake the Box at all or not; whether he will ſhake it more or leſs; and to turn it as many different ways as he pleaſes. In ſhaking and turning it he is gui<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ded purely by his own Humour; without knowing what Effect this will have; after all which, that Ticket which comes next to hand is taken out, without knowing to what Per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſon it belongs.</p>
<p>This is the uſual Manner of Drawing in <hi>Lotteries,</hi> and this we may call meer <hi>Chance,</hi> which makes ſuch a Man's Ticket come up againſt ſuch a Lot. By this you ſee, that
<pb n="48" facs="tcp:64166:38"/>
<hi>Chance,</hi> in proper ſpeaking, is Nothing; And that, when we ſay, Such a Hit is owing to <hi>Chance,</hi> the true meaning of it is, that this is not meerly the Mechanical Effect of the Motion of the Tickets, but that ſome Intel<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ligent Being contributed to it, which gave its free Aſſiſtance in the thing, without knowing what would be the Conſequence, or how that Change in the Tickets could be made. So that the Word is rather of a <hi>Ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gative,</hi> than an <hi>Affirmative</hi> Importance; or the Name of a <hi>Negative</hi> rather than a <hi>Poſitive</hi> Idea. It denotes only thus much, that there was no Cauſe intervening, which did neceſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſarily produce a certain and determinate Ef<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fect; or that made uſe of its Underſtanding to produce that particular Effect.</p>
<p>The Abbot <hi>Furetiere</hi> obſerves, that <hi>Chance is ſometimes ſpoken of as a Perſon, and denotes an Imaginary Being, to which we fooliſhly attribute thoſe Effects, of whoſe Cauſes we are ignorant.</hi> I own, that ſometimes <hi>Chance</hi> may have thoſe Effects attributed to it, which have a deter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>minate and neceſſary Cauſe. But when Men expreſs themſelves thus, it is from their Ig<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>norance, at leaſt if they pretend to ſpeak properly. But thus much is certain how<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ever, as I have ſhewn, that it is an Imagina<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry Being, a Creature of our own Brain; and, that nothing leſs than a Poetical Li<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cenſe will juſtifie our mentioning <hi>Chance</hi> as a Perſon; which yet is a Form of Speech ſo much countenanced by common uſe, that
<pb n="49" facs="tcp:64166:38"/>there are very few Expreſſions more frequent<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly to be met with.</p>
<p>From theſe Premiſes it evidently follows, that <hi>good Luck,</hi> which is a Conſequence of this <hi>Chance,</hi> is likewiſe, in the common accep<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tation of the Word, a pure <hi>Chimera.</hi> People pretend, that <hi>good Luck</hi> is confined and fixed to ſome certain Perſons, and at the ſame time that it is the Effect of <hi>Chance,</hi> which is a manifeſt Contradiction. The Nature of <hi>Chance</hi> conſiſts in its dependence upon a free Cauſe, determining it ſelf by Humour and Fancy, without Order or Deſign; and yet they will needs have it, that <hi>good Luck</hi> is ſo fixed, that it ſhall happen to <hi>this</hi> or <hi>that</hi> parti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cular Man. Now what can be more palpably abſurd, than to aſſert, that an Effect is, and is not, determined at the ſame time. Thus <hi>Chance</hi> in it ſelf is nothing, and the <hi>good Luck</hi> which goes along with ſome certain Perſons, is, if I may ſo ſay, ſomewhat leſs than no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing. The Firſt expreſſes a <hi>negative</hi> Idea on<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly, the Second a <hi>contradictory</hi> Idea, if it be al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lowable to call a Contradiction an <hi>Idea.</hi>
<p>The Caſe is all one with the word <hi>For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tune;</hi> which is ſometimes repreſented as a <hi>Cauſe,</hi> peremptorily reſolved to oblige ſome, and to perſecute others. <hi>Fortune</hi> was on <hi>Pom<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pey</hi>'s ſide before the Civil Wars, but after<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>wards, ſhe forſook, and fought againſt him. <hi>Alexander</hi> had her at his beck till his laſt Sick<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neſs, but then he is thought Unfortunate not to eſcape Poyſoning. In ſhort, Ancient and
<pb n="50" facs="tcp:64166:39"/>Modern Writers both abound with Expreſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions oppoſite to each other, when they ſpeak of the Conſtancy or Inconſtancy of <hi>Fortune.</hi> The only Account whereof is, that This is a <hi>Phantome</hi> of their own forming, and that their Imagination added to, or took from it at pleaſure, and as they ſaw occaſion. We com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>monly ſay, that Men are the <hi>Sport</hi> of <hi>Fortune;</hi> that ſhe plays with them for her Diverſion; but it were more proper to ſay, that <hi>Fortune</hi> is our <hi>Play-thing;</hi> ſince we give, and take away from her, juſt what we think fit.</p>
<p>The Gentlemen of the French Academy, after having ſaid, that <hi>Fortune was a Goddeſs with the Heathens, add,</hi> that <hi>Now-a-days, though we do not own Fortune to be any thing in it ſelf, yet most of the Expreſſions then in uſe are ſtill continued, but that they are to be underſtood in a figurative Senſe.</hi> If theſe Expreſſions ſig<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nified nothing in the Mouths of Them who erected Altars to <hi>Fortune,</hi> I vehemently ſu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſpect, they do not ſignifie much more, in the Writings of Thoſe Authors, who uſe them figuratively now. For indeed they are only uſed by a <hi>Proſopopoeia.</hi> Now in a <hi>Proſopopoeia,</hi> we are allowed indeed to ſpeak of what we conceive, in the quality of a Perſon; but I have never heard nor read, that we might make a Perſon of a meer <hi>Nothing,</hi> or rather of that which is leſs than <hi>Nothing,</hi> of that which we are not able to form any, no not ſo much as a <hi>negative</hi> Conception of. I have never obſerved any thing of this kind done,
<pb n="51" facs="tcp:64166:39"/>except a Poem entituled <hi>Nothing;</hi> which is al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>together founded upon an equivocal Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtruction of the Word, which is not eaſie, if poſſible, to be rendred properly.</p>
<p>Others, as the Abbot <hi>Furetiere</hi> in particu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lar, pretend, that by <hi>Fortune</hi> at preſent we are to underſtand <hi>Providence.</hi> Theſe are his Words in his Dictionary: <hi>This was formerly a Heathen Goddeſs, and thought to be the Cauſe of all ſurpriſing and extraordinary Events: whereas in truth it is the Divine Providence, acting by Me<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thods unknown, and far above Humane Wiſdom.</hi> It is confeſt, that the Word <hi>Fortune</hi> ought many times to be thus underſtood; if we will allow it to ſignifie any thing in the Writings of many Men, and even of ſome Authors whoſe Eloquence and Delicacy of Expreſſion is admired by all the World. But yet this was not the thing They meant by it, as will quickly appear, if we take out the Word <hi>Fortune,</hi> and ſubſtitute that of <hi>Providence</hi> in its ſtead.</p>
<p>I will produce ſome Inſtances to ſave my Reader the trouble of Search and Recollection; ſuch as will ſhew, that there is no Figure in them, which admits of any rational Meaning; whether they would interpret it, as perſona<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ting a <hi>thing that is not,</hi> or whether they would put upon <hi>Providence</hi> the vile and ſcandalous Diſguiſe of <hi>Fortune.</hi> Theſe ſhall be taken out of M. <hi>Rochefoucaut</hi>'s Maxims, which muſt be acknowledged a Maſter-piece in their kind. Obſerve how he expreſſes himſelf in his 60th
<pb n="52" facs="tcp:64166:40"/>Reflection: <hi>They that think themſelves Men of Merit, eſteem it a Happineſs to be <g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nfortunate, that ſo They and Others may look upon them as Perſons conſiderable enough to be ſet as a Mark for Fortune.</hi> I can hardly think M. <hi>Furetiere</hi> would have ventur'd to ſay <hi>a Mark for Providence</hi> in the ſame ſenſe; or that the Author of the Maxims entertained any thing like ſo impious a Thought, when he wrote thus.</p>
<p>The 64th begins thus: <hi>The Contempt of Riches was in ſome ancient Philoſophers a ſecret De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſire of doing Right to their Merit, and revenging themſelves upon the Injuſtice of Fortune; by deſpi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſing the ſame Advantages, which ſhe would not ſuf<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fer them to enjoy.</hi> Certainly no Man would talk of the <hi>Injuſtice of Providence, or of taking a Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>venge</hi> upon That.</p>
<p>The 458th obſerves, that <hi>Fortune never ap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pears ſo blind, as to Thoſe whom ſhe does no good to.</hi> Now this is not only downright Paganiſm in the Expreſſion, but even in the Idea, or that which is pretended to anſwer to thoſe Expreſſions.</p>
<p>And yet thus much Right ought to be done M. <hi>Furetiere,</hi> to acknowledge, that in many Paſſages, where the Word <hi>Fortune</hi> is to be met with, that of <hi>Providence</hi> may very properly be exchanged for it. An Inſtance whereof the 70th Reflection gives us, <hi>Fortune turns every thing to the advantage of thoſe ſhe loves. Provi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dence</hi> will ſtand very well there, and ſo make this Maxim in ſenſe almoſt the ſame with that of St. <hi>Paul,</hi>
<note place="margin">Rom. 8.20.</note>
<hi>That all things work
<pb n="53" facs="tcp:64166:40"/>together for Good to them that love God.</hi> Though, 'tis probable, M. <hi>Rochefoucaut</hi> might not have this in his thoughts neither. But, notwith<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtanding this Agreement of Senſe upon ſome Occaſions, we cannot reaſonably allow, that one and the ſame Word, ſhould be uſed for ſo many different Purpoſes, as ſometimes to ſignifie a Pagan Goddeſs, ſometimes a meer Notion and Chimera of Mens own Brain, and at others the Wife and Good Providence of God; and that thoſe ſhould conſequently be brought in at all turns to ſhare the Govern<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment of the Univerſe with that Providence. I meddle not at preſent with the Abſurdity of This upon a Religious Account, but am content to obſerve, that that Spirit of Exact<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>neſs and Juſtneſs of Expreſſion, which ought to govern all our Diſcourſe, ſhould by all means keep us from ſuch dark, ſuch ambi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guous, ſuch inſignificant, Forms of Speech.</p>
<p>Some indeed have perceived the Neceſſity of Reforming our Modern Idioms in this re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſpect. The Author of the <hi>Penſeés diverſes,</hi>
<note place="margin">Penſ. 48.</note> which are ſometimes annexed to M. <hi>Rocheſfoucaut</hi>'s Maxims is one of Theſe. One Inſtance we have in theſe words, <hi>Fortune gives out the Parts, which each Perſon plays upon this Theatre of the World, blindly and humourſomely. And hence there are ſo many ill Actors, becauſe ſo few People and fitted for their Characters.</hi> After which he adds by way of Correction, <hi>Now, to ſpeak in Terms more be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>coming Chriſtians, Fortune here is nothing elſe,
<pb n="54" facs="tcp:64166:41"/>but the Providence of God, which, for Reaſons un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>known to <g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>s, permits this Diſorder and Irregular Proceeding.</hi> Now, in this caſe, the Emenda<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion ought to have gone rather upon this foot, that inſtead, of <hi>Fortune does ſuch things blind<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly,</hi> he ſhould have ſaid, <hi>Providence permits ſuch things to be done.</hi> For it is plain, as the words lye, we can by no means underſtand <hi>Provi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dence</hi> by <hi>Fortune</hi> in that Paſſage.</p>
<p>What hath been ſaid of <hi>Chance</hi> and <hi>Fortune,</hi> may be as well applied to <hi>Lot, (Sors)</hi> which ſignifies the ſame thing; only <hi>Sors</hi> is a word more familiar in Poetry than Proſe. All Theſe amount to no more than <hi>Negative</hi> Terms, as I obſerved before; and all they do, is to make us comprehend, that the Ef<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fect then ſpoken of, is not the Reſult of a Cauſe which acts neceſſarily and is expreſly determined to produce it.</p>
<div n="5" type="chapter">
<pb n="55" facs="tcp:64166:41"/>
<hi>CHAP. V.</hi> The Objections drawn from Lotteries, and all Games that depend upon Chance, anſwered; and ſhewed inſufficient to denominate Men For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tunate, or that any Perſons have Good Luck conſtantly going along with them.</head>
<p>I Am perfectly ſatisfied, that what hath been ſaid of that <hi>Luck</hi> which is pretended to be the Effect of <hi>Deſtiny</hi> or <hi>Chance,</hi> will not admit of any ſubſtantial Reply: And am apt to promiſe my ſelf, that all who read the two laſt Chapters heedfully, will be of my mind. But yet I am as verily perſwaded, that great Numbers of People, who are not able, either to diſprove me, or to eſtabliſh any Notions of their own upon clear and ra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tional Grounds, will not be one whit mo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ved; but ſtiffly maintain it ſtill, that, let all the World ſay what they pleaſe, there is ſuch a thing as <hi>good</hi> and <hi>ill Luck</hi> in Matters de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pending upon Chance. They will think, as long as they have a Day to live, that ſome certain Perſons are <hi>fortunate</hi> and <hi>unfortunate</hi> at Games, where <hi>Chance</hi> is thought to govern. They will perhaps confeſs, that they do not know indeed how to give any diſtinct Ac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>count of this <hi>good</hi> or <hi>ill Luck;</hi> what it is, or whence it proceeds: But long Experience hath taught them, that ſuch things are but too real and certain. They will agree, that they have not Skill enough to overthrow my Rea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſons
<pb n="56" facs="tcp:64166:42"/>ſons to the contrary; but nothing ſhall per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſwade them out of their own Senſes; and the Prejudices they have entertained have to Them all the force of a Demonſtration. Theſe are a ſort of Men, who, never trou<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>bling themſelves to argue upon any Matter, go through ſtitch in all their Opinions, and never take them up, but with a ſecret Reſo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lution never to quit them more, though for others infinitely better. There is no inform<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing or enlightning of them, and, when you have reaſoned with them never ſo juſtly, all the anſwer you are to expect is that of the Country-Fellow to his Prieſt; <hi>You may Silence me, but you ſhall never Convert me.</hi>
<p>I would not be thought to do ſo weak a thing, as to write this Tract in hopes of gaining theſe Men over; But there are O<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thers content to hear Reaſon, and ſuch as will be ſatisfied, why they think thus rather than otherwiſe; and yet even They find it hard to deliver themſelves from the Diffi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>culties objected to them, from Inſtances of Perſons, who almoſt always win at Play; where all the Skill in the World is not able to make its Party good againſt their <hi>Luck:</hi> And Others again have ſo ill a Run, that they eternally loſe whatever they play for. Almoſt every Body fancies he knows Inſtan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ces of theſe <hi>lucky</hi> or <hi>unlucky</hi> Hands; and yet I am now taking upon me to prove, that this Objection hath nothing of true weight in it, when rightly conſidered.</p>
<pb n="57" facs="tcp:64166:42"/>
<p>I do not deny, but a Gameſter may win, at <hi>Dice, Cards,</hi> or other Games, which either turn all upon Chance, or have a mixture of Skill required, for an Hour or two, nay a whole Afternoon, or Night together. I a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gree in like manner, that there are Some, who with a very few Tickets have got more Prizes in our late Lotteries than Others who have put in ten times as much. And laſtly, I am perfectly ſatisfied, that a great many, on the other ſido, are as unaccountable Lo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſers in the Inſtances already mentioned. But now, becauſe they are of different kinds, we muſt firſt diſtinguiſh rightly between them, before we can make a right Judgment in the Caſe.</p>
<p>In Caſes where <hi>Chance</hi> does all, as in <hi>Dice</hi> and <hi>Lotteries,</hi> ſuppoſing Men to have obſer<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ved carefully, and that there be no Cheat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing, I dare averr, that no Man was ever known to be conſtantly, or even a great while together, a <hi>Winner.</hi> There is no Man that hath drawn the <hi>Great Lots,</hi> or ſuch as are of any conſiderable Value, in ſeveral <hi>Lotteries</hi> ſucceſſively; And ſeveral, after ſome Benefits, depending upon the Continuance of their <hi>Good Luck,</hi> have been ſo far from improving their Capital, that they have paid dearly for their fond Imagination, when venturing afreſh in other <hi>Lotteries.</hi> In this I appeal to what my Readers have known or heard. Now the Great Lots muſt needs be <hi>Somebody's;</hi> but this <hi>Somebody</hi> would be
<pb n="58" facs="tcp:64166:43"/>very much in the wrong, to think that he is therefore a <hi>Fortunate</hi> Perſon, that ſome Quality belongs to him, which ſhall ſecure him the like Advantages at other times. There muſt of neceſſity be more Loſers, than Gainers; and therefore it is very fooliſh, to conclude a Man's ſelf <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nfortunate,</hi> becauſe he is of the more numerous and probable ſide. And yet the <hi>Winners</hi> are ſo exalted, and the <hi>Loſers</hi> ſo enraged, that they are eternally talking of their <hi>Good</hi> or <hi>Ill Luck,</hi> without at all conſidering what they ſay.</p>
<p>But now, the Matter is otherwiſe, in Games, that require any thing of Skill. For here, ſuppoſing the Perſons to underſtand the Game, and to mind their Play alike, and to Play fair; I dare undertake, that, though ſometimes One of theſe may Win, and the Other Loſe; yet if they Play fre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quently together, they will give out pretty near equal at laſt. Now you cannot call One of theſe <hi>Fortunate</hi> and the Other <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>n<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fortunate,</hi> becauſe in the infinite Turns of <hi>Chance,</hi> each hath his Run of a good Hand, provided they Play often and long. The <hi>Cards</hi> may lye ſo, that one of them may Win an Hour, an Evening, a Week together; but then the Other will infallibly have his Turn too, though there be no Rule, or cer<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tain Order obſervable, in the <hi>Cards</hi> or <hi>Dice,</hi> which thus wheel about to different ſides.</p>
<p>One ſenſible Evidence of this we have, in the many Gameſters, who have been reputed
<pb n="59" facs="tcp:64166:43"/>wonderfully <hi>lucky</hi> Players, becauſe uſed to Win for a great while together, and yet Loſe vaſt Summs all at a clap, and dye at laſt miſerably Poor. Now, What ſhould be the Cauſe of ſo ſudden and mighty a Change, that the <hi>Good Luck</hi> which kept them company ſo long ſhould at laſt forſake them; and the <hi>Ill Luck,</hi> which had no Power at all over them before, ſhould perſecute and undo them, at the end of their Days? The only Account for this ſeems to be, that <hi>Chance</hi> may poſſibly be of Their ſide, who frequently expoſe themſelves to it, in the whole Courſe, of their Lives; and this may happen from the infinite variety of Contingencies, and the prodigious Number of Men who caſt them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves continually upon them; but, though this be poſſible, 'tis but barely ſo; and ſcarce ever found in Fact, that the ſame Strain of Fortune ſticks by a Man any very long time. It is poſſible, ſtrictly and abſolutely ſpeaking, that a Man in Raffling may throw three <hi>Sixes</hi> twelve times together; Perhaps this may have been done ſome Once or Twice, ſince that Game was invented; and hath made the For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tune of a very few Gameſters; but we muſt own this to have been exceeding rare, and what no Man can reaſonably promiſe himſelf. So that to talk of <hi>Good</hi> or <hi>Ill Luck</hi> going along with <hi>this</hi> or <hi>that</hi> Perſon, when among the in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>finite Hits that depend upon <hi>Chance,</hi> at <hi>Dice</hi> or <hi>Cards</hi> particularly, he happens for ſome time to come off a Winner, is moſt ridiculous and abſurd.</p>
<pb n="60" facs="tcp:64166:44"/>
<p>But ſtill we are urged with Inſtances of Men that uſually Win at <hi>Cards,</hi> and have never Loſt conſiderably for many Years; ſo that theſe are concluded to be ſuch as <hi>Good Luck</hi> is partial to and fond of; as others again are <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nfortunate</hi> at Play without any mixture of ſuch <hi>Luck</hi> or any turn of the <hi>Cards</hi> in their favour. I pretend not to conteſt Matter of Fact, but only deſire my Reader to be juſt in this Reflection. I obſerve then, that we are now ſpeaking of Games, where though <hi>Chance</hi> does a great deal, yet Skill too does as much; for I am not mentioning thoſe Games at preſent, which are purely caſual. If a Man, (for the purpoſe) Play ill at <hi>Ombre,</hi> he will loſe if he play with thoſe that underſtand the Game better; provided he continue Playing any time; though he may now and then happen to Win, notwithſtanding all his Blunders and ill Management. And I affirm, that in this Caſe, the being Maſter of the Game is neceſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſary to make a Man <hi>Fortunate,</hi> for without that he will never have <hi>Good Luck</hi> of any long continuance.</p>
<p>A <hi>Lucky</hi> Player, in the vulgar Acceptation of the Word, ought to be One who Plays <hi>ill,</hi> and yet wins conſtantly; For, where Men Play with Skill, it is nonſenſe to talk of <hi>Good Luck.</hi> So that we ſhould diſtinguiſh between a <hi>Good</hi> Gameſter and a <hi>Lucky</hi> one. The For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mer is ſo by Art, the Second only by <hi>Chance.</hi> And yet it is certain, that, generally ſpeak<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing, the Beſt Players are the moſt <hi>Fortunate.</hi>
<pb n="61" facs="tcp:64166:44"/>But little Notice is taken of their Skills and a great Noiſe made of their <hi>Fortune,</hi> and theſe two are often confounded with one another, of which there may be theſe among other Rea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſons.
<hi>First,</hi> Becauſe a <hi>Good</hi> Player never loſes by his own Fault, whereas an <hi>Ill</hi> Player is guilty of many Slips, and theſe make him appear more <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nlucky,</hi> becauſe they frequently expoſe him to loſe.</item>
<hi>Secondly,</hi> A <hi>Good</hi> Player runs as little Riſque as poſſibly he can, When he hath an ill Hand, and ſees no likelihood of Winning, he paſſes.</item>
</list> But he acts quite otherwiſe, when he hath a ſure Hand, or a probable Proſpect of Advantage. They that are Maſters of ſuch Games as this, know that there is abundance of Good Management requiſite to make the beſt of them; and ſuch as are not expert at them are often at a loſs to find the meaning of <hi>Good Players,</hi> and why they proceed ſo un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>accountably as many times they ſeem to do. This Contrivance makes them reputed <hi>Fortu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nate,</hi> though in reality their Succeſs is owing not ſo much to their <hi>Luck</hi> as to their Conduct and Skill. The Advantage is evident, eſpeci<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ally when they Win often; but their <hi>Good Play</hi> is not ſo Notorious, nor are any but Men of Judgment qualified eaſily to diſcern it.</p>
<p>Now their <hi>Luck</hi> is the thing talk'd of, be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cauſe Men diſcourſe more of what they know, than of what they know nothing of. And ſo the maſterly and prudent Gameſters, who owe their Gain chiefly to themſelves, are termed <hi>Lucky</hi> and thought deeply indebted to <hi>Fortune.</hi>
<pb n="62" facs="tcp:64166:45"/>Juſt the Reverſe of this is the Caſe of them who Play ill. Their Miſtakes are not always ſo groſs, that every Stander-by ſhould be ſen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſible of them; and therefore their <hi>Loſſes</hi> are charged upon <hi>Ill Luck</hi> rather than want of Skill. And this is an Opinion which they contribute to themſelves. They are loath to paſs for <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nskilful</hi> Players, becauſe it is a Reflection, to engage in a Matter he does not underſtand; againſt thoſe who know it better; for this is to make a Man's ſelf a Cully. And to bring themſelves off from the Imputation of this Weakneſs, they throw all their own Faults upon <hi>Ill Fortune,</hi> and are very induſtrious to have it believed, that nothing was overſeen by Them, which could have made the Event better. And again their Adverſaries Win<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nings are aſcribed to Their good <hi>Fortune,</hi> ſo to take off from that Pleaſure, and ſometimes from that fantaſtical Pride and Imaginary Honour, which ſome People take to them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves upon ſuch Succeſs in Play.</p>
<p>This is the State of <hi>Good Luck</hi> in Play, and all I imagine, who peruſe this Chapter atten<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tively, will be convinced that it is ſo. So that <hi>Good Luck</hi> in this, as well as other Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſpects, is the Name of an Idea full of Contra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>diction. The ſame may be ſaid of <hi>Fortune,</hi> a Word that ſignifies almoſt the ſame thing, though it be frequently uſed indeed upon o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther Occaſions.</p>
<pb n="63" facs="tcp:64166:45"/>
<div n="6" type="chapter">
<hi>CHAP. VI.</hi> Why Good and Ill Deſtiny and Fortune, and ſome other ſuch Terms, though they fignifie nothing real and poſitive, ſhould yet continue ſo long in uſe. In what Senſe the Words, <hi>Good</hi> and <hi>Ill Luck</hi> may be admitted.</head>
<p>BEfore I proceed to ſhew, that the Word <hi>Good Luck</hi> ſignifies nothing at all, in the common uſe and acceptation of it, I am under a neceſſity of digreſſing a little, to remove one Difficulty out of the Way. You will ask, it may be, how it comes to paſs, that Words, ſo empty and inſignificant as I pretend theſe to be, ſhould yet obtain ſo generally for above two thouſand Years together? Is it at all probable, that ſo many Countries, as diſtant in Opinion as in Situation; Inhabitants of <hi>Europe, Aſia,</hi> and <hi>Africk,</hi> in ſo many different Ages, ſhould yet conſpire to ſpeak without a Meaning? And ought not rather ſo general a Conſent in uſing ſuch Words to be taken for a certain Proof, that they have a determi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nate Idea, and clear Signification?</p>
<p>Now here I might content my ſelf with ſaying, that, ſince this Objection overthrows none of thoſe Arguments, by which I have directly proved my Opinion, what I have ſaid is not the leſs true, though I ſhould not be able to account for this ſo general Practice and Conſent of Mankind. All Maſters of Reaſon<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing know very well, that a Man hath done his
<pb n="64" facs="tcp:64166:46"/>Work, when he hath clearly proved the Point he undertakes; and, That once done, he is not bound to anſwer every Objection, that may be ſtarted againſt him. But my Reader will find, that at preſent I have no need of this Anſwer, being able to give ſome reaſo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nable Account of the Original and Growth of theſe Expreſſions.</p>
<p>Now Three things there are, which gave occaſion for inventing theſe Words; and Theſe, being common to all Ages and Coun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tries, would not fail to keep them up in com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mon uſe, after that they were once introdu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ced into the World.</p>
<p n="1">I. The <hi>First</hi> is, that many things are ob<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſerved to happen every Day, which appear in common Eſteem too irregular to be attri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>buted to <hi>Providence.</hi> Virtuous Perſons are ſubject to a thouſand Diſaſters every Moment, and we daily hear and read of Afflicted and <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nfortunate</hi> Virtue. On the other hand, very vile and vicious People are in a State, which provokes our Envy, with regard to theſe Ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vantages which are commonly called the Goods of <hi>Fortune.</hi> How many Inſtances oc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cur in every Age, of Perſons highly uſeful to the Publick, Loved and Honoured by all that knew or dealt with them, ſnatched away at a Juncture, when their Country ſtood moſt in need of them; and of Others again, that are juſtly looked upon as Scourges and pub<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lick Plagues, who live long and proſperouſly? Theſe are things, which Men durſt not a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſcribe
<pb n="65" facs="tcp:64166:46"/>to <hi>God,</hi> whom they conceived always to be an infinitely Good and Kind Being; and hence ſprung the Notion, of I know not what fatal Order and Connexion of Cauſes, which was the Cauſe of all theſe Diſorders and paſt even the Divine Power to break or alter its Courſe. The Writings of Heathen Authors do indeed complain much of their Gods, but then they ever and anon acquaint us withal, that Calamitous Accidents are the Effects of Deſtiny. The ancient Poets, which are the Body of their Divinity, repre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſent the <hi>Gods</hi> to us, often lamenting that <hi>Fate</hi> which they were not able to prevent: Many Examples whereof might eaſily be produced, if that were neceſſary.</p>
<p>Thus <hi>Homer</hi> brings in <hi>Jupiter</hi> deploring the Decree of <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> that his Son <hi>Sar<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pedon</hi> was ordained to be killed by <hi>Patroclus.</hi>
<note place="margin">
<hi>Iliad.</hi> 2. <hi>V.</hi> 433, &c.</note> And hence <hi>Lucian</hi> in his Dialogue, <gap reason="foreign">
<desc>〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉</desc>
</gap> makes a <hi>Cynick</hi> Phi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>loſopher Laugh at <hi>Jupiter,</hi> for being himſelf ſubject to that <hi>Fate,</hi> which he could not re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>verſe. And many other like Inſtances are to be met with in the eighth and ninth Chap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ters of <hi>Stobaeus</hi>'s Collections of natural Things.</p>
<p>The moſt ancient Authors ſtopped here, and knew nothing of <hi>Fortune,</hi> from whence it comes to paſs that the Greek Word which anſwers to it, is not to be found in <hi>Homer</hi> or <hi>Heſiod.</hi> But afterwards <hi>Fortune</hi> was joyned to <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> as ſharing in Effects eſteemed pure<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly caſual, and yet impoſſible not to happen.
<pb n="66" facs="tcp:64166:47"/>The firſt occaſion whereof was, probably this; that many things were obſerved to de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pend upon Mens Humour and Fancy, of which no other Account could be given, than merely the uſe of that Liberty and Choice God had given them.</p>
<p>We ſee Men daily riſe to prodigious Ho<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nours and Eſtates, who had neither more Me<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rit to recommend them, nor more Prudence to acquire theſe, than a thouſand other Peo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple: Nay who never aſpired after, or aimed at them: But all is thrown upon them, by being under ſome happy Circumſtances which they did not foreſee, or having had the <hi>luck</hi> to pleaſe ſome humourſome People, who were the Authors of their Advancement, without being able to give a Reaſon why they were ſo. Again, Calamitous Accidents happen, which many times cannot be charged upon any Im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>prudence in the Sufferers, nor lookt upon as Chaſtiſements for any Fault; but are purely croſs Hits, occaſioned by the peeviſh and un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>accountable Humours of thoſe they had to deal with. Now, when Mens own Senſes had demonſtrated ſuch things to be the Effects of a Liberty in Man, which it was in his Power to have uſed after another manner; People began to imagine a Being quite of a different Nature from <hi>Deſtiny</hi> which they called <hi>Fortune;</hi> and to This they gave the Direction of Matters of this kind. This is a Second Reaſon why Words of no real Im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>portance have yet continued in common uſe
<pb n="67" facs="tcp:64166:47"/>for above two thouſand Years. And, ſince ſuch Occaſions as theſe, which firſt intro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>duced thoſe Words will certainly recurr as long as the World laſts, the Words them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves in all likelihood will be continual to expreſs them ſo long too.</p>
<p>They that take up with what Men call <hi>Fa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tality,</hi> will lay every good and evil Event, which happens, and, as they imagine, can<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>not but happen, at this Door. They will conſider theſe as the Productions of an un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>known Power, which nothing can withſtand. Others, who cannot bear that all Mankind ſhould be ſo faſt bound up in the <hi>Chains</hi> of <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> and obſerve a thouſand fortuitous Events every Day, will be as poſitive, (though as unintelligible too,) as the former; and tell you, that all this is the Work of <hi>Fortune.</hi> Theſe are Terms now grown ſo very fa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>miliar, that, ſhould they be exploded, Men would think themſelves ſtraitned for neceſſary Expreſſions. They are of ſo great Service both in Poetry and Proſe, that Rhetorick would loſe one of its faireſt Flowers, if <hi>De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtiny</hi> and <hi>Fortune</hi> were no more. Theſe and other Words of like Importance carry Muſick in the Sound, they ſtrike the Ear, and help Rhyme at a dead lift, ſo ſeaſonably, ſo agree<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ably, that, though never ſo offenſive to Reaſon, parted with they muſt not be upon any Terms. And all this is owing to Cuſtom, which, when it hath long obtained, it is to no pur<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſe to ſtrive againſt.</p>
<pb n="68" facs="tcp:64166:48"/>
<p>This then might alone ſuffice to keep up ſentleſs Words in Vogue, in deſpight of all Argument and Oppoſition to the contrary. But there is yet a <hi>Third</hi> Reaſon for it, no leſs powerful than the former: Which is, that ſome certain Paſſions, which Men will never diveſt themſelves of, do naturally diſpoſe them to theſe kinds of Expreſſions, except they very ſtrictly guard themſelves in this Point. One of theſe Paſſions is, the Pleaſure Men take in complaining, and bewailing their Caſe, when unhappy; and in having ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>what to lay their Misfortunes upon. Were all Diſaſters and Croſſes lookt upon as the Ordinances of a Wiſe Providence; or as the Conſequence of ſome Fault or Indiſcretion, of our own, Mens Mouths would immediately be ſtopped in all their Sufferings; and that delight of bemoaning our hard Circumſtances, ſo commonly taken, and ſo freely indulged, would be utterly ſuppreſt and loſt. Some Heathens indeed gave the Gods hard Words, but Others ſcrupled the doing ſo; and Now, to be ſure, the Impiety of Complaining againſt <hi>Providence</hi> directly, would never be endured. So that the Accuſations (to evade this offenſive Impiety) are levelled at <hi>Deſtiny</hi> and <hi>Fortune.</hi> Theſe are arraigned of all the Hardſhips which good and worthy Men lye under, and eſteem<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed the Actors of all thoſe things, which we think it does not become <hi>God</hi> to do. As may be ſeen at large in <hi>Stobaeus,</hi> Ch. cv. <hi>Concerning Thoſe, who are undeſervedly miſerable.</hi>
<pb n="69" facs="tcp:64166:48"/>
<p>Thus, when any croſs Accident befals us, we ſay, How hard it is to be perſecuted ſo by <hi>ill Fortune,</hi> and were there not a Fate in it, which we cannot reſiſt, it would never vex us. Upon every Compliment of Condo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>leance theſe Complaints are repeated afreſh; and always with the ſame ſatisfaction. Should the Perſons under unhappy Circumſtances be debarred ſolacing themſelves with ſuch Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>preſſions, they would think one of their greateſt Comforts taken away from them. So uſual is it for the Mind of Man to feed upon Air and Emptineſs! For, after all, we may as well rail at the Emperour of <hi>Chi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>na,</hi> or <hi>Japan,</hi> when under any Trouble, as at <hi>Deſtiny</hi> and <hi>Fortune:</hi> and the fartheſt King in the <hi>Indies,</hi> hath as great a hand in our Af<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>flictions, as either of Thoſe, according to the vulgar Acceptation of the Words.</p>
<p>There is likewiſe another Paſſion, which inclines us to expreſs our Reſentments after this manner: That of <hi>Self-love,</hi> I mean, which ſo hardly ſuffers us to take the Shame of our Misfortunes, or lay them upon any Fault of our own. We pleaſe our ſelves in ſeeking for Cauſes without us; and when we dare not vent our Spleen upon <hi>Providence,</hi> or <hi>Men,</hi> we fall foul upon <hi>Deſtiny,</hi> or <hi>Fortune,</hi> and think we may ſay what we will againſt Theſe, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out any danger of being called to an account for it. Our good Succeſs (if we may be be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lieved) is entirely the Effect of our own Pru<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dence and Conduct. But all our Loſſes and
<pb n="70" facs="tcp:64166:49"/>Diſappointments come from the over-ruling Power of <hi>Fate,</hi> or the unaccountable Capri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ciouſneſs of <hi>Fortune.</hi> Nay our very Vices are charged upon theſe <hi>Phantoms,</hi> inſtead of aſcribing them to the Irregularities of our own Mind or Temper.</p>
<p>Thus<note n="*" place="margin">Apol. c. <hi>1.</hi>
<hi>Tertullian</hi> obſerves, that wicked <hi>Men attribute the diſorderly Motions of their own Souls, to Deſtiny, or the Stars.</hi> And a<note n="†" place="margin">Herald. in Tert. A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pol.</note> learned Commen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tator ſhews, that this was the uſu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>al Method by which the Heathens excuſed themſelves. Hence <hi>Lucian,</hi> in a Dialogue between <hi>Aeacus, Proteſilaus, Me<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nelaus</hi> and <hi>Paris,</hi> brings in <hi>Proteſilaus</hi> laying his Death to <hi>Deſtiny</hi> rather than his own Raſhneſs; and pretending, that <hi>Fate</hi> ordain<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed him to be the firſt Man that landed be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fore <hi>Troy.</hi> The ſame <hi>Lucian,</hi> in his <hi>Apology for Learned Men, who put themſelves into the Ser<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vice of Great Men,</hi> tells us, that though he would not take Sanctuary in that Excuſe himſelf, yet it was the common Apology of People, who were at a loſs for ſomething to alledge in their own Defence. <q>Should (ſays he) fare ever the better, if I ſhould own my ſelf in the wrong, and have re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>courſe to <hi>Fortune,</hi> or the inevitable Neceſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſity of <hi>Deſtiny;</hi> if I ſhould deſire thoſe tha<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> cenſure me to be favourable, upon a Pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tence, that we are not Maſters of our own Actions, but carried away by the Force of a higher Power, which makes us do things
<pb n="71" facs="tcp:64166:49"/>whether we will or no? Upon which Oc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>caſion he quotes <hi>Homer,</hi> who in many Paſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſages expreſſes himſelf to this purpoſe.</q>
<p>Now a great part of our Studies conſiſt<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing in the reading old Heathen Authors, the Beauty of whoſe Style and Fancy we juſt<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly admire, we are inſenſibly led to ſpeak as they did; and to imitate the Bad as well as the Good, eſpecially when inſpired by the ſame Paſſions with them. Thus full of Re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſentment at our Misfortunes, and full of Self-conceit, inſtead of acknowledging our Faults, we caſt all the Blame upon <hi>Fate</hi> or <hi>Fortune,</hi> the diſorderly Proceedings whereof we give lively and very moving Deſcrip<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tions of. <hi>Fortune,</hi>
<note place="margin">Rochf. Max. 458. Max. 502.</note> ſays an ingeni<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ous Perſon, <hi>never appears ſo blind, as in the Eſteem of thoſe, to whom ſhe is not kind.</hi> And again, <hi>Fortune governs the <g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>ni<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>verſe.</hi>
<note n="*" place="margin">La Fontaine dans en Fab. de la Fortune & dus jeun. Enfant.</note>Whatever happens in the World,</l>
<l>She anſwers for it all,</l>
<l>And all our Scores are placed to her Account.</l>
<l>If Men be Fools, Imprudent, or Perverſe,</l>
<l>They think themſelves abſolv'd by blaming Her.</l>
<l>Fortune in ſhort bears all the Guilt and Scandal.</l>
<l>Il n'arrive rien dans le Monde,</l>
<l>Qu'il ne faille qu'elle en reponde.</l>
<l>Nous la faiſons de tous écots</l>
<pb n="72" facs="tcp:64166:50"/>
<l>Elle eſt priſe à garand de toutes avantures.</l>
<l>Eſt on ſot, étourdi, prendon mal ſes meſures?</l>
<l>On penſe en étre quitte en accuſant ſon ſort,</l>
<l>Bref, La Fortune à toujours tort.</l>
<p>A Merchant, who manages his Affairs dexterouſly, and gets a large Eſtate, imputes his Proſperity to his Prudence, but if his Ventures be raſh and unſucceſsful, does he lay his Loſſes to himſelf too? No. This is a <hi>Misfortune,</hi> for which he is not anſwerable, becauſe many Others have traded more bold<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly, and by the Favour of <hi>Fortune</hi> found their Account in doing ſo.</p>
<note n="*" place="margin">La Fontaine, de l'injuſtice des hommes envers la Fortune</note>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>n ami le voiant en mauvais equipage,</l>
<l>Lui dit, d'ou vient cela? De la Fortune helas!</l>
<l>Conſoler vous, dit l'autre, & s'il ne lui plait pas</l>
<l>Que vous ſoiez heureux, tout au moins ſoyez ſage.</l>
<l>Jene ſeay ſi'l crût ce conſeil</l>
<l>Mais je ſcay que chacun impute en cas pareil</l>
<l>Son bonheur à ſon induſtrie,</l>
<l>Et ſi de quel que' Echee notre ſaute est ſuivie,</l>
<l>Nous diſons injures au ſort.</l>
<l>Choſe n'est ici plus commune,</l>
<l>Le bien, nous le ſaiſons; le mal, c'est la Fortune.</l>
<l>On à toujours ruiſon, le Deſtin toujours tort.</l>
<l>A Friend, ſurpriz'd to ſee him meanly clad,</l>
<l>Cry'd out, Alas! what makes your Clothes ſo bad</l>
<pb n="73" facs="tcp:64166:50"/>
<l>'Tis my hard Fortune, Sir. Take Courage, Man, ſaid he;</l>
<l>If Fate deny Succeſs, yet Wiſe you ſtill may be.</l>
<l>This is entirely in your own diſpoſal.</l>
<l>What good Effect this Counſel had I know not:</l>
<l>But this I know; that all Mankind agree,</l>
<l>When Proſperous, to praiſe their Care and Induſtry.</l>
<l>But if ſome ſudden Blow purſue their Follies,</l>
<l>We ſpare our ſelves, and lay the blame elſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>where.</l>
<l>The Good is all our own, the Ill is Fortune's,</l>
<l>We're ever in the right, Fate ever in the wrong.</l>
<p>Thus the Satisfaction Men feel in Bemoan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing themſelves, and finding out ſome Excuſe for their own Indiſcretions, did heretofore give birth to thoſe Phantoms of <hi>Deſtiny</hi> and <hi>Fortune,</hi> and do ſtill cheriſh and keep them up in the World. Theſe Paſſions are ſo natu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ral, that it is ſcarce poſſible to extirpate them out of the Minds of Men. Beſides all which there is yet One more, much more blameable, and equally inſtrumental with the former, to the continuing this unintelligible Jargon in uſe among us. I mean a Spirit of Envy againſt thoſe whom we ſee ſucceſsful; which, becauſe it cannot take away from the Advantages they ſtand poſſeſs'd of, endea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vours to perſwade our ſelves and others, that theſe Perſons do not excel Them in Merit, of whom they have got the ſtart in Riches or Advancement. We ſay theſe things are the
<pb n="74" facs="tcp:64166:51"/>Effect more of their good <hi>Fortune</hi> than their good Conduct; and magnifie their <hi>Luck</hi> with no other deſign ſo much, as thereby to low<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>er their commendable Qualities. This was always a reigning Diſpoſition, and many In<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtances of it are to be found in the 104th Chapter of <hi>Stobaeus, concerning thoſe who have been undeſervedly Fortunate.</hi> Attend but dili<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gently to the Diſcourſe, when any Man that hath riſen greatly in the World is talk<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed of, and you ſhall daily find more of theſe ill-natur'd Examples, than a good Man would be pleaſed with. Reflect a little with your ſelf upon thoſe whom you know more than ordinarily ſucceſsful, and you ſhall find a ſtrong Inclination, even in your own Breaſt, to impute moſt of theſe Perſons Happineſs, more to <hi>Fortune,</hi> than to their own Prudence or Deſert.</p>
<p>Theſe are the Temptations Men lay un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>der to take the Government of Humane Affairs out of the Hands of <hi>Providence,</hi> and give it to <hi>Deſtiny</hi> and <hi>Fortune.</hi> Thoſe Chi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>maera's, that have been adored for two thouſand Years, even among the moſt learn<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed and refined Nations, ſometimes in Tem<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ples, but always in Mens Hearts and ſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cret Thoughts: Theſe are the Idols, to which Ignorance and Diſcontent, Self-love and En<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vy, did ever, and do ſtill too often, ſacri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fice Piety and good Senſe, Patience and Cha<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rity.</p>
<p>But ſtill I expect to be thought an un<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>reaſonable
<pb n="75" facs="tcp:64166:51"/>Man for attempting to baniſh theſe Words out of Converſation; And the ra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther, becauſe the World know not how to diſpenſe with the want of them; As I my ſelf ſeem in effect to confeſs, by making ſo frequent uſe of them, in this very Diſcourſe directed againſt them; Which certainly would not have been done, could I conve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>niently have expreſs'd my ſelf without them. In return to this, I have two things to offer. The <hi>First</hi> is, that I was obliged in attacking the vulgar Signification of theſe Words, to take them as the Vulgar do, in order to make my ſelf clearly underſtood. The <hi>Other</hi> is, that I allow theſe Words capable of a very good Senſe, provided we confine them to Events already paſt. A Man, without any Abſurdity or Impropriety at all, may ſay, that ſuch a one <hi>hath</hi> had <hi>good</hi> or <hi>ill Luck,</hi> that he <hi>hath</hi> been <hi>Fortunate</hi> or <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nfortunate;</hi> but if a Man will ſpeak ſenſibly and intelli<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gibly, he cannot ſay, that any Perſon <hi>is,</hi> or <hi>will be,</hi> the One or the Other. This at firſt hearing may ſound like a Paradox; but it is as certain with regard to the Importance of the Words, as it is in reſpect of the Truth of the thing. <hi>Solon</hi> is ſaid to de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>clare,<note place="margin">Herodot. l. <hi>1.</hi>
</note> that no Man could truly be called happy before his Death; becauſe of the many Changes in Humane Affairs, and the Uncertainty of what may happen here<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>after, which no body can foreſee or anſwer for. Thus it is with Words too. When
<pb n="76" facs="tcp:64166:52"/>we ſay, that ſuch a one <hi>hath been fortunate,</hi> this means no more, than that ſome things have fallen out to his advantage; and then the Importance of the Word is confined to the Event only. This Idea in ſuch a Caſe is very clear; becauſe it agrees exactly with that which we conceive of any ſort of gain<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ful Events. But when we ſay a Man <hi>is</hi> or <hi>will be fortunate,</hi> this undertakes <hi>to</hi> point out ſomething belonging to that Perſon, which cauſes ſuch Advantages to happen to <hi>Him</hi> rather than to <hi>Others.</hi> And in this Senſe it is, that I contend, and I think have pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ved, the Terms of <hi>Fortunate</hi> and <hi>Good Luck</hi> to be meerly notional, and of no ſignificance at all.</p>
<p>So that, upon the whole Matter, thoſe Words are not to be uſed upon <hi>Some</hi> Occa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions, if a Man would ſpeak rationally and intelligibly; and upon <hi>Others</hi> they may be ve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry well admitted, and have a clear and di<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtinct Senſe belonging to them.</p>
<div n="7" type="chapter">
<hi>CHAP. VII.</hi> That Mens Good and Bad Angel are not the Cauſe of their Good or Ill Luck, in Gaming and Lotteries.</head>
<p>MAny of the ancient Heathens were of opinion, that Each Perſon at hi<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> Birth had a <hi>Good</hi> and <hi>Evil Genius</hi> aſſigned him; and that the <hi>Good</hi> uſed his utmoſt En<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>deavours
<pb n="77" facs="tcp:64166:52"/>for his Benefit, while the <hi>Other</hi> la<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>boured as hard for his Ruine. They pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tended too, that, if a Man won at Play, this was owing to the Influence and Power of his <hi>good Genius;</hi> So that He, whoſe good Genius was ſuperiour to His with whom he engaged, would infallibly come off Conque<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rour. Now, whatever Objections this Opi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nion may be liable to, thus much at leaſt muſt be granted in its favour, that it is in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>telligible; which the two former are not. For we find no difficulty in conceiving it poſſible, for an Intelligent Being of greater Power than Man, and whoſe Operations are inviſible, to make what Changes it ſhall pleaſe in the Motion of certain Bodily Subſtances; as Cards, or Dice, or Tickets, or any thing of that kind; and all this to be done, in ſuch a manner as we can neither perceive nor ob<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtruct.</p>
<p>And yet it muſt be confeſs'd, that this O<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pinion hath no Foundation, but what They who advanced it at pleaſure were pleaſed to give it. It is worth our Obſervation, how <hi>Plutarch</hi> mentions it, in his Book <hi>concerning the Fortune of the Romans:</hi>
<hi>Anthony</hi> and <hi>Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guſtus</hi> viſiting often, and being very fami<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>liar, uſed to divert themſelves at Ball, or Dice, or with fighting of Quails and Cocks, but <hi>Anthony</hi> was always worſted. One of his Family, who pretended to Divination, is ſaid hereupon to give him this Advice. Why, Sir, will you have any thing to do
<pb n="78" facs="tcp:64166:53"/>with this young Man? pray avoid him. You have gained more Reputation, are Superiour to him in Years, have more For<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ces under your Command, are more expe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rienced in the Art of War; But your <hi>Ge<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nius</hi> is afraid of his; your <hi>Fortune,</hi> though in it ſelf great, flatters and truckles to his; and, if you do not decline him, will in time forſake you, and deſert to him.</q> The ſame Relation is repeated in <hi>Anthony</hi>'s Life, and the Perſon who gave this Counſel ſaid to be an Aegyptian.</p>
<p>The ſame Author in his <hi>Brutus</hi> tells us, that <q>a little before he brought his Army over into <hi>Europe,</hi> as he was ſitting one Night penſive, ſomewhat ſeemed to come to his Tent, and turning about, he ſaw an Ap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>parition of a horrible Form, which ſtood by him without ſpeaking a word. <hi>Brutus</hi> had the Courage to accoſt it in theſe words, <hi>What Man, or what God art Thou?</hi> To which the Apparition replied, <hi>I am thy evil Genius,</hi> Brutus, <hi>and will meet thee at</hi> Philippi.</q> He ſays too, that the ſame Form appeared to him again, the Day before the Battel fought, near that City; which preſaged his Defeat and Death. I make no Reflections upon this Paſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſage; What I have quoted being ſufficient to ſhew the Opinion of the Heathens in this Mat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter; and ſeveral<note n="*" place="margin">See <hi>Caſp. Barth.</hi> Col<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lections up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on the Itine<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rary of <hi>Rutilius Furmatianus,</hi> V. <hi>328.</hi>
</note> learned Per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſons having treated of the thing at large.</p>
<pb n="79" facs="tcp:64166:53"/>
<p>I do not find that any of the Moderns think each Man hath, not only a <hi>good,</hi> but an <hi>evil, Genius;</hi> and much leſs any ſuch <hi>Genius</hi> as concerns it ſelf in their winning or loſing in Play, or Lotteries. In truth all that the Pa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gans advanced in this Matter was wholly fan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ciful and groundleſs; and what <hi>Plutarch</hi> re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lates of <hi>Anthony</hi>'s Aegyptian, ſeems to be no more than a Cheat of that Aegyptian; Who had a mind to give his Maſter ſome Account, how it came to paſs that he always came off with loſs, when engaging in Play with <hi>Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guſtus.</hi> As for <hi>Brutus</hi> his Apparition, if I ſhould ſay it was a meer Fable, I do not ſee how any body can diſprove me.</p>
<p>If any one ſhould think fit to maintain, that the <hi>good</hi> Angel, to whom God hath gi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ven the Charge of his Perſon, (according to the Opinion of ſome ancient Writers, and of ſome Chriſtians in our time) is Sollicitous for his Winning, in ſuch Caſes where <hi>Chance</hi> is ſuppoſed to have place; A thouſand Que<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtions might be put to ſuch a Man, which he would find himſelf greatly at a loſs to an<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſwer. For inſtance; Admitting, that God hath entruſted each Perſon to the Care of a Guardian Angel, it may be demanded, how he knows, that, when he wins, this Angel is the Cauſe of it? Who ever told him ſo? or, How did he come by this Knowledge? For certainly a Man may win by the accidental concurrence of ſome things, which muſt of neceſſity favour ſome of thoſe that are enga<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ged
<pb n="80" facs="tcp:64166:54"/>in Play, or that have put <hi>Tickets</hi> into Lotteries. But that Theſe ſhould favour this or that Man in particular, we have no more pretence to call the Doing of an <hi>Angel,</hi> than the Effect of <hi>Chance.</hi> It may be again que<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtioned, wherefore a Man's good Angel ſhould procure him Money, and not rather a good Underſtanding, or Piety, or Virtue, of which many great Winners ſtand at leaſt as much in need, as many great Loſers? One would be glad to know too, of what Order this Angel is, that can help his Charge to Money, but not to the better Endowments of the Mind; and why he ſhould rather chuſe to furniſh him with the One, than with the Other? Theſe and many other ſuch Enqui<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ries can never receive a ſatisfactory Anſwer. And therefore Men had better ſay nothing, than run into a Heathen Notion, which pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tended that Mens good Genius was the Cauſe <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 word">
</gap> all their good Fortune; Becauſe this is a <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 span">
</gap> altogether fantaſtical, and clogged <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 span">
</gap> Difficulties. So that, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="3 letters">
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 span">
</gap> farther upon this Head, I <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 span">
</gap> to examine the <hi>Fourth</hi> pretend<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="3 letters">
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="3 letters">
</gap>ſe of Mens <hi>good,</hi> or <hi>ill Luck.</hi>
<div n="8" type="chapter">
<pb n="81" facs="tcp:64166:54"/>
<hi>CHAP. VIII.</hi> That <hi>God</hi> does not by any particular Determi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nations of his Divine Will, ordain <hi>Good Luck</hi> to Some, and <hi>Ill Luck</hi> to Others, in caſes of Play and <hi>Lotteries.</hi>
<p>THey who do not think fit to aſcribe their <hi>Good</hi> or <hi>Ill Luck</hi> in matters depending upon <hi>Chance,</hi> to <hi>Deſtiny</hi> or <hi>Fortune,</hi> or to the overruling Power of their <hi>Good</hi> or <hi>Evil Genius,</hi> generally take ſhelter in the <hi>Providence of Al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mighty God;</hi> Who, as they imagine, does in a very particular Manner preſide over, and diſpoſe, all things where Hazard and Lots are concerned. This Opinion too is what we may conceive and underſtand the meaning of; and at firſt bluſh carries a Face of Piety. Whereas the <hi>first</hi> and <hi>ſecond</hi> are altogether unintelligible, and the <hi>third</hi> is in no degree probable. And yet I am bold to ſay, that This hath not a much firmer Foundation than the reſt, and that it does not make for the Honour of Providence, as People fondly ima<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gine. But in this Argument it is fit I allow my ſelf a larger Scope, than I have hitherto done; both in reſpect to that vaſt Number of Perſons, who have entertained it; and in due reverence to the Holy Scripture, upon which it is thought to be grounded.</p>
<p>Now firſt of all it is abſolutely neceſſary to know exactly what this Propoſition imports, <hi>God is the Author of</hi> Good <hi>and</hi> Ill Luck <hi>in mat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ters
<pb n="82" facs="tcp:64166:55"/>depending upon</hi> Chance. For it is capable of Three very different Interpretations, and therefore we muſt carefully diſtinguiſh be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tween theſe, in order to be rightly under<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtood.</p>
<hi>First.</hi> It may mean, not that God inter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſes after any particular manner, in Favour of this or that Perſon, ſo as poſitively to de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>termine the Event to his Advantage by a peremptory Decree, but only that God, ha<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ving made all things, and preſerving them in that Order they are in, and managing them as his Wiſdom ſees ſit; theſe Caſual Events like all others, are to be looked upon as an Effect of his <hi>General</hi> Providence. Thus we ſay commonly, that God <hi>gives us, and takes away from us, our Children, our Friends, our Eſtates;</hi> intending hereby not any miraculous or ſupernatural Operation, by which his Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vidence gives or takes away theſe things; but only that we acknowledge every thing that happens to us, to be an Effect of his Direction and Governance of the World. And in this reſpect <hi>God</hi> is truly ſaid to be the Cauſe of every thing, excepting only the Evil of Sin, which proceeds from the voluntary deprava<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion of the Humane Nature. Thus we may, and ought to aſcribe to God any <hi>Good Fortune</hi> that happens to us, whether by matters de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pending upon Chance, or any other way whatſoever: though we do not think, that he interpoſes after any particular or extra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ordinary manner, for the determining of them.</p>
<pb n="83" facs="tcp:64166:55"/>
<hi>Secondly.</hi> This Propoſition imports, that God, knowing before-hand all that happens, in every kind, and having it in his Power to hinder any part of it, would not however put a ſtop to, or divert the Courſe of Natural Cauſes, to hinder the <hi>good Luck</hi> thus about to happen to any Perſon, and that for ſpecial Reaſons. Tho' we cannot poſitively affirm, that God had no ſuch Reaſons in his Eye, be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cauſe this is what we know nothing of; Nor can we affirm that he had, at leaſt, except God ſhould pleaſe to reveal them to us, or that we could fairly infer this by the Conſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quences of thoſe Effects. For the purpoſe. The Great Lots lately drawn in <hi>England</hi> and <hi>Scotland</hi> are the Effects of Chance; in the di<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſpoſal whereof it is poſſible God might have ſome particular Reaſons inducing him to give them to Thoſe particular Men; but it is poſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſible too, that he might not act upon any ſuch particular Reaſons. He hath not reveal<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed to us any thing of the Matter; And the Conſequences of that Advantage, which ſome Perſons gained, have not produced Effects conſiderable enough to incline us to think, that God had any particular Reaſons for or<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dering thoſe <hi>Benefits</hi> to thoſe that enjoy them.</p>
<hi>Thirdly.</hi> This Propoſition may ſignifie, that God does interpoſe in caſual Events after ſo particular a manner, that he acts by an im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mediate Power and Providence in the Pro<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>duction of them. And this is the uſual Ac<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceptation of the Words; for otherwiſe Men
<pb n="84" facs="tcp:64166:56"/>have no reaſon to ſay, that God preſides o<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver Lots, and caſual Events in any more par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ticular manner, than he does over all natu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ral Effects whatſoever. Now I am ſo far from denying, that God can, that I am well con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tent to allow, that he does, upon ſeveral Oc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>caſions, interpoſe after ſo extraordinary a manner, as to make the Lot fall upon ſome certain Perſons, upon whom poſſibly it would not have fallen, without ſuch Interpoſition. I ſhall explain my ſelf by ſome Examples of this kind by and by. But the thing I contend for is, that, generally ſpeaking, we cannot make God the <hi>immediate</hi> Author of <hi>good</hi> and <hi>ill Luck,</hi> ſo as that he ſhould bring this about by any ſupernatural and extraordinary Ope<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ration. I am aware of one Paſſage in the Old Teſtament, uſually produced for Proof of the contrary Opinion; But I hope to make it clear, that it does not at all anſwer that purpoſe: when I have firſt laid down the Reaſons, which induce me to believe, that, generally ſpeaking, God does not direct or concern himſelf with the Events of this kind, more particularly than he does with thoſe of any other kind whatſoever.</p>
<hi>First.</hi> I averr this Opinion to be, A Sup<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſition taken up without any Ground; For I ſhall ſhew preſently, that there is nothing in Scripture to ſupport it. So that they who hold it have no other Refuge left, than to prove it by the Conſequences of ſuch Events.</p>
<p>Now theſe Conſequences, as I ſaid before,
<pb n="85" facs="tcp:64166:56"/>are not of ſuch Importance, that the <hi>Finger of God</hi> ſhould commonly be thought viſible in them. If the General Good of a Nation or Kingdom, or of ſome Perſons eminently ſerviceable to the Publick, were the Reſult of ſuch Events, we then might probably con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>clude, that God was more than ordinarily concerned to promote ſuch good Effects. But nothing of this kind yet appears, nay we ſee, quite contrary, that ſeveral, upon whom theſe <hi>Benefits</hi> have fallen, make no other uſe of them, than to be more profuſe and vain in their Expences, and make them either mi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>niſter to their Pride, or increaſe their Ava<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rice. And can any Man of common Senſe ſup<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſe, that God hath gone out of his Way, as it were, and wrought Miracles, for the Ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vantage of the Vain, and the Covetous?</p>
<hi>Secondly.</hi> If God act after a particular man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ner in Caſual Events, he either does it in <hi>All,</hi> or in <hi>Some</hi> ſuch only. If in <hi>Some</hi> only, let them be ſpecified, and let it be proved, that ſuch an <hi>Immediate</hi> Operation does not extend to the reſt. Now this is a Point ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver to be decided, but by expreſs Revela<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion, or at leaſt by Arguments drawn from Effects worthy of ſo particular a Providence. Without one of theſe Proofs it is to no pur<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſe to advance any ſuch Diſtinction. Now if God preſide thus over <hi>all</hi> ſuch Events, and direct them by a poſitive and particular Act of his Will; it will follow from hence, that God works Miracles every Day, for the ſake
<pb n="86" facs="tcp:64166:57"/>of Men, who, it is but too plain, are not worthy of them: and in Places, where we could hardly ſuſpect, that God ſhould take any delight in exhibiting his Preſence after an extraordinary manner. They that play at <hi>Cards</hi> and <hi>Dice</hi> would at this rate engage God to declare for them by perpetual Won<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ders; and the Groom-porters, and Gaming-houſes would have infinitely more Miracles wrought in them, than ever the Temple it ſelf, or any other place had, though we ſhould take in all that ſtand upon Record, or were ever done under the Old and New Teſta<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment. I cannot tell, whether ſuch Conſe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>quences as theſe will go down with Others, but, for my own part, I declare freely, that there are very few things, which I find my ſelf leſs diſpoſed to believe, than, that God works Miracles of this kind every Day for Gameſters. <hi>Lotteries</hi> indeed are nothing near ſo frequent as <hi>Games,</hi> but it is every whit as improbable, that God ſhould particularly in<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tereſt himſelf in Theſe, as in Thoſe. For, if the Placing of the <hi>Tickets</hi> be not the Ef<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fect of Chance, but of a particular Provi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dence; then every Ticket drawn preſents us with a freſh Miracle. And as oft as Men ſhall take a fancy to ſet up new <hi>Lotteries,</hi> God will be obliged (if I may have leave to ſay ſo) to come down from Heaven, and regu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>late the Order of the <hi>Tickets:</hi> He by his po<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſitive Aſſignment will diſpenſe the Money to ſome, and not to others; without any vi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſible
<pb n="87" facs="tcp:64166:57"/>reaſon of this difference, whether we regard the Qualifications of the Perſons, or the Uſe they make of it. Will thoſe that have drawn the moſt conſiderable <hi>Benefits</hi> have the Confidence to ſay, that their Merit was ſo much Superiour to Theirs, who had only <hi>Blanks,</hi> as to give them a better Title to the Favour of Heaven; or have we any reaſonable Aſſurance, that this Succeſs will diſpoſe them to be more beneficent and cha<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ritable for the future? This is an Enquiry which I charge upon their own Conſcience to anſwer, and what Time muſt inform us in. As for what is already paſt, we may venture to ſay, boldly, that,<note place="margin">Luke 13.</note> as the Per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſons on whom <hi>the Tower of Siloam fell</hi> are declared by our Saviour not to have been the greateſt Sinners which dwelt at <hi>Je<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ruſalem;</hi> ſo They who have gained moſt by the <hi>Lotteries</hi> are not better Men, than They who loſt all.</p>
<p>Upon theſe Conſiderations it muſt be al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lowed me, that They, who attribute the <hi>for<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tunate</hi> and <hi>unfortunate</hi> Events to particular Perſons to ſuch an immediate Providence, are in great danger of being greatly miſtaken. Theſe things may either of them be, and of<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ten are, the Effects of an extraordinary Bleſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſing from above. But then the Caſe is the ſame here again, with that I mentioned juſt now. We muſt not think the Perſons whom we are pleaſed to ſtyle <hi>Fortunate</hi> or <hi>
<g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nfortu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nate,</hi> to be ſuch, as God is obliged (if I may
<pb n="88" facs="tcp:64166:58"/>ſo ſpeak) to ſucceed, or to defeat and diſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>appoint in their Deſigns. For <hi>as God cauſes his Sun to riſe on the Evil and on the Good,</hi> ſo does he ſuffer Theſe things to happen to all ſorts of Men without diſtinction.</p>
<p>After attending diligently to what hath been now ſaid, it will be no hard matter to diſcover the true Importance of that Paſſage in Scripture, uſually produced to prove, that God is the Author of all Ca<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſual Events. <hi>The Lot,</hi> ſays <hi>Solo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mon,</hi>
<note place="margin">Prov. 16.33.</note>
<hi>is cast into the Lap;</hi> that is, into the Hollow of a Veſſel ordered for that purpoſe; but <hi>the whole Diſpoſing</hi> or Deciſion <hi>of it is of the Lord.</hi> When any thing was to be determined by <hi>Lots,</hi> they took a Veſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſel, into which each Perſon caſt his own Mark; The Veſſel was then ſhaken luſtily, and that which came firſt out ſignified, that He whoſe Lot it was, ought to have the thing aſſigned to that Lot, if the Diviſion of any Poſſeſſions were the Matter to be de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>termined. This Circumſtance is neceſſary to be obſerved, for the explaining the firſt Words of the Verſe, though They have no relation to the Nature of <hi>Lots</hi> or <hi>Chance</hi> in general, or conſidered in it ſelf. There<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fore the thing we are concerned for at pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſent, is, only to know the meaning of the laſt Words, <hi>The whole Diſpoſing thereof is of the Lord.</hi>
<p>Now theſe Words are capable but of Two Senſes. Either they mean, that God by a
<pb n="89" facs="tcp:64166:58"/>poſitive and particular Act of his Will, conſtantly, determines this caſual Event, or Lot, to ſome certain Side, whatever kind that Event or Lot be of; or elſe it intends only thus much; that Men have no Hand at all in Ordering theſe Productions, but they are the Reſult of a general Providence, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out any extraordinary Interpoſition of God in this Affair. Which Mode of Expreſſion is very agreeable to the Hebrew Forms, which are wont to aſcribe to God all thoſe things, to which Men contribute nothing, and ſuch as depend upon, and reſult from, his General Providence only.</p>
<p>They who prefer the <hi>former</hi> Signification, oblige themſelves to anſwer all the Obje<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ctions, to which I have already proved it liable; And Theſe, I confeſs, are ſuch as I know no Anſwer for. Now a Man muſt ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver interpret Scripture in a Senſe, which will never bear, except you firſt ſwallow down and take Abſurdities for granted.</p>
<p>And therefore I conceive it is neceſſary to ſtick to the <hi>ſecond.</hi> So that <hi>Solomon</hi> meant no more, but that Men have no Power in Diſpoſing of Caſual Events. And thus the Hebrews frequently expreſs themſelves. They ſay, for example, that the Trees which grow upon Mountains,<note place="margin">
<hi>Numb.</hi> 24.6.</note> or in places never planted, or cultivated by Men, <hi>were planted of God.</hi> Thus <hi>Balaam,</hi> when he beheld the Line of the Iſraelites Camp, ſays, <hi>As the Valleys are they ſpread
<pb n="90" facs="tcp:64166:59"/>forth, as the Gardens by the River's ſide, as the Trees of Ligmaloes</hi> (an Aromatick Tree) <hi>which the Lord hath planted, and as Cedar-trees be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſide the Waters.</hi> And the Pſalmiſt, <hi>The Trees of the Lord are full of Sap, even the Cedars of Libanus which he hath plant<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed.</hi>
<note place="margin">Pſalm 104.16.</note> Now there is no concluding from hence, that God interpoſed after an extraordinary manner, for the making thoſe Trees grow. But it was an Effect of his Providence, which at the firſt Creation of the World did indeed bring forth Plants by a miraculous Act of his Power; ſo that each kind ſhould afterwards ſpring and breed of themſelves; and afterwards preſerved them without any new Miracle.</p>
<p>The ſame People uſed to call Thunder <hi>God's Voice;</hi>
<note place="margin">Pſalm 104.6.</note> By which they did not mean, that it never thundred without a Miracle; but thus aw<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fully to expreſs that terrible Noiſe and Com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>motion, made in a Place which Men can<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>not reach to, and conſequently the Effect of his Providence, who made all things. I do not undertake to affirm, that it did, or does never thunder, by an Effect of God's particular Interpoſition; but I ſay, that ge<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nerally Thunder is bred in the Air, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out God's intervening more particularly in this, than he does in other Natural Ef<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fects. In the 29th Pſalm, where we have a Poetical Deſcription of the Effects of Thun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>der, it is ſaid, that the <hi>Voice of the Lord
<pb n="91" facs="tcp:64166:59"/>breaketh the Cedars of Libanus,</hi> that <hi>it makes the Mountains to skip like a Calf,</hi> and <hi>like a young <g ref="char:V">Ʋ</g>nicorn.</hi> And yet no body thinks, that God works Miracles to throw down Trees, or to make a ratling among the Rocks. But the meaning is, that None of theſe things are done by Humane Pow<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>er, but are the Effects of a Divine Provi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dence. This Idiom once eſtabliſh'd, gave occaſion for the wiſe Men and Poets of the Hebrew Nation, to carry that Expreſſion beyond its firſt Signification, and, by a Rhetorical Figure, to introduce God thun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dring in Perſon. Thus <hi>Job,</hi> ſpeak<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing of Thunder, ſays,<note place="margin">Job 37.2.</note>
<hi>Hear his Voice with trembling, and the Sound that go<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>eth out of his Mouth.</hi> Now, ſtrictly ſpeak<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing, God does not act more particularly in the Noiſe of Thunder, than in the Hum<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ming of a Gnat or Fly; and this latter, if curiouſly attended to, is more wonderful than the former.</p>
<p>Thunder, when Philoſophically conſider<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed, is nothing elſe, but a violent and ſud<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>den Concuſſion of the Air, cauſed by the quick kindling of an Exhalation of a Sul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>phurous and Nitrous Compoſition, or ſome<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>what of that kind. Our Muskets and great Ordinance are no ill Imitation of it, and the Crack of <hi>Aurum fulminans</hi> is yet a nea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rer Reſemblance of the thing. If a great quantity of Artillery were diſcharged, or of <hi>Aurum fulminans</hi> kindled, upon a Moun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tain,
<pb n="92" facs="tcp:64166:60"/>without the Perſons below knowing any thing of the Matter, they would certain<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly think it Thundred. But a Fly or a Bee is a wonderful Creature, which Men know not how to imitate the Frame of. The Mo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion of this little-winged Machine, the Order and Symmetry of its Parts, the Uſe it makes of them, the Circulation of that Inix which ſupplies the place of Blood, and all that we obſerve in it, is truly ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mirable: and we could as eaſily raiſe the Dead, as form ſuch an Infect as this. Were I to ſpeak as a Philoſopher, I would ra<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ther ſay, the <hi>Flies of God,</hi> than call <hi>Thun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>der</hi> the <hi>Voice</hi> or <hi>Word of God.</hi> But the Vul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gar, judging of things, by the Noiſe and ſtrong Impreſſion they make, and by their Inability to change them, are ſurprized and tremble at Thunder; whereas they deſpiſe a Fly, becauſe it makes but little Noiſe, and they can kill it at pleaſure. Upon this account Thunder is eſteemed the <hi>Lord</hi>'s im<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mediate Doing, while Flies are pretended to breed by Chance, and to come out of Putrefaction. This is almoſt the ſame Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>travagance, as it would be to ſuppoſe the Concurrence of ſome Intelligent Being ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceſſary to diſcharge a Canon; but to think a Houſe well built and furniſhed, to be the Work of Chance. Many ingenious Per<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſons have confuted this Errour ſo ſubſtan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tially, that I need inſiſt no longer upon it; nor could I conveniently do ſo, with<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>out
<pb n="93" facs="tcp:64166:60"/>digreſſing too far from the Subject I am now upon.</p>
<p>The Hebrews call the Rain-bow the <hi>Bow of God,</hi>
<note place="margin">Gen. 9.12.</note> becauſe it ap<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pears on high in the Air, and is exceed<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing beautiful in the variety of its Colours; though all this be an Effect of his general Providence. A Priſm of Glaſs, or a <hi>Jet' d' Eau,</hi> look'd upon with our Back to the Sun, will convince us, that no Supernatural Operation is needful to form the Rain-bow, in drops of Rain.</p>
<p>From hence methinks I might infer, that <hi>Solomon,</hi> in ſaying the <hi>Diſpoſing of the Lot is of the Lord;</hi> intends no more, than that this is one Effect of his General Providence, and ſuch as Men themſelves have no part in. So that They, who argue for a Par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ticular Providence from this Paſſage, in Theſe rather than Other Matters, are led into that Miſtake by their Ignorance of the Propriety of the Hebrew Lan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>guage.<note place="margin">
<hi>See</hi> Grot. <hi>on</hi> Prov. 16.33.</note> Not that I deny God up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on ſome Occaſions to have inter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>poſed, as they contend; but then this was upon ſpecial and weighty Occa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſions, and ſuch as he himſelf had appointed.<note place="margin">
<hi>Numb.</hi> 26.55, 56.</note> Thus God command<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed <hi>Joſhua</hi> to divide the Land of <hi>Canaan</hi> to the Iſraelites by Lot;<note place="margin">
<hi>Gen.</hi> 49.</note> and I. make no doubt but God ſo directed thoſe Lots,<note place="margin">
<hi>Deut.</hi> 33.</note> that each
<pb n="94" facs="tcp:64166:61"/>Tribe ſhould have that Portion fore-told by <hi>Jacob</hi> and <hi>Moſes.</hi> And thus again in the Caſe of <hi>Jonah,</hi>
<note place="margin">
<hi>Jonah</hi> 1.</note> he di<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſcovered by drawing of Lots,<note place="margin">
<hi>Acts</hi> 1.</note> which of the Paſſengers was the cauſe of that extraordinary Storm, which then diſtreſſed them, as we may read in the firſt Chapter of that Prophet.</p>
<p>But theſe are rare and extraordinary Ca<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſes, ſuch as muſt not be drawn into Pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cedent, or made a general Rule; for, at this rate, every Deciſion by Lots would be a certain Oracle from Heaven, to which we might apply ſecurely, and reſt upon, in our Doubts and Neceſſities. If any Man deſired to be ſatisfied, whether a thing be true or falſe, he need only take two Pie<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ces of Paper, and write upon the one, <hi>This is True,</hi> and upon the other, <hi>This is Falſe;</hi> or ſome Inſcription to that purpoſe, and the firſt drawn would have the Force of a Revelation from Heaven. If a Man were in pain to know, whether any of the Fami<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly had ſtolen Goods that are miſſing, this were a ready and certain Method for diſco<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>very. Take but two Tickets inſcribed, the One <hi>Stolen by a Servant,</hi> the Other <hi>Not Stolen,</hi> and this would be the Anſwer of an O<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>racle; after which nothing more need be done, than to put in the Names of the whole Family, and that which comes out firſt gives you the Malefactor infallibly. If a Man were
<pb n="95" facs="tcp:64166:61"/>to Undertake a thing, and doubted the Suc<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceſs; it is but conſulting this Oracle again; and, its Determination never deceiving any one, Men might have the ſatisfaction of ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ver attempting any thing in vain. In ſhort, nothing could be contrived more convenient than this, for infinite Occurrences of Hu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mane Life, were the Notion upon which it is founded juſt and true.</p>
<p>This would likewiſe be an Evidence of the Exiſtence of a God, ſo clear and ſtrong, as muſt needs ſtop the Mouth of every A the<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>iſt in the World; could it be proved, that by praying to God, and drawing Lots, a Man might at any time receive a certain Anſwer, concerning things which no Humane Wiſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dom is able to diſcern.</p>
<div n="9" type="chapter">
<hi>CHAP. IX.</hi> That Thoſe, who believe God preſides over Ca<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſual Events in ſo particular a manner, think of him as the Heathen did.</head>
<p>AFter having proved, that there is no ſufficient Ground for pretending Scrip<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ture, and the Opinion of the People of God <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ere tofore, for the belief of God's preſiding <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>ver Caſual Events, in a more than com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mon manner; It may not be amiſs to ſhew,
<pb n="96" facs="tcp:64166:62"/>how this Notion borders upon an Errour of the Heathens, diffuſed Eaſt and Weſt a<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mong the Nations moſt infamous for Super<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtition. So vain is the Boaſt of Perſons thus prepoſſeſs'd, that they have more juſt and exalted Notions of Divine Providence, than Others who reject this Opinion.</p>
<p>To begin at the Eaſt. The <hi>A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rabians</hi>
<note n="*" place="margin">See <hi>Ed. Pocock</hi>'s Specim. Hiſt. <hi>Arab.</hi> p. <hi>329, &c.</hi>
</note>, who were generally ad<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dicted to Divination, made great uſe of Caſual Deciſions upon this Occaſion, till forbidden to do ſo by <hi>Mahomet.</hi> I will give you an Example out of their own Authors. When a Man deſigned a long Journey, or Marriage, or any thing of conſequence, he took three Arrows. Upon the firſt was inſcribed, <hi>My Lord hath commanded me;</hi> upon a ſecond <hi>My Lord hath forbidden me:</hi> the third had no Inſcription at all. Theſe were all put into a Quiver, and afterwards one drawn unſeen. If the firſt was drawn, the De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſign was purſued, as approved by God. I<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> the ſecond, the Perſon deſiſted: If the third blank Arrow, then it was put in again, and they proceeded to a ſecond Drawing, til<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> one of the others with a <hi>Motto</hi> offered it ſelf. To make this Ceremony the more So<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lemn, a Prieſt before the drawing uſed thi<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> Prayer; <hi>Grant, O God, that that Arrow which is most for this Perſon's Benefit may be drawn and that he may rest in that Determination.</hi>
<pb n="97" facs="tcp:64166:62"/>
<p>This was no late Cuſtom in thoſe Eaſtern Parts; for <hi>Ezekiel</hi> takes notice of the King of <hi>Babylon</hi>'s uſing it in his Time.<note place="margin">
<hi>Ezekiel</hi> XXI. 21.</note>
<hi>The King of</hi> Babylon <hi>ſtood at the parting of the Way, at the head</hi> of the two Ways, to uſe Divinations: <hi>He made his Ar<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rows bright,</hi> (or as ſome render it) <hi>he mingled his Arrows, he conſulted with Images, he looked in the Liver.</hi> St. <hi>Jerome</hi> explains this Paſſage with Alluſion to the Cuſtom I am now deſcribing.<note place="margin">Hierom in Com.</note>
<hi>He</hi> ſhall ſtand in the way, <hi>ſays he,</hi> to conſult the Oracle, according to the manner of his Country. He ſhall put his Arrows into the Quiver, and mingle them together; ſo that each of them ſhall be Inſcribed with the Name of a City, and that City, whoſe Name is upon the Arrow firſt drawn, he ſhall Be<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſiege.</q>
<p>The <hi>Greeks</hi> alſo thought they could be infor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>med in future Events, by ſuch kind of Divina<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tions. <q>Thus in a Grove near <hi>Bura</hi> in <hi>Achaia,</hi> there was a Statue of <hi>Hercules,</hi> which was conſulted by Lots.<note place="margin">P<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>uſin. A<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>chaia. L. v. <hi>11</hi> p. <hi>449.</hi>
</note> He that asked Counſel of the God, makes his Vows, <hi>(ſays Pauſanius)</hi> before the Statue; after which he takes Dice, of which there lay a great number, and throws four upon the Table. Upon each Die are certain Figures, the Explanation of which were there upon a Board: According to that Explanation, the Perſon either Proſecuted, or quitted his Deſign.</q>
<pb n="98" facs="tcp:64166:63"/>
<p>The ſame Method obtained in Conſulting the famous Oracle of <hi>Dodona,</hi> as is plain from this Paſſage in <hi>Cicero.</hi>
<note place="margin">De Div. I. <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
<q>The <hi>Lace<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>demonians</hi> looked upon that as a mighty Prodigy, which happened to them, when conſulting <hi>Jupiter</hi> of <hi>Dodona</hi> concer<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ning the Victory they then hoped to obtain. The Ambaſſadors having ſet down the Teſſe<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> in which the Lots were put, a Favorite Ape of the King of the <hi>Moloſſi</hi> overturned the Lots, and confounded all their Preparations for drawing. Whereupon the Propheteſs of the Place told them that this was Ominous to the <hi>Lacedemonians,</hi> and that they muſt think, not how to vanquiſh the Enemy, but to ſecure themſelves.</q>
<p>At <hi>Praeneſte</hi> in <hi>Italy,</hi> there was a Celebrated Oracle of <hi>Fortune,</hi> which denoted good and ill Succeſs by Lots. The ſame Author acquaints us, that there was a Box of Olive Wood, in which the Lots were put, which were Dice, or ſomewhat like that Figure. The manner of conſulting the Oracle was, to have thoſe Dice thrown before the Statue, or elſe by a little Child drawing them out of the Box. Which <hi>Tul<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly</hi> makes very merry with in his ſecond Book of <hi>Divination. What</hi> is, ſays he, <hi>this Lot? It is like playing at Dice,</hi> or at <hi>Even or Odd, wher<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> Chance, and not Prudence or Reaſon</hi> Govern <hi>What Certainty can be expected from Lots, ſhaken together and drawn by a Child, juſt as Fortune ſhall direct?</hi> What this Direction of Fortune was we are much in the dark; but 'tis plain
<pb n="99" facs="tcp:64166:63"/>ſhe was conſulted by this Method of Lots. Hence the <hi>Latins</hi> gave all ſorts of Oracles the Name of <hi>Sortes;</hi> and they who conſulted them were called <hi>Sortilegi,</hi> from whence probably the modern Word <hi>Sorcerer</hi> is derived; which ſignifies a Conjurer or Magician.</p>
<p>The Antients had one kind of <hi>Lots</hi> more, which they conſulted in different manners. Sometimes they Wrote ſome Verſes of a Fa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mous Poet upon ſeveral Tickets, which were in ſenſe near thoſe Anſwers which they expe<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cted to receive from the Oracle, to be infor<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>med in the Matter they deſired to know. Theſe were put into a Veſſel, and ſhaken to<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gether, and that Ticket which was drawn, was received as the Anſwer to their Doubts. Sometimes theſe Verſes were Written upon a Board, under certain Numbers; after which the Dice determined that Number which they were concerned in. Sometimes they opened a Book at a venture, and the firſt Verſe they dipped upon paſſed for the Oracle. Thus <hi>Spartian</hi> tells us, that <hi>Adrian,</hi> while yet a pri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vate Perſon, opened <hi>Virgil's Aeneid,</hi> and ſound thoſe Verſes, which preſaged his future Advancement to the Roman Empire.</p>
<l>Quis procul ille autem ramis inſignis olivae</l>
<l>Sacr a ſerens? noſeo crines, incanaque mentae <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="4 letters">
</gap>is Romani.</l>
<pb n="100" facs="tcp:64166:64"/>
<l>But who's the Man that from afar appears.</l>
<l>His Head with Olive Crown'd, his Hand a Genſer bears!</l>
<l>His Hoary Hair, and holy Veſtments bring,</l>
<l>The loſt Idea back, I know the <hi>Roman</hi> King.</l>
<p>So likewiſe <hi>Lampridius</hi> ſays, that <hi>Alexan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>der Severus</hi> having conſulted the <hi>Sortes Virgi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lianae</hi> fell upon this among other Verſes.</p>
<l>Tu regere imperio populos, Romane, memen<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>to.</l>
<l>Roman, 'tis thine alone with equal Sway,</l>
<l>To rule Mankind, and make the World Obey.</l>
<p>Another time as <hi>Heliogabalus</hi> was contriving his Death; this Verſe came up in the Temple of <hi>Fortune</hi> at <hi>Praeneſte.</hi>
<l>Si qua fata aſperarumpas.</l>
<l>Tu Marcellus eris.</l>
<l>And could'ſt thou break through Fates ſevere Decree,</l>
<l>A new Marcellus ſhould ariſe in thee.</l>
<p>The Chriſtians, who, upon ſome occaſions came little ſhort of the Pagans in Superſtition made uſe of the Holy Scripture to the ſam purpoſe. St. <hi>Auguſtin</hi> in his<note n="*" place="margin">
<hi>I.</hi> viii. <hi>c.</hi> 2.</note> Con<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>feſſions, gives this Account of him<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelf. <q>As I was weeping in the bitterneſs o<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> my Soul, I heard a Voice in the next Houſe (whether Male or Female I know not) repea<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing ſeveral times, and ſinging aloud, <hi>Toll<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="2 letters">
</gap> lege; Tolle, lege. Take up and Read.</hi> At fir<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="2 letters">
</gap> my Countenance changed, and I began t<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> conſider, whether ſome Children might no<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap> ſing theſe words in play; but I could not re<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>collect
<pb n="101" facs="tcp:64166:64"/>that I had ever heard them do ſo. Then checking my Tears, I roſe, and conclu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ded that it was an Admonition from God, or<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dering me to take the Book, and read the Chapter that firſt offered it ſelf at the open<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing. For I had heard of St. <hi>Anthony,</hi> that accidentally Reading in the Goſpel, he took what he Read there as a Command Addreſ<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſed to himſelf in particular. The Paſſage was, <hi>Go,</hi>
<note place="margin">
<hi>Matt.</hi> xix.</note>
<hi>ſell what thou haſt and give to the Poor, and then thou ſhalt have treaſure in Heaven, and then come and fol<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>low me.</hi> By this Oracle he was Converted. I went then directly to the Place where <hi>Alypius</hi> was; for there I had left St. <hi>Paul</hi>'s Epiſtles. When I aroſe I took and opened them,<note place="margin">
<hi>Rom.</hi> xiii. 13.</note> and Read the firſt Clauſe I ſaw, which was, <hi>Walk not in Rioting and Drunkenneſs, not in Chambering and Wan<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tonneſs.</hi> I Read no further, for there was no occaſion; this Paſſage having filled my Heart with a Light that confirmed me, and ſcatter'd all my dark Doubts, I ſhut the Book; but keeping my Finger, or leaving a Mark in the place, I told the thing to <hi>Aly<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pius</hi> with great Satisfaction. He related to me what had happened to himſelf of the like nature; which till then I was a Stranger to. He asked to ſee the Paſſage, he did, and pau<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſing upon it, he was deſirous to ſee what followed,<note place="margin">
<hi>Rom.</hi> xiv. 1.</note> which I had not attended to. That was, <hi>Him that is weak
<pb n="102" facs="tcp:64166:65"/>in the Faith receive ye;</hi> and this he applied to himſelf.</q>
<p>St. <hi>Auguſtin</hi> indeed did not approve this Me<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thod of conſulting Scriptures, except in Mat<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ters purely Spiritual. In a Letter to <hi>Januarius,</hi>
<note place="margin">
<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 word">
</gap> cxix.</note> he ſays, <q>As for thoſe that conſult the Scripture by way of Lot, <hi>(de paginis Evangelicis ſortes legunt)</hi> though it were rather to be wiſhed, that they did thus, than that they ſhould run to evil Spi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rits for Advice, yet I cannot be reconciled to the Cuſtom. When the Matters of the World, and the Vanities of this preſent Life are concerned, Men ſhould not wreſt thoſe Oracles which treat of Another.</q>
<p>Some<note n="†" place="margin"> AD. Allen de <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="2 letters">
</gap>acalis, p. <hi>369.</hi> l. <hi>1.</hi>
</note> Learned Men have col<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lected divers Paſſages, which evi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dently ſhew this to have been a common Practice among the Chri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtians for ſome conſiderable time. I ſhall ſa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tisfie my ſelf at preſent with making ſome few Remarks upon thoſe produced by me here al<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ready.</p>
<hi>Firſt,</hi> then, I obſerve, that this Practice of Conſulting by Lot upon the caſual opening of a Book, was Originally a <hi>Heathen</hi> Cuſtom, and that there is no Foundation for it in Reaſon. For, whoever told the <hi>Pagans,</hi> that God would anſwer them in ſuch a way, or that he would ſo order the Matter, that they ſhould be ſure to dip upon that critical Place, which ſhould contain a Reſolution of their Doubts? Can it be urged that this Perſwaſion proceeded
<pb n="103" facs="tcp:64166:65"/>from a certain Knowledge of God's particular Direction of caſual Events? I ſhall not here repeat what hath already been delivered upon this Subject; but I am poſitive, that admitting the thing to be true, yet even ſo it is not poſſi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble to prove that the <hi>Heathens</hi> could have any certain Knowledge of this kind.</p>
<p>It will perhaps be replyed, that they know this pretended Truth by the Event, having ob<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſerved by abundance of Inſtances, that theſe Anſwers by this way of Conſultation were actually fulfilled. To this I anſwer, that if this was a ſure way of conſulting the Deity, it is not ſufficient that it ſucceeded in <hi>many</hi> In<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtances; but it muſt never have failed in <hi>any one.</hi> If what preſents it ſelf firſt at the open<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ing of a Book upon ſuch a Deſign, muſt always paſs for an Oracle, the Event muſt conſtant<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ly anſwer, to juſtifie that Opinion, otherwiſe there is no depending upon it; and this will be in no better condition than the other ways of Divination, which have hit right ſometimes, and by mere <hi>chance.</hi> It is no ſtrange thing, that ſome out of a very great many of theſe prodigious Predictions ſhould come true; and in the preſent caſe, we may the more eaſily conceive it poſſible they ſhould do ſo, becauſe the words are capable of different Conſtructi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons, and may with a little Addreſs be applied to different Events. When Men found them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves deceived, thoſe Anſwers were either for<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>gotten, or at leaſt not Publiſhed to the World; but when they fell in pat to the purpoſe, then
<pb n="104" facs="tcp:64166:66"/>they were told at every turn, and the Memo<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ry of them endeavoured to be made Eternal. Hence we meet in Hiſtory with ſo many Exam<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ples of Divinations which ſucceeded, and with ſo very few of thoſe by which Men have been miſerably deluded.</p>
<hi>Secondly,</hi> There needs no deep Reaſon pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſently to convince Men, how exceeding vain all theſe pretended Oracles muſt needs be. Let us but draw out a Scheme of Enquiries, what ſhall happen the next Campaign, and conſult <hi>Homer</hi> and <hi>Virgil</hi> upon each of theſe Queries. Let us afterwards Write down theſe Reſoluti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons, and compare them with the Events. This is an eaſie and effectual way for Men to unde<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceive themſelves in theſe Matters, and ſuch as thoſe People are capable of, who are not of a pitch for regular Arguing.</p>
<hi>Thirdly,</hi> It muſt be allowed me, that the Chriſtians, who inſtead of <hi>Heathen</hi> Poets made uſe of the Holy Scriptures with the ſame de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſign, had no expreſs Revelation to aſſure them that God would anſwer them this way. Now it is abſur'd to ſuppoſe that God will anſwer us by Methods, which he hath told us nothing of; nay, ſuch as we take upon us to preſcribe to him, and in doing ſo, tread in the Steps of <hi>Pagan</hi> Idolatry and Superſtition. For not<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>withſtanding all St. <hi>Auguſtin</hi> ſays, and tho Inſtances he produces, we can have no aſſu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>rance that God anſwers Men after this man<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ner.</p>
<pb n="105" facs="tcp:64166:66"/>
<p>I expect it will be urged, that ſomewhat like this happened to our Bleſſed Lord in the Synagogue at <hi>Naza<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>reth,</hi>
<note place="margin">
<hi>Luke</hi> iv. xviii.</note> on the Sabbarh day. Where when he roſe up, the Book of the Prophet <hi>Eſaias</hi> was preſented unto him, and he opened the Book upon that Paſſage, <hi>The Spirit of the Lord is up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on me,</hi> &c. And, after he had ſhut the Book, he ſaid, <hi>This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your Ears.</hi> Now I make no queſtion, but it was by the direction of a particular Provi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>dence, that <hi>Jeſus Chriſt</hi> opened upon that place of the Prophet, if he did not induſtriouſly turn to it, or if it were not the Portion of Scri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pture in order to be read that day. Our Sa<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>viour knew, no doubt, before he went into the Synagogue what would happen to him there; for he himſelf had Power to order it as he pleaſed. So that, this example does not at all fute with the Superſtitious Cuſtom of conſulting Scri<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>pture to learn Events which Men know no<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thing of before. And Chriſtians have no more ground to expect, that God will Anſwer them by the <hi>Sortes Biblicae</hi> (if I may call them ſo) than the Heathens had to depend upon the Verſes of <hi>Homer</hi> and <hi>Virgil</hi> for Oracles and Guides in all their Difficulties.</p>
<hi>Fourthly,</hi> To give us a full comprehenſion of this Vanity, we muſt know, that ſeveral, who uſed this method, did not content them<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelves with conſulting one ſingle Book, but took ſeveral, one after the other. For exam<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ple, The Prophets, the Evangeliſts, and the
<pb n="106" facs="tcp:64166:67"/>Epiſtles of the Apoſtles. If they found nothing to the purpoſe at their opening the <hi>Prophets,</hi> they tryed the <hi>Goſpels</hi> next, and then the <hi>Epi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtles,</hi> till ſomething offered, which they made a ſhift to apply to their own Circumſtances. Now we may eaſily conceive, that they would not miſs of ſomething which they looked for, after ſo many Experiments; and eſpecially, when they contented themſelves with ſtrained and unnatural Interpretations.</p>
<p>But perhaps you'll ſay, All theſe Conſultati<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ons were attended with Prayer, beſeeching God, that he would diſcover the Truth to them, <hi>Gregory</hi> Biſhop of <hi>Tours</hi> hath thus deſcribed that Ceremony.<note place="margin">
<hi>Greg. <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="2 letters">
</gap>r.</hi> L. iv. v.</note>
<q>The Prieſts firſt of all lay three Books upon the Altar, which are the <hi>Prophets,</hi> the <hi>Epiſtles</hi> of St. <hi>Paul,</hi> and the <hi>Goſpels,</hi> and then they pray to God, that he will tell them what ſhall come to paſs.</q> Now I would be glad to know, who ever told theſe Men, that God will hear ſuch Prayers; or, how indeed can they tell, that ſuch imperti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nent Curioſity would not be highly offenſive to him? Hath God any where obliged him<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſelf to tell us every thing that we have an itch to know? He hath only engaged to hear thoſe Prayers which are attended with the three conditions, expreſt in theſe three Latin words, <hi>à bonis, bona, bonè,</hi> that is to ſay, ſuch as are put up to him by good Men; ſuch as ask good Things, Things neceſſary to Salvation; and ſuch as are regularly and well offered to him,
<pb n="107" facs="tcp:64166:67"/>with a becoming confidence in his Power and Goodneſs. It were an eaſie matter to prove this by ſeveral Texts of Scripture, were it ne<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceſſary to my purpoſe. Now it is plain, that the knowledge of future Events, which Men deſire to obtain by theſe Openings of the Bi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ble, is not any of thoſe things, which good Men can ſeek, as of importance to their Eter<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nal Salvation, and conſequently, not any of thoſe which God is pleaſed to manifeſt to Men upon that conſideration.</p>
<p>Theſe Prayers therefore are unprofitable and vain; nay, we may affirm, that they can<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>not be well-pleaſing to God under the Goſpel<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſtate. For God expects, that Chriſtians ſhould refer all future Events to <hi>His</hi> diſpoſal, that they ſhould rely entirely upon his Providence, and receive all, even thoſe appointments which are moſt calamitous and ungrateful to Fleſh and Blood, with Meekneſs and Reſigna<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tion. There is but one thing in futurity which we ought to be ſollicitous for, and that is, what ſhall become of us in the next Life. And this is a <hi>Future</hi> which depends upon the <hi>Pre<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſent,</hi> I mean upon our Obedience to the Com<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>mands of the Goſpel, which are ſo clear, and ſo well known, that we want no freſh Reve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>lations to inſtruct us in the matter. What<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ever Confuſions may happen in the Country where we Live, whatever Misfortunes we may undergo in our private Capacities, all theſe have no neceſſary connexion with the Happineſs or Miſery which awaits us hereaf<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ter.
<pb n="108" facs="tcp:64166:68"/>And this is all we need not to be inform<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ed in beforehand concerning them.</p>
<p>I obſerve, in the <hi>Fifth</hi> place, That this Opi<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>nion of God's diſcovering the Truth by caſual Experiments, or his preſiding over theſe, <hi>in a particular and more immediate manner,</hi> is of very dangerous Conſequence, if we perſue it through all thoſe Inferences, which naturally and neceſſarily reſult from it. For, if This be once taken for granted, it will follow, That all ſuch determinations are to be eſteemed as ſo many Expreſs Anſwers from Heaven; and conſequently, that we ought to take our Mea<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſures by them, as a Rule that can never de<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ceive or miſlead us. And yet, ſince this is falſe, really, and at the bottom, what will be the Effect of ſuch a Perſwaſion? Many things will be taken in hand, upon the Credit of theſe Deciſions, which in proceſs of time would turn to very ill account: Many things neglected, which are neceſſary to be done, up<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>on our being diſſwaded and diſcouraged by theſe <hi>Sortes:</hi> And a thouſand other Inconve<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>niences muſt enſue, too obvious to need a par<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ticular Enumeration; ſince every Man may with great eaſe repreſent them to his own thoughts.</p>
<p>I think then, after all this, it can be no breach of Modeſty to conclude that there is nothing, either more falſe, or more fantaſti<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>cal than that Opinion, which pretends the De<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ciſions of <hi>Lots,</hi> or caſual Experiments, to be
<pb n="109" facs="tcp:64166:68"/>the Deciſions of Heaven, in that ſenſe which I have explained them in, throughout my whole Diſcourſe upon this Argument.</p>
<div n="10" type="chapter">
<hi>CHAP. X.</hi> That thoſe Magiſtrates are not to blame, who have ſet up Lotteries for the Bene<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>fit of the Poor. A Commendation of the <hi>Hollanders</hi> in general, and particularly, with regard to the Lotteries opened by Publick Order.</head>
<p>THere is one Inconvenience, conſequent upon that Opinion which I have been hitherto diſproving, purpoſely omitted by me. Which is, that this is to Arraign our Govern<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ment for an irreverent uſe of the moſt Sacred things in the World; and for ſetting an ill Ex<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ample to the Perſons living under them, by teaching ſuch to make uſe of <hi>Lots</hi> upon every trifling occaſion. For in truth, according to our Adverſaries Principles, every Ticket is a Miracle, and yet all the World knows, that theſe are drawn without any ſort of Devotion. Now indeed this kind of Arguments, taken from the Practice of our Superiours, proves nothing at all, and is of greater force to over<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>throw the Truth, than to ſupport and defend it. The Magiſtrates of theſe Countries do not
<pb n="110" facs="tcp:64166:69"/>take upon them to be Infallible; and their Au<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>thority extends not to the determining what is True or Falſe, but what is Good or Hurtful to the Publick. Beſides, ſince it is certain, that there are infinitely more Magiſtrates in an Er<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ror, than there are that defend the Truth; that Infallibility, which any Man ſhould go about to annex to their Character, would only tend to give Falſhood more Credit and Coun<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>tenance. Beſides, it is a Refuge fit for none, but ſuch as diſtruſt the merits of their Cauſe, to call in the ſecular Arm to their Aſſiſtance, and ſhelter themſelves under the Authority of their Governors.</p>
<p>But I may upon this occaſion obſerve to my Readers, that in defending the Truth, I have inſenſibly (for indeed that was no part of my deſign) vindicated at the ſame time our Go<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>vernors, who have allowed ſo many Lotte<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ries of late. I underſtand there are ſome who find fault with them upon this account, and highly condemn all that take out Tickets; and all this <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>pon that poor pretence, which the foregoing Chapters have undertaken to Confute. These Perſons may ſoon be diſabu<g ref="char:EOLhyphen"/>ſed, if they pleaſe to conſider what hath been ſaid; and if not, they will have the worſt of it. One com<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 letter">
</gap>o<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="2 letters">
</gap>ie, they cannot Dragoon us into their <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 word">
</gap> unr<gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="2 letters">
</gap>ſonable Opinion, ſo that there <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 span">
</gap> create ſome uneaſineſs to <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 span">
</gap>, but <gap reason="illegible" resp="#UOM" extent="1 word">