Implement MQTT protocol to sync data from esp8266, webserver, database and android app ############################################################ ########### IoT Smart Farming Project ############## ############################################################
you have to purchase a Web hosting, setup DNS and modify MQTT Server address to use it in the Internet
Step 1: Flash code for NodeMCU by using "esp.c" file (you have to include libraries in Arduino libraries folder)
Step 2: Install these stuffs on a computer used as Server
a) Install Mosquitto and configure it to make sure the websocket is worked by following this link:
(I ignored the user-password setup process)
b) Install "paho-mqtt-client" python library and python 2.7 (if not available)
c) Install MySQL, PHP, Apache2 and put the files and folders in "Web" folder to your Apache/www/Public HTML folder
Step 3: Run "" and "" to create database and add tables Run "" to get MQTT messages and insert to database.