The harvester works best with about 20 search-terms (called keyword here) organized below 4-6 topics.
1) Register at
- Register at []( with email & password
- Make sure to choose the free developer version - see pricing; well simply don"t enter credit card infos
- Verify your email
- Get your API key from your account and copy it. Should look something like '1a2b3c4d5e6f7a8b9c0d1e2f3a4b5c6d7'.
2) Register at
- Some instructions can be found here
- Get your free account with username (mine is 'kmicha'), email & password
- Make sure to register for a free version; well simply don"t enter credit card infos
- Verify your email
- Sign in and go to your organization page.
- Create a new organization with unique name - i.e. choose your username and append '_news', like 'kmicha_news'
4) Fork the newsWhisperer/winterIsComing repository to your new organization
- Goto newsWhisperer/winterIsComing, select 'fork' and 'Create a new fork'
- Choose your new organisation as owner
- Press the green button
- Goto the settings page and select the 'Collaborators and Teams'
- Add me (KMicha) with write access
The harvester works best with about 20 search-terms (called keyword here) organized below 4-6 topics.
- Goto to your code page and select the keywords.csv file
-* Edit the keywords file
- Make sure to keep the first (header-)line unchanged
- keyword: Your searchterm with single quotes. Can combine severall words, like 'this that'. Keywords should be unique.
- language: Choose your language (must be supported by newsapi). i.e. de or en
- topic: Severall keywords are combined into a common topic. No quotes. No spaces.
- topicColor: The hexcode of the topic. Same topics, same color codes!
- keywordColors: Ech keyword can have a seperate color hexcode. Might be similiar to it"s realted topic color.
- limitPages: Will be dynamically adapted. Set to 1 initially
- ratioNew: will also be adapted. 1 is also fine.
Colorpickers can be googled. Or use one of these: redketchup, w3schools
Attention: You can adapt the keywords later, but for now you should not remove any, once you've started harvesting!
- Submit the changed file. Description can be empty. Commit directly to main branch. Press the green button.