This helm chart installs the DIM Middle Layer.
For further information please refer to Technical Documentation.
The referenced container images are for demonstration purposes only.
To install the chart with the release name dim
$ helm repo add ssi-dim-middle-layer
$ helm install dim ssi-dim-middle-layer/dim
To install the helm chart into your cluster with your values:
$ helm install -f your-values.yaml dim ssi-dim-middle-layer/dim
To use the helm chart as a dependency:
- name: dim
version: 2.2.1
Repository | Name | Version |
---|---|---| | postgresql | 12.12.x |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
---|---|---|---| | string | "" |
dim.image.tag | string | "" |
dim.imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
dim.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"45m","memory":"300M"},"requests":{"cpu":"15m","memory":"300M"}} |
We recommend to review the default resource limits as this should a conscious choice. |
dim.healthChecks.startup.path | string | "/health/startup" |
dim.healthChecks.startup.tags[0].name | string | "HEALTHCHECKS__0__TAGS__1" |
dim.healthChecks.startup.tags[0].value | string | "dimdb" |
dim.healthChecks.liveness.path | string | "/healthz" |
dim.healthChecks.readyness.path | string | "/ready" |
dim.swaggerEnabled | bool | false |
dim.operatorId | string | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
dim.bpn | string | "empty" |
The bpn of the operator |
dim.didDocumentLocationAddress | string | "" |
The did document location address for the operator wallet | | string | "migrations" |
| | string | "" |
migrations.image.tag | string | "" |
migrations.imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
migrations.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"45m","memory":"200M"},"requests":{"cpu":"15m","memory":"200M"}} |
We recommend to review the default resource limits as this should a conscious choice. |
migrations.seeding.useInitial | bool | true |
Enables dynamic seeding of bpn (dim.bpn) and did document location address (dim.didDocumentLocationAddress) of the operator; If set to true the data configured in the config map 'configmap-seeding-initialdata.yaml' will be taken to insert the initial data; |
migrations.logging.default | string | "Information" |
| | string | "processesworker" |
| | string | "" |
processesworker.image.tag | string | "" |
processesworker.imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
processesworker.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"45m","memory":"300M"},"requests":{"cpu":"15m","memory":"300M"}} |
We recommend to review the default resource limits as this should a conscious choice. |
processesworker.dim.applicationName | string | "" |
processesworker.dim.statusListType | string | "StatusList2021" |
valid types are: StatusList2021, BitstringStatusList |
processesworker.provisioning.clientId | string | "" |
processesworker.provisioning.clientSecret | string | "" |
processesworker.provisioning.tokenAddress | string | "" |
processesworker.provisioning.baseUrl | string | "" |
Url to the cf service api |
processesworker.provisioning.grantType | string | "client_credentials" |
processesworker.provisioning.encryptionConfigIndex | int | 0 |
processesworker.provisioning.encryptionConfigs.index0.index | int | 0 |
processesworker.provisioning.encryptionConfigs.index0.cipherMode | string | "CBC" |
processesworker.provisioning.encryptionConfigs.index0.paddingMode | string | "PKCS7" |
processesworker.provisioning.encryptionConfigs.index0.encryptionKey | string | "" |
EncryptionKey to encrypt the provisioning client-secret. Secret-key 'provisioning-encryption-key0'. Expected format is 256 bit (64 digits) hex. |
processesworker.callback.scope | string | "openid" |
processesworker.callback.grantType | string | "client_credentials" |
processesworker.callback.clientId | string | "" |
Provide client-id for callback. |
processesworker.callback.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for callback client-id. Secret-key 'callback-client-secret'. |
processesworker.callback.tokenAddress | string | "" |
processesworker.callback.baseAddress | string | "" |
Url to the cf service api |
processesworker.technicalUserCreation.encryptionConfigIndex | int | 0 |
processesworker.technicalUserCreation.encryptionConfigs.index0.index | int | 0 |
processesworker.technicalUserCreation.encryptionConfigs.index0.cipherMode | string | "CBC" |
processesworker.technicalUserCreation.encryptionConfigs.index0.paddingMode | string | "PKCS7" |
processesworker.technicalUserCreation.encryptionConfigs.index0.encryptionKey | string | "" |
EncryptionKey to encrypt the technical user client-secret. Secret-key 'technicalusercreation-encryption-key0'. Expected format is 256 bit (64 digits) hex. |
existingSecret | string | "" |
Secret containing "client-secret-cis-central", "client-secret-cf" and "client-secret-callback" |
dotnetEnvironment | string | "Production" |
dbConnection.schema | string | "dim" |
dbConnection.sslMode | string | "Disable" |
postgresql.enabled | bool | true |
PostgreSQL chart configuration; default configurations: host: "dim-postgresql-primary", port: 5432; Switch to enable or disable the PostgreSQL helm chart. |
postgresql.image | object | {"tag":"15-debian-12"} |
Setting image tag to major to get latest minor updates |
postgresql.commonLabels."" | string | "15" |
postgresql.auth.username | string | "dim" |
Non-root username. |
postgresql.auth.database | string | "dim" |
Database name. |
postgresql.auth.existingSecret | string | "{{ .Release.Name }}-dim-postgres" |
Secret containing the passwords for root usernames postgres and non-root username dim. Should not be changed without changing the "dim-postgresSecretName" template as well. |
postgresql.auth.postgrespassword | string | "" |
Password for the root username 'postgres'. Secret-key 'postgres-password'. |
postgresql.auth.password | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username 'dim'. Secret-key 'password'. |
postgresql.auth.replicationPassword | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username 'repl_user'. Secret-key 'replication-password'. |
postgresql.architecture | string | "replication" |
postgresql.audit.pgAuditLog | string | "write, ddl" |
postgresql.audit.logLinePrefix | string | "%m %u %d " |
postgresql.primary.extendedConfiguration | string | "" |
Extended PostgreSQL Primary configuration (increase of max_connections recommended - default is 100) |
postgresql.primary.initdb.scriptsConfigMap | string | "{{ .Release.Name }}-dim-cm-postgres" |
postgresql.readReplicas.extendedConfiguration | string | "" |
Extended PostgreSQL read only replicas configuration (increase of max_connections recommended - default is 100) | | string | "dim-postgres-ext" |
External PostgreSQL configuration IMPORTANT: non-root db user needs to be created beforehand on external database. And the init script (02-init-db.sql) available in templates/configmap-postgres-init.yaml needs to be executed beforehand. Database host ('-primary' is added as postfix). |
externalDatabase.port | int | 5432 |
Database port number. |
externalDatabase.username | string | "dim" |
Non-root username for dim. |
externalDatabase.database | string | "dim" |
Database name. |
externalDatabase.password | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username (default 'dim'). Secret-key 'password'. |
externalDatabase.existingSecret | string | "dim-external-db" |
Secret containing the password non-root username, (default 'dim'). |
idp | object | {"address":"","authRealm":"CX-Central","jwtBearerOptions":{"metadataPath":"/auth/realms/CX-Central/.well-known/openid-configuration","refreshInterval":"00:00:30","requireHttpsMetadata":"true","tokenValidationParameters":{"validAudience":"DIM-Middle-Layer","validIssuerPath":"/auth/realms/CX-Central"}},"tokenPath":"/auth/realms/CX-Central/protocol/openid-connect/token","useAuthTrail":true} |
Provide details about idp instance. |
idp.address | string | "" |
Provide idp base address, without trailing '/auth'. |
idp.useAuthTrail | bool | true |
Flag if the api should be used with an leading /auth path |
ingress.enabled | bool | false |
DIM ingress parameters, enable ingress record generation for dim. |
ingress.tls[0] | object | {"hosts":[""],"secretName":""} |
Provide tls secret. |
ingress.tls[0].hosts | list | [""] |
Provide host for tls secret. |
ingress.hosts[0] | object | {"host":"","paths":[{"backend":{"port":8080},"path":"/api/dim","pathType":"Prefix"}]} |
Provide default path for the ingress record. |
portContainer | int | 8080 |
portService | int | 8080 |
replicaCount | int | 3 |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment |
tolerations | list | [] |
Tolerations for pod assignment |
affinity.podAntiAffinity | object | {"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"podAffinityTerm":{"labelSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"DoesNotExist"}]},"topologyKey":""},"weight":100}]} |
Following Catena-X Helm Best Practices, reference. |
updateStrategy.type | string | "RollingUpdate" |
Update strategy type, rolling update configuration parameters, reference. |
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge | int | 1 |
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable | int | 0 |
startupProbe | object | {"failureThreshold":30,"initialDelaySeconds":10,"periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":1} |
Following Catena-X Helm Best Practices, reference. |
livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 3 |
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 10 |
livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 10 |
readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 3 |
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 10 |
readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 1 |
Autogenerated with helm docs