- 20 Exciting Software Development Project Ideas & Topics for Beginners
- Make your own...
- Practical Projects
- 1000+ Beginner Programming Projects
- Awesome for Beginners
- Project Based Learning
- Rosetta Code
- 5 Project Ideas
- 49 Ideas for Game Clones to Code
- Xetera's Programming Ideas List
- Markov chain sentence generator
- To-do list application (Web or cli)
- Chatbot
- Image to ASCII Art
- Imageboard (Imagine vichan)
- Create an HSV Color Representation
- Old school demo effects (Plasma, Tunnel, Scrollers, Zoomers, etc)
- Fizzbuzz
- RPN Calculator
- Count occurrences of characters in a given string
- Towers of Hanoi
- Calculator the first n digits of pi
- Given an array of stock values over time, find the period of time where the stocks could have made the most money
- Highest prime factor calculator
- Password generator
- Caesar cipher solver
- ROT 13
- Text encryption/decryption (http://rumkin.com/tools/cipher/)
- Text to hex/binary converter
- Sierpinski triangle
- Basic neural network - Simulate individual neurons and their connections
- Complimentary colour generator
- Eulerian path
- Draw spinning 3D cube
- Cellular textures
- Snake
- Rock paper scissors
- Design a game engine in Unity
- Yahtzee
- Oil Panic
- Connect four
- Simon
- Ulam spiral
- PDF tagger
- ASCII digital clock
- Calculate dot and cross product of two vectors
- Download manager
- Elastic producer/consumer task queue
- IRC client
- English sentence parser that points to the context of a sentence
- MIDI player & editor
- Stock market simulator using yahoo spreadsheet data
- Graphing calculator
- TCP/UDP chat server & client
- Shazam
- Curses text editor
- Paint clone
- Image converter
- ID3 Reader
- C++ IDE plugin for sublime/atom/vscode
- Simple version control - supporting checkout, commit, unlocking, per-file configuration of number of revisions kept
- Password manager
- IP/URL Obscurification
- Radix base converter
- Encrypted file share
- Window manager
- Pixel editor
- Trivial file transfer protocol
- Markdown editor
- Music visualizer
- Unicode converter
- Least square fitting algorithm
- Image steganography
- Vignere cipher encryption/decryption
- Game of life
- Dijkstra's Algorthim
- Program that displays MBR Contents
- Random name generator
- Calculate the first 1,000 digits of pi iteratively
- Mandlebrot set
- AI for roguelikes
- Sudoku/n-puzzle solver using A* algorithm
- Connect 4 AI
- Real neural network - Implement a basic feed-forward neural network using matrices for entire layers along with matrix operations for computations
- Virtual machine with a script that writes "Hello, world"
- Terminal shell (Executable binaries, pipe system, redirection, history
- HTML & Javascript debugger
- Interpreted LISP-like programming language
- Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter game
- Static website generator (Scriptable template, content)
- Chip 8 emulator
- Double pendulum simulation
- Constructive solid geometry
- Generate a 5-colour scheme from the most dominant tones in an image
- N-body simulator - with particles having a certain mass and radius depending on the mass that merge if they collide
- Knight's tour
- Tetris
- Pipe dreams
- Pac man
- Shuffling a deck of cards (with visualisation)
- Simulate a game of tag using a multi-agent system
- Scorched earch clone
- Minesweeper
- An audio/visual 64KB demonstration
- Sudoku
- Chess
- Mastermind
- Missile command game
- Tron
- Breakout
- Bellman-Ford simulation with at least five vertices
- Matrix arithmetic
- File compression Utility (GUI)
- Bismuth fractal
- Seam carving
- Bayesian Filter
- Rubik's cube solver
- Parametric/Graphic equalizer for .wav files
- Verlet integration
- Sound Synthesis
- Torrent client (CLI or GUI)
- Text editor
- OpenAI Gym project
- Convolutional neural network - Implement a convolutional NN for a handwritten digit recognition test on MNIST dataset
- Mount filesystems from other OSes using FUSE model
- Pong game as a UEFI file in colour
- Esoteric Language
- C Compiler
- Turing machine simulator
- Read, evaluate, print loop using a compiled language
- Ray tracer
- Real-time fast fourier transform spectrum visualiser
- TI-86 emulator
- Monster raising/breeding simulator
- Dragon quest / basic RPG engine
- First person engine in OpenGL
- Wolfenstein clone
- Danmaku engine
- Roguelike engine/dungeon generator
- Go
- LISP Interpreter
- Nonogram generator and solver
- WMS viewer that isn't web based
- Relational database system (SQL support, relationships, efficient)
- Bootloader
- General Lambert's problem solver
- Convolutional Neural Network - Implement your own convolutional neural network for handwritten digit recognition, test on MNIST dataset