6.2.2 (2022-06-10)
- Sale order email template: added unit in sale order line details.
- Webapp: add
property in application.properties file.
- Fixed first time record loading being slow on grid after server start due to bpm engine initialization.
- Stock location: Allow to print location financial data only for stock locations configured as valued stock location.
- Accounting batch: display fields related to debt recovery only when debt recovery action is selected.
- Contract batch: invoicing a batch of contracts does not take into account closed contract anymore.
- Studio: Fix UI and other changes for studio editor.
- Studio: Fix label translation for editor.
- Studio: Auto convert field name and model name to camelcase for custom fields and custom models.
- Sale order/Invoice printings: fix "Dr." civility that was displayed as "Mlle.".
- Base, HR: add missing french translations.
- Move: fix partner not being filtered according to payment mode compatible types.
- Weighted average price in product company is now correctly computed in company currency instead of purchase currency.
- Expense line: Analytic distribution date is now set to expense line's expense date if it is setted. If not, it is still by default today date.
- MRP: fixed an issue where quantity conversion for mrp lines from manuf orders was not applied.
- Accounting move line: fix the date's validity check, when the date was equal to the period's starting date or the endind date, it was considered being outside of this period.
- Journal: added valid account types to demo data.
- Supplier: allow to create an accounting situation with a company that does not have PFP feature activated.
- Invoice: fixed an issue where printing an invoice from the form view would give an error.
- Cost sheet: fix wrong total when computing cost from bill of materials or manufacturing orders.
- Accounting move: fix account selection when generating automatically the counterpart of a move line.
Improve error messages when the account cannot be determined when generating the counterpart of a move line, also use the default company bank details to select the right account.
- Purchase order: fix wrong total W.T. computation when generated from purchase request.
- Supplier: fixed an issue where realizing a reversed stock move would update supplier quality rating.
- Bank details: fix missing fields when created from company.
- Stock rules: fix user and team fields not displayed with alert activated.
- Expense line / Move line: Analytic distribution template is now correctly copied in move line when it is created from expense.
- Stock move : fix wrong calculation on supplier quality rating
When realizing a stock move, stock move lines with the conformity not filled were counting as non-compliant and decreasing the supplier's quality rating.
- Invoice: fixed an issue where changing the product in a line with existing analytic would display an error.
6.2.1 (2022-05-27)
- Move: fix total currency computation in move form view.
- Inventory: Fix error popup on creating a new inventory line with a new company.
- Move: fix error on clicking the counterpart generation button when there is nothing to generate.
- Sale order line: fixed an issue where analytic distribution validation failed because of a title line generated by the pack feature.
- Product: now correctly hide the config allowing to define shipping cost per supplier in product form if we disabled the supplier catalog.
- Invoice: fix AxelorException error when emptying the operation type on the invoice form view.
- Geoname: fix geoname import on empty databases (without demodata).
- Journal: reset the list of valid accounts on company change.
- Move: fix NPE error when trying to access the grid view with no active company configured on the user.
- Invoice: fixed an issue where a validated or ventilated invoice without trading name could not be saved.
- MRP: grid view from MRP menu will not also display MPS anymore.
- Bank reconciliation: fix error during reconciliation when a query is not configured in bank statement rule.
- Manufacturing: outsourcing management
Production process lines can now be managed without outsourcing even if the parent prod process is configured as outsourced. When created, operation orders now are correctly configured as outsourced depending on their related production process lines.
- Payment move line distribution: Use reconciliation date instead of due date as the operation date when generating payment move line distribution.
- Invoice: fix invoice grid view to have only the customer or supplier lines according to the present filter.
- Product: fix typos in fr translations and fr help.
- Invoice: fixed an issue preventing people from ventilating completed sale order.
- ND4S export: fix error during export when existing city is missing zip code.
- Accounting: hide the menu Analytic if analytic accounting management is disabled.
- Invoice payment: correctly disable the application of financial discount on the payment if the payment date is after the financial discount limit date.
- Employee: When creating an employee, the step 'user creation' is now hidden if employee is already associated with a user.
- Accounting Report: fix demo data for accounting report types.
- Expense: move date will now be updated if we only fill kilometric expense lines.
- Move template wizard form: fixed data input wizard popup form view.
- Maintenance: fixed a bug where creating a BoM from maintenance would make it appear in manufacturing but not in maintenance.
- Notification: correctly manage refunds in payment notification process.
- Sale order line: fixed NPE error popup that occured when changing quantity without having selected a product.
- Move line: fix tax panel not displaying in the form view when tax line is empty.
- Payment voucher: fix print button display and fix truncated report.
- Translation: fix translation of "import" in French.
- Accounting Batch: fix error message during move line export when accounting report type is missing.
- Sale order: Duplicating a quotation will not copy the opportunity anymore.
6.2.0 (2022-05-11)
- Account: Add financial discount feature.
The objective of this feature is to be able to manage financial discount. Financial discount has an impact on accounting (contrary to already existing commercial discount). A financial discount can be created in Accounting/Configuration/Financial Discount and then set on the partner. On the invoice, the financial discount is selected and applied during the payment.
Account: Add fiscal Position on purchase orders, sale orders and invoices.
Account: Improve company tax number management.
Tax numbers can be configured for a company with a fiscal position. The correct tax number will be selected for sale and purchase orders according to fiscal position, and can be used for exports.
- Account: Add new status 'simulated' for move.
This is a new option that can be activated in accounting config. Simulated move will not be accounted, but can be used in accounting reports.
- Accounting: FEC import, fix the existing and add import FEC Type.
Fec import types can be configured form a csv file to choose separator, special fields and check moves. Can now set a move description, company in fec import and a option to validate a move on import. Also two panels have been added to see the generated move and generated anomalies.
- Analytic Accounting: Revamping analytic accounting for higher flexibility.
New panel to specify a default configuration that can be used in the movelines and billing lines. In the analytical axis, you can now select up to 10 groupings, and configure the values of the groupings for a more precise accounting management.
- Bank statement: automatic accounting of statements and automatic generation of moves related to these statements.
Moves based on the statement rules and query can be generated automatically. This feature must be activated from the bank payment application.
- Bank statement line: Add ODS and xlsx export options for bank statement line.
New export option on bank statement line. ODS and xlsx export are available for bank statement line export.
- Purchase Order: Add advance payment feature.
The objective of this feature is to be able to manage advance payment. As it has already been done for sale order, it is now possible to make an advance payment for a purchase order. An advance payment can be invoiced on a purchase order.
Sale Quotation: Selected lines in a sale quotation can be split into a new quotation.
Complementary Product: Add generation type for partner complementary products.
Now complementary products can be configured on partner. Then it will be generated for every sales orders or sale order lines.
- Pricing: new engine on Sale.
Pricing is a new tool that allows you to define sales order lines' fields according to classification rules and result rules defined by groovy formulas.
- Project and Task: Main new features and changes in the project module.
The project module has been modified to provide more flexibility in the configuration of projects and tasks. It is now possible to customize the characteristics of a project and its tasks to display only what is necessary. Project phases have been replaced by sub-projects. An activity feed has also been added to track all the activities of a project. A new "Current project" menu has been added to display only the data and activities of the user's current projects.
Email Template: New button to test template.
Partner: Add automatic blocking on customers.
Partners with late payments can now be blocked automatically by a batch. In the configuration by company of the accounting application, in the tab "Receivables recovery", it is now possible to activate the blocking of customers with late payments. It is possible to configure the number of days before the blocking. A respite can be configured on the debt recovery. When a partner is up to date on this payment, it is automatically unblocked. It the user is manually block, it will not be unblocked by the script.
- Processes that take too long now run in the background.
A process that exceeds the timeout configured in the base application continues in background. The user is notified when the process goes into background and when it is finished. Implemented for MRP, closing period process, and all batches.
- Invoicing Project: update project invoicing batch with automatic invoicing.
Timesheet lines and tasks can be selected automatically to invoice following the configuration in app business project. For example, only tasks with configured status will be invoiced.
- Production: Timing of implementation on Work center.
Implementation time can be determined in absolute value or by script for the work center, in prod process line and prod process line configurators.
Configurator: Add studio customs fields support.
Configurator: Add workshop.
A workshop can be assigned to the elements (routing and BOM) generated by the configurator. The workshop can be defined by a script.
- Configurator: Manage consumed products on phase.
Add a new configurator "Configurator Prod Product" to manage consumed products on phases. Configurators Prod Product can be added to Configurators Prod Process Line if Configurator Prod Process manage consumed products on phases.
- Configurator: Add access to parent sale order in configurator formula.
In a configurator script to fill a product (or sale order line) field, the variable parentSaleOrderLine
can now be used to get the id of the sale order being updated.
- Prod Process Line: Add work center group
- Prod Process Line: Add a use condition field
- Prod Process Line: Allow to manage outsourcing depending on App Production config
- Prod Process Line: Allow to define name, priority, stock location, description and work center with a formula
- Prod Process: Allow to define name with a formula
Sale Order Line and Manufacturing Order: New comment for the manufacturing order on the sale order line.
New comment can be added on the command line to be displayed when the manufacturing order is planned or started.
- Stock location: Add barcode.
Add barcode generation process to stock location: Add related settings field for barcode generation on App Stock. Rename tracking number barcode fields in order to have a clear difference.
- Tracking number: Add barcode.
Barcodes are available for tracking numbers. Barcodes can be activated on tracking numbers from the Stock application. It is possible to specify a barcode type for all tracking numbers or per tracking number.
- Manufacturing order: Add barcode.
Barcode is displayed in manufacturing order's reports.
- Purchase order: Reports.
Reports generated from a purchase order now display specific notes based on the purchase's lines' tax equivalences. The tax equivalences are determined from the fiscal position of the order. This behaviour was already present on sale orders and invoices and is now also available for purchase orders.
Production: Add stock location on S&OP (PIC in french).
Account: Employees can now be selected as compatible partner in the journal configuration.
Traceback: Add printing option on traceback.
MRP: Take in account subcategories.
MRP can be configured to take into account subcategories.
- DataBackup: Allow to create backup file even if no record exists.
Data backup can create a backup file even if no record exists by selecting "Generate csv file for empty tables".
- APP mobile - Stock: Add 'Inventory status select'.
Inventory status can be selected to filter which inventories must take into account in the stock mobile app.
Inventory: Add option to include sub stock location.
Product: Check expiration date on stock move realization.
Mass update: Enable mass update on some fields of MetaMenu,MetaView and MetaAction.
Sale order: Add new field to mark order as a one-off sale.
One-off sales can be excluded from MRP computation.
Move: add a control to check if the currency is filled on the accounting move.
Sale Order: add last reminder date and comments to sale order.
Accounting Report: Manage subsidiary account by type for export journal entry.
Declaration Of Exchanges: Adjustment to follow the changes in legislation (2022).
Add country origin code in the outgoing move filled with the country alpha2 code from adress linked to the original stock location of the stock move in the stock move lines.
- Invoice: Add payment delay reason.
Add payment delay reason in the accounting panel of the Invoice. This payment delay reason can be configured in Accounting > Debt recovery > Configuration > Payment delay reason.
Printing Setting: The position of the address can be changed in the printing (right or left).
Manufacturing Order: New tree view for multi-level planning.
Bank Details: Add color indication on grid view.
If the balance updated date has a delai of 3 to 7 days, the field is in orange. If it's more than 7, it's in red. If the balance is equal to 0, the field is in orange. If it's lower than 0, it's in red.
- Employee: Add Training Skill.
Training skills can be add to an employee to manage his skills.
- Move: New date of reversion entry for reverse move.
The reversion date can now be set for the next day during generating a reverse move.
Studio: Add canSearch and height attribute to dashlet builder.
Tracking Number Configuration: add a dashlet to show the concerned products.
Project task: new editor.
Purchase Order Line: Add tracking on desired and estimated delivery date.
Purchase Order: Add tracking on delivery date.
Partner: Add tags of Customer, Supplier, Subcontractor and others on card view.
Account: Manage Partners DAS2 Activity and Accounts Service Types.
Account: Add two new reports which help for DAS2 Fees declaration.
User Preference: Display the today date in recipe mode.
Partner: Add Tracking for some fields.
Tack partner category, industry sector, registration code, siren number, main activity, partner address list, fixed phone, email address, in payment mode, out payment mode, payment condition, financial discount, das2 activity, currency, umr activation.
- BankDetails: Add Tracking for some fields.
Tack partner, owner name, label, currency, bank account, journal, iban, bank, bank address, active.
Invoice : Add Tracking for some fields.
Tack pfp validator, pfp validate status, reason of refusal to pay, reason of refusal to pay (str).
- Stock Location: Valued.
The valuation of the stock location is displayed if the stock location is configured as valued instead of depending on the stock location type.
Indicator generator: Query will now return result as a list of text instead of number.
Move: fill the origin date from the invoice.
User: Add update date of password in user-form.
Stock detail by product: Allow to see stock history when no stock location is selected.
Stock: New batch to update stock history.
Stock detail by product : Allow to export result as a csv file.
App base: Use open street map as the default map API.
Invoice Printing: Display delivery dates on customer invoices/refunds reports.
Product: Allow the configuration of a BOM by default per company.
Product: Add column available quantity on variants panel on product form view.
ManufOrder: Allowed user to select and discard multi-level planning orders.
Partner: Add the create and the update date in blocking editor.
Wap history: Add a new field to show the origin of a wap variation in a stock location line form view.
Global tracking log line : Add new button that displays the record reference.
Invoice: interco invoice is now generated after ventilation. Before this change, it was generated after validation.
Manufacturing order: add buttons to use the reservation feature for consumed products.
Payment delay reason: New demo data.
User: change visibility condition of the Passed For Payment panel in user form view.
The panel is now displayed if at least one company in the set of companies is activated for the "Past due for payment" function, instead of using the active company.
MRP: Add a configuration to choose whether to run the process only on given stock location or on every sub stock locations as well.
Accounting report: Add order by in general balance with comparative periods report.
Move line: Avoiding saving or validating a move line if account not allowed
When saving a move line, added a control on accounting account that checks if the account is allowed in the move's journal.
- Accounting Batch: merge existing batches annual accounting into one.
The batch to open annual accounts of the next year and the batch to close annual accounts of the last year are now replaced by a single batch that will do both.
- Invoice: fill more fields on supplier invoice generated from interco feature
When generating a supplier invoice from a customer invoice with interco feature, we now automatically fill origin date and supplier invoice number, and we copy the customer invoice printed PDF into supplier invoice files.
Account: Improve error message when adding a payment mode that already exists.
Fiscal position: Handle fiscal position and tax number when merging quotations
Currency conversion line: Error handling if rates or currency cannot be retrieved.
Payment voucher: Allow to choose the imputation order
Add sequence in pay voucher due element in order to choose the imputation order when loading lines. User can now change imputation order by changing sequence before loading lines. Sequence can be change by moving line or by editing it.
- Forecast Recap: Display manual forecast reason on recap lines.
Forecast reason was replaced by Forecast recap line type: The name of the forecast line type is now the reason. This way, the type displayed in recap will be equal to the reason for manual forecasts.
- HR: Day Planning - Rename weeklyPlann to weeklyPlanning.
Script need to be launch to upgrade version.
- Territory: Remove object